National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fire Monitoring Handbook
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fire Management Program Center
National Interagency Fire Center
Fire Monitoring Handbook
Preface i
Fire is a powerful and enduring force that has had, and
The levels are cumulative, requiring users to include all
will continue to have, a profound influence on
levels below the highest specified.
National Park Service (NPS) lands. Fire management
decisions within the National Park Service require
The standards outlined in this handbook require moni-
information on fire behavior and on the effects of fire
toring at all four levels for prescribed fires. For levels 1
on park resources. With good reason, the public is
to 3, the handbook describes Recommended Standard
holding park management increasingly accountable,
variables, including fire conditions and vegetation
especially in the area of fire management. Federal and
parameters. Procedures and recommended frequencies
state agencies are instituting progressively more strin-
for monitoring and analysis are also specified.
gent guidelines for burning, monitoring, and evalua-
Depending on a park’s management objectives, a park
tion. The impetus behind these guidelines and the
may need a specific monitoring design beyond or
purpose of this handbook are to ensure that manage-
instead of the design covered in this handbook. Refer-
ment objectives are being met, to provide guidance
ences to different monitoring procedures are provided
that can prevent fire management problems from
in the appendices.
developing, to limit possible legal actions against the
agency, and to ensure that all parks collect at least the
A standardized system to cover the wide diversity of
minimum information deemed necessary to evaluate
areas within the National Park Service will need fine-
their fire management programs.
tuning from park to park. To facilitate this, each park
will receive oversight and review for its monitoring
There are many benefits to establishing these standard-
program from its regional fire monitoring program
ized data collection procedures. Uniformly-gathered
manager, and refinements to this Fire Monitoring
data will facilitate information exchange among parks
Handbook will be made as necessary. Until a subse-
and provide historical program documentation and
quent revision of this handbook is published, these
databases useful for refinements of the parks’ fire
refinements will be made available on the Internet at
management programs. In addition, standard proce-
dures will enable fire monitors to move to or assist
Also at this website is information on how parks
other parks without additional training.
are using their data and how to download the
associated software.
The fire monitoring program described in this Fire
Monitoring Handbook (FMH) allows the National
USDI National Park Service. 2003. Fire Moni-
Park Service to document basic information, to detect
toring Handbook. Boise (ID): Fire Manage-
trends, and to ensure that each park meets its fire and
ment Program Center, National Interagency
resource management objectives. From identified
Fire Center. 274p.
trends, park staff can articulate concerns, develop
hypotheses, and identify specific research studies to
develop solutions to problems.
This handbook is intended to facilitate and standardize
monitoring for National Park Service units that are
subject to burning by wildland or prescribed fire. This
eywords: Fire Behavior, Fire Monitoring, Adaptive
handbook defines and establishes levels of monitoring
Management, Vegetation Monitoring, Sampling,
activity relative to fire and resource management
Sampling Design, Objective Development, Wildland
objectives and fire management strategies. At each suc-
Fire, Prescribed Fire.
cessive level, monitoring is more extensive and com-
plex. level 1 covers environmental monitoring, and
levels 2, 3, and 4 call for monitoring of fire conditions,
Printed on Recycled Paper
short-term change, and long-term change, respectively.
Fire Monitoring Handbook ii
Task Force Co
nsultants and Reviewers
ask Force Consultants and Reviewers
Many have worked toward the development of this handbook. While we cannot possibly acknowledge all contrib-
utors, including all the people who used this methodology and provided us with comments, we would like to rec-
ognize individuals who were critical to this effort.
Fire Monitoring Steering Committee, 1977
Stephen J. Botti (Task Force Chairperson), National Park Service,
National Interagency Fire Center
Craig Allen, US Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Dan O’Brien, National Park Service, Intermountain Regional Office,
Bandelier National Monument retired
Elizabeth Anderson, National Park Service, Intermountain Regional Rebecca Power (Representative, Region 3 Fire Monitoring Task
Office, retired Force), US Fish and Wildlife Service, Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
MaryBeth Keifer, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Doug Wallner, National Park Service, Philadelphia Support Office
Task Force Consultants and Reviewers
Jonathan Arnold
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Henry Bastian, Zion National Park
Pam Benjamin, National Park Service, Intermountain Regional Office
Ed Berg, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Frank Boden, Bureau of Indian Affairs, retired
Beth Buchanan, Daniel Boone National Forest
Dan Buckley,Yosemite National Park
Gary Davis, Channel Islands National Park
John Dennis, National Park Service, Natural Resource, Information Division
Robert Dellinger, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Dennis Divoky, Glacier National Park
Gregory Eckert, National Park Service,
Biological Resource Management Division
Steve Fancy, National Park Service,
Natural Resource, Information Division
Patti Haggarty, Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Walter Herzog, Bureau of Land Management,
Redding Resource Area
Laura Hudson, National Park Service, Intermountain Regional Office
Roger Hungerford, USDA Forest Service
Intermountain Research Station, retired
Ben Jacobs, Point Reyes National Seashore
Evelyn Klein, Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, retired
Mary Kwart, US Fish and Wildlife Service,
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
Bill Leenhouts, Fish and Wildlife Service,
National Interagency Fire Center
Michael Loik, University of California
Mack McFarland, Grand Teton National Park
Melanie Miller, Bureau of Land Management, National Interagency Fire Center
Wesley Newton, US Geological Survey Biological Resources,
Division Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Howard T. Nichols, Pacific West Regional Office
Larry Nickey, Olympic National Park
Tonja Opperman, Bitterroot National Forest
William Patterson III, University of Massachusetts
Arnie Peterson, Lassen Volcanic National Park
Nathan Rudd, The Nature Conservancy, Oregon Field Office
Kevin Ryan, Intermountain Fire Sciences Lab
Kathy Schon, Saguaro National Park
Tim Sexton, National Park Service National Interagency Fire Center
Carolyn Hull Sieg, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Geoffrey Smith
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Tom Stohlgren, US Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, Colorado
State University
Tim Stubbs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Gary Swanson, US Fish and Wildlife Service,
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Charisse Sydoriak, Bureau of Land Management
Alan Taylor
Pennsylvania State University
Lisa Thomas, Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
Laura Trader, Bandelier National Monument
Jan Van Wagtendonk, US Geological Survey
Biological Resources Division, Yosemite Field Station
C. Phillip Weatherspoon, US Forest Service
Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
Meredith Weltmer, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 3
John Willoughby, Bureau of Land Management, California State Office
Preface iii
Steering Committee Support Staff:
Rewrite Committee
Paul Reeberg (Coordinator, Content Editor) Eric Allen, Jewel Cave National Monument
National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office
MaryBeth Keifer, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Richard Bahr, National Interagency Fire Center
Elizabeth Anderson, National Park Service, Intermountain Regional Tony LaBanca, California Department of Fish and Game, Northern
Office, retired California-North Coast Region
Stassia Samuels, Redwood National and State Parks Rick Anderson, Archbold Biological Station
Jeanne E. Taylor, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, retired John Segar, Boise National Forest
Dale Haskamp, Redwood National and State Parks, retired
Data Entry and Processing Software
Walter M. Sydoriak (Developer), Bandelier National Monument
Tim Sexton (Coordinator), National Interagency Fire Center
Editorial Review
Kathy Rehm Switky, Menlo Park, CA
Paul Reeberg and Brenda Kauffman
National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office
Design and Illustration
Eugene Fleming
National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office
Cover Photography
Fire on the Ridge: © Richard Blair,
Shoot emerging from pine needles: © Michael S. Quinton, National
Geographic Society
Fire Monitoring Handbook iv
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii
Acknowledgments - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - iii
Use of this Handbook -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ix
Symbols Used in this Handbook - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - x
Chapter 1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Fire Monitoring Policy - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1
Recommended Standards -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 2
Some Cautions -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 2
Fire Management Strategies - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 3
Program Responsibilities of NPS Personnel - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 4
Fire Monitoring Levels - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 4
Chapter 2 Environmental & Fire Observation - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 7
Monitoring Level 1: Environmental Monitoring - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 7
Monitoring Schedule - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 7
Procedures and Techniques-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 7
Monitoring Level 2: Fire Observation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9- - - - -
Reconnaissance Monitoring - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 9
Monitoring Schedule - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 9
Procedures and Techniques-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 9
Fire Conditions Monitoring - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -11
Monitoring Schedule - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -11
Procedures and Techniques-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -11
Postburn Report -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -15
Chapter 3 Developing Objectives -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -19
Objectives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 20
Management Objectives - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -20
Monitoring Objectives - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -23
Objective Variables - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -29
Comparing Vegetation Attributes - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -30
Point Intercept Method - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -31
Other Methods -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -32
Chapter 4 Monitoring Program Design - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -33
Monitoring Types - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -34
Defining Monitoring Types - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -34
Variables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -41
Level 3 and 4 Variables -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -41
RS Variables - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -41
Sampling Design - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -43
Pilot Sampling -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -43
Deviations or Additional Protocols - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -47- - - - -
Considerations Prior to Further Plot Installation- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -48
Sampling Design Alternatives - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -48
Calculating Minimum Sample Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -49- - - - -
Monitoring Design Problems - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -50
Control Plots - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -52
Dealing with Burning Problems - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -53
Chapter 5 Vegetation Monitoring Protocols - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -55
Methodology Changes - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -55
Preface v
- - - -
- - - -
Monitoring Schedule - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Generating Monitoring Plot Locations -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
Creating Equal Portions for Initial Plot Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - 60
Creating n Equal Portions Where Plots Already Exist - - - - - - - - - - - 60
Randomly Assigning Plot Location Points - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60
Plot Location -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62
Step 1: Field Locating PLPs - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62
Laying Out and Installing Monitoring Plots - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64
Grassland and Brush Plots - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64
Forest Plots- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67
Labeling Monitoring Plot Stakes - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70
Photographing the Plot - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
Grassland and Brush Plots - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
Forest Plots- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
RS Procedures- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Step 2: Assessing Plot Acceptability and Marking Plot Origin - - - - - - - - 62
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
Equipment and Film- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72
Field Mapping the Monitoring Plot- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75
Complete Plot Location Data Sheet -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75
Monitoring Vegetation Characteristics -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80
All Plot Types - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80
Herbaceous and Shrub Layers - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80
Brush and Forest Plots - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 87
Monitoring Overstory Trees - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91
Tag and Measure All Overstory Trees - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91
Optional Monitoring Procedures - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93
Monitoring Pole-size Trees - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100
Measure Density and DBH of Pole-size Trees - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100
Optional Monitoring Procedures - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100
Monitoring Seedling Trees- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 102
Count Seedling Trees to Obtain Species Density - - - - - - - - - - - - - 102
Optional Monitoring Procedures - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 102
Monitoring Dead and Downed Fuel Load - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103
RS Procedures- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103
Deal with Sampling Problems - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105
Monitoring Fire Weather and Behavior Characteristics - - - - - - - - - - 106
Rate of Spread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 106
Flame Length and Depth -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 106
Monitoring Immediate Postburn Vegetation & Fuel Characteristics - - - - 108
Grassland and Brush Plots - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 108
Forest Plots - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 108
Monitor Postburn Conditions - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 108
Optional Monitoring Procedures - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111
File Maintenance & Data Storage - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Plot Tracking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Monitoring Type Folders -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Monitoring Plot Folders -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Slide—Photo Storage - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Field Packets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112
Data Processing and Storage - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113
Ensuring Data Quality - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114
Quality Checks When Remeasuring Plots - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114
Quality Checks in the Field - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 115
Fire Monitoring Handbook vi
- - - - - - - -
Quality Checks in the Office - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 115
Quality Checks for Data Entry- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 116
Chapter 6 Data Analysis and Evaluation- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 119
Level 3: Short-term Change- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 119
Level 4: Long-term Change- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 119
The Analysis Process -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 121
Documentation -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 121
Examining the Raw Data - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 121
Summarizing the Data - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 122
Recalculating the Minimum Sample Size - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 124
Additional Statistical Concepts - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 126
Hypothesis Tests - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 126
Interpreting Results of Hypothesis Tests - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 128
- - - - -The Evaluation Process - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 130
Evaluating Achievement of Management Objectives - - - - -- - - - - - - 130
Evaluating Monitoring Program or Management Actions - - -- - - - - - - 131
Disseminating Results - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 134
Reviewing the Monitoring Program - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 135- - - - -
Appendix A Monitoring Data Sheets -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 137
Appendix B Random Number Generators - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 189- - - - -
Using a Table -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 189
Using Spreadsheet Programs to Generate Random Numbers - -- - - - - - -
Tools and Supplies - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 194
Appendix C Field Aids -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 193
Collecting & Processing Voucher Specimens - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 193
Collecting - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 193
- - - - -
Pressing and Drying - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 195
Mounting, Labeling and Storing - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 197
Identifying Dead & Dormant Plants - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 199
Resources - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 199
Observations - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 199
Navigation Aids - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 201
Compass - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 201
Using a Compass in Conjunction with a Map - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 201
Clinometer - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 202
Determining Distances in the Field -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 203
Some Basic Map Techniques - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 204
Global Positioning System Information - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 205
Basic Photography Guidelines -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 207
Conversion Tables - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 209
Appendix D Data Analysis Formulae -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 213
Cover - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Tree, Herb, and Shrub Density - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 213
Fuel Load - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 214
Data Analysis Calculations - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 216
Appendix E Equipment Checklist - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 221
Locating, Marking, and Installing a Monitoring Plot - - - - -- - - - - - - 221
Monitoring Forest Plots - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 221
Monitoring Brush and Grassland Plots - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 222
Monitoring During a Prescribed Fire - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 222
Monitoring During a Wildland Fire - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 223
Optional Equipment - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 224
Appendix F Monitoring Plan Outline -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 225
Preface vii
Introduction (General) - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225
Description of Ecological Model - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225
Management Objective(s) -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225
Monitoring Design - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225
Appendix G Additional Reading - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229
References for Nonstandard Variables -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229
General - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229
Fire Conditions and Observations -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 230
Air, Soil and Water - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
Forest Pests (Mistletoe, Fungi, and Insects) - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232
Amphibians and Reptiles -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 233
Birds -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 234
Mammals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 236
Vegetation - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237
Fuels -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237
Adaptive Management - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239
Vegetative Keys - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 240
Glossary of Terms -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 247
References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 259- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cited References - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 259
Additional References - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261
Index - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 263
Fire Monitoring Handbook viii
Use of this Handbook
The handbook presents detailed instructions for fire
monitoring in a variety of situations. The instructions
are organized around the management strategies fre-
quently used to meet specific objectives.
Each chapter covers a different aspect of fire effects
monitoring. You will find an overview of each area,
and the functions within that area, at the beginning of
each chapter.
Chapter 1: Introduction—an overview of the entire
National Park Service Fire Monitoring program.
Chapter 2: Environmental and Fire Observation—a
detailed discussion of the monitoring schedule and
procedures involved with monitoring levels 1 (environ-
mental) and 2 (fire observation).
Chapter 3: Developing Objectives—development of
objectives and the basic management decisions neces-
sary to design a monitoring program. This basic design
is expanded upon in chapter four.
Chapter 4: Monitoring Program Design—detailed
instructions for designing a monitoring program for
short-term and long-term change, randomizing moni-
toring plots, and choosing monitoring variables.
Chapter 5: Vegetation Monitoring Protocols—
detailed procedures for reading plots designed to mon-
itor prescribed fires (at levels 3 and 4) for forest, grass-
land and brush plot types.
Chapter 6: Data Analysis and Evaluation—guidance
for data analysis and program evaluation.
Appendices: data record forms, random number
tables, aids for data collection, useful equations, refer-
ences describing methods not covered in this hand-
book, and handbook references.
This handbook is designed to be placed in a binder so
that you can remove individual chapters and appendi-
ces. You can detach the instructions for the applicable
monitoring level required for a fire from the binder
and carry them into the field for easy reference.
Field Handbook
If you need a small portable version of this
handbook, use a copy machine to create a ¼ size
version of the pages you will need in the field (e.g.,
Chapter 5, Appendix C).
Preface ix
Symbols Used in this Handbook
Note: Refer to the Index for the location of the fol-
lowing symbols within this handbook.
This symbol indicates information that
you won’t want to forget!
Tip from the Field
This symbol indicates advice from expe-
rienced field folks. Additional field tips
may be found in Elzinga and others
(1998), pages 190–1 (marking the plot),
192–6 (field equipment) and page 406
(general field tips).
This symbol denotes potentially hazard-
ous or incorrect behavior. It is also used
to indicate protocol changes since the
last revision of this Fire Monitoring
Handbook (NPS 1992).
Fire Monitoring Handbook x
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
—Albert Einstein
Fire is a powerful and enduring force that has had,
and will continue to have, a profound influence on
National Park Service (NPS) lands. Restoring and
maintaining this natural process are both impor-
tant management goals for many NPS areas. There-
fore, information about the use and effects of
prescribed fire on park resources is critical to
sound, scientifically-based management decisions.
Using results from a high quality monitoring pro-
gram to evaluate your prescribed fire management
program is the key to successful adaptive manage-
ment. By using monitoring results to determine
whether you are meeting your management objec-
tives, you can verify that the program is on track,
or conversely, gather clues about what may not be
working so that you can make appropriate
This fire monitoring program allows the National
Park Service to document basic information, to
detect trends, and to ensure that parks meet their
fire and resource management objectives. From
identified trends, park staff can articulate concerns,
develop hypotheses, and identify specific research
projects to develop solutions to problems. The
goals of the program described here are to:
Document basic information for all wildland
fires, regardless of management strategy
Document fire behavior to allow managers to
take appropriate action on all fires that either:
have the potential to threaten resource values
are being managed under specific constraints,
such as a prescribed fire or fire use
Document and analyze both short-term and
long-term prescribed fire effects on vegetation
Establish a recommended standard for data col-
lection and analysis techniques to facilitate the
sharing of monitoring data
Follow trends in plant communities where fire
effects literature exists, or research has been
Identify areas where additional research is needed
This Fire Monitoring Handbook (FMH) describes
the procedures for this program in National Park
Service units.
Staff in individual parks document the rationale,
purpose, and justification of their fire management
programs in their Natural Resource Management
Plans and Fire Management Plans. Director’s
Order #18: Wildland Fire Management (DO-18)
(USDI National Park Service 1998) outlines
National Park Service fire management policies,
which are expanded upon in Reference Manual-18:
Wildland Fire Management (RM-18) (USDI
National Park Service 2001a).
Provisions of NEPA
The National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC
4321–4347), NEPA (1969), mandates that monitor-
ing and evaluation be conducted to mitigate human
actions that alter landscapes or environments. The
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) provides the
following legal directives:
40 CFR Sec. 1505.03
Agencies may provide for monitoring to
assure that their decisions are carried out and
should do so in important cases.”
40 CFR Sec. 1505.2(cl)
A monitoring and enforcement program shall
be adopted and summarized when applicable
for any mitigation.”
DO-18: Wildland Fire Management
DO-18: Wildland Fire Management (USDI NPS
1998) directs managers to monitor all prescribed
and wildland fires. Monitoring directives (summa-
rized here from DO-18) are:
Fire effects monitoring must be done to evaluate
the degree to which objectives are accomplished
Long-term monitoring is required to document
that overall programmatic objectives are being met
and undesired effects are not occurring
Evaluation of fire effects data are the joint respon-
sibility of fire management and natural resource
management personnel
Neither DO-18 nor RM-18 describes how monitoring
is to be done. This handbook provides that guidance
by outlining standardized methods to be used through-
out the National Park Service for documenting, moni-
toring, and managing both wildland and prescribed
This handbook outlines Recommended Standards
(RS) for fire monitoring within the National Park Ser-
vice. These standard techniques are mandatory for
Environmental (level 1) and Fire Observation
(level 2) monitoring. The techniques presented for
Short-term change (level 3) and Long-term change
(level 4) monitoring are confined to vegetation
monitoring, and will not answer all questions
about the effects of fire management programs on
park ecosystems. Many parks will require addi-
tional research programs to study specific issues
such as: postburn erosion, air and water quality,
wildlife, cultural resources, and the cumulative
effects of burning on a landscape scale. Parks are
encouraged to expand long-term monitoring to
include any additional physical or biotic ecosystem
elements important to management but not cov-
ered by these Recommended Standards.
Consult a regional fire monitoring coordinator, local
researcher, resource manager, and/or fire manager
before eliminating or using protocols other than
the Recommended Standards. For example, park
managers should not eliminate fuel transects in a
forest plot because they do not want to spend the
time monitoring them. However, if during the
pilot sampling period (see page 43) another sampling
method performs better statistically than a method
prescribed by this handbook, it is then recommended
that you substitute this other sampling method.
Monitoring vs. Research
Monitoring (as defined in the Glossary) is always
driven by fire and resource management objectives,
and is part of the adaptive management cycle. As
part of this cycle, it is used to measure change over
time, and can therefore help evaluate progress
toward or success at meeting an objective. Monitor-
ing can also provide a basis for changing manage-
ment actions, if needed.
Research (as defined in the Glossary) is often
focused on identifying correlation of change with a
potential cause. Few monitoring projects can iden-
tify this correlation. As you move along the contin-
uum from monitoring to research, you gain
increased confidence as to the cause of a response,
often with an associated increase in study costs.
Because a monitoring program does not control for
potential causes, monitoring data should not be
mistaken for information on cause and effect. If
you need causality data for a management objec-
tive, you will need input from a statistician and/or
research scientist for a research study design.
A distinction has traditionally been made between
research and monitoring, but as monitoring programs
become better designed and statistically sound, this
distinction becomes more difficult to discern. A moni-
toring program without a well-defined objective is like
a research experiment without a hypothesis. Likewise,
statistically testing whether an objective has been met
in a monitoring program is very similar to hypothesis
testing in a research experiment. Knowing which sta-
tistical test is appropriate, along with the assumptions
made by a particular test, is critical in order to
avoid making false conclusions about the results.
Because statistical procedures can be complex, it is
recommended that you consult with a statistician
when performing such tests.
Control Plots
Install control plots (see Glossary, and page 52) when
it is critical to isolate the effects of fire from other
environmental or human influences, or to meet spe-
cific requirements, e.g., a prescribed fire plan. Control
plot sampling design will necessarily be specific to the
site and objective, and will require assistance from sub-
ject-matter experts.
Alternative Methods
If your management staff chooses objectives that
you cannot monitor using the protocols discussed
in this handbook, you will need to develop appro-
priate sampling methods. For example, objectives
FiFirree MMononititororiingng HaHandbndbookook 22
set at the landscape level (large forest gaps), or that
relate to animal populations would require additional
methods. Appendix G lists several monitoring refer-
ences for other sampling methods. Develop custom-
ized monitoring systems with the assistance of subject-
matter experts. Your regional fire monitoring coordi-
nator must review any alternative methodology.
Required Research
Park staff should have fire management program
objectives that are definable and measurable (see
page 20) and knowledge to reasonably predict fire
effects. If these criteria are not met, fire ecologists
should conduct research to determine the role of
fire in the park and develop prescriptions capable
of meeting park management objectives. The park
may need to delay implementation of its prescribed
fire management program until these issues are
resolved. Following this resolution, monitoring
must be initiated to assess the need for changes in
the program.
This handbook is organized around fire management
strategies that are directed by resource and fire man-
agement objectives. A Recommended Standard
monitoring level is given for each management
strategy. Table 1 outlines monitoring levels required
for wildland fire management strategies. The informa-
tion collected at each of these levels is the recom-
mended minimum; park staffs are encouraged to
collect additional information within their monitoring
programs as they see fit.
Park managers often set fire suppression goals in
order to minimize negative consequences of wild-
land fires. A fire suppression operation will have
well-established and standardized monitoring needs
based on these goals. For most suppressed wildland
fires, monitoring means recording data on fire
cause and origin, discovery, size, cost, and location.
This is the reconnaissance portion of level 2 moni-
toring (fire observation; see page 9).
Monitoring the effect of suppressed wildland fires on
vegetation or other area-specific variables of special
concern may produce valuable information on fire
effects, identify significant threats to park resources, or
permit adjustments to appropriate suppression actions.
This information may drive the need for a rehabilita-
tion response to a wildland fire.
An additional caution here is that fire funds will not
pay for levels 3 and 4 monitoring of suppression
Wildland Fire Use
Fire management programs that focus on maintaining
natural conditions in native ecosystems generally need
different management strategies and have different
monitoring needs. These programs will meet the Rec-
ommended Standard by collecting the data needed to
complete Stage I of the Wildland Fire Implementation
Plan (see Glossary). This is Fire Observation level 2
monitoring, which includes reconnaissance (see page
9) and fire conditions (see page 11).
Table 1. Wildland fire management strategies and Recommended Standard (RS) monitoring levels.
Management Strategy RS Level
Suppression: All management actions are intended to extinguish or limit the growth of the
1. Environmental
2. Fire Observation
Wildland Fire Use: Management allows a fire started by a natural source to burn as long as it
meets prescription standards.
1. Environmental
2. Fire Observation
–Fire Conditions
Prescribed Fire: Management uses intentionally set fires as a management tool to meet
management objectives.
1. Environmental
2. Fire Observation
–Fire Conditions
3. Short-term Change
4. Long-term Change
Chapter 1 n
n Introduction 3
Prescribed Fire
Prescribed fire requires a much more complex moni-
toring system to document whether specific objec-
tives are accomplished with the application of fire.
The Recommended Standard here includes a hierar-
chy of monitoring levels from simple reconnais-
sance to the complex monitoring of prescriptions,
immediate postburn effects, and the long-term
changes in vegetation community structure and
succession. Measuring the effectiveness of pre-
scribed fire for natural ecosystem restoration may
take decades.
Managers can use research burns to expand their
knowledge of fire ecology. However, this handbook
does not cover the sampling design necessary for these
burns. Your regional fire ecologist can assist you with
this design.
Implementation of this monitoring program
requires substantial knowledge. Park fire manage-
ment officers and natural resource managers must
understand ecological principles and basic statistics.
Park superintendents are responsible for implementing
and coordinating a park’s fire monitoring program.
They also may play active roles on program review
boards established to assess whether monitoring
objectives are being met, and whether information
gathered by a monitoring effort is addressing key park
Fire management personnel are responsible for
assuring the completion of environmental monitor-
ing (level 1) as part of the fire management plan
process, as well as daily observations and continual
field verification.
Fire management personnel are also responsible for
collecting fire observation monitoring data (level 2)
for each fire. These observations are needed as part of
the Initial Fire Assessment, which documents the deci-
sion process for the Recommended Response Action.
This then becomes Stage I in the Wildland Fire Imple-
mentation Plan for a “go” decision to elicit the appro-
priate management response.
Natural resource and fire management personnel are
responsible for monitoring design and the evaluation
of short-term and long-term change data (levels 3
and 4). They are also responsible for quality con-
trol and quality assurance of the monitoring pro-
Field technicians are responsible for collecting and
processing plot data, and must be skilled botanists.
Park and regional science staff, local researchers, statis-
ticians and other resource management specialists may
act as consultants at any time during implementation
of the monitoring program. Consultants may be par-
ticularly valuable in helping to stratify monitoring
types, select monitoring plot locations, determine the
appropriate numbers of monitoring plots, evaluate pre-
liminary and long-term results, and prepare reports.
Local and regional scientists should assure that those
research needs identified by monitoring efforts are
evaluated, prioritized, designed, and incorporated into
the park’s Resource Management Plan. These staff
should assist, when needed, in the sampling proce-
dures designed to determine whether short-term
objectives are met, and in the analysis of short-term
change and long-term change monitoring data. They
should work with resource management staff to evalu-
ate fully any important ecological results and to
facilitate publication of pertinent information.
These efforts should validate the monitoring pro-
gram, or provide guidance for its revision. Local
researchers should also serve on advisory commit-
tees for park units as well as on program review
The National Office (located at the National Inter-
agency Fire Center (NIFC)) will ensure that minimum
levels of staff and money are available to meet pro-
gram objectives. This includes the assignment of a
regional fire monitoring specialist to ensure 1) consis-
tency in handbook application; 2) quality control and
quality assurance of the program; 3) timely data pro-
cessing and report writing; and 4) coordination of peri-
odic program review by NPS and other scientists
and resource managers. See the NPS policy docu-
ment RM-18 for the essential elements of a pro-
gram review (USDI NPS 2001a).
The four monitoring levels, in ascending order of com-
plexity, are Environmental, Fire Observation,
Short-term Change, and Long-term Change. These
FiFirree MMononititororiingng HaHandbndbookook 44
four levels are cumulative; that is, implementing a
higher level usually requires that you also monitor
all lower levels. For example, monitoring of short-
term change and long-term change is of little value
unless you have data on the fire behavior that pro-
duced the measured change.
Gathering and Processing Data
Data are gathered following the directions and stan-
dards set in this handbook. Instructions are in each
chapter and the forms are located in Appendix A.
Software is available (Sydoriak 2001) for data entry and
basic short-term and long-term change data analyses.
You can order the FMH.EXE software and manual
from the publisher of this handbook, or via the Inter-
net at <>.
Data entry, editing, and storage are major components
of short-term change and long-term change monitor-
ing (levels 3 and 4). For levels 3 and 4, monitoring staff
should expect to spend 25 to 40 percent of their time
on such data management.
Level 1: Environmental
This level provides a basic overview of the baseline
data that can be collected prior to a burn event. Infor-
mation at this level includes historical data such as
weather, socio-political factors, terrain, and other fac-
tors useful in a fire management program. Some of
these data are collected infrequently (e.g., terrain);
other data (e.g., weather) are collected regularly.
Level 2: Fire Observation
Document fire observations during all fires. Monitor-
ing fire conditions calls for data to be collected on
ambient conditions as well as on fire and smoke
characteristics. These data are coupled with infor-
mation gathered during environmental monitor-
ing to predict fire behavior and identify potential
Level 3: Short-term Change
Monitoring short-term change (level 3) is required
for all prescribed fires. Monitoring at this level pro-
vides information on fuel reduction and vegetative
change within a specific vegetation and fuel com-
plex (monitoring type), as well as on other vari-
ables, according to your management objectives.
These data allow you to make a quantitative evalua-
tion of whether a stated management objective was
Vegetation and fuels monitoring data are collected pri-
marily through sampling of permanent monitoring
plots. Monitoring is carried out at varying frequen-
cies—preburn, during the burn, and immediately post-
burn; this continues for up to two years postburn.
Level 4: Long-term Change
Long-term change (level 4) monitoring is also
required for prescribed fires, and often includes moni-
toring of short-term change (level 3) variables sam-
pled at the same permanent monitoring plots over a
longer period. This level of monitoring is also con-
cerned with identification of significant trends that can
guide management decisions. Some trends may be use-
ful even if they do not have a high level of cer-
tainty. Monitoring frequency is based on a
sequence of sampling at some defined interval
(often five and ten years and then every ten years)
past the year-2 postburn monitoring. This long-
term change monitoring continues until the area is
again treated with fire.
This handbook’s monitoring system does not specify
the most appropriate indicators of long-term change.
Establishment of these indicators should include
input from local and/or regional ecologists and
should consider: 1) fire management goals and
objectives, 2) local biota’s sensitivity to fire-induced
change, and 3) special management concerns.
Chapter 1 n
n Introduction 5
FiFirree MMononititororiingng HaHandbndbookook 66
Environm ental & Fire Observation
Environmental & Fire Observation
“Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow is wood, only today does the fire burn brightly.”
Native North American saying
The first two monitoring levels provide information to guide fire management strategies for wildland and pre-
scribed fires. Levels 1 and 2 also provide a base for monitoring prescribed fires at levels 3 and 4.
Monitoring Level 1: Environmental Monitoring
Environmental monitoring provides the basic back-
ground information needed for decision-making. Parks
may require unique types of environmental data due to
the differences in management objectives and/or their
fire environments. The following types of environ-
mental data can be collected:
Fire Danger Rating
Fuel Conditions
Resource Availability
Concerns and Values to be Protected
Other Biological, Geographical or Sociological
Collect environmental monitoring data hourly, daily,
monthly, seasonally, yearly, or as appropriate to the rate
of change for the variable of interest, regardless of
whether there is a fire burning within your park.
You can derive the sampling frequency for environ-
mental variables from management objectives, risk
assessments, resource constraints or the rate of ecolog-
ical change. Clearly define the monitoring schedules at
the outset of program development, and base them on
fire and resource management plans.
This handbook does not contain specific methods for
level 1 monitoring, but simply discusses the different
types of environmental monitoring that managers may
use or need. You may collect and record environmen-
tal data using any of a variety of methods.
Parks usually collect weather data at a series of Remote
Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS) or access data
from other sources, e.g., NOAA, Internet, weather sat-
ellites. These data are critical for assessment of current
and historical conditions.
You should collect local weather data as a series of
observations prior to, during and after the wildland or
prescribed fire season. Maintain a record of metadata
(location, elevation, equipment type, calibration, etc.)
for the observation site.
Fire Danger Rating
Collect fire weather observations at manual or auto-
mated fire weather stations at the time of day when
temperature is typically at its highest and humidity is at
its lowest. You can then enter these observations are
into processors that produce National Fire Danger
Rating System (NFDRS) and/or Canadian Forest Fire
Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) indices. These indi-
ces, in combination with weather forecasts, are used to
provide information for fire management decisions
and staffing levels.
Fuel Conditions
The type and extent of fuel condition data required are
dependent upon your local conditions and manage-
ment objectives.
Fuel type: Utilize maps, aerial photos, digital data,
and/or surveys to determine and map primary
fuel models (Fire Behavior Prediction System fuel
models #1–13 or custom fuel models).
Fuel load: Utilize maps, aerial photos, digital data,
and/or surveys to determine and map fuel load.
Plant phenology: Utilize on-the-ground obser-
vations, satellite imagery, or vegetation indices to
determine vegetation flammability.
Fuel moisture: Utilize periodic sampling to
determine moisture content of live fuels (by spe-
cies) and/or dead fuels (by size class). This infor-
mation is very important in determining potential
local fire behavior.
Resource Availability
Track the availability of park and/or interagency
resources for management of wildland and prescribed
fires using regular fire dispatch channels.
Concerns and Values to be Protected
The identification and evaluation of existing and
potential concerns, threats, and constraints concerning
park values requiring protection is an important part
of your preburn data set.
Improvements: Including structures, signs, board-
walks, roads, and fences
Sensitive natural resources: Including threatened,
endangered and sensitive species habitat, endemic
species and other species of concern, non-native
plant and animal distributions, areas of high erosion
potential, watersheds, and riparian areas
Socio-political: Including public perceptions, coop-
erator relations, and potential impacts upon staff,
visitors, and neighbors
Cultural-archeological resources: Including arti-
facts, historic structures, cultural landscapes, tradi-
tional cultural properties, and viewsheds
Monitoring-research locations: Including plots
and transects from park and cooperator projects
Smoke management concerns: Including non-
attainment zones, smoke-sensitive sites, class 1 air-
sheds, and recommended road visibility standards
Other Biological, Geographical and Sociological
In addition to those data that are explicitly part of your
fire management program, general biological, geo-
graphical and sociological data are often collected as a
basic part of park operations. These data may include:
terrain, plant community or species distribution, spe-
cies population inventories, vegetation structure, soil
types, long-term research plots, long-term monitoring
plots, and visitor use.
Using data for decision-making
Any of several software packages can help you manage
biological and geographical data from your fire moni-
toring program, and make management decisions.
Obtain input from your regional, national or research
staff in selecting an appropriate software package.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 8
Monitoring Level 2: Fire Observation
Fire observation (level 2) monitoring, includes two stages. First, reconnaissance monitoring is the basic assess-
ment and overview of the fire. Second, fire conditions monitoring is the monitoring of the dynamic aspects of the
Reconnaissance Monitoring
Reconnaissance monitoring provides a basic overview
of the physical aspects of a fire event. On some wild-
land fires this may be the only level 2 data collected.
Collect data on the following variables for all fires:
Fire Cause (Origin) and Ignition Point
Fire Location and Size
Logistical Information
Fuels and Vegetation Description
Current and Predicted Fire Behavior
Potential for Further Spread
Current and Forecasted Weather
Resource or Safety Threats and Constraints
Smoke Volume and Movement
Reconnaissance monitoring is part of the initial fire
assessment and the periodic revalidation of the Wild-
land Fire Implementation Plan. Recommended Stan-
dards are given here.
Initial Assessment
During this phase of the fire, determine fire cause and
location, and monitor fire size, fuels, spread potential,
weather, and smoke characteristics. Note particular
threats and constraints regarding human safety, cul-
tural resources, and threatened or endangered species
or other sensitive natural resources relative to the sup-
pression effort (especially fireline construction).
Implementation Phase
Monitor spread, weather, fire behavior, smoke charac-
teristics, and potential threats throughout the duration
of the burn.
Postburn Evaluation
Evaluate monitoring data and write postburn reports.
dix A) will help with documentation of repeated field
Fire Cause (Origin), and Ignition Point
Determine the source of the ignition and describe the
type of material ignited (e.g., a red fir snag). It is impor-
tant to locate the origin and document the probable
mechanism of ignition.
Fire Location and Size
Fire location reports must include a labeled and dated
fire map with appropriate map coordinates, i.e., Uni-
verse Transverse Mercator (UTM), latitude and longi-
tude, legal description or other local descriptor. Also,
note topographic features of the fire location, e.g.,
aspect, slope, landform. Additionally, document fire
size on growth maps that include acreage estimates.
Record the final perimeter on a standard topographic
map for future entry into a GIS.
Logistical Information
Document routes, conditions and directions for travel
to and from the fire.
Fire name and number
Record the fire name and number assigned by your
dispatcher in accordance with the instructions for
completing DI-1202.
Observation date and time
Each observation must include the date and time at
which it was taken. Be very careful to record the obser-
vation date and time for the data collection period; a
common mistake is to record the date and time at
which the monitor is filling out the final report.
Monitor’s name
The monitor’s name is needed so that when the data
are evaluated the manager has a source of additional
Fire weather forecast for initial 24 hours
Collect data from aerial or ground reconnaissance and
Record the data from the fire or spot weather forecast
record them on the Initial Fire Assessment. Forms
(obtained following on-site weather observations taken
FMH-1 (or -1A), -2 (or -2A), and -3 (or -3A) (Appen-
Chapter 2 n
n Environmental and Fire Observation 9
for validation purposes). If necessary, utilize local
weather sources or other appropriate sources (NOAA,
Internet, television).
Fuel and Vegetation Description
Describe the fuels array, composition, and dominant
vegetation of the burn area. If possible, determine pri-
mary fuel models: fuel models #1–13 (Anderson 1982)
or custom models using BEHAVE (Burgan and
Rothermel 1984).
Current and Predicted Fire Behavior
Describe fire behavior relative to the vegetation and
the fire environment using adjective classes such as
smoldering, creeping, running, torching, spotting, or
crowning. In addition, include descriptions of flame
length, rate of spread and spread direction.
Potential for Further Spread
Assess the fire’s potential for further spread based on
surrounding fuel types, forecasted weather, fuel mois-
ture, and natural or artificial barriers. Record the direc-
tions of fastest present rates of spread on a fire map,
and then predict them for the next burn period.
Current and Forecasted Weather
Measure and document weather observations through-
out the duration of the fire. Always indicate the loca-
tion of your fire weather measurements and
observations. In addition, attach fire weather forecast
reports to your final documentation.
Resource or Safety Threats and Constraints
Consider the potential for the fire to leave a designated
management zone, impact adjacent landowners,
threaten human safety and property, impact cultural
resources, affect air quality, or threaten special environ-
mental resources such as threatened, endangered or
sensitive species.
Smoke Volume and Movement
Assess smoke volume, direction of movement and dis-
persal. Identify areas that are or may be impacted by
Fire Monitoring Handbook 10
Fire Conditions Monitoring
Fire Conditions Monitoring
The second portion of level 2 monitoring documents
fire conditions. Data on the following variables can be
collected for all fires. Your park’s fire management
staff should select appropriate variables, establish fre-
quencies for their collection, and document these stan-
dards in your burn plan or Wildland Fire
Implementation Plan–Stage II: Short-term Implemen-
tation Action and Wildland Fire Implementation Plan–
Stage III: Long-term Implementation Actions.
Topographic Variables
Ambient Conditions
Fuel Model
Fire Characteristics
Smoke Characteristics
Holding Options
Resource Advisor Concerns
The frequency of Fire Conditions monitoring will vary
by management strategy and incident command needs.
Recommended Standards are given below.
Collect data from aerial or ground reconnaissance and
record them in the Wildland Fire Implementation
Plan. These procedures may include the use of forms
FMH-1, -2, and -3 (Appendix A). Topographic vari-
ables, ambient condition inputs, and fire behavior pre-
diction outputs must follow standard formats for the
Fire Behavior Prediction System (Albini 1976; Rother-
mel 1983). For specific concerns on conducting
fire conditions monitoring during a prescribed fire
in conjunction with fire effects monitoring plots,
see page 106.
Collect data on the following fire condition (RS) vari-
Topographic Variables
Measure percent slope using a clinometer (for direc-
tions on using a clinometer, see page 203). Report in
percent. A common mistake is to measure the slope in
degrees and then forget to convert to percent; a 45°
angle is equal to a 100% slope (see Table 34, page 211
for a conversion table).
Determine aspect. Report it in compass directions, e.g.,
270° (for directions on using a compass, see page 201).
Determine the elevation of the areas that have burned.
Elevation can be measured in feet or meters.
Ambient Conditions
Ambient conditions include all fire weather variables.
You may monitor ambient weather observations with a
Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS), a stan-
dard manual weather station, or a belt weather kit.
More specific information on standard methods for
monitoring weather can be found in Fischer and
Hardy (1976) or Finklin and Fischer (1990). Make
onsite fire weather observations as specified in the
Fire-Weather Observers’ Handbook (Fischer and
Hardy 1976) and record them on the Onsite weather
data sheet (form FMH-1) and/or the Fire behavior–
weather data sheet (FMH-2). Samples of these forms
are in Appendix A.
Fuel moisture may be measured with a drying oven
(preferred), a COMPUTRAC, or a moisture probe, or
may be calculated using the Fire Behavior Prediction
System (BEHAVE) (Burgan and Rothermel 1984).
Record in percent.
Dry bulb temperature
Take this measurement in a shady area, out of the
influence of the fire and its smoke. You can measure
temperature with a thermometer (belt weather kit) or
hygrothermograph (manual or automated weather sta-
tion), and record it in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees
Celsius (see Table 33, page 209 for conversion factors).
Relative humidity
Measure relative humidity out of the influence of the
fire using a sling psychrometer or hygrothermograph
at a manual or automated weather station. Record in
Wind speed
Measure wind speed at eye level using a two-minute
average. Fire weather monitoring requires, at a mini-
mum, measurement of wind speed at a 20 ft height,
using either a manual or automated fire weather sta-
tion. Record wind speed in miles/hour, kilometers/
Chapter 2 n
n Environmental and Fire Observation 11
hour, or meters/second (see Table 33, page 209 for
conversion factors).
Wind direction
Determine the wind direction as the cardinal point (N,
NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW) from which the wind is
blowing. Record wind direction by azimuth and rela-
tive to topography, e.g., 90° and across slope, 180° and
Shading and cloud cover
Determine the combined cloud and canopy cover as
the fire moves across the fire area. Record in percent.
Timelag fuel moisture (10–hr)
Weigh 10-hr timelag fuel moisture (TLFM) sticks at a
standard weather station or onsite. Another option is
to take the measurement from an automated weather
station with a 10-hr TLFM sensor. If neither of these
methods is available, calculate the 10-hr TLFM from
the 1-hr TLFM—which is calculated from dry bulb
temperature, relative humidity, and shading. Record in
Timelag fuel moisture (1-, 100-, 1000-hr)
If required for fire behavior prediction in the primary
fuel models affected, measure 1-hr, 100-hr, and 1000-
hr TLFM as well, in the same manner as 10-hr using an
appropriate method. If you decide to determine fuel
moisture by collecting samples, use the following
Collect most of your samples from positions and
locations typical for that type of fuel, including
extremes of moistness and dryness to get a suit-
able range.
• Take clear concise notes as to container identifica-
tion, sample location, fuel type, etc.
Use drafting (not masking or electrical) tape or a
tight stopper to create a tight seal on the con-
tainer. Keep samples cool and shaded while trans-
porting them.
Carefully calibrate your scale.
Weigh your samples as soon as possible. Weigh
them with the lid removed, but place the lid on the
scale as well. If you cannot weigh them right away,
refrigerate or freeze them.
Dry your samples at 100° C for 18–24 hours.
Remove containers from the oven one at a time as
you weigh them, as dried samples take up water
Reweigh each dried sample.
Use the formula on page 215 to calculate the
moisture content.
You can find further advice on fuel moisture sampling
in two publications written on the subject (Country-
man and Dean 1979; Norum and Miller 1984); while
they were designed for specific geographic regions, the
principles can be applied to other parts of the country.
Live fuel moisture
Fuel models may also require measurement of woody
or herbaceous fuel moisture. Follow the sampling
guidelines described under “Timelag fuel moisture (1-,
100-, 1000-hr)” on page 12. Live fuel moisture is mea-
sured in percent.
Drought index
Calculate the drought index as defined in your park’s
Fire Management Plan. Common drought indices are
the Energy Release Component (ERC) or the Keetch-
Byram Drought Index (KBDI). Other useful indices
are the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and the
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).
Duff moisture (optional)
Monitor duff moisture when there is a management
concern about burn severity or root or cambial mortal-
ity. Duff moisture affects the depth of the burn, reso-
nance time and smoke production. Measure duff
samples as described above for Timelag fuel moisture
(1-, 100-, 1000-hr). Duff moisture is measured in per-
Duff Moisture
Duff moisture can be critical in determining whether
fire monitoring plots are true replicates, or they are
sampling different treatments. It is assumed that if
plots within a monitoring type identified in a five-year
burn plan are burned with the same fire prescription,
they are subject to the same treatment. These plots
should only be considered to have been treated the
same if the site moisture regimes, as influenced by long
term drying, were similar. Similar weather but a differ-
ent site moisture regime can result in significant varia-
tion in postfire effects, which can be extremely difficult
to interpret without documentation of moisture. This
is particularly important when studying prescribed
State of the weather (optional)
Monitor state of the weather when there is a manage-
ment recommendation for this information. Use a
one-digit number to describe the weather at the time
Fire Monitoring Handbook 12
of the observation. 0-clear, less than 10% cloud cover;
1-scattered clouds, 10–50% cloud cover; 2-broken
clouds; 60–90% cloud cover; 3-overcast, 100% cloud
cover; 4-fog; 5-drizzle or mist; 6-rain; 7-snow; 8-show-
ers; 9-thunderstorms.
Only use state of the weather code 8 when showers
(brief, but heavy) are in sight or occurring at your loca-
tion. Record thunderstorms in progress (lightning seen
or thunder heard) if you have unrestricted visibility
(i.e., lookouts) and the storm activity is not more than
30 miles away. State of the weather codes 5, 6, or 7 (i.e.,
drizzle, rain, or snow) causes key NFDRS components
and indexes to be set to zero because generalized pre-
cipitation over the entire forecast area is assumed.
State of weather codes 8 and 9 assume localized pre-
cipitation and will not cause key NFDRS components
and indexes to be set to zero.
Fuel Model
Determine the primary fuel models of the plant associ-
ations that are burning in the active flaming front and
will burn as the fire continues to spread. Use the Fire
Behavior Prediction System fuel models #1–13
(Anderson 1982) or create custom models using
BEHAVE (Burgan and Rothermel 1984).
Fireline Safety
If it would be unsafe to stand close to the flame
front to observe ROS, you can place timing devices
or firecrackers at known intervals, and time the fire
as it triggers these devices.
Where observations are not possible near the moni-
toring plot, and mechanical techniques such as fire-
crackers or in-place timers are unavailable, establish
alternate fire behavior monitoring areas near the
burn perimeter. Keep in mind that these substitute
observation intervals must be burned free of side-
effects caused by the ignition source or pattern.
Fire Characteristics
For specific concerns on monitoring fire charac-
teristics during a prescribed fire in conjunction
with fire effects monitoring plots, see page 106.
Collect data on the following fire characteristics (RS):
Rate of spread
Rate of Spread (ROS) describes the fire progression
across a horizontal distance; it is measured as the time
it takes the leading edge of the flaming front to travel a
given distance. In this handbook, ROS is expressed in
chains/hour, but it can also be recorded as meters per
second (see Table 33, page 209 for conversion factors).
Make your observations only after the flaming front
has reached a steady state and is no longer influenced
by adjacent ignitions. Use a stopwatch to measure the
time elapsed during spread. The selection of an appro-
priate marker, used to determine horizontal distance, is
dependent on the expected ROS. Pin flags, rebar, trees,
large shrubs, rocks, etc., can all be used as markers.
Markers should be spaced such that the fire will travel
the observed distance in approximately 10 minutes.
If the burn is very large and can be seen from a good
vantage point, changes in the burn perimeter can be
used to calculate area ROS. If smoke is obscuring your
view, try using firecrackers, or taking photos using
black-and-white infrared film. Video cameras can also
be helpful, and with a computerized image analysis
system also can be used to accurately measure ROS,
flame length, and flame depth (McMahon and others
Perimeter or area growth
Map the perimeter of the fire and calculate the perime-
ter and area growth depending upon your park’s situa-
tional needs. As appropriate (or as required by your
park’s Periodic Fire Assessment), map the fire perime-
ter and calculate the area growth. It’s a good idea to
include a progression map and legend with the final
Flame length
Flame length is the distance between the flame tip and
the midpoint of the flame depth at the base of the
flame—generally the ground surface, or the surface of
the remaining fuel (see Figure 1, next page). Flame
length is described as an average of this measurement
as taken at several points. Estimate flame length to the
nearest inch if length is less than 1 ft, the nearest half
foot if between 1 and 4 ft, the nearest foot if between 4
and 15 ft, and the nearest 5 ft if more than 15 ft long.
Flame length can also be measured in meters.
Chapter 2 n
n Environmental and Fire Observation 13
Figure 1. Graphical representation of flame length and
Fire spread direction
The fire spread direction is the direction of movement
of that portion of the fire under observation or being
projected. The fire front can be described as a head
(H), backing (B), or flanking (F) fire.
Flame depth (optional)
Flame depth is the width, measured in inches, feet or
meters, of the flaming front (see Figure 1). Monitor
flame depth if there is a management interest in resi-
dence time. Measure the depth of the flaming front by
visual estimation.
Smoke Characteristics
These Recommended Standards for smoke monitoring
variables are accompanied by recommended thresh-
olds for change in operations following periods of
smoke exposure (Table 2, page 17). These thresholds
are not absolutes, and are provided only as guide-
lines. The following smoke and visibility monitoring
variables may be recorded on the “Smoke monitoring
data sheet” (FMH-3 or -3A) in Appendix A.
This is an important measurement for several reasons.
The density of smoke not only affects the health of
those working on the line but also can cause serious
highway concerns. Knowing the visibility will help law
enforcement personnel decide what traffic speed is
safe for the present conditions, and help fire manage-
ment personnel decide the exposure time for firefight-
ers on the line.
Visibility is monitored by a measured or estimated
change in visual clarity of an identified target a known
distance away. Visibility is ocularly estimated in feet,
meters or miles.
Park fire management plans, other park management
plans, or the local air quality office may require mea-
surement of particulates in order to comply with fed-
eral, state, or county regulations (see Table 2, page 17).
The current fine particulate diameter monitoring stan-
dards are PM-2.5 and PM-10, or suspended atmo-
spheric particulates less than 2.5 (or 10) microns in
Total smoke production
Again, measurement of total smoke production may
be required by your fire management plan, other park
management plans, or the local air quality office to
comply with federal, state, or county regulations. Use
smoke particle size–intensity equations, or an accepted
smoke model to calculate total smoke production from
total fuel consumed or estimates of intensity. Record in
tons (or kilograms) per unit time.
Mixing height
This measurement of the height at which vertical mix-
ing occurs may be obtained from spot weather fore-
cast, mobile weather units, onsite soundings, or visual
estimates. The minimum threshold for this variable is
1500 ft above the elevation of the burn block.
Transport wind speeds and direction
These measurements also can be obtained from spot
weather forecasts, mobile weather units, or onsite
soundings. The minimum threshold for this variable is
5 to 7 mph at 1500 ft above the elevation of the burn
Ground wind speeds and direction
See wind speed and direction on page 11.
Documented complaints from downwind areas
Your local air quality office will forward any written or
verbal complaints to your park headquarters. The max-
imum allowable number of “recordable” complaints
per treatment is defined by each air quality office.
Carbon monoxide (optional)
You can measure carbon monoxide on the fireline
using a badge sampler or dosimeter (Reinhardt and
others 2000), or by extrapolating from visibility mea-
surements. Burn crew-members should not be
exposed to areas of <100 ft visibility any longer than
two hours.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 14
Observer location and elevation (optional)
Recording the location and elevation of the observer
can be important, as your view can be affected by your
position. For example, visibility at 1,000 m may be
fairly clear, but down at 500 m an inversion may be
trapping smoke, and thus causing a greater concern to
people living at that elevation. If you dont include the
fact that your observation was made above that zone,
it may appear that your records are inaccurate. Natu-
rally, if you can see the inversion below you, and can
approximate its ceiling, that should also be reported.
Elevation can be recorded in feet or meters.
Elevation of smoke column above ground
The elevation of the top of the smoke column should
be recorded in feet or meters above ground level. Fea-
tures such as nearby mountains of known heights can
be useful in making such an estimate.
Smoke column direction (optional)
The direction in which the column is pointed can be
important, as this will help to predict possible smoke
concerns downwind. Noting any breaks or bends in
the column can also help predict possible spot fire
conditions that may result.
Smoke inversion layer elevation (optional)
Information on inversion layers is critical to air quality
and fire behavior management. Again, the top of the
layer should be reported in feet or meters above the
ground. Inversions can be identified by dark, “heavy”
bands of air that are obviously clouded by smoke. Very
often, this dense air will have an abrupt ceiling to it,
above which the air is clear. Objects of known height
can help you to accurately estimate the elevation of
that inversion layer.
Smoke column (optional)
It may be pertinent to describe the characteristics of
the smoke column. Is the column bent or leaning in a
particular direction, or does it rise straight up for sev-
eral thousand feet? Is it sheared, and if so, at what
height? What color is the column? All of this informa-
tion will help to quantify how the fire was burning and
under what atmospheric conditions. Using the guide
on the back of FMH-3A, describe the observed smoke
column characteristics and atmospheric conditions.
Use of the Smoke monitoring data sheet (FMH-3)
The Smoke monitoring data sheet (FMH-3, in Appen-
dix A) is intended for use on both wildland and pre-
scribed fires. Each box on the data sheet is divided in
two; place the time of your observation in the top por-
tion of the box, and the observation value in the lower
portion of the box. When you use this form, it is
important to note the following:
Formulas for determining appropriate highway
visibilities (variable #2 on the form) can be found
in the RX-450 Training Manual (NWCG 1997).
Monitor the number of public complaints (moni-
toring variable #4) by time interval (two to four
hours post-ignition), rather than at any specific
time. “Recordable complaints” can be monitored
via the local air quality office, park information
desk or telephone operator.
• The monitoring frequency for surface winds (vari-
able #8) should be determined by each park since
this parameter is a frequent and critical source of
data collection. At a minimum, however, collect
these data once every 24 hours. Record monitor-
ing frequencies along with wind speed in miles per
hour (mph) or meters/sec (m/s) (see Table 33,
page 209 for conversion factors).
The formula for computing total emissions pro-
duction (TEP) is found on the back of the FMH-3
form. TEP, in tons/acre is recorded under
“OTHER,” line 1. You can derive the emission
factors included in this formula from factors avail-
able in the RX-450 training manual (NWCG
Holding Options
Identify areas or features that will slow the spread of
the fire. Also identify vegetative conditions that pro-
vide for rapid fireline construction, should that
become the appropriate management response.
Resource Advisor Concerns
The Resource Advisor may indicate specific variables
that need to be observed as part of the monitoring
process. This might include fire behavior upon contact
with certain species, disturbance of wildlife, fire man-
agement impacts, etc.
Fire severity mapping (optional)
The postburn effects of a large fire are numerous and
may include plant mortality, mud slides, and flooding.
A quick assessment of the ecosystem can help you
determine whether rehabilitation measures are needed.
Managers may use this assessment to understand
future patterns of vegetation and faunal distribution.
One critical step in this analysis is burn severity map-
ping. This type of survey can be done using any of sev-
eral methods, including data from LANDSAT (White
Chapter 2 n
n Environmental and Fire Observation 15
and others 1996), or from digital cameras (Hardwick
and others 1997). For more specific information see
the Burned Area Emergency Handbook (USDA For-
est Service 1995), or call your regional or national
BAER coordinator.
Fire managers often need a summary of information
immediately following a fire. While detailed informa-
tion on fire effects are not immediately available,
detailed information regarding fire observations and
fire conditions can and should be summarized soon
after the fire. This information may be used to refine
prescriptions, strategy, and tactics over both the short
and long term. Decide in advance who is responsi-
ble for preparing this report. A fire monitor can col-
lect most of the information recommended.
Consultation with the Burn Boss or Incident Com-
mander is recommended.
Currently there is no standardized format for post
burn reporting; the following list contains items to
consider including in this report.
•Fire name
Resource numbers and type (personnel and equip-
Burn objectives
Ignition type and pattern
Holding strategy
• Fuel moisture information (e.g., 1000-hr, live woody
and herbaceous, foliar)
Drought index information
Fire behavior indices information (e.g., ERC)
Precipitation information
Test burn description
Chronology of ignition
Chronology of fire behavior
Chronology of significant events
Chronology of smoke movement and dispersal
Temperature (range, minimum and maximum)
Relative humidity (range, minimum and maximum)
Accuracy of spot weather forecast
Initial qualitative assessment of results (were short-
term objectives achieved?)
Future monitoring plan for area (e.g., plots, photo
Acres burned
Additional comments
Map of area burned
Fire weather observations data sheets
Fire behavior observations data sheets
Smoke observations data sheets
Weather station data
•Fire severity map
Fire Monitoring Handbook 16
- -
Table 2. Smoke monitoring variables (RS) with techniques, frequencies, and recommended thresholds.
Variable Location Technique Frequency Threshold
Duration of impair-
ment by distance
Vicinity of fire (high-
ways, concessions,
residential areas,
schools, etc.)
Fireline, population
• Visual estimate
• Visual estimate
• Visual estimate using
known milestones or
photographic stan-
PM-2.5/10 sampler
30 minutes
30 minutes
2 hours
24 hours/Annual
Exposure of burn crew-mem-
bers to areas of <100 ft visibility
not to exceed 2 hours
Exposure dependent on state
Minimum Acceptable Visibility
(MAV) standards
Pop. Min. distance
PM-2.5 PM-10
Duration of impair-
ment by distance;
no. people and sen
sitive areas
PM-2.5/10; amount
centers and critical • Established state
and duration
areas where smoke and agency monitor-
contribution is pre-
sumed to be signifi-
Burn site or office
ing programs
• Calculated from total Preburn estimate fol-
May be determined by state or
Total Smoke Pro-
fuel consumed lowed by postburn local permit
Tons (kilograms)/
Intensity estimate reaffirmation
unit time
• Smoke particle size–
intensity equations
• Spot weather fore- 1 hour 1500 ft above burn elevation; do
Mixing Height:
Height Tempera
cast not violate for more than 3 h or
ture Gradient
Burn site
• Mobile weather unit
• Onsite sounding
• Visual estimate
• Spot weather fore- 1 hour
past 1500 hours
5 to 7 mph at 1500 ft above burn
Transport Winds:
• Mobile weather unit
• Onsite sounding
Wind gauge held at 1 to 6 hours (depend-
elevation; do not violate for
more than 3 hours or past 1500
1 to 3 mph—day
Ground Winds:
Received at head-
eye level
• Mobile weather unit
• Written
ing upon threat to
safety and proximity
of roads)
3 to 5 mph—night
The maximum allowable num-
quarters or from an
air quality resource
• Verbal
• Badge sampler or
extrapolation with
• Dosimeter
30 minutes
ber of “recordable” complaints
per treatment, as defined by the
local air quality control district.
Exposure of burn crew mem-
bers to areas of <100 ft visibility
not to exceed 2h. If exceeded,
24 hour detoxification is
required before crew members
can return to fireline duty
CO Exposure:
ppm or duration of
visibility impair
PM-2.5 and PM-10 monitoring is mandatory only if a critical target exists within park boundaries or within 5 miles of a park boundary,
and may be impacted by smoke of unknown quantities. The controlling air quality district may provide a PM-2.5 or PM-10 monitor in
the surrounding area under any circumstances. The key is that the air quality district has the ultimate authority for determining when
particulate matter standards are violated and when land managers must take appropriate actions to comply with established district,
state and federal standards. A variety of occupational exposure limits exist, ranging from the OSHA Permissible Exposure limits to the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold limit values and the NIOSH Recommended Expo-
sure Limits.
Chapter 2 n
n Environmental and Fire Observation 17
Figure 2. Steps in a fire effects monitoring program.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 18
Developing Objectives
“You got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”
—Yogi Berra
Proper design is essential to any monitoring program.
The consequences of poor design are numerous, and
all bad. Lost time and money, unnoticed resource
deterioration, inadequate management decisions, and
reduced credibility are a few of the negative
repercussions of faulty planning and design. Take time
to design a program that will monitor the conditions
essential to meeting your management objectives.
Chapters three and four have been created to assist
you in the design of a high quality, defendable
monitoring program. By developing sound objectives
using the concepts put forth in Chapter 3, you will
build a solid foundation that will enable you to make
the necessary design decisions as covered in Chapter 4.
Natural area managers, like family physicians, should
monitor ecosystem health to prevent or identify
dysfunction and repair damage. Monitoring can tell
you the condition of the resource and detect change or
abnormal conditions. When you reintroduce a natural
process such as fire into the landscape, a monitoring
program will help you document any linkage between
the treatment and changes in resource condition, as
well as provide feedback on prescriptions and return
The fire effects monitoring program flow diagram
(Figure 2, facing page) is designed to provide a concise
reference for the entire design, implementation and
analysis process involved in establishing an effective
fire effects monitoring program. It can be used as a
guide in the design of a monitoring program. Portions
of the flowchart will be expanded and detailed in this
and following chapters.
Development of a fire effects monitoring program,
including methodology and analytical techniques, must
be preceded by the development of fire-related
resource management objectives. The reduction of
hazard fuels, for example, should logically be
accompanied by fire behavior modeling using
postburn fuels data that demonstrate that the hazard
has in fact been abated, and that the stated fuel
reduction objectives have been met. This would
logically have been preceded by an analysis of the
nature of the hazard presented by the preburn fuel
Monitoring objectives are derived from resource
management and fire management program objectives.
From this, it should be apparent that fire managers and
resource managers must work together closely to
ensure that fire, whether managed as a natural process
or as a tool, is effective in meeting resource objectives.
Fire may meet fuel reduction objectives, for example,
but cause significant unwanted resource degradation.
This handbook is organized around the development
of a monitoring program that is based on resource and
fire management objectives. Management objectives
are often misrepresented as goals (see the Glossary for
definitions of goal vs. objective). Developing clearly
articulated management objectives is a specific step
toward the accomplishment of a broader goal, and is a
critical step in any management-monitoring feedback
loop. This is true whether you use a more traditional
decision-making approach (such as those based solely
on cost, political considerations, or anecdotal
knowledge), or a more cooperative integrated
approach such as adaptive management (see below).
Management objectives serve as the foundation for all
activities that follow, including the proposed
management activity, monitoring, evaluation and
alternative management.
Objectives should be:
Realistic and achievable. Create objectives that
are biologically meaningful and achievable within
the bounds of management possibilities. In addi-
tion, if you have multiple objectives, make sure
that they do not conflict. For example, you may
have trouble meeting both of the following objec-
tives: 1) dramatically reducing fuel load and 2)
maintaining all your overstory trees.
Specific and measurable. Your objectives
should be quantifiable (measurable). They should
also identify a target/threshold condition or
include the amount and direction of change
desired. Specific quantitative elements will allow
you to evaluate the success or failure of your man-
Clearly articulated and focused. Write clear
objectives that contain all the components
described on pages 22 (management) and 23
(monitoring), and presented in Figure 3. Clear and
focused objectives will allow current and future
stakeholders to have focused discussions regard-
ing the desired state of the resource.
Figure 3. Steps in developing management and monitoring
The key elements of an objective are highlighted in red.
Adaptive Management
Adaptive management is an iterative process—
planning, action, monitoring, evaluation, and
adjustment—which uses the results of management
actions as observations that help develop an enhanced
understanding of ecosystem response, in this case, the
effects of fire. Adaptive management is learning by
Adaptive management requires input from many
sources. By incorporating the views and knowledge of
all stakeholders—citizens, administrators, managers,
researchers—you create a working dialogue. In
establishing a working dialogue, you can articulate
sound management objectives, increase your ability to
implement management, gather reliable knowledge of
Fire Monitoring Handbook 20
all elements in the natural system of concern, and
make adjustments to management actions.
The adaptive process requires integrating the concepts
of observation, uncertainty, and surprise. Ideally, the
result will be not a single optimal state but a range of
outcomes, acceptable to all stakeholders, that avoid
irreversible negative effects on a highly valued resource
from the use of fire as a management tool.
Keep in mind that the process of setting objectives is a
dynamic process, and must include responses to new
information. It may be difficult to establish measurable
objectives due to lack of knowledge about a portion or
portions of the population, community or ecosystem
in question. Managers should use the best of available
information, and focus on creating knowledge-based,
measurable objectives.
Management Objectives and
Adaptive Management
As you learn more about the vegetative response to
fire, you will begin to have a better idea of the specifics
of the target/threshold conditions and how achievable
your objectives are. It is important to remember that
both management and monitoring objectives need
revisiting as a program evolves (see page 133).
As shown in the fire effects monitoring flow diagram
(Figure 2, page 18), as a general guide, objectives
should be reconsidered at least twice in a monitoring
cycle—this is the adaptive management approach (see
below, or review the references on page 238, Appendix
Planning Documents
The process of moving from broad, policy-related
goals to specific, quantifiable management objectives
can require steps at many levels. The steps taken to get
from tier to tier will vary from agency to agency, as
well as from park to park. Different methods will be
used to move through the “grey zone” from broad
goal to specific management objective. Prescribed fire
programs, and their objectives, are part of a larger,
multi-tiered framework of goals, target/threshold
conditions, strategies and objectives stated in the
General Management Plan (GMP), Resource
Management Plan (RMP), and Fire Management Plan
(FMP) for your unit.
The development of management objectives begins
with the policy and regulations that guide the agency.
Monitoring program managers may not refer to these
documents directly, but are familiar with their general
content. Guidelines and laws, such as the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National
Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and policy
guidelines established by a specific agency drive the
development of goals put forth in General
Management Plans and other management statements.
Again, these goals are expressed in broad terms.
A Resource Management Plan (RMP) and other
resource related documents (e.g., an ecological model
of the resource) will identify target/threshold
conditions, as well as problems that may prevent
managers from reaching the stated goals. What are the
problems that prevent managers from protecting and
perpetuating natural, scenic and cultural resources?
What impediments block managers from restoring
biological diversity? What is the target/threshold
condition or state of a forest stand or landscape unit?
A Fire Management Plan (FMP) outlines the strategy
of using fire to achieve the target/threshold
conditions. From the FMP, you will create specific fire
management objectives that will set measurable
criteria. The accompanying objective variables will
help you assess the effectiveness of treatment with
prescribed fire to meet those objectives.
Resource Management Plan
The need for prescribed fire, and what it should
accomplish, must be stated at least generally in the
RMP. This, in turn, should be supported by fire
ecology information which guides the development of
the FMP.
Perceived weaknesses in the value of monitoring data
may be due more to the lack of clarity of program
objectives than to flaws in the monitoring system.
Monitoring systems cannot be designed to monitor
everything, nor can they (without great cost) monitor
many things with a high degree of confidence.
Therefore, the value of monitoring is directly related to
a well-defined management objective.
Fire monitoring plan
The fire monitoring plan is where you record the
background information used to define your
management objectives, as well as additional planning
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 21
information needed to drive your monitoring program.
The plan will include an ecological model that provides
a summary of what is known, as well as gaps in
knowledge, about the ecology of each species being
monitored (see page 225, Appendix F, for more
information on these models). The monitoring plan
should also include how management will respond if
you do not meet your objectives. Include in this
planning process any person who could influence a
change in management, both within the park and
external to the park. Create your plan with input from
fire and resources management specialists and field
technicians, and have it reviewed by your regional fire
effects program coordinator. The outline provided in
Appendix F should help you to develop an organized
plan for your park. RM-18 requires that all NPS
units applying prescribed fire must prepare a fire
monitoring plan (USDI NPS 2001a), regardless of
whether they use the protocols outlined in this
Management Objective Components
Your planning documents should contain four key
components needed to create well-articulated
management objectives.
Target population
•Time frame
Amount and direction of change or target/threshold
Target population—monitoring type
Identify the target population, or portion of a
population, to be monitored.
Carefully define the groups to be examined (e.g.,
species or group of species).
Define the individuals to be included (e.g., should
you monitor every age class of all tree species in a
vegetation association or should you monitor only
the seedlings of a particular species?).
Determine the geographic boundaries of interest
(for example, is the fuel load along the park
boundary the only fuel load of interest, or should
you collect data on fuels within one vegetation
association throughout the entire park?).
Identifying the target population provides a
quantitative picture of a plant association being
influenced by fire. It is the first step to creating a
monitoring type description (see Glossary). The
discussion on defining monitoring types begins on
page 34.
A five-year burn plan can be a starting point for
defining monitoring types. It will also play a role in
scheduling plot installation (see page 55). Burn units
identified in the five-year burn plan will help you
identify the target populations and the vegetation types
that are a high priority for monitoring type creation.
Time frame
Delineate the time frame for monitoring change. Use a
time frame that is realistic biologically (how rapidly will
the resource respond to fire?), as well as in terms of
management (how quickly can alternatives be
implemented in response to the trends indicated?).
The life history of the target organism will also help
you determine an appropriate time frame. In general,
long-lived, stable species will have longer monitoring
periods than short-lived, sensitive species. Also
consider the risk of rapid decline of a population,
either through loss of rare species or the establishment
of non-native competition.
Amount and direction of change or target/threshold
Define the range of change (positive, negative, or no
change) you want to see or are willing to accept, or
state the actual target/threshold condition defined by
your management objectives. Again, the life history of
your target species and biology will dictate how much
change is possible and necessary. Because our
knowledge of fire ecology is poor for many plants and
plant associations, this is often the most difficult step
in this process. However, once you have determined
the direction of desirable change, determine a range of
acceptable target levels.
Examples may include:
Reduce mean (average) total non-native species
cover by 50–75%
Maintain mean overstory tree density to within
10% of preburn
Reduce mean total fuel load to less than 20 tons
per acre
Increase the mean density of desired tree seed-
lings to 500 per hectare
Fire Monitoring Handbook 22
Indicate what you will count or measure in your
monitoring program. Describe the specific attribute
that the prescribed treatment will change or maintain.
When choosing a variable, consider the morphology
and life history of the species. Counting extremely
small, numerous individuals of a species may prove
costly, and because it is virtually impossible to do
accurately, variation in results may be an artifact of
sampling rather than a meaningful observation.
Examples of variables may include:
Fuel load—this can be broken down into size
classes or considered in total
Percent scorch or percent mortality
Density, frequency, relative or percent cover of a
given species or group of species
Height of a given tree species, group of species
(by height class) or total understory
(See page 41 for additional variables)
Types of Management Objectives
Management objectives fall into two broad types,
change and condition. Each type of objective will
require different considerations for monitoring
objectives (page 23) and data analysis (page 130).
Change objectives
Use this type of objective when you want to track
relative change in a variable over time. This type of
objective is used when the trend over time is more
important than the specific current or future state, e.g.,
a reduction of 40% may be more important than a
decline to 500 individuals per hectare.
The critical elements are highlighted:
In the pine-oak forest monitoring type, we want
to reduce the mean total fuel load by 50–80%
within one year of the initial prescribed fire.
We want to increase the mean percent cover of
native perennial grasses by at least 40%, in
tallgrass prairie, 10 years after the initial applica-
tion of prescribed fire.
Condition objectives
Use this type of objective when you have enough
information to describe a specific target/threshold
condition. Here you will measure your success by
considering whether your variable reaches a target or
The critical elements are highlighted:
Within the cypress savanna monitoring type, we
want to decrease the mean density of
dium distichum
to less than 200 individuals per
hectare within six months postburn.
In the ponderosa pine forest monitoring type,
we want to maintain a mean density of 90–120
overstory trees per hectare within five years of
the initial prescribed fire.
Monitoring objectives differ from management
objectives in that management objectives describe the
target/threshold or change in the condition desired,
while monitoring objectives describe how to monitor
progress toward that condition or change. Monitoring
objectives contain explicit statements about the
certainty of your results.
Development of sound monitoring objectives is a
critical step in any monitoring program. A common
mistake is for managers to collect data first and rely on
statistics to generate a question or objective later.
Managers almost always need to rely upon incomplete
information to make decisions. Statistics can help
managers make decisions based on available
information. A carefully planned monitoring design
can ensure that you gather the data required for using
statistics appropriately to guide decision-making. Your
monitoring objectives will specify how certain you
want to be in your results.
For any monitoring program, a high degree of
certainty is desirable. Keep in mind, however, that
increased certainty often means increased money and
time. Fiscal and time limitations may restrict the
amount of sampling (number of plots), so you will
need to balance desired certainty with feasibility.
Sampling Principles
A true population value exists for every monitoring
variable. Measuring the entire population would reveal
the true value, but would likely be cost-prohibitive.
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 23
Sampling procedures provide a method for reasonably
estimating these true values by measuring an adequate
portion of the population. The scientific method
provides a sound way to obtain a sample sufficient to
allow inferences to be made to larger populations. In
other words, when proper sampling procedures are
followed, data from monitoring plots (sample) are
used to infer results for the monitoring type as a whole
In most cases the entire population of interest cannot
be measured to determine the true population mean.
Since it is possible to determine the certainty with
which the sample estimates the true population value,
the protocols in this handbook involve sampling a
portion of the population. The greater the variability in
the sample data, the more uncertainty exists in the
estimation of true population values and differences
among populations. Generally, the larger the sample
size (number of plots), the greater the certainty.
The aggregate of all monitoring plots for a
particular monitoring type constitutes a sample.
An example of the layout of a sample is shown in
Figure 4. All monitoring plots within a given sample
are analyzed as a single data set. Monitoring plots are
randomly distributed throughout each significant
monitoring type occurring within the burn units that
are scheduled for burning within the next five years.
Due to fiscal and physical constraints, you cannot
install the number of plots needed for a high degree of
certainty (in the results) for every fire, or for every RS
variable. The use of a sample is specifically designed to
eliminate the need for plots in every prescribed burn
unit; this body of data should represent a large number
of burns and thus lessen the total amount of data
The sample database should not be used for
quantitative assessments of immediate postburn
effects or long-term change until all monitoring plots
comprising the sample have been treated. However,
analysis of those plots treated first can help you to
fine-tune your protocols, as well as to examine how
well you defined your monitoring type. Realistically,
depending on your burn schedule, it could take more
than five years to complete the immediate postburn
effects databases for a sample.
