International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 3(3) pp. 038-046, March, 2012
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Copyright © 2012 International Research Journals
Full length Research Paper
Aloe vera for human nutrition, health and cosmetic use
-A review
Urvashi Nandal and
Raju Lal Bhardwaj*
Home Scientist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rajsamand, Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technology University, Udaipur –
313001, (Raj.) India.
Horticulturist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sirohi, Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technology University, Udaipur –313001,
(Raj.) India.
Accepted 28 March, 2012
Aloe vera is a wonder plant with numerous health benefits. It acts as a natural fighter against all sorts of
infection, an efficient anti-oxidant, helps in treating all digestion related problems, heartburn, arthritis,
stress, diabetes, rheumatic pain, asthma, cancer and AIDS. It also acts as a laxative, beauty enhancer
and has an effect on lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. When taken internally works on
congestion, intestinal worms, indigestion, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, liver problems such as
cirrhosis and hepatitis, kidney infections, urinary tract infections, prostate problems and acts as a
general detoxifier. Aloe has been proved to be a plant of amazing medicinal properties by researchers.
The medicinal value of the plant is in its gel like pulp obtained by peeling its leaves which has been
recognized since centuries. Its juice has cooling properties, is anabolic in action, a fighter of pitta’,
storehouse of phytochemicals and guards against fever, skin diseases, burns, ulcers, boils eruptions
etc. Commercially, Aloe can be found in pills, sprays, ointments, lotions, liquids, drinks, jellies, and
creams, to name a few of the thousands of products available. In the present scenario, the Aloe industry
is blooming but the consumers are misguided leading to unfavourable outcome. So, there is an urgent
need to educate about the importance of Aloe vera for human race and popularize it for greater interest.
Keywords: Aloe vera, medicinal properties, phytochemicals
Aloe vera is a hardy, perennial, tropical, drought-
resistant, succulent plant belonging to the Liliaceae family
which, historically has been used for a variety of
medicinal purposes.
It has a vast traditional role in indigenious system of
medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and homeopathy.
Clinical evaluations have revealed that the
pharmacological active ingredients are concentrated in
both the gel and rind of the Aloe vera leaves. Aloe vera is
popularly known as Aloe barbadensis by taxonomists. It
is being used since 1750 BC by Mesopotamians and
Egyptians (Shelton, 1991). The word “Aloe” derived from
the Arabic word “Alloeh” which means shining and bitter
substance (Tyler et al., 1976). The virtues of Aloe vera
have been recorded for thousands of years by many
* Corresponding author E-mail:, Tel.
09414932949. Phone.No 02972-293230
ancient civilizations including Egypt, Persia, Greek, India
and Africa (Rolf and Zimmerli, 2000). The genus is
indigenous to African continent and Mediterranean
countries, such as Greece and Southern Italy. It is
reported that it grows wild on the islands of Cyprus,
Malta, Sicily, Canary Cape, Cape Verde and have spread
over arid tracts of India. Out of the 275 species, 42 of
them belong to Madagascar region (Africa), 12-15 to
Arabian Peninsula and rest are distributed over tropical
South Africa. In India, only 4 species (Aloe forbesii, Aloe
inermis, Aloe ferox and Aloe barbadensis) are reported to
occur and of these Aloe barbadensis is the most widely
distributed species. These taxa comprises of several
varieties, viz., officinalis, chinensis, litoralis and their
cross. The species has a number of synonyms: A.
barbadensis Mill., Aloe indica Royle, Aloe perfoliata L.
var. vera and A. vulgaris Lam., (Anonymous, 2008a;
Anonymous, 2008b) and common names including
Chinese Aloe, Indian Aloe, True Aloe, Barbados Aloe,
Burn Aloe, First Aid Plant, Wand of Heaven and Miracle
Plant (Jamir et al., 1999; Barcroft and Myskja, 2003; Liao
et al., 2004; Ombrello, 2008). The species name vera
means "true" or "genuine" (Ombrello, 2008). Some
literature identifies the white spotted form of Aloe vera as
Aloe vera var. chinensis, (Gao and Xiao, 1997; Wang et
al., 2004) however, the species varies widely with regard
to leaf spots (Akinyele and Odiyi, 2007) and it has been
suggested that the spotted form of Aloe vera may be
similar to A. massawana (Lyons, 2008). The species was
introduced to China and various parts of southern Europe
in the 17
century (Farooqi and Sreeramu, 2001).
