Review on Medicinal Value of Aloe Vera in
Veterinary Practice
Gebremedhin Yohannes*
Gebremedhin Yohannes, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Received: June 18, 2018; Published: June 22, 2018
*Corresponding author: Gebremedhin Yohannes, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hawassa University, PO Box 5, Hawassa, Ethiopia
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.06.001287
Gebremedhin Yohannes. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Cite this article: Gebremedhin Y. Review on Medicinal Value of Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 6(1)- 2018.BJSTR.
MS.ID.001287. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.06.001287.
Review Article Open Access
ISSN: 2574-1241
Herbal medicine has been widely used all over the world and
formed an integral part of primary health care in many countries
including Ethiopia Desta [1]. The use of medicinal plants to treat
infections is an old practice in a large part of the world especially
in developing countries where there is dependence on traditional
medicine to maintain animal and human health Yisehak et al. [2].
Plants remain the most common source of antimicrobial agents.
Many of the active ingredients in chemically manufactured drugs
were originally derived from plant compounds (Mohan et al.,
2002). Under re-discovering the treasure of the ancients, using me-
dicinal plants to treat livestock is not new Hany et al. [3]. There is a
renewed interest, especially in developed countries, in using plants
to treat livestock, pets, and humans. Because many people believe
that plants are less toxic, safer and more natural than manufactured
drugs. Medicinal plants can be made at home and are less expensive
than manufactured drugs Hany et al. [3]. Medicinal plants would be
the best source for obtaining a variety of drugs According to World
Health Organization. It is recognized that in some developing coun
tries, plants are the main medicinal source to treat various infec-
new compound against pathogens Tsegaye et al. [4]. The methanol-
nal plants were evaluated for their antibacterial activity Yisehak et
al. [2]. Aloe vera is a perennial, drought-resisting, succulent plant
belonging to the Asphodelaceae family (Baby et al. 2010). A. Vera is
the oldest and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide Karkala
et al. [5]. It grows mainly in dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and
America Sonia et al. [6]. There are more than 250 species of Aloe
plants. However, only two species are grown today commercially,
with Aloe barbadensis Miller and A. arborescens being the most
The plant reaches maturity when it measures 1.5-4 feet long
and has a base of 3 inches or greater in diameter Sonia et al. [6]. The
plant is about 96% water Hany et al. [3]. The rest of its components
are active ingredients including essential oil, essential amino ac-
Aloe vera is a plant with height of almost 60-100cm containing very short stem or stem-less long leaves and belongs to the family
Asphodelaceae. The aloe vera or succulent has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient Egypt. Aloe species are
widely distributed in the African and the eastern European continents, and are spread almost throughout the world. The plant leaves contains
numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and other bioactive compounds with emollient, purgative, anti-microbial,
              
anticancer properties, activity effects on the Immune System, adverse reactions, Laxative effects, wound healing, antiseptic, anti- stress, are
various skin conditions such as cuts and burns. It is attributed to its minimal side effects, highly effective treatment. However, further study
guided by research on therapeutic and medicinal uses of aloe vera are required in order to advance knowledge and to reduce adverse effects.
Keywords: 
Gebremedhin Yohannes. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Volume 6- Issue 1: 2018
Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
ids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes and glycoproteins
Hany et al. [3]. The Aloe plant is the source of two products used
deride form, is used as a potent laxative. Its products are available
in the form of spray, cream, gel, lotion, capsule and liquid Vogler et
al. [7]. Aloe gel is used both externally and internally for its wound
healing properties and as a general tonic. It is effective, also, for sun-
burn, scratches, cuts and a cleansing purge for the body or skin. A.
itchy allergic conditions, insect stings and bites Vogler et al. [7]. It
sitive skin and skin diseases Beaman et al. [8]. Aloe vera is known
to contain several pharmacologically active ingredients, including
a carboxypeptidase that inactivates bradykinin in vitro, salicylates
and a substance (s) that inhibits thromboxane formation in vivo.
effect for substance (s) in A. vera Mantle et al. [9]. Therefore, the
vera plant in veterinary practices.