Figure 4. Graphical representation of a sample (all seven
monitoring plots combined).
Scientific method
Using the scientific method, sampling must follow
three principles: objectivity, replication, and
Objectivity—To be objective, or unbiased, sampling
must be random with respect to the question or
Plots are located randomly within monitoring types
(areas of relatively homogenous vegetation and fuel).
They are not, however, located randomly in all possi-
ble areas within a monitoring type, because only the
areas planned for prescribed burning are addressed
by the monitoring objectives. Locating plots in areas
that you do not plan on burning would be impractical
and would fail to serve the purpose of the monitor-
ing program. Finally, your monitoring type descrip-
tions should be written to limit the amount of
subjectivity in locating plots.
Replication—A replicated study includes sampling of
multiple units; measurement and treatment methods
are the same among sampling units.
Information from one monitoring plot, or from
multiple plots in one prescribed burn unit, will not
provide sufficient information about the effects of
prescribed fire. Additionally, measuring brush density
in a 1 m belt transect in one plot and a different belt
width in another would introduce variability in sam-
pling that could seriously confound the results. Simi-
larly, burning one plot, mowing another, and then
combining the data from the two, would not yield
clear results for either treatment.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 24
Representativeness—To be representative, the
observations or individuals measured must reflect the
population of interest.
Locating plots in areas that do not fit the monitoring
type would mean that the sample would not reveal
anything about fire effects in that monitoring type.
If these sampling principles are followed, then the
results from the sample can be used in inferential
statistics. This type of statistics attempts to provide
information about populations from information
gathered from a relatively small sample that has a
certain degree of variability.
In order to make inferences from the sample to the
larger population you must collect a sample that will
sufficiently estimate the population parameter of
interest as well as be objective, representative and
replicated. Knowing the variability of the data reveals
something about how good the sample (or estimate of
the population mean) is. If the data are not highly
variable (i.e., values for an objective variable, or
differences in these values over time, are very similar
from plot to plot), then it is likely that the sample mean
is a good estimate of the population mean. Highly
variable data (i.e., values for an objective variable, or
differences in these values over time, are very different
from plot to plot) means that it is less certain that our
sample mean is a good representation of the
population mean.
In either case, once you know the variability of your
data, you can calculate how many plots you need to
establish to provide a good estimate of the population
mean. If the natural variability of an objective variable
is high, then you will usually need more plots to
describe that variability. If the variability is low, then
you will find that fewer plots are sufficient to obtain a
reasonable estimate of the population mean.
Determining the minimum sample size based on
estimates of the population variability is discussed on
page 49.
Certainty Decisions
In designing a monitoring program, you will need to
make several choices related to certainty for each
objective variable, depending on the type of
management objective (condition or change (see page
23)). Make these choices carefully, because they will be
used to determine how many plots you will need to
achieve the desired certainty.
Change objectives
For change objectives, you want to determine whether
a change in the population of interest has taken place
between two time periods (for example, between
preburn and year-1 postburn). For change-related
management objectives, the monitoring objective will
The minimum detectable change desired
A chosen level of power
A chosen significance level (alpha)
You will use these later to calculate the minimum
sample size needed to detect the desired change.
Minimum detectable change—The size or amount
of change that you want to be able to detect between
two time periods is called the minimum detectable
change (MDC). You need to determine how much of a
change is biologically meaningful for the population of
interest. Is a 10% change meaningful? 30%? 50%?
80%? Your management objectives should provide the
specific quantifiable levels of change desired. Looking
at these objectives, use the low end of a range of values
for your MDC. For example, if your management
objective states that you want to see a 50–80% change,
use 50% as the MDC.
The initial level of minimum detectable change, set
during the design phase, can be modified once
monitoring or new research provides information
about the size and rate of fluctuations of the
population. For example, you may discover that the
10% decrease in the mean percent cover of the
“nonnative” species you choose was not biologically
significant. This information might have come from
recent research that found the percent cover of this
species can fluctuate by more than 30% a year based
on weather conditions alone.
Minimum Detectable Change
If you choose a minimum detectable change amount of
less than 30%, consider reevaluating this decision.
Extremely variable populations may require a larger
sample than you can afford in order to detect these low
levels of change.
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 25
PowerThe amount of certainty that you want to
have in detecting a particular change is called power
(see page 127). You must determine how certain you
want to be of observing the desired minimum
detectable change.
Significance level—The probability that an apparent
difference occurred simply due to random variability is
called the level of significance, or α (alpha). You need
to decide the acceptable probability that the observed
difference was obtained by chance and is therefore not
attributable to the treatment.
These monitoring objectives are based on the exam-
ples of change management objectives on page 23;
the critical elements are highlighted:
In the pine-oak forest monitoring type, we want
to be 80% certain of detecting a 50% reduction
in the mean total fuel load within 10 years of the
initial prescribed fire. We are also willing to accept
a 20% chance of saying that a 50% reduction
took place when it did not.
Here: power = 80%, MDC = -50%, and α = 20%
In the tallgrass prairie monitoring type, we want to
be 95% certain of detecting a 40% increase in
the mean percent cover of native perennial grasses
within ten years of the first burn. We are willing to
accept a 5% chance of saying that a 40% increase
took place when it did not.
Here: power = 95%, MDC = +40%, and α = 5%
Condition objectives
If you want to determine whether the population of
interest achieves a stated condition, either a target or a
threshold, then you will use confidence intervals to
determine whether your objectives have been met. For
condition objectives the monitoring objective will
The confidence level (i.e., the likelihood that the
confidence interval contains the true population
value, e.g., 80% or 95%)
The desired precision level (closeness with which
the true population value is estimated)
You will use these later to calculate the minimum
sample size needed to ensure a certain probability that
your preburn and postburn sample means are within a
given percentage of the true preburn and postburn
These monitoring objectives are based on the exam-
ples of condition management objectives on page 23;
critical elements are highlighted:
Within the cypress savanna monitoring type, we
want to be 90% confident that the sample mean,
within six months postburn, of Taxodium distichum
density is within 25% of a true mean of less than
200 individuals per hectare.
Within the ponderosa pine monitoring type, we
want to be 80% confident that the sample mean,
preburn and five years postburn, of overstory tree
density is within 25% of a true mean of 90–120
trees per hectare.
Confidence intervals—Certainty can be expressed
statistically by confidence intervals. A confidence
interval is a range of values that has a stated probability
of including the true population value for a variable.
This range of values, or confidence interval, is like a
measurement target with a certain probability that the
estimated true population mean falls somewhere on
the target.
A 95% confidence interval is a range of variable val-
ues which has a 95% probability of including the true
population value, i.e., approximately 19 out of 20
times (see Figure 5). An 80% confidence interval
means that there is an 80% probability that our con-
fidence interval includes the true mean value, i.e.,
approximately 16 out of 20 times (see Figure 6).
The mean value for a variable obtained from a sample
(all plots in a monitoring type) will always be located in
the center of this interval. The lower and upper ends
of the confidence interval are sometimes referred to as
confidence limits.
In the design of a monitoring program, you will need
to make two choices related to certainty for each
objective variable: the confidence level, and the desired
precision associated with the confidence interval.
These choices must be made carefully, because they
Fire Monitoring Handbook 26
will be used to determine how many plots are needed
to achieve the desired certainty.
Confidence level—The confidence level is the
selected probability for the confidence interval (95%,
90%, or 80%). This level indicates the probability that
the confidence interval will include the estimated true
population mean (in other words, the probability of
“hitting the measurement target”). A critical
management decision involving ecologically or
politically sensitive species requires a high level of
confidence. For less sensitive decisions, managers
often may be willing to accept less certainty. General
guidelines for choosing the confidence level are as
Choose an 80% confidence level for most objec-
tive variables.
Choose a 90% or 95% confidence level if the
objective variable is potentially sensitive, or when
being confident of the monitoring results is criti-
cal (e.g., when a vital management issue is
involved, such as that regarding an endangered
For a given sample size, the confidence level and
confidence interval width are directly proportional.
This means that if the confidence level increases
(increased probability of hitting the measurement
target), then the confidence interval is wider. Likewise,
if the confidence interval width is more narrow, it is
less likely that the target will be hit (lower level of
confidence) (see Figure 7).
Figure 5. 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 6. 80% confidence intervals.
There are two ways to increase confidence level
and reduce confidence interval width: increase the
sample size or decrease the standard deviation
(see Sampling Design Alternatives, page 48). Choosing
a confidence level and desired precision of the mean
will be used to calculate the number of plots needed to
achieve the desired certainty of the results.
Desired precision level—In addition to the
confidence level, managers must decide on the
precision of the estimate. The precision of a sample
statistic is the closeness with which it estimates the
true population value (Zar 1996). Do not confuse it
with the precision of a measurement, which is the
closeness of repeated measurements to each other.
The desired precision level is expressed as the width of
the maximum acceptable confidence interval. In the
Figure 7. Comparing 80% and 95% confidence interval
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 27
case of most objective variables, the desired precision
level indicates how close the sample value is likely to
be to the true population value.
In the FMH software (Sydoriak 2001), the desired level
of precision is chosen by selecting a percentage of the
estimated population mean (e.g., must be <
25%). This
means that you are willing to accept a certain range
around the estimated value (e.g., the true mean is
within 25% of the estimated mean).
The precision selected should be related to the
need to have very close estimates of the true
population mean. General guidelines for choosing
the desired precision are as follows:
Choose 25% precision for most objective vari-
ables when the exact values are not critical; if small
changes are not of a concern, then being within
25% of the true mean is probably sufficient.
Choose 5–20% precision if the estimated mean
must be within a small percentage of the true pop-
ulation mean (e.g., if a populations survival
depends on only slight changes).
In a deciduous northeast woodland, the sample mean
for the density of understory shrubs in 10 plots is
480 individuals per hectare. Managers need to be
accurate in their density estimates, because density is
a critical element of habitat suitability for the golden-
winged warbler, a species of concern. To keep sam-
pling costs down, but still collect data with a high
precision level, managers chose a confidence interval
width of 20% of the estimated true mean. In this
case, the acceptable confidence interval width is
within 96 individuals per hectare (plus or minus) of
the estimated true population mean. If the golden-
winged warbler, or any other species of concern, did
not inhabit this woodland, managers could use a
wider confidence interval width.
For the purposes of this monitoring program, the
desired precision cannot be greater than 25% of the
estimated population mean.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 28
Objective Variables
The Recommended Standard (RS) variables for
monitoring short-term and long-term change (levels 3
and 4) in the three plot types are outlined in Chapter
4 (see page 41). While each of these variables should
be monitored, you do not need to measure each with a
high level of certainty. A minimum level of certainty is
required, however, for a variable derived from each
management objective—a variable called the objective
variable (see Glossary).
If your primary management concern is to increase
the dominance of a suppressed shrub species, you
might choose only the percent cover of that species
for a high level of certainty, even though it is not the
dominant species in the preburn environment. You
would then use only this variable to calculate your
sample size. So the relationship between your objec-
tives and your objective variable might look like this:
Management objective: We want to see a 40%
increase in the mean percent cover of all hazel spe-
cies (Corylus spp.), in eastern white pine forest, 5
years after the application of prescribed fire.
Monitoring objective: We want to be 80% sure
of detecting a 40% change in the mean percent
cover of all hazel species (Corylus spp.), 5 years
after the application of prescribed fire and we are
willing to accept a 20% chance of saying a change
took place when it really didn’t.
Objective variable: mean percent cover of all
hazel species (Corylus spp.).
You should monitor all the objective variables
contained within your monitoring objectives. Your
park natural resource specialist or ecologist, or a local
person with that expertise, is responsible for
identifying and defining the monitoring type, and for
creating monitoring objectives from your management
objectives. If local staff do not have the expertise
needed to make these decisions, you should seek
outside assistance.
Objective Variables
Not Covered by this Handbook
Your park’s fire management plan may specify
objectives that call for variables not discussed in this
handbook; for example: Increase the population of
raptors in all grasslands to >500 individuals. If park
management chooses objective variables that are
not covered in this handbook, you will need to
develop appropriate sampling methods. Appendix
G lists several monitoring references for other
sampling methods for organisms of special
management concern (e.g., forest insects and
pathogens, birds, reptiles, and mammals). These
references are limited, but should serve as a useful
guide. Take care to develop such customized
monitoring or research systems with the assistance of
subject-matter experts.
In addition, when choosing objective variables not
covered in this handbook, keep in mind that some
protocols may lend themselves to being sampled in
association with fire effects monitoring plots, e.g.,
songbird point counts. Integrating objective variables
as much as possible can be efficient and cost-effective.
Examples of Objective Variables
The objective variable that you choose should be the
most efficient measure of the change that you are
trying to achieve. The following are some potential
objective variables, some of which are recommended
(RS) variables (see Table 3, page 42).
Grasslands-brush—Percent cover for each of the
three most dominant species; percent non-native
species; density of shrub species.
Forest-woodland—Density of three most dominant
overstory trees; density of two dominant understory
trees; total fuel load; or any of those mentioned under
Biological diversitySpecies richness; diversity
Animal population dynamics—Birth-death rates;
number of individuals; size and shape of territory.
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 29
Rare species occurrence—Number of individuals;
reproductive rates; dispersion. These types of variables
will be important if you are trying to enhance the
habitat of a rare species by burning.
Plant mortality and recruitment—Death and
establishment rates of selected plant species. These
variables could be very important in attempts to
encourage or discourage particular species.
The objective variables you chose to measure will
determine the sample size, and therefore labor costs,
for your monitoring program. Where there is a great
deal of variability among plots, a sparsely distributed
species, or a need for a high level of precision or
confidence in the results, the total number of plots
might be very high (see page 49 for a discussion of
minimum sample size).
The following discussion will help you decide whether
to use density, cover or frequency for your objective
variable. This section also includes a discussion of the
point intercept method for measuring cover. Change
in all three of these variables may be expressed in
absolute or relative terms, e.g., percent cover and
relative cover. Use absolute values when you are
looking at how a variable changes on a per unit area or
sample basis. Use relative values when you are looking
at changes as a proportion of the total.
Density is the number of individuals per unit area.
Density, used to estimate the abundance of a particular
species, is one of the most useful vegetational
attributes. Density is independent of cover, the
proportion of area covered by vegetation. For
example, two shrub species could have the same
percent cover where one consists of many small
individuals (high density) and the other of few large
individuals (low density). The adequacy of the sample
size for density measurements is dependent on the
shape and size of the plot used. Rectangular plots are
best to minimize the variation within plots for plants
with a clumped distribution. Since most plants grow in
clumps, rectangular plots may be your best bet. To
minimize the edge effect of non-circular plots,
establish an edge rule, e.g., 50% of the rooted base
must lie within the plot, or count plants with rooted
bases on one edge of the plot, but not those on the
opposing edge.
Advantages of using density as an objective
Density can be used to determine if the number of
individuals of a particular species is increasing or
Density is an easily understood vegetational
If individuals are distinguishable, density measure-
ments are repeatable over time.
Density is useful for monitoring threatened, endan-
gered, or sensitive plant species, because it samples
the number of individuals per unit area.
• Density is useful when comparing similar life forms,
e.g., two species of shrubs that are approximately the
same size.
Limitations of density measurements
• In some species, it can be hard to identify an individ-
ual. This is especially true for species that are capable
of vegetative reproduction, e.g., rhizomatous plants.
For such plants, measure stem density instead of the
number of individuals. No matter which is chosen,
the individual unit of interest must be objectively
identified and must remain the same throughout the
duration of the monitoring effort.
Because plant species vary in size, density measures
lose a large amount of information about the plant
community being studied. For example, two species
may have identical densities, but the species that is
larger in size will appear to have the greater ecologi-
cal importance.
Comparisons between densities of different growth
forms are meaningless; for example, densities of
trees and forbs cannot be compared.
Seedling density, especially for herbaceous species, is
directly related to environmental conditions, which
can lead to misinterpretations of both positive and
negative trends.
Cover is an important vegetational attribute to which
ecologists have applied a wide range of meanings. One
of the most commonly used types of cover is canopy
cover, which is expressed as a percentage of the total
area measured, and defined as the vertical projection
of vegetation onto the ground surface, when viewed
from above. It is used in various ways to determine the
contribution each species makes to a particular plant
community. Cover measurement can provide a
quantitative and rapid measure for species that cannot
be effectively measured by density or biomass.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 30
Note: Typically, canopy cover of trees is assumed to
correlate with basal area or DBH. Relative dominance
also is used as a synonym for relative basal area or
relative cover.
Advantages of using cover as an objective variable
Cover is one of the most widely used measures of
plant abundance because it is not biased by the size
or the distribution of the individuals.
Cover provides a good indication of the relative
influence of a species.
Cover measurements can be used for species in
which identification of individuals is difficult.
Limitations of cover measurements
• Cover, in herbaceous plants in particular, is very sen-
sitive to changes in climatic and biotic factors.
Cover measurements favor species with larger leaves
or spreading growth forms. Additionally, species that
hold their leaves horizontally will have higher cover
values than species with acute or obtuse leaf angles.
Because cover does not measure individuals, it does
not readily indicate changes in recruitment or mor-
Frequency is a measure of the abundance and
distribution of a species. Frequency is the percentage
of all sampling units for which the canopy of a species
is present. Frequency is best measured by nested plots,
because it is very sensitive to plant size, dispersal
patterns and density. The point intercept method does
not measure frequency in the true sense of the word,
nor is it the best method to measure this variable.
Frequency is useful for monitoring changes in
vegetation over time, and for making comparisons
among different plant communities. Since it is a
variable that is not easily visualized across the
landscape, you should use it in addition to–but not in
place of–biomass, cover, or density.
Advantages of using frequency as an objective
Frequency sampling is highly repeatable, because it is
easier to determine presence or absence within a plot
than to measure cover or density.
Frequency is a quick and inexpensive way to gather
statistical evidence of change in vegetation.
Frequency is very sensitive to invasions of undesir-
able species.
Frequency is also very sensitive to relative change
over time for key species.
Limitations of frequency measurements
• Frequency is influenced by the size and shape of the
quadrat used. What is an appropriate size for one
species will not be for another; thus nested quadrats
should be used in most frequency sampling. With
inappropriate plot shape and size, frequency can eas-
ily be over- or underestimated.
To accurately determine change, the frequency for
the species in question must be between 20% and
80% (some say 30–70%).
Frequency is very sensitive to changes that occur due
to seedling establishment. This can be offset by col-
lecting seedling information separately.
Frequency is sensitive to changes in plant distribu-
tion in the sampled area, which hinders interpreta-
tion of changes.
Interpretation of change is difficult because of the
inability of the observer to determine what attribute
of the vegetation changed. Frequency cannot tell you
if the change was due to change in basal area, plant
size, density, or pattern of distribution.
The point intercept method uses the contact of a point
to measure cover. Many variations on this method
have been used to obtain estimates that are both
statistically sound and economically efficient. The
method used in this handbook is one such variation.
The theory behind this method is that if an infinite
number of points are placed in a two-dimensional area,
the exact cover of a plant species can be determined by
counting the number of points that hit that species.
This method then estimates the values from the
infinite number of points through the use of a sample
number of points.
Advantages of Using the Point Intercept Method
This is considered the most objective way to mea-
sure cover—either a plant contacts the point or it
does not.
Point intercept sampling is highly repeatable.
This method is more precise than cover estimates
using quadrats.
Point intercept sampling is more efficient than line
intercept techniques, especially for herbaceous vege-
This is the best method for determining the cover of
the more dominant species.
A minimum of training is needed to show field tech-
nicians how to lay out and read point intercept
Chapter 3 n
n Developing Objectives 31
Limitations of the Point Intercept Method
Sampling errors can occur if the pin is not lowered
plumb to the ground.
Rare species with low cover values are often under-
Wind increases the time required for sampling.
A large sample size is often required to obtain rea-
sonable accuracy and precision, especially for species
with low cover values.
The technique can be slow.
Use of the point intercept method is difficult in tall
vegetation types, because the “point” needs to be
taller than the vegetation.
For an excellent reference on other methods of
measuring cover, and guidelines for when they are
appropriate, see Elzinga and others (1998 and 2001).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 32
Monitoring Program Design
“To the person who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail.”
—Abraham Maslow
At the onset of the design of a monitoring program,
you will need to make a few basic decisions (see
Figure 8):
• Which attribute will best indicate whether each of
your management objectives (see page 20) was
met? Identifying this attribute, or objective vari-
able (see page 29), is a critical step in creating a
monitoring objective.
What is the appropriate size and shape of each
sampling unit? See page 44 (Plot specifications)
for more details.
How many plots do you need to monitor? See
page 49 (Calculating minimum sample size) for
more details.
You will make these decisions for each monitoring
type based on site-specific information and site-spe-
cific objectives. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-
all monitoring.
Once you have formulated a design, you can refine it
based on pilot sampling (see page 43). Pilot sampling
may reveal that it is impossible to address your objec-
tives within the time and money constraints of your
monitoring program. In such an instance, you could
refine your design in any of four ways:
Change the type of monitoring to a less resource-
intensive type (which will have less statistical cer-
tainty), perhaps one that is more qualitative or
semi-quantitative (e.g., photo monitoring, cover or
density classes).
• Narrow the definition of the monitoring type (see
Glossary) and create two or more monitoring
types (e.g., split mixed grass prairie into Hesper-
ostipa comataCarex filifolia and Bouteloua curtipen-
dulaNassella viridula herbaceous vegetation
Change the monitoring objectives (see page 23) to
less precisely estimate the variable on which your
minimum sample size is based, or modify them to
detect only larger changes.
Modify your management objective so that you
can choose to measure a different vegetational
Are your data
highly variable?
Develop monitoring objectives
Run minimum plot analysis
Revise monitoring type
monitoring method
Continue data collection as
per your monitoring protocols
Define monitoring types
& write descriptions
Establish plot protocols
and specifications
Conduct pilot sampling
Are plot sizes
and specifications
Figure 8. Steps in creating and refining monitoring type descriptions.
Monitoring Types
Monitoring Types
Using Chapter 3 as a general guide, you have worked
your way through the development of management
and monitoring objectives in the fire effects monitor-
ing flowchart (Figure 2, page 18). Once you have clear,
measurable objectives, your next step is to define the
population that you will monitor. For the purposes of
this handbook, this population is called a monitoring
A monitoring type is a major fuel-vegetation complex
or vegetation association that is treated with a particu-
lar burn prescription (which includes the season of the
burn), or a combination of a burn prescription and a
mechanical or other treatment, e.g., browsing, grazing,
herbicide, seeding, or thinning. For example, a moni-
toring type could be defined as: a red pine dominated
50% of the mean total basal area) conifer forest, fuel
model 9, burned in the spring during green-up.
Defining a monitoring type requires considerable judg-
ment. It should be done after careful field reconnais-
sance and in consultation with a fire or vegetation
ecologist. The process as defined in this handbook
calls for stratifying monitoring types by selecting
appropriate defining and rejecting criteria.
Each monitoring type must be relatively homoge-
neous. If a monitoring type is not homogeneous, its
high level of variability will likely indicate the need for
a unreasonably high number of monitoring plots.
However, if a monitoring type includes vegetational
complexes of similar composition spread across a
changing landscape, then it might include a range of
stand densities, structure, fuel load, understory, and
herbaceous associates.
If a monitoring type includes vegetation complexes of
similar species composition, but the conditions that
relate to your management objectives (e.g., fuel load)
vary across the type, then there are two ways to reduce
statistical variability:
You can create highly variable monitoring types
that may require a large number of plots within
each monitoring type to pick up the within-sample
variability. However, this may reduce the total
number of plots that are rejected in the field.
You can create strictly homogeneous monitoring
types that can decrease the sample size within a
type, but could dramatically increase the total
number of plots needed to monitor the greater
number of monitoring types being used.
Two types of white pine forest are intermingled
throughout a park, one dominated primarily by white
pine, and another with a mixture of eastern hemlock
and hardwoods. The management objective for both
plant associations is to create a forest with a mean
density of overstory white pine between 75–110 indi-
viduals per hectare within 50 years of the initial treat-
ment. Park managers may want to consider lumping
these two plant associations together into one moni-
toring type. Lumping these two associations will
probably reduce monitoring costs by decreasing the
total number of plots and by increasing sampling
efficiency, as monitors will be less likely to reject
plots that contain the intermingled forest types.
Define the minimum number of monitoring types that
will represent the major fuel-vegetation complexes or
vegetation associations within the units that you will
manage using prescribed fire. Try to resist the tempta-
tion to identify all possible types. A park of moderate
topographic and vegetational complexity could easily
have 50 to 100 possible types using the criteria listed
above; however, this creates an impractical monitoring
design. The necessary compromise should be devel-
oped with the assistance of a vegetation management
specialist and/or fire ecologist. You will then further
refine each monitoring type through pilot sampling
(see page 43).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 34
Monitoring Types
In the interest of efficiency, start with highly variable
monitoring types, and then divide them if necessary.
Start by delineating a type where your objectives are
the same or similar. Then, look at the variability of
your objective variables within that type. If there is a
wide range of values for these objective variables, then
it may be wise to further divide your type. If not, keep
the type as is.
If you know of another park that has similar vegetation
types, management objectives, burn prescriptions, etc.,
consider using that monitoring type description,
including any changes necessary to compensate for
local differences. This can potentially reduce the total
number of plots needed in each park. If another park
has similar vegetation types, but different objectives,
you should at least review their monitoring type
descriptions to see where your similarities lie.
Step 1: Establish Selection Criteria
The first step is to establish the specific criteria used to
identify each monitoring type. By defining selection
criteria, monitors can determine whether each ran-
domly selected monitoring plot is truly representative
of the type. Defining criteria quantitatively (e.g., >75%
basal area of table mountain pine with <30% white
oak; or >60% cover of blackbrush with <10% cover
of Joshua tree) should permit a qualitative or even
quantitative comparison of trends among monitoring
types or even among similar monitoring types from
different parks.
Types may be differentiated on the basis of one or a
combination of the following elements:
Vegetation composition
Vegetation composition is defined, according to a fed-
eral standard (FGDC 1996), by the mixture of plant
species that form a community. Plant community is a
general term that can be applied to any vegetation unit,
from the regional to the very local. A qualified
resource manager or researcher establish the range and
limits of compositional variability for any named plant
community (e.g., association, alliance). Examples are
Quercus gambeliiAmelanchier alnifolia shrubland associa-
tion, Danthonia intermedia-Solidago multiradiata herba-
ceous vegetation association, and Quercus virginiana-
Sabal palmetto forest alliance. For the current list of fed-
eral standard plant associations, see The Nature Con-
servancy (1998) on the subject.
Vegetation structure
Vegetation structure refers to the distribution of the
composite elements—i.e., how abundant various plant
species are within a plant association, and how many
different layers they form. Examples of vegetation
structure are: dense herbaceous cover within a forest
type; pine with scattered shrubs; oak stands without
reproduction with a continuous non-native grassland
understory; dense cover of native perennial bunch-
grasses; and dense palmetto with scattered slash pine.
Sensitive species
Monitoring types are occasionally defined by individual
species that are considered sensitive due to environ-
mental, political or other factors. For example, some
biotic elements are adapted to a strict fire regime or are
extremely sensitive to a certain type of fire. Some areas
may require a fire regime very different from the norm
for that vegetation type in order to respond to political
concerns. Examples of sensitive elements are: endan-
gered plant populations or habitat, politically or envi-
ronmentally sensitive species or habitats, and popular
habitats such as giant sequoia groves or vernal pools.
Topography is often critical for identifying the distri-
bution of small monitoring types, especially if the types
include rare species. Physiographic changes in slope,
aspect, topographic position, or elevation can define a
monitoring type. Stratification based solely on these
elements for larger monitoring types, however, is gen-
erally inappropriate, since the biological elements fre-
quently cross physiographic “boundaries,” or occur
over a broad range of conditions.
Fuel characteristics
If the strata in your park vary significantly, you may
divide classic (Anderson 1982) or custom fuel models
into different monitoring types. Examples are change
in dead and downed loads, standing fuel density, duff
loads, biomass, height, and continuity. Conversely, you
may include multiple vegetation types within a single
fuel model.
Burn prescription
Burn prescriptions identify desired fire behavior (e.g.,
flame length) and amount of fuel consumption and
smoke production, and therefore predict expected
burn results. Burn prescriptions also define the fre-
quency (the return interval) and the season of the
burn. Examples of how a burn prescription might dif-
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 35
ferentiate a monitoring type are: a shrub association
being burned in the spring in one part of the park and
in the fall in another part of the park, or a perennial
grassland being burned with a frequent return interval
(1–4 years) in one area, and on a longer fire return
interval (7–15 years) in another. Note that in each of
these examples, you would need different management
objectives to truly separate these types.
Other treatments
Occasionally, managers use other tools in conjunction
with fire to achieve management objectives. These
might include browsing, grazing, herbicide, thinning,
or seeding. Areas subject to more than one type of
treatment should not be lumped with prescribed fire-
only treatments.
Plot type
When choosing a plot type (forest, brush or grassland),
keep in mind your objective variable or other variables
you want to measure. If you need to use forest plot
protocols (e.g., to track the height of tree-like shrub
individuals), use a forest plot even in a treeless moni-
toring type. Note: If you use a forest plot in this situa-
tion, use only the protocols that you need and
disregard the rest.
Additionally, think about the future structure, compo-
sition and characteristics of your monitoring type.
Using a forest plot in a grassland area is appropriate if
you intend to monitor the encroachment of trees into
an area. Likewise, you would use a brush plot to moni-
tor the encroachment of shrubs into a grassland area.
You can use grassland plots to monitor the encroach-
ment of non-native species into native grassland, or to
capture the migration of a species into or out of an
Step 2: Describe the Monitoring Type
A detailed description of each monitoring type is
essential to define the appropriate location for moni-
toring plots, monitor the biophysical elements of con-
cern, and qualitatively and/or quantitatively compare
variables between areas or plots.
On the Monitoring type description sheet (FMH-4 in
Appendix A) record all of the following information
(see page 39 for an example):
Park unit 4-character alpha code
This is the four letter code given to every National
Park unit, generally designating the first two letters of
the first two words, or the first four letters if only one
word, e.g., NOCA = North Cascades National Park, or
BAND = Bandelier National Monument.
Monitoring type code
Each monitoring type must be identified by a stan-
dardized code to facilitate computerization and com-
parative analyses within and among NPS units.
Assign a unique multi-character code as
described here:
Plot Type: F = forest, B = brush, G = grassland
Dominant Species Code (see page 83): if no clear dom-
inant exists, or if you have more than one monitoring
type with the same dominant, create your own code,
e.g., MIPR1 = mixed prairie.
Burn Season Phenology (phenological stage of key
plants affected by or carrying the fire during a burn (a
burn prescription element)):
G = green-up (period of active plant growth)
T = transition (active growth phase nearly over; plants
setting and dispersing seed)
D = dormant (plants cured, dormant; deciduous trees
lost leaves)
Fuel Model: #01–13 or custom model
FSEGI2T08—(forest plot, dominated by Sequoiaden-
dron giganteum, burned during transition, fuel model 8)
BCLMAJG03(brush plot, dominated by Cladium
mariscus ssp. jamaicense, burned during green-up, fuel
model 3. Note that here managers are using a brush
plot in a “grassland” plant association to track the
encroachment of shrubs)
GAGCRD01—(grassland transect, dominated by
Agropyron cristatum, burned when dormant, fuel
model 1)
Monitoring type name
Use a name that most people will recognize as repre-
senting the plant association(s) in which you are work-
ing. For example, chamise chaparral, Madrean pine-oak
woodland, northern pine barrens.
FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee)
Note the federal standard plant association(s) (FGDC
1996; The Nature Conservancy 1998) that your moni-
Fire Monitoring Handbook 36
toring type description encompasses. For example,
Andropogon gerardii–Panicum virgatum Dakota sandstone
herbaceous vegetation, Artemisia tridentata–Chrysotham-
nus nauseosus shrubland. Consult state, agency, The
Nature Conservancy or other ecologists involved in
developing local level association descriptions if you
have any doubt as to the names of plant associations in
your area.
Burn prescription
Provide detailed information regarding the prescrip-
tion and any other management treatments (as dis-
cussed on page 35) that you will use throughout the
type. Note: Include the full range of conditions under
which you will burn the type.
Management objective(s)—Include your manage-
ment objective(s) as discussed on page 20.
Monitoring objective(s)—Include your fire monitor-
ing objective(s) as discussed on page 23.
Objective variable(s)
It is strongly suggested that you monitor one variable
to a chosen level of certainty for every management
objective. For a more complete discussion of objective
variables, see page 29.
Physical description
Describe the physical elements selected in Step One
(page 35) that characterize the type. This includes the
range of geologic and topographic features included in
the type—soil type(s), aspect(s), elevational range, gra-
dient, landforms, etc.
Biological description
Quantitatively and qualitatively describe the species
that dominate or characterize the vegetation associa-
tion selected in Step One (page 35). Indicate the
acceptable range of values for the elements that define
each stratum.
Rejection criteria
Establish rejection criteria that would make a potential
plot site unsuitable for monitoring. Note that your
rejection criteria may differ among monitoring types;
rejection criteria for one monitoring type may in fact
be representative of another type. Examples of possi-
ble rejection criteria include:
High percentages of rock outcrops, barren spots,
soil, and/or vegetation anomalies (e.g., a small
meadow in a forest)
Locations close (<30 m) to a road, trail, potential
development site, proposed fireline, developed
area, or monitoring type boundary (ecotone)
Areas to be blacklined or manually cleared before
burning (unless the entire burn unit is to receive
this “treatment”)
Evidence of more recent fire than that in rest of
the monitoring type
Inclusion of archeological sites
Areas with >50% slope (installing and monitoring
plots on steep slopes can result in excessive dam-
age to the herbaceous vegetation and fuel bed.
Where practical, it is recommended that you avoid
such slopes)
Threatened or endangered species habitat that
park management wants to protect from fire
Substantial disturbance by rodents, vehicular traf-
fic, or blow downs, volcanic activity, etc.
Intersection by a stream; seep or spring present
Safety issues, e.g., known high density rattlesnake
Inventory, monitoring, or research plots that
would be compromised by the co-location of plots
Other locally defined conditions that present
By establishing clear monitoring type descriptions and
rejection criteria, you can avoid bias. Examples of rea-
sons not to reject monitoring plot locations:
Not typical: Plot location is thought to be atypical
(a plot is either in the type or not; it should be
rejected only because it does not meet the monitor-
ing type description)
Too difficult to sample: It would be too difficult to
put in transect at this location (shrubs too dense, or
plot location is hot and lacking shade trees)
In this section, identify any deviations from or addi-
tions to protocols listed in this handbook. Describe
your pilot sampling design as well as any special sam-
pling methods, including any variation in plot size or
shapes to accommodate individual species. This sec-
tion should also note any species for which you will
collect DRC instead of DBH, and list any shrub spe-
cies that are clonal or rhizomatous, and therefore not
counted in the belt transects.
Additional headers
If you recreate your Monitoring type description sheet
using a word processing software program you may
find it useful to add other sections, such as: “Vari-
able(s) of Interest” (any variable of concern you might
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 37
want to track, but not necessarily to a chosen level of
certainty) or “Target Condition” (attributes that you
are using fire management to maintain or restore).
Plot protocols
On the second page of the Monitoring type descrip-
tion sheet (FMH-4 in Appendix A), indicate the
optional variables to be measured, the areas in which
Recommended Standard (RS) variables are to be mea-
sured, and all other protocols that apply to each indi-
vidual monitoring type. See the example in the next
The plot protocols example on page 40 indicates that
Use abbreviated tags, collect voucher specimens,
and install all 17 stakes
• Measure the following optional variables preburn:
herbaceous height, tree damage (live only), over-
story crown position (live and dead), pole-size and
seedling tree height, and dead seedling density
Sample the following areas:
Q4–Q1 and Q3–Q2 for herbaceous cover
species not intercepted but seen on both sides of
the herbaceous transect—5 m wide on both her-
baceous transects
shrub density—5 m wide belt transect on both
herbaceous transects
• overstory trees—all quarters of a 50 × 20 m plot
pole-size trees—Q1
seedling trees—a 5 × 10 subset of Q1
fuel load—6, 6, 12, and 50 foot transects
Measure the following optional variables during
the burn: duff moisture and flame depth
• Collect burn severity data along the fuel transects,
and measure the following optional variable
immediately postburn: char height
Pilot Sampling and Monitoring Types
Monitoring type selection and description will be
tested, and may be modified, during a process known
as pilot sampling (see page 43). This process of fine-
tuning uses a range of plot protocols and a limited
number of plots to ascertain the extent of variability
within a monitoring type and among the variables of
importance that have been selected.
A monitoring type description should include the
level of effort and quantitative information found on
the next page.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 38
Park: DETO
Monitoring Type Code: F P I P O T 0 9
Date Described: 1/10/01
Monitoring Type Name: Ponderosa Pine Forest
FGDC Association(s): Pinus ponderosa – Quercus macrocarpa Woodland; Pinus ponderosa – Prunus
virginiana Forest
Preparer(s): G. San Miguel, B. Adams, G. Kemp, P. Reeberg
Burn Prescription (including other treatments): Units will be burned between Labor Day and the end
of September. Flame length 0.5–3 ft; rate of spread 0–3 ch/hr. Temperature 3085EF.; Relative humidity
25–55%; Midflame wind speed 0–20 mph; Fuel moisture as follows: 1-hr 6–14%, 10-hr 8–15%, 100-hr
Management Objectives: Reduce the mean total fuel load by 50–80% immediate postburn and main-
tain for at least two years postburn; reduce mean overstory density by 20–40% by the fifth year postburn;
and increase the mean herbaceous and shrub cover by 25–45% within 10 years postburn.
Monitoring Objectives: We want to be 80% confident of detecting a 50% decrease in the mean total
fuel load (immediate and two years postburn), and a 20% reduction in the mean density of all overstory
trees, five years after the application of prescribed fire. For both of these objectives we are willing to
accept a 20% chance of saying these reductions took place when they really did not. In addition, we
want to be 90% confident of detecting a 25% increase in the mean percent cover of understory species
and we are willing to accept a 10% chance of saying that this increase took place when it really did not.
Objective Variable(s): Mean total fuel load; mean density of overstory ponderosa pine; mean total
understory cover.
Physical Description: Includes upland sites on all aspects and slopes with an elevation from 4,000' to
6,000', which includes upper, mid and lower slopes. Talus slopes and steep slopes (>40% slope) are
excluded. Characteristic soils consist of deep, well-drained clay, or sandy loam of the Larkson–Lakoa
Series. There are also some areas of exposed sandstone.
Biological Description: Overstory dominated (greater than 65% of the canopy cover) by ponderosa
pine (Pinus ponderosa). Understory trees (15–60% cover) include: bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa),
chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), and American plum (Prunus americana). Shrubs (0–30% cover)
include: Oregon grape (Mahonia repens), common juniper (Juniperus communis), pink current (Ribes
cereum). Grasses and forbs (0–20% cover) include: poverty oat grass (Danthonia spicata), needle and
thread (Stipa comata), Western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii), big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii),
and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis).
Rejection Criteria: Large outcroppings or barren areas >20% of the plot; areas with anomalous vegeta-
tion; monitoring type boundaries; riparian areas; areas dominated by deciduous trees (>30% cover);
areas within 30 m of roads, burn unit boundaries, or human made trails or clearings; and areas within 20
m of woodlands. Research exclosures are to be rejected.
Notes: Do not collect shrub density for Oregon grape because it is has underground stolons, and there-
fore it is difficult to identify individuals for this species.
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 39
GENERAL PROTOCOLS (Circle One) (Circle One)
Control Treatment Plots (Opt)
Herb Height (Opt)
Herbaceous Density (Opt)
Abbreviated Tags (Opt)
OP/Origin Buried (Opt)
Herb. Fuel Load (Opt)
Voucher Specimens (Opt)
Brush Fuel Load (Opt)
Count Dead Branches of Living Plants as Dead (Opt)
Width Sample Area for Species Not Intercepted But Seen in Vicinity of Herbaceous
5 m
Length/Width Sample Area for
Stakes Installed:
50 × 5 m
Herbaceous Frame Dimensions:
Not Applicable
Herbaceous Density Data Collected At:
Not Applicable
Duff Moisture (Opt)
Flame Depth (Opt)
100 Pt. Burn Severity (Opt)
Herb. Fuel Load (Opt)
Herbaceous Data (Opt): FMH- 15/16/17/18:
Do Not Collect
FOREST PLOT PROTOCOLS (Circle One) (Circle One)
Live Tree Damage (Opt)
Live Crown Position (Opt)
(>15 cm)
Dead Tree Damage (Opt)
Dead Crown Position (Opt)
Record DBH Year-1 (Opt)
Length/Width of Sample Area:
50 × 20 m
Quarters Sampled:
Height (Opt)
Poles Tagged (Opt)
Record DBH Year-1 (Opt)
Dead Pole Height (Opt)
Length/Width of Sample Area:
25 × 10 m
Quarters Sampled:
Height (Opt)
Seedlings Mapped (Opt)
(<2.5 cm)
Dead Seedlings (Opt)
Dead Seedling Height (Opt)
Length/Width of Sample Area:
10 × 5 m
Quarters Sampled:
Cover Data Collected at:
Fuel Load
Sampling Plane Lengths:
1 hr w
10 hr w
100 hr w
1,000 hr-s w
1,000 hr-r
Char Height (Opt)
Poles in Assessment (Opt)
Collect Severity Along: Fuel Transects
Fire Monitoring Handbook 40
Variables (see Glossary) are monitored by sampling
according to a standardized design. Customized meth-
ods may also be needed for special concerns; however,
your regional ecologist and/or fire effects monitoring
specialist should review any customized methods or
form modifications.
Procedures for monitoring levels 3 and 4 are similar,
but differ in timing and emphasis. The Recom-
mended Standard (RS) for monitoring short-term
change (level 3) is to collect detailed descriptive infor-
mation on fuel load, vegetation structure, and vegeta-
tion composition. This information is determined only
broadly at level 2, Reconnaissance–Fire Conditions.
Wildland fire management may also require the collec-
tion of some or all of these data.
If your program has both short-term and long-term
management objectives, you may be required to use
different variables and different monitoring frequen-
cies for monitoring levels 3 and 4. For example, a man-
agement objective of using fire to open up a woodland
stand and improve native grass and forb populations
by reducing the density of live pole-size trees would
require a monitoring objective to assess the mortality
of pole-size trees preburn to immediate postburn. A
short-term (level 3) objective variable could be live
pole-size tree density. To assess the herbaceous
response preburn to year-2, or even year-5 postburn, a
long-term (level 4) objective variable could be herba-
ceous cover. The objective variable contained within
the long-term objective becomes the long-term RS for
level 4 monitoring.
If a program has only short-term management objec-
tives (for example, to reduce fuel load or shrub den-
sity), the RS for level 4 monitoring is to continue
monitoring all level 3 variables over an extended
period of time. Both situations include using the
change over time minimum sample size equation (see
pages 49 and 124 for discussion; for formula, see page
217 in Appendix D) for all objective variables using the
time periods specified in your management objectives.
A monitoring program can and should be customized
to address specific park needs; however, any modifica-
tions in the program must be approved by your park’s
resource management specialist and fire management
officer, and reviewed by a park scientist or local
research scientist. These proposed changes should
then be sent to your regional office for review.
Monitoring for long-term change requires collecting
information on trends, or change over time, in an eco-
system. Such change can be neutral, beneficial or detri-
mental. If your monitoring program detects a trend of
concern, you can implement a research program or
appropriate management response to obtain more
information. For example, the National Park Service
did not formally conduct long-term monitoring during
its policy of fire suppression up until 1968. As a result,
undesired effects in many parks were not formally rec-
ognized for about 90 years, and only after considerable
(and often irreversible) damage had been done. With a
systematic process of monitoring and evaluation, man-
agers might have reevaluated the suppression policy
earlier. Similarly, current fire management strategies
also have the potential to cause undesired change. For
this reason, long-term monitoring should accompany
all types of fire management strategies.
The existence of a long-term trend is revealed by con-
tinued monitoring of the short-term (level 3) objective
variables. Select objective variables that are good indi-
cators of both short-term and long-term change. This
handbook does not specify the most appropriate indi-
cators of long-term change, as they will be different
for each park and monitoring type. Park staff should
select objective variables (with input from resource
management specialists and other scientists as needed)
by examining 1) fire management goals and objectives,
2) their biota’s sensitivity to fire-induced change, and
3) special management concerns.
The RS variables listed should be monitored according
to the monitoring schedule (for the schedule of level 3
and 4 variables, see page 57). Monitoring methods and
procedures for monitoring plots are described in
Chapter 5.
Recommended Standard (RS) variables (Table 3, next
page) can be used to track both short-and long-term
change in the vegetation and fuel components of your
ecosystem. After following these variables over the
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 41
long term, while only a few will have a high level of
certainty, the results from all variables will help you
identify topics for follow-up research or necessary
changes in your monitoring objectives or sampling
In a sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) monitoring type,
the objective variables are the density of overstory
sugar pine and total fuel load. After collecting data
for five years, the fire manager notices that the mean
percent cover of Ribes nevadense is 30 times the preb-
urn cover. The manager suspects that the fire has
caused this increase and is concerned since Ribes
nevadense is an alternate host for the non-native white
pine blister rust, which kills sugar pines.
In this example, the manager recognized a trend based
on a variable (mean percent cover of Ribes nevadense)
that was not an objective variable. The manager now
must determine whether the measured increase in Ribes
nevadense is either biologically significant (does this
change in cover necessarily increase the threat that
these shrubs will spread blister rust?) or statistically
significant. The next step might be to install control
plots, examine plots from other studies (outside of the
burned area, but within the monitoring type), or ini-
tiate a research study to address this issue.
Table 3. Recommended Standard variables for monitoring
(level 3 & 4) grassland, brush, and forest plots.
Plot Type Variables
• Percent cover by species
• Relative cover by species
• Number of non-native species
Number of native species
• Burn severity
Brush or
All grassland variables, plus
• Shrub density by species
• Shrub age by species
Forest or
All grassland and brush variables, plus
• Tree density by species
• Tree diameter by species
• Fuel load by size class
• Total fuel load
• Duff depth
• Litter depth
• Average scorch height
• Percent of crown scorched
Fire Monitoring Handbook 42
Sampling Design
Once you have defined your monitoring type, you will
fine-tune it with a process called pilot sampling. This
initial step will help you determine whether your plot
sizes and/or shapes are appropriate, and whether the
protocols discussed in this handbook are appropriate
for your park.
The first step in pilot sampling is to collect and analyze
field data. While you are collecting and entering these
data, consider the questions listed under “Consider-
ations Prior to Further Plot Installation” (page 47). If
your answers to any of these questions is “no,” you
should explore sampling design alternatives.
Install ten initial plots in a monitoring type using the
restricted random sampling method discussed on page
59. Then analyze all plot variables and adjust your sam-
pling design as necessary. If the density of the species
being sampled (trees, shrubs or herbs) is relatively
high, use smaller sampling areas (eliminating the
counting of hundreds of plants in each plot) through-
out the monitoring type. Conversely, if the density is
relatively low, use a larger sampling area to avoid hav-
ing a sampling area in which no plants occur. See pages
44–47 for some guidelines to follow when making
these decisions.
In addition, calculate the coefficient of variation (see
Appendix D, page 218, for the equation) for each vari-
able (not just your objective variable(s)), checking to
see which size-shape combination gives you the lowest
coefficient of variation. This will help you decide on
the most efficient design for your sampling areas.
Note: Also use this process if you are using different
sampling attributes or areas postburn. After adjusting
sampling areas and revisiting plots to resample, you
can calculate minimum sample size (see page 49).
Sampling Area Consistency
Once you have refined the size and shape of a sam-
pling area for a variable through pilot sampling, do not
change the sampling area. Sampling area (size and
shape) must be consistent among plots within a moni-
toring type, and should be consistent for each variable.
If the size or shape of the sampling area is changed, all
plots installed prior to the change must be revisited so
that every plot within a monitoring type has the same
sampling design.
Redesigning an Existing
Sampling Design
If you have plots that were established without using
the pilot sampling process, you might be able to reas-
sess your sampling design, provided that you have
well-documented data sets. For example, if you have
excellent pole-size tree maps, then you can conduct
pilot sampling by trying different plot shapes and sizes
on your maps. If you have poor maps, or you find that
you need larger sampling areas, consult with a special-
ist in sampling design before you make any changes to
your study design.
Pilot Sampling
When you visit the first plots in a monitoring type,
sample pole-size and seedling trees as well as shrubs in
a larger area, and map the location of each tree or
shrub (or separate the brush belt into smaller widths).
This way when the ultimate sampling area is chosen
you can refer to the map (or smaller belt width) and
delete the data that do not belong in this final sampling
area without having to revisit the plot. This is a good
tip for situations where you end up using a “larger”
area or an “unusual” plot shape, or the plot is difficult
to access. It may be inefficient in other cases.
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 43
Figure 9. Suggested sampling areas for forest variables.
Plot Specifications
Suggested plot size and sampling locations vary for
each variable (see Figure 9 and Table 4). The plot sizes
and transect lengths in Table 4 are adequate for many
forest types, but revisions will in some cases be neces-
sary to reduce excessive data collection or to increase
data precision for a particular variable. These adjust-
ments may be particularly important when an objective
variable is sparsely distributed. All adjustments should
be done by resource and/or fire managers in consulta-
tion with a fire or vegetation ecologist.
Where variability is high, the calculated minimum sam-
ple size (number of plots, see page 49) may exceed 50.
There are five basic ways you can reduce this variabil-
1. Increase the area, number of sample points, or
transect lengths monitored for variables with high
variability throughout the monitoring type.
2. Change the shape of your sampling area.
3. Use another method to measure that variable (e.g.,
temporary plots are better than permanent plots at
monitoring changes in some annual plant popula-
4. Install a large number of monitoring plots.
Table 4. Suggested forest plot specifications, by variable.
5. Further stratify the monitoring types and create
additional sets of monitoring plots (see page 34 for
a discussion of splitting your monitoring types).
Locating and installing additional plots (needed for the
last two options) is very time-consuming; therefore, of
the options listed above, options one, two and three
are the preferred means of reducing variability.
Tree size classes
The suggested size class definitions for overstory
(DBH (diameter at breast height) >15 cm), pole-size
(DBH >2.5 cm and <15 cm), seedling (DBH <2.5 cm)
trees may work in some areas but not in others. If you
find that these definitions are not useful, and your park
ecologist, regional ecologist or fire effects monitoring
program manager agrees, you can redefine them. Be
sure to note any changes on the back of the Monitor-
ing type description sheet (FMH-4 in Appendix A).
Overstory trees
The 20 m × 50 m plot size may be unnecessarily large
for dense stands of overstory (DBH >15 cm) trees. In
these preburn situations, try using a pilot sampling
regime, such as the example displayed in Figure 10.
Where the overstory trees are very sparse (e.g., giant
sequoias, large mature trees) try enlarging (e.g., dou-
bling) the default sampling area during the pilot sam-
pling period. If only one species or size class is very
sparsely distributed, you may try larger sampling areas
for that species or size class alone during pilot sam-
pling. In this example, some plot sizes/shapes that you
could try for giant sequoia overstory trees might be: 20
m × 100 m or 40 m × 100 m; using 20 m × 50 m for
all other overstory species (not illustrated). In addition,
please read the Tip “Different Sizes and Shapes of
Sampling Areas” on page 47 and the Reminder “Con-
sistent Sampling Areas” on page 47.
Plot Size or
Transect Length Location
Overstory Trees
Plot: 20 m × 50 m (0.1 ha)
Plot: 10 m × 25 m (0.025 ha)
Plot: 5 m × 10 m (0.005 ha)
Transect: four, 50 ft each (200 ft)
Transect: two, 50 m each (100 m)
Plot: two, 1 m × 50 m (0.01 ha)
Quarters 1, 2, 3, 4
Quarter 1
Portion of Quarter 1
Quarters 1, 2, 3, 4
Outer portions of Quarters 1, 2, 3, 4
Outer portions of Quarters 1, 2, 3, 4
Pole-size Trees
Seedling Trees
Dead and Downed Fuels
Shrub and Herbaceous Layer
Shrub Density
Fire Monitoring Handbook 44
Figure 10. An example pilot sampling scenario for
extremely dense overstory or pole-sized trees.
Note: This example may not be suitable for your situation. The
shape and size combinations that can be tested here include: 2.5
× 1 m (A), 2 × 2.5 (A+B), 2.5 × 5 (ABC), 5 × 5 (A–F), 1 × 5 (A+D),
1 × 10 (A+D+G), 2 × 10 (A+D+G+B+E+H), 5 × 10 m (All).
Figure 11. An example pilot sampling scenario for sparse
pole-sized or seedling trees.
Note: This example may not be suitable for your situation. The
shape and size combinations that can be tested here include: 5 ×
20 m (A), 20 × 10 (A+B), 20 × 20 (ABC), 25 × 20 (A-F), 25 × 5
(A+D), 50 × 5 (A+D+G), 50 × 10 (A+D+G+B+E+H), 50 × 20 (All).
Pole-size trees
Where the preburn density of pole-size trees (DBH
>2.5 cm and <15 cm) is dense (averaging >50/250 m
(Q1)), try using a pilot sampling regime, such as the
example displayed in Figure 10. Where pole-size trees
are sparse (averaging <
20/250 m
), try using a pilot
sampling regime, such as the example displayed in
Figure 11. If only one species is sparsely distributed,
you may try larger sampling areas for that species alone
during pilot sampling. In addition, please read the Tip
“Different Sizes and Shapes of Sampling Areas” on
page 47 and the Reminder “Consistent Sampling
Areas” on page 47.
Seedling trees
Where the preburn density of seedling trees (DBH
<2.5 cm) is dense (averaging >50/50 m
(subset of
Q1)), try using a pilot sampling regime such as the
example displayed in Figure 12. Where seedling trees
are sparse (averaging <
20/50 m
), try using a pilot
sampling regime such as the example displayed in
Figure 11. In addition, please read the Tip “Different
Sizes and Shapes of Sampling Areas” on page 47 and
the Reminder “Consistent Sampling Areas” on page
Figure 12. An example pilot sampling scenario for dense
seedling trees.
Note: This is only an example, and it may not be suitable for your
situation. The shape and size combinations that can be tested
here include: 2 × 5 m (A), 5 × 5 (A+B), 5 × 10 (A+B+C), 10 × 10
(A–F), 2 × 10 (A+D), 2 × 25 (A+D+G), 5 × 25 (A+D+G+B+E+H),
25 × 10 m (All).
Dead and downed fuels
During the pilot sampling period, on average, 75% of
the dead and downed sampling planes within a moni-
toring type should intercept a 3 in or larger diameter
log. If 3+ in intercepts are sparse (on average < 75%
of the sampling planes intersect a 3+ in intercept) try
extending the 50 ft sampling plane to 75 or 100 ft, or
longer, during pilot sampling. Designate intercepts that
lie along each section (e.g., 0–50, 50–75, and 75–100)
separately so that you can test the efficiency of each
length, and possibly shorten the plane length. Con-
versely, if 3+ in intercepts are dense (average number
of intercepts >30–40, e.g., heavy continuous slash), try
breaking up the 50 ft plane into 5 ft intervals starting at
15 ft, recording each interval separately so that you can
test the efficiency of each length. You can also modify
the sampling planes for 0–3 in intercepts. For further
details refer to Brown and others 1982. After pilot
sampling, indicate the final lengths of the sampling
planes on the back of the FMH-4. In addition, please
read the Reminder “Consistent Sampling Areas” on
page 47.
Shrub and herbaceous layer
You may need to try different lengths of point inter-
cept transects to intercept an adequate amount of
brush, grass and herbs during pilot sampling. In most
forested areas, 332 intercepts (two 50 m transects) may
be barely adequate since the shrub, forb, and grass ele-
ments are often sparse (an average of >55 and <110
hits/transect). Where the vegetation is extremely
sparse (an average of <
55 hits/transect) and one or
several of your herbaceous variables are objective vari-
ables, try reading the plot midline (0P to 50P; see
Figure 9, page 44) as a third transect during pilot sam-
pling. Where the vegetation is dense (an average of
110 and <140 hits/transect), monitor only one of the
50 m transects (monitor transect Q4–Q1 as a mini-
mum; see Figure 9, page 44). If the vegetation is
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 45
extremely dense (an average of >140 hits/transect),
try monitoring only 30 m of the 50 m transect (Q4–30
m). Note: During pilot sampling, you can easily test
the efficiency of shorter or fewer transects in each of
these scenarios by separating out those data. After
pilot sampling, indicate the final number and length of
the transect(s) on the back of the FMH-4. In addition,
please read the Reminder “Consistent Sampling Areas”
on page 47.
Basal cover—Because the cover of herbaceous spe-
cies and subshrubs can vary widely with climatic fluc-
tuations, it is often difficult to interpret changes in
their aerial cover. Such changes may be due to fire
management, weather, or a combination of both. Basal
cover is much less sensitive to climatic fluctuations and
can be a better trend indicator for species that are
suited to basal cover measurement (e.g., perennial
bunchgrasses). However, the aerial cover of most
woody shrubs does not tend to vary as much with cli-
matic fluctuations, and aerial cover is often used as an
indicator for these species.
If you do sample basal cover rather than aerial cover
(FMH default), place a note in the “Notes” section of
the Monitoring type description sheet, and follow the
directions on page 81. Be sure to use a line intercept
transect in your pilot sampling, as this is the traditional
method used to sample basal cover.
Species not intercepted but seen in the vicinity of
the herbaceous transect—Where the preburn num-
ber of herbaceous species is high—averaging >
50 spe-
cies/plot (using a 5 m belt), try using a pilot sampling
regime such as the example displayed in Figure 13. In
areas with low numbers of species (averaging <20 spe-
cies/plot, using a 5 m belt), try using a pilot sampling
regime such as the example displayed in Figure 14.
Once you have selected a belt width, use that width for
preburn and postburn measurements for all plots
within that monitoring type. In addition, please read
the Reminder “Consistent Sampling Areas” on page
Shrub density
Where the preburn density of shrubs is dense (averag-
ing >50 individuals/plot, using a 1-m belt), try using a
pilot sampling regime such as the example displayed in
Figure 13. In areas with sparse shrubs (averaging <20
individuals/plot, using a 1-m belt), try using a pilot
sampling regime such as the example displayed in
Figure 14. In addition, please read the Tip “Different
Sizes and Shapes of Sampling Areas,” on page 47, and
the Reminder “Consistent Sampling Areas” on page
In some shrub species, it can be hard to identify an
individual (see page 88 for more details). This is espe-
cially true for species that are capable of vegetative
reproduction, e.g., clonal or rhizomatous plants. In
these cases stem density (optional) can be used
instead of the number of individuals. Use the afore-
mentioned guidelines (replacing the counting of indi-
viduals with the counting of stems) to select the
appropriate sampling area for stem density.
Figure 13. An example pilot sampling scenario for dense
Note: This is only an example, and it may not be suitable for your
situation. The shape and size combinations that can be tested
here include: 1 × 5, 10 . . . 50 (A broken into 5 m intervals), 2 × 5,
10 . . . 50 (A+B broken into 5 m intervals). You would include C
and D if you use Q3–Q2 for herbaceous sampling during the pilot
sampling period.
Figure 14. An example pilot sampling scenario for sparse
Note: This is only an example, and it may not be suitable for your
situation. The shape and size combinations that can be tested
here include: 1 × 5, 10 . . . 50 (A broken into 5 m intervals), 3 × 5,
10 . . . 50 (A+B broken into 5 m intervals), 5 × 5, 10 . . . 50
(A+B+C broken into 5 m intervals). You would include D, E and F
if you use Q3-Q2 for herbaceous sampling during the pilot
sampling period.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 46
Different Sizes and Shapes
of Sampling Areas
To decide which sizes and shapes of sampling areas to
try, observe the distribution of plants in the field. Ask
yourself which sizes and shapes, on average, would
include one or more of the largest individuals or
patches, while minimizing the number of empty quad-
rats. Be sure to try and include long and thin rectangles
(0.25 × 4 m instead of 1 × 1 m), and/or shapes that are
proportional to your other sampling areas, e.g., 20 × 50
m for overstory trees, 10 × 25 m for pole size trees,
and 5 × 12.5 m for seedling trees. Both have been
shown to have statistical advantages. In addition, if
only one species or size class is sparsely (or densely)
distributed, you may try larger (or smaller) sampling
areas for that species or size class alone during pilot
Consistent Sampling Areas
You must have consistent sampling areas for each vari-
able within a monitoring type. In other words, keep the
length or size/shape of all transects or areas where you
collect data (e.g., fuels, shrub density, herbaceous cover,
overstory, pole-size and seedling tree density) the same
for a given variable throughout a monitoring type. See
page 88 (shrub seedlings) and 102 (tree seedlings) for
the only exceptions to this rule. Note: After pilot sam-
pling, indicate the final shape and size of the sampling
area on the back of the FMH-4.
Optional Variables
Diameter at root crown for woodland species
Woodland species such as juniper, pinyon pine, some
maples and oaks commonly have multiple stems and
are often extremely variable in form. For these species,
diameter at root crown (DRC) is a more meaningful
measurement than DBH (USDA Forest Service 1997).
Indicate each species that you will measure using DRC
in the “Notes” section of the Monitoring type descrip-
tion sheet (FMH-4). Pilot sampling procedures are the
same as for overstory and pole-size trees: see above.
Herbaceous density
Where the preburn density of forbs and grasses is
dense (averaging >50 individuals/plot, using 1 m
frames), try a pilot sampling regime using smaller
frames of differing shapes. You may also find that you
are sampling too many frames. In preburn situations
where forbs and grasses are sparse (averaging <20
individuals/plot, using 1 m
frames), try a pilot sam-
pling regime using larger frames of differing shapes, or
try using a pilot sampling regime such as the examples
displayed in Figure 13 and 14.
Estimate preburn biomass (tons/acre) when smoke
management is a specific concern, or hazard fuel
reduction is the primary burn objective. This hand-
book mentions three methods of measuring biomass:
the dead and down fuel methods discussed above (for-
est), estimation (brush, page 89); and clipping (grass-
land, page 90). To determine appropriate plot size for
estimation, see Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974.
Note: Use the pilot sampling process to choose the
most efficient sampling areas.
To determine the appropriate quadrat size for clipping,
see Chambers and Brown 1983. There are several
other methods for estimating biomass: relative weight,
height-weight curves, photo keys, capacitance meters,
remote sensing, and double sampling. For an excellent
list of references, see Elzinga and Evenden 1997 under
the keyword biomass, or review the references on page
237 in Appendix G. Once you choose a methodology,
write a “handbook” for your field protocols so that
others can collect these data exactly the same way you
do. Refer to this “handbook” in the “Notes” section of
the FMH-4 for that monitoring type.
Percent dead brush
To develop a custom fuel model for BEHAVE or
other fire behavior predictions, estimate the preburn
percent dead brush with one of the following tech-
niques: onsite visual estimation, estimation based upon
a photo series, or direct measurement of the live-dead
ratio. Again, once you choose a methodology, write a
“handbook” for your field protocols so that others can
collect these data exactly the same way you do. Refer to
this “handbook” in the “Notes” section of the FMH-4
for that monitoring type.
Rarely will a sampling design work smoothly in the
field; you will often find that modifications are needed.
You may also find that in some situations the methods
in this handbook will not work to sample your ecologi-
cal attribute of interest. If this is the case, refer to a
reputable vegetation monitoring source such as Bon-
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 47
ham 1989, or to a bibliography of vegetation monitor-
ing references such as Elzinga and Evenden 1997.
The FMH software (Sydoriak 2001) that accompanies
this handbook is designed for the protocols in this
handbook, and facilitates data storage and analysis. In
some cases, where other methods are used, you will
need to set up an alternative database and perform
analyses with a commercial statistical software pack-
age. It is important to document all deviations from
the standard protocols used in this handbook, no mat-
ter how insignificant they may seem. These notes are
critical links for the people who follow you, and will
ensure that the appropriate protocols are continued
until the end of the project. Reference any additional
protocols in the “Notes” section of the Monitoring
type description sheet (FMH-4 in Appendix A), and
describe them completely in your monitoring plan
(Appendix F).
After you have completed your pilot sampling, answer
these questions:
• Are the sampling units for each protocol a reason-
able size for the average number of plants?
Did you choose the most appropriate vegetation
attribute–one that is easy to measure and the most
sensitive to change–that will meet your monitor-
ing objectives?
Will you and your successors be able to relocate
your monitoring plots in future years using the
proposed documentation method?
Is the time you allotted for the field portion of the
monitoring adequate?
Is the time you allotted for the data management
portion of the monitoring program adequate?
(This typically takes 25-40% of the time required
for a monitoring program). Do you have ready
access to a computer for data entry and analysis?
On average, do you have a small number of tran-
scription errors?
Will it be easy for monitors to avoid seriously
trampling vegetation? (If not, is this acceptable?)
Do monitors find it difficult to accurately position
a tape because of dense growth?
Are your field personnel skilled, with only a minor
need for additional training?
Did you meet your precision and power objec-
tives? Does the amount of change you have cho-
sen for your minimum detectable change seem
realistic? Does the time period for this change
seem realistic?
If you answered no to one or more of the above ques-
tions, consider adjusting your monitoring design. Here
are some alternatives to consider:
Start over from the beginning of the process—
Revisit your monitoring objective with the realization
that it is not cost-effective to monitor that objective
with a reasonable level of statistical precision or power.
Accept lower confidence levels—Ask yourself
whether you would find a lower confidence level
acceptable. It can be very costly to set up a monitoring
program with a 95% confidence of detecting a change.
However, you might find it quite possible to use your
available resources to monitor at a 80% confidence
level. Look at the results from your pilot study and ask
yourself if you could be comfortable with a higher
error rate.
Request more resources for monitoring—You can
try to get additional funding from other sources, such
as grants or park-wide funding. Also, consider using
interns, students, and volunteers to supplement your
Reconsider the scale of the study—Choose to sam-
ple a smaller subsection of your monitoring type. Note
that this may diminish the statistical applicability of
your results.
Reconsider your sampling design—Adjust the
shape or size of the sampling area for a troublesome
variable. For example, based on the pilot study, create a
different size and/or shape for the brush sampling
Look for data entry or data collection errors—
Occasionally, an appropriate sampling design may
combine with a sufficient number of data errors to
give the appearance of a flawed sampling design.
Check the data collected during the pilot study for field
errors; also check for data entry errors. Simple errors
can significantly skew calculations such as the standard
deviation. See the “Verifying Results” section on page
131 for more details.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 48
The minimum sample size for your monitoring design
is the number of plots needed (based on your initial
10-plot sample mean and variability to provide results
with your chosen degree of certainty (see pages 23 and
122). An estimate of the variability found for a particu-
lar objective variable gives an idea of the number of
plots needed to obtain a reasonable estimate of the
population mean with the desired confidence level and
precision (see page 27).
To calculate the initial minimum sample size, you need
the following inputs:
Mean and standard deviation of the sample—
data from the 10 initial plots in each monitoring
type are used as estimates of the mean and vari-
ability for each objective variable
Desired level of certaintyconfidence level (80,
90, or 95%) and precision level (<
25% of the
mean) from your monitoring objective
Once you have these inputs, you can use the formula
on page 216 (Appendix D) to calculate the minimum
sample size (number of plots) needed to provide the
chosen levels of certainty for estimating the mean(s) of
the objective variable(s) in a monitoring type.
Minimum Sample Size
Keep in mind that the minimum sample size only
applies to the monitoring variable that is used in the
calculation(s), not to all of the variables measured
within the plot. See page 217 for an example of calcu-
lating minimum sample size for each type of manage-
ment objective—condition and change.
Calculate the minimum sample for each objective vari-
able in a monitoring type, then use the largest sample
size when installing plots.
Two objective variables in a monitoring type are total
percent cover of live shrub species and native peren-
nial relative cover. The calculated minimum sample
size is 17 plots for total shrub percent cover and 15
plots for native perennial relative cover; 17 plots
should be installed.
If the minimum sample size calculated is high (>30
plots) based on the initial 10 plots, install several more
plots (2–5) and then recalculate the minimum sample
size. If the minimum sample size continues to be high,
refer to the advice on page 44. The monitoring type
may be too broad or the method used to measure the
monitoring variable may not be appropriate. As always,
consult with your regional fire effects program coordi-
nator for assistance if needed.
If the minimum sample size is very low, you may be
able to increase the degree of certainty in the sample
simply by installing a few more plots. Only add addi-
tional plots if it will not require a great deal of extra
time and effort and if it will provide a useful increase
in the certainty of the results. Note: Increase the con-
fidence level before increasing the precision level; in
other words, be more confident in your results before
attempting to be within a smaller percentage of the
estimated true population value.
Only ten plots are needed to be 80% confident of
being within 25% of the estimated true population
mean for the density of tamarisk (Tamarix ramosis-
sima). The resources to install a few more plots are
available; therefore, recalculate the minimum sample
size with a 90 or 95% confidence level to see if the
resulting number of additional plots is practical.
Confidence Level and Precision
Always choose the confidence level and precision
desired BEFORE performing the minimum sample
size calculation. It is not appropriate to run all possibil-
ities and choose the preferred minimum sample size!
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 49
Change Over Time
Your management objectives define either the amount
of change or a postburn condition desired for a moni-
toring variable. Ideally, you should calculate the mini-
mum sample size needed to detect the desired
minimum amount of detectable change or postburn
condition. In order to do this, however, you need an
estimate of the mean and variability of the monitoring
variable for both preburn and postburn conditions.
Since managers must design the monitoring program
before burning, your initial minimum sample size cal-
culations must be based only on the preburn data.
Recalculate Minimum Sample Size
The initial minimum sample size calculation is per-
formed on the preburn data so that a sufficient num-
ber of plots can be distributed in areas before they are
burned. Since the management objectives usually
involve assessing postburn conditions, you should
recalculate the minimum sample size for the appropri-
ate postburn time interval when it is reached. For
change objectives, a separate formula is used to deter-
mine the number of plots needed to detect the mini-
mum amount of change stated in the objective (see
page 217).
Minimum Sample Size for
Minimum Detectable Change
This formula is a critical new addition to this hand-
book. For change objectives, calculate the minimum
sample size for the minimum detectable change you
desire before you fully evaluate whether you have met
your objectives. See pages 124 and 217.
Small Areas
Some monitoring types may occupy areas that are
small as compared to the majority of the monitoring
types in your park. This monitoring program is
designed to support the monitoring of the monitoring
types that constitute the most significant amount of
acreage that is being burned in your park. However,
you might consider monitoring small areas if they con-
tain species of management concern. In these cases,
managers might consider using a sampling design bet-
ter suited to a smaller scale or species-specific moni-
toring, which you should have reviewed by your
regional ecologist and fire effects monitoring specialist.
Gradient Monitoring
In many instances your objectives will require monitor-
ing in vegetation that does not occur in one discrete
unit or in a homogeneous vegetation type. This will be
the case when you monitor ecotones, or other areas of
encroachment, e.g., grasslands being invaded by
shrubs, trees, and/or non-native plant species.
No single set of protocols will serve all monitoring
programs. This handbook is not intended to be a
definitive “how-to” guide on monitoring. The proto-
cols of this handbook are designed to monitor trends
in a relatively homogeneous complex of vegetation—a
monitoring type. They are not specifically designed to
measure changes across a gradient.
With this in mind, you can make modifications to the
protocols of this handbook to monitor changes across
a gradient or movement of a transition zone. It is
important to determine the variable of concern and
direction you wish to take the system with the use of
Note: Before you make these modifications, find out
if other park units have similar objectives. Others may
have developed modifications to the protocols in this
handbook, or use alternative sampling methods that
may be useful to you.
Species Difficult to Monitor
Ephemeral annuals or annuals with long-lived
seed banks
If your monitoring objectives concern annual plants
that appear only once every few years or decades, or
that have long-lived seed banks, short-term data may
misrepresent the species’ presence in the ecosystem.
Interpretations of field measurements on annual spe-
cies are confounded by the yearly variability of their
distribution and abundance. In such situations, an
alternative may be to monitor the critical elements of
the habitat of this species, e.g., changes in the type and
amount of disturbance (fire, flood, trampling, etc.),
and changes in community composition and structure.
When dealing with such annuals, it is extremely helpful
to know what factors promote or infringe upon the
vitality of the species.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 50
you erase data and remove any rebar, consult with both
fire and resource management personnel.
A park with chaparral plant communities seeks to
manage the postfire species seed bank by burning at
Professional Input and Quality
an interval that is less than the average seed longevity
(which is largely unknown for the majority of the
species in the seed bank). Managers are confident
that a return interval of 50–100 years will keep this
seed bank replenished. The majority of species that
appear postburn are annuals, and so will have an
unpredictable distribution pattern for several years
postburn. Since monitoring species with an unpre-
dictable distribution pattern can be cost prohibitive,
managers have decided to monitor the factors that
affect the species distribution: gaps in canopy cover,
and the frequency and intensity of soil disturbances.
Extremely long-lived plants
Plants that live a long time pose an opposite problem;
variation in population size is very long-term, so
change is difficult to measure. Reproduction and/or
seedling establishment can be a rare event (although
for some long-lived species, seedlings are dynamic and
very sensitive to adverse change). Once again, moni-
toring changes in the plants’ habitat may be more
appropriate than measuring the plants themselves.
Anticipated dramatic increases in postburn
The seed banks of some species may germinate pro-
fusely following a burn. Rather than count thousands
of seedlings, it may be more efficient to subsample the
plot during temporary high density periods. See pages
88 and 102 for details.
Monitoring Type Description Quality Control
Ensuring consistency in the definition of a monitoring
type—and thus in the establishment of plots—is criti-
cal to the accuracy of a monitoring program. Often,
plots are established before the creation of monitoring
type descriptions. In addition, if Monitoring type
description sheets are unclear or vague, monitors may
establish plots that should be rejected.
All managers can benefit from reviewing some or all of
their plots to ensure that each plot belongs within the
designated monitoring type. Any plots that should be
rejected can be erased from the database and the plot
markers (rebar) removed, and the respective folders
discarded, unless resource management has further use
for these plots. Rejected plots may be useful for train-
ing purposes or resource management needs. Before
It is very important that the monitoring program be
designed with enough professional input to reduce
problems associated with improper data collection.
Equally important is the provision of quality control
during the data collection process. Ignoring either of
these critical elements could mean bad or useless
results. If poor design or quality are problems, the first
monitoring protocol adjustment is to start over and
ensure that proper monitoring protocols are applied
throughout the data collection period the next time
A common problem is inadequate attention to the
design and documentation of the monitoring proto-
cols and/or insufficient supervision of the data collec-
tion team. The fire effects monitors may make poor
decisions, especially if their decision makes their job
easier (e.g., switching quadrats because of the large
number of trees present in the designated quadrat).
Thoughtless data collection can lead to the omission
of whole categories of variables. Alternatively, more
data may be collected than prescribed in the sampling
design, wasting valuable time and energy. Extra work is
then required to sort out which datasets are valid and
which components of these datasets are not compara-
ble. The key is to prevent problems by properly
designing, supervising, and periodically checking the
monitoring protocols used.