Nutritional properties
An analysis of Aloe vera reveals some magic behind its
miraculous healing powers. The plant contains a
multitude of essential vitamins and minerals such as:
vitamins A, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, C, E, folic acid, choline,
calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, sodium,
magnesium, manganese, copper, chromium, and zinc.
Aloe also contains a wealth of amino acids: isoleucine,
leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,
valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine,
cystine, glycine, histidine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine,
and tyrosine (John Waller et al., 1980). Free
monosaccharides consisted of D-mannose and D-
glucose in a molar ratio of 5:4 and trace amounts of
xylose, rhamnose, galactose and either arabinose or
fucose. Mannose 6 phosphate is a major sugar
component in Aloe vera (Joseph and Justin, 2010). Aloe
vera contains 75 potentially active constituents: vitamins,
enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic
acids and amino acids (Atherton, 1998). Additional
minerals found in Aloe vera include copper (important for
red blood cells, skin and hair pigment), iron (involved in
oxygen transportation and making of hemoglobin in red
blood cells), potassium (helps in fluid balance),
phosphorus (helps in building bones and teeth, assists in
metabolism and maintains body pH) and sodium
(regulates body liquids, helps in nerve and muscle
performance, and helps in delivering nutrients to body
cells) (Barcroft 1999). Aloe vera also contains the trace
minerals rhodium and iridium used in cancer and tumor
research experiments (Barcroft ). Another component of
Aloe vera consists of the lignins, a major structural
material of cellulose content that is helpful for penetrative
properties and beneficial for skin problems such as
eczema and psoriasis.
Phyto-chemical properties
The Aloe plant contains flavonoids, terpenoids, lectins
(Eshun and He, 2004; Boudreu and Beland, 2006), fatty
Nandal and Bhardwaj 039
acids, cholesterol, anthraquinones, chromones (8-C-
glucosyl-7-O-methylAloediol, 8-C-glucosyl-noreugenin,
isoAloeresin-D, iso-rabaichromone, neoAloesin-A)
(Dagne et al., 2000; Ni and Tizard, 2004) mono and
polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan,
acemannan and mannose derivatives) (Femenia et al.,
1999; Choi and Chung, 2003), tannins, sterols (lupeol,
campesterol and β - sitosterol), salicylic acid, organic
acids, enzymes, saponins, vitamins, minerals (Newall et
al, 1996a), aloin, Aloe emodin (3-hydroxylmethyl-
chrysazin), Aloetinic acid, choline and choline salicylate,
complex mucopolysaccharides similar to hyaluronic acid,
sapogenins and enzymes such as catalase, amylase,
cellulase and alliinase. Aloe vera leaves contain a range
of biologically active compounds, the best-studied being
acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-
glycosides, anthrones and anthraquinones, and various
lectins (King et al., 1995; Eshun and He, 2004; Boudreau
and Beland, 2006). The ten main areas of chemical
constituents of Aloe vera include: amino acids,
anthraquinones, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, lignins,
monosaccharide, polysaccharides, salicylic acid,
saponins, and sterols (Barcroft 1999). It is also reported
that the main enzymes found in Aloe vera include
amylase (breaks down sugars and starches),
bradykinase (stimulates immune system, analgesic, anti-
inflammatory), catalase (prevents accumulation of water
in the body), cellulase (aids cellulose digestion), lipase
(aids fat digestion), oxidase, alkaline phosphatase,
proteolytiase (hydrolyses proteins into their constituent
elements), creatine phosphokinase (aids metabolism),
and carboxypeptidase (Zhang and Tizard, 1996; Barcroft
1999). Other constituents of Aloe vera would include
prostaglandins, tannins, magnesium lactate, resins,
mannins and proteins such as lectins, monosulfonic acid
and gibberellins (Barcroft, 1999).