Historical Background of Aloe Vera
The Aloe plant and its’ derivative products have played a role
in medicine and health care dating as far back as the 4th century
B.C. when ancient Greek doctors obtained aloe from the island of
Socotra in the Indian Ocean. The medicinal use of aloe was already
mentioned more than 4000 years ago in a collection of Sumerian
clay tablets dated 2100 BC. Aloe was also mentioned as a laxative
in the Egyptian Papyrus Ebers from 1552 B.C Karkala et al. [5]. Aloe
has had a very long historical use as a strong laxative treatment for
chronic constipation; it is still listed as a laxative in many pharma-
copoeias Karkala et al. [5]. History states that Alexander and Chris-
topher Columbus used Aloe Vera for treating wounded soldiers
Vasani and Saple [10].
Botanical Nomenclature and Description of Aloe Vera
Botanical Nomenclature of Aloe Vera
Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis Millar; Aloe humilis Blanco;
Aloe induce Royle. Kingdom: Plantae; Class: Angiosperms; Order:
Asparagales; Family: Asphodelaceae; Subfamily: Asphodeloideae;
Genus: Aloe; Species: Aloe vera; Common names: Aloe Vera Linné;
True aloe; Aloe barbadensis Beland et al. [11].
Botanical Description of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a perennial, xerophytic, succulent plant with turgid
green leaves. It is a stemless or very short-stemmed plant grow-
ed leaves that grow to about 30 to 50 cm in length and 10 cm in
breadth at the base in the adult plant (Boudreaue and Bland, 2006).
The Leaf Has Three Layers: The outer layer is called Rind and has
a protective function, synthesizes carbohydrates and proteins. The
middle layer has a yellow sap which is bitter and contains anth-
raquinones and glycosides. An inner layer is clear gel and contains
96% water. The rest is made of amino acids, lipids, sterols and vi-
tamins (Wynn et al. 2006). The vascular bundles located within
the leaf pulp, transport, water and minerals from the roots to the
leaves; synthesized materials to the roots Yates et al. [12]. The suc-
culent property enables the species to survive in areas where there
is no enough rainfall. The species is hardy, although it is intolerant
to very heavy frost or snow Darokar et al. [13].
Chemical Constituents of Aloe Vera
The main constituents of Aloe vera gel are mucopolysaccha-
rides (glucomannans, polymannoses, about 10% of total solids),
enzymes, anthranoids, lignin, saponins, vitamins, amino acids (al-
most 50% of the total amount consisting of 8 of the 10 essential
amino acids) and minerals (quantities not given). Total solids are
in the range of 1.3 to 2%, the rest being water Lawless et al. [14].
I. Vitamins
Aloe Vera Contains Numerous Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, and D (are
crucial antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body). Vitamin
B and choline are concerned with the production of energy, amino
acid metabolism developing muscle mass. Vitamin B12 (folic acid)
is responsible for the production of red blood cells Jalal et al. [15].
II. Anthraquinones
Different Types of Anthraquinones are Present in A.Ve-
ra Like: Aloin, Isobarbaloin, Anthracene, Emodin, Barbaloin, An-
thranol, Aloetic acid, Aloe Emodin and Resistannol. They act as
natural laxatives, painkillers and analgesics and they contain pow-
erful antibacterial, antifungal and virucidal properties Mahor and
Sharique [16].
III. Minerals
A. Vera Contains the Following Minerals: Calcium (essential
for proper bone and teeth density)-Manganese (a component of
enzymes necessary for the activation of other enzymes)-Sodium
      -
kaline)-Copper (enables iron to work as oxygen carriers in the red
blood cells)- Magnesium (used by nerves and muscle membranes to
help conduct electrical impulses) -Potassium (regulates the acidic
of proteins, carbohydrates and fats)-Chromium (necessary for the
proper function of insulin, which in turn controls the sugar levels in
the blood)-Iron (controls the transportation of oxygen around the
body via the red blood cells Jalal et al. [15].