Decide and document when and how monitoring pro-
tocols will be adjusted, and who is responsible. No
matter how carefully you design a monitoring program
or how expertly it is carried out, data collection prob-
lems will arise and monitoring protocols will have to
be adjusted. Such adjustments should be made not by
the field technicians, but by the program managers and
ecologists. The more managers are involved in the data
collection process, the sooner they will recognize pro-
tocol problems.
Establish a decision-action trail by documenting proto-
col changes. All changes to established monitoring
protocols must be documented so that the changes can
be replicated every time you remeasure your plots. The
following tips will help you document your monitoring
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 51
protocol, make any necessary changes, and ensure its
consistent use:
Educate everyone involved about the importance
of strictly adhering to monitoring protocols.
Establish a process for changing protocols based
on field work and analytic results, with input from
your data collectors.
Consult with your regional fire effects program
manager on the protocols, as well as on any
Diligently record all protocol changes.
Mark all changes in colored ink. Label changes in
clear bright colors, or place them collectively on
bright colored paper.
• Enter any protocol deviation into a database com-
ment field for that plot or monitoring type.
Communicate, as often as possible, with all inter-
ested parties.
Put the monitoring protocols in writing in your
Monitoring type description sheet (FMH-4) and
your monitoring plan (Appendix F), and place
them in the plot folder. Make sure that originals
are never lost and that copies are always in the
possession of the data collectors.
It is not currently national policy to use fire funds
to pay for the installation of control plots (see Glos-
sary), but control plots can be necessary to evaluate
whether specific management objectives are met.
Depending on your objectives, it may be important to
make observations and collect data outside of pre-
scribed burned areas.
Frequently, control plots are not considered until post-
burn observations indicate their need. It is often
appropriate to establish control plots after the burn
when you need to address a specific question. In the
case of wildland fires, some managers may wish to
establish control plots outside the burn perimeter dur-
ing the field season following the fire.
When control plots are established to measure specific
variables, use methods and certainty levels comparable
to their preburn counterparts. Decisions about when
and how to install control plots will require consulta-
tion with an ecologist, statistician, or other subject
matter expert. In many cases the implementation of a
formal research project may be more appropriate.
When deciding not to install control plots, the park
manager recognizes either that an adequate fire effects
information base is available to start or continue a
burn program, or that ongoing research programs are
adequate to address management concerns.
Control Plots
Comparing your data with those from other parks that
have similar monitoring types, or from other types of
studies internal or external to your park may eliminate
the need for you to set up control plots. Consult an
ecologist, statistician and/or regional fire effects moni-
toring specialist for further assistance.
Short-term Change Control Plots
Control plots are often necessary to determine
whether the prescribed fire program caused a particu-
lar short-term effect.
A burn block area has been invaded to a small extent
by non-native species. Non-native species have been
increasing throughout the region for the last 20 years,
and the park manager does not want to worsen the
problem by using prescribed fire. In fact, one of the
management objectives is to reduce the mean non-
native species percent cover by 20–60% within two
years of the burn. You know that your prescription
can meet your other management objectives, but you
suspect that the slow and incessant march of non-
native plants could be accelerated by the prescribed
In this example, and in many situations involving non-
native species, it is important to set up control plots to
test whether the result observed (a change in non-
native species percent cover) in the prescribed fire area
is attributable to fire or to another factor, such as cli-
matic change, moisture regimes, or grazing.
Long-term Change Control Plots
Establishing control plots for evaluating long-term
change is helpful for testing specific hypotheses com-
paring non-treatment effects (areas not treated with
prescribed fire) with treatment or treatment-plus-time
Fire Monitoring Handbook 52
A shrubland is burned every 20 years to reduce the
fuel hazard. The natural fire return interval is esti-
mated to be 50 years. After 100 years of fuels treat-
ment by fire, it is hypothesized that a difference in
composition and density exists between those stands
that have been burned every 20 years and the unman-
aged stand.
If you wish to evaluate control plots for long-term
change, you will need to consult a competent research
scientist or fire ecologist to ensure adequate research
design and execution.
Burning the Prescribed Fire Units
Consistency of treatment is essential to ensure accurate
monitoring data. All monitoring plots within a sample
must be burned under the same prescription. Similarly,
burn units with monitoring plots must be treated the
same as units without monitoring plots. If a burn unit
is ignited but the monitoring plots contained within it
do not burn, data on those monitoring plots are still a
valid part of the sample database. Avoid biasing results
by igniting a monitoring plot prior to igniting the sur-
rounding area, or igniting the plots at a later time
because they did not burn initially (unless, of course,
the burn prescription calls for this action). All ignition
personnel should be informed that they need to ignite
every burn unit as if the plots do not exist, so that
burning patterns will not be biased.
Partially burned plots
Fire rarely spreads uniformly across a fuel bed.
Unburned patches are frequently part of the fire
regime and should not be of concern as long as the
plot was burned similarly to the remainder of the burn
unit. A partially burned plot, if burned within prescrip-
tion, should be considered part of the database.
Plot Burning Off-Schedule
Monitoring plots may reburn because of unplanned
ignitions (natural or human-caused) or short burn pre-
scription intervals. Other plots may be burned at a
time different from the rest of the unit. As a manager,
you need to decide when to eliminate such plots from
the sample, and whether to reinitialize the monitoring
schedule for that plot.
Unplanned ignitions
Unplanned ignitions that are permitted to burn
because they meet the prescription criteria of a pre-
scribed fire regime (and essentially replace a prescribed
ignition) will be treated as a component of the man-
aged fire regime. Monitoring schedules for plots in
such areas should not be altered. However, it is recog-
nized that considerable variation may enter the system
and affect index parameters if many monitoring plots
burn more frequently than prescribed. Managers will
have to keep this in mind and make evaluation adjust-
ments when examining results. In any case, it is essen-
tial to record the data collected from any unplanned
ignition in appropriate plot database files. Fire behav-
ior and weather data should also be included.
Plot burns at different time than the burn unit
Occasionally a plot may burn before or after the
majority of the burn unit. Are the data from this plot
still valid? That depends. If the area surrounding and
including the plot is burned within prescription using
the same ignition techniques, the plot data should be
valid. However, the plot should not be allowed to burn
off-schedule, i.e., more often or less often than the
burn prescription calls for.
Short fire intervals
In this situation, you will generally want to monitor the
responses from the prescribed fire regime rather than
from a single fire, as the changes caused by a single fire
are usually not as important. When the intervals
between prescribed fires are very short (one to two
years), resulting in frequent burn repetitions, conduct
immediate postburn (within two months postburn),
and year-1 postburn monitoring on the first and subse-
quent burns until you can predict responses (if year-1
postburn monitoring is not possible, you can substi-
tute measurements from the next field season).
Choose the most representative time(s) to track the
changes you would like to detect (e.g., six months after
every burn combined with monitoring on a five-year
rotation), regardless of how often each plot burns.
If the fire interval is longer than two years, conduct
immediate postburn (within two months postburn),
year-1, year-2 and year-5 (if possible) postburn moni-
toring on the first and subsequent burns until you can
predict responses. Choose the most representative
time(s) between burns. In some situations, pre- and
immediate postburn monitoring will be your best
choice. For example, add a “preburn” measurement
for each subsequent burn, e.g., year-2 for a two-year
return interval, year-3 for a three-year return interval
or year-4 for a four-year return interval.
Chapter 4 n
n Monitoring Program Design 53
Plot burned out-of-prescription
Eliminate monitoring plots from the sample database
if they are burned by planned or unplanned fires that
exceed the ecological parameters of the management
prescription. Keep in mind that you may want to con-
tinue to monitor these plots in order to gain informa-
tion about the response from a different prescription.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 54
Vegetation Monitoring Protocols
Vegetation Monitoring Protocols
“It takes less time to do a thing right than it does to explain why you did it wrong.”
—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
As indicated in Chapter 4, for short-term and long-
term monitoring (levels 3 and 4), you will monitor Rec-
ommended Standard (RS) variables by sampling
according to a standardized design. When combined,
monitoring plots form a sample for each monitoring
type, with or without control plots. This chapter details
variables and procedures for establishing monitoring
plots, and for collecting and recording data from them.
Note: This handbook addresses most common situa-
tions; special concerns may require customized meth-
This handbook establishes RS variables for grassland,
brush, and forest plot types. The monitoring variables
sampled for each type are cumulative, with increasingly
complex plot types (grassland to brush to forest)
including variables in addition to those sampled on the
simpler types (see Table 3, page 42).
The procedures described for monitoring RS variables
require the use of standardized forms to record data;
these are provided in Appendix A. Methods and data
collection forms also are provided for most of the
optional monitoring variables.
Establishing a plot network for a given monitoring
type is a three-phase process. As discussed in Chapter
4, this process begins with the installation of ten pilot
sampling plots. Once these plots are installed, mini-
mum plot calculations and projections are conducted;
the process ends with the installation of the balance of
plots required by the minimum plot analyses. This sec-
tion outlines the methods that you will follow for the
establishment of all plots.
Some sampling methods described here are signifi-
cantly different from methods presented in previous
versions of this handbook. In a monitoring type with
previously burned plots, exercise extreme caution
before changing your methods; in most cases meth-
ods should not be changed. If you do intend to
change monitoring methodologies, then monitor using
both methods for a minimum of two plot visits (for
each plot affected), or until you can establish a corre-
lation between the different protocols. If no plots have
burned within this time period, revisit all plots in the
type and collect data according to the new protocol.
Additional procedures for handling the switch-over
can be found in “warning” boxes on specific topics,
e.g., crown position (page 96) and DRC (page 98).
Sample during the phenological peak of the season
(flowering, as opposed to green-up, transition or dor-
mant) in which the plants can most easily be identified
and when biomass is greatest. This may occur in the
spring in low-lying areas with warm climates, and as
late as late summer for alpine regions; the peak sam-
pling season may occur twice in one year in some
areas, e.g., those with summer “monsoons.” The actual
date of this phenological stage will vary from year to
year, depending on climatic conditions. Schedule your
sampling to minimize seasonal variation among visits.
From year to year, base your sampling schedule on the
original date of establishment; however, you may have
to change the date of the visit due to seasonal irregu-
larities such as prolonged snow cover or an early, warm
spring. Except immediate postburn, conduct all visits
when phenology is comparable for the most ephem-
eral species recorded in the initial survey. Take notes
on the phenological state of the plants at each visit so
that you can consider whether these differences are the
result of burning or due to other factors such as
weather variations. It is recommended that you
monitor all plots at the intervals discussed below.
Plot Installation
To prepare for plot installation you will need the fol-
lowing: a five-year burn plan, delineated areas for plot
installation, and randomly selected plot location
points. After you have completed your pilot sampling
and you have ten plots in a single monitoring type, you
can then analyze the monitoring variables to determine
their variability within your sample. Use this informa-
tion to determine how many plots are required to
meet the specified confidence and precision levels
(see page 49 for details). The additional plots should
then be installed in the same manner as the initial ten
plots (using the restricted random method, page 59).
Ideally, all plots should be installed before any of the
available plot area has been burned, otherwise the total
area available for additional plot installation will be
reduced, which could result in a bias in the data. If it is
not possible to install all plots before burning any of
the monitoring type, then install your initial group of
plots in the first units to be burned.
Plot Location and Burn Units
Monitoring types should not be directly associated
with individual burn units. Use the sample
approach, which states that random plot location
points shall be installed in all areas within a particu-
lar monitoring type that are scheduled to be burned
in the next five years. Plot location points should be
randomly selected within a monitoring type, not a
burn unit.
Choose your burn units and write your monitoring
type descriptions before you install any plots.
Note that plots do not need to be placed in every
burn unit.
Limited Amount of the Monitoring
Type Available for Burning
If the amount of the monitoring type available for
burning is limited, plan carefully. Check the burn
schedule relative to your potential plots, and be sure to
include plots in all representative areas using restricted
randomization. Remember, when fire managers burn a
section of monitoring type before you install the mini-
mum number of plots, that section can no longer be
included in your sample, i.e., you cannot install any
additional plots in that section.
Establish plots during the time of year in which you
can identify the greatest number of species (particu-
larly the most ephemeral), so that you can obtain the
most complete species composition data within a
monitoring type. Ideally, the plots are burned the same
year in which the preburn data are collected. If more
than two years have passed since establishment or the
last data collection, remeasure variables prior to burn
During Burn
Make fire behavior observations in an area near to, but
not necessarily at, each plot, and in the same fuel
model and vegetation type as that in which the plot is
Immediate Postburn
Assess burn severity as soon as possible after the duff
stops smoldering. Assess all other RS measurements
between two weeks and two months after the burn
The recommended schedule for re-measuring plots
that have burned is one, two, five and 10 years post-
burn. After 10 years, continue the monitoring at 10-
year intervals either until each unit is placed within an
area approved for fire use (formerly PNF zones), or
the area is burned again. If the area is burned again,
the monitoring cycle begins again. For the monitoring
schedule for monitoring types that will be burned fre-
quently, or for situations in which plots should other-
wise be read on a different schedule, see page 53.
Recommended Standard (RS) variables to be moni-
tored pre- and postburn are listed in Tables 5–7.
In most cases, collect the preburn and postburn
(except immediate postburn) data during the pheno-
logical peak (see page 55). For example, if you con-
duct a preburn visit in July 2001, and the plot burns in
October 2001, the year-1 data should be collected at
the phenological peak in or near July 2002. If the plots
are burned in the season preceding the phenological
peak, collect postburn data a full year later. For exam-
ple, if you read a preburn plot in August of 2002, and
that plot burns in March 2003, collect the year-1 data
in or near August 2004. In moist areas, where vegeta-
tion recovers quickly, it may be desirable to collect data
sooner than year-1. In that case, code that data collec-
tion period as an interim data collection visit (e.g., six
months) and collect this information in addition to
your other plot visits.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 56
- -
Table 5. Grassland plot RS variables to be monitored pre- and postburn.
RS Variables PRE Immediate Postburn Year-1+
Herbaceous Cover (FMH-16)
Burn Severity (FMH-22)
Photographs (FMH-23)
n n
Table 6. Brush plot RS variables to be monitored pre- and postburn.
RS Variables PRE Immediate Postburn Year-1+
Herbaceous Cover (FMH-16)
Shrub Density (FMH-17)
Burn Severity (FMH-22)
Photographs (FMH-23)
n n
Table 7. Forest plot RS variables to be monitored pre- and postburn.
RS Variables Data Sheet(s) PRE Immediate
Year 1 Year 2+
Tree Density Overstory (FMH-8)
n n n
Pole (FMH-9)
n n
Seedling (FMH-10)
n n n n
DBH/DRC Overstory (FMH-8)
Pole (FMH-9)
Live/ Dead Overstory (FMH-8, FMH-20)
n n n n
Pole (FMH-9, FMH-20)
n n
Fuel Load (FMH-19)
n n n n
Herbaceous/Shrub Cover (FMH-15 or FMH-16)
n n
Density (FMH-17)
n n
Burn Severity (FMH-21 or FMH-22)
Photographs (FMH-23)
n n n n
% Crown Scorch Overstory (FMH-20)
Pole (FMH-20) Optional
Scorch Height Overstory (FMH-20)
Pole (FMH-20) Optional
Char Height Overstory (FMH-20) Optional
Pole (FMH-20) Optional
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 57
DBH Remeasurement
Previous versions of the Fire Monitoring Handbook
stated that DBH should be measured at every plot visit
with the exception of immediate postburn. The new
recommendation is to skip this measurement at the
year-1 visit and to remeasure it at the year-2 visit. DBH
is a fairly gross measure for tracking tree growth; in
most cases the most important reason for tracking tree
growth is to assign the tree to a size class, and preburn
and year-2 measurements are usually sufficient for this.
If you feel that you have good justification for measur-
ing DBH at year-1, then by all means measure it!
Fire Monitoring Handbook 58
Generating Monitoring Plot Locations
First, using the restricted random sampling method
discussed below, randomly locate ten monitoring plots
per monitoring type throughout all units proposed for
prescribed burning in the next five years. These plots
will provide quantitative information for pilot sam-
pling (see page 43), and will be used to determine the
minimum sample size required to meet your monitor-
ing objectives.
To disperse your plots across the landscape, use a vari-
ant of stratified random sampling called restricted
random sampling. This randomization method
ensures that your plots are dispersed throughout your
monitoring type. First, choose the number, n, of sam-
pling units that you will need to meet your monitoring
objective. As a guideline, use an n of 10 for areas that
are small or when the variability of your objective vari-
able(s) is low. For objective variables that are moder-
ately variable, use an n of 20, and for those that are
highly variable, use an n of 30. (These numbers may be
adjusted once you have your initial 10 plots installed.)
Then divide your monitoring type into n equal por-
tions (see Figure 15). You will then choose at least
three to five (depending on the likelihood of initial plot
rejection, see below) plot location points (PLPs) per
portion. Then establish a monitoring plot within each
of these portions (see page 62).
Restricted Random Sampling
If you have currently-established plots within a moni-
toring type that were not chosen with restricted ran-
dom sampling, follow the above directions, and when
you divide your monitoring type into equal portions,
do so in such a way that each portion only has one pre-
established plot within it. You can then concentrate
your plot establishment efforts in those portions with-
out pre-established plots.
The likelihood of initial plot rejection depends on sev-
eral factors: the odds of encountering one of your
rejection criteria (e.g., large rocky areas); how your
monitoring type is distributed across the landscape
(e.g., if the type has a patchy distribution, your PLPs
may not always land in the middle of a patch); the qual-
ity of your vegetation maps (i.e., if you have poor qual-
ity maps, your PLPs may not always land within the
type); and the quality of your Monitoring type descrip-
tion sheet (FMH-4) (e.g., you may have written a more
narrow biological or physical description than you
intended, and as a result the type that you have
described only represents a small portion of the fuel-
vegetation complex that you are sampling). Most of
this information requires input from field technicians,
so initially you will need to make your best guess as to
the likelihood of plot rejection.
Figure 15. Using restricted random sampling to generate
plot locations.
In this example, the monitoring type is first divided into 20 equal
portions (notice that portion number 17 is shared between two
burn units, as the two parts of this portion combined is equal in
acreage to each of the other portions). Second, within each
portion, random points A–D (PLPs) are placed using one of the
methods described on page 60.
Locating Your First Plots
Ideally, before you burn within a new monitoring type,
you would install all your plots in that type throughout
all units proposed for burning in the next five years.
However, when fire managers have scheduled burning
to begin before you can install all your plots, a practical
alternative is to prioritize plot locations in the “n equal
portions” that fall in burn units that fire managers plan
to burn within the next year or two. To avoid biasing
your plot locations toward burn units that will burn
first, divide up your monitoring type using the afore-
mentioned guidelines for the number of “n equal por-
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 59
Method 1: Using a Geographic Information
In ArcView, use the GRID function to make a 60 × 60
m grid for forest plots, and a 40 × 40 m grid for grass
and brush plots. Then, eliminate the cells in the grid
that are not in the preselected areas, i.e., the monitor-
ing type. After that, have ArcView number the gridline
intersection points from one to x. Then divide x (the
total number of points) by the number of plots you
anticipate installing, e.g., if you think you will need 25
plots, then you would divide x by 25. You can then use
the GIS method discussed on page 61, or simply use
one of the random number methods listed in Appen-
dix B, to pick your plot location points (PLPs), in
order, within each 1/25th of the monitoring type. For
a monitoring type that contains 1,000 potential plot
locations choose random numbers from 1-40, 41-80,
81-120, etc.
Method 2: Topographic Map Method
First, use a dot grid to measure the total acreage of
your monitoring type (the portion that will be burned
over the next five years). Divide the total acreage of
that monitoring type by the number of plots you antic-
ipate installing. For example, if you have 100 hectares
of monitoring type, anticipate needing 25 plots, then
divide 100 hectares by 25. Calculate how many dots on
a dot grid are needed to encompass that size portion
(the total acreage divided by the potential n equal por-
tions). Use the dot grid to then draw the boundaries of
the n equal portions (in this example, 4 hectares each)
on your map. You can then use the Grid or XY coordi-
nates methods discussed on page 61 to establish your
plot location points (PLPs).
Method 1: Using a Geographic Information
Calculate the total acreage of your monitoring type,
then divide by the number of plots you plan on install-
ing. Then calculate the radius of a circle (using the
equation below) around which no other plots would be
r = A ⁄ π
r= radius
A = area (acreage of n equal portions)
For example, if each n equal portion equals 40 hectares,
you will need each existing plot to have a buffer of 357
In this example you would use the BUFFER command
to create a 357 m buffer around each point in your
monitoring plot point coverage. This will produce 40-
hectare circles around each plot. You will then have a
polygon coverage of circles. Then use a spatial overlay
function (or CLIP command) to eliminate from your
grid all points that fall within these circles. Pull this
new coverage into ArcView and begin the GRID pro-
cess as described above.
Method 2: Topographic Map Method
Follow the directions listed in method 1 above, and
divide each portion so that each portion contains only
one previously installed plot.
The next step is to randomly assign plot location
points (PLPs) within each of the n portions of your
monitoring type. Each of the three methods presented
here for locating a monitoring plot on a map, ortho-
photo (an aerial photograph that corresponds to a
USGS 7.5 minute quad), or other locator, presumes
that you have divided your monitoring type into n
equal portions (see above). All three methods require
very accurate base and burn unit maps before you can
begin randomization or monitoring. This step, along
with finding the equivalent field location, can actually
be the most time-consuming activity in monitoring. In
all three methods, you will need to establish a random
point, called the plot location point (PLP), from which
the plot origin point will be determined in the field.
As you use one of these three methods to select plots,
be sure to number the selected PLPs or grid units on
your map or locator—in the order that you select
them within each
equal portion—before going to
the field. If you can generate UTM coordinates for
Fire Monitoring Handbook 60
your PLPs, you can use these with a Global Positioning
System (GPS) unit in the field.
Discard any PLPs or grid units that meet the rejection
criteria you have identified and recorded on FMH-4,
e.g., a plot location point in a riparian area. Ideally—
with an intimate knowledge of the monitoring type
and good maps—you would identify and exclude such
areas prior to gridding and randomly selecting the PLP
or grid unit.
Method 1: Using a Geographic Information
You can use a Geographic Information System (GIS)
to select and record random monitoring plot origin
points in the field. In order to use GIS to randomly
assign sample plot locations you need several base car-
tographic layers. These layers should include your best
available vegetation layers as well as elevation, slope,
and aspect. It would also be useful to have a layer that
displays the location and type of all existing sample
There are currently three approaches available to ran-
domly select PLPs using GIS tools:
• ArcView extension (for version 3.1) developed by
Alaska Support Office GIS (USDI NPS 2001b)
ArcView extension developed by SEKI GIS
ArcInfo Grid function <Rand>
The first two approaches offer a fairly automated pro-
cedure for experienced users of ArcView. The third
approach offers the most control and flexibility for
advanced users of ArcInfo. For further information or
to obtain copies of the ArcView extensions, contact
your GIS coordinator, or visit the FMH web page
<> for contacts.
Grid or XY Coordinates Method
If you use graph paper for your grid, enlarge your
monitoring type map so that each section of the graph
paper is roughly equivalent to your plot size (50 m ×
50 m for forest types or 30 m × 30 m for brush and
grassland plot types).
your monitoring type. Assign each cell of the grid a
unique number, and randomly select cells in each por-
tion (between two and ten, depending on the likeli-
hood of rejecting the plot location points; refer to
Appendix B for random number generation). The cen-
ter point of the cell is the PLP.
Method 3: XY Coordinates Method
This method is similar to the grid map method, but
uses an XY grid. Overlay an XY grid on the map or
orthophoto containing the portion of the monitoring
type. A clear plastic ruler or transparent grid works
well for this purpose. Using the lower left-hand corner
as the origin where X, Y = 0, 0, select pairs of random
numbers to define X and Y points on the grid (see
Appendix B). The intersection of the XY coordinates
on the map is the PLP. As in the grid map method, you
will randomly select a certain number of PLPs in each
portion of the monitoring type.
Method 2: Grid Map Method
The random grid map method is a low-tech method
for random selection of monitoring plots. On a map,
draw (or place) a grid atop each of the n portions of
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 61
Plot Location
Your randomly selected plot location points (PLPs)
(see page 60) will serve as the starting point for actual
plot location, which is done in the field. From the PLP,
you will measure a random direction and distance to a
plot origin point.
With your map of numbered PLPs in hand, you are
ready to locate plots in the field. If you generated these
PLPs using a GIS, you have UTM coordinates, and you
can use a GPS unit to find your points. To eliminate
bias, visit potential plot locations in the order in which
they were randomly selected within each portion of the
monitoring type (see page 59). This will eliminate any
tendency to avoid plots located in difficult terrain or
that are otherwise operationally less desirable.
Verify plot suitability by visiting each PLP identified on
the map. To locate your PLP, first choose a landmark
near your point that you can easily locate on your map
(or aerial photo). Determine the actual distance and
bearing from the landmark to the PLP. Once you’ve
found the landmark in the field, use a compass,
adjusted for the local declination, and measure (tape,
hip chain, or pace) the distance to the point using this
information. If your points were generated with GIS,
use of a GPS unit will greatly increase your accuracy in
locating the PLP.
Once you have found the PLP, you will select a plot
origin point. To do this, select a random compass
direction (0° to 359°) from a list of random azimuths,
which you can create using a random number genera-
tor (Appendix B).
Next, select a random distance (0 to 20 m) from a list
of random distances, which you can create using a ran-
dom number generator. Locate the plot origin point by
moving the indicated direction and distance.
Navigation Aids
If you need assistance using a compass, using declina-
tion, using a clinometer, measuring distances in the
field, or other navigation techniques, see pages 201–
206 in Appendix C.
For each plot you plan to install, generate two or three
sets of random numbers, six random azimuths (0–359)
(one for plot location, one as the plot azimuth and four
for the fuel transects) and one random distance (0–20
m), ahead of time. An excellent idea is to generate all
the random azimuths and distances that you will need
for the entire season at once, using a spreadsheet pro-
gram (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Lotus 123) (see page
191). Make sure that you cross each number out
after you use it. In a pinch, you may generate a ran-
dom azimuth by randomly spinning the dial of your
compass. However, remember that this not the pre-
ferred method.
From the plot origin point you’ve just identified, check
the area against the monitoring type description and
rejection criteria on FMH-4 (Monitoring type descrip-
tion sheet). If the monitoring plot origin point and the
area roughly within a 50 m radius of that point meet
the criteria for the monitoring type, proceed to mark
and establish the monitoring plot.
If the origin point and surrounding area meet one or
more rejection criteria for the monitoring type, return
to the PLP, orient 180° away from the previous ran-
domly selected azimuth, and move a distance of 50 m
to a new plot origin point. If the second location meets
one or more rejection criteria, reject the PLP and pro-
ceed to the next one (return to Step 1) (see Figure 16).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 62
Figure 16. Initial steps of plot location.
In this example, a monitoring crew first visits PLP A and rejects
that point after trying a random number and distance, then trying
50 m at 180°. The crew successful accepted the plot near PLP B
after going a new random direction and distance from that point.
Note: PLPs were visited in the order that they were chosen (A–
If the area around your origin point meets the criteria
for the monitoring type, install a stake, which serves as
the plot origin point (the center point of the forest plot
or the 0 point of a grassland or brush plot). Marking
the plot is described in detail under the plot layout and
installation section (page 64).
Increase Your Chances of
Accepting a Plot Location Point
Within narrow monitoring types (e.g., riparian, canyon
edges, and where the PLP falls at a location that would
likely lead to an acceptable plot site only within a range
of directions), the random azimuth generation may be
restricted to that range, provided that the range of
available azimuths is fairly generous (at least 60
Working on Steep Slopes
Where steepness of the slope characterizes the moni-
toring type, wear light boots or shoes (if safe to do so)
and take extra care to minimize activity within the plot
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 63
Laying Out And Installing Monitoring Plots
Laying Out & Installing Monitoring Plots
Plot layout and installation methods vary with plot
type; here, each method is presented separately. Two
monitors are recommended for grassland, and three
for brush plot installation. A minimum of two moni-
tors are needed for forest plot installation, but a third
and even fourth monitor will make it go more than
twice as fast and are especially important where vege-
tation is very dense. In all plots you will need your
Monitoring type description sheet (FMH-4) and Plot
location data sheet (FMH-5), a compass, and stakes.
Stake labels (tags) are used in all types of plots and are
discussed following the section on forest plot layout
and installation. For a complete equipment list, see
Appendix E.
As described earlier in this chapter (page 62) you have
generated a plot origin point from your PLP, and have
marked this point by installing an origin stake. From
this origin stake, select a random azimuth (Appendix
B) and lay out a 30 m+ tape from the origin stake
along this azimuth (see Figure 17). Suspend the
transect line, defined by the tape, above the vegetation
(brush plots may require special techniques—see tip
on page 65). This may require construction of two tri-
pod scaffolds—one for each end of the tape. The
entire 30 m line and 5 m on either side of it must lie
within the identified monitoring type.
Figure 17. Grassland or brush monitoring transect.
Place a stake at each point marked with a black circle (•). Note
that the endpoint is installed 0.3 m past the endpoint of the
transect to minimize interference.
Mark the Plot
Mark the transect dimensions by installing two 0.5 in
diameter rebar (rebar is recommended throughout the
text, but other materials may be used, see Appendix E)
stakes at 0 and 30.3 m. Installing a stake at 30.3 m
(30P) minimizes stake interference in the point inter-
cept transect at the 30 m data point. Stake height
above the ground should allow easy relocation of the
stakes. Stakes should be installed deep enough to pro-
vide adequate basal stability relative to the height nec-
essary to bring the stake into view. Suggested stake
lengths are 0.5 to 1 m for grassland transects, and 2 m
or more for brush transects. It is generally best to
overestimate the stake heights needed, to compensate
for snow creep and vegetation growth.
Burial of the origin stake (0 point) is recommended,
especially in areas subject to vandalism or disturbance.
A metal detector (or magnetic locator) can be used
later to relocate the plot if all of the above-ground
stakes are lost. In high-use areas it may be necessary to
partially camouflage stakes, or to mark beginning and
end points with buried metal markers that can be relo-
cated with a metal detector (or a magnetic locator).
Electronic Marker Systems, or “cyberstakes,” may be
useful under these circumstances (see page 224).
Color code plot beginning and ending stakes (orange
for 0P, blue for the 30P) with heat-resistant paints, e.g.,
automotive engine paint. Place a piece of cardboard
behind the stake while you are painting it to protect the
surrounding vegetation. Repaint the stakes after each
Install permanent plot identification tags on each stake
as described on page 70.
Defining the Brush Belt
You may find it useful to define the brush belt for
future monitors by installing two additional stakes,
each a belt width away from 0P and 30P. These two
stakes should be 30 m apart instead of the 30.3 m dis-
tance separating 0P and 30P.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 64
Advice for Installing Brush Plots
Shrubland types can be very difficult (and sometimes painful) to navigate in, make straight lines through and pho-
tograph. Here are some tips to aid intrepid shrubland monitors.
The best way to string a straight tape in a shrubland depends on the height, density and pliability of the species
concerned. If the average height of the shrubs is <1.5 m, pound the rebar to within a decimeter or two of the
average height (use rebar long enough for you to bury a third to half of the stake), and string the tape over the
top of the vegetation. If the shrubs are >1.5 m and have a relatively open understory, run the tape along the
ground. However, if these tall shrubs are fairly continuous, you may be better off trying to string the tape right
through the stems. No matter how you string the tape, record on the FMH-5 where you string it, so future
monitors can replicate your work.
Three may be the best number of monitors for installing brush plots, with two people setting up the transect
and the third mapping and photographing. When re-reading the plot, two people can collect transect data and
the third can collect density data and photograph the plot.
When on slopes, approach the plot from above. You will find it easier to move, toss equipment, and sight from
above than below. Examine where your plot might go, and plan out your sampling strategy to minimize move-
ment from one end of the plot to the other.
Play leapfrog to navigate to the plot, or when stringing the tape along the azimuth. The first person sights along
the azimuth while the second person moves through the brush to the farthest point at which she or he can still
see the first person. Note: Rather than trampling directly down the actual transect line, take a circuitous route.
Two monitors will sight on each other trading the compass and the tape. Then the first person works his or her
way around past the second person to the next point where a line of sight can still be maintained. They sight on
each other once again and toss the tape, and continue until the destination is reached.
Use a tall, collapsible, brightly painted sampling rod and include it in your photos. This will make the opposite
stake (0 or 30P) more visible in the photos, and will let your fellow monitors know where you are.
Wear a brightly colored shirt, hat or vest. Flag the sampling rod. Flag your glasses. Flag your hat. Do whatever
you have to do to be seen.
In addition to using a GPS unit to record the plot location, make the plot easier to find by installing reference
stakes or tagging reference trees, and locating at least three other highly visible reference features. Take bearings
to three of these features, so that returning monitors can locate the plot by triangulation.
You may find it useful to set up a photo point from an adjacent ridge to get a community-wide view of change
over time.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 65
Figure 18. Steps in laying out a forest plot.
A) place stakes at points marked with a black circle (•); B) lay out 90° angles and adjust the corner stakes; C) place remaining plot
Fire Monitoring Handbook 66
Locate the Plot Origin
For forest plots, your origin point (see page 62),
marked by a stake, serves as your plot center (see
Figure 18A).
Establish the Plot Centerline
You will use this origin to lay out a rectangular
plot (Figure 18). Select a random azimuth (Appendix
B) and measure a 50 m line along this azimuth, using
the origin point as its center. The centerline is defined
by a tape measure laid as straight as possible. To lay out
this 50 m tape, stand at the plot origin and run the 0
end of the tape toward the 0P point (along the back
azimuth) and the 50 m end of the tape to the 50P
(Figure 18A). Record the plot azimuth on the Forest
plot data sheet (FMH-7).
Establish the Plot Boundaries
Laying out the tape to define the plot boundaries
requires at least two monitors—one for each end. The
monitors must take time to lay out the plot as a true
rectangle. These plots are large and one monitor could
lose sight of the other, making it difficult to “square”
the plot corners (90° angles). A few helpful hints to
accomplish this task are provided here.
Lay out the plot centerline as straight as possible. Next,
lay out three 20 m (or 30 m) tapes perpendicular to the
centerline, also as straight as possible, and such that
the tapes intersect at right angles. Start with either line
P1–P2 or Q4–Q3. To accomplish this use the principle
of the 3, 4, 5 triangle. For every right angle, measure 3
m along the 20 m tape where it intersects the center-
line; mark the measurement. Measure 4 m along the
centerline; mark the measurement. The hypote-
nuse of the resulting triangle should be 5 m (as illus-
trated in Figure 18B). If the hypotenuse is not 5 m,
adjust the 20 m tape so that it is.
In sparsely vegetated forest types you may be able
to triangulate using larger triangles. For example,
in Figure 18B the hypotenuse of the triangle from the
centerline 0P to point P1 is 26.92 m.
Lay out the endline (Figure 18A) and midline tapes,
making sure that the “0" end of each tape starts at the
same end of the plot.
If the plot encompasses variable slopes, such as a
ravine (and this does not cause you to reject it), lay out
the tapes so that you are measuring slope distance (see
Glossary) rather than horizontal distance—FMH.EXE
software will correct for this. In such a case, it will be
impossible to perfectly square the plot, but this allows
for the most true representation of the area on the
ground. For plots with a understory of dense shrubs,
see page 65 for tips on installing plots in brush.
Plot Squaring Priorities
Squaring a plot can be tedious and time-consuming.
Keep in mind that the variables affected by this pro-
cess are density of overstory, pole-size and possibly
seedling trees. The degree to which the plot should be
perfectly square depends on the density of trees, partic-
ularly if there are any trees right on the boundary in
question. If trees are dense and there are one or more
trees on the boundary, it is important to get the cor-
ners as square as possible. A good guideline is that the
3, 4, 5 triangle be no more than 1 dm off on each side.
If trees are sparse and there are no trees on the bound-
ary, squareness is less critical and an error of 30 dm
may be acceptable. Accuracy Standards: ± 0.5 m
for the length, and ± 0.2 m for the width, of a for-
est plot (Table 8, page 69).
Orient the Plot Quarters
Once your plot is squared, divide the plot into quarters
and assign numbers according to the following proto-
col. If you stand at the plot origin, with both feet on
the centerline and the 0 point (0P) on your left, Quar-
ter 1 (Q1) is to your forward-right. Quarters 2, 3,
and 4 are numbered clockwise from Q1 as shown
in Figure 18A.
Carrying Rebar
If you backpack into your plots, try using the bottom
of a plastic soda bottle to carry your rebar stakes, in
order to protect your pack.
Mark the Plot
Define the plot, quarters, and fuel inventory lines as
shown in Figure 18C with rebar stakes (rebar is recom-
mended throughout the text, but other materials may
be used, see Appendix E). Bury a 0.5 in diameter rebar
stake (the origin stake) at the plot center or origin.
Install rebar stakes at each of the four corners of the
20 m × 50 m plot (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) and at the
starting points along the centerline for the four fuel
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 67
inventory transects (1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A). Place a stake
at either end of the center line (points 0P and 50P),
and a stake at either end of the short axis midline
(points P1 and P2).
Define the end points of the fuels inventory lines by
installing rebar stakes at these points (1B, 2B, 3B, and
4B) using four random azimuths. Often the end points
of the fuel transects will be 50 ft from the beginning
points (A), but in some types they may be longer.
Check the protocols (FMH-4) and install to the appro-
priate length.
Stake height above the ground should be sufficient to
allow easy relocation of the stakes. Install the stakes
deep enough to provide adequate basal stability relative
to the height necessary to bring the stake into view.
Suggested stake lengths are: 0.5 m–1 m for forest
plots, or taller if undergrowth is tall and thick. It is gen-
erally best to overestimate the stake heights needed, to
compensate for snow creep and vegetation growth.
Burial of the plot reference or origin (center) stake is
recommended, especially in areas subject to vandalism
or disturbance. The other key stakes (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4,
0P, and 50P) may also be considered for burial, but
only as a last choice, as buried stakes can be difficult to
install, locate, and remove. Buried stakes can be relo-
cated with a metal detector (or a magnetic locator).
Color-code the plot beginning and ending stakes
(orange for 0P, blue for the 50P) using heat-resistant
paints, e.g., automotive engine paint. Repaint the stakes
after each burn.
Park managers will have to determine whether plot
marking standards recommended in this handbook are
appropriate for their unit. This handbook calls for the
placement of seventeen 0.5 in diameter rebar stakes for
each forest plot. These markers are important for the
relocation of plots and transects. In some situations,
however, these rebar stakes may be hazardous,
destructive to cultural resources, or visually or philo-
sophically intrusive. Plastic caps placed on the top of
the stakes may prevent injuries and can increase stake
visibility (and in some places are required by law). At
an absolute minimum, the origin stake and the four
corner stakes (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) must be installed.
These stakes can be camouflaged by paint or by total
or partial burial. You may also consider using “cyber-
stakes” (see page 224). Any innovations or deviations
from the above should be well documented.
Plots are distinguishable from one another through
identification codes etched onto metal tags which
attach to the rebar stakes. Directions for preparing and
installing these tags follow this section.
Large Obstructions Encountered on
the Transect
Follow this procedure if you encounter a large obstruc-
tion, like a very large tree or tall rock, along a forest
plot boundary line (refer to Figure 19):
Lay the tape straight, along the transect, until the
point at which the obstruction is encountered.
Pound a permanent stake at this point.
Deviate from the transect at a 90-degree angle in the
direction enabling the shortest offset, until you are
clear of the obstruction, and pound a temporary
stake there.
Lay the tape to the end of the obstruction, following
the original transect azimuth, and pound another
temporary stake there.
Measure and record the distance between the two
temporary stakes.
Divert 90 degrees again back to where the original
line would pick up and pound another permanent
At this point, you may remove the temporary stakes
and secure the tape back at the permanent stake
preceding the obstruction.
Add the distance measured between the two tempo-
rary stakes to the distance on the tape at the point at
which the deviation was made and the first perma-
nent rebar was installed.
Unwind a second tape out to this distance and
attach it at this point to the permanent stake follow-
ing the obstruction, then lay the remainder of it out
to the end of the transect.
If this occurs on a transect on which herbaceous
and woody plant data are collected, the code for the
obstruction (2BOLE, 2RB, etc., see Table 15,
page 86) is recorded for each missed interval.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 68
Table 8. Accuracy standards for plot layout.
Plot Layout
Dimensions ± 0.5 m (or 1%), forest plot length
± 0.2 m (or 1%), forest plot width
Figure 19. Procedure for circumventing a large transect
When The Rebar Won’t Go In
At times rebar cannot be satisfactorily pounded into
the ground. If this is the case at one of your plot
points, try installing the rebar out a little further along
the tape, or sinking it in at an angle so that the top is
in the correct location. You can also use a “rock drill”
or cordless drill to drill holes prior to placing rebar (in
areas that are subject to seasonal flooding, it may be a
good idea to secure them with marine epoxy). Alter-
natively, you can pile up rocks around the rebar, but
only if that won’t affect the variable you are sampling
and the cairn has a reasonable chance of remaining
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 69
Labeling Monitoring Plot Stakes
Install permanent plot identification tags on each stake
as described below.
Use rectangular or oblong brass tags; aluminum
tags are likely to melt (Appendix E).
Each tag should include the monitoring stake
location code, plot purpose, plot identification
code, and date of initial installation. An abbrevi-
ated format may be used to reduce the amount of
minting. It includes the monitoring stake location
code, plot purpose, vegetation code from the plot
identification code, plot number and date. The
two formats are displayed in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Two formats for labeling plot stake tags.
The stake location codes are identified in Figure 17, page 64 (brush or grassland plots) and Figure 18, page 66 (forest plots).
Save Time Stamping
Stamping the tags using a die set produces the most
wear-resistant results, but is very time-consuming.
Stamp the tags (except the date and the plot number,
which can be added once the plot has been accepted)
before going into the field and consider stamping only
the Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4 and Origin stake tags, and using an
electric engraver to encode the others in the field.
Nonstandard Stamp Additions
You may find it useful to include the plot azimuth or
other additional information on each tag.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 70
Photographing the Plot
Once all the tapes are laid out, take a minimum of two
photos at each grassland or brush plot (Table 9), and
eight photos at each forest plot (Table 10), following
the “Subject” sequence listed below (also included on
FMH-7). If necessary to better characterize the vegeta-
Table 9. Sequence for grassland and brush plot photos.
tion at the site, take additional photos from a well-doc-
umented location. To minimize the effect of
vegetation trampling on the photo, photograph the
monitoring plot before you sample other variables,
staying outside the plot as much as possible.
Subject Code
1. From 0P toward 30P 0P–30P
2. From 30P toward 0P 30P–0P
3. From 0P toward reference feature 0P–REF
4. From reference feature toward 0P REF–0P
Table 10. Sequence for forest plot photos.
Subject Code
1. From 0P toward the Origin stake (plot center) 0P-Origin
2. From stake Q4 toward stake Q1 Q4-Q1
3. From stake P1 toward the Origin stake P1-Origin
4. From stake Q1 toward stake Q4 Q1-Q4
5. From 50P toward the Origin stake 50P-Origin
6. From stake Q2 toward stake Q3 Q2-Q3
7. From stake P2 toward the Origin stake P2-Origin
8. From stake Q3 toward stake Q2 Q3-Q2
9. From the Origin toward reference feature Origin–REF
10. From reference feature toward Origin REF–Origin
A coded photograph identification “card” (see
photo card tip below) should be prepared and
made visible in every photograph. The card
should display, in large black letters, the plot iden-
tification code, date (if camera is not equipped
with a databack), subject code and any other infor-
mation that may be useful, e.g., park code, burn
unit, or burn status.
Use the same kind of camera, lens, and film
each time you rephotograph. Note: Use rela-
tively stable technology such as 35 mm cameras
and film rather than the latest digital camera. Try
to retake the photo at the same time of day, and at
about the same phenological stage of the shrub
and herbaceous species. To avoid shadows, take
photographs when the sun is directly overhead,
when possible.
Place a flagged rangepole or other tall marker at
the midpoint or the end of the line being photo-
graphed. The pole should be located at the same
point each time the plot is rephotographed. This
can provide for clearer comparisons over time.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 71
Photographic Protocols
The following procedure differs from that recom-
mended in previous versions of this handbook. Previ-
ously established photopoints should always be
rephotographed using the protocols that were used
when the points were originally established.
Using a tripod or monopod, raise the camera to a
height of 4 ft and set it back from the starting point
just far enough to get the top of the closest stake in
the field of view. Exactly how you frame the shot
will also depend on the slope and horizon—on a
hillside or ravine, angle the camera with the slope.
Align the camera horizontally for the recommended
photos. Take an additional vertical shot, if that bet-
ter characterizes the plot, due to an obstruction,
dense shrubs, tree bole, large rock, etc., in the cam-
era’s field of view. Make sure that the light meter
reading doesnt include any sky. If it does, first point
the camera at the vegetation only and note the read-
ing given there, then reposition the camera. The
photo should include the tape as well as the stakes
at either end of the transect along which you are
Rephotographing Plots
Remember that when you are photographing plots that
have already burned, you should make every attempt
to duplicate the preburn photos, no matter what tech-
nique was used, unless the previous photos are poor,
e.g., pictures of plot stakes, but not the plot itself. If
possible, bring a reference photo (a color photocopy
of the original) along to facilitate duplication of earlier
Basic photography guidelines can be found on
page 207 in Appendix C.
Record photographic information on the Photo-
graphic record sheet (FMH-23 in Appendix A).
As soon as the film has been developed, label all
slides as per Figure 21. The Photographic record
sheet should be used as a reference. It may be
helpful to add the park code if more than one park
is served by the same monitoring team.
Figure 21. Suggested format for labeling slides.
Importance of Good Preburn Photos
The importance of the highest quality preburn data
cannot be overemphasized. Returning to plots to
retake photos is costly and time-consuming, but abso-
lutely necessary if you take poor photos the first time.
This is especially critical at the preburn stage as the
value of postburn photos is dependent upon good pre-
burn photos for comparison. Extra time and care
taken to get good photos the first time will be repaid,
as poor quality images will require a return visit to the
plot to reshoot the photos.
Taking Slides into the Field
Never take original slides into the field; they will be
degraded by light exposure and abrasion, and could be
lost entirely.
Use a 35 mm camera with a 35 mm lens. A 28 mm lens
will give you an even wider field of view, but may be
harder to come by. A databack camera may be used to
ensure that the date and time are recorded on the film,
but is not necessary. In the near future, high resolution
Fire Monitoring Handbook 72
digital cameras may become the best technology for
photo documentation. However, as of this writing, the
quality of camera necessary to produce clear, well-
defined projectable slides is prohibitively expensive for
most monitoring programs. Note: Choose one type of
equipment and use it for the duration of the monitor-
ing program.
Use the highest quality film type available for long-
term storage. Exposure to UV light is extremely detri-
mental to image longevity, and light damage is cumula-
tive. At this writing, the most stable slide film available
for long-term dark storage is Kodachrome, however it
is unstable when exposed to light, especially projector
bulbs. Fujichrome has superior projection-fading sta-
bility. A balance should be sought between projector-
fading and dark fading stability (Wilhelm and Brower
1993). Under the best storage conditions, slides from
both films will last up to fifty years. Note: Some pro-
grams may want to consider using black and white
prints for archival purposes. This medium will hold up
longer than slides, and allows for very nice visual com-
parisons, but can be costly and require a lot of storage
space for programs with an extensive plot network.
Choose film speed according to the amount of light
generally available in the monitoring type, or likely to
be available during the data collection visit. At times
this could necessitate changing the film mid-roll and
rewinding it for later use or wasting the remaining film
on the roll, but this is preferable to poor photo quality
and will be less expensive than having to return to the
plot to rephotograph it if the photos are not accept-
able. More details on film and basic photography
guidelines can be found starting on page 207.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 73
Successful Photos
• Always bring a copy of the preburn photos into the field to facilitate replication of earlier shots. This can be a
set of photographic prints, scanned images, color photocopies or slide duplicates generated for this purpose
and included in the “field packet” (see page 112).
Photos will be more useful if they show primarily the vegetation, and space taken up by the board and moni-
tor is minimized. Have someone hold the board so that the codes are just visible in each photograph, but the
board itself is as unobtrusive as possible. While it would make for great reminiscing, the person holding the
board and the other data collectors should not be visible in the photo.
A convenient photo board can be fashioned out of a piece of white paper (or card stock) laminated with 10
mil plastic; dry erase markers can then be used to mark the board. Such a board will last one field season. For
a more permanent tool, try using a dry erase board, or a magnetic board as developed by the Glacier National
Park sign shop (details are provided in Appendix E).
Use the same lens focal length each time you rephotograph.
• If it is not clear what the best camera settings are, bracketing the photos (taking three photos of the same sub-
ject using a range of settings) will decrease the chance that a revisit will be necessary.
If the closest stake that should be in the photo is obstructed by a shrub or tree limbs, take the photo anyway,
flagging the stake and moving as little vegetation as possible. You may then take an oblique shot of the photo
transect if desired, noting the exact location from which this shot was taken and that this photo should always
be repeated on subsequent visits.
If obtrusive vegetation prevents you from placing the camera in such a spot that you can get the closest stake
in the picture, it may be acceptable to take the photo while standing at the stake itself, or from a different
height (but not above 5 ft), as long as this is noted and repeated on all subsequent visits, even if the intruding
vegetation is later consumed. Never prune vegetation from a plot.
Retake the photo when the shrub and herbaceous species are at the same phenological stage as they were in
the original photos.
• Processing slides promptly will allow you time to retake poor photos while the vegetation is still at the pheno-
logically correct stage.
If you find that the Photographic record sheet (FMH-23) is too large, or if you use multiple cameras, keep a
small notebook with appropriately labeled pages in the camera bag at all times. Attaching the notebook to the
camera bag will reduce the risk of losing the entire notebook and all the data with it.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 74
Field Mapping the Monitoring Plot
Field Mapping the Monitoring Plot
Copies of your field maps should be included in each
plot folder, in the “field packet,” and possibly also in a
general monitoring type file (see page 112 for a discus-
sion on field packets and plot folders). Note the loca-
tion of monitoring plots on each of the following types
of maps:
USGS 7.5-minute or 15-minute topographic quad,
detailed trail map, GIS map, or best available map
for your park
Orthophoto quad or aerial photo, if appropriate
(note that in open country, aerial photos can make
relocation of the monitoring plots much easier,
but they are not as useful in closed forest types)
Hand-drawn route map, including a plot diagram
and reference features
Full park or small-scale map (for inclusion in a
monitoring type or monitoring program general
Those who follow in your footsteps wont have your
footsteps to follow. When mapping, keep in mind that
your map may be used by monitors who are unfamiliar
with your park, and make the map as clear as you pos-
sibly can. Include as many geographic features as pos-
sible to reassure future monitors that they are on the
right course, and indicate when they have arrived.
Remember to include enough information (e.g., azi-
muths and distances to multiple reference features) in
your maps for future monitors to easily recreate the
plot if one or more rebar are missing. This is especially
critical for grassland and brush plots, as they have only
two stakes. Note: Accuracy standards for plot location
measurements are located in Table 11, page 76.
Reference Features
In difficult terrain, or for distances longer than your
longest tape, use a Global Positioning System (GPS)
unit to find the azimuth and distance from the refer-
ence feature to the plot. For assistance using a GPS
unit, see page 205 in Appendix C.
Follow along with the completed Plot location data
sheet (FMH-5) on page 77 as you read the steps on the
following two pages. A blank FMH-5 is available in
Appendix A.
Assign and record the plot identification code.
The plot ID number consists of the monitoring
type code (see page 36), and a two digit plot num-
ber; ex.: FSEGI2T08–01 or BARTR2D05–01. The
last two digits (plot number) should start with 01
for each monitoring type and continue sequen-
tially within each type.
Circle whether the plot is a burn plot or a control
plot (B/C). Record the date you completed the
form, the burn unit name or number (or both),
the people that completed the form, the topo-
graphic quad containing the plot, the azimuth of
the transect, and the declination (see page 202)
that you used for all azimuths.
Record Universal Transverse Mercator values
(UTMs) or longitude and latitude. If appropriate,
record township and range as well. Record
whether the location was determined with a map
and compass or a GPS unit. If you use a GPS unit,
record the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP)
or Estimated Horizontal Error, 2D (EHE) if you
are using a PLGR, and specify the datum used
(e.g., North American Datum-1927, NAD27). See
page 205, Appendix C for a discussion of PLGR
use and datums. Note: If you map the location of
the plot with a GPS unit on a date different from
that on which you installed the plot, be sure to
note this on the History of site visits (FMH-5A).
• Record the average percent slope that the plot azi-
muth follows, the average percent slope, the
aspect, and elevation (from a GPS unit or a topo-
graphic quad) of the plot location.
Describe the fire history of the plot. At a mini-
mum, include the date of the last fire, if known.
Record the travel route used to access the moni-
toring plot (also show this on a topographic map).
Record the true compass bearing (includes decli-
nation) followed from the road or trail (or other
relatively permanent reference point) to locate the
monitoring plot. Mark on the topographic map
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 75
where you left this well-known trail or road, and
photograph this location if necessary.
Describe how to get to the monitoring plot, refer-
ring to the hand-drawn map. Note: Some people
can easily follow written directions, while others
prefer visual directions. Use the hand-drawn map
to illustrate the written directions by including all
your geographic references, including the highly
visible features from which you took bearings.
Identify permanent or semi-permanent reference
features on the site in case the origin stake is hard
to find or disappears. The reference feature
should be easy to relocate, such as an obtrusive
and distinctive living tree or large boulder, peak,
or cliff. Install a reference stake if no reference
features are available, but use them sparingly and
place them carefully to avoid attracting vandalism.
Record the true compass bearing (includes decli-
nation) and distance in meters from the reference
feature to the origin stake.
Describe the plot location accurately and thor-
oughly, referring to the hand-drawn map.
Complete the History of site visits (FMH-5A)
every time you visit the plot.
Enter the FMH-5 into the FMH database
(Sydoriak 2001).
Fill out the Forest plot data sheet (FMH-7); see
the warning box below.
Forest Plot Data Sheet (FMH-7)
The Forest plot data sheet (FMH-7) has been modified
from a photo record sheet to a place where you can
record the azimuth and slope of each fuel transect line
and draw in the transect lines and the sampling areas
for overstory, pole and seedling trees. See the example
on page 79.
Table 11. Accuracy standards for plot location description.
Plot Mapping
% Slope ± 5%
Elevation ± 100 ft (30 m)
UTM ± 30 m (by GPS unit)
± 100 m (by hand)
Lat/Long ± 2 seconds (by GPS unit)
± 5 seconds (by hand)
Fire Monitoring Handbook 76
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
B / C (Circle One) Date:
7 / 31/ 00
Burn Unit:
Blozan, Feeley
Topo Quad:
Transect Azimuth:
35° 32'30"
Slope (%) along Transect Azimuth:
Slope (%) of Hillside:
Location Information Determined by (Circle One): Map & Compass / GPS
If determined by GPS: Datum used: (Circle One) PDOP/EHE:
Fire History of the Plot (including the date of the last known fire):
Burned in a wildland fire (human caused
ignition) in 1971 and (natural ignition) in 1958. Additional information is unavailable prior to 1943.
1. Road and trail used to travel to the plot:
Take 441 from park headquarters to 321; make a left on
321. Take 321 to Route 129; turn left on Route 129.
2. True compass bearing at point where road/trail is left to hike to plot:
3. Describe the route to the plot; include or attach a hand-drawn map illustrating these directions,
including the plot layout, plot reference stake and other significant features. In addition, attach a
topo, orthophoto, and/or trail map.
Plot can be reached from Route 129 beginning at the
utility line service gate. Follow the service road
under the power lines and over the crest of small,
steep hill toward Tabcat Creek. Continue following
the road upstream (southeast). The road will cross
the stream three times, the third being a relatively
wide and shallow section (2.1 mi. to third crossing).
This crossing is also a split in the service road. Veer
left and continue up Tabcat Creek, following the
overgrown service road, crossing first under the four
strand power lines and then the main lines (twin
sets). You may have to cross the stream several
times for ease of passage. Travel upstream to the
junction of an unnamed creek branch, 0.6 mi from
service road split and 250 m east of Cattail Branch
on the north side of Tabcat. The road becomes
impassible at this point, park here. Follow the branch
65 m (paced) to its junction with a tributary flowing
almost due south. A worn trail will be apparent east
of the creek. Cross the creek and follow the trail up
to the crest of the ridge and look for a lone, stately
old chestnut oak (Quercus prinus, DBH 83 cm) with a
tag on its south side. The tag says: RXFire
FPIRIG08 Ref.#1. From the tagged oak, travel 210
m (paced) at 50° to Q3. The plot is located on the
northeast side of a large rock outcrop.
4. Describe reference feature:
Q. prinus, DBH = 82.8 cm
5. True compass bearing from plot reference feature to plot reference stake:
6. Distance from reference feature to reference stake:
7. Problems, comments, notes:
It is difficult to see the plot until you are almost upon it. The Q4–Q1
line goes to the uphill side of the large boulder at 39 m.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 77
Plot ID:
B / C (Circle One) Burn Unit:
Purpose Comments
7/28/00 PRE Install Plot/Begin Data Collection
7/31/00 PRE Complete Data Collection
9/8/00 01 Burn Burn Plot, Collect Fire Behavior data Only ½ of the Plot Burned
10/22/00 01 Post Replace Tag 2A,OT Tags 29–32
6/17/01 01 yr01 Data Collection Identified 2GRAM3!
7/13/01 01 yr01 Retake 01 Yr01 Photos 6/17 Photos Too Dark
5/11/02 01 yr02 Data Collection GPS Plot Location
5/4/05 01 yr05 Data Collection 2B Stake Is Missing
5/20/05 01 yr05 Replace 2B Stake
6/23/10 01 yr10 Data Collection
8/24/10 02 Burn Burn Plot, Collect Fire Behavior data Entire Plot Burned
10/5/10 02 Post Data Collection Q3 & 0P Rebar Missing
2/2/11 Reinstall Rebar
6/17/11 02 yr01 Data Collection
Fire Monitoring Handbook 78
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
B / C (Circle One) Date:
7 / 31 / 00
Burn Unit:
Blozan, Feeley
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE POST -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
in Q
in Q
in Q
along Q4–Q1 w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P Q4–30 mw
Shade in the sampling areas for each tree class and for the shrub sampling area(s) on the
plot layout above.
Photo Subject Order Fuel Load Transects
1. 0P
Ł Origin 6. Q2 Ł Q3
Azimuth Slope
2. Q4
Ł Q1 7. P2 Ł Origin
234° 3%
3. P1 Ł Origin 8. Q3 Ł Q2 2
130° 12%
4. Q1 Ł Q4 9. Origin Ł REF 3
41° 5%
5. 50P Ł Origin 10. REF Ł Origin
323° 7%
Record photo documentation data for each visit Draw in fuel load transect lines on the plot layout
on FMH-23, Photographic record sheet above.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 79
Monitoring Vegetation Characteristics
This section describes specific methods for data col-
lection. Each variable may be sampled in various levels
of intensity depending on the monitoring type charac-
teristics. These protocols are predetermined for each
monitoring type; sample each variable the same way
for every plot within a monitoring type (see page 43).
Before you begin data collection, refer to the Monitor-
ing type description sheet (FMH-4) and review the
exact protocols to be followed for each specific moni-
toring type. For quick reference, use the Forest plot
data sheet (FMH-7) to record and shade in the sam-
pling areas for overstory, pole-size and seedling trees;
see previous page.
Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable are listed at the
end of each subsection of this chapter.
Form Headings
Fill out the form heading completely. Record the mon-
itoring plot ID code, whether it is a burn plot (B) or a
control plot (C), the date the data were collected, the
burn unit name or number, the names of the data col-
lector and recorder (in that order), and the burn status
(with the first two digits referring to the treatment
number, and the last four letters and numbers referring
to the visit relative to the last treatment). For example,
01 yr02 refers to a year-2 data collection visit the next
sampling season after the first burn or other treatment
(thinning, etc.), 03 Post refers to the immediate post-
burn data collection following the third burn or other
treatment. Preburn data are always coded 00 PRE, but
if preburn data are updated before the first burn, the
code for the original preburn data in the database will
change to 00 PR01. If preburn data are collected a
third time before the plot burns, the second preburn
data will be re-coded 00 PR02 and so on. The code 00
PRE is always used for the newest set of preburn data.
Streamlining the Form Filling
Fill out form headings (minus the date and recorders)
and other transferable information (fuel transect azi-
muths, tree tag numbers, etc.) before you go into the
field. Forms can be assembled for each plot during
slow periods in the office, during bad weather, or when
there is a little extra time.
Before You Visit a
Previously Established Plot
Use the Plot maintenance log (FMH-25) to document
any items that you notice during a plot visit that need
to be attended to during the next plot visit. Once you
establish a plot, maintain the plot log and update it
after each visit. By reviewing this log before visiting the
plot, you can gather the necessary items to “fix” the
problem noted previously. This form provides a reli-
able method of communication with monitors of the
future. Examples of plot maintenance needs: replace-
ment of a tag that was missing on the last visit, a miss-
ing rebar, or verification of a species identification.
RS Procedures
Use form FMH-16 for 30 m transects or FMH-15 for
50 m transects (both are found in Appendix A). Use a
point intercept method to record the number of
transect hits and to obtain relative and percent cover
by species over time. On forest and brush plots, also
measure shrub density within a brush belt for the same
distance, along the same transect. The collection of
voucher specimens is strongly recommended; this is
discussed on page 87.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 80
Be Kind to the Fragile Herbage, Fine
Fuels and Soils Beneath Your Feet
In order to minimize the effect of trampling on the
data, stay outside the plot as much as possible, and
sample forest types in the following sequence:
Lay out tapes
Photograph plot
Collect herbaceous and shrub data, and fuels data
(decide which layer is the most fragile, and collect
those data first)
Collect seedling tree data
Collect overstory and pole-size tree data
Avoid heavy boots in favor of light shoes; set down
sampling equipment, backpacks etc., to the side or
below the plot, not in or above it; and minimize the
number of people working in the plot. Additionally,
use extreme caution on steep slopes.
Herbaceous and Shrub Layer Accu-
racy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed at the end of this section (Table 16,
page 90).
Locate the 0 point on the point intercept transect
The data collection starting point is at the 0P (origin
stake) on grassland and brush plots, and the Q4 (and
possibly Q3 and 0P) on forest plots. The length and
number of transects is determined during the monitor-
ing design process (Chapter 4). Check your protocols
on the Monitoring type description sheet (FMH-4)
before proceeding.
Collect number of transect hits—grassland, brush
and forest types
Start 30 cm from the 0P or Q4. Drop a ¼ in diameter
pole (a rigid plumb bob), graduated in decimeters, gen-
tly so that the sampling rod is plumb to the ground (on
slopes this will not be perpendicular to the ground),
every 30 cm along the transect line. Where the transect
length is 30 m, there will be 100 points from 30 to
3,000 cm. On forest plots where the transect is read
along the full 50 m, there will be 166 points from 30 to
5,000 cm. In either case, the first intercept hit is at 30
cm, not at 0.
At each “point intercept” (Pnt), gently drop the pole to
the ground, and record each species (Spp) that touches
the pole on the appropriate data sheet (FMH-16 for
grassland and brush plots, FMH-15 for most forest
plots, and FMH-16 for forest monitoring types that
use only the Q4–30 m line). Count each species only
once at each point intercept even if the pole touches it
more than once. Record the species from tallest to the
shortest. If the pole fails to intercept any vegetation,
record the substrate (bare soil, rock, forest litter, etc.
(see Table 15, page 86)). Note: You can occasionally
find vegetation under a substrate type; in this case you
would ignore the substrate and record the vegetation.
If the rod encounters multiple types of substrate,
record only that which the pole hits first.
Do not count foliage or branches intercepted for trees
over 2 m tall, but count all other vegetation, including
shrubs, no matter its height. (This is because trees are
better sampled using other procedures, and the target
variables using the point intercept transect are shrubs
and herbs.) If the sampling rod intersects the bole of a
tree that is over 2 m tall, record “2BOLE,” or
“2SDED” if the tree is dead. Note: Record species not
intercepted but seen in the vicinity (in a belt on either
side of the brush and herbaceous layer transect) on the
bottom of the data sheet (FMH-15 or -16). The width
of this belt is specified on your Monitoring type
description sheet (FMH-4).
Note: If you have selected to use the point intercept
method to calculate basal cover (see page 46), record
only the bottom hit for each point, regardless of
whether it is substrate or vegetation.
Sampling Rods
A useful sampling rod can be made in any of sev-
eral ways. Choose one that best suits your needs
(see Table 12, page 82). One-dm markings can be
made with an engraver, then filled in with a permanent
marker; road paint and road sign adhesives can also be
useful. Note that surface marking with most pens or
paints wears off quickly, and many adhesives get gooey
in the heat.
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 81
Table 12. Types of sampling rods.
Pole Type Pros Cons
Fiberglass Rod: Moderately available None to note.
This is the pre- (your maintenance shop
ferred choice. may already have
some, or you can buy a
bicycle whip (remove
the flag)), moderate in
price, lightweight, easy
to carry, can be screwed
together to adjust size
and all pieces need not
be carried if not needed,
very durable.
Tent Pole: Fiber- Readily available (sport- Possibly hard
glass with shock ing good store), moder- to find 0.25”
cord. This is the ately priced, lightweight, diameter,
second choice. foldable, durable. shock cord can
Steel Rod: Readily available (hard- Bend, heavy,
ware stores), moder- difficult to carry
ately priced, extremely in the field.
Wooden Dowel: Readily available (hard- Fragile, incon-
ware stores), cheap, venient to
lightweight. carry.
Tall Vegetation
Sampling Problems
If your protocols (FMH-4) require you to record
height and the vegetation is unexpectedly taller than
the sampling rod, try dropping the rod at the sampling
point, then placing your hand at the 1 or 1.5 m point
on the rod and sliding the rod up (without looking up),
elevating it by 1 or 1.5 m and recording where it
touches the vegetation above you. If the vegetation is
consistently taller, find a taller sampling rod.
Dead Herbaceous and Shrub Species
Sampling Problems
You may encounter dead standing vegetation along
your transects. Always record dead annual vegetation
in the same way you record live individuals. Record
dead biennial and perennial vegetation (except dead
branches of living plants) by placing a “D” at the end
of the species code. This permits dead vegetation to be
treated separately from live vegetation. Dead perenni-
als may not be included in species abundance indices,
but their presence may provide information for esti-
mating fire behavior and determining mortality. In gen-
eral (see the warning box below for exceptions) count
dead branches of living plants as a live intercept. In
the case of shrub and herbaceous species, this also
applies if the main plant is dead but sprouting, and the
dead part is encountered.
Counting Dead Branches of Living
Plants as Dead (Optional)
In some cases, such as where animal habitat or aerial
fuels are a concern, you may want to know the cover of
dead branches, regardless of whether they are attached
to living bases. If your monitoring type requires it, you
may count dead branches of living plants as dead.
However consistency is essential—if transects were
not initially read this way for a monitoring type, a
change “midstream” will cause an apparent dip in the
cover of live shrubs that is not necessarily true.
Sprouting Dead Trees
Trees under 2 m tall: If the bole (>2 m tall) is dead
but sprouting at the base, consider any live sprout (<2
m tall) you encounter as live.
Trees over 2 m tall: If you encounter a live basal
sprout over 2 m tall, the sprout should be considered a
tree (2BOLE) in its own right.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 82
Optional Monitoring Procedures
Shrub and herbaceous layer height
At every sampling point, measure the height of the tall-
est living or dead individual of each species (to the
nearest decimeter, in meters) at the highest place on
the sampling rod touched by vegetation. Record this
height (Hgt) on FMH-15 or -16. A ¼ in wide sampling
rod graduated in decimeters should make this mea-
surement relatively easy. Do not record data for aerial
substrate such as the leaves or stems attached to a dead
and downed tree.
Record Species Codes
Species codes are assigned in a systematic way follow-
ing Natural Resource Conservation Service methodol-
ogy, as used in the USDA PLANTS Database (USDA
NRCS 2001). For existing programs, see the warning
box below. This naming convention uses a 4–7 charac-
ter alpha code beginning with the first two letters of
the genus name and the first two letters of the species
name. The following 0–3 characters are assigned as
needed to avoid confusion of plants with duplicate
codes. If there is no subspecies or variety, the next
character(s) may not be needed or will simply be a one
or two digit number representing the alphabetical
ranking of that plant on the national list.
DACA Dalea californica
DACA3 Danthonia californica
DACA13 Dasistoma calycosa
If the plant is a subspecies or variety, then the charac-
ter in the fifth position will be the first letter of that
infraspecific name, and if there are duplicates, a num-
ber will follow.
ACRUT Acer rubrum var. trilobum
ACRUT3 Acer rubrum var. tridens
DACAP Dalea carthagenensis var. portoricana
DACAP3 Danthonia californica var. palousensis
Assigning Species Codes
If you have an existing monitoring program it is not
necessary to look up every species in your Species code
list (FMH-6). The FMH.EXE software will convert
your species codes for you.
If you are starting a new program, simply enter the
genus, species, and infraspecific name (if appropriate)
into the FMH.EXE software, and the software will
look up the species code for you.
When you add a new species to the database, you must
note certain other information as well. This includes
the species code, its lifeform (see the warning box
below) the full name, whether the species is native or
non-native, and whether it is annual, biennial, or
perennial. This information is recorded on the Species
code list (FMH-6).
Life Form
Life form categories and their codes are as follows; see
Glossary for full definitions.
A - Fern or fern ally S - Shrub
F - Forb T - Tree
G - Grass U - Subshrub
N - Non-vascular V - Vine
R - Grass-like * - Substrate
Blank - Unknown, non-plant
Note: If blank is selected, you may also leave the fol-
lowing codes blank—whether the species is native or
non-native, and whether it is annual, biennial, or peren-
The FMH-6 serves as a running list of species codes.
Keep only one list for the entire monitoring program
in a given park, to avoid assigning incorrect codes. You
should carry this sheet whenever you are collecting
data, and you should refer to it every time you assign a
species code. If you are unsure of the official code for
a new plant (see page 83 for coding guidelines), assign
a temporary code, then correct it on your data sheets
and species list once you look up the official code.
Once you enter the initial data into the FMH software
(Sydoriak 2001), you may print out the Species code
list from the database. Using this form will keep the
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 83
same code from being used for two different species,
and will greatly facilitate data processing.
Dealing with unknown plants
Use an identification guide to make every attempt to
identify every plant to the species (and subspecies or
variety) level. If you cannot identify a plant because
you need to have specific parts (e.g., flowers, fruits,
etc.) not available during your sampling time (see
page 199 for guidance on identifying dead and dor-
mant plants), or you need to use a dissecting scope,
take steps to allow future identification. Collect the
plant (from off the plot), label it, describe it in
detail, and then press it (see page 193 for guidelines on
voucher collections). Assign an unknown code that is
unique from all other unknown codes in the park and
note a detailed description of the plant.
ALWAYS collect (or draw) and describe unknowns in
the field, so that future field technicians will record the
same unknown with the same code.
Management of unknown species can easily get out of
hand, especially if there is a turnover of monitors from
year to year, the flora is particularly diverse and com-
plex, monitors are overworked or monitors lack the
requisite plant identification skills. The remedies for
these conditions are obvious: try to retain monitors
from year to year, stress good documentation and
quality, hire monitors who are trained in plant identifi-
cation, and be realistic about their workload. But even
under the best of circumstances, you will encounter
the occasional unknown species.
Here are some tips that may help you keep your
unknowns straight and get them identified.
Keep meticulous notes including a detailed,
botanical description of all the plant parts, loca-
tion and micro-habitat, as well as any guesses as to
genus or species.
Plants are herbaceous, 15–25 cm tall (but have been
browsed) with several stems originating from the
base. Leaves are 2–3 cm long, 0.5–1 cm wide, alter-
nate, oblanceolate with finely dentate margins, gla-
brous above and tomentose below. Leaf tips are
acuminate. No fruits or flowers are present. Plant is
occasional in light openings in the ponderosa pine
Collect the plants (off the plot) and sketch if nec-
Make vouchers for the herbarium, but be sure to
also make a set of field reference vouchers for
Refer to the vouchers or field reference often
throughout the season to see if last year’s
unknown is this year’s well-known friend.
Keep a list of unknowns with notes as to why they
were not able to be identified. Review the list in
the early season and make a special trip to try to
get the plants that were encountered after they
had flowered and fruited.
• Scout around in similar areas for other individuals
that may be more easily identifiable.
Ask an expert, in park or out. Botanically-minded
folk from a nearby university or the local native
plant club are usually more than happy to help.
Also consider taking digital photos and distribut-
ing them over the Internet to groups who have
botanical expertise.
Assign each unknown plant a unique code; make every
effort to match up duplicates of the same unknown.
The PLANTS database has a series of default codes
for unknowns (Table 13), and genera (see database
(USDA NRCS 2001)). If you have more than one
unknown (whether vascular or non-vascular) that
matches the code of the category or where you can
only key it to genus, then add a number to the codes as
shown below. Note: Some genera have numbers at the
end of their codes; always check the PLANTS database
to be sure that the code you intend to use is not used
by another genus or species. In the example below, the
code for Dryopteris is DRYOP, however the code
DRYOP2 is used for Dryopetalon, so monitors had to
use numbers starting with 3 to avoid conflicts.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 84
2GLP1 for unknown perennial grass number
1 (a densely tufted grass, with basal
and cauline flat spreading leaves, hairy
2GLP2 for unknown perennial grass number
2 (a loose rhizomatous grass, with
rolled basal and cauline leaves, no
DRYOP3 for unknown Dryopteris number 1 (pet-
ioles less than one quarter the length
of the leaf, blade elliptic, 2-pinnate,
marginal teeth curved, growing on
DRYOP4 for unknown Dryopteris number 2 (pet-
ioles one-third the length of the leaf,
scales with a dark brown stripe; blade
deltate-ovate, 3-pinnate, pinnule mar-
gins serrate)
Table 13. Species codes for unknown vascular plants.
Forb, annual
Forb, biennial
Forb, dicot
Forb, dicot, annual
Forb, dicot, biennial
Forb, dicot, perennial
Fern or Fern Ally
Forb, monocot
Forb, monocot, annual
Forb, monocot, biennial
Forb, monocot, perennial
Forb (herbaceous, not grass nor grasslike)
Forb, perennial
Forb, succulent
Forb, succulent, annual
Forb, succulent, biennial
Forb, succulent, perennial
Grass, annual
Grass, biennial
Grasslike (not a true grass)
Grasslike, annual
Table 13. Species codes for unknown vascular plants. (Ctd.)
Grasslike, biennial
Grasslike, perennial
Grass, perennial
Graminoid (grass or grasslike)
Grass, woody (bamboo, etc.)