Chemical composition and properties of Aloe vera
(Rodríguez et al., 2005)
Medicinal properties
Aloe vera has been used for medicinal purposes in
several cultures for millennia: Greece, Egypt, India,
Mexico, Japan, and China (Marshall, 1990). The
Egyptians used the Aloe vera to make papyrus like
scrolls as well as for treatment of tuberculosis (Baker,
1975). Nadkerni (1976) also stated various preparations
of Aloe barbadensis like confection, lotion and juice,
useful remedies for curing various diseases. Aloe
contains mixture of glucosides collectively called aloin’
which is the active constituent of various drugs. Indian
Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) is a rich source of over 200
naturally occurring nutrients such as vitamins, minerals,
040 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.
Table 1. Chemical composition and properties of Aloe vera
Number and identification
Properties and activity
Amino acids Provides 20 of the 22 required amino
acids and 7 of the 8 essential ones.
Basic building blocks of proteins in the body
and muscle tissues.
Anthraquinones Provides Aloe emodin, Aloetic acid,
alovin, anthracine
Analgesic, antibacterial
Enzymes Anthranol, barbaloin, chrysophanic
acid, smodin, ethereal oil, ester of
cinnamonic acid, isobarbaloin,
Antifungal & antiviral activity but toxic at high
Hormones Auxins and gibberellins Wound healing and anti-inflammatory.
Minerals Calcium, chromium, copper, iron,
manganese, potassium, sodium and
Essential for good health.
Salicyclic acid Aspirin like compounds Analgesic
Saponins Glycosides Cleansing & antiseptic
Steroids Cholesterol, campesterol, lupeol,
Anti-inflammatory agents, lupeol has
antiseptic and analgesic properties.
Sugars Monosaccharides: Glucose and
Anti-viral, immune modulating activity of
Vitamins A, B, C, E, choline, B
, folic acid Antioxidant (A,C,E) ,neutralises free radicals
sugars, amino acids, enzymes and acids, which helps in
digestion. The products prepared from Aloe leaves have
multiple properties such as emollient, purgative,
antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, antiseptic and
cosmetic. The Food and Drug Administration of the USA
has approved the developmental study of Aloe vera for
the treatment of cancer and AIDS. This is attributed to the
antiviral and immune modulating properties of
acemannan. Traditionally Aloe is extensively used in
treating urine related problems, pimples and ulcers etc. It
is also used in gerontology and rejuvenation of aging
skin. The juice of Aloe vera leaves is used as stomachic
tonic and purgative. Scientific evidence for the cosmetic
and therapeutic effectiveness of Aloe vera is limited and
when present is frequently contradictory (Ernst, 2000;
Marshall, 2000). Despite this, the cosmetic and
alternative medicine industries regularly make claims
regarding the soothing, moisturizing, and healing
properties of Aloe vera, especially via internet advertising
(Kunkel, 1984; Boudreau and Beland, 2006). The
bioactive compounds are used as astringent,
haemostatic, antidiabetic, antiulcer, antiseptic,
antibacterial, anti inflammatory, antioxidant and
anticancer agent also, effective in treating stomach
ailments, gastrointestinal problems, skin diseases,
constipation, radiation injury, wound healing, burns,
dysentery, diarrhoea and in the treatment of skin
diseases. (Rabe and Staden, 1997). Currently, the plant
is widely used in skin care, cosmetics and as
nutraceuticals (Gordon and David, 2001). It is used in
ayurvedic formulations as appetite-stimulant, purgative,
emmenogogue and antihelminthic, for treating cough,
colds, piles, debility, dyspnoea, asthma and jaundice
(Joseph and Justin, 2010). Co-treatment with Aloe vera
was effective in reducing genotoxicity of the direct-acting
mutagen (Snezana Stanic, 2007). Aloe vera contains
salicylic acid which is an aspirin-like compound with anti-
inflammatory, analgesic and anti-bacterial properties. It
has anti-pyretic properties for reducing fevers.
The plant steroids have fatty acids in them that have
antiseptic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties
(Urch and David, 1999). Aloe vera contains properties
such as: astringent, emollient, antifungal, and cell
proliferant used to heal wounds and burns (Balch and
James, 2000). Generally, Aloe juice is a good tonic for
skin and digestive disorders (Balch and James, 2000).