IV. Sugars: Aloe Vera provides monosaccharides (Glucose
and fructose) and polysaccharides (Glucomannans/polymannose).
These are derived from the mucilage layer of the plant and are
known as mucopolysacherides. The most common polysacherides
are glucomannans (beta 1-4, acetylated mannan). Aglycoprotein
with anti-allergic properties, called alprogen has been isolated
from Aloe Vera gel Sonia et al. [6].
V. Fatty Acids
A.Vera Provides Four Plant Steroids: cholesterol, campester-
tion and lupeol also possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties
Sonia et al. [6].
Gebremedhin Yohannes. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Volume 6- Issue 1: 2018
Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
VI. Enzymes
Some the Enzymes in the A.Vera Are: peroxidase, alliase, cat-
alase, lipase, cellulose, carboxypeptase, amylase and alkaline phos-
phatase. Enzymes help to breakdown food and assist in digestion.
Some enzymes help to breakdown fats while others breakdown
starches and sugars Jalal et al. [15].
VII. Hormones: Auxins and gibberellins are help in wound
VIII. Others: A. vera provides 20 of 22 required and 7 essential
amino acids. It also contains salicylic acid that possesses anti-in-
Handling and Processing
     
should take place as soon as possible due to the highly perishable
If immediate processing is not possible, leaves should be stored in
a refrigerated facility. Prolonged storage of the leaves after harvest
without refrigeration may result in enzymatic and bacterial degra-
dation of the polysaccharides Karkala et al. [5].
Reception of Raw Material
The A. Vera leaves after harvesting must be transported in re-
be sound, undamaged, mold free and mature (3-4 years) in order
to keep all the active ingredients in full concentration Lawless and
product is the handling of the leaves after its harvesting because
to natural enzymatic reactions and the activity of bacteria normally
present on the leaves Amit and Shweta [17]. It can adversely affect
the quality of the end product. Thus, the freshly removed leaves are
refrigerated within 6 h or the leaves are directly fed to processing
plant on the farm itself Grindlay et al. [18].
Hot Processing and Flash Cooling
In hot processing, sterilization is achieved by treating the aloe
liquid with the activated carbon at high temperature Rodriguez et
al. [19]. This step may affect the taste, appearance and the biologi-
cal activity of aloe gel products. Biological activity of A.vera gel es-
sentially remains intact when gel is heated at 65°C for a period of
less than 15 min. Extended periods or higher temperatures greatly
to 5°C or below within 15 s to preserve biological activity Amit and
Shweta [17].
Cold Processing
In the cold processing technique, the entire processing steps
are accomplished without the application of the heat. This tech-
nique uses enzymes like glucose oxidase and catalase to inhibit the
growth of aerobic organisms within A. Vera gel Coats [20].
Addition of Preservatives and Stabilizers
In all the processing techniques, preservation can be achieved
by the addition of chemical preservatives and other additives. For
example; algal polysaccharides or xantham gum could stabilize the
network structure of fresh Aloe vera polysaccharide Yaron et al.
the effect of light on the sensitive bioactive agents. Relative humidi-
ty and temperature are two most important environmental param-
eters that affect product quality. These two parameters can also
the packaging material (Hernadez et al., 1998) and consequently
affect the shelf life of the product Sadler and Braddock [22].
Health Benets of Aloe Vera
A. vera is a plant that can be used alone or in combination with
other substances of natural or synthetic origin. There is a synergis-
tic effect with also veterinary drugs (Grazyna et al. 2005).