Shrub, broadleaf
Shrub, deciduous
Shrub, deciduous, broadleaf
Shrub, deciduous, broadleaf, dicot
Shrub, deciduous, broadleaf, monocot
Shrub, deciduous, needleleaf
Shrub, evergreen
Shrub, evergreen, broadleaf
Shrub, evergreen, broadleaf, dicot
Shrub, evergreen, broadleaf, monocot
Shrub, evergreen, needleleaf
Shrub (>.5m)
Shrub, needleleaf (coniferous)
Subshrub, broadleaf
Subshrub, deciduous
Subshrub, deciduous, broadleaf
Subshrub, deciduous, broadleaf, dicot
Subshrub, deciduous, broadleaf, monocot
Subshrub, deciduous, needleleaf
Subshrub, evergreen
Subshrub, evergreen, broadleaf
Subshrub, evergreen, broadleaf, dicot
Subshrub, evergreen, broadleaf, monocot
Subshrub, evergreen, needleleaf
Subshrub, needleleaf (coniferous)
Subshrub (<.5m)
Tree, broadleaf
Tree, deciduous
Tree, deciduous, broadleaf
Tree, deciduous, broadleaf, dicot
Tree, deciduous, broadleaf, monocot
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 85
Table 13. Species codes for unknown vascular plants. (Ctd.)
Tree, deciduous, needleleaf
Tree, evergreen
Tree, evergreen, broadleaf
Tree, evergreen, broadleaf, dicot
Tree, evergreen, broadleaf, monocot
Tree, evergreen, needleleaf
Tree, needleleaf (coniferous)
Vine, herbaceous
Vine, herbaceous, annual
Vine, herbaceous, dicot
Vine, herbaceous, dicot, annual
Vine, herbaceous, dicot, perennial
Vine, herbaceous, monocot
Vine, herbaceous, monocot, annual
Vine, herbaceous, monocot, perennial
Vine, herbaceous, perennial
Vine, herbaceous, succulent
Vine, herbaceous, succulent, annual
Vine, herbaceous, succulent, perennial
Vine, woody
Vine, woody, deciduous
Vine, woody, deciduous, dicot
Vine, woody, deciduous, monocot
Vine, woody, evergreen
Vine, woody, evergreen, dicot
Vine, woody, evergreen, monocot
Make frequent checks of new unknowns against exist-
ing unknowns throughout the field season to avoid
assigning the same code to two different species, or
two different codes to the same species. Become famil-
iar with your unknowns so that you can be on the
lookout for the plant in a stage that is more easily iden-
tifiable. If the unknown is identified at a later date, the
code (ex.: 2VWE1, etc.) must be corrected globally
throughout your data sheets and in the FMH database.
The FMH software will automatically change a species
code in all databases when you change it on the FMH-
6 data form.
Non-vascular plants
For the plants that you may have difficulty identifying,
e.g., non-vascular plants like bryophytes, fungi, and
algae, you can use broad codes as shown below.
Table 14. Species codes for non-vascular plants.
Alga, Brown
Alga, Green
Alga, Red
Bryophyte (moss, liverwort, hornwort)
Cyanobacteria, cryptobiotic/cryptogamic/microbi-
otic/microphytic soil or crust
Fungus, fleshy (mushroom)
Fungus, Jelly
Fungus, Rust
Fungus, Smut
Lichen, crustose
Lichen, foliose
Lichen, fruticose
Slime Mold
Dead or inorganic material
Dead or inorganic material should be coded in the fol-
lowing way (Table 15):
Table 15. Codes for dead or inorganic material.
Bare ground, gravel, soil, ash; soil particles <1 in
Forest duff. Duff is the fermentation and humus
layer. It usually lies below the litter and above
mineral soil.
Vegetation litter. Forest litter includes freshly
fallen dead plant parts other than wood, including
cones, bracts, seeds, bark, needles, and
detached leaves that are less than 50% buried in
the duff layer.
Litter, herbaceous
Litter, lichen
Fire Monitoring Handbook 86
Table 15. Codes for dead or inorganic material. (Ctd.)
Litter, woody, >2.5 cm
Litter, woody, <2.5 cm
Rock, bedrock or mineral particles >1 in diameter.
Rock, fragments <1 in diameter.
Native, exotic, and feral animal scat.
Standing dead tree.
Tree stump, no litter at intercept point.
Water; permanent body of water or running water
present six months of the year or more.
Make Voucher Collection
General protocols for collecting voucher specimens
are included here; a detailed discussion on collecting,
processing, labeling and preserving plant specimens is
located in Appendix C. Collect vouchers when there is
any doubt as to the identification of a plant species
recorded in the data set, unless the species is threat-
ened or endangered, or the plant cannot be found out-
side of the plot.
Identify specimens within two days. Prompt identifica-
tion is essential for data accuracy, and saves time and
money. For the initial phase of this monitoring pro-
gram, collection of voucher specimens of all plants
present is strongly recommended.
Collection of vouchers using the following guidelines
(which are the same for all plot types) should enable
consistent and correct identifications:
Collect the voucher specimen off or outside of the
monitoring plot. Collect enough of the plant to
enable identification. Do not collect plants that
are—or are suspected to be—rare, threatened, or
endangered; sketch these plants and take pictures
as vouchers.
Press the plant materials immediately, but retain
some unpressed flowers for easier identification.
Record collection information on a form (see
page 195) that you press with the voucher speci-
Keep all specimens in proper herbarium storage.
See Appendix C for more information on proper
herbarium storage.
• A field notebook of pressed specimens (including
unknowns) is a very useful way to verify species
identifications in the field.
Documenting Rare Plants
Do not collect a plant that is or may be rare,
threatened, or endangered! Sketch or photograph
these plants and substitute pictures for vouchers. In all
cases your collection should follow the one in twenty
rule: remove no more than one plant per twenty plants;
remove no plants if there are less than twenty.
Voucher Label
The handbook now contains a voucher collection data
sheet. You will find this data sheet on the back of the
Species code list (FMH-6).
Collect and Record Shrub Density Data
Record shrub density along a brush belt adjacent to
the point intercept transect. The width of this belt is
specified on your Monitoring type description sheet
(FMH-4). Count each individual having >50% of its
rooted base within the belt transect. For brush plots,
the belt will be on the uphill side of the transect. When
it is not clear which side of the transect is the uphill
side, use the right side of the transect when viewed
from 0P looking down the transect towards 30P. For
forest plots, the belt will be inside the plot (Figure 22).
Figure 22. Belt transect for forest plots (see Figure 18,
page 66, for stake codes).
Use the Shrub density data sheet (FMH-17) to record
the data. You may divide the belt transect into 5 m
intervals to facilitate counts. Number each 5 m interval
from 1 to 6 (30 m), or 1 to 10 (50 m); interval 1 is from
0 to 5 m and so on. Record the interval (Int). Record
data by species (Spp), age class (Age), whether it is liv-
ing (Live), and number of individuals (Num) of that
species. Tally any change in species, age, or live-dead as
a separate entry on the data sheet, e.g., ARTR1, M, L,
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 87
would be tallied separately from ARTR1, M, D. Under
age class, identify each plant as either a immature-seed-
ling (I), a resprout (R), or as a mature-adult (M) (see
Glossary for definitions).
Subshrubs in Shrub Density
Generally, shrub density data should not include data
on subshrubs (see Glossary), unless there are specific
objectives tied to density of those species. If you have
objectives tied to subshrubs, use the herbaceous den-
sity sampling methods discussed below.
Troubleshooting Shrub Data Collection
Dead burls
After dead burls have been counted at least once since
dying, you can omit them from density sampling, but it
may be useful to note them on the form in case they
sprout again in another year.
Clonal or rhizomatous species
Shrub individuals may be very difficult to define in
some species, and monitors may get very different
numbers depending on their perception of what an
individual is. Relative or percent cover may be a more
accurate way to describe these species. However, it
may be appropriate to count something other than the
individual in this case, e.g., a surrogate plant part such
as culm groups, inflorescences, or stems.
Arctostaphylos spp. stems are often easy to trace to a
basal burl. This usually defines the individual. The
“burl unit” may be an appropriate delineator of indi-
viduals, even when two or more individuals have
grown together.
Vaccinium spp. are often rhizomatous, making it diffi-
cult to distinguish an “individual.” The recom-
mended response for dealing with rhizomatous or
clonal species is to ignore these species when you
collect shrub density data. Note: If these species are
ecologically significant (e.g., for wildlife habitat),
count stem density instead of individual density. The
“stem unit,” in this case, becomes the basis for quan-
tifying density.
The usefulness of these surrogates depends on the
biological significance of changes within these surro-
gates. Consult with resource and fire managers
before you use a surrogate, or omit a species from
shrub density sampling. Note any species for which
you plan to use surrogates, or omit from monitoring,
in the “Notes” section of the FMH-4.
Once a disturbance has caused a plant to die back and
resprout, the plant should be considered a resprout for
the first year, and then an immature until it is once
again reproductive (mature).
Anticipated dramatic increases in postburn shrub
It may be advantageous to establish a protocol to
count seedlings in density plots only after their second
or third year of survivorship. However, you should at
least estimate seedling presence in all cases, with esti-
mates such as 10/m
or 50/m
You may wish to subsample the density plot during
temporary high density periods. To subsample, grid the
plot and randomly select an appropriate subsample
(i.e., 10%, 20%) of the area. Then proceed to count the
individuals in the subsample area and extrapolate to
the sample area listed on your FMH-4. Again, this
should be done only in consultation with resource and
fire managers.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 88
Optional Monitoring Procedures
Herbaceous layer species density
Grassland and brush plots—To measure the density
of forbs and/or grasses, place a frame (the size and
shape of which is determined during pilot sampling;
see page 47) on the uphill side of the shrub and herba-
ceous layer transect every 10 m (unless you are using a
belt transect because the vegetation is sparse). When it
is not clear which side of the transect is the uphill side,
use the right side of the transect when viewed from 0P
looking down the transect towards 30P. It is important
to record on the Herbaceous density data sheet (FMH-
18) which side of the transect you sampled so future
monitors will repeat your actions. The highest corner
of the first frame would be at the 10 m mark, there-
fore, sampling frame 1 would fall between 6 and 10 m
on the tape if you use a 0.25 × 4 m (1 m
) frame; the
next sampling areas would be between 16 and 20 m
(frame 2), and 26 and 30 m (frame 3) (see Figure 23).
The total area sampled using this example would be 3
. Record these density data on the Herbaceous den-
sity data sheet (FMH-18).
Figure 23. Density sampling frames (1 m
) for herbaceous
species in a grassland or brush plot.
Forest plots—For forest plots the procedure is the
same as for grassland and brush plots; the only differ-
ence is frame placement. Place the frame on the plot
side (interior) of the shrub and herbaceous layer
transect (Q4–30 m or Q4–Q1 and/or Q3–Q2) every
10 m (unless you are using a belt transect because the
vegetation is sparse). The highest corner of the first
frame would be at the 10 m mark; therefore, the first
sampling frame would fall between 6 and 10 m on the
tape if you use a 0.25 × 4 m (1 m
) frame; the next
sampling areas would be from 16 to 20 m (frame 2), 26
to 30 m (frame 3) (stop here for Q4–30 m plots), 36 to
40 m (frame 4), and 46 to 50 m (frame 5). Repeat this
process on the Q3–Q2 line in frame numbers 6–10, if
you are reading the Q3–Q2 line with the point inter-
cept transect (see Figure 24). The total area sampled
using the above example would be 10 m
(5 m
pled on each transect). Record these density data on
the Herbaceous density data sheet (FMH-18).
Figure 24. Density sampling frames (1 m
) for herbaceous
species in a forest plot.
Brush fuel load
Total biomass (fuel) and percent dead (live to dead
ratio) may be determined in brush types with sufficient
accuracy to make fire behavior predictions. When
required for smoke management, total brush biomass
must also be measured. Use standard biomass estimat-
ing techniques or existing species-specific estimating
equations to determine fuel load.
Brush biomass
Use standard biomass estimating techniques or exist-
ing biomass estimating equations to estimate the biom-
ass of each shrub in the plot. There are several other
methods to estimate biomass, height-weight curves,
capacitance meters, and double sampling; see Elzinga
and Evenden 1997 under the keyword biomass for an
excellent list of references, or review the references on
page 237 (Appendix G).
Percent dead brush
There are three techniques to estimate percent dead
brush: visual estimates; estimates based upon existing
publications such as a photo series; or direct measure-
ment of live-dead ratio using the following procedure:
Randomly select a sample shrub of each species of
concern within a 1 acre area, outside of your mon-
itoring plot.
Remove all branches 0.25 in or less in diameter,
and place in separate airtight bags according to
whether they are alive or dead. Take a subsample
of the shrub if the shrub is very large.
Determine the net weight of the live portion and
the dead portion.
Dry at 100°C.
Determine oven dry weight of live portion and
dead portion. Use a subsample if necessary. If you
use a subsample, take care to weigh the sample
and subsample at the same time before drying.
After determining the dry weights separately, cal-
culate the biomass in kilograms/hectare or tons/
Chapter 5 n
n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 89
acre for live and dead portions (see page 216,
Appendix D).
Grass biomass
When smoke management is a specific concern, or
hazard fuel reduction is the primary burn objective,
you need to estimate biomass. For information on
other methods see the note under “Brush Biomass”
above. Use this procedure to qualitatively determine
grass biomass:
Randomly toss a rigid quadrat of known area into the
plot. Do this six times. Each time:
Clip all the vegetation to within 1 cm of the
Place the clipped vegetation into paper bags. Each
quadrat should have one bag.
Label each container with the plot identification
code, the bag number, and the collection date.
Determine the sample dry weight by drying the
material in their bags until the weight stabilizes.
The oven temperature should be 100°C. Check
your samples 24 hours after they have been in the
Calculate the kilograms/hectare or tons/acre for
each sample (see page 216, Appendix D).
Table 16. Accuracy standards for herbaceous (RS)
Herbaceous Layer
Herbaceous Density # of Individuals ± 5%
Shrub Density # of Individuals ± 5%
Herb Height ± 0.5 decimeters
Fire Monitoring Handbook 90
Monitoring Overstory Trees
Monitoring Overstory Trees
Overstory trees are defined in this handbook as living
and dead trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH)
of >15 cm. Diameter at breast height is measured at
breast height (BH) 1.37 m (4.5 ft) from ground level.
You may modify this definition for your purposes; see
page 44 for details.
Overstory Tree Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed at the end of this section (Table 21,
page 99).
RS Procedures
Measure DBH for and tag all overstory trees within the
sampling area chosen during the monitoring design
process (see page 44). Check your protocols (FMH-4)
before proceeding. Living and dead trees are tagged
with sequentially numbered brass tags nailed into the
trees at BH (for each plot, use tag numbers different
from those used for the pole-size trees, e.g., 1-100 for
poles and 500-600 for overstory). Orient the tags so
that each faces the plot center (see Figure 25), except
in areas (e.g., near trails) where you will need to orient
the tags to make them less visually obtrusive.
Figure 25. DBH measurement and tag placement.
For a tree on a slope, determine the DBH while stand-
ing at the midslope side of the tree. Measure the DBH
of a leaning tree by leaning with the tree and measuring
perpendicular to the bole.
First, drive an aluminum nail into the tree at BH, so
that the tag hangs down and away from the tree and
several centimeters of nail remains exposed, leaving
ample space for tree growth.
Second, measure DBH (in centimeters) to the nearest
mm, just above the nail. Include trees on the plot
boundary line if >50% of their bases are within the
plot. Start in Quarter 1 and tag through Quarters 2, 3,
and 4 consecutively.
For non-sprouting tree species forked below BH, indi-
vidually tag and measure each overstory-size bole
(Figure 26). For sprouting tree species, tag and mea-
sure only the largest bole (in diameter) of the cluster.
For clonal tree species, e.g., aspen, treat each bole as an
individual tree. Tally seedling-size sprouts as resprout
class seedlings until they grow into the pole tree size
class. Note: If the main bole of a sprouting species has
died, but the tree is sprouting from the base, consider
the main bole dead.
Figure 26. DBH measurement for non-sprouting trees
forked below BH.
If the bole of a fallen tree is below BH, and the indi-
vidual is resprouting, treat the sprouting branches as
individuals and place them in the appropriate size class
(seedling, pole, or overstory). Include clarifying com-
ments on the data sheet, especially for resprouting
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 91
Sampling Problems with DBH
Note: The following tips are additions to this hand-
book; incorporate them with caution.
Swelling at BH If a swell or other irregularity occurs
at the standard 1.37 m height for DBH, place the tag
above or below the swell and DBH measured at the
tag. Make every attempt to keep the tag (and thus the
DBH measurement) between 1 and 2 m above the
ground, trying above the obstruction first. If you do
not measure DBH at BH, note this on the data sheet
(Comments) (See Figure 27).
Void at BH
If you find a void caused by a fire scar or other abnor-
mality, and a large part of the bole is missing at BH,
and it would be impractical to simply measure above or
below it, it may be necessary to estimate what the
DBH would be, were the bole intact. If this is done, be
sure to note in the comments field that the DBH was
estimated (See Figure 28).
Figure 27. Handling irregularities at BH.
A) a tree with a branch at BH, B) a tree with a swell at BH.
Measure DBH
Wrap a diameter tape (not a standard tape) around the
tree in the plane of the nail, making sure the tape does
not sag, and read the diameter. Take care to read at the
measurement line, not at the end of the tape. Record
the heading information on Overstory tagged tree data
sheet (FMH-8 in Appendix A). For all overstory trees,
record the plot quarter in which the tree occurs (Qtr),
the tree tag number (Tag), species (Spp), and diameter
(DBH), and circle whether the tree is alive. Record
miscellaneous overstory tree information in Com-
ments. Map each overstory tree by tag number on the
appropriate tree map (FMH-11, -12, -13, or -14).
Measuring DBH without a Diameter
If you do not have (or have forgotten) a diameter tape,
you can use a standard tape to measure circumference,
and then calculate diameter as follows:
DBH= --------------------------------------
Fire Monitoring Handbook 92
for dead and down or completely consumed (CPC 10),
(B) for broken below DBH (CPC 11), and (S) for cut
stump (CPC 12). Note that these three codes are used
only once during data collection.
Figure 28. Reconstruct DBH when it would provide a better
estimate of the regular bole of the tree.
Toxic Plants at DBH
If toxic plants embrace the bole at BH, carefully place
the tag at an appropriate location. It may also be
acceptable to estimate DBH in some cases, after con-
sultation with resource and fire specialists.
Crown Position and Tree Damage
If possible, also monitor the optional variables crown
position (CPC) and tree damage (Damage). Space is
provided on the FMH-8 data sheet for these data.
Crown position
Crown position, an assessment of the canopy position
of live overstory trees (Avery and Burkhart 1963), is
recorded in the column marked CPC (crown position
code) using a numeric code (1–5) (see Table 17,
page 94 and Figure 29, page 94). Codes for dead trees
(Thomas and others 1979) can also be recorded using
numeric snag classes (6–12) (see Table 18, page 95 and
Figure 30, page 95).
During the immediately postburn visit use the “Live”
column on FMH-20 for CPC codes (10–12). Use (C)
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 93
Figure 29. Crown position codes for live trees.
A fifth code (5) is used for isolated trees.
Table 17. Descriptions of live tree crown position codes.
1 Dominant
2 Co-dominant
3 Intermediate
4 Subcanopy
5 Open Growth/
Trees with crowns extending above the general level of the crown cover, and receiving full light from
above and at least partly from the side; these trees are larger than the average trees in the stand and
have well-developed crowns, but may be somewhat crowded on the sides.
Trees with crowns forming the general level of the crown cover and receiving full light from above, but
comparatively little from the sides; these trees usually have medium-size crowns, and are more or less
crowded on the sides.
Trees shorter than those in the two preceding classes, but with crowns either below or extending into the
crown cover formed by co-dominant and dominant trees, receiving little direct light from above, and none
from the sides; these trees usually have small crowns and are considerably crowded on the sides.
Trees with crowns below the general level of the crown cover and receiving no direct light from above or
from the sides.
Trees receiving full sunlight from above and all sides. Typically, these are single trees of the same gen-
eral height and size as other trees in the area, but where the stand is open and trees are widely sepa-
rated so dominance is difficult to determine.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 94
Figure 30. Crown position codes for dead trees.
Table 18. Descriptions of dead tree crown position codes.
6 Recent Snag
7 Loose Bark
8 Clean Snag
9 Broken Above
10 Broken Below
11 Dead and Down
12 Cut Stump
Trees that are recently dead with bark intact. Branches and needles may also be intact.
Trees that have been dead several years on which the bark is partially deteriorated and fallen off; tops
are often broken.
Trees that have been dead several years with no bark left. Usually most of the branches will be gone as
well; tops are often broken.
Trees that have been dead a long time with no bark, extensive decay, and that are broken above BH.
Postburn trees that extended above BH preburn, but no longer do. Note: Only record data for a tree the
first time you find it broken.
Postburn trees that stood preburn and have since fallen or been consumed. Note: Only record data for
a tree the first time you find it down.
Postburn trees that stood preburn and has been cut as a result of fire operations. Note: Only record
data for a tree the first time you find the stump.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 95
Crown Position Codes (CPC)
Earlier editions of the Fire Monitoring Handbook
(USDI NPS 1992) used only the first four crown posi-
tion codes. For plots established earlier, there is no
harm in adopting this new protocol and assigning
codes to snags after plots have burned. As plots are
revisited according to their normal schedule, previ-
ously dead trees should be assessed for their snag
codes. An effort can also be made to determine what
the code might have been at the previous visits. For
example, a clean snag (CPC 8) encountered during the
year-2 visit was probably a clean snag at year-1, and
possibly even at preburn. Any estimated data should be
added to the database retroactively for those previous
visits along with a comment noting that the CPC is a
guess. In many cases a comment might have been
made as to the status of the snag during the past visit.
Data Collection on Trees with a CPC of
Only collect data for trees that are newly fallen, con-
sumed, cut, or broken below BH (CPC 10–12) the first
time you encounter them after the preburn visit.
Never record a dead and down, cut, or broken below
BH tree during the preburn visit. Once you record data
for a newly fallen, consumed, broken, or cut tree,
ignore it in your tree density data collection from that
point onward. For example, if you find a tree with a
CPC of 11 during the immediate postburn visit, for
your year-1 re-measurement of that plot you would not
record any data for that tree.
Immediate postburn—See page 111 under “Scorch
Year-1 postburn and beyond—For a dead tree with a
CPC of 10–12 that you encounter in year-1 and
beyond, you only need to record data for that tree
once. For example, a tree’s bole breaks off below BH
between the year-1 and year-2 plot visits. You would
assign this tree a CPC of 10 in the year-2 visit, and then
in subsequent visits you would not record any data for
that tree.
Tree damage
You may wish to identify living overstory trees exhibit-
ing signs of stress (loss of vigor) before the burn. By
doing this you can infer that if those trees die relatively
soon following the fire, their death may not be wholly
attributable to the fire, but to a combination of factors.
The monitor’s ability to evaluate preburn damage will
determine the value of the data. A trained specialist
will undoubtedly observe more than a novice in the
field. Note: Appendix G contains several forest pest
and disease references; see page 229.
The following list (Table 19) of structural defects and
signs of disease is simplistic (and certainly not all-inclu-
sive), but should serve as a useful guideline. Parks may
add categories to include damage of local importance
in the “Comments” column. Record these data for liv-
ing overstory trees (tree damage assessment is optional
for dead trees) under Damage on the FMH-8 form in
Appendix A.
Table 19. Damage codes for overstory trees.
Abnormal growth pattern for the species of con-
cern. This category would include a range of
physical deformities not included in the remain-
der of the damage codes.
Bird damage such as woodpecker or sapsucker
Blight is generally defined as any plant disease
or injury that results in general withering and
death of the plant without rotting. Blight can result
from a wide variety of needle, cone, and stem
rusts, as well as canker diseases, and is often
species- or genus-specific. Consultation with
local plant pathologists may assist in identifying
specific blight conditions.
Broken top of the tree.
Witches’ broom diseases are characterized by an
abnormal cluster of small branches or twigs on a
tree as a result of attack by fungi, viruses, dwarf
mistletoes, or insects. Brooms caused by dwarf
mistletoe and from yellow witches’ broom dis-
ease are common in the west.
A hard, woody, often rounded outgrowth on a
tree. This occurs naturally in some tree and
shrub species, and is a sign of an infection or dis-
ease in other species.
The knobby fruiting body of a tree fungal infection
visible on a tree bole, such as a shelf fungus.
Crooked or twisted bole for species in which this
is uncharacteristic.
Dead top.
Epicormic sprouting, adventitious shoots arising
from suppressed buds on the stem; often found
on trees following thinning or partial girdling.
Epiphytes present.
Fire scar or cambial damage due to fire.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 96
Table 19. Damage codes for overstory trees. (Continued)
Forked top of a tree or multiple primary leaders in
a tree crown for species in which this is unchar-
acteristic. Forks assume vertical growth and
should be distinguished from branches, which
assume horizontal growth.
Frost crack or other frost damage.
Galls found on stems, leaves or roots. Galls are
formed by infection of the plant by bacteria or
fungi, or by an attack by certain mites, nema-
todes, or insects, most notably wasps.
Hollowed-out trees. Repeated hot fires can burn
through the bark and the tree’s core may then rot
out, especially in trees with tough bark, but soft
heartwood, e.g., sequoia, coast redwood. These
hollowed-out trees are sometimes called “goose
pens” because early settlers kept poultry in them.
Visible insects in the tree bole or the canopy, or
their sign, such as frass, pitch tubes or bark bee-
tle galleries.
Tree is leaning significantly. If on a slope, tree
deviates considerably from plumb.
Lichens present.
Lightning scar or other damage to the tree
caused by lightning.
Damage caused by mammals, such as bear claw
marks, porcupine or beaver chewings, and deer
or elk rubbings.
Mistletoe is visible in the tree (as opposed to
signs of mistletoe, such as broom, without visible
Moss present.
Ozone damage. Ozone injury is often seen in the
form of stippling or speckling on the leaves or
needles of trees. This discoloration varies among
species and ranges in color from red or purple to
yellow or brown. Susceptible species often drop
their leaves prematurely.
Large exposed roots.
A rot of fungus other than a conk, often associ-
ated with a wound or crack in a tree.
Unusually sparse foliage for that species and
size of tree.
Basal sprouting; new shoots arising from the root
collar or burl.
A tree that forks below BH and has two or more
boles. Use this code for tree species that typically
have single boles.
Human-caused damage such as axe marks,
embedded nails or fence wire, or vandalism.
A wound to a tree that cannot be identified by
one of the other damage codes, including
wounds or cracks of unknown cause.
Damage Codes
Some damage codes may not be applicable to all spe-
cies. For example, some species of oak are character-
ized by complex forking above BH, so the FORK code
would not indicate damage or abnormality and would
not be of use.
If several types of insect damage are present, it may be
desirable to distinguish among them in the comments
field on the FMH-8.
After the initial preburn data collection visit, you may
find it advantageous to copy the damage codes, crown
position codes and comments from the previous visit’s
tagged tree data sheet to the current visit’s data sheet.
This will encourage consistency between visits and
minimizes the risk of one data collector seeing some-
thing like mistletoe one year, the next year’s data collec-
tor missing it and the subsequent visit’s collector seeing
it again, leading to the erroneous assumption that it has
actually come and gone. Note: Document any damage
noted in past years that you could not find.
Measuring Diameter at Root Crown (DRC) for
Woodland Species
Measurement of a tree’s diameter at root crown is an
alternative to DBH measurements for tree species that
are typically highly forked. Note: Do not use this
method for unusual individual trees that have many
boles. With this method, trees with stems that fork
underground, or with several stems clumped together
that appear to be from the same root origin, are treated
as a single tree. The single diameter of the root crown
should be measured directly if branching occurs above
ground and the single diameter accurately reflects the
cumulative volume of the stems it supports. Alterna-
tively, if the stems fork below ground level, or the base
is deformed and its diameter would grossly overesti-
mate the volume of the individual stems, the DRC
should be calculated from the individual stem diame-
ters (see page 214, Appendix D for this equation).
To measure a single stem, or each of multiple stems
forked underground, carefully remove the loose mate-
rial to the mineral soil (remember to replace it when
finished) at the ground line or stem root collar, which-
ever is higher. Measure DRC just above any swells
present, and in a location such that the diameter mea-
surements are reflective of the volume above the
stems. For measurement of multiple stems, forked
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 97
above ground, measure DRC just above the fork, and
above any swells (see Figure 31).
Diameter at Root Crown
Where a stem is missing or damaged, estimate what its
diameter would have been. If a stem is now dead, but
previously contributed to the crown, count it. Individ-
ual stems must be (or have been prior to damage) at
least 1.37 m tall and must have a DRC of at least 2.5
cm to qualify for measurement.
Attach a tag (optional) to the largest or main stem, fac-
ing the plot origin and approximately one foot above
ground level.
Diameter at root crown is a new addition to the hand-
book with this edition. Resource and fire managers
may determine that it would be a more useful measure
for a given species than diameter at breast height
(DBH). If this is the case, then both methods should
be used for a minimum of two years, or until a correla-
tion between DBH and DRC can be established for
that species at that site.
Figure 31. Measuring multiple stems forked above ground with DRC.
Measure just above the fork, and above any swells. Measurement of: A) multiple stems forked above ground, B) single stems, or stems
forked underground.
Diameter Groupings
Overstory trees.
This includes single-stemmed trees
>15 cm DRC and multi-stemmed trees with a cumula-
tive DRC >15 cm (though you can modify this defini-
tion; see page 44).
Pole-size trees.
This includes single-stemmed trees
between 2.5 cm and 15 cm DRC, and multi-stemmed
trees with a cumulative DRC between 2.5 cm and 15
cm (though you can modify this definition; see page
For trees with several small stems, the following guide-
lines (Table 20) may help in determining whether a tree
will qualify as an overstory tree (if there is any ques-
tion, measure the stems).
Table 20. Guidelines to determine whether a tree is
considered an overstory tree.
Approximate Stem Size
Approx. Number of Stems
Needed to Exceed 15.0
cm DRC
10.5 2
8.5 3
5.0 9
3.5 18
2.5 35
Fire Monitoring Handbook 98
Table 21. Accuracy standards for overstory tree (RS)
Overstory Tree
DBH/DRC 15.1–50 cm + 0.5 cm
51–100 cm + 1 cm
>100 cm Not Applicable
Tree Damage Best Judgment
Crown Position Best Judgment
# of Individuals ± 5%
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 99
Monitoring Pole-size Trees
Pole-size trees are defined in this monitoring system as
standing living and dead trees with a diameter at breast
height (DBH) >2.5 cm and <15 cm. You may modify
this definition for your purposes; see page 44 for
Pole-size Tree Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed at the end of this section (Table 23,
page 101).
RS Procedures
Count and measure DBH for all pole-size trees within
the sampling area chosen during the monitoring design
process (see page 45). Check your protocols (FMH-4)
before proceeding.
Tagging pole-size trees is optional. If you choose to tag
pole-size trees, for each plot be sure to use numbers
different from those used for overstory trees, e.g., 1-
100 for poles and 500-600 for overstory. The proce-
dure is as for overstory trees: drive an aluminum nail
into each tree at BH so that the tag hangs down and
away from the tree and several centimeters of nail
remain exposed, leaving ample space for tree growth.
Second, measure DBH (in centimeters) to the nearest
mm, just above the nail. When the tree is too small to
tag at BH, or the tagging nail could split the trunk,
place the tag at the base of the tree.
On the Pole-size tree data sheet (FMH-9) record the
quarter in which the tree occurs (Qtr), tag or map
number, the species (Spp), the diameter (DBH) of each
tree, and whether it is alive (Live).
For non-sprouting tree species forked below BH, indi-
vidually tag and measure each pole-size bole. For
sprouting tree species, tag and measure only the largest
bole (in diameter) of the cluster. Remember that if the
largest bole has a DBH of >15 cm, the tree is an over-
story tree. Tally seedling-size sprouts as resprout class
seedlings until they grow into the pole tree size class.
Note: If the main bole of a sprouting species has died,
but the tree is sprouting from the base, consider the
main bole dead.
If the bole of a fallen tree is below BH, and the indi-
vidual is resprouting, treat the sprouting branches as
individuals and place them in the appropriate size class
(seedling, pole, or overstory). Include clarifying com-
ments on the data sheet, especially for resprouting
For trees with swellings or voids at BH, refer to page
92 in the overstory tree section.
If you do not individually tag trees, you can assign a
map number for each tree, or simply count them by
species (and height class, if desired). Finally, map each
tree using a map (or tag) number on the appropriate
tree map (FMH-11, -12, -13, or -14).
Measuring Diameter at Root Crown for Woodland
Measurement of a tree’s diameter at root crown (DRC)
is an alternative to DBH measurement for tree species
that are typically highly forked. This method is pre-
sented in the Overstory Tree section (page 97).
Measure Pole-size Tree Height
If you choose to measure this optional dataset, mea-
sure and record pole-size tree height (Hgt) on the
Pole-size tree data sheet (FMH-9) for each tree
encountered. Use height class codes five through 13
(Table 22, also available for reference on FMH-9).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 100
Table 22. Height class codes for pole-size trees.
A tree must be breast height (1.37 cm) or taller to be classified as pole-size.
Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm)
1 0–15 5 100.1–200 9 500.1–600 13 900.1+
2 15.1–30 6 200.1–300 10 600.1–700
3 30.1–60 7 300.1–400 11 700.1–800
4 60.1–100 8 400.1–500 12 800.1–900
Note: Measure height from ground level to the highest point of growth on the tree. The highest point on a bent tree would be down
the trunk of the tree instead of at the growing apex Only use height codes 1-4 for leaning trees.
Table 23. Accuracy standards for pole-size tree (RS)
Pole Tree
DBH/DRC + 0.5 cm
Pole Height Within Class
Number of Indi- ± 5%
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 101
Monitoring Seedling Trees
Seedling trees are defined in this monitoring system as
living trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH)
<2.5 cm (recording information on dead seedlings
is optional). Trees that are less than the height
required for DBH are treated as seedlings, regardless
of age and diameter. By definition, a tree cannot be
pole-size and less than the height necessary for DBH.
You may modify this definition for your purposes; see
page 44 for details. Note: Accuracy standards for each
seedling tree variable are listed in Table 24.
Table 24. Accuracy standards for seedling tree (RS)
Seedling Tree
DBH <2.5 cm No Errors
Seedling Height Within Class
# of Individuals ± 5%
Count the number of seedling trees by species within
the sampling area chosen during the monitoring design
process (see page 45). Check your protocols (FMH-4)
before proceeding.
RS Procedures
Record the heading information on the Seedling tree
data sheet (FMH-10 in Appendix A). For all seedling
trees, record the number of individuals (Num) by spe-
cies (Spp) on the FMH-10. An optional sketch map of
the seedling tree aggregates may be made on any tree
map (FMH-11, -12, -13, or -14). In areas with few
seedlings in the understory or where tracking individ-
ual seedlings through time is important, an optional
Table 25. Height class codes for seedling trees.
mapping procedure is to give individual seedlings
sequential map numbers (Map#), so that data can be
correlated between the Seedling tree data sheet (FMH-
10) and the appropriate tree map (FMH-11, -12, -13,
or -14). On the data sheet, indicate whether each
group of tallied trees is alive or dead (Live) or a
resprout (Rsprt).
Seedling Resprout Class
Seedlings can now be classed as resprouts. See page
255 in the Glossary for a definition.
Anticipated dramatic increases in postburn
seedling density
The seed banks of some tree species may germinate
profusely following a burn. Rather than count thou-
sands of seedlings, it may be more efficient to subsam-
ple the plot during temporary high density periods. To
subsample, grid the sample area listed on your FMH-4
and randomly select an appropriate subsample (i.e.,
10%, 20%) of the area. Then proceed to count the
individuals in the subsample area and extrapolate to
the full sample area listed on your FMH-4. Again, this
should only be done in consultation with resource and
fire managers.
Measure Seedling Tree Height
Record the number of seedling trees (Num) by species
(Spp) in each height class (Hgt) on the Seedling tree
data sheet (FMH-10) for each tree encountered. Use
the following height class codes (Table 25, also avail-
able for reference on FMH-10):
Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm) Code Height (cm)
1 0–15 5 100.1–200 9 500.1–600 13 900.1+
2 15.1–30 6 200.1–300 10 600.1–700
3 30.1–60 7 300.1–400 11 700.1–800
4 60.1–100 8 400.1–500 12 800.1–900
Note: Measure height from ground level to the highest point of growth on the tree. The highest point on a bent tree would be down
the trunk of the tree instead of at the growing apex.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 102
nitoring Dead and Downed Fuel Load
Monitoring Dead & Downed Fuel Load
On all forest monitoring plots, measure dead and
detached woody fuel as well as duff and litter depths.
These measurements are taken along fuel inventory
transects, which must be relocatable to allow evalua-
tion of postburn fuel load. Transects extend in random
directions originating from the centerline at 10, 20, 30,
and 40 m (Figure 32).
Figure 32. Location of fuel inventory transects.
Unlike herbaceous transects, fuel load transects can
cross each other (Brown 1996). In many monitoring
types the transect length is 50 ft, but in types with
sparser fuels it may exceed that (see page 45). Check
your protocols (FMH-4) before proceeding.
Fuel Load Measurements
Fuel load measurements and the transects used to
sample them traditionally use English measurements,
not metric.
Lay out the appropriate length tape along the transect
in a random direction (Appendix B). Place a labeled
tag at each end of the transect (see page 70 for a
description of how to label tags). Measure the percent
slope of the transect (from end to end) in percent.
When an Obstruction is Encountered
Along the Fuel Transect
If the fuel transect azimuth goes directly through a
rock or stump, in most cases you can run the tape up
and over it. If the obstruction is a tree, go around it
and pick up the correct azimuth on the other side. Be
sure to note on the FMH-19 on which side of the bole
the tape deviated so that it will be strung the same way
in the future.
Fuel Load Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed at the end of this section (Table 27,
page 105).
Working along the distances defined in the monitoring
type protocols (FMH-4), tally each particle intersected
along a preselected side of the tape, categorized by size
class. A go-no-go gauge with openings (0.25, 1, and 3
in) works well for separating borderline particles into
size classes and for training the eye to recognize these
size classes (Figure 33). Measurement of all particles is
taken perpendicular to the point where the tape
crosses the central axis (Figure 34, page 104). Count
intercepts along the transect plane up to 6 ft from the
ground. Count dead and down woody material, but
not cones, bark, needles and leaves. Do not count
stems and branches attached to standing shrubs or
trees (Brown 1974; Brown and others 1982). For addi-
tional details on tallying downed woody material, refer
to the notes on the reverse side of FMH-19.
Figure 33. Graphic of a go-no-go gauge.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 103
Figure 34. Tally rules for dead and down fuel.
Count all intersections, even curved pieces. All intersections must include the central axis in order to be tallied.
Table 26. Suggested lengths of transect lines to tally fuels
by size class.
Size Class Suggested Length
0–0.25” (0–0.62 cm) tally from 0–6 ft
diameter (1 hour)
0.25–1” (0.62–2.54 cm) tally from 0–6 ft
diameter (10 hour)
1–3” (2.54–7.62 cm) tally from 0–12 ft
diameter (100 hour)
>3” (>7.62 cm) measure each log
diameter (1,000 hour) from 0–50 ft
Differentiate between 3 in (or larger) diameter parti-
cles that are sound and those that are rotten. Rotten
wood is that which is obviously deteriorating or punky.
Measure the particle diameter to the nearest 0.5 in with
a diameter tape or ruler. Ignore particles buried more
than halfway into the duff at the point of intersection.
Visually reconstruct rotten logs as a cylinder and esti-
mate the diameter. This reconstructed diameter should
reflect the existing wood mass, not the original sound
Take depth measurements for litter and duff (as
defined in the Glossary) at 10 points along each fuel
transect—that is at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and
45 ft. If the transect is longer than 50 ft, do not take
additional litter and duff measurements. Do not take
measurements at the stake (0 point); it is an unnatural
structure that traps materials. At each sampling point,
gently insert a trowel or knife into the ground until you
hit mineral soil, then carefully pull it away exposing the
litter/duff profile. Locate the boundary between the
litter and duff layers. Vertically measure the litter and
duff to the nearest tenth of an inch. Refill holes created
by this monitoring technique. Do not include twigs
and larger stems in litter depth measurements.
You may choose to install duff pins to measure duff
reduction instead of digging and measuring the depth
of holes. Duff pins, however, are easy to trip over or
pull out, and therefore should be used only where traf-
fic (human or other animal) is limited.
Record the above dead and downed fuel data on the
Forest plot fuels inventory data sheet (FMH-19, in
Appendix A).
Measuring Duff and Litter
You can dig and measure in one step if you engrave or
etch a ruler in tenths of inches on the back of your
trowel. Use paint or nail polish to mark the major gra-
Fire Monitoring Handbook 104
Occasionally moss, a tree trunk, stump, log, or large
rock will occur at a litter or duff depth data collection
point. If moss is present, measure the duff from the
base of the green portion of the moss. If a tree, stump
or large rock is on the point, record the litter or duff
depth as zero, even if there is litter or duff on top of
the stump or rock. If a log is in the middle of the litter
or duff measuring point, move the data collection
point 1 ft over to the right, perpendicular to the sam-
pling plane.
Table 27. Accuracy standards for fuel (RS) variables.
Fuel Load
% Slope ± 5%
Diameter of >3” logs ± 0.5 in (1.2 cm)
Litter or Duff Depth ± 0.5 in (1.2 cm)
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 105
Monitoring Fire Weather And Behavior Characteristics
Monitoring Fire Weather & Behavior Characteristics
Collecting Fire Behavior and Weather
Previous editions of the Fire Monitoring Handbook
(USDI NPS 1992) recommended that monitors record
fire weather and behavior characteristics at each plot
using Fire Behavior Observation Circles (FBOC) or
Intervals (FBOI). The revised recommendations fol-
For the monitoring plots to be representative, they
must burn under the same conditions and ignition
techniques used in the rest of the prescribed fire block.
Fire monitor safety, however, must always be fore-
Forest monitoring types may include a dense under-
story layer, while brush and grassland fuel types are
usually flashy; all of them may be unsafe to move
through during a fire. The monitoring procedure pre-
sented here is an ideal and will be impossible to imple-
ment in some situations. The objective of monitoring
fire characteristics in forest, brush or grassland types,
therefore, is to do whatever is necessary to be safe
while simultaneously obtaining representative fire
behavior measurements wherever possible.
Take fire weather and behavior observations (rate of
spread, flame length, and flame depth (optional), and
other level 2 variables described in Chapter 2) in the
same monitoring types represented by your plots, in an
area where the fire behavior is representative of fire
behavior on the plots. Where safe, you can make fire
behavior observations near a monitoring plot.
Fire Behavior Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed in Table 29, page 111.
To estimate Rate of Spread (ROS), you can use a Fire
Behavior Observation Interval (FBOI). An FBOI con-
sists of two markers placed a known distance apart,
perpendicular to the flame front. Five feet is a standard
length for the FBOI; however, you may shorten or
lengthen the FBOI to accommodate a slower or faster
moving flame front.
If you expect an irregular flaming front, set up another
FBOI, perpendicular to the first FBOI. That way you
will be prepared to observe fire behavior from several
directions. If the fire moves along either FBOI, or
diagonally, you can calculate ROS, because several
intervals of known length are available. To distribute
the FBOIs, use a setup that you think makes sense for
your situation.
As the fire burns across each FBOI, monitor the rec-
ommended Fire Conditions (level 2) variables, and
record observations on the Fire behavior–weather data
sheet (FMH-2, in Appendix A). The time required for
the fire to travel from one marker to the other divided
by the distance (5 ft) is recorded as the observed rate
of spread. For further information on ROS, see page
Rate of Spread
You may use metric intervals to measure ROS. How-
ever, a possible problem with using metric ROS inter-
vals is that you may forget to convert the metric into
English units to get a standard linear expression for
ROS, which is chains per hour or feet per minute. To
avoid potential errors, it may be better to pre-measure
and mark the ROS intervals in feet.
During the fire, estimate flame length (FL) and flame
depth (FD; optional) (see page 13) at 30-second inter-
vals (or more frequently if the fire is moving rapidly),
as the flaming front moves across the ROS observa-
tion interval. Use the Fire behavior–weather data sheet
(FMH-2) to record data. If possible, make five to ten
observations of FL and FD per interval. Note: Where
close observations are not possible, use the height (for
FL) or depth (for FD) of a known object between the
observer and the fire behavior observation interval to
estimate average flame length or flame depth.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 106
Fire weather observations should be recorded at 30-
minute intervals. Sample more frequently if you detect
a change in wind speed or direction, or if the air tem-
perature or relative humidity seems to be changing sig-
nificantly, or if directed to do so by the prescribed
burn boss.
Fireline Safety
For safety, inform all burn personnel at the preburn
briefing that the unit contains monitoring plots. It is
recommended that you provide a brief discussion on
the value of these plots, and your role on the burn.
Inform all ignition personnel that they are to burn as
if the plots do not exist. This will help avoid biased
data, e.g., running a backing fire through a plot while
using head fires on the rest of the unit.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 107
Monitoring Immediate Postburn Vegetation & Fuel Characteristics
After the burned plot has cooled sufficiently (generally Burn Severity—All Plot Types
within two to three weeks), remeasure the RS variables
(see Tables 5 and 6 on page 57). Record postburn con-
ditions that characterize the amount of heat received in
the type on the Brush and grassland plot burn severity
data sheet (FMH-22). On each form, circle the post-
burn status code as “01 Post” (within two months of
the burn, see tip box below). The first number repre-
sents the number of treatment iterations, e.g., 02 Post
would indicate that the plot had been burned (or oth-
erwise treated) twice.
After the burned plot has cooled sufficiently (generally
within two to three weeks), remeasure the RS variables
(see Table 7 on page 57) using the preburn monitoring
techniques. Record postburn conditions that charac-
terize the amount of heat received in the type on the
Forest plot burn severity data sheet (FMH-21). Remea-
sure the overstory and record data on the Tree post-
burn assessment data sheet, FMH-20 (optional for
pole-size trees). Do not remeasure the diameter of
overstory trees for at least one year postburn, but at
every visit record whether each tree is alive or dead.
On each form, circle the postburn status code as “01
Post” (within two months of the burn). The first num-
ber represents the number of treatment iterations, i.e.,
02 Post would indicate that the plot had been burned
(or otherwise treated) twice.
Timing Burn Severity Data Collection
You can lose burn severity data by waiting too long to
collect it, and having rain or snow mar the data collec-
tion. Collect burn severity data as soon as possible
after the plot cools, which can be much less time than
the recommended two weeks, especially in grasslands.
Immediate Postburn Vegetation & Fuel
Characteristics Accuracy Standards
Accuracy standards for each variable discussed in this
section are listed at the end of this section (Table 29,
page 111).
Visual assessments of burn severity allow managers to
broadly predict fire effects upon the monitoring type,
from changes in the organic substrate to plant survival
(Ryan and Noste 1985). Burn severity is rated and
coded separately for organic substrate and vegetation,
distinguished by an S or V, respectively. Rate burn
severity according to the coding matrix (Table 28,
page 110; adapted from Conrad and Poulton 1966;
Ryan and Noste 1985; Bradley and others 1992).
In a plant association dominated by shrubs you
observe the following conditions at one of the 4 dm
burn severity data collection points: the leaf litter has
been consumed, leaving a coarse, light colored ash;
the duff is deeply charred, but the underlying mineral
soil is not visibly altered; foliage and smaller twigs are
completely consumed, while shrub branches are
mostly intact (40% of the shrub canopy is con-
sumed). Burn severity would be coded as S2 (sub-
strate impacts) and V3 (vegetation impacts) on the
Brush and grassland plot burn severity data sheet
(FMH-22), or the Forest plot burn severity data sheet
Where there was no organic substrate present preburn,
enter a 0 to indicate that the severity rating is not appli-
cable. Do the same if there was no vegetation present
preburn. You can often determine whether there was
vegetation or substrate at a point by examining the
preburn data sheets.
Grassland and brush plots
Record burn severity measurements every 5 m, starting
at 1 m and ending at the 30P (1 m, 5 m, 10 m, etc.).
Record data from a minimum of seven areas per plot.
You can choose to rate burn severity at every point
sampled (100 data points, optional) along the transect.
The additional effort may be minimal since vegetation
data may be collected at each of these points anyway.
Space has been provided on FMH-22 for this optional
Fire Monitoring Handbook 108
Grassland & Brush Plot Burn Severity
In past versions of this handbook, the protocol for col-
lecting burn severity ratings was to collect data every 5
m, starting at the 0P and ending at the 30P. To avoid
the influence of the plot rebar, it is now recommended
that the first reading be made at 1 m, with all other
measurements being the same.
At each sample point, evaluate burn severity to the
organic substrate and to the above-ground plant parts
in a 4 dm
area (2 dm × 2 dm) and record the value on
FMH-22. Use the burn severity coding matrix for the
appropriate plant association (Table 28, page 110) to
determine the severity ratings.
Forest plots
Burn severity ratings are determined at the same points
on the forest dead and downed fuel inventory transect
lines where duff depth is measured: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40, and 45 ft. Alternatively, if the Q4–30 m (the
first 30 m of the Q4–Q1 transect) line is used, you can
use the same methods used in grassland and brush
plots. See the warning box below for another alterna-
Using the dead and downed fuel inventory transect
lines you will have 40 points rated per plot. At each
sample point, evaluate burn severity to the organic
substrate and to above-ground plants in a 4 dm
(2 dm × 2 dm). Use the burn severity code matrix
(Table 28, page 110) for the appropriate plant associa-
tion, and record the value on FMH-21.
Forest Plot Burn Severity
You may now use the herbaceous transects (e.g., Q4–
Q1, Q3–Q2) instead of the fuel transects to monitor
burn severity in forest plots. The intervals (except for
Q4–30 m) are at the 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and
45 m marks. Only collect this data for the portions of
the plot where you have vegetation transects.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 109
Table 28. Burn severity coding matrix.
Forests Shrublands Grasslands
Substrate (S) Vegetation (V) Substrate (S) Vegetation (V) Substrate (S) Vegetation (V)
Unburned (5)
not burned
litter partially blackened; duff
nearly unchanged; wood/leaf
structures unchanged
litter charred to partially con-
sumed; upper duff layer may be
charred but the duff layer is not
altered over the entire depth;
surface appears black; woody
debris is partially burned; logs
are scorched or blackened but
not charred; rotten wood is
scorched to partially burned
litter mostly to entirely
not burned
foliage scorched and
attached to supporting
foliage and smaller twigs
partially to completely
consumed; branches
mostly intact
foliage, twigs, and small
not burned
litter partially blackened; duff
nearly unchanged; wood/
leaf structures unchanged
litter charred to partially con-
sumed, some leaf structure
undamaged; surface is pre-
dominately black; some gray
ash may be present immedi-
ately postburn; charring may
extend slightly into soil sur-
face where litter is sparse,
otherwise soil is not altered
leaf litter consumed, leaving
not burned
foliage scorched and
attached to supporting
foliage and smaller twigs
partially to completely
consumed; branches
mostly intact; less than
60% of the shrub canopy
is commonly consumed
foliage, twigs, and small
not burned
litter partially blackened; duff
nearly unchanged; leaf
structures unchanged
litter charred to partially con-
sumed, but some plant parts
are still discernible; charring
may extend slightly into soil
surface, but soil is not visibly
altered; surface appears
black (this soon becomes
inconspicuous); burns may
be spotty to uniform
depending on the grass con-
leaf litter consumed, leaving
not burned
foliage scorched
grasses with approximately two
inches of
stubble; foliage and smaller
twigs of associated species partially
to completely consumed; some plant
parts may still be standing; bases of
plants are not deeply burned and are
still recognizable
unburned grass stubble usually less
Scorched (4)
Lightly Burned
Burned (2)
consumed, leaving coarse, light
colored ash; duff deeply
charred, but underlying mineral
soil is not visibly altered; woody
debris is mostly consumed;
logs are deeply charred,
burned-out stump holes are
litter and duff completely con-
stems consumed; some
branches still present
all plant parts consumed,
coarse, light colored ash;
duff deeply charred, but
underlying mineral soil is not
visibly altered; woody debris
is mostly consumed; logs
are deeply charred, burned-
out stump holes are com-
leaf litter completely
stems consumed; some
branches (>.6–1 cm in
diameter) (0.25–0.50 in)
still present; 40–80% of
the shrub canopy is com-
monly consumed.
all plant parts consumed
coarse, light gray or white
colored ash immediately
after the burn; ash soon dis-
appears leaving bare min-
eral soil; charring may
extend slightly into soil sur-
leaf litter completely
than two inches tall, and mostly con-
fined to an outer ring; for other spe-
cies, foliage completely consumed,
plant bases are burned to ground
level and obscured in ash immedi-
ately after burning; burns tend to be
no unburned grasses above the root
Burned (1)
sumed, leaving fine white ash;
mineral soil visibly altered,
often reddish; sound logs are
deeply charred, and rotten logs
are completely consumed. This
code generally applies to less
than 10% of natural or slash
burned areas
inorganic preburn
leaving some or no
major stems or trunks;
any left are deeply
none present preburn
consumed, leaving a fluffy
fine white ash; all organic
material is consumed in min-
eral soil to a depth of 1–2.5
cm (0.5–1 in), this is
lain by a zone of black
organic material; colloidal
structure of the surface min-
eral soil may be altered
inorganic preburn
leaving only stubs
greater than 1 cm (0.5
in) in diameter
none present preburn
consumed, leaving a fluffy
fine white ash, this soon dis-
appears leaving bare min-
eral soil; charring extends to
a depth of 1 cm (0.5 in) into
the soil; this severity class is
usually limited to situations
where heavy fuel load on
mesic sites has burned
under dry conditions and
low wind
inorganic preburn
crown; for other species, all plant
parts consumed leaving some or no
major stems or trunks, any left are
deeply charred; this severity class is
uncommon due to the short burnout
time of grasses
none present preburn Not
Applicable (0)
Fire Monitoring Handbook 110
Scorch Height
Record the tree tag number (Tag), whether the tree is
alive (L), dead (D), resprouting (R), consumed/down
(C), broken below BH (B) or cut stump (S) (Live
Code), maximum scorch height (ScHgt), and the
scorched proportion of the crown (ScPer). See Glos-
sary for definitions. Trees that have fallen should be
noted, though they will be recorded during the year-1
remeasurement. You may also record char height
(Char), an optional variable, on FMH-20.
Estimate the maximum scorch height on each over-
story tree two weeks to two months after the fire has
burned across the monitoring plot. Note: If another
time frame (e.g., 3 months or year-1 postburn) exposes
scorch patterns more definitively, measure scorch
height again at that time and enter the data with the
other Post data. Record this information in the Notes
section of the FMH-4.
Maximum scorch height is measured from ground
level to the highest point in the crown where foliar
death is evident (see Figure 35). Some trees will show
no signs of scorch, but the surrounding fuels and vege-
tation will have obviously burned. In this case, you can
estimate scorch height by examining adjacent vegeta-
tion. It may be useful to produce a graph of scorch
heights to show the variation around the average. Man-
agers may want to correlate scorch height with the pre-
burn locations of large dead and down fuels; these
correlations usually require photographs or maps of
fuel pockets.
Percent Crown Scorched
For each overstory tree, estimate the percent of the
entire crown that is scorched. Average percent crown
scorched may be calculated, but percent crown
scorched is a better indicator of individual tree mortal-
Char Height
You can often measure char height simultaneously
with scorch height. To obtain an average maximum
char height, measure the height of the maximum point
of char for each overstory tree (see Figure 35). For
these data calculate the mean of maximum char
heights. It may be useful to note on the data sheet the
extent of the cambial damage to the tree and to
describe the char on the ground surrounding each tree
in the Notes section of FMH-20.
Figure 35. Scorch and char height.
Scorch and Char for Pole-size Trees
You may collect scorch height, percent crown scorch,
and char height for pole-size trees if these data are
important to resource and/or fire management staff.
Table 29. Accuracy standards for during burn and
immediate postburn (RS) variables.
Fire Behavior and Severity
Flame Length or Depth/ROS <10 ft ± 1 ft
>10 ft ± 5 ft
Burn Severity ± 1 Class
Scorch/Char Height <10 m ± 1 m
>10 m ± 5 m
Percent Crown Scorch ± 10%
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 111
File Maintenance & Data Storage
One of the most important aspects of managing a
monitoring program is having a system for tracking the
number of plots. One of the most concise methods is
to create a Master plot list. Within this list all plot
name changes, burn unit locations, burn dates, and
Table 30. Example system for tracking plots.
sampling dates are contained within a single document;
an example is included below (Table 30). This type of
document can easily be created in a spreadsheet pro-
gram such as Microsoft Excel. Maintain a master list
for all plots. It is the responsibility of the lead monitor
to maintain this list.
Former Plot
Name & #
Current Plot
Name & #
Pre 01Post 01yr01 01yr02 02Post Notes
BSAME3T0401 BADSPD0401 Green 10/93 08/90 11/93 08/94 08/95 Tags not
Meadow changed
FQUGA4D0921 Coyote 8/92 7/92 10/92 7/93 8/94 10/97 Did not actually
Creek 9/97 burn in ‘97
For each monitoring type, create a folder to hold all
information pertinent to that monitoring type. At min-
imum each folder should contain the following:
Monitoring type description sheet
Master list of all plots within the monitoring type
Master map(s) with all plots within monitoring
type marked
Minimum plot calculations by monitoring type
Any burn summaries for burns conducted within
the monitoring type
All data analyses for the monitoring type
Establish a raw data file for each monitoring plot.
Within the file, store all data sheets and maps for that
plot, including the Plot location data sheet (FMH-5).
File data sheets in numerical order by data sheet num-
ber. All plot folders should then be filed by monitoring
type. In some parks, plot folders may be filed by burn
unit. If this is the case, all plots should be filed alpha-
betically by monitoring type and then in numerical
order by plot number within each monitoring type.
To protect your originals, make a duplicate set of slides
for use in the field. High temperatures and exposure to
sunlight, ash, and dirt reduce the lifetime of a slide.
Offsite Data Backup
It is strongly recommended that you store backup digi-
tal or hard copies of all FMH-5 (Plot location data
sheets), including the maps illustrating the directions to
the plots, with your regional coordinator or in another
off-site location. Offsite storage of your data is the only
way to protect it in the event your office is burglarized
or hit by fire or flood. In the event an original map is
lost or destroyed, you will have a copy with which to
relocate the plot. Remember: a lost plot is lost data.
Place all slides or photos in archival quality slide or
photo holders, which in turn should be stored in archi-
val quality binders or a slide file. Store slides in a cool,
dry environment away from sunlight. Though it limits
ease of access, the optimum storage area is with the
archive division of your park. If you have access to a
high quality scanner, you may want to scan the slides
so that you have digital backups (this will also allow
you to print copies to take with you to the plot).
File all photographic materials by monitoring type and
then numerically by plot number. File slides for each
plot photo (e.g., 0P–30P) sequentially by sample visit:
00 PRE, 01 Burn, 01 Post, 01 yr01, 01 yr02, 01 yr05, 02
Burn, etc.
Create field packets to carry copies of monitoring data
for field reference. Keep these packets in sturdy fold-
Fire Monitoring Handbook 112
ers. Your field packets should include the following
items for each plot:
Set of print copies of the preburn photos
Copy of all maps
Copy of the FMH-4 (Monitoring type description
Copy of the FMH-5 (Plot location data sheet)
Copy of the park’s FMH-6 (Species code list)
Copy of the data from the most recent visit, so that
you can consult species codes, check tree diameters,
verify protocols, etc.
Log of problems encountered on the plot, plot name
changes, species to be verified, etc. (see Plot mainte-
nance log, FMH-
The current National Park Service protocol is to enter
all data into the FMH.EXE software (Sydoriak 2001).
Data entry screens are designed to mimic the standard
data sheets. The addition of pull-down menus, specific
help, and extensive error-checking makes FMH.EXE
powerful and easy for computer novices to use. Any
software that can access xBase files (including
Approach, dBASE, Visual FoxPro (or FoxBase), and
Paradox) can be used to edit, enter and analyze FMH
data, but using FMH.EXE will enhance data integrity
by providing validated data entry; in addition, it auto-
mates standard data analyses.
Use the Quality control checklist (FMH-24) whenever
you enter and quality check your data. Record the date,
your initials, and the computer you used. If you find
any problems while you are entering data, use the Plot
maintenance log (FMH-25) to describe the problem
and what you did to correct the problem. Keeping logs
such as these serves as a valuable record of data collec-
tion and entry problems.
Data Backup
As is recommended with all computer work, backup
often, particularly after a large data entry session. The
FMH software automates data backup onto a floppy
diskette. For very large databases the FMH software
can zip (compress) your database(s) so that all data can
be contained on a single floppy diskette. It is also
important to send copies of your database to your
regional coordinator annually (at a minimum) for
safe storage.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 113
Ensuring Data Quality
Ensuring Data Quality
The data you have so painstakingly collected are going
to be analyzed, and management decisions will be
based on these analyses. One or two errors per data
sheet can add up to a significant error, which if not
detected can lead to erroneous conclusions about
observed changes.
Standards for high data quality begin with accurate
field data collection and continue in the office with
accurate data entry into the FMH software. Ensure
high data quality standards by properly training field
staff, and developing a system of data quality checks
both in the field and in the office.
Proper training of field staff may involve setting up a
practice plot on which each member of the staff has an
opportunity to measure and remeasure each of the
variables sampled. Comparison of the values will reveal
those sampling variables where there can be a high
degree of variation in the values obtained. Discuss the
variations in values with staff members and clarify
proper sampling techniques. Use the accuracy stan-
dards at the end of each section in this chapter as a
guideline for how close your measurements need to be.
Litter and duff depth measurements often have the
highest degree of error due to the difficulty of identi-
fying the difference between these two layers. Ask
each member of the field staff to measure litter and
duff at a series of sample points. Compare the results
and discuss the definition of litter and duff and how
to identify the two layers. Have staff members sample
several more points until each staff member’s mea-
surements are within 0.5 in of each other.
When remeasuring a plot it is important to review the
previous year’s data. Refer to the Plot maintenance log
(FMH-25) to see if there are any problems that need to
be corrected. Use the previous year’s data sheets as
templates for gathering the subsequent data. It is
essential that significant changes seen year to year be
true changes and not the result of omission or errors
in data collection.
Monitoring Type
Ensure that previous monitors had a clear understand-
ing of all aspects of the monitoring type description.
Has the description changed since the plot was
installed? Were the plots established randomly? Did
earlier monitors use different sampling areas or meth-
ods from one plot to the next? Are these methods dif-
ferent from the methods you currently use? See
“Monitoring Type Quality Control” on page 51 for
further reference.
Plot Location Data
Were you able to relocate the plot based on the direc-
tions on the FMH-5? Were the directions clear? Was
the map easy to follow? Did you find all of the ele-
ments of the written directions clearly illustrated on
the hand-drawn map?
Some of the important variables to compare year to
year are as follows:
Photo Documentation
Use the previous year’s slides (or prints) to take plot
photos with the same field of view year to year. Take
time to align tree limbs, ridgelines or rock outcrops in
the same position as seen in the previous year’s photo
so that changes in vegetation over time in relation to
these features can be seen year to year.
Herbaceous Cover
Generate a data summary for each plot using the FMH
software. Review this summary prior to reading the
herbaceous transect, so that you will know what spe-
cies you may encounter. When you finish reading the
transect, check off all the species you encountered on
the data summary from the previous year. Look for
any species not checked off the list.
Shrub Density
In some instances individual root crowns can be
obscured by grass and other herbaceous plants. Use
the previous year’s data as a guide to how many indi-
viduals were counted within each interval of the brush
Overstory and Pole-size Trees
Use the previous DBH measurement as a guide to
ensure that you are making the current measurement at
the same point as the previous measurement. Watch
Fire Monitoring Handbook 114
for large variations in DBH from one year to the next.
Confirm that trees marked dead at immediate post are
still dead at year-1. If they are not, correct the data for
the immediate postburn visit on both the hard copy
and in the database. Check each tree along the sam-
pling area perimeter to ensure that >50% of the base
of the tree is within the sampling area. Also, check to
see if crown or damage codes are fluctuating from one
year to the next.
Downed Fuel Load
Check your data against realistic expectations. The
number of 100-hr and 1000-hr logs do not generally
fluctuate within a year’s time. Rotten 1,000-hr logs do
not generally increase in number immediate postburn.
100-hr logs may be consumed immediate postburn
(1,000-hr logs rarely are), but between year-1 and year-
2 these logs should still be present. Make sure you also
check for fluctuations in slope measurement for each
fuel transect.
Budget a little extra time at the completion of a plot in
order to save a repeat trip to a plot to collect data that
were overlooked. Before leaving the field, perform the
following checks:
Monitoring Type
Make notes on the quality of the monitoring type
description, as your feedback is critical to the authors
of that description. Is the description clear to all mem-
bers of the crew? Does the description contain enough
quantitative and qualitative information for your crew
to make the decision to accept, or reject a plot? Do the
sampling areas seem too large or too small? Do the
sampling protocols seem appropriate? Is it clear why
managers have asked you to collect data for optional
variables? See page 51 for further reference.
Data Sheets
Are they complete? Is any information missing? For
example, has live-dead been indicated on all tree data?
Are all species codes identifiable and correct?
Have voucher specimens been collected for
unknowns? If a specimen could not be collected, has
the unknown been adequately described, drawn or
photographed? Is this information sufficient to distin-
guish among unknowns? Are collection bags clearly
labeled with plot I.D., date and contents? Use the
voucher labels on the back of the FMH-6.
The FMH-6 serves as a list of each unknown you
encounter in order to help monitors quickly identify
which plants need to be collected. Carry this list from
plot to plot to ensure that you use the same code until
the plant is collected and identified.
Have monitors taken azimuths and distances to and
from reference features? Have they drawn a rough
map showing the plot location in relation to other
prominent features? It is often difficult to recreate the
spatial arrangement of features from memory in the
Accurate Maps
Accurate mapping of plot locations is one of the most
important tasks monitors have to complete. Too often
mapping is done hurriedly at the completion of a plot.
Allow yourself ample time to take accurate azimuths,
measure distances, and write a clear description of how
to get to the plot. A plot that cannot be relocated is
data lost.
If necessary, make a more thorough check of the data
sheets when reaching the office. Check your data
sheets as soon as possible after you sample the
plot. Your mind will be fresh, and you can clearly elab-
orate upon your cryptic notes.
If you cannot identify unknowns within a day or two,
press the voucher specimens. Monitors often leave
specimens in collection bags for too long and they
become moldy and unusable. Keep a running log of
voucher specimens collected. Store vouchers properly
so they can be used at a future date (see Appendix C
for guidelines).
Have a central filing area where you can store original
data sheets (organize by task, e.g., to be checked for
quality, to be entered, needs discussion, to be filed)
until they are filed. Organize the data sheets in a logical
order, e.g., alphabetically by monitoring type, then
numerically by plot number, then numerically by data
sheet number. Use the Quality control checklist
(FMH-24) to ensure that all data and supplemental
information have been collected, entered, and quality
checked for a particular plot.
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 115
For even the most accurate typist, it is imperative that
you check each data sheet entered into the FMH soft-
ware. Although the FMH software has extensive data-
checking capabilities, it cannot detect typographical
errors such as entering a DBH of 119.0 instead of 19.0.
Once you have entered the data from a data sheet,
compare the data on each data sheet with the database,
and check those data line by line for accuracy. Gener-
ally, it is better that an individual other than the person
who entered the data check the data sheet.
When entering data, record any problems on the Plot
maintenance log (FMH-25). Make sure that you
resolve each problem and then check it off the log.
The FMH software has a data-checking mechanism for
each data sheet. You should use this to check each data
sheet after you enter it (optionally, you can check all
data sheets at a single time). Make sure that you have
error-checked each data sheet before you conduct any
data analyses.
Finding Errors in Density Data
Trees, shrubs, or herbs are occasionally missed, or erro-
neously called dead one year, then found to be alive the
next. If you have collected data on your plots for two
or three years, one technique for finding these errors is
to use the analysis option in the FMH software (multi-
ple burn status graphics), on a single plot basis. Per-
form this analysis for all visits to a single plot, by
choosing the “select plot” option within the analysis
menu. Look at the graphical or numerical representa-
tion of the data and check for any fluctuations in den-
sity that might not be accounted for by death or
recruitment, or the absence of change where change is
Finding Errors in Species Cover Data
Shrubs or herbs are occasionally missed, or errone-
ously called one species name one year and another the
next. If you have collected data on your plots for two
or three years, use the technique described in the
“Finding Errors in Density Data” tip box. Look at the
graphical or numerical representation of the data and
check for any fluctuations in species within genera or
with species that are often mistaken with each other,
which might not be accounted for by death or recruit-
ment, or the absence of change where change is
Finding Errors in Fuels Data
Larger diameter size class (>1”) fuels are occasionally
missed or placed in the wrong class, or 1,000-hr logs
are erroneously called rotten one year and found to be
sound the next. Monitoring crews can have varying
understandings of the difference between litter and
duff from one year to the next. If you have collected
data on your plots for two or three years, use the tech-
nique described in the “Finding Errors in Density
Data” tip box. Look at the graphical or numerical rep-
resentation of the data and check for any fluctuations
in fuel load, within each category of fuel, which might
not be accounted for by decomposition or combustion,
or look for the absence of change where change is
Data Management
For an in-depth discussion of data management, con-
sult the data management protocols used by the NPS
Inventory and Monitoring Program (Tessler and Greg-
son 1997).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 116
Clean Data
If you follow all of these quality control guidelines,
your data generally should have the following charac-
No data are missing from either the data sheets or
from FMH.EXE
No transcription errors exist, i.e., the data sheets match
the FMH.EXE screens perfectly
The data have been error-checked by the software and
by an experienced field person
Data from different visits are at the same level of qual-
Plot visits conducted by different field staff or at differ-
ent times are especially prone to data errors—be sure
to confirm species identification and naming consis-
tency, check for fluctuation of individuals between
classes (e.g., live and dead, height, crown, age) and
ensure that data follow a logical order (e.g., individuals
should not decrease in diameter, damage, or maturity).
Chapter 5 n Vegetation Monitoring Protocols 117
Fire Monitoring Handbook 118
Data Analysis and Evaluation
Data Analysis & Evaluation
“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.”
Charles Dickens
Analyzing fire monitoring data and using the results to
evaluate the prescribed fire management program are
the keys to successful adaptive management. The
results of a monitoring program are used primarily to
determine whether management objectives are being
met. The results can verify that the program is on
track, or conversely, provide clues as to what may not
be working correctly.
Completing the process of data analysis and program
evaluation is critical, because the role of monitoring is
to gather information to guide the management pro-
gram. The main purpose of this handbook is to pro-
vide valuable feedback for management; if this
information is not used as a feedback tool, then the
monitoring program will not have served its purpose.
Without proper analysis, the monitoring data may at
best be useless to managers, and at worst provide mis-
leading information.
The success of a fire monitoring program is strongly
dependent on the fulfillment of clearly defined respon-
sibilities at all stages, including analysis and evaluation.
The specific duties of management staff have been
reviewed in Chapter 1 (page 4). Because the analysis
and evaluation process is complex and critical to the
monitoring program, the procedures outlined in this
chapter should be performed or closely supervised by
staff with background and experience in scientific
The steps involved in data analysis and program evalu-
ation include:
Document the analysis process
Examine and quality-check the raw data
Summarize the monitoring data
Evaluate whether management objectives were met
Adjust the fire monitoring program or management
actions (if needed)
• Disseminate the results
Review the monitoring program periodically
Prescribed fire program evaluation is the process by
which monitoring becomes more than an exercise in
data collection. It requires the coordinated efforts of
fire management, resource management, and research
expertise. At levels 1 and 2, the data are needed to
guide decisions for ongoing fires. At levels 3 and 4,
careful and prompt evaluation of short-term and long-
term change data will provide information necessary
to support and guide the prescribed fire management
program by determining whether the program objec-
tives are being met.
Summarizing data to assess short-term change (see
page 5) involves analysis of the variables specified by
short-term change objectives. These objective vari-
ables were selected as the attributes measured to evalu-
ate the management objectives. When you summarize
short-term data you are essentially comparing the pre-
burn and specified postburn conditions to evaluate the
achievement of short-term objectives. In addition to
summarizing data for each objective variable, you
should also analyze all other measured variables to
detect changes and identify any unexpected short-term
A short-term change objective in the sand pine scrub
monitoring type is to reduce mean shrub cover to
30–50% one year postburn. In this case, the one year
postburn shrub cover data would be analyzed for all
the plots in the sand pine scrub monitoring type to
determine whether the mean falls within the 30–50%
range. Trend analysis from other measured variables
can be examined for desirable or undesirable trends,
e.g., an increase in the mean non-native species cover
in the understory.
Evaluating the prescribed fire program’s long-term
success is difficult because long-term change (see page
5) objectives often do not exist, or if they do exist, they
often are not specific or measurable. Yet the long-term
outcome is the basis for measuring the attainment of
broad goals and the success of a prescribed fire man-
agement program. For example, where the long-term
goal is to restore the natural conditions and processes
to an area, knowing that the program met a fuel reduc-
tion objective two years postburn is meaningless if the
area is never burned again and eventually reverts back
to unnaturally heavy fuel load conditions.
Monitoring long-term change is essential for detecting
undesired effects of management activities. Therefore,
the data analysis, interpretation, and response associ-
ated with long-term change requires special attention.
Although monitoring plots are designed to quantify
the extent of change from preburn conditions, the
complex interaction of ecological processes (including
fire, succession, herbivory, competition, disease, and
climate change) makes the results of long-term change
difficult to interpret. In assessing long-term change,
data from unburned plots outside this monitoring sys-
tem, e.g., inventory and monitoring plots, can be espe-
cially useful.
A long-term change objective in the mixed-grass
prairie monitoring type is to increase the mean native
species percent cover by at least 20% after three pre-
scribed fire treatments occurring every 3–8 years.
Here, the postburn percent cover data would be ana-
lyzed for all the plots in the mixed-grass prairie mon-
itoring type after they were burned three times to
determine whether the mean native species percent
cover had increased by at least 20%.
Due to the complex nature of non-native species
invasion in which many factors may be involved,
information on native/non-native species percent
cover in similar areas that have not been burned
would be useful for comparison, especially if the
objective was not met.
Sound management judgment, based on broad review
and in-depth knowledge of local ecology, is essential
for identifying long-term trends. Trends may be easy to
recognize (influx of non-native plants, high mortality
of one species) or complex and subtle (changes in
stand structure, altered wildlife habitat, or insect or dis-
ease infestations). It is essential that managers remain
familiar with the character of the monitoring type
throughout its range in order to maintain sufficient
breadth of context for interpretation of long-term
trends. Joint review of long-term data by fire, research,
and resource personnel will help identify and define
Fire Monitoring Handbook 120
The Analysis Process
The analysis process can be complex; therefore, docu-
menting the steps in the process is important so that
the reasoning behind the decisions made along the way
is clear. Documentation should be clear and thorough
enough so that someone else can repeat the process
used to obtain results, and verify or refine the interpre-
tation of those results. The long-term data will be used
for many years. In the future, someone will need to
understand how the monitoring results were obtained
and how decisions were made based on those results.