The enzymes in Aloe vera will improve digestion and
nutrient absorption. It will help bring the body to a pH
balance while being beneficial to the whole gastro-
intestinal system. Aloe vera relieves digestive system
disorders such as Acid Indigestion, IBS (Irritable Bowel
Syndrome), Colitis, and stomach acidity (Barcroft 1999).
Aloe vera juice aids the digestion and absorption of
nutrients, helps control blood sugar, increases energy
production, promotes cardiovascular health, improves
liver function, and boosts the immune system. The pulp is
used extensively in Siddha medicines for treating
constipation, enlargement of spleen, zymotic disease and
chengamaari (a type of venereal infection)
(Raamachandra, 2001). The plant was more active as a
gastroprotective agent at lower concentration against
mucosal injury induced by 0.6 M HCL (Sadiq et al.,
Antimicrobial activity
Aloe vera was evaluated on the mycellium development
of Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, and
Colletotrichum coccodes, that showed an inhibitory effect
of the pulp of A. vera on F. oxysporum at 104 µl l−1 and
the liquid fraction reduced the rate of colony growth at a
concentration of 105 µl 1−1 in R. solani, F. oxysporum,
and C. coccodes (Cheesbrough, 1984; D.Jasso de et al.,
2005). It is also reported that the Aloe juice have anti-
inflammatory, anti-arthritic activity, antibacterial and
hypoglycaemic effects (Newall et al., 1996b). For
bacteria, inner-leaf gel from Aloe vera was shown to
inhibit growth of Streptococcus and Shigella species in
vitro (Ferro et al., 2003). Agarry et al., 2005 reported that
the Aloe gel inhibited the growth of Trichophyton
mentagrophytes (20.0 mm), while the leaf possesses
inhibitory effects on both Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Candida albicans. In contrast, Aloe vera extracts failed to
show antibiotic properties against Xanthomonas species
(Satish et al., 1999). Other uses for extracts of Aloe vera
include the dilution of semen for the artificial fertilization
of sheep (Rodriguez et al., 1988), used as fresh food
preservative (Serrano et al., 2006) and used in water
conservation in small farms (Anonymous, 2008c).
Another constituent of Aloe vera includes saponins.
These are soapy substances from the gel that are
capable of cleansing and having antiseptic properties.
The saponins perform strongly as anti-microbial against
bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts (Atherton and Peter,
2002) .The plant sterols or phyto-steroids in Aloe vera
include cholesterol, campesterol, lupeol, and β-sitosterol.
Digestive system health
Aloe vera juice is useful to treat gastric intestinal
problems like indigestion, candida, colitis and relief from
digestive issues such as heartburn and irritable bowel
syndrome, although it bears significant potential to be
toxic when taken orally (Anonymous, 2007). Constipation,
diarrhea, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome etc. are
cured by the flushing action of Aloe vera juice. The
deposits of toxins and un-wanted substances in our diet
keeps on accumulating in intestine and prevent the
absorption of essential nutrients causing nutritional
deficiency, lethargy, constipation, and low back ache.
Aloe juice helps to flush out these residues boosting the
digestion and gives a greater feeling of well being. A.
vera gel and leaf is used to relieve many types of
gastrointestinal irritations (Grindlay and Reynadds, 1986;
Foster, 1999). Preliminary studies have suggested oral
Aloe vera gel may reduce symptoms and inflammation in
Nandal and Bhardwaj 041
patients with ulcerative colitis (Langmead et al., 2004a).
The anti-inflammatory actions of Aloe vera gel in vitro
provide support for the effect in inflammatory bowel
disease (Langmead et al., 2004b). The peeled, fresh and
preserved gel is used to treat inflamed eyes and skin
inflammations of sores and burns. The healing properties
of Aloe are due to the presence of aloectin B, which
stimulates the immune system. As a drink it protects the
mucous membrane of the stomach especially when
irritated or damaged. A. vera juice is considered helpful
for relieving many types of gastrointestinal irritation and
juice products are widely available (Foster, 1999). Aloe
vera acts against various micro-organisms and increases
total white blood cell count and macrophages. In acute
gastric mucosal lesions, the extract dose dependently
inhibits gastric acid secretion and provides gastro
protective activity (Joseph and Justin, 2010).