Anti-Microbial Effect
Despite the existence of potent antibiotic and anti-fungal
agents, resistant or multi-resistant strains are continuously ap-
pearing, imposing the need for a permanent search and develop-
ment of new drugs. Plants are the cheapest safer and time-tested
alternative sources of antimicrobial. In ancient times, people be-
lieved that plants had curative powers. Phytotherapy or phytomedi-
cine has been a part of both Eastern and Western medical traditions
since 2000 BC Shireen et al. [23]. A. vera has potent antibacterial,
antifungal, and antiviral properties Ramasubramanian et al. [24].
The antimicrobial effects of A. vera have been attributed to the
plant’s natural anthraquinones which have demonstrated in vitro
inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacillus subtilis. Aloe
reus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogens, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi and E. choli Agarry et al. [25]. No
Anti-Bacterial Effect
Antibiotics are probably the most successful family of drugs
so far developed for improving animal and human health. Because
of increasing resistance to antibiotics of many bacteria, plant ex-
tracts are of new interest as antiseptics and antimicrobial agents
in medicine Yisehak et al. [2]. The Aloe extract was potent against
various species of bacteria including S. aureus, S. agalctia, E. choli,
Streptococcus pyogens, M. bacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas
aerogenosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, etc. Whole leaf components of
A. vera are proposed to have direct antibacterial properties include
anthraquinones and saponins Rubina et al. [26]. While polysaccha-
rides have been attributed within direct bacterial activity through
Gebremedhin Yohannes. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Volume 6- Issue 1: 2018
Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
the stimulation of phagocytic leucocytes to destroy bacteria Law-
less, et al. [14].
Anti-Fungal Effect
The importance of skin affection in domestic animals draw the
attention of many workers to suggest various methods of their con-
trol such as application of suitable and rapid method for their di-
agnosis and treatment. Bovine dermatophytosis causes economic
loss due to hide damage and restrictions in showing and marketing
infected cattle Hany et al. [3]. Ringworm infection is caused by in-
vasion of cutanous keratinized epithelial cells and hair follicle by a
certain keratinophilic fungi causes dermatomphytosis Hany et al.
[3]. Trichphyton verrucosum, Trichphyton mentagrophytes and
Trichphyton megnini are the most commonly fungal species that
involved in ringworm Quinn et al. [27]. Aloe gel is used topically for
infections that are caused by these fungal agents. This therapeuti-
and chemical components. Also the potency of A. vera in curing
ringworm might be due to increasing the ability of internal immu-
nity that strength the natural resistance by boosting T- lymphocyte
cells that aid the immune system Hany et al. [3].
Anti-Viral Effect
Amntiviral activity of A. vera may be due to indirect or direct
effects. Indirect effect is due to stimulation of the immune system
and direct effect is due to anthraquinones. The anthraquinone aloin
inactivates various enveloped viruses such as herpes simplex and
ly inhibited the cytomegalovirus proliferation in cell culture, per-
haps by interfering with protein synthesis. Aloe emodin is effective
against infectivity of herpes simplex virus and it is capable of inacti-
virus Sadeghi et al. [28].
ry, characterized by swelling, pain, redness, heat and loss of func-
tion, resulting in delay in the healing process. The gel of A. vera con-
tains bradykinase and other antiprostaglandin compounds which
       
action of A. vera gel not only relieves from pain and discomfort, but
also accelerates the healing process. The Aloe vera sterol is anti-in-
act as natural analgesic. Aloe vera gel sterols were able to reduce
     -
Jensen et al. [30].
Anti-Diabetic Effect
Aloe vera is a traditional remedy for diabetes mellitus in many
parts of the world. Some evidences in animals and humans sug-
gest that Aloe vera is able to alleviate the chronic hyperglycemia
        
     
Coronado et al. [31]. It also decreases blood sugar level in hyper-
          
The mechanism behind lowering of blood glucose levels could be
enhancement of glucose metabolism. A. vera has also been prov-
en effective for use with diabetes which pregnant women are often
plagued with; taking Aloe vera daily can help to prevent gestational
Wound Healing, and Anti-Ulcer Properties of Aloe Vera
Wound healing properties: The plant has been used to treat any
number of small cuts, abrasions, skin irritations, and mild burns.