Data Analysis Record (FMH-26)
A form to document the analysis process has been
designed to complement the fire monitoring program
and provide a link between the management objec-
tives, the raw data, and the results. The Data analysis
record (FMH-26) has space for a discussion of the out-
puts relative to the management and monitoring objec-
tives. This form will help document the analysis
process so that the results can be verified and repeated
if necessary.
Data Analysis Record
Store the Data analysis record (FMH-26) together
with all graphs and analysis output sheets and the
Monitoring type description sheet (FMH-4).
Document program changes directly on the Data
analysis record or in another format and store in a
clearly labeled binder that is easily accessible to man-
Program Changes
In addition to documenting the analysis process, you
should document any resulting modifications that were
made to the monitoring or management program.
These modifications may include changes to monitor-
ing protocols, burn prescriptions, treatment strategies,
or objectives.
Program Changes
The historical record of any program changes is critical
for understanding the evolution of knowledge and
management actions over time. This documentation
may be needed at some point in the future to demon-
strate that the course of the management program fol-
lowed a logical progression validated by the monitoring
Before you summarize the data, you will find it helpful
to examine the data for each individual plot. Graphs of
the objective variable values for each plot can reveal
patterns that are not apparent from descriptive statis-
tics such as the mean and the standard deviation. For
example, Figure 36 shows four samples each with a
sample size of five plots, and each with a mean of 100.
Without a graph of the data, one might assume from
the means that the data from the four samples were
Figure 36. Four samples each with a sample size of five
plots, and each with a mean of 100.
Graphically displaying the values for each plot is one
way to check data quality. Extreme plot values that
might not be apparent from the mean value may be
obvious from the graphic display of each plot’s values.
If you find an extreme value, check the database and
raw data sheets for errors.
In addition, some types of inferential statistical tests
assume that the data are normally distributed, in what
is often referred to as the standard normal distribution
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 121
or ‘bell-shaped’ curve. A graph of the individual plot
data will show whether this assumption has been met
or whether the data distribution is skewed. For further
information regarding the standard normal distribu-
tion, see any statistics text (e.g., Norman and Streiner
1997, Zar 1996).
After all plots within a monitoring type burn, and data
have been collected for the entire sample, summarize
the results so that they can be interpreted. To summa-
rize the data, you can use descriptive statistics to
reduce many observations (many plot values) to a sin-
gle number that describes the sample as a whole. The
sample mean is a frequently used statistic that
describes the central tendency of the sample, or the
average of all plot values for a variable. The sample
mean is used as an estimate of the population mean. If
the data are not distributed normally, consider using
other measures of central tendency, e.g., the median or
the mode (see any statistics text for definitions). It is
customary to report the sample mean along with some
measure of variability.
Reporting Data Variability
Since the sample mean is only an estimate of the true
population mean, reporting the sample mean values
without saying something about how good the esti-
mate is likely to be is inappropriate (the danger is that
people may assume that the sample mean is the popu-
lation mean, when it is really only an estimate).
As stated above in the section on examining raw data,
displaying all the individual plot data in a graph is use-
ful to visually depict the differences among plots. You
should also use one of several measures, either the
standard deviation, standard error, or confidence inter-
vals, to numerically report the variability in the
Standard deviation—variability in the data col-
To report the variability among plot values in the sam-
ple, calculate the standard deviation. This measures
how well the average value describes individual obser-
vations in the sample. This measure of variability, or
dispersion, will tell you whether the observations are
very close to the mean or whether many of them are
quite different (Figure 37).
Figure 37. Standard deviation is generally an average of
the lengths of all the arrows (distances from the sample
Standard deviation is a measure of the distribution
(spread) of observations (plot values) in a sample from
the sample mean. It is the variability of the data
expressed by taking the square root of the variance
(which is the sum of squares of the deviations from the
mean). If the data are distributed normally (have a
shape like the normal distribution), then approximately
68% of the observations will fall within one standard
deviation of the sample mean and approximately 95%
of the observations will fall within two standard devia-
tions of the sample mean.
A large standard deviation value (high variability) could
indicate an error in the data (see page 131), or that the
data are truly highly variable. Highly variable data
could have one or more implications: more plots may
need to be installed, the method used to collect the
data may not be the most appropriate, and/or the vari-
able measured is patchy across the area sampled.
To calculate the standard deviation, you need the fol-
lowing inputs:
Values for each observation (plot)
Mean of the sample (mean of plot values)
Number of plots in the sample
The FMH software calculates standard deviation. For
the formula to calculate the standard deviation, see
page 216 in Appendix D.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 122
Three monitoring plots located within a particular
burn unit have preburn 1,000-hr fuel loads of 18.5,
4.2, and 6.7 kg/m
respectively. Therefore, the mean
± one standard deviation is 9.8 ± 7.6 kg/m
. The
summary results are not used to make generalizations
to the burn unit or monitoring type as a whole, but
simply to show what the mean and variability is for
the 1,000-hr fuels in the three plots. The standard
deviation of 7.6 indicates that the variability in 1,000-
hr fuel load among the three plots is high (almost
equal to the mean of 9.8). In this example, the indi-
vidual plot values are very different from each other
and vary greatly from the mean value of 9.8 kg/m
Standard error—precision of the mean
Although in the design of the monitoring program the
scientific method is used to obtain a random sample,
any particular sample (collection of plots in a monitor-
ing type) is just one of many possible samples. One
random sample of 10 plots would likely give different
results than another random sample of 10 plots; addi-
tionally, a sample of three plots would have different
results than a sample of 300 plots. Standard error is a
measure of the variability related to the fact that only a
portion of the entire population is sampled.
If many different samples were taken, each consisting
of the same number of plots, the standard error is a
measure of how close the sample means are likely to be
to the true population mean, or what is known as the
‘precision of the mean.’ Standard error is the variability
of the theoretical distribution of the sample means
for a given sample size. The shape of the distribution
of possible sample means changes depending on sam-
ple size. The larger the sample size, the closer the sam-
ple mean is likely to be to the true population mean;
therefore, standard error is directly related to sample
size (see Figure 38).
Based on these theoretical distributions of sample
means, if many samples of the same size were taken,
then approximately 68% of the sample means would
fall within one standard error of the true population
mean, and approximately 95% of the sample means
would fall within two standard errors of the true popu-
lation mean.
Figure 38. Three sampling distributions (of different
sample sizes) with the same mean.
This figure illustrates how standard error decreases as sample
size increases.
To calculate the standard error, you need the following
Standard deviation of the sample
Number of plots in the sample
The standard error is the default measure of variability
calculated by the FMH software. See page 218 in
Appendix D for the formula to calculate the standard
In the tallgrass prairie, 12 monitoring plots were
established. The native perennial grass mean relative
cover ± one standard error is 48.8 ± 3.4%. This stan-
dard error means that if many samples of 12 plots
were taken, approximately 68% of the sample means
would fall within ± 3.4% of the true population mean
for relative cover (and approximately 95% of the
sample means would fall within ± 6.8% of the true
population mean).
When to use standard deviation vs. standard error
Use standard deviation to report the variability of
the data itself—i.e., the variability among plots in the
Use standard error to express the precision of the
mean—i.e., the closeness with which the sample mean
estimates the true population mean.
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 123
The decision of which measure of variability to use is
not critical, as long as you report which one you are
using; standard deviation and standard error can be
derived from each other as long as you know one of
the two as well as the sample size.
Confidence intervals—precision of the mean with
stated level of confidence
While standard error is an estimate of the precision of
the sample mean, confidence intervals provide added
information about variability by using the standard
error along with a stated level of confidence. The con-
fidence interval is a range of values for a variable
which has a stated probability of including the true
population mean.
To calculate the confidence interval, you need the fol-
lowing inputs:
Mean of the sample
•Standard error
Desired confidence level (80, 90, or 95%)
Critical value of the test statistic student’s t (two-
tailed), based on the selected confidence level (80,
90, or 95%) and the degrees of freedom (number of
plots - 1); the values used by the FMH software can
be found on page 220 in Appendix D
The FMH software calculates confidence intervals. For
the formula to calculate the confidence interval, see
page 219 in Appendix D.
Three plots show varying values for seedling tree
density: 120, 360, and 270 seedlings/ha, with a stan-
dard error of 70. The confidence interval is expressed
as a range and probability; therefore, there is an 80%
probability that the true population mean value for
seedling tree density is between 118 and 382 seed-
lings/ha. Alternatively, you could state that the 80%
confidence interval is 250 ± 132 seedlings/ha.
Summarizing Results
When summarizing results, always report the mean
with some measure of variability (either standard devia-
tion, standard error, or confidence interval), state
which measure of variability was used, and be sure to
include the sample size (number of plots).
Once all of the plots in a monitoring type have burned
and monitoring has been conducted throughout the
postburn time period of interest (as determined by
your objectives), recalculate the minimum sample size
needed. Determining the number of plots needed to
achieve the desired certainty in the specified postburn
results should be done in one of two ways, depending
on the type of management objective: change (see page
25) or condition (see page 26).
To assess, as early as possible, whether more plots will
be needed, you can perform this calculation after some
of the plots (3–5) have reached the postburn time
interval rather than waiting for all plots to reach the
time interval.
Condition Objectives
To determine whether you have installed the number
of plots sufficient to assess the postburn target or
threshold objective, you should recalculate the mini-
mum sample size after the plots have burned and
reached the appropriate postburn time interval (as
determined by your management objectives). Use the
same formula (see page 216, Appendix D) used for the
preburn plots (see page 49 for discussion) to deter-
mine the appropriate number of plots needed. Your
chosen confidence and precision levels should remain
the same as they were in the initial minimum sample
size calculation unless your monitoring objectives have
changed for some reason.
If the variability in the postburn data is about the same
or lower than the preburn data variability, it is unlikely
that more plots will be needed. You may need to install
more plots if the postburn data variability is higher
than the preburn data variability.
Change Objectives
Once the appropriate number of plots have been
installed, burned, and measured at the postburn time
interval (specified by your management objectives), a
separate calculation will reveal whether you need to
install more plots to detect the desired amount of
change. For the formula to calculate the minimum
sample size for minimum detectable change (MDC)
desired, see page 217 in Appendix D.
If the variability in the differences between preburn
and postburn data is about the same or lower than the
preburn data variability, it is unlikely that more plots
Fire Monitoring Handbook 124
will be needed. You may need to install more plots if
the variability in the differences is higher than the pre-
burn data variability.
Minimum Sample Size for Minimum
Detectable Change (MDC)
This formula is a critical new addition to this hand-
book. For change objectives, calculate the minimum
sample size for the minimum detectable change you
desire before you fully evaluate whether you have met
your objectives.
For both condition and change objectives, if you
determine that more plots are needed after recalculat-
ing minimum sample size, install any necessary addi-
tional plots in areas of the monitoring type that have
not yet burned. If unburned areas no longer exist for
the monitoring type, then the current number of plots
must suffice and results should be presented with the
appropriate level of certainty.
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 125
Additional Statistical Concepts
In some cases you may want to perform additional sta-
tistical analyses. Several considerations may affect how
such analyses are performed, therefore, you should at
least be aware of how they might affect the monitoring
program results.
In addition to descriptive statistics (e.g., means and
measures of variability) and basic inferential statistics
(e.g., confidence intervals), hypothesis tests (also
known as significance tests) can be performed on
monitoring data. These tests are used to assess the
actual probability that the sample results were obtained
due to chance (as a result of random variation). The
concept of hypothesis testing is only briefly and gener-
ally discussed here. Examples of hypothesis tests
include analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square,
McNemar’s test, paired t-test, repeated measures
ANOVA, and Wilcoxins signed rank test. Review sta-
tistical texts (e.g., Norman and Streiner 1997, Zar
1996) for specific information on these tests.
A hypothesis is a proposed statement or theory that
provides a basis for investigation. A management
objective is like a hypothesis in that it makes a state-
ment that a particular condition or threshold is met, or
that some type of change from the current condition
occurred. This statement or objective is used as a basis
for comparing the data observed. A statement of no
difference is called the null hypothesis. In the fire mon-
itoring program, the null hypothesis is usually that a
condition or threshold was not met, or that no change
in a particular objective variable has occurred over a
preselected period of time.
A significance (hypothesis) test is “a procedure for
measuring the consistency of data with a null hypothe-
sis” (Cox 1977). The result of a hypothesis test is that
the null hypothesis is either rejected or not rejected. If
it is likely that the sample results occur reasonably
often in the population (based on estimates of variabil-
ity in the population), then there is no reason to reject
the null hypothesis. If only a small probability exists of
obtaining the sample results by chance, then the null
hypothesis is rejected. A one-sample hypothesis test is
one in which the results are compared with a hypothe-
sized value (e.g., comparing a postburn variable mean
with a desired mean value); a two-sample test is one in
which two sets of results are compared to determine if
there is a difference between them (e.g., comparing
preburn and postburn variable means).
In the context of monitoring, hypothesis tests assess
the probability that the results indicate a management
objective was met (as opposed to the results being due
to chance). If the hypothesis test concludes that the
observed mean, or change in the mean, of the variable
is not due to random variation, then the null hypothe-
sis is rejected in favor of an alternate hypothesis: the
mean value is different from the hypothesized condi-
tion or a change has occurred in the mean of the vari-
The management objective in the ponderosa pine
forest monitoring type is to reduce live pole-size tree
density to less than 300 trees per hectare within two
years postburn. The null hypothesis is that the year-
2 postburn live pole-size tree density is greater than
or equal to 300 trees per hectare. A test to determine
whether the null hypothesis is rejected would be per-
The management objective in the sagebrush steppe
monitoring type is to increase the mean percent cover
of native herbaceous species by at least 20% by 10
years postburn. The null hypothesis is that the year-
10 postburn mean percent cover of native herba-
ceous species is less than 20% greater than the preb-
urn percent cover, and a test to determine whether to
reject the null hypothesis could be performed.
Significance Level (α)
Because hypothesis tests assess the probability that
the results were obtained by chance, we need another
criterion to quantify the acceptable probability, thus to
indicate whether to reject the null hypothesis. This cri-
terion, called the level of significance, or α (alpha), is
the probability that an apparent difference occurred
simply due to random variability.
The significance level (α) must be determined before
the hypothesis test is performed; α is equal to one
minus the confidence level, which is chosen during the
design of the monitoring program before any data are
Fire Monitoring Handbook 126
collected (see page 27). For example, if the confidence
level chosen is 90%, then the significance level for a
hypothesis test is 10% (α = 0.10), and a probability of
obtaining the results due to chance less than 10%
would result in a rejection of the null hypothesis. It is
important to note that the significance level is not the
probability that the null hypothesis is true.
Two Ways To Be Wrong
With a hypothesis test, either of two clear conclusions
can result: 1) the test indicates that the results are not
likely to be due to chance (hence a real difference
exists or a real change has occurred), or 2) the test indi-
cates that the results are likely due to random variation
(thus a real difference does not exist or a real change
has not occurred). It is also possible that each of these
conclusions are either right or wrong (due to insuffi-
cient sample size, poor monitoring design, or inappro-
priate statistical tests). The combinations of all of these
possible conditions yield four potential outcomes of
hypothesis testing or monitoring for change. Two of
the possibilities are correct conclusions: 1) a condition
or threshold was not met or no change occurred and it
was not detected; and 2) a condition or threshold was
met or a real change occurred and it was detected
(Figure 39).
Two of the possibilities are incorrect conclusions or
errors: 1) a condition or threshold was not met or no
change occurred but the monitoring detected a change
or difference in condition; known as a Type I (or false-
change) error; and 2) a condition or threshold was met
or a real change occurred but it was not detected;
known as a Type II (or missed-change) error.
Null hypothesis is true:
A condition or threshold was not
met or no change occurred
Null hypothesis is false:
A condition or threshold was met or a
real change occurred
Null hypothesis rejected:
Monitoring detects a difference or
Type I Error
probability =
(significance level)
(no error)
probability = 1-
(confidence level)
Null hypothesis accepted:
Monitoring does not detect a difference
or change
(no error)
probability = 1-
$ (power)
Type II Error
probability =
Figure 39. The four possible outcomes of hypothesis testing.
Type I error (false-change error)
Type I (false-change) error is comparable to a false
alarm. The monitoring program detects a difference in
condition or a change in an objective variable but the
difference or change that occurred was due to random
variability. This type of error can lead to the conclusion
that the management objectives were met using pre-
scribed fire, but in fact, the same the results could have
been obtained due to chance. Alternatively, an
unwanted change or difference might be detected (e.g.,
an increase in a non-native species) when no real
change took place, resulting in an unnecessary adjust-
ment to the prescribed fire program.
The probability of making this type of error is equal to
α (the significance level), which is equal to one minus
the confidence level chosen. For example, for a confi-
dence level of 80%, α is 20%, meaning that a false-
change error is likely to occur approximately 20% of
the time (or one in five times).
Type II error (missed-change error)
Type II (missed-change) error is analogous to an alarm
that is not sensitive enough. The monitoring program
does not detect a difference in condition or a change in
an objective variable, but in fact, a difference or a
change has taken place. This type of error may be criti-
cal, as it can mean that an unwanted decrease in a
favored species, or an unwanted increase in non-native
plants, goes undetected following prescribed fire appli-
cation. Alternatively, the management objective may
have been effectively achieved, but the results from the
monitoring program would not substantiate the suc-
The probability of making this type of error is equal to
β (beta), a value that is not often specified but that is
related to statistical power.
Statistical power is the probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is false and should be rejected. In
other words, power is the probability of detecting a
change when a real change (not due to random vari-
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 127
ability) has occurred. Power is equal to one minus
power (1-β)
the probability of making a missed-
change error. For example, if the power of the statisti-
cal test is 90%, then a missed-change error is likely to
occur 10% of the time. Conventionally, the minimum
level of power should be at least 80% (Cohen 1988), or
it should be equal to the confidence level (Peterman
Power is inversely proportional to the level of signifi-
cance for a given sample size. To simultaneously
increase power, or the probability of detecting a real
change (1-β) while decreasing the probability of com-
mitting a false-change error (α) you must either
increase the sample size or decrease the standard devi-
ation (see Figure 40). For change objectives, you
choose the level of power for calculating the minimum
sample size needed to detect the minimum amount of
change desired. Additionally, if you performed a
hypothesis test and it failed to reject the null hypothe-
sis, you can calculate power to determine the monitor-
ing program’s ability to detect a real change (and the
probability that a Type II (missed-change) error
After you have performed a hypothesis test you can
interpret the results by following a series of steps.
These steps are summarized in Figure 41. For results
that reject the null hypothesis, it is important to calcu-
late the power of the test to determine the monitoring
program’s ability to detect change. Once again, consult
a statistician for advice if you have any questions about
the statistical tests and interpretation of the results.
Pseudoreplication is the use of inferential statistics to
test for treatment effects with data where treatments
are not replicated (though observations may be) or
replicates are not statistically independent (Hurlbert
1984). Pseudoreplication occurs, for example, when all
of the plots from a particular monitoring type are
located in one burn unit, and inferences about the
burn program in general (i.e., a treatment effect),
rather than the effects of one particular fire, were
made from the data.
Figure 40. Influence of significance and power for three
normally distributed populations.
A) A large difference in means between the preburn and
postburn population results in both a high level of power and a
low probability of Type I and Type II errors. This is ideal. B) A
smaller difference in means results in low power with a higher
probability of Type II error. C) Using a higher level of significance
substantially increases the power.
Ideally, plots would first be placed randomly across the
entire landscape and then treatments randomly
assigned to avoid the problem of pseudoreplication.
Within the constraints of a fire management program,
however, this type of design is usually not feasible. If
pseudoreplication is a serious problem in the sampling
design, and is not acknowledged, improper analyses or
data misinterpretation can result. See Irwin and
Stevens (1996) for a good overview of this often con-
fusing concept. Consult a statistician to determine if
pseudoreplication may affect the analysis of a particu-
lar monitoring program dataset.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 128
Figure 41. Steps in interpreting the results of a change over time statistical test.
Modified from Elzinga and others (1998).
All monitoring programs need to address autocorrela-
tion during the sampling design period. Data that are
autocorrelated are not independent over space or time
and therefore are more difficult to analyze. For
example, spatial autocorrelation can occur if plots are
placed so close together that the plots tend to record
similar information. In this situation, the data may
have an artificially low amount of variation. The fire
monitoring program addresses spatial autocorrelation
by using a restricted random sampling design to mini-
mize the chance that plots will be located in close
proximity to each other.
Temporal autocorrelation occurs when the same plots
are repeatedly measured over time, such as in the per-
manent plot methods used in this handbook. The data
from one year to the next are not completely indepen-
dent of the data in preceding years.
The preburn density of pole-size trees in one plot is
20 trees per hectare. Year-1 postburn, the pole-size
tree density is 5 trees per hectare, a decrease of 15
trees per hectare. The density two years postburn will
be limited by the fact that the year-1 postburn density
is now only 5 pole-size trees per hectare; a further
decline of 15 trees per hectare cannot occur. If the
same plot were not remeasured from one year to
next, the density would not be constrained by previ-
ous years’ values. The decrease that occurred
between preburn and year-1 postburn is likely to have
an influence on the amount of change in future years.
For this reason, special types of statistical tests are
designed for use in permanent plot situations.
Autocorrelated data require special procedures to per-
form statistical tests. Consult a statistician for assis-
tance in evaluating the extent of spatial and temporal
autocorrelation in the data and the appropriate statisti-
cal tests that may be needed.
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 129
The Evaluation Process
After all plots in a monitoring type (the sample) have
been installed, burned, and remeasured at the appro-
priate postburn time interval, use the results to assess
whether the management objectives were met using
the following steps:
Compare the results with the target conditions or
desired change stated in the management objectives.
Verify the results.
Comparing Results with Management Objectives
In order to determine whether the management objec-
tives were met, you must examine the monitoring
results for the variable and time period of interest, and
compare them to the objectives.
Condition objectives
If your objective specifies a postburn range of values,
or a threshold value, for a variable, calculate the post-
burn confidence interval and determine whether it
falls within the target range (or above or below the
The management objective is to maintain a density
of live pole-size trees of 80–120 trees per hectare
within two years postburn. The monitoring objec-
tive specified an 80% level of confidence in the
results. The monitoring results indicate that the year-
2 postburn live pole-size tree mean density ± one
standard error is 92 ± 5 trees per hectare (n=14
plots). Calculating the 80% confidence interval indi-
cates that there is an 80% probability that the true
population mean falls between 85–99 trees per hect-
are. The objective was met (with 80% confidence)
because the confidence interval falls completely
within the target range of 80–120 trees per hectare.
If the confidence interval falls completely outside the
target range, or completely crosses the threshold value,
then you can be certain (with the chosen level of confi-
dence) that the objective was not met. If only part of
the confidence interval crosses the threshold, or falls
outside the target range, then you must be willing to
acknowledge that the objective may not have been met
because the true mean population value may fall out-
side the range desired (or may have crossed the thresh-
old), even if the mean value is within the target range.
Using the same management and monitoring objec-
tives as in the above example, you find that the year-2
postburn live pole-size mean density is 92 trees per
hectare, but the standard error is ± 10 trees per hect-
are (n=14 plots). The 80% confidence interval would
then be 78–106 trees per hectare. The objective was
met on the upper end of the range (less than 120
trees per hectare), but not on the lower end because
the true population mean may be between 78–80
trees per hectare. Even though the mean value of 92
falls within the target range of 80–120, in this case,
you must decide whether or not you can accept that
the true population mean may actually be 78–79 trees
per hectare.
The more the confidence interval falls outside the tar-
get range or falls above or below the threshold, the
greater the possibility that the true population mean
may not meet the objective condition. In order to nar-
row the confidence interval, you must either reduce
the variability in the data, increase the sample size, or
lower the confidence level (see page 27 for further dis-
cussion of this topic).
Change objectives
If a change from preburn conditions was specified in
the management objective, then you must compare the
preburn and postburn time interval results. Because
the same plots are being measured over time (perma-
nent plots), the pre- and postburn results are not inde-
pendent and must be treated differently than if they
were independent. You should therefore calculate the
difference between preburn and postburn values for
each plot and then calculate a mean of these differ-
ences. If the change is specified in terms of a percent-
age, you must calculate the percent change for each
plot and then calculate the mean percent change. You
can then calculate a confidence interval for the mean
of the differences or the mean percent change to see if
the confidence interval falls within the range of change
Fire Monitoring Handbook 130
The management objective is to reduce the mean
percent cover of live shrubs by 30–60% within one
year postburn. The monitoring objective specifies
that 80% confidence in detecting a 30% minimum
change was desired. The mean of the differences
between preburn and year-1 postburn mean live
shrub percent cover ± one standard error for 11
plots was 21 ± 4%. The 80% confidence interval is,
therefore, 15–27% cover. The objective was not
achieved because the amount of change (15–27%)
falls completely outside the target range of 30–60%.
If the confidence interval falls completely within the
target range specified in the objective, then the objec-
tive was met with that level of confidence. If only part
of the confidence interval falls inside the target range,
then you must be willing to acknowledge that the
objective may not have been met, because the true
mean population value may fall outside the range
desired even if the mean difference or mean percent
change falls within the target range.
Appropriate Statistical Tests
To determine the probability that the data suggest that
your objectives were achieved due to natural variability
in the data and not due to real change, you will need to
perform a statistical test appropriate for the type of
objective and data distribution. Seeking assistance with
these statistical analyses is highly recommended; the
tests and associated assumptions may be complicated.
Use caution—performing an inappropriate test
may cause managers to make misleading conclu-
sions about the results.
Verifying Results
Regardless of whether the objectives were met, be sure
that the results were not obtained due to errors at
some point during the process. To determine if faulty
results were obtained, take the following steps:
Check for data entry or raw data errors (see pages
• Verify that the burn or treatment prescription condi-
tions were met on all plots
Ensure that the data analyses were run properly
Look for extreme data values, which can contribute
to large standard deviations in the summary results
Review the fire behavior observations for each plot
to check that the burn conditions were in prescrip-
Step through the analyses to be sure that the appro-
priate outputs were obtained
If obvious data errors do not exist, the prescription
conditions were met for all the plots, and the analyses
were run properly, then the results are likely to be
Responding to Desired Results
If the results indicate that your management objectives
are being met, it is important to continue the monitor-
ing and burning schedule as planned to be sure that
further changes over time do not affect achievement
of objectives. If you gain any new knowledge about a
species or plant association, reevaluate the relevant
objectives to see if the program should be adjusted
based on the new information.
Although you may have achieved the current objec-
tives, you should be sure that your management objec-
tives consider the long-term outcome of repeated
treatments. After carrying out two or three more pre-
scribed burns in the monitoring type, will your objec-
tives remain the same, or will the long-term target/
threshold conditions change after the initial treatment?
Well-formulated long-term objectives will help the fire
management program progress in a timely, effective,
and ecologically sound manner.
Achieving the desired results—and meeting your man-
agement objectives—is no simple task. If you have
succeeded here, acknowledge the program accom-
plishment by sharing the results; it is important that
you advertise your success by informally recording the
results in a widely distributed report or by formally
publishing the results (see page 134).
Responding to Undesired Results
If your verified results indicate that management
objectives have not been met, take the following steps
to adjust the fire monitoring program or management
Examine the monitoring program design
Evaluate the treatment strategy
Reassess the management objectives
Seek special assistance from experts
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 131
Examining monitoring program design
Determine whether the monitoring program was
properly designed and implemented:
Verify that the appropriate objective variables were
selected to assess the objectives.
Check to be sure that the data were collected prop-
erly for the variables of interest.
If the objective was to increase the density of native
vs. non-native plants but only percent cover was mea-
sured, the data cannot indicate whether the objective
was met. Alternatively, if the transect was not long
enough to adequately measure percent cover of a
sparsely distributed plant species, then it would be
difficult to determine whether the objective for
increasing the species’ percent cover was met.
If you determine that a different objective variable is
needed or that the method used to measure an objec-
tive variable must be changed, you must install a new
set of plots for the monitoring type in areas that have
not burned. If all areas in the monitoring type have
already been burned, then you will not have the oppor-
tunity to attempt to assess objective achievement for
the initial prescribed burn. New plots could be
installed in the monitoring type, however, to determine
whether objectives are met by subsequent burn treat-
ments (repeat burns).
Evaluating treatment strategy
If the monitoring program design is valid, next deter-
mine whether the treatment strategy was adequate by
taking the following steps:
Assess whether the treatment prescription is capable
of causing desired results.
Decide whether the prescription parameters are
simultaneously attainable for all objectives.
Assess whether a change in treatment strategy might
produce the desired results.
Tools are available for addressing some of these issues,
including developing burn prescriptions that are likely
to produce the desired effects. Some examples of pre-
dictive tools commonly in use today are RX WIN-
beyond the scope of this handbook to cover the use of
these tools; for additional information, talk to your
local or regional prescribed fire specialist.
You may be able to refine the treatment prescriptions
by comparing the prescriptions you used with success-
ful treatment programs (as described in the literature
or by other programs). For example, the majority of
the burn treatments may have occurred at the cooler
end of the prescription and the burn prescription may
be too wide at the cooler end. After you complete the
prescription verification process, adjust the treatment
prescription and start the monitoring type identifica-
tion, data collection and analysis process cycle over
again using the revised treatment prescription.
Inability to produce the desired results (meeting the
objectives) may be due to a number of other treatment
factors. After consulting with experts, carefully con-
sider which actions are most likely to yield the desired
The treatment may be adjusted in a number of ways;
for example:
• Change ignition pattern, intensity of fire application,
or ignition technique (e.g., tandem torches vs. single
torch, or helitorch vs. drip torch).
Switch treatment season. Use caution here. This
strategy can have dramatic consequences because of
the sensitivity to disturbance (fire or other distur-
bance, e.g., mechanical treatment) of plant and ani-
mal species at different phenological or reproductive
stages and because of large seasonal differences in
site moisture regimes.
Change the frequency of treatments by reducing or
increasing the treatment intervals).
Change the type or intensity of the treatment con-
ducted in conjunction with prescribed fire, e.g.,
switch from mowing to grazing, or change the mow-
ing height.
Treatment Prescription Modification
Modifying the treatment prescription, e.g., changing
the season of the burn, means that you must modify
your monitoring type. Remember that the monitoring
type is defined by the live vegetation and fuels present
as well as the treatment prescription. If either is altered,
you must create a new monitoring type to reflect the
Fire Monitoring Handbook 132
Reassessing management objectives
If the treatment strategy cannot be changed to achieve
the desired results, examine the objectives themselves
Decide whether the management objectives are
Determine whether the management objectives are
achievable or whether conflicting objectives exist.
To determine the validity of an objective, make a realis-
tic assessment of the current and target conditions.
Decide whether the target conditions have ever existed
in the treatment area or whether some of the objec-
tives are unrealistic.
Increasing biomass productivity in a severely
depressed natural system, or restoring native grass-
lands where the seed source is no longer available or
the topsoil has been removed, may not be realistic
Perhaps the objective is not reasonable given current
management constraints, or one objective may conflict
with achieving another objective.
A burn prescription calls for spring burns to maxi-
mize smoke dispersal. The primary ecological objec-
tive is to achieve a mean 30-70% mortality of the
pole-size trees within two years of treatment. It may
not be possible to generate the level of mortality
desired by burning in the spring. In this case, either
the burn season may need to be changed (if the mor-
tality objective is critical) or the mortality objective
needs to be reassessed (if smoke dispersal in the fall
would not be acceptable). Alternatively, methods
other than fire may need to be considered to achieve
the objectives given these and other constraints.
If an objective is not achievable, you have good reason
to refine the objective(s). Upon review and consulta-
tion with appropriate specialists, you may revise the
management objectives and you should then re-ana-
lyze the results to determine whether they meet the
revised objectives.
Seeking special assistance
Subject-matter specialist assistance is advisable when:
Results are questionable
Controversial issues arise
Unanticipated changes occur
A special investigation (research) is necessary
Prescribed fire programs are based upon the precept
that treatment by fire to meet management objectives
is generally defensible as a result of prior investiga-
tions. If the monitoring data suggest otherwise, the
foundation of the prescribed fire management pro-
gram is in question. The purpose of the monitoring
program is to recognize success and to discover and
learn from errors at the earliest point in time. If the
current management strategies are causing unexpected
and undesired results, it is important to suspend burn-
ing in the affected monitoring type until you can deter-
mine a different approach.
Winter prescribed burning was carried out to reduce
fuel and maintain the overstory for 20 years, without
monitoring, before a gradual and irreparable change
in the species composition and structure of the
understory was noticed (an increase in a noxious
non-native). If a monitoring program had been in
place, this type of change may have been detected
earlier and the burn prescription could have been
changed before irreparable harm had occurred.
Expert advice can help you thoroughly explore all pos-
sibilities and suggest reasons for the results. Document
any such exploration and the logic behind each reason.
Seek input from subject-matter experts, especially
those who understand fire or disturbance ecology,
have knowledge about the particular species or plant
association, and/or have knowledge about fire behav-
ior and effects. Places to find special assistance include:
The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) (USDA
Forest Service 2001)
Other staff members, especially resource managers,
botanists, fire and/or plant ecologists
USDA research and experiment stations
USGS scientists
Subject-matter experts from universities and the pri-
vate sector
Library reference or Internet searches
If monitoring results are confusing or equivocal, initi-
ating a more specific research project may be the best
management alternative. When monitoring results sug-
gest a fundamental problem, follow-up research
projects must be initiated; these studies should be
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 133
designed by professionals and may take time to gener-
ate defensible and reliable results.
Undesired long-term change
As with undesired short-term results, management
response to undesired long-term change must be
based on informed projections and evaluation of
trends. You must determine whether the change will
affect untreated areas or shift balances in ways that
may threaten the integrity of the system. Most impor-
tantly, you must determine the ecosystem and manage-
ment trade-offs of ignoring the change.
Is it acceptable to convert shrubland to grassland?
Is it acceptable to lose a fire-adapted plant commu-
nity type such as pitch pine-scrub oak barrens or pin-
yon-juniper forest because the natural fire regime
threatens human values?
Fire-induced ecosystem alterations can have far-reach-
ing implications; therefore, scientific input from the
broadest possible spectrum is strongly recommended.
Once you have recognized undesired long-term
change, take the following steps:
Determine the mechanism by which the change is
manifested. Trends may be quite subtle and may
require research to determine 1) whether the change
is real, i.e., not likely to be due to random variability
in the system, and 2) if the change is caused by pre-
scribed fire.
Identify the appropriate modifications to the man-
agement program. Proper action may include
research or modification of program protocols. Con-
tinued burning must be informed. If unacceptable
trends are occurring, the burn program should be
suspended until research provides mitigating man-
agement options.
A critical step in the adaptive management feedback
loop is distributing the results of a monitoring pro-
gram in a timely and useful manner. These results are
the primary indicator of the success of the prescribed
fire management program and must be shared widely.
Avenues for dissemination include written reports,
staff meetings, and external publication.
Annual Report
Results should be reported each year data are collected
as part of a park’s annual report. The benefits of ana-
lyzing the data every year are:
The field work was done recently. Analysis tends to
reveal sampling-related problems, therefore, any
problems can be addressed in the subsequent field
season rather than after collecting data for many
The monitoring program can be assessed periodi-
cally. Problems that did not come up during the pilot
study period can be examined.
Managers get feedback on a regular basis (a critical
part of the adaptive management process) to help
assess the progress of the prescribed fire program.
To facilitate the use and sharing of this information,
this report may have a standardized format that is used
from year to year and from park to park. In addition to
the written report, conducting a meeting with all
appropriate resource and fire management staff on an
annual basis is very helpful for discussing monitoring
results and future plans.
Formal Monitoring Report
Once all the plots within a monitoring type have been
burned and data have been collected for the time
period specified in the management and monitoring
objectives, summarize the results in a formal monitor-
ing report. At a minimum, this report should contain:
A summary of the results, including tables and
graphs (with error bars), as well as any interesting
Interpretation of the results, with a list of potential
causes for the observed results, implications of these
results, and sources of uncertainty in the data
Assessment of the monitoring study, with a discus-
sion of the efficiency of the methodology, and any
recommended changes in methodology
Recommended changes in the monitoring or man-
agement programs
Combined with an executive summary of the monitor-
ing plan, such a report provides a complete picture of
the monitoring program. The creation of this docu-
ment is important for use in the management feedback
loop. The formal report may also include more in-
depth investigation, analysis, and synthesis of informa-
tion, including integration with other ongoing research
and resource management programs in the park and
surrounding lands.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 134
External Publication
In addition to internal reports, you should consider
sharing your results with a wider audience through
symposium or conference proceedings, poster presen-
tations, or technical publications. Such venues expand
the audience for the information, and can assist others
doing similar work by sharing protocols, results, and
lessons learned. Publication also contributes to per-
sonal and professional growth and increases the credi-
bility of the park and the agency.
To ensure program integrity, the effectiveness of a
park’s fire monitoring program must be periodically
reviewed at all levels (park, region, service-wide) and
by various people (including field technicians, park
staff, regional staff, and non-agency scientists). A writ-
ten evaluation resulting from the review will be distrib-
uted to all interested persons. A review should be
scheduled if questions have been raised about the
effectiveness of the monitoring program, personnel
have changed, the management program changes (e.g.,
changes in treatment prescriptions or the addition of
new monitoring types), a particularly sensitive issue
must be addressed by monitoring, or a review is
requested by program staff.
The purpose of the program review is to:
Evaluate progress to date
Review and revise, if necessary, the goals and objec-
tives of the management program
Determine whether the level of certainty in the
results is appropriate
Review field methods, data processing procedures,
reports and publications
An independent review of the national fire monitoring
program (by interagency and other scientists, resource
managers, and fire ecologists) may also occur as deter-
mined by NPS-NIFC or the regional office.
Chapter 6 n
n Data Analysis and Evaluation 135
Fire Monitoring Handbook 136
Monitoring Data Sheets
Monitoring Data Sheets
"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature
exposed to our method of questioning."
Werner Heisenberg
Onsite Weather Data Sheet
Alternate Onsite Weather Data Sheet
Fire Behavior–Weather Data Sheet
Alternate Fire Behavior–Weather Data Sheet
Smoke Monitoring Data Sheet
Alternate Smoke Monitoring Data Sheet
Monitoring Type Description Sheet
Plot Location Data Sheet
Species Code List
Forest Plot Data Sheet
Overstory Tagged Tree Data Sheet
Pole-size Tree Data Sheet
Seedling Tree Data Sheet
Alternate Seedling Tree Data Sheet
Full Plot Tree Map
Quarter Plot Tree Map
Alternate Tree Map
50 m
Tree Map
50 m Transect Data Sheet
30 m Transect Data Sheet
Shrub Density Data Sheet
Alternate Shrub Density Data Sheet
Herbaceous Density Data Sheet
Forest Plot Fuels Inventory Data Sheet
Tree Postburn Assessment Data Sheet
Forest Plot Burn Severity Data Sheet
Brush and Grassland Plot Burn Severity Data Sheet
Photographic Record Sheet
Quality Control Checklist
Plot Maintenance Log
Data Analysis Record
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
Burn Status (Indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _______-Burn
Burn Unit/Fire Name–Number: R e c o r d e r ( s ) :
Circle Units for: Wind Speed (mph, m/s) Dry Bulb Temperature (°F, °C)
D. B.
R. H.
(%) Location / Comments
Date Entered: / /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
Burn Unit/Fire NameNumber:
Burn Status (Indicate number of t
imes treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _____
Circle Units for: Wind Speed (mph, m/s) Dry Bulb Temperature (°F, °C)
Date Time Location Elevation Aspect
*State of
*Codes State of the Weather: 0-clear, <10% cloud cover 1-10–50% cloud cover **Comments include:
2-broken clouds, 60–90% cloud cover 4-fog 6-rain 8-showers - ppt amount/duration
3-overcast, 100% cloud cover 5-drizzle or mist 7-snow or sleet
- erratic winds
Date Entered:
/ /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page ____ of ____
Plot ID: Date: / /
Burn Status (Indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _______-Burn
Burn Unit/Fire Name–Number: Recorder(s):
Circle Units (below) for: Temperature, Wind Speed, ROS, Flame Length and Flame Depth
Photo Number(s)
Fuel Model
Observation Time
Aspect (azimuth)*
Air Temperature (°F, °C)
Relative Humidity (%)
Wind Speed (mph, m/s)
Wind Direction
1-hr TLFM*
10-hr TLFM
Duff Moisture
Shading/Cloud Cover (%)
Slope of Hill (%)*
Fire Spread Direction
interval (ft, in, m)
time (min, sec, hr)
ROS (ch/hr, m/s)
Flame Length (ft, in, m)
Flame Depth (ft, in, m)
* These can be measured postburn or calculated.
Date Entered: / /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: Burn Status (Indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _______-Burn
Burn Unit/Fire NameNumber: Recorder(s):
Date Time Location
% Shading % Slope 1-hr TLFM *Comments
*Spread direction: H-heading; B-backing; F-flanking
*Rate of Spread (ROS): (ch/hr, m/s) (Circle one)
*Flame Length (FL): (ft, in, m) (Circle one)
*Flame Depth (FD): (ft, in, m) (Circle one)
*Comments include:
unusual fire behavior
10-hr TLFM, duff moisture
photo #
Date Entered: / /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page ____ of ____
Plot ID: Date:
Burn Status (Indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _______-Burn
Burn Unit/Fire Name–Number: Recorder(s):
Each box on the data sheet is divided in two; place the time of your observation in the top portion of the box, and the obser-
Variable (RS)
vation value in the lower portion of the box.
Fireline Visibility/CO
(ft, m)
Visibility <100'
Exposure NTE 2 h
Highway Visibility
(ft, m)
Visibility Downwind
(mi, km)
0–5 K
5 K–50 K
>50 K
Min. Dist.
3–5 miles
5–7 miles
7–9 miles
Mixing Height (ft, m)
Maintain 1500'. Do not vio-
late for more than 3 h or
past 3:00 PM.
Transport Wind
Speed (mph, m/s)
5–7 mph at mixing height.
Do not violate for more than
3 h or past 3:00 PM.
Surface Wind Speed
(mph, m/s)
1–3 mph-Day
3–5 mph-Night
No violations over 1 h
Consult local Air Quality
Control District Regs. Do
not exceed 5/treatment
CO Exposure
(ppm or duration)
Discretion of PBB. Refer to
park FMP or PBP.
OTHER 1. Total Emissions Production (Tons/Acre or kg/ha): Fuel Load Reduction (Total):
2. Preburn Fuel Load Estimate (See PBP): Postburn Fuel Load Calculation
3. Particulates (Amount/duration)—If Applicable:
0 = (Specify Cycle)
4. Other Monitor Observations:
Date Entered:
/ /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
2. Estimate preburn FUEL LOAD of each component.
3. Estimate PERCENT CONSUMPTION of each component.
5. Find EMISSION FACTOR in table below for PM10 (or other pollutant of choice). Place result under EMISSION FACTOR.
7. Add EMISSION to get TOTAL. Multiply TOTAL by acres burned to get TOTAL EMISSIONS.
Fuel Fuel Load
= Emission
Components (Tons/Acre)
Fuel Component
Long-needled conifers
Short-needled conifers
Emission Factors (Pounds/Ton)
PM2.5 PM10 PM CO
22 24 36 224
16 18 30 124
18 30 124
60 70 326
26 34 350
20 20 150
Tota l =
Acres Burned ×
Total Emissions
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page ____ of ____
Plot ID: Date: / /
Burn Status (Indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01 Burn, 02 Burn, etc.): _______-Burn
Burn Unit/Fire Name–Number: Recorder(s):
Date Time
Observer Location and
Elevation of
Elevation Smoke
Inversion Layer
Above Ground
Which Illustration (See Back)
Best Describes the Smoke
Column (Circle One)
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 3
Date Entered:
/ /
Clouds in layers, no vertical motion Clouds grow vertically and smoke rises to Smoke column is not observable because
Stratus type clouds great heights of nighttime conditions or observer’s loca-
Smoke column drifts apart after limited rise Cumulus type clouds tion is in smoke
Poor visibility in lower levels due to Upward and downward currents of gusty
accumulation of haze and smoke winds
Fog layers Good visibility
Steady winds Dust whirls
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Monitoring Type Code: ________________________ Date Described: / /
Monitoring Type Name:
FGDC Association(s):
Preparer(s) (FEMO/RMS/FMO):
Burn Prescription (including other treatments:
Management Objective(s):
Monitoring Objective(s):
Objective Variable(s):
Physical Description:
Biological Description:
Rejection Criteria:
Date Entered: / /
GENERAL PROTOCOLS (Circle One) (Circle One)
Control Treatment Plots (Opt) Y N Herb Height (Opt) Y N
Herbaceous Density (Opt) Y N Abbreviated Tags (Opt) Y N
OP/Origin Buried (Opt) Y N Herb. Fuel Load (Opt) Y N
Voucher Specimens (Opt) Y N Brush Fuel Load (Opt)
Count Dead Branches of Living Plants as Dead (Opt)
Width Sample Area Species Not Intercepted But Seen in Vicinity of Herbaceous
Length/Width Sample Area for
Stakes Installed:
Herbaceous Frame Dimensions:
Herbaceous Density Data Collected At:
Burn Duff Moisture (Opt) Y N Flame Depth (Opt) Y N
100 Pt. Burn Severity (Opt) Y N Herb. Fuel Load (Opt) Y N
Herbaceous/Shrub Data (Opt): FMH- 15/16/17/18
FOREST PLOT PROTOCOLS (Circle One) (Circle One)
Live Tree Damage (Opt) Y N Live Crown Position (Opt) Y N
Dead Tree Damage (Opt) Y N Dead Crown Position (Opt) Y N
(>15 cm)
Record DBH Year-1 (Opt) Y N
Length/Width of Sample Area: Quarters Sampled: Subset
w Q1 w Q2 w Q3 w Q4
Height (Opt) Y N Poles Tagged (Opt) Y N
Record DBH Year-1 (Opt) Y N Dead Pole Height (Opt) Y N
Length/Width of Sample Area: Quarters Sampled: Subset
w Q1 w Q2 w Q3 w Q4
Height (Opt) Y N Seedlings Mapped (Opt) Y N
Dead Seedlings (Opt) Y N Dead Seedling Height (Opt) Y N
(<2.5 cm)
Length/Width of Sample Area: Quarters Sampled: Subset
w Q1 w Q2 w Q3 w Q4
Fuel Load Sampling Plane Lengths:___ 1 hr
w ___ 10 hr w ___ 100 hr w ___ 1,000 hr-s w ___ 1,000 hr-r
Herbaceous Cover Data Collected at: Q4–Q1
w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P w Q4–30 m
Postburn Char Height (Opt) Y N Poles in Assessment (Opt) Y N
Collect Severity Along: Fuel Transects
w Herbaceous Transects
(Opt) = Optional
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorder(s):
Topo Quad: Transect Azimuth: Declination:
Lat: Section: Slope (%) along Transect Azimuth:
UTMN: Long: Township: Slope (%) of Hillside:
UTME: Range: Aspect: Elevation:
Location Information Determined by (Circle One): Map & Compass / GPS
If determined by GPS: Datum used: (Circle One) PDOP/EHE:
Fire History of the Plot (including the date of the last known fire):
1. Road and trail used to travel to the plot:
2. True compass bearing at point where road/trail is left to hike to plot: _____°
3. Describe the route to the plot; include or attach a hand-drawn map illustrating these directions,
including the plot layout, plot reference stake and other significant features. In addition, attach a
topo, orthophoto, and/or trail map.
4. Describe reference feature: _________________________________________________________
5. True compass bearing from plot reference feature to plot reference stake: _________°
6. Distance from reference feature to reference stake: __________m
7. Problems, comments, notes:
Date Entered: / /
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Burn Unit:
Purpose Comments
Date Entered:
/ /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Use this form to record unknowns and official species codes. Tip: Place an asterisk next to each species
you voucher.
Genus/Species (spell out full name)
Life Forms Codes:
A Fern or Fern Ally G Grass R Grass-like T Tree * Substrate
F Forb N Non-vascular S Shrub U Subshrub V Vine
Date Entered: / /
Date: Plot ID: Collected by: Coll. #
Latin Name: Family:
Common Name:
Description: ann/bien/per
flr. color:
fruit type:
Life form:
ht.: Habitat:
Topo Quad: Assoc. spp.:
Location (
UTM, lat/long): Elev.: Slope: Aspect:
Date: Plot ID: Collected by: Coll. #
Latin Name: Family:
Common Name:
Description: ann/bien/per
flr. color:
fruit type:
Life form:
ht.: Habitat:
Topo Quad: Assoc. spp.:
Location (
UTM, lat/long): Elev.: Slope: Aspect:
Date: Plot ID: Collected by: Coll. #
Latin Name: Family:
Common Name:
Description: ann/bien/per
flr. color:
fruit type:
Life form:
ht.: Habitat:
Topo Quad: Assoc. spp.:
Location (
UTM, lat/long): Elev.: Slope: Aspect:
Date: Plot ID: Collected by: Coll. #
Latin Name: Family:
Common Name:
Description: ann/bien/per
flr. color:
fruit type:
Life form:
ht.: Habitat:
Topo Quad: Assoc. spp.:
Location (
UTM, lat/long): Elev.: Slope: Aspect:
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
Burn Unit:
B / C (Circle One)
Date: / /
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Overstory: m
in Q Pole: m
in Q Seedling: m
in Q
Shrub: m
along Q4–Q1 w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P w Q4–30 m
Shade in the sampling areas for each tree class and for the shrub sampling area(s) on the
plot layout above.
Photo Subject Order Fuel Load Transects
1. 0P
Ł Origin 6. Q2 Ł Q3 Azimuth Slope
2. Q4
Ł Q1 7. P2 Ł Origin 1
3. P1
Ł Origin 8. Q3 Ł Q2 2
4. Q1
Ł Q4 9. Origin Ł REF 3
5. 50P
Ł Origin 10. REF Ł Origin 4
Record photo documentation data for each visit Draw in fuel load transect lines on the plot layout
on FMH-23, Photographic record sheet above.
Date Entered: / /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Record: quarter (Qtr), tag #, species by code (Spp), DBH in centimeters, live/dead, crown position code
(CPC, Optional), damage code (Damage, Optional), and provide any helpful comments for data analysts
or future monitors (Comments).
Qtr Tag Spp
Live CPC Damage (codes below) Comments
Crown Position Codes (CPC) Note: Codes 10–12 are only used postburn, e.g., 01-yr01, 01-yr02, etc., and only used once:
1 Dominant 2 Co-dominant 3 Intermediate 4 Subcanopy
5 Open Growth / Isolated 6 Recent Snag 7 Loose Bark Snag 8 Clean Snag
9 Broken above BH 10 Broken below BH 11 Dead and down 12 Cut Stump
Damage Codes:
ABGR—Abnormal CONK—Large Shelf FIRE—Fire Scar / INSE—Insects / MISL—Mistletoe SPAR—Unusually Sparse
Growth Fungus Cambial Damage Their Sign Foliage
BIRD—e.g., Sapsucker CROK—Crooked Bole FORK—Forked Top LEAN—Leaning Tree MOSS—Moss SPRT—Sprouts at Base
BLIG—Blight DTOP—Dead Top FRST—Frost Crack LICH—Lichen OZON—Ozone TWIN—Twin–below DBH
BROK—Broken Top EPIC—Sprouts from GALL—Galls LIGT—Lightning ROOT—Large UMAN—Human-caused
Bole / Limbs Scar Exposed Roots Damage
BROM—Witches’ EPIP—Epiphytes HOLW—Hollowed-out MAMM—Mammal ROTT—Rot / Fungus WOND—Wound–cracks
Broom Damage Other than Conk
Date Entered: / /
Qtr Tag Spp
Live CPC Damage Comments
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Record: quarter (if other than Q1), tag # (Optional), species by code (Spp), DBH in centimeters, live/
dead, and height by code (Hgt, Optional).
Tag or
Tag or
Height Class Codes (height in centimeters):
1 0–15 5 100.1–200 9 500.1–600
13 900.1+
4 60.1–100 8 400.1–500 12 800.1–900
Note: Measure height from ground level to the highest point of growth on the tree. The highest point on
a bent tree would be down the trunk of the tree instead of at the growing apex. Only use height codes 1-
4 for leaning trees.
Date Entered: / /
Tag or
Tag or
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Record: map number (Map#, Optional), species code (Spp), live/dead, height by class (Hgt Code,
Optional), resprout (Rsprt), and # by species and height class (Num/Tally).
Area Sampled: in Quarter(s):
Map# Spp Live
Rsprt Num/Tally Map# Spp Live
Rsprt Num/Tally
Height Class Codes (height in centimeters)
1 0–15 5 100.1–200 9 500.1–600
13 900.1+
4 60.1–100 8 400.1–500 12 800.1–900
Note: Measure height from ground level to the highest point of growth on the tree. The highest point on
a bent tree would be down the trunk of the tree instead of at the growing apex.
Date Entered: / /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Record: map number (Map#, Optional), species code (Spp), live/dead, height by class (Hgt, Optional),
resprout (Rsprt), and # by species and height class (Num/Tally).
Area Sampled: in Quarter(s):
Map# Spp Live
Rsprt Num Tally
Height Class Codes (height in centimeters)
1 0–15 5 100.1–200 9 500.1–600
13 900.1+
4 60.1–100 8 400.1–500 12 800.1–900
Note: Measure height from ground level to the highest point of growth on the tree. The highest point on
a bent tree would be down the trunk of the tree instead of at the growing apex.
Date Entered:
/ /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20 Other: -yr ; -mo
5 m 10 m 15 m 20 m
Tree Class
50 m
0 m
(Circle One)
45 m
40 m
35 m
30 m
20 m
15 m
10 m
5 m
0 m
Q 1 Q 2
Q 4 Q 3
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20 Other: -yr ; -mo
Tree Class
(Circle One)
0 m
5 m 10 m
25m 25m
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date:
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20 Other: -yr
Tree Class m
m m
/ /
(Circle One)
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
50 m
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20 Other: -yr ; -mo
25 m 27.5 m 30 m
Tree Class
0 m
(Circle One)
2.5 m
5 m
7.5 m
10 m
(Origin) 30 m (3A)
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Phenological Stage: (Circle One) Q4–Q1
w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
1 0.3
2 0.6
3 0.9
4 1.2
5 1.5
6 1.8
7 2.1
8 2.4
9 2.7
10 3.0
11 3.3
12 3.6
13 3.9
14 4.2
15 4.5
16 4.8
17 5.1
18 5.4
19 5.7
20 6.0
21 6.3
22 6.6
23 6.9
24 7.2
25 7.5
26 7.8
27 8.1
28 8.4
29 8.7
30 9.0
31 9.3
32 9.6
33 9.9
34 10.2
35 10.5
36 10.8
37 11.1
Date Entered: / / FMH-15
Plot ID: Date: / / (Circle One) Q4–Q1 • Q3–Q2 • 0P–50P
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
38 11.4
39 11.7
40 12.0
41 12.3
42 12.6
43 12.9
44 13.2
45 13.5
46 13.8
47 14.1
48 14.4
49 14.7
50 15.0
51 15.3
52 15.6
53 15.9
54 16.2
55 16.5
56 16.8
57 17.1
58 17.4
59 17.7
60 18.0
61 18.3
62 18.6
63 18.9
64 19.2
65 19.5
66 19.8
67 20.1
68 20.4
69 20.7
70 21.0
71 21.3
72 21.6
73 21.9
74 22.2
75 22.5
76 22.8
77 23.1
78 23.4
79 23.7
80 24.0
81 24.3
Plot ID: Date: / / (Circle One) Q4–Q1 • Q3–Q2 • 0P–50P
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
82 24.6
83 24.9
84 25.2
85 25.5
86 25.8
87 26.1
88 26.4
89 26.7
90 27.0
91 27.3
92 27.6
93 27.9
94 28.2
95 28.5
96 28.8
97 29.1
98 29.4
99 29.7
100 30.0
101 30.3
102 30.6
103 30.9
104 31.2
105 31.5
106 31.8
107 32.1
108 32.4
109 32.7
110 33.0
111 33.3
112 33.6
113 33.9
114 34.2
115 34.5
116 34.8
117 35.1
118 35.4
119 35.7
120 36.0
121 36.3
122 36.6
123 36.9
124 37.2
125 37.5
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
126 37.8
127 38.1
128 38.4
129 38.7
130 39.0
131 39.3
132 39.6
133 39.9
134 40.2
135 40.5
136 40.8
137 41.1
138 41.4
139 41.7
140 42.0
141 42.3
142 42.6
143 42.9
144 43.2
145 43.5
146 43.8
147 44.1
148 44.4
149 44.7
150 45.0
151 45.3
152 45.6
153 45.9
154 46.2
155 46.5
156 46.8
157 47.1
158 47.4
159 47.7
160 48.0
161 48.3
162 48.6
163 48.9
164 49.2
165 49.5
166 49.8
Species observed within ___ m of either side of the transect but not intercepted:
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B/C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Phenological Stage: (Circle One) Q4–30 m
w 0P–30P
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
1 0.3
2 0.6
3 0.9
4 1.2
5 1.5
6 1.8
7 2.1
8 2.4
9 2.7
10 3.0
11 3.3
12 3.6
13 3.9
14 4.2
15 4.5
16 4.8
17 5.1
18 5.4
19 5.7
20 6.0
21 6.3
22 6.6
23 6.9
24 7.2
25 7.5
26 7.8
27 8.1
28 8.4
29 8.7
30 9.0
31 9.3
32 9.6
33 9.9
34 10.2
35 10.5
36 10.8
37 11.1
38 11.4
39 11.7
40 12.0
41 12.3
42 12.6
43 12.9
44 13.2
45 13.5
46 13.8
47 14.1
Date Entered: / / FMH-16
Pnt Tape Hgt (m) Spp; Species or Substrate Codes (tallest to lowest)
48 14.4
49 14.7
50 15.0
51 15.3
52 15.6
53 15.9
54 16.2
55 16.5
56 16.8
57 17.1
58 17.4
59 17.7
60 18.0
61 18.3
62 18.6
63 18.9
64 19.2
65 19.5
66 19.8
67 20.1
68 20.4
69 20.7
70 21.0
71 21.3
72 21.6
73 21.9
74 22.2
75 22.5
76 22.8
77 23.1
78 23.4
79 23.7
80 24.0
81 24.3
82 24.6
83 24.9
84 25.2
85 25.5
86 25.8
87 26.1
88 26.4
89 26.7
90 27.0
91 27.3
92 27.6
93 27.9
94 28.2
95 28.5
96 28.8
97 29.1
98 29.4
99 29.7
100 30.0
Species observed within ___ m of either side of the transect but not intercepted:
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Transect: Q4–Q1
w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P w Q4–30 m w 0P–30P (Circle One)
For living and dead plants within the transect, count each individual having >50% of its rooted base in
the belt. The optional interval field (Int) can be used to divide the belt into subunits to facilitate species
counts. Record Age Class (Age) code (see below).
Belt Width: m Length: m Side of transect monitored facing 30P (Brush Plots Only):
Int Spp Age Live Num / Tally Int Spp Age Live Num / Tally
A g e C l a s s C o d e s :
Date Entered: / / FMH-17
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
Burn Unit:
B / C (Circle One)
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Transect: Q4–Q1
w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P w Q4–30 m w 0P–30P (Circle One)
For living and dead plants within the transect, count each individual having >50% of its rooted base in
the belt. The optional interval field (Int) can be used to divide the belt into subunits to facilitate species
counts. Record Age Class (Age) code (see below).
Belt Width: m Length: m Side of transect monitored facing 30P (Brush Plots Only):
Int Spp Age Live Num Tally
Age Class Codes:
Date Entered:
/ /
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One)
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other:
-yr ;
Transect: Q4–Q1
w Q3–Q2 w 0P–50P w Q4–30 m w 0P–30P (Circle One)
For living and dead plants within the transect, count each individual having >50% of its rooted base in
the sampling area.
Frame Size: m
Side of transect m onitored facing 30P (Brush Plots Only ):
Frame # Spp Live Num Frame # Spp Live Num
Date Entered: / / FMH-18
Frame # Spp Live Num Frame # Spp Live Num
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Page of
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01
00-PRE Post -yr01 -yr02 -yr05 -yr10 -yr20Other: -yr ; -mo
Transect lengths, in feet: 0-0.25: 0.25-1: 1-3: 3+s: 3+r:
0–.25” .25–1” 1–3” 3+s 3+r
Transect 1
Tag 1A
& 1B
Transect 2
Tag 2A
& 2B
Transect 3
Tag 3A
& 3B
Transect 4
Tag 4A
& 4B
(10-hr) (100-hr) (1,000-hr)
1 25
5 30
10 35
15 40
20 45
1 25
5 30
10 35
15 40
20 45
1 25
5 30
10 35
15 40
20 45
1 25
5 30
10 35
15 40
20 45
# of intercepts Diameter (in) Litter and Duff Depths (in)
Note: See reverse for definitions and tally rules
Date Entered: / / FMH-19
Litter—Includes freshly fallen leaves, needles, bark, flakes, fruits (e.g., acorns, cones), cone scales,
dead matted grass, and a variety of miscellaneous vegetative parts. Does not include twigs and larger
Duff—The fermentation and humus layers; does not include the freshly cast material in the litter layer,
nor in the postburn environment, ash. The top of the duff is where needles, leaves, fruits and other cast-
off vegetative material have noticeably begun to decompose. Individual particles usually are bound by
fungal mycelia. The bottom of the duff is mineral soil.
Downed Woody Material—Dead twigs, branches, stems and boles of trees and shrubs that have fallen
and lie on or above the ground.
Obstructions Encountered Along Fuel TransectsIf the fuel transect azimuth goes directly through a
rock or stump, in most cases you can run the tape up and over it. If the obstruction is a tree, go around it
and pick up the correct azimuth on the other side. Be sure to note on the FMH-19 on which side of the
bole the tape deviated so that it will be strung the same way in the future.
Litter and Duff Measurement Rules
If the transect is longer than 50 ft, do not take additional litter and duff measurements.
Do not take measurements at the stake (0 point); it is an unnatural structure that traps materials.
At each sampling point, gently insert a trowel or knife into the ground, until you hit mineral soil, then
carefully pull it away exposing the litter/duff profile. Locate the boundary between the litter and duff
layers. Vertically measure the litter and duff to the nearest tenth of an inch.
Refill holes created by this monitoring technique.
Do not include twigs and larger stems in litter depth measurements.
Occasionally moss, a tree trunk, stump, log, or large rock will occur at a litter or duff depth data col-
lection point. If moss is present, measure the duff from the base of the green portion of the moss. If a
tree, stump or large rock is on the point, record the litter or duff depth as zero, even if there is litter or
duff on top of the stump or rock.
If a log is in the middle of the litter or duff measuring point, move the data collection point one foot
over to the right, perpendicular to the sampling plane.
Tally Rules for Downed Woody Material
Measure woody material first to avoid disturbing it and biasing your estimates.
Do not count dead woody stems and branches still attached to standing shrubs and trees.
Do not count twigs and branches when the intersection between the central axis of the particle and
the sampling plane lies in the duff.
If the sampling plane intersects the end of a piece, tally only if the central axis is crossed.
Do not tally any particle having a central axis that coincides perfectly with the sampling plane.
If the sampling plane intersects a curved piece more than once, tally each intersection.
Tally uprooted stumps and roots not encased in dirt. Do not tally undisturbed stumps.
For rotten logs that have fallen apart, visually construct a cylinder containing the rotten material and
estimate its diameter.
When stumps, logs, and trees occur at the point of measurement, offset 1 ft (0.3 m) perpendicular to
the right side of the sampling plane.
Measure through rotten logs whose central axis is in the duff layer.
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-Post, 02-Post) Post
For each tagged tree record: Tag #, tree status (Live Code) (see below), maximum scorch height
(ScHgt), percent crown scorched (ScPer), and char height (Char) (Optional).
w Pole (Circle One)
Live Codes:
LLive DDead R Resprouting C Consumed/Down B Broken below DBH SCut Stump
Notes: :
Date Entered: / / FMH-20
Overstory w
w Pole (Circle One)
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-Post, 02-Post) Post
When collecting burn severity on fuel transects, rate each fuel load transect at the duff measurement
points using the Coding Matrix below. When collecting burn severity on herbaceous transects, rate each
herbaceous transect (Q4–Q1—transect 1, Q3–Q2—transect 2, 0P–50P—transect 3) at the meter mea-
surement points on the tape listed in the tables below (1, 5, 10, etc.) using the same matrix. Collect data
only along the transects where you collected preburn data. Note: If you read only herbaceous transect
Q4–30 m, use FMH-22.
Each observation is from a 4 dm
Transect 1 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Transect 2 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Transect 3 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Transect 4 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Coding Matrix:
5 Unburned 4 Scorched 3 Lightly Burned 2 Moderately Burned 1 Heavily Burned 0 Not Applicable
Note: See reverse for detailed definitions.
Date Entered: / / FMH-21
Lightly Burned
Moderately Burned
Heavily Burned
not burned litter partially blackened;
duff nearly unchanged;
wood/leaf structures
litter charred to partially
consumed; upper duff layer
may be charred but the duff
layer is not altered over the
entire depth; surface
appears black; woody
debris is partially burned;
logs are scorched or
blackened but not charred;
rotten wood is scorched to
partially burned
litter mostly to entirely
consumed, leaving coarse,
light colored ash; duff
deeply charred, but
underlying mineral soil is
not visibly altered; woody
debris is mostly consumed;
logs are deeply charred,
burned-out stump holes are
litter and duff completely
consumed, leaving fine
white ash; mineral soil
visibly altered, often
reddish; sound logs are
deeply charred, and rotten
logs are completely
consumed. This code
generally applies to less
than 10% of natural or slash
burned areas
not burned foliage scorched and
attached to supporting
foliage and smaller twigs
partially to completely
consumed; branches
mostly intact
foliage, twigs, and small
stems consumed; some
branches still present
all plant parts consumed,
leaving some or no major
stems/trunks; any left are
deeply charred
none present
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: B / C (Circle One) Date: / /
Burn Unit: Recorders:
Burn Status:Circle one and indicate number of times treated, e.g., 01-Post, 02-Post) Post
Burn severity ratings are made every 5 m using the Coding Matrix below. Each observation is from a 4
area (top form). Optionally, you can use the lower form, which will allow you to rate severity at all
100 points. Note: If your herbaceous transect(s) are longer than 30 m, use FMH-21.
(Circle One) Q4–30 m
w 0P–30P
1 m 5 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m 30 m
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Substrate and Vegetation Burn Severity at Every Point (Optional)
0.3 S V 6.3 S V 12.3 S V 18.3 S V 24.3 S V
0.6 S V 6.6 S V 12.6 S V 18.6 S V 24.6 S V
0.9 S V 6.9 S V 12.9 S V 18.9 S V 24.9 S V
1.2 S V 7.2 S V 13.2 S V 19.2 S V 25.2 S V
1.5 S V 7.5 S V 13.5 S V 19.5 S V 25.5 S V
1.8 S V 7.8 S V 13.8 S V 19.8 S V 25.8 S V
2.1 S V 8.1 S V 14.1 S V 20.1 S V 26.1 S V
2.4 S V 8.4 S V 14.4 S V 20.4 S V 26.4 S V
2.7 S V 8.7 S V 14.7 S V 20.7 S V 26.7 S V
3.0 S V 9.0 S V 15.0 S V 21.0 S V 27.0 S V
3.3 S V 9.3 S V 15.3 S V 21.3 S V 27.3 S V
3.6 S V 9.6 S V 15.6 S V
21.6 S V 27.6 S V
3.9 S V 9.9 S V 15.9 S V 21.9 S V 28.9 S V
4.2 S V 10.2 S V 16.2 S V 22.2 S V 28.2 S V
4.5 S V 10.5 S V 16.5 S V 22.5 S V 28.5 S V
4.8 S V 10.8 S V 16.8 S V 22.8 S V 29.8 S V
5.1 S V 11.1 S V 17.1 S V 23.1 S V 29.1 S V
5.4 S V 11.4 S V 17.4 S V 23.4 S V 29.4 S V
5.7 S V 11.7 S V 17.7 S V 23.7 S V 29.7 S V
6.0 S V 12.0 S V 18.0 S V 24.0 S V 30.0 S V
Coding Matrix:
5 Unburned 4 Scorched 3 Lightly Burned 2 Moderately Burned 1 Heavily Burned 0 Not Applicable
Note: See reverse for detailed definitions.
Date Entered: / / FMH-22
Shrublands Grasslands
not burned not burned
litter partially foliage scorched and
not burned not burned
litter partially foliage scorched Scorched
(4) blackened; duff nearly
unchanged; wood/leaf
structures unchanged
attached to
supporting twigs
litter charred to
foliage and smaller
blackened; duff nearly
unchanged; leaf
structures unchanged
litter charred to
grasses with
Burned partially consumed,
twigs partially to
partially consumed,
approximately two
(3) some leaf structure
undamaged; surface
is predominately
black; some gray ash
may be present
postburn; charring
may extend slightly
into soil surface
where litter is sparse,
otherwise soil is not
consumed; branches
mostly intact; less
than 60% of the shrub
canopy is commonly
leaf litter consumed,
leaving coarse, light
colored ash; duff
deeply charred, but
underlying mineral
soil is not visibly
altered; woody debris
is mostly consumed;
logs are deeply
charred, burned-out
stump holes are
foliage, twigs, and
small stems
consumed; some
branches (>.6–1 cm in
diameter) (0.25–0.50
in) still present; 40–
80% of the shrub
canopy is commonly
leaf litter completely
all plant parts
but some plant parts
are still discernible;
charring may extend
slightly into soil
surface, but soil is not
visibly altered;
surface appears black
(this soon becomes
burns may be spotty
to uniform depending
on the grass
inches of stubble;
foliage and smaller
twigs of associated
species partially to
consumed; some
plant parts may still be
standing; bases of
plants are not deeply
burned and are still
leaf litter consumed,
leaving coarse, light
gray or white colored
ash immediately after
the burn; ash soon
disappears leaving
bare mineral soil;
charring may extend
slightly into soil
unburned grass
stubble usually less
than 2 in tall, and
mostly confined to an
outer ring; for other
species, foliage
consumed, plant
bases are burned to
ground level and
obscured in ash
immediately after
burning; burns tend to
be uniform
leaf litter completely
no unburned grasses
Burned consumed, leaving a
consumed leaving consumed, leaving a
above the root crown;
(1) fluffy fine white ash;
all organic material is
consumed in mineral
soil to a depth of 1–2.5
cm (0.5–1 in), this is
underlain by a zone of
black organic
material; colloidal
structure of the
surface mineral soil
may be altered
only stubs greater
than 1 cm (0.5 in) in
inorganic preburn none present preburn
fluffy fine white ash,
this soon disappears
leaving bare mineral
soil; charring extends
to a depth of 1 cm (0.5
in) into the soil; this
severity class is
usually limited to
situations where
heavy fuel load on
mesic sites has
burned under dry
conditions and low
for other species, all
plant parts consumed,
leaving some or no
major stems or
trunks, any left are
deeply charred; this
severity class is
uncommon due to the
short burnout time of
inorganic preburn none present preburn Not
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Roll ID: Brand and Type of Film:
Camera Type: Lens: m m ASA:
Fire Name/
Plot ID
(e.g., Q3–Q2)
Azmth Date Time F-Stop S- Speed
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID:
Burn Status, e.g., 01-yr01, 02-yr01: - - - - - -
Initials/ Initials/ Initials/ Initials/ Initials/ Initials/
Date Date Date Date Date Date
30/50 m
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Data Collected
Quality Checked
Data Entered
Quality Checked
Photographs Ta ken
Data Entry Computer(s) Used
Plot Location Data Sheet
Plot Location Map
Quality Checked?
Quality Checked?
Offsite Data
Storage? Location:
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Plot ID: Date Log Initiated: ___________________
Problem Description Corrective Action
Date Completed/
Park/Unit 4-Character Alpha Code:
Date: / /
Monitoring Type Information (One type per data analysis worksheet) B / C (Circle One)
Monitoring Type Code Monitoring Type Name
# Plots in this
Resource Management Goal(s) for this Monitoring Type; e.g., restore and then maintain
naturally functioning oak savannas:
Target/Threshold Condition(s) for this Monitoring Type:
Management Objectives for this Monitoring Type; e.g., reduce total fuel load by 20-80%
immediately postburn:
Monitoring Objectives for this Monitoring Type; e.g., 80% confident of being within 25% of the
true mean fuel load:
Objective Variables Other Variables of Interest
Calculated Minimum Number of Plots (Attach computer-generated printouts from which data results were obtained.)
Objective Variable
Precision (R) or
Power (β)
Interval (%)
# Plots
Reaction/Planned Actions Based on Calculated Minimum Number of Plots
Objective Variable
Accept # plots
Add plots &
Number of plots needed is prohibitive the following actions will be taken instead
Yes No Ye s No
2. Yes No Yes No
3. Yes No Yes No
Change Over Any Amount of Time (Attach computer generated printouts and graphics from which results/conclusions were drawn.)
Time Period: Time Period:
Objective Variable
% Change (+ or )
Objective Objective Not Met These Actions
Met? Will Be Taken
Actual Actual Actual
CI (%)
CI (%)
CI (%)
Value Value Value
one) one)
Discussion (add additional sheets, as necessary):
FMH-26; page 2 of 2
Random Nu mber Generators
Random Number Generators
“The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.”
Robert Coveyou
Random numbers are used to select truly random sam-
ples in monitoring plots and for other purposes. They
can be obtained from a table or by using a computer.
Note that many calculators also include random num-
ber generators.
For each use of the random number table (Table 31,
page 190) choose an arbitrary starting point within the
table, a reading direction, and a rule for continuing the
reading of numbers if the edge of the table is reached.
Number sequences may be read in any arbitrary direc-
tion (forwards horizontal, downwards vertical, diago-
nal, etc.) from the starting point, as long as this
direction is chosen without reference to placement of
numbers in the table. Various rules for continuation of
reading can be used; the easiest rules use the initial
reading direction, but give a new starting point for fur-
ther reading. The continuation rule should indicate a
new starting position relative to the table edge which
has been reached and should change that portion of
the table used for continuation reading. Suggested
continuation rules follow:
• Start at the opposite end of the table and move to
the next line (up or down)
Start at the center of the next row above and
move in the opposite direction
Mark sequences of numbers as you read them, and
choose a unique starting point for each new use of the
table. If the chosen starting point and reading direction
have been previously used, select another point-direc-
tion combination.
To generate short sequences, such as groups of three
digits to obtain azimuths, divide long sequences into
groups of three segments. Reject values that are out of
range (>359° for an azimuth) and continue the process
until you have an adequate number of valid values.