Wounds healing
Wound healing is a dynamic process, occurring in 3
phases. The first phase is inflammation, hyperaemia and
leukocyte infiltration. The second phase consists of
removal of dead tissue. The third phase of proliferation
consisting of epithelial regeneration and formation of
fibrous tissue (Reddy et al., 2011). Aloe vera is often
called the “Natural healer”. Aloe gel is excellent for
healing first degree burns, relieves inflammation and
accelerates healing. The Aloe gel stimulates cell division
due to presence of wound healing hormones. Aloe vera
gel has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic
properties and helps to heal minor wounds. Aloe vera
juice when taken orally enhances immunity and increases
cell repair capacity by inhibiting infestation of micro-
organisms. It reduces painful effects of shingles, reduces
symptoms of psoriasis and eases heartburns and ulcers.
Aloe vera has high water content (96%). This prevents
wound desiccation and increases migration of epithelial
cells (Mortan, 1961). The microcirculation of wound is
enhanced by Aloe, through increasing oxygenation. The
catecholamines have wound retardant effect. Aloe blocks
action of catecholamines, thus increases epithelisation
(Rubin, 1984). Aloe vera increases vascularisation of the
wound, which removes the dead tissue and makes
wound healthy (Davis et al., 1989). Aloe may also
increase cross linking of collagen and collagenisation by
stimulating macrophage cytokine production and
acemmannan acts as a macrophage stimulator (Zhang
and Tizard, 1996). Aloe vera may also block some wound
healing inhibitors like sterols and amino acids through the
growth factors present in it (Davis et al., 1989). The
ascorbic acid in Aloe vera enhances the synthesis of
collagen and counter balances collagen breakdown
(Stone and Meistar, 1965). Further studies have shown
that Aloe vera is used for treatment of herpes simplex
infection, lichen planes, gingivitis (Hayes, 1999; Leigh,
042 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.
2005; Wynn, 2005). The healing effect of Aloe results
from its ability to prevent injury to epithelial tissues, and
promote healing of injured tissues (Joseph and Justin,
2010). Aloe products like Aloe vera juice, jelly, pickle,
sharbat, gel, glycerin, body lotion, shampoo, fairness
cream, hair gel, pimple gel etc can be used for skin
Aloe gel is perhaps the most widely recognized herbal
remedy in the United States today; it is used to relieve
thermal burn, sunburn and promote wound healing
(Foster, 1999). It is also effective in wound healing due to
the presence of some components like anthraquinones
and hormones (Davis, et al., 1989; Davis, 1997; Vogler
and Ernst, 1999), which posses antibacterial, antifungal
and antiviral activities. Evidence of the effects of its sap
on wound healing, however, is limited and contradictory
(Vogler and Ernst, 1999). Some studies, for example,
show that Aloe vera promotes the rates of healing (Davis
et al., 1989; Heggers et al., 1997), while, in contrast,
other studies show that wounds to which Aloe vera gel
was applied were significantly slower to heal than those
treated with conventional medical preparations (Schmidt
and Greenspoon, 1991). A more recent review concludes
that the cumulative evidence supports the use of Aloe
vera for the healing of first to second degree burns
(Maenthaisong et al., 2007) and helps to remove skin
disorders of all kinds (Duke and James, 2000) due to
antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic properties (Atherton
and Peter, 2002). The anthraquinones in Aloe vera
breakup residue, pus and lifeless cells, bring blood to the
region and flush out material from the wounds and ulcers
(Atherton and Peter, 2002). It is also used in variety of
skin ailments such as mild cuts, insect stings, bruises,
poison ivy and eczema. It has antibacterial and antifungal
qualities, and increases blood flow to wounded areas. It
stimulates fibroblasts, the skin cells responsible for
wound healing and the manufacture of collagen, the
protein that controls the aging process of the skin and
wrinkling (Joseph and Justin, 2010). Aloe vera is now
widely used on face tissues, where it is promoted as a
moisturizer and anti-irritant to reduce chafing of the nose
of users who suffer hay fever or cold (Anonymous, 2009).