It’s been used as a topical ointment and in dressings (https://www.
advancedtissue.com/aloe-vera-effective-wound-care, May, 2017).
Glucomannan, a annose-rich polysaccharide, and gibberellin, a
broblast, thereby stimulating its activity and proliferation, which in
Aloe vera (Chithra, et al., 1998). Aloe gel not only increased collagen
content of the wound but also changed collagen composition (more
type III) and increased the degree of collagen cross linking. Due to
this, it accelerated wound contraction and increased the breaking
strength of resulting scar tissue Heggers et al. [33]. Aloe Vera ex-
tract inhibits acid secretion which may be due to the presence of
lectins in the plant Blanca et al. [34].
Anti-Tumor Effect
An induction of glutathione S-transferase and an inhibition of
the tumor-promoting effects of phorbol myristic acetate has been
cer chemoprevention Kim et al. [35]. It has been shown that lectins
inhibit aminopyrine uptake by parietal cells, thus the ability of the
extract to inhibit gastric acid output may be as a result of direct
action on the acid producing cells Radha et al. [36].
Effects on the Immune System
 -
iting the antigen-antibody- mediated release of histamine and leu-
kotriene from mast cells Ro et al. [37]. In a study on mice that had
previously been implanted with murine sarcoma cells, acemannan
stimulates the synthesis and release of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tu-
mor necrosis factor from macrophages in mice, which in turn ini-
tiated an immune attack that resulted in necrosis and regression
of the cancerous cells, (Peng et al., 1991). Alprogen inhibit calcium
diated release of histamine and leukotriene from mast cells, (Han-
sel et al. 1994).
Laxative Effect of Aloe Vera
Anthraquinones present in latex are a potent laxative. It in-
creases intestinal water content, stimulates mucus secretion and
increases intestinal peristalsis Ishii et al. [38].
Anti-Septic Effect
A. vera contains 6 antiseptic agents: Lupeol, salicylic acid, urea
nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulfur. They all have inhibi-
tory action on fungi, bacteria and viruses (Amar et al. 2008).
Gebremedhin Yohannes. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Volume 6- Issue 1: 2018
Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
Side Eects of Aloe Vera
It may cause redness, burning, stinging sensation and rarely
generalized dermatitis in sensitive individuals. Allergic reactions
are mostly due to anthraquinones, such as aloin and barbaloin. It
  
reaction Syed et al. [39].
Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, red urine, hepatitis, dependency
or worsening of constipation Bottenberg et al. [40].
Contraindicated in cases of known allergy to the plant. Oral aloe
is not recommended during pregnancy due to theoretical stimula-
tion of uterine contractions, and in breastfeeding mothers, it may
sometime causes gastrointestinal distress in the nursing infant Ul-
bricht et al. [41].
Application of aloe to skin may increase the absorption of ster-
oid creams such as hydrocortisone. It reduces the effectiveness and
may increases the adverse effects of digoxin and digitoxin, due to its
potassium lowering effect Ulbricht et al. [42,43].
Conclusion and Recommendations
In recent years, traditional uses of natural compounds, espe-
cially of plant origin received much attention as they are well tested
human use. The nutrient make up of Aloe Vera is one of a kind and
has amazing natural healing properties. Its uses are multiple and
undoubtedly, the nature’s gift to humanity and it remains for us to
introduce it to ourselves and thank the nature for its never-ending
gift. Thus, though Aloe vera has wide spectrum of the properties
and uses, some of them could be myths and some of them could be
real magic. In future, controlled studies are required to prove the
effectiveness of Aloe vera under various conditions.
Based on above conclusion the following recommendations are
i. Further study guided by research on therapeutic and
medicinal uses of aloe vera are required in order to advance
knowledge and to reduce adverse effects.
ii. It should be better to use herbal medicine in modern ways
rather than using traditional methods.
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