Say you need four random azimuths. You choose
without reference to the table to use the 4
digit of
the 10
row as a starting point. You also choose to
read digits horizontally to the right from the starting
point. You also decide in advance that you will move
down one line when you reach the end of the 10
row. You check to ensure that this group of numbers
has not been previously uysed. If this starting point
and reading direction have been used previously, you
choose another reading direction and starting point;
otherwise, you proceed. Starting at the 10
row, 4
column of our table for our example:
––-27 07043 74192 48202
68548 74131 76272 56927
22476 97041 78466 62578
From your starting point, group the digits into threes
(as required for an azimuth), rejecting each group of
three greater than 359 (out of bounds for an azimuth
This means that our 3-digit values for an azimuth will
be: 270 704 374 192 482 026 854 874 131 762 725 692
722 476 970 417 846 662 578. . . After rejecting those
random numbers that do not provide valid azimuths,
our four azimuths will be 270, 192, 26, and 131.
Table 31. Random number table.
12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890
43420 17861 27541 93247 30645 58654 22765 79767 79506 11802 89126 28268
75384 23716 92241 89857 56180 73441 91722 70441 02346 96199 64682 52857
84635 97805 51941 02346 31448 46943 60803 31937 99144 99445 61523 80094
35577 33639 65961 33222 07508 50196 44245 39508 90236 22251 92363 27309
67327 06835 28539 36493 12186 30192 09663 64532 38836 42944 18308 22898
63978 14332 01203 70540 41428 85812 00262 57857 50984 67619 48422 57640
19004 31174 92411 09206 76051 67576 85574 47613 32144 10358 49050 06722
90681 94254 56333 95457 70753 60606 62576 85834 97304 12912 34783 06834
70397 47379 07639 46995 87271 35161 54082 03295 56480 38204 37946 97723
10727 07043 74192 48202 68548 74131 76272 56927 22476 97041 78466 62578
85149 33276 34494 87791 75795 11849 72237 79179 12789 92396 81012 26608
76280 14948 11781 26523 35319 43618 33411 63710 42533 90653 11275 98207
14497 03898 21628 04392 66984 90309 55778 46791 30241 54176 28265 62071
13825 57269 94949 21625 91201 27411 02711 68774 63451 94574 74490 58637
76967 72422 23259 52894 36296 12917 71327 25022 95914 31058 50915 09233
66349 23796 98079 79106 93148 73404 84240 40666 73334 63239 48548 71302
63054 36107 41357 46135 88972 32696 53570 28563 09485 92762 33551 33079
60529 53243 48777 84898 77113 92479 89100 14831 59604 53137 07735 82096
64917 87234 92835 52124 64729 99247 47446 41344 62916 32154 91327 06893
98923 56687 57559 76203 25245 56945 44116 79544 51183 96245 99872 16304
31059 49038 01736 17488 67443 69694 75337 14969 45140 51180 12153 85698
77156 66008 72540 77427 58070 23973 21523 86849 85689 98464 51003 64546
46020 36649 16417 15900 19837 44617 29255 92158 71752 71808 23880 04694
26104 07323 59118 61125 51681 84035 93654 88498 01617 63060 95082 93711
35063 43030 51741 21526 43169 28991 88024 55180 39694 71960 86485 02693
79087 99424 04666 33929 79923 34344 12627 96887 55527 39098 28660 82894
93861 49914 56260 07455 61921 18120 59478 99291 06944 46454 09266 70558
64053 77217 48215 47495 81584 77284 15032 70994 64234 94885 90574 84334
43183 63739 04408 69139 33484 08583 47637 31176 97202 92942 93021 24639
20766 40159 35146 34433 52582 43855 51621 27318 71996 16398 66634 09354
08585 76590 13683 72833 02847 34160 44903 92382 29577 22842 97241 05215
42994 25695 96872 69248 63149 42109 41990 75813 42698 30733 19308 39295
25096 52132 86838 29028 82285 26781 49243 07754 73278 97282 32297 99926
45698 07696 55532 54280 00023 30584 54275 80829 77042 54533 42414 61456
66903 36550 79066 90892 56043 02454 06379 58880 27298 88032 76624 92212
57215 19897 53673 30634 33632 16745 09832 47046 54733 67432 40804 30031
2042 94487 90192 77706 10029 72209 76974 82521 25101 63445 18913 34753
36452 04331 08940 14125 10283 80419 12925 30416 01669 10486 35054 52043
72084 69980 81853 23302 86499 78031 28819 94052 64314 99395 25296 47905
15066 84772 93764 56211 69351 22236 05421 74096 82126 09619 91147 98289
96824 72397 19695 49500 63740 53801 54022 35897 61410 15212 31533 43136
64659 65169 40047 29934 85462 37061 46467 69390 15946 24052 75168 39268
03964 87377 40550 64545 60767 11232 11196 50971 31397 34620 60200 71465
88959 53085 68853 40854 35686 12438 17186 41682 20726 19746 32984 06129
83807 12766 44634 86548 67001 50807 92645 81114 92507 71674 62879 96900
41011 08132 45094 62988 91721 52023 50359 61376 79004 67837 94935 76599
68939 19553 12725 91917 96963 97713 16549 90527 95882 41702 87342 94874
65367 15412 57214 99747 37082 24023 85117 79832 30446 68076 05522 85926
Fire Monitoring Handbook 190
A number of computer spreadsheet programs can cal-
culate series of random numbers. Here are steps for
using some of the most popular programs.
Microsoft Excel
Random numbers can be generated in Microsoft Excel
using the RANDBETWEEN function. This function
allows you to specify the range of values you want gen-
erated. For example, if you want to generate a series of
random azimuths you can specify generating numbers
between 0 and 359. The function syntax is: =RAND-
BETWEEN (bottom, top). Note: This feature is
located under Data Analysis, in the “Tools” menu.
This is supplied with Excel, but not installed automati-
cally. If it is installed it will be at the bottom of the
“Tools” menu. If it is not, you will have to go to the
Add Ins” options on the “Tools” menu and add in the
Analysis ToolPak.
Then the steps are:
Open a new Excel file
Type the following into any cell: =RANDBE-
TWEEN(0,359). In this formula, zero is the bottom
value and 359 is the top value. Press enter, and a sin-
gle random number between 0 and 359 will then be
generated within that cell
To generate additional numbers, do the following:
Highlight the cell that contains the RANDBE-
TWEEN function
Press CTRL + C to copy the function
Highlight the range of cells you would like the
RANDBETWEEN function copied to
Press CTRL + V to paste the function into each of
the highlighted cells
New numbers are generated each time the file is
closed and reopened
Corel Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
The steps are identical to those for Microsoft Excel,
except you need to use the @ symbol instead of the =
sign, e.g., @RANDBETWEEN (bottom, top).
Appendix B n
n Random Number Generators 191
Fire Monitoring Handbook 192
Field Aids
Field AidsField Aids
“Chance favors the prepared mind.”
Louis Pasteur
Collecting & Processing Voucher Specimens
The creation of a good voucher collection allows you
to track unknown species and provides a reference for
identified species. Unknowns that you voucher and
carefully track can be identified later, and the species
name and code can be added retroactively throughout
the database. In addition, the collection can be useful
for new monitors to review commonly encountered
plant species before going into the field.
Collecting herbarium-quality plant specimens requires
some art and some craft. The following guidelines
have been adapted from those used by experienced
botanists and the Missouri Botanical Garden (Liesner
1997). They will help you produce high quality speci-
mens that will be used by future monitors, park staff
and researchers alike for many years to come.
General Guidelines
Familiarize yourself with the plants that are, or are
suspected to be, rare, threatened, or endangered spe-
cies and do not collect these species. Sketch or
photograph them instead, and take pictures as
Never collect material inside of or within five meters
of plot boundaries. If a plant does not occur locally
outside of the plot, write down a very detailed
description of it, photograph or sketch it, and con-
tinue to look for it elsewhere in the monitoring type.
When material is abundant outside of the plot, col-
lect enough to make pressing worthwhile. There
should be sufficient material to key and to fill a stan-
dard herbarium sheet as well as a field specimen
binder page.
“Since the objective of a good specimen is to pro-
vide in a convenient form an adequate representa-
tion of a plant, one should always include the full
range of characters exhibited by the plant, including
such things as the largest and smallest leaves, young
leaves to show pubescence, stipules, etc. Specimens
should always be improved by adding extra flowers
or fruits and inflorescences” (Liesner 1997).
Collect as much of the individual plant as possible,
including roots (or a portion if rhizomatous), bulbs,
vegetative, and flowering or fruiting matter. Do not
“top snatch!” At times there may be justification
for allowing the main plant to survive while taking
flowers, leaves and only a small portion of root, or
no root, for identification (such as with an uncom-
mon perennial species).
Preserving Collected Material
Preserving freshly collected material while still in the
field can be a challenge. The following hints may help
keep plant material in good shape.
Herbaceous plants
Tiny plants with fragile flowers, fruits or foliage
(ephemerals and other tiny species)—Beware! Tiny
flowered plants are difficult to key when wilted or
pressed. Do your best to key them in the field. If that
is not possible, or is unsuccessful, carefully press some
in a pocket or field press. Place others in a small, seal-
able plastic food storage container (or a sealable plastic
bag, filled with air), pad carefully with a damp cloth
(e.g., paper towel or bandana), and try to keep them
cool until you are ready to key them. Placing the plants
in a refrigerator or a cooler will help keep them fresh.
Sturdier plants—Place the plant material in a bag that
is large enough to accommodate a plant the size of a
standard herbarium sheet (29 × 42 cm) without dam-
aging the plant. Include a damp cloth (e.g., paper towel
or bandana) if necessary to keep the sample fresh, and
fill the bag with air. Large trash bags are good for dry
plants such as grasses. When you collect something
that is larger than an herbarium sheet, it is acceptable
to bend it to fit into a bag. If the plant is fragile, any
bending done to get it into a bag may result in a per-
manent kink, so bend it to the right size the first time.
Alternatively, it may be possible to bend it broadly,
without kinking the stem at all. Cutting at the bend
may also be acceptable; see section on “Pressing and
Drying” (page 195).
Woody plants
If the plant is a shrub or tree, snip an appropriate, rep-
resentative amount (include any fruits and flowers) and
note its habit and dimensions along with the other
information you collect.
Cumbersome structures
Cones, cactus pads and fruits, and other awkward
structures should be put in paper bags and allowed to
dry. It may be appropriate to slice them in half.
Plant Identification
Carry floral references and plant lists to help you iden-
tify plants in the field, or at least determine which
characteristics will be needed to distinguish species
under a dissecting microscope.
You should keep in your office or lab a dissecting kit
that includes, at minimum: a box of single-edged razor
blades, two pairs of high quality, fine-tipped forceps,
several dissecting pins or sharp probes, and a small
plastic ruler (metric and English). A small pair of scis-
sors can be useful for cutting large flower parts. As
well, make sure to have a lighted dissecting microscope
readily available in the office during the field season
for the accurate identification of plant species. When
using a dissecting scope, keep handy a few index cards
with a portion of each side colored in with black
marker and a roll of double sided tape—these will help
you hold and see tiny, translucent structures that tend
to dry up and jump around, such as composite and
grass flowers and fruits.
Clipping and Digging
In many cases, a good pocketknife is adequate for cut-
ting branches and digging up roots. Having a set of
garden clippers and a small trowel in the field is even
Storing Freshly Collected Material
Monitors should carry an assortment of sealable plas-
tic bags in various sizes, a couple of ten-gallon plastic
trash bags, and a small (sandwich-size) sealable plastic
food storage container—for fragile structures—in the
field at all times. As well, keep a few pieces of cloth
(e.g., paper towel or bandana) available to moisten and
keep the specimens hydrated.
Alternately, you can fashion a 3 in × 5 in pocket press
from two pieces of board (Masonite works) and several
index cards with blotter paper cut to size, bound with a
strong rubber band. Label each specimen as you press
it with self-adhesive notes so you can correlate speci-
mens with your field notebook.
Collection Notes in the Field
Take meticulous, legible notes in the field. You can use
a small notebook, or make a pronged folder of collec-
tion forms such as the one shown in Figure 42. The
collection form includes all the information that will
be needed for the herbarium labels. Note: Copies of
this data sheet are on the back of the Species code list
(FMH-6). At minimum, your field notes should
include the following information:
The plot identification code of the monitoring plot
near which the sample was taken (the location info
for sample plots is in their folders); if the sample was
not taken near a plot, then note the specific location
(and elevation) on a USGS topographic map
Collector’s name
• Collection number
Plant name or five character “unknown” code
Plant family, if known
Description of the plant, including its habit (annual,
biennial, perennial; nonvascular or vascular, fern,
vine, herbaceous, shrub, subshrub, tree, etc.; plant
dimensions, flower color, and any other items of
Habitat description
Associated species—list other plants commonly
found with your sample
It is important to have a way to correlate your col-
lected material with notes in your field notebook or
form. Labels in permanent ink or pencil can be
included in the bags with the specimens (note the date,
collection number, plant name, etc.).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 194
Date: Plot ID: Collected by: Coll. #
Latin Name:
Common Name:
Description: ann/bien/per Life form:
flr. color: other:
fruit type:
ht.: Habitat:
Topo Quad: Assoc. spp.:
Location (
UTM, lat/long): Elev.: Slope: Aspect:
Figure 42. Voucher specimen data collection form.
Press your collected specimens as soon as possible;
fresh samples are far more flexible and will allow you
to position them well on the page. Keeping a standard
plant press in your vehicle will allow you to press spec-
imens promptly.
Use of the Press
It is important to place the end pieces of the press
right-side-up or the pressure from securing the straps
may break the wooden strips. Between the end pieces,
create sets of layers as follows: a sheet of corrugated
cardboard, then a sheet of blotter paper, then several
pages of newspaper, then another sheet of blotter
paper and another sheet of corrugated cardboard.
Place each specimen inside the folds of the newspaper.
The tabloid-size pages of weekly and monthly news-
print publications (university newspapers, entertain-
ment circulars, etc.) are often just the right size for
standard presses.
As each specimen is pressed, note on the top side of
the newspaper the collection number, plant name and
any other information needed to correlate the speci-
men with the field notebook entry. Print the species
name on the top side of each sheet so you do not have
to open the sheets to see what is inside.
Face each sheet of newspaper in the same direction
relative to the top side of the specimen and the fold.
The samples will require less handling this way. Indi-
cate the top side of the press and always open it
right-side-up. Never turn press sheets like pages in a
book; pieces will surely fall out with each turning.
Instead, open the press, carefully lift each sheet, face
up and with the open edge held slightly higher than the
folded end so loose material will not escape, and place
it aside.
Arrangement of Specimens on the Page
Do not allow plant material to extend beyond the press
edges; this will allow your specimens to be damaged
when they are dry and fragile. Instead, arrange large
specimens to fit in the press (see Figure 43).
Figure 43. Pressing an oversized specimen.
(Shown mounted in an 8.5 × 11” field book.)
Trimming the specimen
It may be necessary to trim off some leaves or other
vegetative material to make a useful, uncluttered speci-
men. Do this carefully and with forethought; leaf posi-
tion is often an important feature. If you do remove a
leaf, leave part of the petiole to show the leaf position.
Never remove the petiole base and stem attachment or
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 195
Figure 44. A nicely trimmed, tall specimen.
leaflets of a compound leaf, and don’t mistake a com-
pound leaf for a branch with individual leaves. Leave
twigs whole—do not split them (see Figure 44).
Once pressed, a single plant may not be rearranged, so
arrange it artfully at the first pressing. Of course, multi-
ple plants to be included on a single herbarium sheet
may be rearranged around each other upon mounting
(see Figure 45). Note that specimens of turgid plants
may be more easily arranged if you first allow the sam-
ples to wilt slightly. You may use a small piece of glass
(such as from a picture frame) so you can see the criti-
cal structures as you press them.
If the flowers are large enough (e.g., Mimulus or Viola
or larger, most composites) cut one or two open and
press them flat so the internal structures are visible
(you can use your thumb to press open a flower, then
pop it into the press, or press it under a small piece of
glass). This is especially important in working with the
Polemoniaceae and monocots. Floral structures of the
composites are very important in identification, espe-
cially the phyllaries (bracts). Always include whole
flowers as well (see Figure 46).
Figure 45. Arranging small plants on a single herbarium
Figure 46. Pressing flowers in an open state.
Vegetative parts
Press these in such a way that all important, or poten-
tially important, diagnostic features are visible. Show
both dorsal and ventral leaf surfaces, flatten out
stipules, expose the nodes, and clean off the roots. If
you must fold a leaf, keep the base and apex exposed
(see Figure 47).
Fire Monitoring Handbook 196
Figure 47. The right and wrong ways to press a large leaf.
Loose fruits, seeds and other structures
Store loose structures in envelopes or packets made
out of newspaper. Make sure each packet is labeled.
Drying and Freezing
Back in the office or lab, finish keying the specimens
and compare them with any existing herbarium speci-
mens. Once your identification is complete, you are
ready to mount specimens. To prevent molding, first
dry the specimens thoroughly. To prevent the intro-
duction of insects to the collection, treat your speci-
mens before moving them into an herbarium.
Commonly such treatment is done by wrapping plants
in plastic and freezing them for a week or two. If you
mount specimens in the office, freeze them after
mounting. If you mount specimens in the herbarium,
freeze them before mounting.
Choosing a Voucher Style
The best system for vouchering the specimens col-
lected on monitoring plots includes the preparation of
a set of official herbarium sheets to be accessioned
into the park collection, and the concurrent prepara-
tion of a set of smaller sheets for inclusion in a binder
that can be easily and quickly accessed by monitors and
taken into the field when necessary. Alternatively, you
can establish a “working herbarium” for more casual
use. See the section on “Storing” below for a detailed
discussion of the various options.
Herbarium Specimens
Properly prepared and stored herbarium specimens
have an almost indefinite life span. Use only archival
quality mounting materials (acid-free mounting and
label paper, glue, etc.), which will not deteriorate over
time. The collection curator may have these on hand,
or they can be purchased from standard curatorial
sources. Never mount specimens with ordinary tape,
staples or contact paper.
Create an aesthetically pleasing herbarium specimen by
carefully considering the placement of plant material
on the sheet.
The herbarium curator may require the use of a stan-
dard labeling form. In any case, the following informa-
tion should be included on the label as shown in
Figure 48:
Genus, specific epithet and author
Family name
Exact location (including county, topographic quad
name, township, range, section, elevation, burn unit,
place name, access road, approximate mileage, etc.)
Habitat description (e.g., wet meadow, oak wood-
land, dry coniferous forest understory, dry pinyon-
juniper woodland)
Associated species (especially the most common or
Collector’s name
Collection date
Latin Name: Agrostis capillaris L.
Family: Poaceae
Cat. No.: 4149
Acc. No.: 00153
Locality: FQUGA4D09–04, Dolason Prairie,
see FMH-5 for further information
Elev.: 2320'
Habitat: Coastal Prairie
Assoc. Spp.: Arrhenatherum elatius, Elymus glaucus, Danthonia californica,
Trifolium dubium, Rumex acetosella, Anthoxanthum aristatum.
Collected by: T. LaBanca and D. Brown Date: 6/12/01
Adapted from USDI NPS form 10-512 (USDI NPS 2001c).
Figure 48. Example of an herbarium label.
Herbarium specimens should be stored according to
NPS curatorial guidelines. If you choose to set up an
additional, more accessible “working herbarium,” pur-
chase an herbarium cabinet and specimen folders for
this use, and keep your specimens under the best cli-
matic conditions possible with regard to humidity and
temperature. Herbarium Supply recommends 20–25°C
and 40–60% (or lower) RH. Consult with your park
curator for more information.
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 197
Field Specimen Books
Your field specimen books will be an invaluable
resource in the field and the office. When preparing
the herbarium specimens, reserve some good exam-
ples of each specimen for the field book. Labeling in a
field book is less formal than that of an herbarium, and
can be abbreviated (as long as there is a corresponding
herbarium specimen to which you can refer). At a min-
imum it must include the plant name (botanical and
common, if desired) and family, the plot near which it
was found, the collection date, the initials of the collec-
tor, and characteristics important in distinguishing
between similar species (length of petals, number of
leaflets, size of auricles, etc.). Make sure to also include
the number of the herbarium specimen to which it
corresponds. Arrange the pages by family, then genus
and species. You can create separate books for differ-
ent habitats as the collection grows. Compilation pages
can be included, comparing easily confused species
such as some ephemerals, or conifer seedlings.
paper. Taping the specimens directly to paper is not
recommended as the specimens tend to get easily
damaged with use. If the book is for office use only,
you can use plastic sheet protectors; however, these
may not be protective enough if the books are to be
used in the field (see Figure 43, page 195).
Figure 49. Example of a page from a field specimen book.
Two common styles of field specimen books are:
5 × 7 in three-ring binders: Label an index card
with the appropriate information. Encase the speci-
men between two layers of 3–4 in-wide packing tape
or clear contact paper so that both sides of the spec-
imen are visible. If the specimen is too big, include
just the critical features, or split the specimen onto
two cards. Then tape the encased specimen onto the
index card at the top so that it can be flipped up for
viewing the underside of the specimen (see
Figure 49).
8½ × 11 in three-ring binders: Mount specimens
to labeled sheets of acid-free paper with clear con-
tact paper. The contact paper tends to separate; take
care that the contact paper is securely adhered to the
Fire Monitoring Handbook 198
Identifying Dead & Dormant Plants
Vegetation monitoring and sampling is best done dur-
ing the “height of the bloom,” when most plants are
flowering and thus most easily identified. In areas with
a bimodal rainfall pattern, or otherwise weak seasonal-
ity (such as the southwest or the southeast), it may be
best to regularly sample more than once per cycle. This
allows you to catch entire suites of plants that you may
otherwise miss.
Regardless, you will invariably encounter a few early
bloomers that have already gone to seed, or some late
blooming perennials that are still dormant. With care-
ful observation and a few additional resources you can
still identify dead and dormant plants.
Identifying Species Using Only
Vegetative Characters
Consider any determination that you make using only
vegetative characters as tentative until you can make a
comparison with a flowering specimen.
Always carry a species list and data sheets from previ-
ous visits or similar locations. In addition, be familiar
with locally represented plant families and their charac-
teristics. Here are some resources you will want to use:
• A species list for the area of concern and data sheets
from previous visits, if available
Your favorite flora
Your field herbarium
A locally oriented vegetative plant identification
guide if available. Note: There are numerous vegeta-
tive keys to plant species and their seedlings (e.g.,
trees, shrubs, grasses, weeds, etc.) available for many
locations (see the bibliography in Appendix G, page
The key to good science is good observation. One of
the best techniques for identifying a cured, dehisced,
or dormant plant is to gain familiarity with the plant
during its flowering or fruiting stage. Go out in the
field earlier than usual in the season and look around
for the early bloomers, then go out again for late or
off-season bloomers.
Another technique is careful observation of the clues
at hand. Spend some time with the plant in question,
and really look at it. Carefully examine the following
characteristics (refer to a botanical glossary for defini-
tions of these terms) and take notes on any available
field clues:
Leaves, stipules and leaf scars: arrangement
(alternate, basal, opposite, whorled), attachment
(clasping, petiolate, sessile), color, form (compound,
simple, pinnate, needle-like), margin (e.g., entire,
lobed, serrate), odor, shape (e.g., broad, narrow),
size, stipules (presence and characteristics), texture
(e.g., durability, smoothness, pubescence (including
type, e.g., glandular, stellate, scales))
Buds: arrangement (e.g., appressed, clustered),
color, scales (i.e, arrangement, number, shape, tex-
ture), size, shape, texture (e.g., smooth, scaly, pubes-
cent (including type, e.g., glandular, stellate, scales)),
type (leaf vs. flower)
Stems and Twigs: branching (e.g., extensive or lim-
ited, form), color, flexibility, texture (e.g., durability,
smoothness, pubescence (including type, e.g., glan-
dular, stellate, scales)), thorns (number, length,
shape), odor, pith (color, composition), amount of
woody tissue
Flowers: if there is any evidence of flowers, you may
be able to determine: arrangement (e.g., catkin, pani-
cle, cyme, umbel), color, dehiscence, fragrance, loca-
tion (terminal, lateral, new or old wood), filaments
(fused, free), stamens (presence, number), number of
stigmas/styles/pistils, ovary (superior, inferior or
partly), sepals (characteristics, e.g., length, number,
texture), presence of a floral bracts, presence of a
hypanthium, size, type (e.g., radial, bilateral)
Fruit (look on plant and beneath it): color, location
(e.g., old or new wood, terminal or lateral), number
of carpels, placenta (axile, parietal, free-central), seed
characteristics (e.g., attachment, number), shape (e.g.,
flat, round, winged), texture (e.g., dry, fleshy), type of
fruit (e.g., achene, berry, capsule, follicle, legume,
Bark: color, texture (e.g., checkered, flaky, lined,
smoothness, lenticles, pubescence (including type,
e.g., glandular, stellate, scales)), thickness
Form: ascending, columnar, conical, decumbent,
erect, globular, oval, prostrate, spreading, vase-like,
or weeping
Sap: color, odor, texture
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 199
Habit: annual, biennial, perennial, vascular, non-vas-
cular, aquatic, terrestrial, parasitic, fern, shrub, tree,
vine, etc.
Underground parts: branching, color, flexibility,
texture, type (e.g., bulb, stolons, rhizomes)
Habitat: microclimate where it grew (e.g., dry, open
areas, crevices, moist clay, rocky)
Some families or genera have elements that are very
characteristic, even in the dried state; for example,
composites have receptacles, lilies have woody pods,
and umbels have grooved seeds and feathery inflores-
cences. You may also want to try smelling the plant to
see if it is familiar.
If you find that you are somewhat certain as to the
identification of the species at hand, compare your
specimen with previously identified specimens in a
herbarium or voucher collection. Compare the leaves,
stems, fruits, and other parts to identified specimens.
Note: Don’t take your specimen into the herbarium
without following the herbarium’s procedures for kill-
ing pests (usually, freezing). However, if you can’t iden-
tify your specimen, make a voucher, note its exact
location, and then visit it again when it is blooming.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 200
Navigation Aids
As field personnel, monitors must be able to navigate
over open terrain, determine distances traveled and
plot transect locations on a map. The following sec-
tions discuss the correct use of two of the basic tools
used by monitors in the field—a compass and a cli-
nometer—as well as some basic mapping techniques
for locating and mapping transect locations in the
The compass is probably the instrument most fre-
quently used by field personnel. Accurate compass
bearings are essential for navigating over open terrain
and for finding and mapping plot locations.
Parts of a Compass
A multitude of compass models exist with different
features; however, all compasses have at minimum the
Magnetic needle—The magnetic needle, drawn by
the pull of the magnetic north pole, always points to
magnetic north. The north end of the needle is usually
marked by an arrow, or painted red.
Revolving 360° dial—The dial is marked with the
cardinal points, N, E, S, W and is graduated into
degrees. Within the dial is a transparent plate with par-
allel orienting lines and an orienting arrow.
Transparent base plate—Has a line of travel arrow
and ruled edges.
Setting a Bearing
If you know the bearing in degrees (and your declina-
tion, see page 202) from your current position to an
object, turn the dial until the degree is aligned with the
index point and line of travel arrow. In Figure 50, the
bearing is set at 356°.
Obtaining Accurate Compass
Always hold the compass level, so the magnetic needle
can swing freely. Hold the compass away from mag-
netic objects such as rebar, watches, mechanical pen-
cils, cameras, and belt buckles that can draw the
magnetic needle off line.
Figure 50. Graphic of a compass.
Taking a Bearing
Aim the line of travel arrow on the compass towards
the object.
Turn the revolving dial until the magnetic needle is
aligned within the orienting arrow in the compass
Read the bearing on the compass dial at the index
Facing a Bearing (Direction of Travel)
Hold compass with the base plate level and line of
travel arrow pointing forward. Turn your body with
the compass until the red north end of the magnetic
needle point is aligned within the orienting arrow in
the compass dial. You are now facing in the direction
of the bearing.
Walking a Bearing
Look straight ahead in the direction of travel. Choose a
landmark that lies in line with the direction of travel.
Walk to the landmark. Continue in this manner until
you reach your destination.
You may use a compass in conjunction with a map in
either of two ways:
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 201
Determine a bearing from a map and then travel that
direction in the field (map to terrain), or
• Take a bearing in the field and plot that bearing on a
map (terrain to map).
Whenever combining compass (field) bearings with
map (true) bearings, you must account for declination.
Declination is the degree of difference between true
north and magnetic north. True north is where all lines
of longitude meet on a map. Magnetic north is the
location of the world’s magnetic region (in the upper
Hudson Bay region of Canada).
Declination is east or west, depending upon where
magnetic north lies in relation to your position. If mag-
netic north lies to the east of your position, declination
is east. If magnetic north lies to the west of your posi-
tion, declination is west. In North America, zero decli-
nation runs roughly from west of Hudson Bay down
along Lake Michigan to the gulf in western Florida.
Declination diagrams are located in the bottom margin
of USGS topographic maps. Keep in mind that decli-
nation changes slightly over time as magnetic north
moves slowly west; therefore, the current declination
in your area may be slightly different than the declina-
tion at the time the map was printed. Declination maps
are re-mapped every five years by the USGS; the most
recent declination map is for 1995 (see Figure 51).
On some maps the annual rate of change may be
printed and thus you can calculate the current declina-
tion. USGS also produces a Magnetic Declination Map
of the United States. This map shows the rate of
change throughout the US so that the current declina-
tion in any area can be calculated. You may also obtain
the current declination in your area from your county
If you need to be more precise, try using a geomag-
netic calculator (e.g., NOAA 2000) that will calculate
the declination for any year (1900–2005) given the lati-
tude/longitude or UTM coordinates.
Setting declination on your compass
Some compass models have a declination adjustment
screw. The set screw key is usually attached to a nylon
cord that hangs from the compass. Using the key, turn
the set screw to the appropriate declination. Once you
have set the proper declination you do not need to
change it until you move to a different area. If you
Figure 51. Map showing declination in North America.
East of the zero line, declination is “west.” West of the zero line,
declination is “east.”
move to a new area, remember to reset the declination
on your compass. If you do not have a compass with a
declination adjustment screw, you must add or subtract
declination to determine the correct bearing. Whether
you add or subtract declination depends on whether
you are working from map to terrain or terrain to map.
Map to terrain
If you have determined a bearing between two posi-
tions from a map, and you are going to walk the bear-
ing, you must convert that bearing to a magnetic
bearing. The rules for converting from map to field
bearings are as follows:
For declination west, turn dial west (add number of
degrees of declination)
For declination east, turn dial east (subtract number
of degrees of declination)
Terrain to map
If you have taken a field bearing and want to plot the
position on a map, you must convert the bearing from
a magnetic bearing to a map (true) bearing. The rules
are simply the reverse of the map to terrain rules:
For declination west, turn dial east (subtract)
For declination east, turn dial west (add)
A second important field tool is a clinometer, which
measures slope in degrees and/or percent. Slope is one
of the most important topographic influences on fire
behavior. In addition, recording the slope along the
plot azimuth is another aid in defining (and thus relo-
cating) plots.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 202
Measuring Slope Using a Clinometer
The model of clinometer most commonly used in fire
effects monitoring has both a degree scale and a per-
cent scale. When you look through the lens, you will
see the percent slope scale on the right side and the
degree scale on the left (see Figure 52).
Slope can be measured in degrees or as a percent. For
our purposes, measurements are made in percent slope
rather than in degrees; degrees slope is not used in this
handbook. Percent slope measures the degree of
incline over a horizontal distance; a +1% slope indi-
cates the rise is very gradual over a given distance. A
+60% slope indicates the rise is very rapid over a given
The degree scale gives the angle of slope in degrees
from the horizontal plane at eye level. The percent
scale measures the height of the point of sight from
the same horizontal eye level and expresses it as a per-
cent of the horizontal distance (i.e., % slope); percent
slope is used throughout this handbook. For a conver-
sion table between degrees slope and percent slope,
see Table 34, page 211.
To use a clinometer:
Hold the clinometer so that the round side-window
faces to the left.
Hold the clinometer up to your right eye but keep
both eyes open (you can hold the instrument up to
your left eye, if that is more comfortable).
• Aim the clinometer in the direction of the slope you
want to measure.
Fix the hair line of the clinometer on an object in
your line of sight and at the same height as your
eye level, a rangepole may be useful.
Look into the viewing case, and read where the hair
line intersects the percent scale (on the right).
Distances along the ground can be measured by vari-
ous means. You can measure distances along a road in
a vehicle with an odometer. In the field you can use a
meter tape, though over long distances this method is
often impractical. Pacing is a common means of mea-
suring distance in the field. By knowing the length of
your pace you can measure the distance over ground
simply by walking. A pace is defined as the distance
between the heel of one foot and the heel of the same
foot in the next stride. Therefore, one pace equals two
steps—one step of each leg.
Figure 52. Graphic of a clinometer.
Note: The rangepole at B is the same height as the viewer's (A)
eye level. Also note that you can find clinometers with percent on
either the right or left side; percent being the larger number.
Determining Your Pace on Level Ground
• On level ground, lay out a course of known distance
(e.g., 50 m or 1 chain).
Walk the length of the course counting each pace
(two steps). Take the first step with your left foot,
then count each time your right foot touches the
Repeat the process several times to obtain an aver-
age number of paces per length.
Divide the number of paces into the measured dis-
tance to arrive at the length of your pace.
50 m/32 pace = 1.6 m/pace
66 ft/20 pace = 3.3 ft/pace
To determine the distance you have paced in the field,
multiply the number of paces by your distance per
The distance between the reference feature and 0P
is 30 paces. Your pace distance is 1.6 m.
30 paces × 1.6 m/p = 48 m
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 203
Determining Your Pace on Sloping Ground
Walking on a slope, either uphill or downhill, your
paces will be shorter; consequently you will take more
paces to cover the same distance on a slope as on level
ground. To determine your pace on sloping ground:
Lay out a course of the same distance used on level
ground with moderately steep slope.
Walk upward on this course, counting the number of
paces as before.
Divide the total distance by the total number of
This is the length of one pace on a slope.
On level ground: 50 m = 32 paces = 1.60 m/pace
On sloping ground: 50 m = 40 paces = 1.25 m/
Walk the course several times both uphill and downhill
until you have an average length of a pace on sloping
ground. Your upslope pace may be different than your
downslope pace.
Working with Scale
You will inevitably use maps with many different scales
during your monitoring work. A table of scales and
equivalents is located on page 212 (Table 35). If you
enlarge or reduce a map, the scale of the map will
change and you must determine the new scale. Scale
on a map is determined by the formula:
Map Distance MD)(
Scale = -------------------------------------------------------
Ground Distance GD)(
Map distance equals the distance measured between
two points on a map. Ground distance equals the dis-
tance on the ground between the same two points.
To determine the new scale of a map that was enlarged
or reduced, follow these steps:
On the original map of known scale, measure the
map distance between two points that are separated
horizontally and two points that are separated verti-
cally. (The reason to measure two distances is that
copy machines are not precision instruments and
may skew the map.)
Compare the distances to the original map scale to
determine the four ground distances.
On the enlarged (or reduced) map, measure the dis-
tances between the same four points. (Although the
map distance has changed, the ground distances
between the four points are still the same.)
Calculate the scale of the enlarged (or reduced) map
with the scale formula, using each of the four dis-
Average all four scales, and use this for determining
ground distances on the enlarged (or reduced) map.
You calculate the scale of a map from an original map
at the scale of 1:24,000. On the original map, you
measure two separate horizontal distances, 5.6 and
11.1 cm, and two vertical distances 4.15 and 6.5 cm.
For a 1:24,000 map, 1 cm = 240 m (see Table 35,
page 212), so the corresponding ground distances are
1,344, 2,644, 996, and 1,560 m respectively.
Using the enlarged map, now measure the same four
distances. Using the first map distance-ground dis-
tance combination, we get the following scale:
MD 13.2 cm 1 cm
Scale = --------- = ------------------ = ---------------------
GD 1344 m 101.82 m
Continuing on for the three remaining distances, the
four resulting scales would be 1:10,182; 1:10,129;
1:10,163; and 1:10,163. Taking the average of these
four numbers, the scale of the enlarged map is deter-
mined to be 1 cm = 101.59 m, or 1:10,159.
Determining the Direction and Distance Between
Two Map Points
You will have to determine the direction and distance
between two map points when you use a map to get to
your Plot Location Points (PLP).
Determining the direction between two map points
To determine the direction between two points on a
map, follow these steps:
Draw a line connecting the two points (A B).
Place your compass with the edge of the base plate
along the line.
Orient the compass with the line of travel arrow
pointing towards point B.
Turn the revolving dial of the compass until the ori-
enting lines within the compass dial are parallel with
the north-south meridian lines on the map, and the
North (N) arrow points to north on the map.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 204
Read the bearing at the index point on the compass.
Note: The direction of the magnetic needle is irrele-
vant in this procedure.
If you are going to set a field bearing using this map
bearing, remember to add or subtract the declina-
tion according to the rules in the previous section
(page 202). If your compass has the declination set,
you do not need to make any adjustments.
Map Direction
You can use a protractor in place of a compass in this
procedure. Simply place the black etched line on the
center of the protractor cross bar on point A and make
sure that 0° or 360° points towards North on the map.
Read the number of degrees where the line drawn
between points A and B intersects the protractor’s
outer edge.
Determining the distance between two map points
Align the edge of a piece of paper with the line
drawn between the two points.
Make a mark on the paper at points A and B.
Hold the paper against the scale on the bottom of
the map.
Measure the distance against the map scale.
Determining a Plot Location in the Field
You can determine plot locations with either of two
instruments: a compass or a Global Positioning Sys-
tem (GPS) unit. All plot locations, especially the origin
(forest plots), or 0P (grassland and brush plots),
should be defined at some time with a GPS unit so
they can be included in your park GIS database.
You can use a compass to plot a location on a topo-
graphic map in the field using a method known as
resection. You must first identify two landmarks (e.g.,
buildings, lakes, ridgetops) on the terrain that you can
pinpoint on a map. Once you have identified your two
landmarks, follow these steps (see Figure 53):
• Take a field bearing from your location to one of the
landmarks, adjusting for declination if necessary.
Place compass on the map with one edge of the base
plate intersecting the landmark point.
Figure 53. Illustration of the resection method to determine
a plot location in the field.
Keeping the compass edge against this point, turn
the entire compass, not the dial, until the compass
orienting lines are parallel with the north-south
meridian lines on the map and the N points to the
direction of north on the map.
Draw a line along the edge of the compass intersect-
ing the point; your location lies somewhere along
this line.
Repeat the process with the second point to draw a
second line on the map. The intersection of the two
lines is your location.
Determining Plot Location Using UTM
Coordinates on a USGS Topographic Map
Locate the UTM grid line markings along the edge of a
USGS topographic map. You can purchase clear Mylar
overlays that indicate the increments between the map
lines. To use them, simply find the closest UTM mark-
ings on the map edge, follow those out to the plot (or
other location) you wish to map, place the overlay on
the map and count the increments.
Many NPS units have access to PLGR units, a type of
GPS unit. This summary is intended to provide a quick
reference for some basic tasks that are commonly per-
formed in fire effects monitoring work (for further
information, see USDI NPS 1997).
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 205
This section is not intended to replace training on the
use of PLGR or any other GPS units. In general, enter
and change information on the PLGR by using the
right and left arrow keys to highlight a field (make it
blink), then use the up and down arrow button to
select the field.
Displaying Your Current UTM Coordinate
Turn on the PLGR. The position screen will appear. In
the upper right corner of the screen the word OLD
will appear indicating that the information displayed
on the rest of the screen is from a previous or old loca-
tion. After the PLGR obtains signals from four or
five satellites the word OLD is replaced by the
PDOP (see Glossary), which is the amount of error
for the displayed position (this calculation might
take a few minutes). Enter this error information
into the FMH-5. If the level of error is acceptable for
your GIS specialist, store your location as a waypoint
(see below).
For the best accuracy, go to MENU, then SETUP and
change the SETUP MODE to AVG. This will allow
the PLGR to average points together to give you a
more accurate reading of your location. The number
of points averaged is shown in the upper part of the
screen (>
180 points is desirable). It is important not to
move the location of the PLGR while in averaging
mode, as this prevents the unit from obtaining an
accurate reading.
Store a Position as an Individual Point Called a
To store the UTM coordinates of your current posi-
tion as a waypoint, press the MARK button twice. The
position will be stored as WP001, WP002, WP003, etc.
It is useful to include a small notebook with the PLGR
for tracking waypoint numbers to assist with their defi-
nition at a later date, e.g., “WP01 = Oak Flat trail-
To clear a waypoint, press WP, select CLEAR, type in
the waypoints you wish to delete, then select ACTI-
Navigate to a Known Waypoint from Your Current
To navigate to a known waypoint, press NAV, and then
choose “2D Fast and DIRECT” on the top line. On
the second line, press NUMLOCK to activate the
numeric keypad (“N” will be displayed in the lower
right corner instead of “P”) and enter the number of
the desired waypoint, or simply scroll to the desired
waypoint number. Page down to the next screen,
which lists the selected waypoint, and the distance
(RNG) and direction (AZ) you should travel from your
current location.
Obtain Distance and Direction Between Two
Use this feature to calculate the distance and azimuth
between two remote locations once they have been
marked as waypoints. You can then transfer this infor-
mation to your plot location maps, e.g., distance from
reference point to a plot point (Ref–0P), or use it to
navigate from plot to plot without returning to a start-
ing point.
Press the WP key, then select DIST. The next screen
will allow you enter two waypoints; it will then display
the range (distance) and azimuth from the first way-
point to the second waypoint.
Geodetic Datums
The reference systems that define Geodetic datums
describe the earth’s size and shape. Various datums are
used by different countries and agencies, and the use of
the wrong datum can result in tremendous position
errors of hundreds of meters. GPS units use WGS84
for all data capture, but can output data in a variety of
datums. Select the datum that matches the GIS data of
your park unit, or tell your GIS specialist which datum
you used so the data can be converted. The following
datums are used in the US and its territories:
Abbreviation Full Title
NAD27 North American Datum-1927, Continental US
NAD83 North American Datum-1983, Continental US
NAD83 North American Datum-1983, Hawaii
WGS84 World Geodetic System-1984
OHD26 Old Hawaiian Datum (Mean)-1926
ASD62 American Samoa-1962
GD63 Guam Datum-1963
Fire Monitoring Handbook 206
Basic Photography Guidelines
When photographing outdoors, you should strive to
strike a balance between the quality of the film image,
ambient light levels and depth of field (how much of
the view is in focus). The three ways to control these
factors are 1) film speed, 2) shutter speed and 3) aper-
ture size (how wide the shutter opens).
The following procedure may be followed to obtain
high quality photos:
Film Speed: Use the slowest film possible while
still maximizing the depth-of-field (64 or 200 ASA
Kodachrome, 100–400 ASA Fujichrome or
Film speed should be carefully selected to repre-
sent the slowest speed (lowest ASA) acceptable for
the ambient light conditions. For example, photog-
raphy in a dark forest understory requires a faster
speed such as 200 ASA or even 400 ASA, but in a
bright, open prairie 64 ASA may be the best
choice. In this case, the faster speed films (higher
ASA) would also work in the prairie, but will not
produce as sharp an image as the slower speed
It is advisable to purchase a range of film speeds
reflective of the lighting conditions likely to be
encountered at your unit, and to switch film (mid-
roll if necessary) when drastic changes in lighting
occur (such as a switch from dark forest plots to
light brush plots). You may want to consider hav-
ing a second camera to help manage films of dif-
ferent speeds.
Remember that although higher speed film can be
used in higher light conditions, to avoid blurry
photos do not use lower speed film in lower light
conditions. If you desire one all-purpose film
speed, choose 64 ASA for open areas and use 200
ASA for darker conditions.
Exposure: Once you have selected the subject,
set the exposure, a combination of aperture (also
called f/stop) and shutter speed.
Try to obtain f/16 and still have a shutter speed of
1/60 second or faster if the camera is handheld
(slower speed is fine if the camera is mounted on a
monopod or tripod). If the light meter indicates
that more light is needed, then back off to f/12 or
f/8 (try to get the smallest aperture possible,
which is indicated by the highest number). The
light meter will indicate when an acceptable setting
has been reached. Be sure that the light meter
reading has not included any sky.
Keep your shutter speed as fast as possible to
avoid blurry photos. Under the same conditions, a
slower film speed will require a slower shutter
speed and a faster film speed will allow for a faster
shutter speed. If the camera is hand-held, the shut-
ter speed should be kept at or above 1/60 (one-
sixtieth of a second), although some very steady
hands can push this to 1/30. If a monopod or tri-
pod is used with a cable release, any shutter speed
will work.
Depth of Field: Set the depth of field (the focus
mechanism on the lens) to include the farthest
object visible in the shot (usually infinity).
Aperture, or f-stop, dictates the depth-of-field (the
distance to which the photo will be in focus). For
plot photography it is usually desirable to have a
depth-of-field of infinity, with a corresponding f-
stop of f/11 or f/16 (or occasionally f/8, if the
view is not deep anyway, due to tall vegetation).
The aperture setting interacts with the shutter
speed; as the shutter speed increases, the aperture
must widen (indicated by a smaller number),
reducing the depth-of-field.
You are now ready to take the shot. Don’t change
the lens setting or focus, even if the view seems
out of focus; it will give an excellent, clear shot
with the entire field of view in focus if set from the
above instructions.
Note the nearest distance that will be in focus
(shown on the depth-of-field indicator).
Set up the Shot: Look through the viewfinder
and place the bottom of the view at the nearest
distance that will be in focus.
Select an object in the center of the view that is
easy to find (e.g., the tape or rangepole) and center
the shot on it, using the “cross hairs” as a refer-
Shoot: Be sure that the camera is level, and shoot.
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 207
The following table (Table 32) demonstrates a few
examples of different environmental conditions, film
speeds, camera settings and the results you may expect.
Table 32. Results you may expect from different environmental conditions, film speeds, and camera settings.
Environmental Setting Film Speed Shutter
Open Prairie—Sunny Day
64 ASA
200 ASA
200 ASA
64 ASA
200 ASA
200 ASA
200 ASA
Highest quality, clear image
High quality, clear image
High quality, clear image
Light OK, but only the foreground is in focus
due to small aperture setting. Use higher
speed film to enable higher aperture.
Good depth of field, light OK, but blurry due to
slow shutter speed. Try changing the aperture
to 8, or using a monopod or tripod.
Good quality image
Don’t bother. Return earlier on another day
with better light conditions. Bring a monopod or
tripod. Consider higher speed film if conditions
are always very dark.
Open Prairie—Sunny Day
Shaded Woodland—
Sunny Day
Shaded Woodland—
Sunny Day
Dark Forest—Sunny Day
Dark Forest—Sunny Day
with Monopod or Tripod
Dark Forest—Cloudy Day,
Late Afternoon in Autumn
Fire Monitoring Handbook 208
Conversion Tables
Table 33. Conversion factors. Table 33. Conversion factors. (Continued)
Acres 0.4047 Hectare or sq. Grams 0.03527 Ounces
2.205 × 10
Acres 43,560.0 Square feet
Hectares 2.471 Acres
Acres 4,446.86 Square meters
1.563 × 10
Square miles
Hectares 107,600 Square feet
Hectares 10,000 Square meters
Hours 0.041672 Days
Centimeters 0.3937 Inches
5.952 × 10
Centimeters 0.1 Decimeters
Inches 2.54 Centimeters
Inches 0.0254 Meters
Centimeters 0.01 Meters
1.578 × 10
6.214 × 10
Inches 25.4 Millimeters
Centimeters 10.0 Millimeters
Inches/sec 5.0 Feet/min
1.2626 × 10
Chains 66.0 Feet
Chains 792.0 Inches
Kilograms 1,000.0 Grams
Chains 20.12 Meters
Kilograms 2.205 Pounds
Chains/hour 3,600 Inches/sec
9.842 × 10
Tons [Long]
Chains/hour 0.01833 Feet/sec
Circumference of 0.3183 DBH
1.102 × 10
Tons [Short]
a tree
Kilograms/square 4.462 Tons [Short]/acre
Decimeter 0.1 Meters
Degrees (Celsius) (1.8 C°) + 3 Degrees
Kilometers 100,000 Centimeters
Kilometers 3,281.0 Feet
Degrees (5.5 F°) - 32° Degrees (Celsius)
Kilometers 39370.0 Inches
Kilometers 1,000.0 Meters
DBH 3.1416 Circumference of
a tree
Kilometers 0.6214 Miles
Feet 0.01515 Chains
Kilometers 1,093.6 Yards
Feet 30.48 Centimeters
Kilometers/hour 27.78 Centimeters/sec
3.048 × 10
Kilometers/hour 54.68 Feet/min
Feet 0.3048 Meters
Kilometers/hour 0.9113 Feet/sec
Feet 304.8 Millimeters
Kilometers/hour 16.67 Meters/min
Feet/sec 0.8333 Inches/sec
Kilometers/hour 0.278 Meters/sec
Feet/sec 54.54 Chains/hour
Kilometers/hour 0.6214 Miles/hour
Feet/sec 0.305 Meters/sec
Meters 100.0 Centimeters
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 209
Table 33. Conversion factors. (Continued)
Table 33. Conversion factors. (Continued)
Meters 0.04971 Chains
Meters 3.281 Feet
Meters 39.37 Inches
1.0 × 10
6.214 × 10
Meters 1,000.0 Millimeters
Meters 1.094 Yards
Meters/sec 178.9 Chains/hour
Meters/sec 196.9 Feet/min
Meters/sec 3.281 Feet/sec
Meters/sec 3.6 Kilometers/hour
Meters/sec 0.06 Kilometers/min
Meters/sec 1.943 Knots
Meters/sec 2.237 Miles/hour
Miles 5,280.0 Feet
6.336 × 10
Miles 1.609 Kilometers
Miles 1,609.0 Meters
Miles 1,760.0 Yards
Miles/hour 44.7 Centimeters/sec
Miles/hour 88.0 Feet/min
Miles/hour 1.467 Feet/sec
Miles/hour 1.609 Kilometers/hour
Miles/hour 0.45 Meters/sec
3.281 × 10
Millimeters 0.03937 Inches
1.0 × 10
1.0 × 10
6.214 × 10
1.094 × 10
Ounces 28.35 Grams
Ounces 0.0625 Pounds
2.79 × 10
Tons [Long]
3.125 × 10
Tons [Short]
Pounds 453.6 Grams
Pounds 0.4536 Kilograms
Pounds 16.0 Ounces
5.0 × 10
Tons [Short]
4.464 × 10
Tons [Long]
Slope (Degrees) see table below Slope (Percent)
Slope (Percent) see table below Slope (Degrees)
Square Feet
2.296 × 10
Square Feet 0.0929 Square Meters
Square Feet
3.587 × 10
Square Miles
Square Meters
2.471 × 10
Square Miles 640.0 Acres
Square Miles
27.88 × 10
Square Feet
Tons [Long] 1,016.05 Kilograms
Tons [Long] 2,240.0 Pounds
Tons [Short]/Acre 0.2241 Kilograms/square
Tons [Short] 907.2 Kilograms
Tons [Short] 2,000.0 Pounds
Tons (Metric) 1,000.0 Kilograms
Tons (Metric) 2,204.6 Pounds
Yards 91.44 Centimeters
9.144 × 10
Yards 0.9144 Meters
5.682 × 10
Yards 914.4 Millimeters
Fire Monitoring Handbook 210
Table 34. Slope Conversions (Between degrees and percent).
Degrees Percent
Degrees Percent
Degrees Percent
Degrees Percent
1 1.7 24 44.5 47 107.2 70 274.7
2 3.5 25 46.6 48 111.1 71 290.4
3 5.2 26 48.8 49 115.0 72 307.8
4 7.0 27 51.0 50 119.2 73 327.1
5 8.7 28 53.2 51 123.5 74 348.7
6 10.5 29 55.4 52 128.0 75 373.2
7 12.3 30 57.7 53 132.7 76 401.1
8 14.1 31 60.1 54 137.6 77 433.1
9 15.8 32 62.5 55 142.8 78 470.5
10 17.6 33 64.9 56 148.3 79 514.5
11 19.4 34 67.5 57 154.0 80 567.1
12 21.3 35 70.0 58 160.0 81 631.4
13 23.1 36 72.7 59 166.4 82 711.5
14 24.9 37 75.4 60 173.2 83 814.4
15 26.8 38 78.1 61 180.4 84 951.4
16 28.7 39 81.0 62 188.1 85 1143.0
17 30.6 40 83.9 63 196.3
86 1430.1
18 32.5 41 86.9 64 205.0 87 1908.1
19 34.4 42 90.0 65 214.5 88 2863.6
20 36.4 43 93.3 66 224.6 89 5729.0
21 38.4 44 96.6 67 235.6 90
22 40.4 45 100.0 68 247.5
23 42.4 46 103.6 69 260.5
% Slope = 100 × Tan [Slope] = 100 × Vertical Rise/Horizontal Distance
Appendix C n
n Field Aids 211
Table 35. Map scales and their equivalents in feet, meters, Table 35. Map scales and their equivalents in feet, meters,
and acres. and acres. (Continued)
Scale (1"
on a map=)
Feet per
Meters per
Acres per
Sq. Inch
Scale (1"
on a map=)
Feet per
Meters per
Acres per
Sq. Inch
1:500 41.67 12.70 0.04 1:20,400 1,700.00 518.16 66.35
1:600 50.00 15.24 0.06 1:21,120 1,760.00 536.45 71.11
1:1,000 83.33 25.40 0.16 1:21,600 1,800.00 548.64 74.38
1:1,200 100.00 30.48 0.23 1:22,800 1,900.00 579.12 82.87
1:1,500 125.00 38.10 0.36 1:24,000 2,000.00 609.60 91.83
1:2,000 166.67 50.80 0.64 1:25,000 2,083.33 635.00 99.64
1:2,400 200.00 60.96 0.92 1:31,680 2,640.00 804.67 160.00
1:2,500 208.33 63.50 1.00 1:33,333 2,777.78 846.68 177.14
1:3,000 250.00 76.20 1.43 1:48,000 4,000.00 1,219.20 367.31
1:3,600 300.00 91.44 2.07 1:50,000 4,166.67 1,270.03 398.56
1:4,000 333.33 101.60 2.55 1:62,500 5,208.33 1,587.50 622.74
1:4,800 400.00 121.92 3.67 1:63,360 5,280.00 1,609.35 640.00
1:5,000 416.67 127.00 3.99 1:75,000 6,250.00 1,905.04 896.75
1:6,000 500.00 152.40 5.74 1:96,000 8,000.00 2,438.41 1,469.24
1:7,000 583.33 177.80 7.81 1:100,000 8,333.33 2,540.05 1,594.23
1:7,200 600.00 182.88 8.26 1:125,000 10,416.67 3,175.01 2,490.98
1:7,920 660.00 201.17 10.00 1:126,720 10,560.00
3,218.69 2,560.00
1:8,000 666.67 203.20 10.20 1:250,000 208,333.33 6,350.01 9,963.91
1:8,400 700.00 213.36 11.25 1:253,440 21,120.00 6,437.39 10,244.20
1:9,000 750.00 228.60 12.91 1:300,000 25,000.00 7,620.02 14,348.03
1:9,600 800.00 243.84 14.69 1:500,000 41,666.67 12,700.03 39,855.63
1:10,000 833.33 254.00 15.94 1:760,320 63,360.00 19,312.17 92,160.00
1:10,800 900.00 274.32 18.60 1:1,000,000 83,333.33 25,400.05 159,422.51
1:12,000 1,000.00 304.80 22.96 C h a i n s / I n c h = S c a l e / 7 9 2 . 0 8 M e t e r s / I n c h = S c a l e / 3 9 . 3 7
1:12,500 1,041.66 317.51 24.91 Miles/Inch = Scale/63,291.14 Feet/Inch = Scale/12
1:13,200 1,100.00 335.28 27.78 Meters/Centimeter = Scale/100
1:14,400 1,200.00 365.76 33.06
1:15,000 1,250.00 381.00 35.89
1:15,600 1,300.00 396.24 38.80
1:15,840 1,320.00 402.34 40.00
1:16,000 1,333.33 406.40 40.81
1:16,800 1,400.00 426.72 45.00
1:18,000 1,500.00 457.20 51.65
1:19,200 1,600.00 487.68 58.77
1:20,000 1,666.67 508.00 63.77
212 Fire Monitoring Handbook
Data An alysis Form ulae
Data Analysis Formulae
“It is always better to give an approximate answer to the right question
than a precise answer to the wrong question.”
—Golden Rule of Applied Mathematics
Most of the analysis calculations mentioned in this
handbook are performed by the FMH software. They
are also included here in case you need to calculate
results manually. Those calculations that will require
additional software are so noted.
Percent Cover
Percent cover is the number of points at which a spe-
cies occurs on a transect divided by the total number
of transect points, multiplied by 100. Each species is
counted only once at a point; however, more than one
species can be counted at each point. Percent cover
may be greater than 100%.
× 100
percent cover
= ----------------------------
percent cover
percent cover of a transect species
index for species
= number of points on which a species
total number of points on transect
Relative Cover
Relative cover is the percent cover of a species divided
by the sum of the percent cover of all species, multi-
plied by 100. Relative cover is only calculated for live
perennials and live or dead annuals. Therefore, the sum
of percent cover ignores dead perennials and non-
plant materials. The total of all relative cover calcula-
tions is always equal to approximately 100%.
percent cover
× 100
relative cover
= --------------------------------------------------------
percent cover
relative cover
relative cover of a species
index for species
percent cover
percent cover of a species
percent cover
total percent cover for all species
Density per hectare can be calculated for tree, herb
and shrub species using the following calculation:
× ha
= -------------------------------
individuals per hectare by species
index for species
number counted from database
hectare, 10,000m
area sampled, m
To convert density measurements from individuals per
hectare to individuals per acre, divide individuals per
hectare by 2.47.
Basal Area
Basal area is the area outline of a plant near the
ground. In this handbook, this measurement is used to
express the total stump surface of trees. Total basal
area is calculated using the following formula:
basal area
= 3.14 ----
i = 1
individual stem diameter (DBH)
index for species
Diameter at Root Crown (DRC)
For a single-stemmed woodland tree species, the com-
puted DRC is equal to the single diameter measured.
For multi-stemmed tree species, DRC is computed as
the square root of the sum of n squared stem diame-
= d
i = 1
individual stem diameter
index for species
A tree has four stems that fork below ground level.
Their diameters (cm) at ground level are 3.5, 6.7, 2.1
and 3.7. The stem that measured 2.1 is excluded from
the calculation because it is too small (because it is in
the seedling tree size class).
DRC = 3.5
+ 6.7
+ 3.7
DRC = 8.42 cm
Dead and Down Fuel Load
Fuel calculations are based on Brown and others 1982,
and Brown 1974. Downed fuel constants required by
the formula are weighted by a sum of overstory tree
diameters by species on the plot. Weight the fuel con-
stants only for those overstory tree species that are
found in the fuel constant database. If there are no
overstory trees for that plot, you can choose one of the
Use the fuel model embedded in the monitoring
type code.
Use the average fuel constants contained in the
FMH software (Sydoriak 2001), which contains con-
stants from throughout North America, or use an
average fuel constant from another source.
Enter a species code or fuel model to use.
Exclude the plot from calculations.
Quit calculations.
The weighted fuel constant (w
) is calculated as fol-
= --------------------------------------------
total ba
individual stem diameter
index for species
fuel constant for a single species
basal area for a single species
total ba
basal area for all species
For each species, each calculation constant is multi-
plied by the summed basal area for that species, then
divided by the total basal area for all the species in the
For three species—a, b, and c—the summed basal
area for each is 10, 10, 20 respectively. The total basal
area is therefore 40. If the fuel constants are (a) 0.2,
(b) 0.1, and (c) 0.4, then the weighted constant is
((0.2×10) + (0.1×10) + (0.4×20))/40 = 0.275.
The slope correction is calculated for each transect
using the following formula:
= 1 + (slope
× 0.01 )
slope correction factor
index for transects
% slope of the transect
Particle observations for the 1-hr, 10-hr, and 100-hr
time lag fuel classes are multiplied by the slope correc-
tion factor and summed for each transect using the
formula (once for each time lag class):
obscorr = (obs
× slopecorr
t = 1
Fire Monitoring Handbook 214
obscorr = fuel particle observations corrected for
number of transects
index for transects
fuel particle count from database
slope correction factor
Tons per acre fuel load (ta) for the 1-hr, 10-hr, and
100-hr time lag fuel classes are calculated using the for-
mula (once for each time lag class):
(11.64 × obscorr × w
× w
× w
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tons per acre
weighted average squared diameter
weighted average specific gravity
weighted average angle to horizontal
sum of the length of all transects
Observations of sound and rotten fuels greater than
three inches in diameter (1000-hr) are corrected for
slope with the formula:
n obs
t = 1 i = 1
obscorr = fuel particle observations corrected for
index for transects
number of transects
index of observations
number of observations
particle diameter from database
slope correction factor
Bulk density values for duff and/or litter are entered in
the database as pounds per cubic foot. Duff and litter
pounds per acre can be calculated using the following
formula (Brown and others 1982):
ta = 1.815 × B × d
tons per acre
bulk density, lbs/ft
average duff/litter depth over all transects
Fuel Moisture
The moisture content of many important fuels (e.g.,
duff moisture, 100-hr) and soils cannot be readily cal-
culated, but must be determined from samples col-
lected from the site to be burned. Moisture content is
expressed as a percent. It is simply a measure of how
much water is on and in a sample of material. For con-
sistency it is expressed as a percent of the dry weight
of the sample. You will need to make two measure-
ments: first weigh the fuel sample just as it was taken
from the field, then dry it out in an oven and weigh it
again. Use the following formula to calculate the mois-
ture content (at the time of this writing the FMH soft-
ware does not perform this calculation):
wet weight
dry weight
oisture content ()= -
100% --------------------------------------------------------------
dry weight
Appendix D n
n Data Analysis Formulae 215
Biomass writing the FMH software does not perform this cal-
Calculate the kilograms/hectare or tons/acre for each
biomass sample using this formula (at the time of this
dry weight g()container g() 10
000 m
1 kg
biomass(kg ha) =
× ------------------------ × ------------------
area of quadrat m
1 ha 1 , 000 g
( )
dry weight
dry weight of sample with container (g)
weight of empty container (g)
area of quadrat
area from which biomass was sampled (m
x R×
Standard Deviation
d = ------------
i = 1
desired precision level (confidence interval width
s =
n – 1
expressed as a percentage of the mean), derived
the sample mean (from initial ten plots)
standard deviation
desired precision level as a percentage of the
number of observations within the sample
the i
sample observation
sample mean
Minimum Sample Size
Minimum sample size for condition or threshold
× s
n = ---------------
minimum number of plots needed
t = critical value of the test statistic Student’s t based
on the selected confidence level (95, 90, or 80%)
and the degrees of freedom (number of plots -
1); see Table 36, page 220
s = standard deviation of the sample (from initial 10,
or current number of plots)
d = desired precision level (confidence interval width
expressed as a percentage of the mean), derived
Fire Monitoring Handbook 216
Management Objective: Increase the mean density
of overstory aspen trees to 125 stems per hectare
within five years of the initial prescribed fire (a condi-
tion objective).
Monitoring Objective: Estimate the mean density
of overstory aspen trees with 80% confidence that
you are within 25% of the estimated true value of the
You have data from 10 monitoring plots, and the
mean and standard deviation are:
= 135, s = 70
You have chosen a desired precision level (R) of
25. Therefore:
d = 135 × 25/100 = 33.75
You chose a confidence level of 80, so your
t value
would be 1.383 (see Table 36, page 220). Therefore,
your minimum sample size would be:
n = (1.383)
× 70
= 8
This result indicates that, with eight plots, we can be
80% confident that our estimated value of 135 is
within 25% of the true mean value.
Minimum sample size for minimum detectable
change desired
To calculate the minimum sample size needed to
detect the minimum amount of change, the following
inputs are needed:
Standard deviation for the differences
between paired samples—see the example
Chosen level of significance (α)—(20, 10, or
5%) from monitoring objectives (see page 126 for
discussion), see the example below
Chosen level of power (β)—(80, 90, or 95%)
from monitoring objectives (see page 26 for dis-
cussion), see the example below
Minimum detectable amount of change—
from management objectives (see page 26 for dis-
cussion), see the example
minimum number of plots needed
the sample standard deviation for the differ-
ences among paired samples
the critical value of t based on the level of
significance and the number of plots in the
sample (see Table 36, page 220)
the critical value of t based on the selected
level of power and the number of plots in
the sample (see Table 36, page 220)
minimum detectable amount of change
Note: Minimum detectable amount of change is
expressed in absolute terms rather than as a percent-
age. For example, if you want to detect a minimum of
40% change in the sample mean of tree density from
one year to the next, and your first year sample mean =
10 trees/ha, then your MDC = (0.40 × 10) = 4 trees/
Management Objective: Increase the mean percent
cover of Bouteloua eriopoda by at least 30% within three
years of the initial prescribed burn.
Monitoring Objective: To be 80% certain of detect-
ing a 30% increase in the mean percent cover of
Bouteloua eriopoda three years after the initial pre-
scribed burn. We are willing to accept a 20% chance
of saying that at least a 30% increase took place,
when it did not.
You have percent cover data from 10 monitoring
plots that burned three or more years ago. The
results are:
= 15, s = 9
Year-3 postburn:
= 38, s = 16
Difference (among plots):
= 17, s = 11
+ t
n = ------------------------
Appendix D n
n Data Analysis Formulae 217
Example: (Continued)
You have chosen a minimum detectable change of
30%, which you multiply by the preburn mean (as
this is the variable that you are attempting to change):
15 × 0.30 = 4.5
Then you would use the standard deviation of the
mean difference (among plots) between the preburn
and the postburn—11. The t
based on the 20% sig-
nificance level and the number of plots=0.883,
(Note: We are using the one-tailed value as we seek
to be confident only about detecting a unidirectional
change—an increase) and the t
=0.883 based on the
selected level of power (80%) and the number of
plots (10 plots). Note: t
is always one-tailed. See
Table 36, page 220 for a t table. Therefore, your min-
imum sample size would be:
(0.883 + 0.883 )
------------------------------------------------ = 18.6
(4.5 )
Rounding up 18.6 to 19, this result indicates that you
need to install nine more plots, for a total of 19, in
order to be 80% confident of detecting a 30%
increase in percent cover.
Standard Error
se = ------
standard error
standard deviation
number of plots
For a three-plot sample with a mean total fuel load of
25.0 tons per acre and a standard deviation of 12.1,
the standard error is:
se = ----------
= 7.0
This means that with an infinite number of samples
of three plots, approximately 68% of the sample
means obtained will be within 7.0 units (above or
below) of the true population mean.
Coefficient of Variation
= --
coefficient of variation
standard deviation
sample mean
To calculate the coefficient of variation, use the FMH
software to run a minimum sample size equation for
the variable of interest; the output will contain the
sample mean and standard deviation. Then simply
divide the standard deviation by the mean (at the time
of this writing the FMH software does not perform
the coefficient of variation calculation).
Use the coefficient of variation to compare two or
more sampling designs to determine which is more
efficient. The lower the coefficient of variation, the
more efficient the sampling design. If two or more
designs have similar coefficients of variation, pick the
design that will be the easiest to use.
Installing ten pilot forest plots in a slash pine flat-
woods forest monitoring type using the pilot sam-
pling scenario in Figure 11, page 45 resulted in the
following data:
5 × 20 m:
= 9.1, s = 14.3, CV = 1.57
20 × 10 m:
= 15.5, s = 22.5, CV = 1.45
20 × 20 m:
= 30.1, s = 41.67, CV = 1.38
25 × 20 m:
= 43.2, s = 60.83, CV = 1.41
25 × 5 m:
= 12.2, s = 19.2, CV = 1.57
50 × 5 m:
= 26.2, s = 43.94, CV = 1.68
50 × 10 m:
= 56.0, s = 96.04, CV = 1.72
50 × 20 m:
= 110.5, s = 183.12, CV = 1.66
Fire Monitoring Handbook 218
Example: (Continued)
The combination that resulted in the lowest coeffi-
cient of variation was 20 × 20 m (CV = 1.38), which
was calculated as follows:
------------- = 1.38
As a 20 × 20 m area is also reasonably efficient to
sample, managers felt comfortable choosing this
size-shape combination for sampling seedlings
throughout the slash pine monitoring type.
Confidence Interval of the Mean
CI = x ± (t × se)
confidence interval
sample mean
standard error
critical t value for selected confidence level
and degrees of freedom (number of plots-1)
Using the table of critical values (Table 36, page 220),
look up the value of t that corresponds to the chosen
confidence level and the degrees of freedom, which is
n-1 (in our case, the number of plots minus 1). Use the
confidence level chosen in the monitoring objectives.
For the three-plot fuel load example, the 80% confi-
dence interval is calculated as follows:
25.0 ± (1.886 × 7.0) = 25.0 ± 13.2
25.0 - 13.2 = 11.8
25.0 + 13.2 = 38.2
Therefore, there is an 80% probability that the true
population mean total fuel load falls between 11.8
and 38.2 tons per acre. (Alternatively, you could say
that the mean ± 80% confidence interval is 25.0 ±
Note that the interval is quite large (spans over 25
tons per acre), but remember that our sample size
was only three. The standard error, and therefore the
confidence interval, gets smaller as the sample size
gets bigger. Your results more closely represent the
true population as you increase your sample size.
Appendix D n
n Data Analysis Formulae 219
Table 36. Student’s t table, showing 80, 90, and 95% confidence levels.
One-tailed Two-tailed
n - 1 95% 90% 80% 95% 90% 80%
1 6.314 3.078 1.376 12.706 6.314 3.078
2 2.920 1.886 1.061 4.303 2.920 1.886
3 2.353 1.638 0.978 3.182 2.353 1.638
4 2.132 1.533 0.941 2.776 2.132 1.533
2.015 1.476 0.920 2.571 2.015 1.476
6 1.943 1.440 0.906 2.447 1.943 1.440
7 1.895 1.415 0.896 2.365 1.895 1.415
8 1.860 1.397 0.889 2.306 1.860 1.397
9 1.833 1.383 0.883 2.262 1.833 1.383
1.812 1.372 0.879 2.228 1.812 1.372
11 1.796 1.363 0.876 2.201 1.796 1.363
12 1.782 1.356 0.873 2.179 1.782 1.356
13 1.771 1.350 0.870 2.160 1.771 1.350
14 1.761 1.345 0.868 2.145 1.761 1.345
1.753 1.341 0.866 2.131 1.753 1.341
16 1.746 1.337 0.865 2.120 1.746 1.337
17 1.740 1.333 0.863 2.110 1.740 1.333
18 1.734 1.330 0.862 2.101 1.734 1.330
1.729 1.328 0.861 2.093 1.729 1.328
1.725 1.325 0.860 2.086 1.725 1.325
21 1.721 1.323 0.859 2.080 1.721 1.323
22 1.717 1.321 0.858 2.074 1.717 1.321
23 1.714 1.319 0.858 2.069 1.714 1.319
24 1.711 1.318 0.857 2.064 1.711 1.318
1.708 1.316 0.856 2.060 1.708 1.316
26 1.706 1.315 0.856 2.056 1.706 1.315
27 1.703 1.314 0.855 2.052 1.703 1.314
28 1.701 1.313 0.855 2.048 1.701 1.313
29 1.699 1.311 0.854 2.045 1.699 1.311
1.697 1.310 0.854 2.042 1.697 1.310
40 1.684 1.303 0.851 2.021 1.684 1.303
60 1.671 1.296 0.848 2.000 1.671 1.296
120 1.658 1.289 0.845 1.980 1.658 1.289
Note: You can run two types of t-tests, a two-tailed test, and a one-tailed test. Two-tailed tests are used for detecting a difference in either
possible direction (increase or decrease). One-tailed tests are only for detecting either an increase or a decrease.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 220
Checklist of R ecommended Equip ment for Monitor ing Plots
Equipment Checklist
“Experience is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined.”
Harrisberger's Fourth Law of the Lab
• Voucher specimen data collection forms variable
• Plant identification guides/flora 1+
• Plant identification tools and supplies (see variable
page 194)
• Field specimen book or field voucher collection 1
• Fire Monitoring Handbook 1
• FMH-4 Monitoring type description sheet 1 per monitor-
ing type
• FMH-5 Plot location data sheet 1 per plot
• FMH-6 Species code list 1 per park
• Random number list (or random number gen- 1
• Field packet, see page 112 1 per plot
• Topographic maps for locating random points
• Orthophoto quads or aerial photos for locating
random points
• Databack camera with 35 mm lens
• High ASA film (64–400) Ektachrome or
Fujichrome (a variety of film speeds should be
available if varying light and canopy conditions
are likely to be encountered–see pages 72 and
• Monopod or tripod
• Photo board (e.g., laminated paper, dry erase
board, Glacier National Park magnetic board)
• Photographic record sheet (FMH-23)
• Compass (declination preset)
• GPS unit
• Clinometer
• Cyberstakes (optional, see page 224)
• Flagging
• Rangepole (contrasting colors; used for sight-
ing, photos, etc.)