Human immune system
Aloe vera helps to improve immunity and protects heart,
brain and other vital organs of body. The whole leaf
extract galvanizes the cells of immune system. The
phagocytes of human body increase their scavenging
activities, thus cleaning the body and giving a whole
cascade of protective actions, which strengthen
immunity. Aloe vera, a great immune stimulant, contains
90 per cent rhodium and iridium (trace minerals) in the
acemannan which is one of the polysaccharides which
dramatically increases the white blood cells or
macrophages and T cells (Rabe and Staden, 1997;
Barcroft 1999; Balch and James, 2000; Joseph and
Justin, 2010). The most important are the long chain
polysaccharides, comprising glucose and mannose,
known as the gluco-mannans. The polysaccharides are
absorbed completely and appear in the blood stream
unchanged hence they act as immunomodulators
(Sheets et al., 1991; Green, 1996). The bitter Aloes
consist of free anthraquinones and their derivative:
barbaloin, Aloe-emodin-9-anthrone, isobarbaloin,
anthrone-C-glycosides and chromones. In large amounts
these compounds exert a powerful purgative effect, but
when taken in smaller amounts they appear to aid
absorption from the gut, are potent antimicrobial agents
(Lorenzetti, 1964; Sims and Zimmerman, 1971) and
possess powerful analgesic effects. They also reduce the
formation of melanin and any tendency to hyper-
pigmentation (Mckeown, 1987; Faith et al., 1993). Lignin
with their penetrative ability fecilitate to carry other active
ingredients deep into the skin to nourish the dermis
(Coats, 1979). Aloe vera extracts when consumed (150
mg/kg or 300 mg/kg) for 5 days, there was a significant
increase in the total white blood cell count and
macrophages. This shows the immunomodulatory
property of the extract (Jyotsana et al., 2008).
Davis (1997) saw a promising role of this natural broad
spectrum healing plant because of its immunodulatory
properties and can also act as an immune stimulant.
Acemannan, a chemical compound found in Aloe vera
acts as a powerful immunostimulant in animals,
particularly in cats (Gregory, 2001). Aloe vera, an anti-
oxidant rich plant, contains vitamins such as A, C and E
acting as natural antioxidant alongwith the minerals zinc
and selenium. Anti-oxidants help boost the immune
system and combat free radicals in the body. These free
radical fighters get rid of the toxins and carcinogenic
elements in human bodies from the pollution and poor
quality foods (Barcroft 1999). The Aloe vera gel
polysaccharide can boost the working of the
macrophages in the intestines allowing the immune
system to improve the activity of T-Lymphocytes by up to
50 per cent for penetrating the bad bacteria, viruses,
tumor cells and various pathogens (Cheesbrough 1984;
Barcroft 1999; Colman and Robert, 2000).
Aloe vera juice plays a very important role in treating
arthritis patients. Aloe juice is a stimulant to the immune
system due to presence of different enzymes. It is a
powerful antiinflammatory agent, analgesic, is able to
speed up cell growth, thus it repairs arthritis damaged
tissue. Aloe vera juice, when taken orally and applied
externally, helps in repair process by regenerating cell
and detoxifying the affected area. Aloe vera is believed to
reduce severe joint and muscle pain associated with
arthritis, as well as pain related to tendinitis and injuries.
When applied directly to the area of pain, Aloe vera
penetrates the skin to soothe the pain. Studies have also
found that ingestion of Aloe vera on a daily basis can
help prevent and cause a regression of adjutant arthritis
(Rabe and Staden, 1997; Barcroft 1999; Balch and
James, 2000; Joseph and Justin, 2010).
Aloe juice is helpful in smooth functioning of the body
machinery (Saroj et al., 2004). It reduces cell-damaging
process during stress condition and minimizes
biochemical and physiological changes in the body
(Joseph and Justin, 2010). Oxidative stress refers to
chemical reactions in which compounds have their
oxidative state changed. Some antioxidants are part of
the body's natural regulating machinery while other
dietary antioxidants are derived from diet sources. Aloe
vera is an excellent example of a functional food that
plays a significant role in protection from oxidative stress
(Barcroft 1999; Foster, 1999; Joseph and Justin, 2010;
El-Shemy, 2010).
Aloe vera juice enables the body to heal itself from
cancer and also from the damage caused by radio and
chemotherapy that destroys healthy immune cells crucial
for the recovery. Aloe vera acts as radiation protectors
and inhibits testicular damage from gamma radiation and
reduces cancer. Aloe vera leaf contains anthraquinones,
saccharides, vitamin E and C, zinc, enzymes, acetyl
salicyclic and others. Acemannan is the major
carbohydrate fraction obtained from Aloe vera leaf. This
fraction promotes wound healing, has antiviral, anticancer
and immune stimulation effect (Zhang and Tizard, 1996).
Compounds extracted from Aloe vera have been used as
an immunostimulant that aids in fighting cancers in cats
and dogs (King et al., 1995). Aloe vera emodin, an
anthraquinone, has the ability to suppress or inhibit the
growth of malignant cancer cells making it to have
antineoplastic properties (Thomson, 2004).
Type II diabetes is one of the leading causes of death
worldwide (Jones and Aloecorp, 2005). Studies have
shown that diabetics appear to have decreased
antioxidant defense capability with lower levels of specific
antioxidants such as vitamin C and E or reduced
activities of antioxidant enzymes (Jones and Aloecorp,
2005). Researchers have found that Aloe plant
polysaccharides have the potential to control blood sugar,
Nandal and Bhardwaj 043
stimulate the body’s own antioxidant production and even
lower cholesterol (Jones and Aloecorp, 2005). It lowers
glucose and triglycoside levels in diabetic patients. Aloe
polysaccharides improve the property of immune cells
and are also very effective to eliminate waste and other
toxins. Aloe vera juice enhances absorption of nutrients
and maintains the sugar balance in blood by improving
digestive functioning. Aloe vera may enhance the action
of the drugs or herbal preparations used with insulin for a
diabetic (Urch and David, 1999). Aloe vera extracts may
be useful in the treatment of wound and burn healing,
minor skin infections, sebaceous cyst, diabetes, and
elevated blood lipids in humans (Boudreau and Beland,
Oral use of Aloe juice helps in recovery of chronic
hepatitis patients. Internal intake of Aloe vera has been
associated with acute hepatitis (Bottenberg et al., 2007).
The fresh juice obtained from the cut bases of the leaves
is used to treat liver and spleen (Kirtikar and Basu, 1989;
Neall, 2004).
Heart diseases
Researchers have found that Aloe vera easily stimulates
the fibroblasts for making new tissues. When fibroblasts
are stimulated, proteoglycans, collagens are formed and
thus risk of cardio vascular disorders decreases.
However, studies suggest that the ingestion of Aloe vera
gel may have a beneficial effect to the accumulation of
blood lipids associated with the disease. Test groups
given Aloe vera showed a decrease in total cholesterol,
triglyceride, phospholipids and nonesterified fatty acid
levels, each of which, when elevated, seem to accelerate
the accumulation of fatty material in large and medium
sized arteries, including the coronary arteries of the heart
(Balch and James, 2000; Joseph and Justin, 2010).
A daily dose of minimum 1200 mg of active ingredients of
Aloe vera showed substantial improvement in AIDS
symptoms. Its healing powers extend to soothing internal
wounds and burns such as the damage done to the
internal organs by high-potency drugs of AIDS. Aloe vera
contains gluco-mannan, a special complex
polysaccharide composed largely of the sugar mannose.
It interacts with special cell-surface receptors on those
cells which repair damaged tissues, called fibroblasts,
stimulating them, activating their faster growth and
replication. An extract of mannose, one of the sugars in
Aloe vera can inhibit HIV-1, the virus associated with
044 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.
AIDS. Researchers found that Aloe vera stimulates the
body’s immune system, particularly T4 helper cells
white blood cells that activate the immune response to
infection. Carrington Laboratories in the United States
have separated the acemannan from Aloe vera. The
product is sold as “Carrisyn and is being used for
treatment of AIDS and Feline leukemia. It has antiviral
and immunemodulating properties, improves cellular
metabolism by normalizing cellular function and
regulating the flow of nutrients and wastes in and out of
the cells. In some AIDS patients, it even protected the
immune system from the toxic side effects of
Azidothymidine, the first approved treatment of HIV (Urch
and David, 1999).
Beauty care
Aloin and its gel are used as skin tonic against pimples.