• Stakes (use rebar, rolled steel or PVC, depend-
ing on your situation; 0.5 in diameter rebar
works well)
• Orange and blue paint to mark stakes (engine
paint works well)
• Metal detector or magnetic locator (to locate
buried rebar, see page 224) (optional)
• Cordless drill or “rock drill” (for installing rebar
in rock) (optional)
• Plot identification tags (see page 224)
• Hand stamp steel dies to mint plot ID tags
• Wire for attaching tags to stakes (brass, 16
gauge or thicker)
• Clipboard and pencils
• Small plant press with blotter paper
• Large plant press (in vehicle)
• Pruner for collecting woody plants
• Containers for plant samples
1 roll + spare
20 exposures/
1 per roll of film
1 roll
2 (grassland/
brush plot); 4
to 17 (forest
1 can per color
2 (grassland/
brush plot); 17
(forest plot)
2+ (1 per moni-
• 50 m tape—or longer if needed 3–4
• 50 ft tape—or longer if needed—for downed 1
fuel inventories
• 20 m or 30 m tape—or longer if needed 3
• 10 m diameter tape (DBH tape) 1–2
• 1–2 m sampling rod, ¼ in diameter; marked in 1
decimeters (see Table 12, page 82 for sources)
• Sequentially numbered brass tree tags 150+ per plot
• Aluminum nails, 2
in length
150+ per plot
•Hammer 1
• Go-no-go gauge 1–2
• 12 in metal ruler graduated in tenths of inches 1
for litter/duff depth
• 1 yd (1 m) metal rule graduated in tenths of 1
inches to estimate log diameters
• Calipers or 24 in ruler for log diameters variable
• Small gardening trowel for digging duff holes or 1
collecting underground plant parts
• Tally meter or counter (for counting shrub indi- 1
• Clipboard and pencils 2+ (1 per mon-
• Small plant press with blotter paper 1
• Large plant press (in vehicle) 1
• Pruner for collecting woody plants 1
• Small gardening trowel for collecting under- 1
ground plant parts
• Containers for plant samples variable
• Voucher specimen data collection forms variable
• Plant identification guides/flora 1+
• Plant identification tools and supplies (see page variable
• Field specimen book or field voucher collection 1
• Munsell plant tissue color chart (for describing 1
plant & flower color)
• Field packet, see page 112 1 per plot
• Recommended single forms:
FMH-7 Forest plot data sheet 1 per plot
FMH-11 Full plot tree map 1 per plot
FMH-14 50 m
tree map
1 per plot
FMH-17 Shrub density data sheet 1 per plot
FMH-19 Forest plot fuels inventory data 1 per plot
FMH-21 Forest plot burn severity data sheet 1 per plot
(immediate postburn only)
FMH-23 Photographic record sheet 1 per roll of
FMH-24 Quality control data sheet 1 per plot
FMH-25 Plot maintenance log 1 per plot
• Recommended multiple forms:
FMH-8 Overstory tagged tree data sheet 2+ per plot
FMH-9 Pole-size tree data sheet 2+ per plot
FMH-10 Seedling tree data sheet 2+ per plot
FMH-12 Quarter plot tree map 4+ per plot
FMH-15 50 m transect data sheet 1+ per plot
FMH-20 Tree postburn assessment data 2+ per plot
sheet (immediate postburn only)
• Optional forms:
FMH-10A Alternate seedling tree data sheet 2+ per plot
FMH-13 Alternate tree map 1 per plot
FMH-16 30 m transect data sheet 1 per plot
FMH-17A Alternate shrub density data sheet 1+ per plot
FMH-18 Herbaceous density data sheet 1+ per plot
FMH-22 Brush and grassland plot burn 1 per plot
severity data sheet (immediate postburn
Determining Brush Biomass
Determining Grass Biomass
• 1 pint airtight containers 10
• Clippers for grass 1
• 13.3 in hoop for
grass 1
• Drying oven and scale 1
• Small gardening trowel for collecting under-
ground plant parts
• Containers for plant samples
• Voucher specimen data collection forms
• Plant identification guides/flora
• Field specimen book or field voucher collection
• Plant identification tools and supplies (see
page 194)
• Munsell plant tissue color chart (for describing
plant & flower color)
• Field packet, see page 112
• Recommended forms:
FMH-16 30 m transect data sheet
FMH-17 Shrub density data sheet
FMH-22 Brush and grassland plot burn
severity data sheet (immediate postburn
FMH-23 Photographic record sheet
FMH-24 Quality control data sheet
FMH-25 Plot maintenance log
• Optional forms:
FMH-17A Alternate shrub density data sheet
FMH-18 Herbaceous density data sheet
1 per plot
1 per plot
1+ per plot
1 per plot
1 per roll of film
1 per plot
1 per plot
1+ per plot
1+ per plot
• Go-no-go gauge
• Airtight containers
• Pruners for brush
• Calipers
• Drying oven and scale
• 2 m tall, ¼ in wide sampling rod (see Table 12, 1
page 82 for sources)
• 30 m tape 2
• Tally meter or counter (for counting shrub indi- 1
• Clipboard and pencils 2+ (1 per moni-
• Small plant press with blotter paper 1
• Large plant press (in vehicle) 1
• Pruner for collecting woody plants 1
2 ft pieces of wire or short metal stakes 32
• Belt weather kit 1
sling psychrometer (with extra wick) 2
water bottle (filled with distilled water) 1
anemometer 1
compass, with adjustable declination 1
notebook 1
RH tables variable
pencils, mechanical variable
Fire Monitoring Handbook 222
• 10 m or 20 m tape—or longer if needed
• 10-hr fuel sticks *
• Fuel stick scale
• Airtight containers for collecting fuels (fuel
• 24 in ruler graduated in tenths of inches
• Chronograph watch with sweep second hand
• Recommended forms:
FMH-1 Onsite weather data sheet
FMH-2 Fire behavior–weather data sheet
FMH-3 Smoke monitoring data sheet
• Optional forms:
FMH-1A Alternate onsite weather data sheet
FMH-2A Alternate fire behavior–weather
data sheet
FMH-3A Alternate smoke monitoring data
* Set out at least three days prior to planned burning
• Park briefing package (including maps of fire
area, fire management zone, important tele-
phone numbers, radio call numbers, significant
portions of fire management plan, and all nec-
essary forms, e.g., WFIP).
• Fire behavior field reference guide (NFES
2224) 1
• Clipboard, notebook, pencil 1
• NWCG fireline handbook (NFES 0065) 1
• Fireline handbook fire behavior supplement 1
(NFES 2165)
• Belt weather kit 1
sling psychrometer (with extra wick) 2
water bottle (filled with distilled water) 1
anemometer 1
compass, with adjustable declination 1
notebook 1
RH tables variable
pencils, mechanical variable
• First aid kit 1
• 12 in ruler (graduated in tenths of inches) 2
• File folders variable
• Long envelopes variable
• Protractor variable
• Chronograph watch with sweep second hand 1
or digital timer
• Portable radio with extra batteries 1
• Personal protective equipment variable
• Hand tool 1
• Food and water for 24 hours variable
• FMH-1 Onsite weather data sheet variable
• FMH-2 Fire behavior–weather data sheet variable
• FMH-3 Smoke monitoring data sheet variable
1 per plot
• Batteries (AA)
• Dot grids for acreage
• Mini binoculars
• Altimeter
• Clinometer
• Pocket stereoscope
• Camcorder
• Camera (35 mm with yellow filter for smoke)
• Extra film
• Flagging
• Portable radio with weather band (190–400
• Alarm clock
• HP-71B or laptop, printer and paper
• Tape recorder and tapes
• Fuel type guides (photo series if available)
• Other maps
state or county
park districts
weather zone
• Recently prepared WFIP’s (for same area or
• Conversion charts
2 ft pieces of wire or short metal stakes
• 10 m or 20 m tape—or longer if needed
• 10-hr fuel sticks *
• Fuel stick scale
• Airtight containers for collecting fuels (fuel
• Range finder
• Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO)/Field Observer
(FOBS) job task book
• Fire Monitoring Handbook
• FMH-1A Alternate onsite weather data sheet
• FMH-2A Alternate fire behavior–weather data
• FMH-3A Alternate smoke monitoring data
• FMH-19 Forest monitoring plot fuels inventory
data sheet
* Set out at least three days prior to use
Appendix E n
n Equipment Checklist 223
Electronic Marker System
If you need to bury your plot stakes completely, con-
sider using an Electronic Marker System that uses
“cyberstakes.” For further information and recom-
mendations see Whitlam (1998). For ordering info:
3M Telecom Systems Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
Choose “product literature,” then indicate ScotchMark
Electronic Marker System.
If you find it difficult to relocate rebar, consider pur-
chasing a metal detector or a magnetic locator; both
items are available from a number of manufacturers.
Magnetic detectors are more expensive than metal
detectors, but are more sensitive, lightweight, rugged,
and waterproof tools. For ordering info, conduct an
Internet search for either item.
Suggested Equipment Suppliers:
Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
205 West Rankin Street
P.O. Box 8397
Jackson, MS 39204-0397
For Brass Tags:
National Band and Tag Company
721 York Street
P.O. Box 430
Newport, KY 41072
(606) 261-2035
For Herbarium Supplies:
Herbarium Supply Company
3483 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(800) 348-2338
For Glacier NP Magnetic Board:
Contact the Lead Fire Effects Monitor at:
Glacier National Park
West Glacier MT 59936-0128
(406) 888-7812
Ben Meadows Company
2601-B West Fifth Ave
P.O. Box 2781
Eugene, OR 97402
Salt Lake Stamp Company
380 West 2
P.O. Box 2399
Salt Lake City, UT 84110
(801) 364-3200
For Archival Supplies:
See the Northeast Document Conservation Center technical leaflet
regarding preservation suppliers and services (NDCC 2000).
Recommended Equipment Specifications:
Stake Tags
Tree Tags
brass racetrack tags (special order)
brass round tags (special order)
standard size: 1 × 2 ¾ in
standard size: 1.25 in
standard hole size: 3/16 in
numbered sequentially
hole size: 3/16 in (not standard) [Note: Make sure the hole size
is big enough for the nails you use.]
Hand Stamp Steel Dies
0.25 in combination letter and figure set
Fire Monitoring Handbook 224
Monitoring Pl an Outline
Monitoring Plan Outline
“Planning without action is futile. Action without planning is fatal.”
Alan Speigel
This the place to discuss:
The need for study, or the “why” of the manage-
ment program
The species (plant associations, flora, fauna) that
you will monitor
Here you provide the following information regarding
the species (plant associations, flora, fauna) that you
will monitor:
Life history
Reproductive biology
Distribution, range and influences
Habitat characteristics
Management conflicts in your area
• Effects of other resource uses on the species (e.g.,
herbivory of flower heads by elk)
The model should summarize what you know about
the ecology of a species, and should describe known
biology (based on natural history research or observa-
tions) and assumed relationships and functions; be
sure to identify your references. Also, identify the gaps
in knowledge with regard to the species.
Utilize this section to identify the sensitive attribute(s)
(population size; presence/absence; percent of habitat
affected; cover, density, production, etc.) and to
describe some of the relationships between species
biology and potential management activities. Remem-
ber that this section will serve as the biological basis
for the development of objectives. This should be a
conceptual construct, which summarizes how you
think the world works, and it can be as simple or as
complex as you wish. See Elzinga and others (1998)
for examples of ecological models as they relate to
In order to develop an effective monitoring program
you need to create clear, concise, measurable objec-
tives. Keep in mind that the process of setting objec-
tives is a dynamic process, and must include the ability
to respond to new information. It may be difficult to
establish measurable objectives due to the lack of
knowledge about a portion or portions of the popula-
tion, community or ecosystem in question. Managers
should use the best of available information, and focus
on creating knowledge-based measurable objectives.
This section of the monitoring plan includes the ratio-
nale that you used to choose the attribute to measure
and the amount of change or target population size.
See page 23 for some examples of management objec-
Monitoring Objective(s)
In this section you state the chosen levels of accuracy
and power for all your critical variables, as well as the
rationale you used to determine these levels of accu-
racy and power. See page 26 for examples of a moni-
toring objective.
A monitoring objective must contain the level of accu-
racy and power that you desire (80% is suitable for
power and accuracy in most monitoring situations), the
minimum amount change you want to be able to
detect, and what variable is to be measured.
The “80% sure” (power, or β) refers to how willing
you are to have your monitoring program miss an
actual change that takes place in your park (Type II
Error). This is critical for land managers—if there’s a
change going on out there, you want to know about it.
The “20% chance” (accuracy, or α) refers to how will-
ing you are to have your monitoring program indicate
that the variables you are measuring are changing,
when in fact they are not (Type I Error).
Sampling Design
Describe your sampling design clearly. Include any
additional materials that are relevant, e.g., changes that
you made to a referenced sampling design, and why
you made those changes. Also include here your com-
pleted Monitoring type description sheets (FMH-4) for
each monitoring type.
What sizes and shapes will your sampling units be?
How will you define the vegetation–fuel complex
within which you are sampling? How will sampling
units be placed in the field? Use restricted random
sampling for sample sizes of less than 30.
As a part of your sampling design, you should consider
pilot sampling. This entails establishing a small number
(ten) of plots and/or transects, and then analyzing this
information to determine if the sampling design is ade-
quate to measure the variables that you have chosen.
Once you have determined your minimum sample size
requirements, document how many sampling units you
have installed per vegetation association–treatment.
Reference any associated or related studies that might
expand the scale of the monitoring project. Studies
worth mentioning include other inventory and moni-
toring projects, as well as research projects that are
occurring in your park or in a nearby area.
Field Measurements
Here you reference the Fire Monitoring Handbook
and discuss deviations to protocol, or any additional
protocols that you will use, e.g., sampling of faunal
Timing of Monitoring
What time of year, both calendar and phenologically,
will you monitor your plots? How often will your plots
be monitored? Provide this information if you are
using a timing system that is different from what is
stated in the Fire Monitoring Handbook.
Monitoring Plot Relocation
Describe how to relocate plots. Include clear direc-
tions, maps and aerial photographs describing how to
get to the study location, and how to find individual
sampling units (if permanent). Attach copies of your
Plot location data sheets (FMH-5) here.
Intended Data Analysis Approach
Describe how you intend to analyze your data; record
which statistical tests you will use. Will you blend and/
or contrast your results with other studies? If so, with
which studies will you compare and/or combine your
Data Sheet Examples
Include examples of your data sheets here, if they have
been modified from those included in the Fire Moni-
toring Handbook. Otherwise, reference the Fire Moni-
toring Handbook.
Information Management
It has been estimated that 25–40% of time spent on
any monitoring project is spent managing data.
How will you manage this time?
How long will it take to do data entry?
When do you have access to the computer?
When is the best time to enter data?
Who is going to enter data?
How much time do you need for error-checking?
Where will you archive your data on a regular
Who’s going manage and maintain the data?
Quality Control
How will you ensure data quality?
How will you institute data quality checks?
How often will these checks be performed?
Who will conduct these checks?
How often will you request a program evaluation?
Sources of data errors
How will you minimize the following common data
Errors in recording
Transcription errors
Incorrect identification of species
Species that are overlooked or not seen
Data collected at the wrong time of year
Incomplete or uncollected data
Misinterpretation of monitoring design
Impacts of monitoring
Voucher Specimen Collection
Fire Monitoring Handbook 226
Some ideas on how to minimize these errors include:
Fill out all forms completely
Maintain accurate documentation of plot loca-
tions for ease of relocation
Correct unknown species identifications
Clearly label all plot folders
Provide quality training
Listen to your field technicians
Periodically review your protocols
GPS your plot locations
• Schedule error-checking of:
field data
computer data
Addressing proper procedures in your monitoring plan
establishes expectations up-front and can help ensure
the collection of accurate data.
Responsible Parties
Name the authors of this monitoring plan
Who will review your program for design or sta-
tistical problems?
Who is responsible for the various administrative
tasks required for this monitoring program?
What funding sources will you use?
How will you insure long-term funding?
Management Implications of Monitoring Results
In what setting will you present results of this
monitoring program for discussion? Regular staff
meetings? Public meetings? Conferences? Publica-
How will management use this data? What action
will management take if your monitoring data
shows desirable trends or undesirable trends?
What are the potential trigger points that will
cause you to reexamine either the monitoring pro-
gram and/or the management activity?
Include gray literature and personal communications.
List those who have reviewed drafts of the monitoring
Appendix F n
n Monitoring Plan Outline 227
Fire Monitoring Handbook 228
Additional Reading
Additional Reading
“The books that help you the most are the ones that make you think the most.”
Theodore Parker
References for Nonstandard Variables
This handbook addresses Recommended Standard
variables, but in many cases, it may be appropriate to
monitor nonstandard variables. To develop monitoring
methods for nonstandard variables, always consult
subject-matter experts. The techniques used to moni-
tor these nonstandard variables must be accurate,
defensible, and have a high level of certainty. This sec-
tion contains a list of references to help you develop
techniques for monitoring optional parameters.
Included are bibliographies dealing with fire condi-
tions, air, soil, water, forest pests, amphibians, reptiles,
birds, mammals, vegetation, and fuels. These and/or
other nonstandard variables may be considered Rec-
ommended Standards for your park, depending on its
fire management program. Also included here are ref-
erences for assistance with adaptive management and
sampling design.
Additional informational sources include NPS regional
libraries, USGS Biological Resources Division
Research Centers, USFS Research Stations, USFS Pest
Management Offices, and local universities. Many uni-
versities can conduct computerized literature searches
quite rapidly at low cost. Literature computer searches
also can be conducted through the Department of
Interior by writing to: Department of Interior, Com-
puterized Literature Search, Natural Resources Library,
18th and C Streets, N. W., Washington, DC 20240.
Bonham CD, Bousquin SG, Tazik D. 2001. Protocols and
models for inventory, monitoring, and management of
threatened and endangered plants. Fort Collins (CO): Colo-
rado State University Department of Rangeland Ecosystem
Science. <
tro.htm>. Accessed 2003 July 22.
Cochran WG. 1977. Sampling techniques. 3
ed. New York: J
Wiley. 428 p.
Park Resources Studies Unit, University of California. Tech-
nical Report No NPS/WRUC/NRTR93-04.
Emphasizes references on: inventory and monitoring design consider-
ations; field methods for biological and physical survey and monitoring
(particularly evaluation of particular methods, or comparison of two or
more methods); examples of planned, ongoing, or completed inventories
and monitoring programs; data analysis and interpretation, including
analysis of census data, plant community measurement, diversity mea-
sures, and application of remote imaging; and application of inventory
and monitoring information. Available in electronic format as either a
database or word processing document.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW, Willoughby JW. 1998. Measuring and
monitoring plant populations. Denver: USDI Bureau of
Land Management. 492 p.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW, Willoughby JW, Gibbs JP. 2001a. Mon-
itoring plant and animal populations. Malden (MA): Black-
well Science. 368 p.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW, Willoughby JW, Gibbs JP. 2001b. Inter-
net resources to accompany: Monitoring Plant and Animal
Populations: A Handbook for Field Biologists.
Accessed 2003 July 22.
Environment Canada, Ecological Monitoring and Assessment
Network Coordinating Office. 1998. Protocols for monitor-
ing organisms of terrestrial ecosystems. <www.eman->. Accessed
2003 July 22.
Includes references for measuring trees, ground vegetation, shrubs and
saplings, grasslands, tundra, wetlands/bogs, amphibians, arthropods
(see Finnamore and others 1999), earthworms, non-native and inva-
sive plants, fleshy fungi in forest ecosystems, and mosses and lichens;
phenology of flowering plants, decomposition, necromass; and making
plant collections.
Fancy S. 1999. Monitoring
natural resources in our National Parks.
<>. Accessed 2003 July
An excellent compilation of information from a number of sources on
Drost CA, Stohlgren TJ. 1993. Natural resource inventory and
designing and implementing long-term monitoring of natural resources.
monitoring bibliography. Davis (CA): Cooperative National
Fish and Wildlife Service. 2000. Fire effects monitoring refer-
ence guide. <
default.htm>. Accessed 2003 July 22.
Gegoire TG, Brillinger DR, Diggle PJ, Russek-Cohen E, War-
ren WG, Wolfinger RD, editors. 1997. Modeling longitudi-
nal and spatially correlated data. New York: Springer-
Verlag. 402 p.
Goldsmith B, editor. 1991. Monitoring for conservation. New
York: Chapman and Hall. 275 p. 1999. Annotated bibliography of ecological
indicators. <
bib.htm>. Accessed 2003 July 22.
A searchable bibliography that contains citations on various indicator
species, e.g., indicators for biodiversity and contaminants.
Hall FC. 2001. Ground-based photographic monitoring. Port-
land (OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Research Station. Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-503. 340 p.
Available online at: <>.
Accessed 2003 July 22.
A comprehensive overview of photomonitoring.
Hawaii Natural Resources Monitoring Working Group. 1998.
Monitoring references. <
refs.htm>. Accessed 2003 July 22.
An annotated monitoring bibliography with an emphasis on monitor-
ing in the tropics.
Krebs CJ. 1989. Ecological methodology. New York: Harper
and Row. 654 p.
Littel RC, Milliken GA, Stroup WW, Wolfinger RD. 1996. SAS
System for mixed models. Cary (NC): SAS Institute. 633 p.
Ludwig JA, Reynolds JR. 1988. Statistical ecology: a primer on
methods and computing. New York: J Wiley. 337 p.
Mueller-Dombois D, Ellenberg H. 1974. Aims and methods of
vegetation ecology. New York: J Wiley. 547 p.
National Park Service. 1999a. Colorado Plateau natural
resource bibliography. <
bib.htm>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
This site is currently accessible only to National Park Service employ-
National Park Service. 1999b. Natural resource bibliography
for the National Park Service inventory and monitoring
program. Seattle (WA): Natural Resource Information Divi-
sion, NPS Columbia Cascades Support Office Library -
Pacific West Region. <>.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
A searchable database of references to sources of natural resource infor-
mation including reports, maps, journal articles and videotapes.
Scheaffer RL, Mendenhall W, Ott L. 1996. Elementary survey
sampling. 5
ed. Belmont (CA): Duxbury Press. 501 p.
Spellerberg IF. 1991. Monitoring ecological change. New York:
Cambridge University Press. 334 p.
Sutherland WJ, editor. 1996. Ecological census techniques.
Great Britain (UK): Cambridge University Press. 336 p.
Thompson SK. 1992. Sampling. New York: J Wiley. 343 p.
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. 1999. Monitoring
program. <>. Accessed 2003 July 22.
Information on monitoring protocols for birds, butterflies, amphibians,
and other species. Also information on biological software and design-
ing a monitoring program, and an extensive list of biological links.
Alexander ME. 1982. Calculating and interpreting forest fire
intensities. Canadian Journal of Botany 60:349–57.
Boudreau S, Maus P. 1996. An ecological approach to assess
vegetation changes after large scale fires on the Payette
National Forest. In: Greer JD, editor. Remote sensing: peo-
ple in partnership with technology. Proceedings of the Sixth
Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference;
1996 April 29–May 3; Denver, CO. Bethesda (MD): Ameri-
can Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. p
Burgan RE, Rothermel RC. 1984. BEHAVE: fire behavior pre-
diction and fuel modeling system, fuel subsystem. Ogden
(UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-167. 126
Cole KL, Klick KF, Pavlovic NB. 1992. Fire temperature mon-
itoring during experimental burns at Indiana Dunes
National Lakeshore. Natural Areas Journal 12(4):177–83.
Engle DM., Bidwell TG, Ewing AL, Williams JR. 1989. A tech-
nique for quantifying fire behavior in grassland fire ecology
studies. The Southwest Naturalist 34(1):79–84.
Fischer WC, Hardy CE. 1976. Fire-weather observers’ hand-
book. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain
Forest and Range Experiment Station. Agriculture Hand-
book No 494. 152 p.
Fosberg MA. 1977. Forecasting the 10-hour timelag fuel mois-
ture. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Research
Paper RM-187. 10 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 230
Gill AM, Knight IK. 1991. Fire measurement. In: Cheney NP,
Gill AM, editors. Conference on bushfire modeling and fire
danger rating system: proceedings; 1988 July; Canberra,
ACT. Yarralumla (ACT): CSIRO, Division of Forestry. p
Glenn SM, Collins SL, Gibson DJ. 1992. Disturbances in
tallgrass prairie: local and regional effects on community
heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology 7(4):243–51.
Glenn SM, Collins SL, Gibson DJ. 1995. Experimental analysis
of intermediate disturbance and initial floristic composi-
tion: decoupling cause and effect. Ecology 76(2):486–92.
Gwynfor DR, Bryce RW. 1995. A computer algorithm for sim-
ulating the spread of wildland fire perimeters for heteroge-
neous fuel and meteorological conditions. International
Journal of Wildland Fire 5(2):73–9.
Hardy CC. 1996. Guidelines for estimating volume, biomass
and smoke production for piled slash. Portland (OR):
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range
Experiment Station. PNW-GTR-364. 21 p.
Hulbert LC. 1988. Causes of fire effects in tallgrass prairie.
Ecology 96(1):46–58.
McKenzie D, Peterson DL, Alvarado E. 1996. Predicting the
effect of fire on large-scale vegetation patterns in North
America. Portland (OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. PNW-
RP-489. 38 p.
McMahon CK, Adkins CW, Rodgers SL. 1987. A video image
analysis system for measuring fire behavior. Fire Manage-
ment Notes 47(1):10–15.
McRae DJ, Alexander ME, Stocks BJ. 1979. Measurement and
description of fuels and fire behavior on prescribed burns: a
handbook. Sault Sainte Marie (ON): Canadian Forest Ser-
vice. Report O-X-287. 59 p.
Moore PHR, Gill AM, Kohnert R. 1995. Quantifying bushfires
for ecology using two electronic devices and biological indi-
cators. CALM Science Supplement 4:83–8.
Nelson RM Jr, Adkins CW. 1986. Flame characteristics of
wind-driven surface fires. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research 16:1293–300.
Norum RA, Fischer WC. 1980. Determining the moisture con-
tent of some dead forest fuels using a microwave oven.
Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station. INT-277. 7 p.
O’Keefe MA. 1995. Fitting in fire: a statistical approach to
scheduling prescribed burns. Restoration and Management
Notes 13(2):198–202.
Reinhardt TE, Ottmar RD, Hallett MJ. 1999. Guide to moni-
toring smoke exposure of wildland firefighters. Portland
(OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station. Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-448. 34 p.
Rothermel RC. 1983. How to predict the spread and intensity
of forest fires. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Inter-
mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech
Report INT-143. 161 p.
Rothermel RC, Deeming JE. 1980. Measuring and interpreting
fire behavior for correlation with fire effects. Ogden (UT):
USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range
Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-93. 4 p.
Rothermel RC, Rinehart GC. 1983. Field procedures for verifi-
cation and adjustment of fire behavior predictions. Ogden
(UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-142. 25
Ryan KC, Noste NV. 1985. Evaluating prescribed fires. In:
Lotan JE, Kilgore BM, Fischer WC, Mutch RW, technical
coordinators. Symposium and workshop on wilderness fire:
proceedings; 1983 November 15–18; Missoula, MO. Ogden
(UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-182. p
Sampson RN, Atkinson RD, Lewis JW, editors. 2000. Mapping
wildfire hazards and risks. Binghamton (NY): Haworth
Press Inc. 343 p.
Compiles a number of perspectives on using a geographical information
system to help determine the risks of wildfires and the benefits of con-
trolled burns.
USDA Forest Service. 1995. Burned area emergency rehabilita-
tion handbook. Washington (DC): GPO. FSH 2509.13. 106
Denison WC, Carpenter SM. 1973. A guide to air quality moni-
toring with lichens. Corvallis (OR): Lichen Technology. 39
A simplified approach for laypersons including ID and surveying tech-
Campbell S, Smith G, Temple P, Pronos J, Rochefort R, Ander-
sen C. 2000. Monitoring for ozone injury in West Coast
(Oregon, Washington, California) forests in 1998. Portland
(OR): USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station. Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-495. 19 p.
Dunne T. 1977. Evaluation of erosion conditions and trends.
In: Guidelines for Watershed Management. Kunkle SK, edi-
tor. Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion. FAO Conservation Guide 1. p 53–83.
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 231
Describes a range of field techniques for assessing rates of erosion by
various processes, and emphasizes methods that are relatively low in
Dunne T, Leopold L. 1978. Water in environmental planning.
San Francisco: WH Freeman and Company. 818 p.
A textbook with general information on measuring soil erosion, river
processes, sediment production and water quality.
Geiser LH, Derr CC, Dillman KL. 1994. Air quality monitor-
ing on the Tongass National Forest: methods and baselines
using lichens. Petersburg (AK): USDA Forest Service,
Alaska Region. Technical Bulletin R10-TB-46. 85 p.
Hawsworth DL, Rose F. 1976. Lichens as pollution monitors.
London: Edward Arnold. The Institute of Biology’s Studies
in Biology No 66. 60 p.
Pearson L. 1993. Active monitoring. In: Stolte K, Mangis D,
Doty R, Tonnessen K, Huckaby LS, editors. Lichens as bio-
indicators of air quality. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station. Gen Tech Report RM-224. p 89–95.
Richardson D. 1997. Methodology for volunteer/school moni-
toring projects using lichens. Ecological Monitoring and
Assessment Network. <
research/protocols/lichen/part1.html>. Accessed 2001
May 29.
Richardson DHS. 1992. Pollution monitoring with lichens.
Slough (UK): Richmond Publishing. Naturalists’ Hand-
books 19. 76 p.
While most commercial foresters consider native mis-
tletoe and many native fungi and insects to be forest
pests, the National Park Service recognizes that the
occurrence, even in large numbers, of these organisms
is a part of a natural process. Non-native forest pests,
however, may be removed or increased by manage-
ment fires; if this is a concern the park manager should
develop and implement a pest monitoring program.
Suggested pest identification sources and monitoring
method references are listed below.
Amman GD, Pesky JE. 1987. Mountain pine beetle in ponde-
rosa pine: effects of phloem thickness and egg gallery den-
sity. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain
Research Station. Research Paper INT-367. 7 p.
Bloomberg WJ. 1983. A ground survey method for estimating
loss caused by Phellinus weirii root rot. III. Simulation of dis-
ease spread and impact. Victoria (BC): Canadian Forest Ser-
vice, Pacific Forestry Centre. BC-R-7. 24 p.
Brace S, Peterson DL, and Bowers D. 1999. A guide to ozone
injury in vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest. Portland
(OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and
Range Experiment Station. PNW-GTR-446. 63 p.
<>. Accessed 2001
May 29.
Brewer JW, Hantsbarger WM, Taylor S. 1980. Insect pests of
Colorado trees and shrubs. Fort Collins (CO): Department
of Zoology and Entomology, Colorado State University.
Bulletin 506A. 93 p.
Brooks MH, Colbert JJ, Mitchell RG, Stark RW, coordinators.
1985. Managing trees and stands susceptible to western
spruce budworm. Washington (DC): USDA Forest Service,
Cooperative State Research Service. Tech. Bulletin No
1695. 111 p.
Chapter 5 contains information on survey and sampling methods.
Chapter 6 contains information on rating stand hazards for western
spruce budworm. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss management schemes.
Brooks MH, Colbert JJ, Mitchell RG, Stark RW. 1985. Western
spruce budworm and forest management planning. Wash-
ington (DC): USDA Forest Service, Cooperative State
Research Service. Tech. Bulletin No 1696. 88 p.
Carolin VM Jr, Coulter WK. 1972. Sampling populations of
western spruce budworm and predicting defoliation on
Douglas-fir in Eastern Oregon. Portland (OR): USDA For-
est Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experi-
ment Station. Research Paper PNW-149. 38 p.
Felt EP, Rankin WH. 1924. Insects and diseases of ornamental
trees and shrubs. New York: The Macmillan Company. 507
Furniss RL, Carolin VM. 1977. Western forest insects. Wash-
ington (DC): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Ser-
vice. Miscellaneous Publication No 1339. 654 p.
Hepting GH. 1971. Diseases of forest and shade trees of the
United States. Washington (DC): U.S.Department of Agri-
culture. Agricultural Handbook 386. 658 p.
Ives WGH. 1988. Tree and shrub insects of the prairie prov-
inces. Edmonton: Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian For-
estry Service. 327 p.
Johnson DW. 1982. Forest pest management training manual.
Lakewood (CO): USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Region (Region 2), Forest Pest Management. 138 p.
General reference that helps identify forest pests and provides life his-
tory information, symptoms, importance, and control strategies for for-
est pests.
Johnson, WT, Lyon HH. 1991. Insects that feed on trees and
shrubs. 2
ed. Ithaca (NY): Comstock Publishing Associ-
ates, Cornell University Press. 560 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 232
Knight FB. 1967. Evaluation of forest insect infestations.
Annual Review of Entomology 12:207–28.
Mason RR. 1970. Development of sampling methods of the
Douglas-fir tussock moth, Hemerocampa pseudotsugata (Lepi-
doptera: Lymantriidae). Canadian Entomologist
Scharpf RF, technical coordinator. 1993. Diseases of Pacific
Coast conifers. Washington (DC): USDA Forest Service.
Agricultural Handbook 521. 199 p.
General reference that helps identify conifer diseases and provides basic
biological information and treatments for numerous types of rots,
blights, mistletoe, rusts, etc.
Scharpf RF, Parmeter JR Jr, technical coordinators. 1978. Pro-
ceedings of the symposium on dwarf mistletoe control
through forest management; 1978 April 11–13; Berkeley,
CA. Albany (CA): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report
PSW-31. 190 p.
Sinclair WA, Lyon HH, Johnson WT. 1987. Diseases of trees
and shrubs. Ithaca (NY): Comstock Publishing Associates,
Cornell University Press. 574 p.
Solomon JD. 1995. Guide to insect borers in North American
broadleaf trees and shrubs. Washington (DC): U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Agriculture Handbook
706. 205 p.
Stevens RE, Stark RW. 1962. Sequential sampling of the lodge-
pole needle miner, Evagora milleri. Journal of Economic
Entomology 55(4):491–4.
Torgersen TR, McKnight ME, Cimon N. 2000. The Hopkins
U.S. System Index—HUSSI. La Grande (OR): USDA For-
est Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. [Database]
<>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
A database consisting of a collection of notes on thousands of insect
and damage specimens taken mainly in the United States.
USDA Forest Service. 1985. Field instructions for stand exam-
ination. In: USDA Forest Service. Timber Management
Data Handbook, Chapter 400. Missoula (MT): USDA For-
est Service. FSH No 2409.21h. 223 p.
USDA Forest Service. 1994. How to identify ozone injury on
eastern forest bioindicator plants. Atlanta (GA): USDA
Forest Service, Southern Region. R8-PR-25. 10 p.
USDA Forest Service. 1997. Forest health monitoring: field
methods guide. Research Triangle Park (NC): USDA Forest
Service, National Forest Health Monitoring Program. 353
USDA Forest Service. 1998. Forest disease management notes.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
USDA Forest Service. 1999a. Forest insect and disease leaflets.
<>. Accessed 2001
May 29.
A series of leaflets each of which deals with the identification and con-
trol of a specific insect or disease. More than 160 leaflets are available
for North America. Most of these publications are out of print, and
available only via the Internet.
USDA Forest Service. 1999b. Common pest alerts in the
United States. <
palerts/palerts.htm>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
A series of one-page fact sheets about new or unusual tree pests. They
are intended to alert land managers and the public about important
tree pests.
USDA Forest Service. 1999c. “How to” publications. <wil->. Accessed 2001
May 29.
Publications written for homeowners, land managers and others who
want to know more about how to care for trees. Most are descriptions
of specific pests that affect trees.
Williams RE, Leapheart CD. 1978. A system using aerial pho-
tography to estimate area of root disease centers in forests.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 8:213–9.
Wilson LF. 1977. A guide to insect injury of conifers in the
Lake States. Washington (DC): USDA Forest Service. 218 p.
Amand WB. 1982. Chemical restraint of reptiles. In: Nielson L,
Haigh JC, Fowler ME, editors. Chemical immobilization of
North American wildlife: proceedings; 1982; Milwaukee,
WI. Milwaukee (WI): Wisconsin Humane Society. p 194–8.
Anderka FW, Weatherhead PJ. 1983. A radio transmitter and
implantation technique for snakes. Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference Wildlife Biotelemetry;
1983; Halifax, NS. Laramie (WY): The Conference. p 47–
Anderson DR, Burnham KP, Otis DL, White GC. 1982. Cap-
ture-recapture and removal methods for sampling closed
populations. Los Alamos (NM): Los Alamos National Lab-
oratory. 235 p.
Bouskila A. 1985. A trapping technique for capturing large
active lizards. Journal of the Herpetological Association of
Africa 31:2–4.
Bury RB, Lukenbach RA. 1977. Censussing desert tortoise
populations using a quadrat and grid location system. In:
Desert Tortoise Council. The Second Annual Symposium
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 233
of the Desert Tortoise Council; Proceedings; 1977 March
24–26; Las Vegas, NV. San Diego (CA): The Council. p
Bury RB, Raphael MG. 1983. Inventory methods for amphibi-
ans and reptiles. In: Bell JF, Atterbury T, editors. Renewable
resource inventories for monitoring changes and trends;
proceedings; 1983 August 15–19; Corvallis, OR. Corvallis
(OR): Oregon State University. p 416–9.
Caughley G. 1977. Analysis of vertebrate populations. New
York: J Wiley. 234 p.
Cochran WG. 1977. Sampling techniques. 3
ed. New York: J
Wiley. 428 p.
Davis DE, editor. 1982. Handbook of census method for ter-
restrial vertebrates. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. 397 p.
Heyer WR, Donnelly MA, McDiarmid RW, Hayek LC, Foster
MS. 1994. Measuring and monitoring biological diversity:
standard methods for amphibians. Washington (DC):
Smithsonian Institution Press. 364 p.
Part of a series that details standard qualitative and quantitative
methods for sampling biological diversity for several groups of plants
and animals.
Larson MA. 1984. A simple method for transmitter attachment
in Chelonians. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological
Society 20(2):54–7.
Legler WK. 1979. Telemetry. In: Harless M, Morlock H, edi-
tors. Turtles: Perspectives and research. New York: J Wiley.
p 61–72.
Marais J. 1984. Probing and marking snakes. Journal of the
Herpetological Association of Africa 30:15–16.
Medica PA, Lyons CL, Turner FB. 1986. “Tapping”: a tech-
nique for capturing tortoises. Herpetological Review
Mulder JB, Hauser JJ. 1984. A device for anesthesia and
restraint of snakes. veterinary medicine–small animal clini-
cian 79(7):936–7.
Pacala S, Rummel J, Roughgarden J. 1983. A technique for
enclosing Anolis lizard populations under field conditions.
Journal of Herpetology 17(1):94–7.
Paulissen MA. 1986. A technique for marking teiid lizards in
the field. Herpetological Review 17(1):16–17.
Plummer MV. 1979. Collecting and marking. In: Harless M,
Morlock H, editors. Turtles: perspectives and research. New
York: J Wiley. p 45–60.
Semenov DV, Shenbrot GI. 1985. An estimate of absolute den-
sity of lizard populations taking into account the marginal
effect. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 64(8):1246–53.
Simon CA, Bissinger BE. 1983. Paint marking lizards: does the
color affect survivorship? Journal of Herpetology
Stark MA. 1984. A quick, easy and permanent tagging tech-
nique for rattlesnakes. Herpetological Review 15(4):110.
Stark MA. 1985. A simple technique for trapping prairie rattle-
snakes during spring emergence. Herpetological Review
Stark MA. 1986. Implanting long-range transmitters in prairie
rattlesnakes, Crotalus v. viridis. Herpetological Review
Zwinker FC, Allison A. 1983. A back marker for individual
identification of small lizards. Herpetological Review
Generally three census methods have been used to
assess the effect of fire on bird populations: spot map-
ping, plot, and transect techniques. These will be
briefly explained below. Other methods have been suc-
cessfully used to estimate bird numbers, but were not
found in the literature that relates to fire. These are the
variable circular-plot, variable distance transect, and
mark-recapture methods, which are described and
evaluated in Ralph and Scott (1981).
In all methods, individuals flying overhead, such as
raptors, are not counted; censuses are made in the early
morning; and censuses are not conducted in bad
Potential pitfalls common to all techniques:
An inexperienced observer biases results
Observation conditions are related to weather, time
of day, etc.
Habitat has a screening effect
Different species of birds are not equally conspicu-
ous (relative to noise, movement behavior patterns,
size, and color)
The choice of research method depends upon avail-
ability of money and observers. The spot mapping
technique is best for assessing density, but it is the
most labor-intensive technique, and “floaters” are lost
using this technique. No method is really good for
monitoring density; only consider measuring for den-
Fire Monitoring Handbook 234
sity if you have plenty of funding. The variable-circu-
lar-plot method is currently gaining in popularity.
Spending a specified time at one spot is thought to be
more controlled than walking a transect, because dif-
ferent observers walk at different rates and therefore
will record differing results. The variable-strip is actu-
ally the same method as the variable-circular plot; both
show promise.
Census Techniques
Brewer R. 1978. A comparison of three methods of estimation
winter bird populations. Bird-Banding 49(3):253–61.
Burnham KP, Crain BR, Laake JL, Anderson DR. 1979. Guide-
lines for line transect sampling of biological populations.
Journal of Wildlife Management 43(1):70–8.
Emlen JT. 1977. Estimating breeding season bird densities
from transect counts. The Auk 94:455–68.
Van Velzen WT. 1972. Breeding-bird census instructions.
American Birds 26(6):927–31.
Spot mapping
Bock CE, Lynch JF. 1970. Breeding bird populations of burned
and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada. Condor
The spot mapping technique calls for determining the distribution of
number of birds on a grid. The census technique requires slow walking
along grid lines, and recording bird positions and movements on maps
of the grids.
Pielou EC. 1984. The interpretation of ecological data: a
primer on classification and ordination. New York: J Wiley.
263 p.
Raphael MG, Morrison M, Yoder-Williams MP. 1987. Breeding
bird populations during twenty-five years of postburn suc-
cession in the Sierra Nevada. Condor 89:614–26.
Ruzickas Index (RI) was used to compute the similarity of birds
between plots and among years (Pielou 1984). The long-term nature of
this study permits discussion of overall predictability of bird population
changes in response to habitat change in the study area.
Kilgore BM. 1970. Response of breeding bird populations to
habitat changes in a giant sequoia forest. The American
Midland Naturalist 85(1):135–52.
Using maps, workers recorded bird observations on a route including a
series of U-turns that ran back and forth between a burned and
unburned plot. The route passes within 30.5 m of every point in each
plot. All bird activities were noted; however, considerable effort was
taken to record simultaneously singing males. At least ten census trips
were made each year between April and July. Concentrated groups
indicated an activity area. The basic results of feeding height and spe-
cies were used as an index to food intake and converted to consuming
biomass (Salt 1957).
Lawrence GE. 1966. Ecology of vertebrate animals in relation
to chaparral fire in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Ecology
Breeding bird population data consisted of recording activity of the res-
ident bird species on 20 acre burned and unburned plots of chaparral
and grassland. The route included two U-turns so that each point in
the area came within 32 m of the view or hearing of the observer. All
activities of each bird species were recorded on maps. Censussing
occurred from 7:30–11:00 am, and from late March through June.
Each gridded 20 acre plot was traversed five or six times during this
period. Where activity records for a given species revealed a pair was
repeatedly present, they were considered a resident pair.
Salt GW. 1957. An analysis of avifaunas in the Teton Moun-
tains and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Condor 59:373–93.
Beals E. 1960. Forest bird communities in the Apostle Islands
of Wisconsin. Wilson Bulletin 72(2):156–81.
Beedy EC. 1981. Bird communities and forest structure in the
Sierra Nevada of California. Condor 83:97–105.
Censussing occurred from June to September 1974. On each of four
transects, 12 censuses were conducted, six each in the nesting and post-
nesting seasons. A strip-transect method was used (Kendeigh 1944,
Salt 1957). Fixed width transects were used in preference to the vari-
able-strip method (Emlen 1971) because it was difficult to estimate
accurately the lateral distances to vocalizing birds in these forests.
More than 85% of the bird detections were based on vocalizations
All birds noted within a 15 m band on either side of a measured trail
were noted. Also noted were the foraging substrate, location, and
behavior for each bird. Individuals flying overhead, such as raptors,
were not noted. Since transects varied in size, a conversion factor was
used to determine relative numbers per hectare.
Emlen JT. 1971. Population densities of birds derived from
transect counts. Auk 88:323–42.
Kendeigh SC. 1944. Measurements of bird populations. Eco-
logical Monographs 14:67–106.
Taylor DL, Barmore WJ Jr. 1980. Postburn succession of avi-
fauna in coniferous forests of Yellowstone and Grand
Teton National Parks, Wyoming. In: DeGraff RM, technical
coordinator. Management of western forests and grasslands
for nongame birds; proceedings; 1980 February 11–14; Salt
Lake City, UT. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Inter-
mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station and Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. p 130–45.
A transect survey method was used to estimate breeding bird density.
One person made all bird counts. Authors recommend using transect
counts when large areas must be sampled in a short time. A 75 ft-wide
belt on each side of a 1,000 yd transect was used. Classification of
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 235
birds into feeding categories according to foraging level and food type fol-
lows Salt (1957).
Theberge JB. 1976. Bird populations in the Kluane Mountains,
Southwest Yukon, with special reference to vegetation and
fire. Canadian Journal of Zoology 54:1356.
A wide geographical area was divided into eight communities according
to major vegetation. In each community, plots 4 ha (671 m long and
63 m wide) were established. Each plot was studied by walking the
mid longitudinal line slowly, noting all birds heard or seen within 31
m on each side. Each plot was walked at least twice, usually on consec-
utive days. Elongated plots were used to fit narrow vegetational zones.
The typical census plot entails many days of observation for each plot
and was unsuitable in this study.
For each plot, the number of species recorded was the sum of all differ-
ent species found on the three surveys. The number of individuals was
the maximum number recorded for each species on any of the surveys.
Coefficients of similarity based on densities of each species were calcu-
lated for each community to compare various bird populations (Beals
Estimating Bird Numbers
Buckland ST, Anderson DR, Burnham KP, Laake JL. 1993.
Distance sampling: estimating abundance of biological pop-
ulations. New York: Chapman and Hall. 446 p.
Howe RW, Niemi GJ, Lewis SJ, Welsh DA. 1997. A standard
method for monitoring songbird populations in the Great
Lakes Region. Passenger Pigeon 59(3):183–94.
This paper describes a very specific, standardized protocol for counting
songbirds and other small diurnal bird species in the Great Lakes
Region of northeastern North America and adjacent Canada. The
authors made several modifications to the recommendations of Ralph
and others (1995), in order to provide explicit directions for biologists
in this region.
Ralph CJ, Scott JM, editors. 1981. Estimating numbers of ter-
restrial birds. Studies in Avian Biology No 6. Lawrence
(KS): Allen Press. 630 p.
This book critically evaluates methods and assumptions used in data
gathering and analysis. The authors suggest ways to increase the
sophistication and accuracy of analytical and sampling methods.
Diverse points of view are brought together in these proceedings. Topics
Estimating relative abundance
Estimating birds per unit area
Comparison of methods
Species variability
Environmental influences
• Observer variability
Sampling design
Data analysis
method has rarely been used by ornitholo-
gists for estimating population size. There are theoretical and practical
problems in this technique.
method has been fully described by
Buckland and others (1993). Basically, stations are established within
a habitat at intervals along a transect or are scattered in such a man-
ner as to minimize the probability of encountering the same bird at sev-
eral stations. Each bird heard or seen during a fixed time period from
each station is counted and the horizontal distance to its location esti-
mated. The basal radius for each species is then determined as the dis-
tance from the stations where the density of birds first begins to decline.
Finally the density of each species is determined from the total number
of birds encountered within the circle radius, r, which is determined
from the data.
Ralph CJ, Geupel GR, Pyle P, Martin TE, DeSante DF. 1993.
Handbook of field methods for monitoring landbirds.
Albany (CA): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Research Station. Gen Tech Report PSW-GTR-144. 41 p.
Ralph CJ, Sauer JR, Droege S, eds. 1995. Monitoring bird pop-
ulations by point counts. Albany (CA): USDA Forest Ser-
vice, Pacific Southwest Research Station. Gen Tech Report
PSW-GTR-149. 187 p.
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. 1999. Bird monitor-
ing in North America. <>.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
Beacham TD, Krebs CJ. 1980. Pitfall versus live-trap enumera-
tion of fluctuating populations in Microtus townsendii. Journal
of Mammalogy 61:489–99.
Bell JT, Atterbury T. 1983. Renewable resources inventories for
monitoring changes and trends. Corvallis (OR): College of
Forestry, Oregon State University. 737 p.
Authors review papers on monitoring a wide range of animals, includ-
ing statistical methods for data analysis.
Bookhout TA, editor. 1994. Research and management tech-
niques for wildlife and habitats. 5
ed. Bethesda (MD): The
Wildlife Society. 740 p.
A general reference on a wide variety of techniques and analytical
Caughley G. 1977. Analysis of vertebrate populations. London:
Wiley-Interscience. 234 p.
Includes discussion on relative measures (indices), absolute abundance,
and dispersal and mark-recapture methods.
Davis DE, editor. 1982. Handbook of census method for ter-
restrial vertebrates. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. 397 p.
Tanner JT. 1978. Guide to the study of animal populations.
Knoxville (TN): University of Tennessee Press. 186 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 236
An excellent guide to methods used for density and abundance mea-
sures, particularly mark-recapture methods.
Williams DF, Braun SE. 1983. Comparison of pitfall and con-
ventional traps for sampling small mammal populations.
Journal of Wildlife Management 47:841–5.
Wilson DE, Cole FR, Nichols JD, Rudran R, Foster MS. 1996.
Measuring and monitoring biological diversity: standard
methods for mammals. Washington (DC): Smithsonian
Institution Press. 409 p.
Part of a series that details standard qualitative and quantitative
methods for sampling biological diversity for several groups of plants
and animals.
Avery TE, Burkhart HE. 1963. Forest measurements. 3
New York: McGraw-Hill. 331 p.
Barbour MG, Burk JH, Pitts WD. 1980. Terrestrial plant ecol-
ogy. Menlo Park (CA): Benjamin-Cummings. 604 p.
Bonham CD. 1989. Measurements for terrestrial vegetation.
New York: J Wiley. 338 p.
Canfield RH. 1941. Application of the line interception
method in sampling range vegetation. Journal of Forestry
Elzinga CL, Evenden AG, compilers. 1997. Vegetation moni-
toring: an annotated bibliography. Ogden (UT): USDA For-
est Service, Intermountain Research Station. Gen Tech
Report INT-GTR-352. 184 p.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW, Willoughby JW. 1998. Measuring and
monitoring plant populations. Denver: USDI Bureau of
Land Management. 492 p.
Floyd DA, Anderson JE. 1987. A comparison of three meth-
ods for estimating plant cover. Journal of Ecology 75:221–
Goodall, DW. 1952. Some considerations in the use of point
quadrats for the analysis of vegetation. Australian Journal of
Scientific Research 5:1–41.
Grieg-Smith P. 1983. Quantitative plant ecology. Berkeley
(CA): University of California Press. 256 p.
Max TA, Schreuder HT, Hans T, Hazard JW, Oswald DD,
Teply J, Alegria J. 1996. The Pacific Northwest region–vege-
tation and inventory monitoring system. Portland (OR):
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Research Paper PNW-RP-493. 22 p.
Stohlgren TJ, Bull KA, Otsuki Y. 1998. Comparison of range-
land vegetation sampling techniques in the central grass-
lands. Journal of Range Management 51(2):164–72.
Storm GL, Ross AS. 1992. 1
ed. Manual for monitoring vege-
tation on public lands in Mid-Atlantic United States. Uni-
versity Park (PA): Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit. 87 p.
USDI Bureau of Land Management. 1996. Sampling vegeta-
tion attributes: interagency technical reference. Denver:
National Applied Resource Sciences Center. 172 p.
Van Horn M, Van Horn K. 1996. Quantitative photomonitor-
ing for restoration projects. Restoration and Management
Notes 14:30–4.
Wouters MA. 1992. Monitoring vegetation for fire effects. Aus-
tralia: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,
Fire Management Branch. Research Report No 34. 71 p.
Agee JK. 1973. Prescribed fire effects on physical and hydro-
logical properties of mixed conifer forest floor and soil.
Davis (CA): Water Resources Center, University of Califor-
nia, Davis. Contribution Report 143. 57 p.
Anderson HE. 1978. Graphic aids for field calculation of dead,
down forest fuels. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service,
Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gen
Tech Report INT-45. 19 p.
Anderson HE. 1982. Aids to determining fuel models for esti-
mating fire behavior. Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service,
Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gen
Tech Report INT-122. 22 p.
Brown JK. 1974. Handbook for inventorying downed material.
Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-16.
23 p.
Brown JK, Marsden MA. 1976. Estimating fuel weights of
grasses, forbs, and small woody plants. Ogden (UT): USDA
Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experi-
ment Station. Research Note INT-210. 11 p.
Brown JK, Oberhue RD, Johnston CM. 1982. Handbook for
inventorying surface fuels and biomass in the Interior West.
Ogden (UT): USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-129.
48 p.
Catchpole WR, Wheeler CJ. 1992. Estimating plant biomass: a
review of techniques. Australian Journal of Ecology
An excellent overview of the various methods of estimating biomass.
Chambers JC, Brown RW. 1983. Methods for vegetation sam-
pling and analysis on revegetated mined lands. Ogden (UT):
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 237
USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range
Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report INT-151. 37 p.
Evans RA, Jones MB. 1958. Plant height times ground cover
versus clipped samples for estimating forage production.
Agronomy Journal 50:504–6.
Green LR. 1981. Burning by prescription in chaparral. Albany
(CA): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and
Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report PSW-51. 36 p.
Hutchings SS, Schmautz JE. 1969. A field test of the relative-
weight estimate method for determining herbage produc-
tion. Journal of Range Management 22(6):408–11.
Martin RE, Frewing DW, McClanhan JL. 1981. Average biom-
ass of four Northwest shrubs by fuel size class and crown
cover. Portland (OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific North-
west Forest and Range Experiment Station. Research Note
PNW-374. 6 p.
Means JE, Hansen HA, Koerper GJ, Alaback PB, Klopsch
MW. 1994. Software for computing plant biomass—BIO-
PAK users guide. Portland (OR): USDA Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-374. 184 p.
BIOPAK is a menu-driven package of computer programs for IBM
PC family or fully compatible computers that calculates the biomass,
area, height, length or volume of plant components, e.g., leaves,
branches, crown.
Meeuwig RO. 1981. Point sampling for shrub biomass. In:
Lund HG, Caballero RH, Hamre RH, Driscoll RS, Bonner
W, technical coordinators. Arid land resource inventories:
developing cost effective methods: proceedings; 1980
November 30–December 6; La Paz, Mexico. Washington
(DC): USDA Forest Service. Gen Tech Report WO-28. p
The author compares estimates of shrub production using point inter-
cept transects and variable plots with estimates using 1 m
Mitchell JE, Bartling PNS, O’Brien R. 1982. Understory cover-
biomass relationships in the front range ponderosa pine
zone. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Research
Note RM-471. 5 p.
Ohmann LF, Grigal DF, Rogers LL. 1981. Estimating plant
biomass for undergrowth species of northeastern Minne-
sota. St. Paul (MN): USDA Forest Service, North Central
Forest Experiment Station. Gen Tech Report NC-61. 10 p.
Olson CM, Martin RE. 1981. Estimating biomass of shrubs
and forbs in central Washington Douglas fir stands. Port-
land (OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest
and Range Experiment Station. Research Note PNW-380. 6
Parsons DJ, Stohlgren TJ. 1986. Long-term chaparral research
conference in sequoia national park. In: DeVries JJ, editor.;
chaparral ecosystems research conference: proceedings;
1985 May 16–17; Santa Barbara, CA. Davis (CA): California
Water Resources Center Report No 62. p 107–14.
Pechanec JF, Pickford GD. 1937. Weight estimate method for
the determination of range or pasture production. Journal
of the American Society of Agronomy 29:894–904.
Schlesinger WH, Gill DS. 1978. Demographic studies of the
chaparral shrub, Ceanothus megacarpus, in the Santa Ynez
Mountains, California. Ecology 59:1256–63.
Stahl G. 1998. Transect relascope sampling—a method for the
quantification of coarse woody debris. Forest Science
Stohlgren TJ, Stephenson NL, Parsons DJ, Rundel RW. 1982.
Using stem basal area to determine biomass and stand
structure in chamise chaparral. In: USDA Forest Service.
symposium on dynamics and management of Mediterra-
nean-type ecosystems: proceedings; 1981 June 22-26; San
Diego, CA. Berkeley (CA): USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gen Tech
Report PSW-58. p 634.
Tucker CJ. 1980. A critical review of remote sensing and other
methods for non-destructive estimation of standing crop
biomass. Grass and Forage Science 35:177–82.
van Wagtendonk JW, Benedict JM, Sydoriak WM. 1996. Physi-
cal properties of woody fuel particles of Sierra Nevada
conifers. International Journal of Wildland Fire
van Wagtendonk JW, Benedict JM, Sydoriak WM. 1998a. Fuel
bed characteristics of Sierra Nevada conifers. Western Jour-
nal of Applied Forestry 13(3):73-84.
van Wagtendonk JW, Sydoriak WM, Benedict JM. 1998b. Heat
content variation of Sierra Nevada conifers. International
Journal Wildland Fire 8(3):147-158.
van Wagtendonk JW, Sydoriak WM. 1985. Correlation of
woody and duff moisture contents. In: Donoghue LR, Mar-
tin RE, editors. Weather—the drive train connecting the
solar engine to forest ecosystems. The Eighth Conference
on Fire and Forest Meteorology: proceedings; 1985 April
29–May 2; Detroit, MI. Bethesda (MD): Society of Ameri-
can Foresters. p 186–91.
Wakimoto RH. 1977. Chaparral growth and fuel assessment in
Southern California. In: Mooney HA, Conrad CE, technical
coordinators. Symposium on the environmental conse-
quences of fire and fuel management in Mediterranean eco-
systems: proceedings; 1977 August 1–5; Palo Alto, CA.
Washington (DC): USDA Forest Service. Gen Tech Report
WO-3. p 412–8.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 238
Brunner RD, Clark TW. 1997. A practice-based approach to
ecosystem management. Conservation Biology 11:48–58.
Gunderson LH, Holling CS, Light SS, editors. 1995. Barriers
and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions.
New York: Columbia University Press. 593 p.
Holling CS. 1978. Adaptive environmental assessment and
management. London: John Wiley. 377 p.
Johnson BL. 1999. The role of adaptive management as an
operational approach for resource management agencies.
Conservation Ecology 13(2):8. <
iss2/art8>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
Lee KN. 1999. Appraising adaptive management. Conserva-
tion Ecology 3(2):3. <>.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
Margoluis R, Salafsky N. 1998. Measures of success: designing,
managing, and monitoring conservation and development
projects. Washington (DC): Island Press. 362 p.
McLain RJ, Lee RG. 1996. Adaptive management: promises
and pitfalls. Environmental Management 20:437–48.
Ringold PL, Alegria J, Czaplewski RL, Mulder BS, Tolle T, Bur-
nett K. 1996. Adaptive monitoring design for ecosystem
management. Ecological Applications 6:745–7.
Schindler DW. 1990. Experimental perturbations of whole lake
ecosystems as tests of hypotheses concerning ecosystem
structure and function. Oikos 57:25–41.
Schindler B, Cheek KA, Stankey G. 1999. Monitoring and eval-
uating citizen-agency interactions: a framework developed
for adaptive management. Portland (OR): U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station. Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-452. 38 p.
Schroeder RL, Keller ME. 1990. Setting objectives—a prereq-
uisite of ecosystem management. Ecosystem Management:
Rare Species and Significant Habitats, New York State
Museum Bulletin 471:1–4.
Sit V, Taylor B, editors. 1998. Statistical methods for adaptive
management studies. Lands Management Handbook No
42. Victoria (BC): Ministry of Forests, Research Branch.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
Taylor B, Kremsater L, Ellis R. 1997. Adaptive management of
forests in British Columbia. Victoria (BC): Ministry of For-
ests, Forests Practices Branch. 103 p. <
hfd/pubs/docs/Sil/Sil426.htm>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
USDI, Glen Canyon adaptive management program. 2000.
Glen Canyon Adaptive Management Program.
<>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
Walters CJ. 1986. Adaptive management of renewable
resources. New York: McGraw-Hill. 374 p.
Walters CJ, Holling CS. 1990. Large-scale management experi-
ments and learning by doing. Ecology 71:2060–8.
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 239
Vegetative Keys
Most traditional floras require users to have the flow-
ers of the plant in order to use their dichotomous keys.
However, you will often encounter plants without
flowers and need some way to identify them. The fol-
lowing list has been generated to help you in these situ-
ations. In addition, there are many Internet sites that
contain images of plants and other information useful
during plant identification. Visit Lampinen (1998a) for
a list of flora information on the Internet, and Lamp-
inen (1998b) for a list of Internet sites with plant
When you collect non-flowering plants for identifica-
tion, keep in mind that the ultimate identification of
that plant may require information on when and where
you collected it, the microclimate in which it grew,
whether the plant is annual, biennial or perennial, its
height, and/or the structure of its underground parts
(e.g., does it have stolons or rhizomes? Is there a
bulb?). In other words, take careful notes on any avail-
able field clues. Note: Consider any determination
that you make using only vegetative characters as
tentative until you can make a comparison with a
flowering specimen.
Aiken SG, Dallwitz MJ, McJannet CL, Consaul LL. 1998. 2
version. Festuca of North America: descriptions, illustra-
tions, identification, and information retrieval. <biodiver->. Accessed 2001
May 29.
Requires downloading INTKEY version 5, available at:
<>. Accessed
2001 May 29.
Aikman JM, Hayden A. 1938. Iowa trees in winter. Ames (IA):
Iowa State College, Extension Service. Extension Circular
246. 72 p.
Allen CM. 1992. 2
ed. Grasses of Louisiana. Eunice (LA):
Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society. 320 p.
Barfield T, Soden D. 1993. A key to aid identification of a
selection of grasses, including the majority of grassland spe-
cies, by vegetative characters. Peterborough (UK): English
Nature. 7 p.
Useful for identifying non-native grassland species from Europe.
Barnard CM, Potter LD. 1984. 1
ed. New Mexico grasses: a
vegetative key. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press. 157 p.
Bell CR, Lindsey AH. 1990. Fall color and woodland harvests:
a guide to the more colorful fall leaves and fruits of the
eastern forests. Chapel Hill (NC): Laurel Hill Press. 184 p.
Bell CR, Lindsey AH. 1991. Fall color finder: a pocket guide to
autumn leaves. Chapel Hill (NC): Laurel Hill Press. 63 p.
Bennett HW, Hammons RO, Weissinger WR. 1950. The identi-
fication of 76 grasses by vegetative morphology. Mississippi
State College Agricultural Experiment Station Technical
Bulletin 31:1–108.
Covers Mississippi grasses.
Best KF, Budd AC. 1964. Common weeds of the Canadian
prairies: aids to identification by vegetative characters.
Ottawa: Department of Agriculture, Research Branch. Pub-
lication 1136. 71 p.
Blakeslee AF, Jarvis CD, Harrar ES. 1972. Rev. ed. New
England trees in winter. New York: Dover. 264 p.
Bradley K, Hagood S. 2001. Weed identification guide. Blacks-
burg (VA): Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer-
sity; Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed
Science. <>. Accessed
2001 May 22.
For common weeds and weed seedlings found throughout Virginia and
the Southeastern U.S. Contains a non-native grass identification key.
British Columbia Ministry of Forests. 1998. Knowing grasses
and grasslike plants in British Columbia: self-study guide to
identification of selected species mostly by vegetative char-
acteristics. Victoria (BC): Ministry of Forests Forest Prac-
tices Branch, Range Section. 127 p.
Brown CL, Kirkman LK. 1990. Trees of georgia and adjacent
states. Portland (OR): Timber Press. 292 p.
Brown L. 1997. Reissue. Wildflowers and winter weeds. New
York: Norton. 252 p.
Reissue of the excellent book “Weeds in Winter.”
Buell MF, Cain RL, Ownbey GB. 1968. 2
ed. Vegetative key
to the woody plants of Itasca State Park, Minnesota. Minne-
apolis: Dept. of Botany, University of Minnesota. 32 p.
Campbell CS, Hyland F, Campbell MLF. 1978. Rev. ed. Winter
keys to woody plants of Maine. Orono (ME): University of
Maine Press. 52 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 240
Carrier L. 1917. The identification of grasses by their vegeta-
tive characters. Washington (DC): Government Printing
Office. 30 p.
Carter JL, Leggitt M. 1988. Trees and shrubs of Colorado.
Boulder (CO): Johnson Books. 144 p.
Carter JL, Leggitt M, Dennis B, Underwood B. 1997. Trees and
shrubs of New Mexico. Boulder (CO): Mimbres. 520 p.
These two titles by Carter are not strictly vegetative keys, but use vege-
tative characteristics primarily and floral characteristics only when nec-
Chancellor RJ. 1966. The identification of weed seedlings of
farm and garden. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
88 p.
Cistone JN. 1963. Vegetative key to the vascular plants of
Waldo E. Steidtmann Wildlife Sanctuary [thesis]. Bowling
Green (OH): Bowling Green State University. 61 p.
Clark GT, Clark TP. 1981. Winter twigs of Arkansas: a field
guide to deciduous woody plants. Little Rock (AR): Rose
Publishing. 93 p.
Clarke SE, Campbell JA, Shevkenek W. 1950. The identifica-
tion of certain native and naturalized grasses by their vege-
tative characters. Ottawa: Canadian Department of
Agriculture. Technical Bulletin No 50. 129 p.
Cope EA. 2001. Muenscher's keys to woody plants: an
expanded guide to native and cultivated species. Ithaca
(NY): Cornell University Press. 368 p.
A major expansion and revision of W. C. Muenscher's popular refer-
ence work.
Copple RF, Aldous AE. 1932. The identification of certain
native and naturalized grasses by their vegetative characters.
Manhattan (KA): Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas
State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. Technical
bulletin 32. 73 p.
Copple, RF, Pase CP. 1978. A vegetative key to some common
Arizona range grasses. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station. Gen Tech Report RM-53. 105 p.
Core EL, Ammons NP. 1946. Woody plants of West Virginia in
winter condition. Morgantown (WV): West Virginia Univer-
sity. 124 p.
Core EL, Ammons NP. 1958. Woody plants in winter; a man-
ual of common trees and shrubs in winter in the northeast-
ern United States and southeastern Canada. Pittsburgh:
Boxwood Press. 218 p.
Damman AWH. 1963. Key to the Carex species of Newfound-
land by vegetative characteristics. Ottawa: Department of
Forestry. Publication No 1017. 39 p.
Davis KC. 1895. Key to the woody plants of Mower County, in
Southern Minnesota, in their winter condition. Austin
(MN). 5 p.
Dierker WW. 1978. Grasses and grasslike plants of cultivated
fields and pastures in Missouri: identification by vegetative
characters. Columbia (MO): University of Missouri, College
of Agriculture. 56 p.
Dole JW, Rose BB. 1996. An amateur botanist’s identification
manual for the shrubs and trees of the southern California
coastal region and mountains. North Hills (CA): Foot-loose
Press. 184 p.
Dutton BE. 1996. Key to the genera of woody plants.
<>. Accessed
2001 May 29.
Written to accommodate the variation found in those species occurring
only in the New York Metropolitan region.
Farrar JL. 1995. Trees of the northern United States and Can-
ada. Ames (IA): Iowa State University Press. 512 p.
Covers upper United States (Virginia to northern California) and
Franklin JF. 1961. A guide to seedling identification for 25
conifers of the Pacific Northwest. Portland (OR): USDA
Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experi-
ment Station. 31 p.
Gates FC. 1940. Winter twigs: the identification of Kansas
woody plants by their twigs. Manhattan (KA): Kansas
Academy of Science. 31 p.
Gilkey HM, Packard PL. 1962. Winter twigs; a wintertime key
to deciduous trees and shrubs of northwestern Oregon and
western Washington. Corvallis (OR): Oregon State Univer-
sity Press. Oregon State monographs. Studies in Botany:
No 12. 109 p.
Graves AH. 1955. Winter key to the woody plants of the
northeastern United States and adjacent Canada (native and
exotic species). (CT): Wallingford. 33 p.
Graves AH. 1992. Rev. ed. Illustrated guide to trees and
shrubs: a guide to the woody plants of the northeastern
United States, native, naturalized, and commonly cultivated
exotic kinds, including both summer and winter characters.
Mineola (NY): Dover. 282 p.
Gresham-Barlow School District. 1999. Leaves of native vines,
shrubs and trees: Willamette Valley, Cascade Mts, Columbia
River Gorge. <
leaves/lvs.htm>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 241
Grimm WC, Kartesz J. 1998. The illustrated book of trees:
with keys for summer and winter identification. Harrisburg
(PA): Stackpole. 544 p.
Grimm WC, Kartesz JT. 1993. Rev. ed. The illustrated book of
wildflowers and shrubs: the comprehensive field guide to
more than 1,300 plants of eastern North America. Harris-
burg (PA): Stackpole Books. 672 p.
Contains a shrub vegetative key.
Hallsten GP. 1984. A vegetative key to the grasses of Wyoming
[thesis]. Laramie (WY): University of Wyoming. 638 p.
Harlow WM. 1959. Fruit key and twig key to trees and shrubs:
fruit key to northeastern trees; twig key to the deciduous
woody plants of eastern North America. New York: Dover
Publications. 56 p.
Harrington HD. 1940. Keys to the woody plants of Iowa in
vegetative condition. University of Iowa Studies in Natural
History 17(9): 375–489.
Harrington HD, Durrell LW. 1944. Key to some Colorado
grasses in vegetative condition: containing drawings and
descriptions of 119 species, including almost all the com-
mon ones and those of economic importance. Fort Collins
(CO): Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado
State College. Technical Bulletin 33. 86 p.
Hayes DW, Garrison GA. 1960. Key to important woody
plants of eastern Oregon and Washington. Washington
(DC): USDA Forest Service. Agricultural Handbook No
148. 227 p.
Hitchcock AS. 1893. Key to Kansas trees in their winter condi-
tion. Manhattan (KA): State Board of Agriculture.
Reprinted from the Biennial Report of the Kansas State
Board of Agriculture, 1893. Bound with Opuscula botanica
(12). 6 p.
Hitchcock CL. 1937. A key to the grasses of Montana, based
upon vegetative characters. St. Louis: Swift. 30 p.
Hitchcock CL. 1969. Key to the grasses of the Pacific North-
west based upon vegetative characters. In: Hitchcock CL,
Cronquist A, Ownbey M, Thompson JW. Vascular Plants of
the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: University of Washington
Press. 1:384–438.
Hunter CG. 1995. Autumn leaves and winter berries in Arkan-
sas. Little Rock (AR): Ozark Society Foundation. 52 p.
Huntington AO. 1910. Studies of trees in winter; a description
of the deciduous trees of northeastern America. Boston: D
Estes. 198 p.
Jensen E, Ross CR. 1994. Trees to know in Oregon. Corvallis
(OR): Oregon State University Extension Service; Salem
(OR): Oregon Dept. of Forestry. EC-1450. 128 p.
Keim FD, Beadle GW, Frolik AL. 1932. The identification of
the more important prairie hay grasses of Nebraska by their
vegetative characters. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment
Station Research Bulletin 65.
Khodayari K, Oliver LR. 1983. A vegetative seedling key for
common monocots. Weed identification for purposes of
control, Arkansas. Arkansas Farm Research - Arkansas
Agricultural Experiment Station 32(4):9.
Knobel E. 1973. Identify trees and shrubs by their leaves: a
guide to trees and shrubs native to the Northeast. New
York: Dover Publications. 47 p.
Kummer AP. 1951. Weed seedlings. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. 321 p.
Leopold DJ, McComb WC, Muller RN. Trees of the central
hardwood forests of North America: an identification and
cultivation guide. Portland (OR): Timber Press. 509 p.
Encompassing part or all of 28 eastern U.S. states and two Canadian
Levine C. 1995. A guide to wildflowers in winter: herbaceous
plants of northeastern North America. New Haven: Yale
University Press. 329 p.
Lewis JF. 1931. A key for the identification of twenty-one
selected genera of trees and shrubs in winter. 24 p.
Deals with Pennsylvania genera.
Littlefield B, Jensen E. 1996. Trees of the Pacific Northwest.
Oregon State University. <
for241/index.html>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
Looman J. 1982. Repr and enl. Prairie grasses identified and
described by vegetative characters. Ottawa: Department of
Agriculture. Canadian Department of Agriculture Publica-
tion 1413. 244 p.
Maisenhelder LC. 1969. Identifying juvenile seedlings in south-
ern hardwood forests. New Orleans (LA): USDA Forest
Service Southern Forest Experiment Station. Research
Paper SO-47. 77 p.
Manitoba Agriculture and the Crop Protection Section of
Saskatchewan Agriculture. 1986. Rev. ed. Weed seedling
identification guide. Saskatchewan: Manitoba Agriculture.
25 p.
May M. 1960. Key to the major grasses of the Big Horn Moun-
tains, based on vegetative characters. Laramie (WY): Uni-
versity of Wyoming, Agricultural Experiment Station.
Bulletin 371. 44 p.
McKean WT (editor). 1976. Winter guide to central Rocky
Mountain shrubs, with summer key. Denver: State of Colo-
rado, Game and Fish Department. 273 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 242
Meacham CA. 1999. MEKA version 3.0. <www.mip.berke->. Accessed 2001 May 29.
An electronic key that allows the user to select plant characteristics
present in the specimen from a list of possibilities. As the character
states are scored, MEKA eliminates taxa that no longer match the
list of scored character states. The download includes the following
databases: Key to Wetland Woody Plants of North America; Key to
Angiosperm (Flowering Plant) Families of the World; and Key to
Woody Plant Families of the Neotropics.
Miller D. 1989. Winter weed finder: a guide to dry plants in
winter. Rochester (NY): Nature Study Guild. 62 p.
Montgomery JD, Fairbrothers DE. 1992. New Jersey ferns and
fern allies. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers University Press.
293 p.
Immature ferns may be identified in this book using vegetative parts.
Morden C, Caraway V. No date. Vegetative key to the common
grasses of Hawaii. Unpublished. 22 p.
Morris MS, Schmautz JE, Stickney PF. 1962. Winter field key
to the native shrubs of Montana. Washington (DC): Mon-
tana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station and
Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 70 p.
Moyle JB. 1953. 5
ed. A field key to the common non-woody
flowering plants and ferns of Minnesota, based largely upon
vegetative characters. Minneapolis (MN): Burgess. 72 p.
Munson RH. 1973. Vegetative key to selected dwarf and
slow-growing conifers [thesis]. Ithaca (NY): Cornell Uni-
versity Press.
Musil AF. 1950. Identification of Brassicas by seedling growth
or later vegetative stages. Washington (DC): United States
Department of Agriculture. Series Circular No 857. 26 p.
Norton JBS. 1930. Maryland grasses. Maryland Agricultural
Experiment Station Bulletin 323: 314-323.
Nowosad FS, Newton Swales DE, Dore WG. 1936. The identi-
fication of certain native and naturalized hay and pasture
grasses by their vegetative characters. Quebec (Canada):
Macdonald College. Technical Bulletin No 16. 74 p.
Ogden EC. 1981. Field guide to northeastern ferns. Albany
(NY): University of the State of New York, State Education
Department. New York State Museum Bulletin No 444.
122 p.
Includes random-access keys.
Parks CG, Bull EL, Torgersen TR. 1997. Field guide for the
identification of snags and logs in the Interior Columbia
River Basin. Portland (OR): USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Research Station. Gen Tech Report PNW-GTR-
390. 40 p.
Patterson J, Stevenson G. 1977. Native trees of the Bahamas.
Hope Town, Abaco, Bahamas: J. Patterson. 128 p.
Pechanec JF. 1936. The identification of grasses on the upper
Snake River Plains by their vegetative characters. Ecology
Petrides GA. 1998. 2
ed. A field guide to trees and shrubs:
northeastern and north-central United States and south-
eastern and south-central Canada. Boston: Houghton Miff-
lin. 428 p.
Petrides GA, Petrides O. 1996. Trees of the California Sierra
Nevada: a new and simple way to identify and enjoy some
of the world’s most beautiful and impressive forest trees in a
mountain setting of incomparable majesty. Williamston
(MI): Explorer Press. 79 p.
Petrides GA, Petrides O. 1998a. Trees of the Pacific North-
west: including all trees that grow wild in Oregon, Washing-
ton, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia, W. Alberta, Yukon,
and Alaska: a new and simple way to identify and enjoy
some of the world’s most beautiful and impressive forest
trees. Williamston (MI): Explorer Press. 103 p.
Petrides GA, Petrides O. 1998b. 1
ed., exp. A field guide to
western trees: western United States and Canada. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin. 428 p.
Petrides GA, Petrides O. 1999. 1
ed., exp. Trees of the Rocky
Mountains: including all trees growing wild from Alaska
and Yukon to Arizona and west Texas. Williamston (MI):
Explorer Press. 104 p.
Petrides GA, Petrides O. 2000. Trees of the American South-
west and adjacent Mexico: including all the trees that grow
wild in Southeast California, South Nevada, Arizona, New
Mexico, West Texas and adjacent Mexico. Williamston
(MI): Explorer Press. 111 p.