Aloe vera is also used for soothing the skin, and keeping
the skin moist to help avoid flaky scalp and skin in harsh
and dry weather. It may also be used as a moisturizer for
oily skin. Aloe vera improves the skin's ability to hydrate
itself, aids in the removal of dead skin cells and has an
effective penetrating ability that helps transport healthy
substances through the skin. Each of these factors
makes Aloe vera an ideal ingredient in cosmetic and
dermatological products. In fact, Aloe vera is currently
one of the most important ingredients in the cosmetics
industry, being utilized in over 95 per cent of the
dermatologically valuable extracts manufactured
worldwide. The Aloe sugars are also used in moisturizing
preparations (Barcroft 1999).Mixed with selected
essential oils, it makes an excellent skin smoothening
moisturizer, sun block lotion plus a whole range of beauty
products. Due to its soothing and cooling qualities,
Maharishi Ayurveda recommends Aloe vera for a number
of skin problems (Joseph and Justin, 2010). Aloe vera
extracts have antibacterial and antifungal activities, which
may help in the treatment of minor skin infections, such
as boils and benign skin cysts and have been shown to
inhibit the growth of fungi that cause tinea (Shamim et
Commodity use of Aloe vera
The leaves of Aloe are eaten as vegetable. Pickle made
by small pieces of leaf pod is a common preparation in
western Rajasthan (Saroj et al., 2004). The immature
flower stalk that are completely free from bitter content,
are also used for vegetable purpose. Fresh fleshy leaf
pod is a part of green salad and helpful in treatment of
indigestion and constipation. Sharma and Goel (2002)
standardized the recipes of various Aloe product viz.,
vegetable, pickles, laddo, jam, squash, biscuits and
churna by using sensory evaluation technique. Saroj and
Purohit (2004) standardized the recipe for preparation of
some culinary products from sweet type Aloe (Aloe
barbadensis). It helps to cure diabetes, ulcer, heart
disease (Choo, 2003). Now a day’s Aloe vera juice is
available in the market to enhance immune response
against various diseases. Besides juice, Aloe vera leaf
powder is also being used by food processing industries
in preparation of yoghurt and other food products (Yong
Seoshin et al., 1995). The gel is most commonly used
part of the plant which has been processed and used in
different products. Today, the industry is flourishing and
gel is being used as fresh gel juice (Anonymous, 2004). It
has also been suggested that bio-fuels could be obtained
from Aloe vera seeds (Shukla, 2008). It is common
practice for cosmetic companies to add sap or other
derivatives from Aloe vera to products such as makeup
items, tissue papers, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens,
incense, shaving cream, and shampoos (Reynolds,
2004). Traditionally, Aloe is extensively used for
medicinal purpose particularly for urine related problems,
pimples and ulcers. Aloin and its gel are used as skin
tonic and have a cooling and moisturizing affects so it is
used in preparation of creams, lotions, shampoos and
allied products (Singh et al., 1995).
Aloe contents of different market products are about
20% (sunburn treatments, creams and ointments), 95%
(juices), 50% (beverages), 10% (drinks), and 5-10%
Hence there is no wonder in considering Aloe vera as the
Wonder plant’. It’s uses are multiple -from being an
antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent ,a curing agent for
heart problems, helps in relieving the symptoms of
severe illnesses like cancer and diabetes, being a beauty
enhancer and improves health. This Ancient Indian herb
has been known from centuries for its unique medicinal
properties, but now it has been rediscovered, recognized
and is benefiting the people. The active ingredients
hidden in its succulent leaves have the power to soothe
human life and health in a myriad ways. Aloe vera is
undoubtedly, the nature’s gift to humanity and it remains
for us to introduce it to ourselves and thank the nature for
its never-ending gift.
Authors are highly grateful to Maharana Pratap University
of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
for providing the required facilities and financial support
for completion of this work. Thanks are due to various
research journals for consulting and incorporating their
research findings for successful completion of this
technical task. We are also thankful to Dr S.N.Ojha, Dr
S.K.Agarwal, Dr S.K.Dadhich, Dr C.B.Meena, Dr Dilip
and all technical staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK),
Sirohi for their inspiring timely guidance, constant co-
operation, support and encouragement for making this
task a success.
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