Petrides GA, Wehr J, Peterson RT. 1998. 1
ed., exp. A field
guide to eastern trees: eastern United States and Canada,
including the Midwest. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 424 p.
Phillips CE. 1962. Some grasses of the Northeast: a key to their
identification by vegetative characters. Newark (DE): Uni-
versity of Delaware, Agricultural Experiment Station. Field
Manual No 2. 77 p.
Phillips CE. 1975. Trees of Delaware and the Eastern Shore: a
guide to their identification in winter. Newark (DE): CE
Phillips. 31 p.
Popham RA. 1941. A key to the genera of the Compositales of
northeastern North America (based on vegetative and floral
characters). Columbus (OH): The Ohio State University.
129 p.
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 243
Preston RJ, Jr, Wright VG. 1981. Identification of southeastern
trees in winter. Raleigh (NC): North Carolina Agricultural
Extension Service. 113 p.
Randall WR, Keniston RF, Bever DN, Jensen EC. 1994. Rev
ed. Manual of Oregon trees and shrubs. Corvallis (OR):
Oregon State University Books. 305 p.
Roberts JC. 1993. Season of promise: wild plants in winter,
northeastern United States. Athens (OH): Ohio State Uni-
versity Press. 308 p.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1999. World grasses database.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
Requires downloading INTKEY version 5, available at the above
website. North American species are incomplete; however, work is
being done to add to them.
Sargent FL. 1903. Key to common deciduous trees in winter:
and key to common woods. Cambridge (MA): FL Sargent.
11 p.
Scofield D. 1998. Ferns: of fern forest and south Florida.
Accessed 2001 May 29.
Scurlock JP. 1987. Native trees and shrubs of the Florida Keys:
A Field Guide. Pittsburgh: Laurel Press. 220 p.
Seiler JR, John A. Peterson. 2001. Dendrology at Virginia Tech.
Blacksburg (VA): Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Department of Forestry. <
dro/dendrology/dendrohome.htm>. Accessed 2001 May
This website contains twig and leaf keys as well as identification fact
sheets on 470 species of woody plants.
Severin C. 1980. A key to the woody plants of southeastern
Minnesota: based on vegetative structures. Winona (MN):
St. Mary’s College Press. 143 p.
Shaw RB, Dodd JD. 1976. Vegetative key to the Compositae of
the Rio Grande Plain of Texas. College Station (TX): Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A & M University.
31 p.
Smith HV. 1973. Winter wildflowers. Ann Arbor (MI): Michi-
gan Botanical Club. Special Publication No 2. 64 p.
Southern Weed Science Society. 2000. Weeds of the United
States and Canada [CD-ROM]. Champaign (IL): Southern
Weed Science Society. <
frameset.htm>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
Steward AN, Dennis LJ, Gilkey HM. 1960. Aquatic plants of
the Pacific Northwest, with vegetative keys. Corvallis (OR):
Oregon State College. Oregon State Monographs. Studies
in Botany No 11. 184 p.
Storey A. 1935. A key to the genera of vines, wild or cultivated,
out of doors in the northeastern United States based on
vegetative characters [thesis]. Washington (DC): George
Washington University. 13 p.
Stuart JD, Sawyer JO. 2001. Trees and shrubs of California.
Berkeley (CA): University of California Press. California
Natural History Guides No 62. 479 p.
Stucky JM, Monaco TJ, Worsham AD. 1980. Identifying seed-
ling and mature weeds common in the southeastern United
States. Raleigh (NC): North Carolina Agricultural Research
Service, North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service. 197
Sutherland DM. 1975. A vegetative key to Nebraska grasses. In:
Wali MK, editor. Prairie: a multiple view. Grand Forks
(ND): University of North Dakota Press. p 283–316.
Sutherland DM. 1984. Vegetative key to grasses of the Sand
Hills region of Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska
Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies 12:23-60.
Swink F, Wilhelm G. 1994. Plants of the Chicago region. 4
Indianapolis: Indiana Academy of Sciences. 921 p.
Includes mostly vegetative keys in the family keys.
Symonds GWD. 1973a. The tree identification book: a new
method for the practical identification and recognition of
trees. New York: William Morrow. 272 p.
Symonds GWD. 1973b. The shrub identification book: the
visual method for the practical identification of shrubs,
including woody vines and ground covers. New York: Will-
iam Morrow. 379 p.
Taylor CA. 1955. Trees and shrubs of Brookings, SD: a key
based on vegetative characters. Brookings (SD): South
Dakota State College. 37 p.
Thomas WW. 1982. Identification of the species of Carex in
Michigan’s upland deciduous forests; a key stressing vegeta-
tive features. The Michigan Botanist 21:131–9.
Trelease W. 1967. 3
ed. Winter botany. New York: Dover. 396
Turner RM, Busman CL. 1984. Vegetative key for identifica-
tion of the woody legumes of the Sonoran Desert region.
Desert Plants 6(4):189-202.
Uva RH, Neal JC, DiTomaso JM. 1997. Weeds of the North-
east. Ithaca (NY): Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell
University Press. 416 p.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 244
Viereck LA, Elbert LL Jr. 1986. Alaska trees and shrubs. Fair-
banks (AK): University of Alaska Press. Agriculture Hand-
book No 410. 265 p.
Watts MT. 1991. Tree finder: a manual for the identification of
trees by their leaves. Rochester (NY): Nature Study Guild.
62 p.
Watts MT, Watts T. 1970. Winter tree finder. Rochester (NY):
Nature Study Guild. 62 p.
Watts MT, Watts T. 1974. Desert tree finder: a manual for iden-
tifying desert trees of Arizona, California, New Mexico.
Rochester (NY): Nature Study Guild. 62 p.
Watts T. 1972. Rocky Mountain tree finder: a manual for iden-
tifying Rocky Mountain trees. Rochester (NY): Nature
Study Guild. 62 p.
Watts T. 1973. Pacific Coast tree finder: a manual for identify-
ing Pacific Coast trees. Rochester (NY): Nature Study
Guild. 62 p.
Weishaupt CG. 1985. A descriptive key to the grasses of Ohio
based on vegetative characters. Columbus (OH): College of
Biological Sciences, Ohio State University. Bulletin of the
Ohio Biological Survey 7:1. 99 p.
Whitson T. 1996. 5
ed. Weeds of the west. Laramie (WY):
University of Wyoming. 630 p.
Wiegand KM, Foxworthy FW. 1908. 3
ed. A key to the genera
of woody plants in winter: including those with representa-
tives found growing wild or in cultivation within New York
State. Ithaca (NY): New York State. 33 p.
Wray P, Vitosh M, Iles J, Quinn T. 1998. Identification of com-
mon trees of Iowa—an interactive key.
<>. Accessed 2001 May
XID Services. 1967–1992. Various titles of electronic keys.
<>. Accessed 2001 May 29.
The various titles include: A guide to selected weeds of Oregon (1985)
and supplement (1989); An illustrated guide to Arizona weeds
(1990); California growers weed identification handbook (1992);
Common weeds of the United States (1971); Field guide to the com-
mon weeds of Kansas (1983); Nebraska weeds (1979); Northwest
weeds (1990); Ontario weeds (1992); South Dakota weeds (1967);
Southern Weed Science Society weed ID guide (1993); Weeds and
poisonous plants of Wyoming and Utah (1987); Weeds of Alberta
(1983); Weeds of Colorado (1983); Weeds of Eastern Washington
and adjacent areas (1972); Weeds of Kentucky and adjacent states
(1991); Weeds of the north central states (1981); Weeds of the west
(1992); California (682 species); Colorado (468 species); Iowa (370
species); Kansas (480 species); New Mexico (508 species); Pacific
Northwest (396 species).
Appendix G n
n Additional Reading 245
Fire Monitoring Handbook 246
Glossary of Terms
Abundance. The relative number of individuals of a species in
a given area.
Accuracy. The closeness of a measurement to the true value.
An accurate estimator will have a small amount of bias. See
Adult. See Mature.
Aerial Cover.
The area covered by a vertical projection of all
aboveground plant parts, living or dead, onto the ground; also
called foliar cover. This is the type of cover measured by the
default FMH point intercept method. See
Basal Cover, Cover.
Alien Species. See Non-native Species.
An instrument for measuring the force or veloc-
ity of the wind; a wind gauge.
Annual. Plant species that complete their life cycle within a sin-
gle growing season. Compare to
Perennial, Biennial.
Aspect. The direction toward which a slope faces, in relation
to the points of the compass.
Association, FGDC. The finest level of the NSDI classification
standard. An association is a uniform group of vegetation that
shares one or more diagnostic (dominant, differential, indica-
tor, or character) overstory and understory species. These ele-
ments occur as repeatable patterns of assemblages across the
landscape, and are generally found under similar habitat condi-
tions. (An association refers to existing vegetation, not a poten-
tial vegetation type.) See
Autocorrelation. The correlation or relationship between two
or more members of a series of observations, and the same val-
ues at a second time interval (temporal autocorrelation) or
location (spatial autocorrelation).
Azimuth. A horizontal angle, measured clockwise from north
and expressed in degrees; also called a bearing.
Back Azimuth. Refers to an azimuth 180° opposite another
azimuth. For example, if OP to 30P equals 35°; the back azi-
muth of 30P to 0P equals 215° (35° + 180°= 215°).
Backing Fire. A prescribed fire or wildland fire burning into or
against the wind or downslope without the aid of wind. Com-
pare to
Head Fire.
Barrier. Any physical obstruction to the spread of fire; typically
an area or strip without flammable fuel. See
Fire Line.
Basal Area. The cross-sectional area of a tree trunk (measured
in square inches, square centimeters, etc.); or the total area of
stump surface of trees at breast height; or an area of ground
covered by basal parts of grasses or tussock vegetation. Basal
area is calculated from DBH and is used as a measure of domi-
nance. Compare to
Basal Cover.
Basal Cover. Within a given area, the percentage of the ground
surface occupied by the plants right at ground level. This cover
measurement is often used to monitor changes in bunch-
grasses. See
Aerial Cover, Cover; compare to Basal Cover.
Bearing. See Azimuth.
Belt Transect. A sample area used for collecting density infor-
BEHAVE. A system of interactive computer programs for
modeling fuel and fire behavior (Burgan and Rothermel 1984).
Bias. A systematic distortion of data arising from a consistent
flaw in measurement, e.g., using a ruler that is incorrectly cali-
brated, or an incorrect method of sampling, e.g., all plots in a
sample are non-randomly located in easily accessible areas. See
Biennial. Plant species that complete their life cycle within two
years or growing seasons (generally flowering only in the sec-
ond). Compare to
Perennial, Annual.
Biomass. Total dry weight of living matter in a given unit area.
Bole. The trunk of a tree. When the sampling rod intersects
the bole of a tree that is over 2 m tall, record “2BOLE, or
“2SDED” if the tree is dead.
Burn Severity. A qualitative assessment of the heat pulse
directed toward the ground during a fire. Burn severity relates
to soil heating, large fuel and duff consumption, consumption
of the litter and organic layer and mortality of buried plant
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS). A
fire danger rating system that predicts fire potential from
point-source weather measurements (e.g., a single fire weather
network station). The system deals primarily with day-to-day
variations in the weather, but will accommodate variations
through the day as well.
Canopy. Stratum containing the crowns of the tallest vegeta-
tion (living or dead); usually above 20 ft.
Cardinal Points. North, East, South, or West.
Certainty. A measurement, expressed in percent, of the quality
of being certain on the basis of evidence.
CFFDRS. See Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System.
Char Height.
The maximum height of charred bark on each
overstory tree. Note that the maximum height is measured
even if the char is patchy.
Clonal. Plants derived vegetatively from one parent plant, so
that each is genetically identical to each other and to the parent.
Clonal shrub species are generally excluded from belt density
transects. When an indicator of density for clonal species is
desired, stem density is often used.
Club Fungi. A group of fungi, also known as the basidio-
mycetes. This division includes about 25,000 different fungi,
including mushrooms and rusts. Many mushrooms in this
group look like umbrellas (growing from the ground) or like
shelves (growing on wood). See
Sac Fungi, Zygote Fungi.
Co-dominant. Overstory trees with crowns forming the gen-
eral level of crown cover, and receiving full light from above
but comparatively little from the sides. Compare to
Complex Fire Management Program. A defined strategy for
using prescribed fires and/or wildland fire for resource benefit,
in addition to wildland fire suppression.
Confidence Interval. An estimated range of values likely to
include an unknown population parameter and calculated from
a given set of sample data. The width of the confidence interval
gives us some idea about how uncertain we are about the
unknown parameter (see
Precision). A very wide interval may
indicate that more data should be collected before anything
very definite can be said about the parameter. In the case of a
80% interval, we expect 80% of the confidence intervals
obtained by repeated sampling to include the true population
Confidence Interval of the Mean. A range of values within
which the unknown population mean may lie. The width of the
confidence interval indicates how uncertain you are about the
unknown population mean. This interval is expressed mathe-
matically as follows:
CI =
± (t × se)
is the sample mean, se is the standard error, and t is
the critical “t” value for the selected confidence interval (80,
90, or 95%).
Confidence Interval Width. The distance between the mean
and the upper
or lower limit of the confidence interval.
Confidence Level. The probability value (1 -α) associated with
a confidence interval. It is often expressed as a percentage. For
example, if α = 0.05 = 5%, then the confidence level is equal
to (1 - 0.05) = 0.95, i.e., a 95% confidence level.
Confidence Limit. The lower and upper boundaries or values
of a confidence interval; the values which define the range of a
confidence interval.
Consumed. For the purposes of this handbook, an overstory
or pole-size tree that has been completely burned by a pre-
scribed fire.
Control Plots. For the purpose of this handbook, plots that are
not burned by prescribed fire; e.g., plots where all fires are sup-
pressed, or plots in wildland fire use zones. These plots can be
used in the same way as classic control plots. This definition
differs from classic control plots in the acknowledgment that
even “no treatment” is a treatment in itself.
Cool Season Species. Plants whose major growth occurs dur-
ing the late fall, winter, or early spring. See
Warm Season Spe-
Cover. The proportion of the ground covered by plant material
(including woody stems and foliage); usually expressed as a
percent. See
Aerial Cover, Basal Cover, Percent Cover, Rela-
tive Cover
Creeping Fire. A fire that burns with a low flame and spreads
Crown Fire. A fire that burns primarily in the leaves and nee-
dles of trees, spreading from tree to tree above the ground.
Crown Position Code. An assessment of the canopy position
of live overstory trees. See
Dominant, Co-dominant, Interme-
, Subcanopy, Open Growth. Also, a snag classification for
dead overstory trees.
Crown Scorch. Browning of needles or leaves in the crown of
a tree, caused by heat from a fire.
Crustose Lichen. One of three major types of lichens, defined
by their shape and form. Crustose lichens are flaky or
crust-like. They grow tightly appressed to the substrate, like
paint, and are generally attached by all of the lower surface.
They can be found covering rocks, soil, bark, etc.—often form-
ing brilliantly colored streaks. See
Fruticose Lichen, Foliose
Cryptobiotic Soil. A community of mosses, lichens, fungi, and
algae that form a crust along on the ground; commonly found
in the Colorado Plateau area. Also known as cryptogamic soil
or crust, and Cyanobacteria, microbiotic or microphytic crust.
Cyberstakes. See Electronic Marker Systems.
Dead Tree. A dead tree, standing or down, that has no living
tissue above DBH.
DBH. See Diameter Breast Height.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 248
Declination. The angle formed between true north and mag-
netic north at a given location. Declination east means mag-
netic north is east of true north.
Density. The number of individuals, usually by species, per unit
area. Individuals are generally considered dense at >50/unit
area, and sparse at <20/unit area.
Descriptive Statistics. Numerical measures or graphs used to
summarize properties of data. In general, descriptive statistics
summarize the variability in a data set (i.e., the spread of the
numbers) and the center of the data (e.g., mean, median). Com-
pare to
Inferential Statistics.
Destructive Sampling. Sampling activities that are (or are
potentially) damaging to the vegetation from which the sam-
ples are taken.
Diameter at Root Crown (DRC). The equivalent of DBH for
multi-stemmed species; all stems of a woodland species are
measured at their bases, and aggregated into a single value.
Diameter Breast Height (DBH). The diameter of a tree 1.37 m
(4.5 ft) up the trunk from the tree’s base, when measured at
midslope, and used to calculate basal area. The DBH of a lean-
ing tree is measured by leaning with the tree. Adjustments are
made for bole irregularities (see page 92). In regions outside
the U.S., DBH is usually measured at 1.3 m.
Diversity Index. Any of a number of indices describing the
relationship of the number of taxa (richness) to the number of
individuals per taxon (abundance) for a given community.
Commonly-used indices include Simpsons and Shannon-
Dominant. 1) Overstory trees with a canopy extending above
the general level of the crown cover, receiving full light from all
sides; 2) The most abundant or numerous species. Compare to
DRC. See Diameter at Root Crown.
Dry-bulb Temperature. Air temperature as measured by an
ordinary thermometer. Compare to
Wet-bulb Temperature.
Duff. The fermentation and humus layer of the forest floor
material lying below the litter and above mineral soil; consisting
of partially decomposed organic matter whose origins can still
be visually determined, as well as the fully decomposed humus
layer. Does not include the freshly cast material in the litter
layer, nor in the postburn environment, ash. See
Ecotone. A narrow, well-defined transition zone between two
or more different plant associations.
EHE. See Estimated Horizontal Error.
Electronic Marker Systems (EMS). Small, durable, passive
antennas that can be buried to serve as stake markers with no
visible surface presence. They are used in conjunction with a
portable locator that transmits a pulse at a frequency to which
the buried marker is tuned. Also called “cyberstakes” or “radio
Emissions. Elements resulting from burning, including smoke,
carbon monoxide, lead, particulate matter, and sulfur oxides.
Energy Release Component (ERC). The total computed heat
release per unit area (British thermal units per square foot)
within the flaming front at the head of a moving fire.
Environmental Monitoring (Level 1). This level provides a
basic overview of the baseline data to be collected prior to a
burn event. Information at this level includes historical data
such as weather, socio-political factors, natural barriers, and
other factors useful in a fire management program.
Epiphyte. A nonparasitic plant that grows on another plant for
mechanical support, but not nutrients; sometimes called “air
ERC. See Energy Release Component.
Estimate. An indication of the value of an unknown quantity
based on observed data. It is the particular value of an estima-
tor that is obtained from a particular sample of data and used
to indicate the value of a parameter.
Estimated Horizontal Error (EHE). A measurement of the hor-
izontal position error of a GPS unit (in feet or meters), based
on a variety of factors including Position Dilution of Precision
and satellite signal quality. See
Position Dilution of Precision.
Exotic Species. See Non-native Species.
FARSITE. A software modeling tool that uses spatial informa-
tion on topography and fuels along with weather and wind files
to simulate fire growth.
FBOC. See Fire Behavior Observation Circles.
FBOI. See Fire Behavior Observation Intervals.
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). The inter-
agency committee that coordinates the development of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI
encompasses policies, standards, and procedures for organiza-
tions to cooperatively produce and share geographic data. Rep-
resentatives of the 16 federal agencies comprising the FGDC
work in cooperation with organizations from state, local and
tribal governments, the academic community, and the private
Glossary of Terms 249
Fern or Fern Ally. The life form used for any pteridophyte; i.e.,
ferns, horsetails, and club mosses.
FGDC. See Federal Geographic Data Committee.
Fine Fuels. Fuels such as grass, leaves, draped pine needles,
fern, tree moss, and some kinds of slash which, when dry,
ignite readily and are consumed rapidly. Also called “flash” or
“one-hour fuels.”
Fire Behavior. The response of fire to its environment of fuel,
weather, and terrain; includes ignition, spread, and develop-
Fire Behavior Monitoring. A process by which variables are
measured to describe and characterize fire behavior, permit fire
behavior prediction, and relate fire effects to burning condi-
Fire Behavior Observation Circles (FBOC). Circles used to
define an area in which to monitor fire behavior in forest mon-
itoring plots. Their diameter is determined by the anticipated
rate of spread the fire being studied.
Fire Behavior Observation Intervals (FBOI). Intervals (length)
used to define an area in which to monitor fire behavior in
grassland and brush monitoring plots. Their length is deter-
mined by the anticipated rate of spread of the fire being stud-
Fire Behavior Prediction System. A system for predicting
flame length, rate of spread, fireline intensity, and other fire
behavior values. This system was developed by Albini (1976) at
the USFS Northern Forest Fire Laboratory.
Fire Conditions Monitoring. Observations and data collection
for fires that have the potential to threaten resource values at
risk, or that are being managed under specific constraints, such
as a prescribed fire. Fire conditions monitoring generally calls
for data to be collected on ambient conditions and fire and
smoke characteristics. These data are coupled with information
gathered during environmental monitoring to predict fire
behavior and to identify potential problems.
Fire Effects. The physical, biological, and ecological impacts of
fire on the environment.
Fire Effects Monitoring. Observations and data collection pro-
cedures that allow managers to evaluate whether fire is meeting
management objectives, and to adjust treatment prescriptions
accordingly. Fire effects monitoring does not prove cause-and-
effect associations; rather, it can help management assess long-
term change in managed areas.
Fire Front. The part of a fire within which continuous flaming
combustion is taking place. Unless otherwise specified, the fire
front is assumed to be the leading edge of the fire perimeter. In
ground fires, the fire front may be mainly smoldering.
Fire History. The chronological record of the occurrence and
scope of fire in an ecosystem.
Fire Line. A strip of land cleared of vegetation to stop the
spread of a fire; a type of barrier.
Fire Management Plan (FMP). A strategic document that
defines a long-term program to manage wildland and pre-
scribed fires within a park unit, and that documents how fire
will be managed according to the park’s general management
plan. The FMP is supplemented by operational plans such as
preparedness plans, prescribed fire plans, and prevention plans.
Fire Monitoring. The systematic process of collecting and
recording fire-related data, particularly with regard to fuels,
topography, weather, fire behavior, fire effects, smoke, and fire
Fire Observation Monitoring (Level 2). A monitoring level
which includes two stages, reconnaissance monitoring, which is
the basic assessment and overview of the fire; and fire con-
ditions monitoring, which is the monitoring of the dynamic
aspects of the fire.
Fire Perimeter. The outer edge or boundary of a fire. Also
Fire Regime. The pattern of fire in an area as determined by its
systematic interaction with the biotic and physical environ-
ment. It includes the timing, number, spatial distribution, size,
duration, behavior, return interval, and effects of natural fires.
Fire Scar. Scar tissue that develops if a tree or shrub is burned
by a fire but is not killed. The fire leaves a record of that partic-
ular burn on the plant. Scientists can examine fire scars and
determine when and how many fires occurred during the
plant’s lifetime.
Fire Season. The period or periods of the year during which
wildland fires are likely to occur, spread and do sufficient dam-
age to warrant organized fire control; a period of the year with
beginning and ending dates that is established by some agen-
Flame Depth. The average depth of the zone of a moving fire
that is primarily flaming; measured on a horizontal axis.
Flame Length. The distance measured from the tip of the
flame to the middle of the fire front at the base of the fire. It is
measured on a slant when the flames are tilted due to effects of
wind and slope.
Flare-up. Any sudden acceleration in rate of spread (ROS) or
intensification of a fire.
Flanking Fire. A fire moving across a slope or across the direc-
tion of the wind.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 250
FMH.EXE (FMH). A software program used to enter and ana-
lyze data collected in this monitoring program.
FMP. See Fire Management Plan.
Foliose Lichen. One of three major types of lichens, defined
by their shape and form. Foliose (life-like) lichens can be
papery thin or, in more advanced forms, netted and
branch-like. Branched foliose lichens have a distinct top and
bottom surface, thus easily differentiating them from most fru-
ticose lichens. See
Crustose Lichen, Fruticose Lichen.
Forb. An annual, biennial, or perennial plant lacking significant
woody growth, or any multi-stemmed woody plant that typi-
cally grows no taller than 0.5 m due either to genetic or envi-
ronmental constraints.
Frequency. A quantitative expression of the presence or
absence of individuals of a species within a population. Fre-
quency is defined as the percentage of occurrence of a species
in a series of samples of uniform size.
Fruticose Lichen. One of three major types of lichens, defined
by their shape and form. Fruticose lichens are the most highly
developed lichens. Their branches are much closer in form to
“true” branches, although the lichens lack specialized vascular
systems for transporting fluids. Growth forms include: stringy,
upright, or shrub-like. See
Crustose Lichen, Foliose Lichen.
Fuel. All dead and living material that will burn. This includes
grasses, dead branches and pine needles on the ground, as well
as standing live and dead trees. Also included are flammable
minerals near the surface (such as coal) and human-built struc-
Fuel Load. The amount of fuel present, expressed quantita-
tively in terms of weight of fuel per unit area.
Fuel Model. A simulated fuel complex, which consists of all
the fuel descriptors required to calculate a fire’s potential rate
of spread.
Fuel Type. An identifiable association of fuel elements of dis-
tinctive species, form, size, arrangement, or other characteris-
tics that will cause a predictable rate of spread under specified
weather conditions.
Geographic Information System (GIS). A computer system
for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, ana-
lyzing and displaying data related to specific positions on the
Earth’s surface. Typically, a GIS is used for handling maps and
other spatial data. These might be represented as several differ-
ent layers, each layer of which holds data about a particular fea-
ture. Each feature is linked to a position, or set of positions, on
the graphical image of a map. Layers of data are organized for
study and statistical analysis.
Goal. The desired state or target/threshold condition that a
resource management policy or program is designed to
achieve. A goal is usually not quantifiable and may not have a
specific due date. Goals form the basis from which objectives
are developed. Compare to
Global Positioning System (GPS). A constellation of satellites
orbiting the earth transmitting signals that allow accurate deter-
mination of GPS unit locations.
GPS Unit. A handheld device using triangulating satellite sig-
nals to record precise UTM coordinates of its location. Also
called a GPS receiver or Global Position Device (GPD). See
The life form used for species in the grass family
Grass-like. The life form used for any grass-like plant not in
the grass family (Poaceae), e.g., any sedge (member of the
Cyperaceae) or rush (member of the Juncaceae).
Green-up. The time period during which seeds typically germi-
nate and perennial species experience renewed growth. While
this is typically in the spring for most species, in some regions,
some species of grasses and forbs produce new growth in the
fall, after an inactive summer.
Ground Cover. Material other than bare ground that covers the
land surface; expressed as a percent. Ground cover includes
live and standing dead vegetation, litter, gravel, and bedrock.
Ground cover plus bare ground equals 100 percent.
Harvesting. A sampling technique in which the aboveground
parts of the study species are cut at a certain height, usually at
or close to ground level, and used for calculation of above-
ground biomass.
Hazardous Fuels. Fuels that, if ignited, could threaten park
developments, human life and safety, or natural resources, or
carry fire across park boundaries.
Head Fire. A fire spreading, or set to spread, with the wind or
upslope. Compare to
Backing Fire.
Herbaceous Layer. Generally the lowest structural layer in a
vegetation complex; usually composed of non-woody plants.
Vegetative Layer.
Horizontal Distance. The measurement of distance on a true
level plane. See
Slope Distance.
Humus. The organic portion of the soil; a brown or black
complex and varying material formed by the partial decompo-
sition of vegetable or animal matter.
Glossary of Terms 251
Hygrothermograph. A simple, accurate and reliable instrument
that continuously measures and records temperature and rela-
tive humidity.
Hypothesis. A proposition tentatively assumed in order to
draw out its logical consequences and so test its accord after
data are collected.
Immature/Seedling (Shrubs). For the purposes of this hand-
book, an age class for shrubs without burls that have emerged
since the time of the last disturbance, or a shrub (with or with-
out a burl) too immature to flower. This definition will vary by
shrub, by ecosystem and by the time since the last disturbance.
Immediate Postburn. The period just after a burn during
which sampling takes place; generally within two months of a
wildland or prescribed fire.
Inferential Statistics. Numerical measures used to draw infer-
ences about a population from a sample. There are two main
types of inferential statistics: estimation and hypothesis testing.
In estimation, the sample is used to estimate a parameter and
provide a confidence interval around the estimate. In the most
common use of hypothesis testing, a null hypothesis is tested
(and possibly rejected) by data. See
Null Hypothesis; compare
Descriptive Statistics.
Intercardinal Points. Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, or
Northwest. See
Cardinal Points.
Intermediate. An overstory tree crown position class, which
includes trees shorter than the main canopy level of the forest
and receiving little direct light from above and none from the
sides; this usually includes smaller, sublevel trees that are rela-
tively dense.
Inventory. The systematic acquisition and analysis of informa-
tion needed to describe, characterize, or quantify resources for
land use planning and management. This is often the first step
in a monitoring program.
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI). A commonly used
drought index adapted for fire management applications, with
a numerical range from 0 (no moisture deficiency) to 800
(maximum drought).
Key Variable. A fundamental environmental component (fre-
quently vegetation, sometimes fuel) that identifies a monitoring
Level 1 Monitoring. See Environmental Monitoring.
Level 2 Monitoring. See Fire Observation Monitoring.
Level 3 Monitoring. See Short-term Monitoring.
Level 4 Monitoring. See Long-term Monitoring.
Lichen. An organism, generally recognized as a single plant,
consisting of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium living in
symbiotic association.
Life Form. A classification of plants based upon their size,
morphology, habit, life span, and woodiness.
Line Transects. A sampling method consisting of horizontal,
linear measurements of plant intercepts along the course of a
line. Transect data are typically used to measure foliar and basal
cover. Also called line-intercept transects.
Litter. The top layer of the forest, shrubland, or grassland
floor, directly above the duff layer, including freshly fallen
leaves, needles, bark flakes, cone scales, fruits (including acorns
and cones), dead matted grass and other vegetative parts that
are little altered in structure by decomposition. Does not
include twigs and larger stems. See
Live Fuel Moisture. Water content of a living fuel, expressed as
a percentage of the oven-dry weight of the fuel.
Long-term Monitoring (Level 4). Any type of monitoring that
extends over a period of two or more years.
Magnetic North. The direction towards which the magnetic
needle of a compass points. Compare to
True North.
Marking and Mapping. A method of mapping and/or marking
plant populations so that they can be recognized at a future
date. This usually involves studies of single species; also called
demographic studies.
Mature. For the purposes of this handbook, an age class for
shrubs able to produce flowers and seeds. Also called
Mean. The arithmetic average of a set of numbers. Compare to
Median. The numerical value that divides a data distribution in
half. Numerically, half of the numbers in a population will be
equal to or larger than the median and half will be equal to or
smaller than the median. Compare to
Minimum Sample Size. The smallest number of plots needed
to gather data to measure whether monitoring objectives are
being met.
Mixing Height. The maximum altitude at which ground and
upper air mix; smoke would rise to this height. An ‘inversion
means that the mixing height is very low.
Mode. The numerical value in a given population that occurs
most frequently. Note that the mode of a data set is not the fre-
quency of the most common value; it is the value itself.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 252
Monitoring. The orderly collection, analysis, and interpretation
of environmental data to evaluate management’s progress
toward meeting objectives, and to identify changes in natural
systems. Compare to
Monitoring Plot.
A sample unit (transect or plot) established to
monitor fire behavior and fire effects in a monitoring type.
Plots size, shape, number and arrangement vary from one
monitoring type to another. As described in this handbook,
monitoring plots are to be established in each monitoring type.
Monitoring Type.
A major fuel-vegetation complex or vegeta-
tion association subject to a particular burn prescription; for
example, a white fir-dominated (basal area >50%) mixed coni-
fer forest that is burned in the fall when plants are dormant.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Passed by Con-
gress in 1969 to establish a national policy for the environment,
to provide for the establishment of a Council of Environmen-
tal Quality, and for other purposes.
National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS). A uniform fire
danger rating system based on the environmental factors that
control fuel moisture content.
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). The nations support
center for wildland and prescribed fire. Seven federal agencies
work together to support wildland and prescribed fire opera-
tions. These agencies include the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service, National Park Service, National Weather Service, and
Office of Aircraft Services.
National Interagency Fire Management Integrated Database
Stores historical data about wildland fire occurrence
and weather; automatically archives fire weather observations
from the Weather Information Management System (WIMS).
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). As per an execu-
tive order, “the technologies, policies, and people necessary to
promote sharing of geospatial data throughout all levels of
government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the aca-
demic community.” Coordinated by the FGDC.
NEPA. See National Environmental Policy Act.
Next Burning Period. The next anticipated period of greatest
fire activity, usually between 10:00 to 18:00 the next day.
NFDRS. See National Fire Danger Rating System.
NIFC. See National Interagency Fire Center.
NIFMID. See National Interagency Fire Management Inte-
grated Database
Non-native Species. Plants or animals living in a part of the
world other than that in which they originated. Also called
Alien or Exotic Species.
Non-Parametric Tests. Statistical tests that may be used in
place of their parametric counterparts when certain assump-
tions about the underlying population are questionable.
Non-Parametric tests often are more powerful in detecting
population differences when certain assumptions are not satis-
fied. All tests involving ranked data are non-parametric. Com-
pare to
Parametric Tests.
Non-vascular Plant. The life form used for any plant without
specialized water or fluid conductive tissue (xylem and
phloem); this category includes mosses, lichens, and algae.
Compare to
Vascular Plant.
NPS Branch of Fire Management. A branch of the Ranger
Activities Division of the WASO directorate of the National
Park Service. Stationed in Boise, Idaho, this branch functions
in close cooperation with the National Interagency Fire Center,
operated by the Bureau of Land Management.
NSDI. See National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Null Hypothesis. A statement put forward either because it is
believed to be true or because it is to be used as a basis for
argument, but has not been proven. For example, in a test of a
new burn prescription, the null hypothesis might be that the
new prescription is no better, on average, than the current pre-
scription. This is expressed as H
: there is no difference
between the two prescriptions on average.
Objective. Specific results to be achieved within a stated time
period. Objectives are subordinate to goals, are narrower in
scope and shorter in range, and have an increased possibility of
attainment. An objective specifies the time periods for comple-
tion and measurable, quantifiable outputs or achievements. See
Objective Variable. A key element of an ecosystem, sensitive
to fire-induced change, and linked to the accomplishment of
fire program objectives and as such is chosen for use in mini-
mum sample size analysis.
Open Growth. A description of crown position in which an
overstory tree canopy is not evident because the tree crowns
are not fully closed. When this crown position code is used, it
is normally assigned to all trees within a plot.
Origin. The randomly derived origin point for all monitoring
plots. In grassland and brush plots it is called 0P; in forest plots
it is called the plot center or the Origin.
Overstory Tree. For the purpose of this handbook, generally a
living or dead tree with a diameter >15.0 cm at diameter breast
height (DBH).
Glossary of Terms 253
Pace. A unit of linear measure equal to the length of a given
persons stride (two steps). The pace is measured from the heel
of one foot to the heel of the same foot in the next stride.
Paired Sample t-test. A statistical test used to determine
whether there is a significant difference between the average
values of the same measurement made under two different
conditions. Both measurements are made on each unit in a
sample, and the test is based on the paired differences between
these two values. The usual null hypothesis is that the differ-
ence in the mean values is zero.
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). A long-term meteoro-
logical drought severity index with a numerical range from
+6.0 (extremely wet) to -6.0 (extremely dry).
Parametric Tests. Statistics used to estimate population
parameters (e.g., means, totals) of the population being studied.
Compare to
Non-parametric Tests.
PBB. See Prescribed Burn Boss.
PDOP. See Position Dilution of Precision.
PDSI. See Palmer Drought Severity Index.
PFP. See Prescribed Fire Plan.
Percent Cover. A measure, in percentage, of the proportion of
ground or water covered by vegetation. Note that total percent
cover may exceed 100% due to the layering of different vegeta-
tive strata. This is the typical expression of cover; compare to
Relative Cover.
Perennial. Plant species with a life cycle that characteristically
lasts more than two growing seasons and persists for several
years. Compare to
Annual, Biennial.
Perimeter. See Fire Perimeter.
Periodic Fire Assessment. A process that validates the level
of implementation actions on a wildland fire.
Periphyton. Microscopic plants and animals (e.g., algae, fungi,
and bacteria) that are firmly attached to solid surfaces under
water such as rocks, logs, and pilings.
Phenology. The stage of plant development, e.g., flowering,
fruiting, dormant.
Pilot Sample Plots. The first ten monitoring plots established
within a monitoring type used to assess the suitability of a sam-
pling design.
PLGR (Precision, Light-weight, GPS Receiver). A specific
type of GPS unit provided by the Department of Defense to
some land management agencies; used to determine UTM
coordinates of a given location, which provides users an accu-
racy of <16 m. See
GPS Unit.
Plotless Sampling. A sampling method using sampling units
with imaginary and variable boundaries.
PM-10. An air quality standard established by the Environmen-
tal Protection Agency for measuring suspended atmospheric
particulates less than or equal to 10
µ in diameter.
PM-2.5. An air quality standard established by the Environ-
mental Protection Agency for measuring suspended atmo-
spheric particulates less than or equal to 2.5
µ in diameter.
Point Intercept. A sampling method for estimating cover by
lowering a “pin” through the vegetation at objectively estab-
lished sampling points. The “pin” may be a visual siting device
(e.g., cross hairs), a rod or a series of rods. This handbook uses
a 0.25 in diameter sampling rod for point intercept sampling.
Pole-size Tree. For the purpose of this handbook, a standing
living or dead tree generally with a DBH >2.5 cm and <15 cm.
Population. Any entire collection of people, animals, plants or
things from which we may collect data. A population is typi-
cally described through the study of a representative sample.
For each population there are many possible samples. A sample
statistic gives information about a corresponding population
parameter. For example, the sample mean for shrub density
from a particular monitoring type would give information
about the overall population mean of shrub density for that
monitoring type.
Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP). A measurement of the
accuracy of a GPS unit reading taking into account each satel-
lite’s location in relation to other GPS satellites. Smaller values
indicate more accurate readings (four is good, and seven or
more is poor).
Power. The ability of a statistical hypothesis test to reject the
null hypothesis when it is actually false—that is, to make a cor-
rect decision. Power, the probability of not committing a type
II error, is calculated by subtracting the probability of a type II
error from 1, usually expressed as: Power = 1 - β.
Precision. A measure of how close an estimator is expected to
be to the true value of a parameter; standard error is also called
the “precision of the mean.” See
Confidence Interval.
Prescribed Burn Boss (PBB). The person responsible for all
decisions related to tactics and strategy on a prescribed fire,
including organization, implementation, communication, and
Prescribed Fire. A fire ignited by management actions to meet
specific objectives. Prior to ignition, a written, prescribed fire
plan must be approved and meet NEPA requirements.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 254
Prescribed Fire Plan (PFP). A document that must be com-
pleted each time a fire is ignited by park managers. A PFP must
be prepared by a prescribed burn boss and approved by the
park superintendent prior to ignition. The PFP is one of the
operational plans that document specific execution of a park’s
fire management plan.
Prescription Weather Station. A shelter at a field site contain-
ing instruments such as a hygrothermograph, fuel moisture
sticks, a rain gauge, and an anemometer.
Qualitative Variable. A variable for which an attribute or clas-
sification is assigned, e.g., height class, age class.
Quantitative Variable. A variable for which a numeric value
representing an amount is measured, e.g., cover, density.
Random Sampling. A technique involving the selection of a
group of plots (a sample) for study from a larger group (a pop-
ulation). Sampled individuals are chosen entirely by chance;
each member of the population has a known, but possibly non-
equal, chance of being included in the sample. The use of ran-
dom sampling generates credible results without introducing
significant bias. See
Restricted Random Sampling, Stratified
Random Sampling
Range. A measure of the spread or dispersion of observations
within a sample or a data set. The range is the difference
between the largest and the smallest observed values of some
measurement such as DBH or plant height.
Rate of Spread (ROS). The time it takes the leading edge of
the flaming front to travel a known distance; in this handbook,
measured in chains/hour or meters/second.
RAWS. See Remote Automatic Weather Station.
Real-time. Live; current, present time.
Recommended Response Action. The documented assess-
ment of whether a situation warrants continued implementa-
tion of wildland fire use or a suppression-oriented action of
initial or extended attack.
Recommended Standard (RS). The minimum level of fire
monitoring recommended in this Fire Monitoring Handbook.
Special circumstances (such as serious non-native species prob-
lems or undetermined “natural state”) will dictate monitoring
at a different level or the addition of a research program.
Reconnaissance Monitoring. A type of monitoring that pro-
vides a basic overview of the physical aspects of a fire event.
Rejection Criteria. Pre-defined criteria used to establish
whether a plot can be included within a particular monitoring
Relative Cover. The percent contribution of a particular spe-
cies to the total plant cover, such that the sum of the relative
cover values for all species totals 100%. Compare to
Relative Humidity. The ratio of the amount of water in the air
at a given temperature to the maximum amount it could hold at
that temperature; expressed as a percentage.
Remeasurement. Any plot visit after the initial plot establish-
ment conducted for the purpose of gathering comparative data
to previous visits.
Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS). A solar-powered
weather station that measures temperature, humidity, wind
speed and direction, barometric pressure, fuel moisture, and
precipitation. The data can be transmitted via satellite or fire
radio, or recorded on-site for later collection.
Replication. The systematic or random repetition of an experi-
ment or procedure to reduce error.
Representativeness. The ability of a given sample to repre-
sent the total population from which it was taken.
Research. Systematic investigation to establish principles and
facts. Research usually has clearly defined objectives, which are
often based on hypotheses. Research also includes the process
of investigating and proving a potential application of estab-
lished scientific knowledge. Compare to
Resource Value at Risk. A natural, cultural, or developed fea-
ture subject to threat by fire or smoke. Resource values at risk
are classified as high or low.
Resprout. For the purposes of this handbook, a shrub or seed-
ling tree age class of shrubs or seedling trees that have
resprouted after being top-killed by a fire or any other distur-
bance. Sprouting can be epicormic (from the stem) or basal
(from the base of the plant).
Restoration Burn. A prescribed fire used to bring fuels and/or
vegetation into a state similar to that which would be found
naturally or as part of a historic scene.
Restricted Random Sampling. A variant of stratified random
sampling, in which the number, n, of sampling units needed to
meet a monitoring objective determines the number of seg-
ments in the monitoring type. Within each of these n segments
a monitoring plot is randomly established. This method
ensures the random distribution of plots throughout the moni-
toring type.
ROS. See Rate of Spread.
RS. See Recommended Standard.
Glossary of Terms 255
Running. Behavior of a rapidly-spreading fire with a well-
defined head.
Sac Fungi. A group of fungi known as ascomycetes. The
defining feature of these fungi is their production of special
pods or sac-like structures called asci. Examples include
morels, truffles, cup fungi, and flask fungi. See
Club Fungi,
Zygote Fungi.
Sample. A representative group of units selected from a larger
group (the population), often selected by random sampling.
Study of the sample helps to draw valid conclusions about the
larger group. Generally a sample is selected for study because
the population is too large to study in its entirety. In this hand-
book a sample is the aggregation of all monitoring plots with
the same prescription for a particular monitoring type (fuel-
vegetation type).
Sample Size. The number of monitoring plots included in a
study and intended to represent a population.
Sample Standard Deviation. A measure of the spread or dis-
persion of a sample of measurements within a population. It is
equal to the square root of the variance and symbolized by sd,
or s.
Sampling Rod. A tall, thin (0.25 in diameter), lightweight pole
used for point intercept sampling.
Sampling Unit. The area or domain used for data collection;
this can be an individual, linear transect, area, volume, etc. A 50
m × 20 m forest plot and a 30 m grassland plot are sampling
Scorch Height. The maximum height at which leaf mortality
occurs due to radiant or convective heat generated by a fire.
Below this height, all needles are brown and dead; above it,
they are live and green.
Seed Bank. The body of ungerminated but viable seed that lies
in the soil. Also called the soil seed bank.
Seed Bank Soil Cores. Soil cores of known depth and area
taken at sample points throughout the study area so that the
vertical distribution of seeds in the soil can be determined
through germination tests and seed counts.
Seed Traps. Traps placed on the soil surface to estimate the
seed density per unit time of seed arriving on that surface.
Seedling Tree. For the purposes of this handbook, a living or
dead tree with a diameter <2.5 cm at diameter breast height.
Short-term Change Monitoring (Level 3). A level of monitor-
ing that provides information on fuel reduction and vegetative
change within a specific vegetation and fuel complex (monitor-
ing type), as well as on other variables, according to manage-
ment objectives. Vegetation and fuels monitoring data are
collected primarily through sampling of permanent monitoring
plots, and include such items as density, fuel load, and relative
cover by species.
Shrub. The life form used for woody plant species that typi-
cally grow taller than 0.5 m in height, generally exhibit several
erect, spreading, or prostrate stems, and have a bushy appear-
ance. In instances where the life form cannot be determined,
woody plant species that typically grow taller than 0.5 m in
height, but are less than 5 m in height, are considered shrubs.
Sling Psychrometer. A portable instrument for obtaining wet-
and dry-bulb thermometer readings for the measurement of
relative humidity.
Slope. The natural incline of the ground, measured in percent
of rise (vertical rise or drop divided by horizontal distance). A
1% slope would be equal to a rise of one meter over a distance
of 100 m.
Slope Distance. The inclined distance (as opposed to true hor-
izontal or vertical distance) between two points. See
Smoldering. The behavior of a fire burning without a flame
and barely spreading.
Snag. A free-standing dead overstory tree.
Species Composition. The relative numbers of different spe-
Species Diversity. The number of different species occurring
in an area.
SPI. See Standardized Precipitation Index.
Spotting. Behavior of a fire that is producing sparks or embers
that are carried by the wind and start new fires beyond the
zone of direct ignition by the main fire.
Standard Deviation. A measure of the spread of observations
from the sample mean, represented by s.
Standard Error. The standard deviation of the values of a given
function of the data (parameter), over all possible samples of
the same size, represented by se. Also called “precision of the
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). A versatile drought
index used by drought planners and based on the probability of
precipitation for any time scale with a numerical range from +4
(extremely wet) to -4 (extremely dry).
Statistic. A quantity calculated from a sample of data and used
to describe unknown values in the corresponding population.
For example, the average of the data in a sample is used to esti-
Fire Monitoring Handbook 256
mate the overall average in the population from which that
sample was drawn.
Statistics. A branch of mathematics dealing with the collec-
tion, analysis and interpretation of numerical data.
Statistical Inference. The use of information from a sample to
draw conclusions (inferences) about the population from
which the sample was taken.
Stratified Random Sampling. A means of reducing uncer-
tainty (variance) in sampling by dividing the area under study
into blocks with common features. For example, combining
forest and shrublands into a common sampling area produces
more variation than stratifying them into vegetation types first,
then sampling within each. Stratification is a fine tool if you
understand how the variable used to stratify (in this example,
vegetation type) affects the elements you are measuring (such
as growth or density).
Subcanopy. In reference to tree crown position, a tree far
below the main canopy level of the forest and receiving no
direct light.
Subshrub. Multi-stemmed woody plant species with a height
of less than 0.5 m due either to genetic or environmental con-
straints. Also called dwarf shrubs.
Substrate. The life form used for dead and inorganic materials
found lying on the ground within a plot or transect.
Suppression. Actions intended to extinguish or limit the
growth of fires.
Surface Fire. A fire that burns leaf litter, fallen branches and
other fuels on the forest floor.
Surface Winds. Air speed measured 20 ft above the average
top of the vegetation. Surface winds often are a combination of
local and general winds.
t-Test. The use of the statistic (t ) to test a given statistical
hypothesis about the mean of a population (one-tailed) or
about the means of two populations (two-tailed).
Timelag. An indication of the rate at which a dead fuel gains or
loses moisture due to changes in its environment; the time nec-
essary, under specified conditions, for a fuel particle to gain or
lose approximately 63% of the difference between its initial
moisture content and its equilibrium moisture content. Given
unchanged conditions, a fuel will reach 95% of its equilibrium
moisture content after four timelag periods. Fuels are grouped
into 1 hour, 10 hour, 100 hour, and 1,000 hour timelag catego-
Torching. The ignition and subsequent flare-up, usually from
bottom to top, of a tree or small group of trees.
Total Counts. The number of individuals of a species or the
number of species.
Transect. A specific area of pre-determined size used for sam-
pling; for example, a narrow strip (measuring tape) used for
point-intercept sampling, or a belt used for collecting density
Tree. The life form used for any woody plant species that typi-
cally grows with a single main stem and has more or less defi-
nite crowns. In instances where life form cannot be
determined, woody plant species that typically grow taller than
5 m in height are considered trees.
True North. The direction of north on a map. Compare to
Magnetic North.
Type I Error. The rejection of a true null hypothesis. For exam-
ple, if the null hypothesis is that there is no difference, on aver-
age, between preburn and year-2 postburn shrub densities, a
type I error would occur with the conclusion that the two den-
sities are different when in fact there was no difference
between them.
Type II Error. The lack of rejection of a false null hypothesis.
For example, if the null hypothesis is that there is no differ-
ence, on average, between preburn and year-2 postburn shrub
densities, a type II error would occur with the conclusion that
there is no difference between the two densities on average,
when in fact they were different.
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). A map grid that
divides the world into 60 north-south zones, each covering a
longitudinal strip 6 ° wide. Midway along each longitudinal
strip is a longitudinal central meridian, with an easting value of
500,000. Values west of the meridian are less than 500,000 and
values to the east of the meridian are greater than 500,000.
Coordinates are measured within each zone in meters. Coordi-
nate values are measured from zero at the equator in a north-
erly or southerly direction.
UTM. See Universal Transverse Mercator.
Variability. The degree of difference among the scores on
given characteristics. If every score on the characteristic is
about equal, the variability is low. Also known as dispersion or
Variable. The characteristic of interest being measured. For
example, pole-size tree height, relative cover of non-native
grasses, etc.
Vascular Plant. Any plant with water and fluid conductive tis-
sue (xylem and phloem), e.g., seed plants, ferns, and fern allies.
Compare to
Nonvascular Plant.
Glossary of Terms 257
Vegetation Association. For the purpose of this handbook, an
aggregate of similar vegetation such as lower mixed conifer
Vegetation Composition. The identity and mixture of plant
species in a given vegetation unit; this term may be applied to
any of a number of scales, from the regional to the very local.
Vegetation Mapping. A method of estimating the cover of veg-
etation associations over a large area.
Vegetative Layer. A structural position within a vegetation
complex. Generally, a forest plot consists of dead and downed
fuel, herbaceous, shrub, understory tree, and overstory tree lay-
Vine. The life form used for any plant having a long, slender
stem that trails or creeps on the ground, or that climbs by
winding itself about a support or holding fast with tendrils or
Visual Estimates. A method of quantifying a variable; species
cover is visually estimated either in the entire study area, or
within sample plots, such as in quadrats. See
Voucher Specimen. A pressed and dried plant, usually cata-
loged, mounted on herbarium paper, stored in a herbarium and
used to confirm the identity of a species present in a particular
Warm Season Species. Plants whose major growth occurs
during the spring, summer or fall; usually dormant in winter.
Cool Season Species.
Weather Information and Management System (WIMS). An
interactive computer system designed to accommodate the
weather information needs of all federal and state natural
resource management agencies. The system provides timely
access to weather forecasts, current and historical weather data,
the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS), and the
National Interagency Fire Management Integrated Database
Wet-bulb Temperature. A measurement used to calculate rela-
tive humidity, usually with a sling psychrometer. Wet-bulb tem-
perature is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled
by evaporating water into air at a constant pressure when the
heat required for evaporation is supplied by the cooling of the
air. This is measured by a wet-bulb thermometer, which usually
employs a wetted wick on the bulb as an evaporative cooling
device. Compare to
Dry-bulb Temperature.
WFIP. See Wildland Fire Implementation Plan.
Wildland Fire. Any non-structure fire, other than prescribed
fire that occurs in wildlands. This term encompasses fires pre-
viously called wildfire or prescribed natural fire.
Wildland Fire Implementation Plan (WFIP). A progressively
developed assessment and operational management plan that
documents the analysis and selection of strategies and
describes the appropriate management response for a wildland
fire. A full WFIP consists of three stages. Different levels of
completion may be appropriate for differing management
strategies (i.e., fires managed for resource benefits will have
two-three stages of the WFIP completed while some fires that
receive a suppression response may only have a portion of
Stage I completed).
WIMS. See Weather Information and Management System.
Zygote Fungi. A group known as the zygomycetes or conjuga-
tion fungi. The best-known member of this group is black
bread mold. Zygote fungi inhabit the soil or grow on decaying
plant and animal material. See
Club Fungi, Sac Fungi.
Fire Monitoring Handbook 258
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Fire Monitoring Handbook 262
Abundance 247
Accuracy 247
See also Bias
Accuracy Standards 114
Burn & Immediate Postburn Variables 111
Fuel Load Variables 105
Herbaceous Variables 90
Overstory Tree Variables 99
Plot Dimensions 67
, 69
Plot Layout 67
Plot Location Description 76
Pole-size Tree Variables 101
Seedling Tree Variables 102
Warning 80
Adaptive Management 1
2, 2021, 119, 134
References 239
See Mature
Aerial Cover
See also Basal Cover, Cover
Alien Species
See Non-native Species
Annual 44
, 50, 8283, 8586, 194, 200, 247, 251
Annual Report 134
ArcInfo 61
ArcView 60
Area Growth 13
Aspect 247
in Monitoring Type 35
, 37, 39
Plot Location Description 75
Procedures and Techniques 11
Association, FGDC 36
Example 39
Autocorrelation 129
, 247
Example 129
Azimuth 247
Determining Using a GPS Unit 206
Fuel Transects 68
, 76, 103, 176
Generating Random 189
, 191
Plot Location 62
Randomizing in Narrow Monitoring Types 63
Reference Features 75
, 115
Transect 67
68, 75
Wind Direction 12
Back Azimuth 247
Backing Fire 247
Barrier 247
See also Fire Line
Basal Area 31
, 214, 247
Equation 213
Basal Cover
See also Aerial Cover, Cover
See Azimuth
11, 13, 132, 247
Custom Fuel Models 47
Belt Transect 24
, 3738, 89, 247
See also Shrub Density
Bias 247
Biennial 82
83, 85, 194, 200, 247, 251
Biological Description 37
Example 39
Biological Diversity 21
, 29
Biomass 247
Brush Fuel Load 89
Equation 216
Grass Fuel Load 90
Pilot Sampling 47
Blight 96
Bole 247
Measuring DBH 91
, 93, 96, 100
Obstructing Photographs 72
on Fuel Transect 103
, 176
on Herbaceous Transect 68
, 8182
Brown’s Transect
See Dead and Downed Fuels
Brush Fuel Load
, 89
Brush Plots 60
, 6465, 71, 75, 8081, 87, 89, 108109, 205,
207, 253
See also Grassland and Brush Methods
Burn Prescription 34
35, 39, 53, 121, 132133, 253
Modification 132
Burn Severity 42
, 57, 108109, 247
Accuracy Standards 111
and Duff Moisture 12
Example 108
Forest Plots 108
Grassland and Brush Plots 108
Mapping 15
Burn Status
Codes 80
Immediate Postburn 108
Burning Problems 53
Partially Burned Plots 53
Plot Burned Out-of-Prescription 54
Plot Burning Off-Schedule 53
Plot Burns at Different Time Than the Burn Unit 53
Short Fire Intervals 53
Unplanned Ignitions 53
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) 7,
Canopy 247
Carbon Monoxide
Monitoring 14
Cardinal Points 247
Certainty 248
See Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
Change Objectives
Comparing Results with Objectives 130
Example 23
, 119120, 131
Minimum Sample Size 124
Monitoring Objectives 25
Power 128
Char Height 57
, 111, 248
Accuracy Standards 111
Clinometer 11
, 62, 201
Clonal Species 248
See also Overstory Trees, Shrub Density
Cloud Cover 12
Burn Severity 108
Burn Status 80
Crown Position 93
Dead or Inorganic Material 86
Height Class for Pole-size Trees 101
Height Class for Seedling Trees 102
Live 111
Monitoring Type 36
Park Unit 4-Character Alpha 36
Photograph 71
Species 83
Non-vascular Plants 86
Unknown Vascular Plants 85
Stake Location 70
Substrate 86
Tree Damage 96
Co-dominant 94
, 248
Coefficient of Variation 43
, 218219
Equation 218
Compass 62
, 7576, 201
Creating Random Numbers 62
Declination 202
Determining a Plot Location in the Field 205
Determining the Direction Between Two Map Points 204
Obtaining Accurate Bearings 201
Complex Fire Management Program 248
Concerns and Values to be Protected
Procedures and Techniques 8
Condition Objectives 23
Comparing Results with Objectives 130
Example 23
, 130, 217
Minimum Sample Size 124
Monitoring Objectives 26
Confidence Interval 26
28, 122, 124, 130, 216, 219, 248
Equation 219
Example 26
, 124
See also Precision
Confidence Level 26
, 49, 124, 126128, 130, 216217, 219
220, 248
Confidence Limit 248
Consumed 248
Control Plots 2
, 52, 248
Immediate Postburn Effects 52
Long-term Change 52
Short-term Change 52
Warning 2
Conversion Table
Conversion Factors 209
Map Scales 212
Slope 211
Cool Season Species 248
Cover 248
Advantages vs. Limitations 30
See also Aerial Cover, Basal Cover, Percent Cover, Relative Cover
Creeping Fire 248
Crown Fire 248
Crown Position 93
, 95, 97
Accuracy Standards 99
See Overstory Trees
See also Dominant, Co-dominant, Intermediate, Subcanopy, Open
Crown Scorch
, 57, 248
Accuracy Standards 111
Percent 111
Cryptobiotic Soil 86
, 248
See Cryptobiotic Soil
, 68, 224, 248249
Data Analysis 119
Appropriate Statistical Tests 131
Data Analysis Record 121
Disseminating Results 134
Documentation 121
Evaluating Monitoring Program or Management Actions
Examining the Raw Data 121
Intended Approach 226
Short-term Change 119
Steps Involved 119
Summarizing Results 122
, 124
The Analysis Process 121
Verifying Results 131
Data Entry
Data Management 116
Quality Control 116
, 226
Data Quality 114
Data Entry 116
in the Field 115
in the Office 115
When Remeasuring Plots 114
Data Storage 112
Data Management 116
See Diameter Breast Height
Dead and Downed Fuels
Pilot Sampling 45
Fire Monitoring Handbook 264
RS Procedures 103
Sampling Problems 103
, 105, 176
Suggested Plot Specifications 44
Declination 202
, 249
Plot Location Description 75
Defining Monitoring Types 22
, 3440
Density 249
Advantages vs. Limitations 30
Equation 213
Describing Monitoring Types 36
Descriptive Statistics 121
122, 126, 249
See also Inferential Statistics
Destructive Sampling 249
Diameter at Root Crown (DRC) 57
, 97, 249
Diameter Groupings 98
Equation 214
Pilot Sampling 47
Pole-size Trees 100
Diameter Breast Height (DBH) 57
, 249
Accuracy Standards 102
Correlation with Canopy Cover 31
Measuring on a Slope 91
Overstory Trees 91
Pole-size Trees 100
Quality Control 114
Remeasuring 58
Seedling Trees 102
Size Classes 44
Tagging at 91
, 100
Tagging Small Trees 100
vs. DRC 47
, 97, 100
Blight 96
Damage Codes 96
Witches Broom 96
Diversity Index 249
Guidelines 1
Data Analysis 121
Monitoring Design 51
Photographs 72
, 114
Plot Location 227
Program Changes 121
Voucher 84
Dominant 94
, 249
See Diameter at Root Crown
Drought Index
, 16
Dry-bulb Temperature 249
Duff 249
Burn Severity 108
Depth 42
Fuel Characteristics 35
Measuring Depth 104
Moisture 12
, 215
Quality Control 114
See also Litter
Ecotone 37, 50, 249
See Estimated Horizontal Error
Electronic Marker Systems (EMS)
, 224, 249
Accuracy Standards 76
in Monitoring Type 35
, 37, 39
Inversion Layer 15
Metadata 7
Mixing Height 14
Observer 14
Plot Location Description 75
Procedures and Techniques 11
Smoke Column 15
Emissions 249
See Electronic Marker Systems
Energy Release Component (ERC)
, 16, 249
Environmental Monitoring 5
, 78, 249
Monitoring Schedule 7
Procedures and Techniques 7
Epiphyte 249
Equations 89
, 213219
Basal Area 213
Biomass 216
Coefficient of Variation 218
Confidence Interval of the Mean 219
Cover 213
Density 213
Fuel Load 214
Fuel Moisture 215
Minimum Sample Size 216
Slope Correction 214
Standard Deviation 216
Standard Error 218
Equipment Checklist 221
222, 224
Equipment Suppliers 224
See Energy Release Component
Estimated Horizontal Error (EHE) 75
, 249
See also Position Dilution of Precision
Achievement of Management Objectives
Management Actions 131
Monitoring Program 131
, 226
Postburn 9
, 15
Potential Concerns, Threats, and Constraints 8
Process 119
Short-term Change 119
Treatment Strategy 132
Exotic Species
See Non-native Species
False-Change Error 127128
, 249
See Fire Behavior Observation Circle
Index 265
See Fire Behavior Observation Interval
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 35
36, 39, 247,
249, 253
Fern 250
Life Form Category 83
See Federal Geographic Data Committee
Field Aids
Field Packets 112
File Maintenance 112
Fine Fuels 250
Fire Behavior 16
, 250
Accuracy Standards 111
Monitoring 250
Monitoring Schedule 56
Prediction System 250
Procedures and Techniques 10
, 106
Fire Behavior Observation Circle (FBOC) 106
, 249250
Fire Behavior Observation Interval 106
Fire Behavior Observation Interval (FBOI) 106
, 249250
Fire Cause 3
, 9
Fire Characteristics 11
, 13, 106
Fire Conditions Monitoring 250
Monitoring Schedule 11
Procedures and Techniques 11
Fire Danger Rating
Procedures and Techniques 7
Fire Effects 250
Monitoring 250
Fire Front 250
Fire History 75
, 77, 250
Fire Line 250
Fire Management
Goals 5
, 41
Plan 1
, 4, 12, 14, 21, 29, 223, 250
Strategies ii
, 3, 7, 41
Fire Monitoring 250
Level 1 (Environmental) 5
, 7
Level 2 (Fire Observation) 5
, 910
Level 3 (Short-term Change) 5
, 119
Level 4 (Long-term Change) 5
, 119
Levels 4
Plan 21
, 225227
Policy 1
Program Steps 18
Fire Monitoring Plan 21
, 225227
Fire Observation Monitoring 5
, 915, 250
Fire Perimeter 13
, 250
Fire Regime 250
Fire Scar 250
Fire Season 250
Fire Severity Map 15
Fire Size
Procedures and Techniques 9
Fire Spread Direction 14
Fire Weather Forecast 9
Flame Depth 250
Accuracy Standards 111
Measuring 14
, 106
Flame Length 250
Accuracy Standards 111
Measuring 13
, 106
Flanking Fire 250
Flare-up 250
, 67, 83, 113, 117, 251
Forb 251
Life Form Category 83
Forest Methods
Burn Severity 108
Burn Severity Codes 110
Char Height 111
Cover 81
Crown Position 93
Crown Scorch 111
Dead and Downed Fuel Load 103
Diameter at Root Crown (DRC) 97
, 100
Duff and Litter Depth 104
Fire Behavior 106
Herbaceous Density 89
Immediate Postburn Monitoring 108
Laying out and Installing 67
Marking the Plot 67
Overstory Trees 91
Photographing the Plot 71
Plot Specifications 44
Plot Variables 42
Pole-size Trees 100
Scorch Height 111
Seedling Trees 102
Shrub and Herbaceous Layer 80
Shrub Density 87
Tree Damage 96
Tree Height 100
, 102
Forest Pests 229
, 232233
Frequency 251
Advantages vs. Limitations 31
Fuel 251
Type 251
Fuel and Vegetation Description
Procedures and Techniques 10
Fuel Characteristics 19
, 35, 108
Fuel Conditions 7
Procedures and Techniques 7
Quality Control 115
Fuel Load 42
, 57, 251
See also Dead and Downed Fuels
Fuel Model 13
, 251
Developing a Custom 47
Fire Behavior Prediction System 8
, 13
in Monitoring Type 35
Fuel Moisture 8
, 1012, 16
Equation 215
Funding 227
Additional 48
Control Plots 52
Monitoring of Suppression Fires 3
See Mushroom
Fire Monitoring Handbook 266
Geographic Information System 6061, 251
Geomagnetic Calculator 202
Global Positioning System 61
62, 65, 7576, 205206, 227,
Goals 251
Fire Management 5
, 41
Goal vs. Objective 20
GPS Unit 251
See also Precision, Light-weight, GPS Receiver
Grass 251
Biomass 90
Life Form Category 83
Grassland and Brush Methods
Brush Biomass 89
Burn Severity 108
Codes 108
, 110
Cover 80
Fire Behavior 106
Grass Biomass 90
Height 83
Herbaceous and Shrub Layers 80
Herbaceous Density 89
Immediate Postburn Monitoring 108
Laying out and Installing 64
Marking the Plot 64
Percent Dead Brush 89
Photographing the Plot 71
Plot Variables 42
Shrub Density 87
Grass-like 251
Life Form Category 83
Ground Cover 251
How to use xii
Software 5
Harvesting 251
Hazardous Fuels 251
Head Fire 251
Camera 72
Char 111
, 248
Herbaceous Layer 83
Mixing 14
Mowing 132
Pole-size Trees 100
Quality Control 117
Scorch 111
, 256
Seedling Trees 102
Stake 64
, 68
Wind Speed 11
See also Diameter Breast Height
Herbaceous Cover 35
, 38, 41, 47, 57, 114
Herbaceous Density 88
Accuracy Standards 90
Forest Plots 89
Grassland and Brush Plots 89
Pilot Sampling 47
Herbaceous Layer 251
Height 83
Herbaceous Transect 80
Quality Control 114
Holding Options 11
, 15
Horizontal Distance 251
See also Slope Distance
Humidity, Relative 11
12, 107
Humus 251
Hygrothermograph 252
Hypothesis 252
Hypothesis Tests 126
, 128
Example 126
Interpreting Results 128
Identifying Dead and Dormant Plants 199
Ignition Point
Procedures and Techniques 9
Immature 252
Immediate Postburn 252
Effects 4
, 24
Immediate Postburn Monitoring
Monitoring Schedule 53
, 56
Inferential Statistics 25
, 126, 128, 249, 252
See also Descriptive Statistics, Null Hypothesis
Insects 29
, 9697, 197, 232233
Intercardinal Points 252
Intermediate 94
, 252
Internet ii
, 5, 7, 10, 84, 133, 224, 233, 240, 260
Inventory 252
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) 12, 252
Key Variable 252
Level 1 Monitoring
See Environmental Monitoring
Level 2 Monitoring
See Fire Observation Monitoring
Level 3 Monitoring
See Short-term Monitoring
Level 4 Monitoring
See Long-term Monitoring
, 97, 229, 231232, 248, 251253
Life Form 30
, 83, 250253, 256258
Line Transect 252
Litter 252
as Substrate 81
Burn Severity 110
Depth 42
Measuring Depth 104
Quality Control 114
See also Duff
Live Fuel Moisture 12
, 252
Logistical Information
Procedures and Techniques 9
Long-term Change ii
, xii, 45, 24, 29, 41, 53, 119120, 250
Index 267
Control Plots 52
Data 4
Undesired 134
Long-term Change Monitoring 5
Example 120
Monitoring Schedule 55
Procedures and Techniques 5
Magnetic Declination 202
Magnetic North 201
202, 249, 252, 257
Management Objectives ii
, 13, 5, 7, 1923, 2526, 29, 33
34, 41, 50, 52, 119, 121, 124, 127, 130131, 133, 217, 225,
250, 256
Change Objectives 23
Components 22
Condition Objectives 23
Examples 23
, 39, 217
Reassess 133
Example 133
Types 23
Management Strategy 1
, 3, 11
Fire Severity 15
Gridding 61
Monitoring Plot 75
76, 114115
Navigation Aids 201
Overstory Trees 92
Pilot Sampling 43
Pole-size Trees 100
Scale 204
, 212
Seedling Trees 102
Some Basic Techniques 204
Marking and Mapping 252
Mature 88
, 252
Mean 25
26, 28, 121124, 126, 128, 216219, 248249, 252,
254, 256257
Median 122
, 252
Metadata 7
Microbiotic Soil
See Cryptobiotic Soil
Microphytic Soil
See Cryptobiotic Soil
Minimum Detectable Change
26, 48, 50, 124125, 217
Minimum Sample Size
Calculating 49
Change Objectives 124
Condition Objectives 124
Equation 216
Recalculating 50
, 124
Reducing 44
Missed-Change Error 127
Mixing Height 14
, 17
Mode 122
, 252
Monitoring 108
, 253
Data Sheets 137
Design ii
, 34, 43, 48, 50, 55, 127, 225226
Environmental 5
, 78
Fire Conditions 11
12, 1415, 17
Fire Observation 5
, 9
Frequency 5
, 15, 5557
Levels 3
Long-term Change 5
, 41
Monitoring vs. Research 2
Reconnaissance 9
Short-term Change 5
, 41
Monitoring Design Problems
Gradient Monitoring 50
Small Areas 50
Species Difficult to Monitor 50
Monitoring Objectives 23
Change Objectives 25
Components 23
Condition Objectives 26
Examples 26
, 39, 217
Monitoring Plan 16
, 2122, 225, 227, 229, 237, 259
Outline 225
Monitoring Plot 24
, 253
Calculating the Minimum Number of 49
Field Packets 112
Folders 112
Installation 64
Labeling Stakes 70
Mapping 75
Photographing 71
Plot Location 62
Randomization 59
Rejection Criteria 37
Tracking 112
See also Sample
Monitoring Results 1
, 27, 121, 130, 133134
Annual Report 134
External Publication 135
Formal Report 134
Management Implications 227
Postburn Report 15
Monitoring Schedule xii
, 7, 9, 11, 5556
During Burn 56
Environmental Monitoring 7
Fire Conditions Monitoring 11
Immediate Postburn 53
, 56
Long-term Change 55
Postburn 56
Preburn 56
Reconnaissance Monitoring 9
Short-term Change Monitoring 55
Smoke Monitoring 17
Monitoring Type
Additional Headers 37
Alternative Methods 2
Burn Prescription 35
, 37
Code 36
Examples 36
Consistency Among Plots 43
, 47
Defining 34
Example 34
Describing 36
Establishing Selection Criteria 35
Example 38
Fire Monitoring Handbook 268
FGDC Association(s) 36
Five-Year Burn Plan 22
Folders 112
Fuel Characteristics 35
Level 3 & 4 Variables 41
Management Objectives 37
Monitoring Objectives 37
Name 36
Notes 37
Objective Variables 29
, 37
Other Treatments 36
Physiography 35
Pilot Sampling 38
, 43
Plot Protocols 38
Plot Specifications 44
Plot Type 36
Recommended Standard (RS) Variables 41
Rejection Criteria 37
Sample 24
Selecting 34
, 36
Sensitive Species 35
Small Areas 50
Target Population 22
Treatment Prescription Modification 132
Vegetation Composition 35
Vegetation Structure 35
Monitoring vs. Research 2
Moss 86
, 97, 105, 176
Mushroom 86
, 9697, 232, 248, 254, 256, 258
National Interagency Fire Center ivv, 4, 253, 259262
National Interagency Fire Management Integrated Database
(NIFMID) 253
, 258
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) 253
Navigation Aids 201
NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 1
, 21, 253
Provisions of 1
NFDRS (National Fire Danger Rating System) 7
, 13, 253
NHPA (National Historic Preservation Act) 21
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 7
Non-native Species 8
, 22, 3536, 42, 50, 52, 83, 120, 127,
132133, 232, 253
Non-parametric Tests 253
Non-vascular 253
Life Form Category 83
Species Codes for 85
Notes 37
Example 39
Null Hypothesis 126
128, 252254, 257
Objective 253
Change 23
Condition 23
Management 20
Monitoring 23
See also Goals
Objective Variable 29
, 33, 253
Certainty 25
Comparing Vegetation Attributes 30
Desired Precision Level 28
Example 29
, 39
in Monitoring Type 37
Short-term Change 41
Variability 25
, 35
Objectivity 24
Open Growth 94
, 253
Origin 253
Overstory Trees 91
, 253
Accuracy Standards 99
Clonal or Rhizomatous Species 91
Crown Position Codes (CPC) 93
, 9596, 248
Damage Codes 96
Diameter at Root Crown 97
Pilot Sampling 44
Quality Control 114
RS Procedures 91
Size Classes 44
Suggested Plot Specifications 44
Pace 203204, 254
Determining 203
Example 203
Paired Sample t-test 254
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) 12
, 254
Parametric Tests 254
See Position Dilution of Precision
Percent Cover
, 2526, 2930, 42, 80, 88, 213, 217218,
248, 254255
Equation 213
Percent Dead Brush 89
Pilot Sampling 47
Perennial 82
83, 8586, 194, 200, 251, 254
Perimeter 254
Growth 13
Periodic Fire Assessment 254
Periphyton 254
Phenology 254
Ecological Model 225
Fuel 8
in Monitoring Type Code 36
in Photographs 71
, 74
Sampling 55
56, 226
Treatment Season 132
Photo Documentation 73
, 79, 114
Photographs 57
Aerial 60
Basic Guidelines 207
Equipment and Film 72
Film 73
Quality Control 114
RS Procedures 71
Scorch Height 111
Storage 112
Taking into the Field 72
Physical Description 37
, 59
Index 269
Example 39
Pilot Sampling 2
, 3334, 3738, 4348, 55, 59, 89, 218, 226,
Plant Association
See Vegetation Association
Plant Identification
, 87, 193, 196, 226227
Dead and Dormant Plants 199
200, 240245
Resources 199
Tools and Supplies 194
Plant Mortality 15
, 30
See Precision, Light-weight, GPS Receiver
Plot Location Points (PLPs)
, 63
Assessing Suitability 62
Random Assignment of 59
Plot Protocols 36
, 38
Example 38
, 40
Plot Specifications 44
Plot Type xii
, 29, 36, 55, 61, 64, 80, 87, 108
Plotless Sampling 254
PM-10 14
, 17, 254
PM-2.5 14
, 17, 254
Point Intercept Method 81
, 254
Advantages vs. Limitations 31
Pole-size Trees 100
, 254
Accuracy Standards 101
Diameter at Root Crown 100
Height 100
Pilot Sampling 45
Quality Control 114
RS Procedures 100
Suggested Plot Specifications 44
Policy, Fire Monitoring 1
Population 254
Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) 75
, 206, 254
Postburn Report 15
Potential for Further Spread
Procedures and Techniques 10
Power 26
, 127, 254
Precision 26
28, 30, 44, 4849, 55, 124, 216217, 254
Example 28
See also Confidence Interval
Precision, Light-weight, GPS Receiver 75
, 205206, 254
See also GPS Unit
Prescribed Burn Boss 254
Prescribed Fire 254
Burning the Units 53
Monitoring Policy 1
Plan 255
Recommended Standard (RS) 4
Smoke Monitoring 15
Prescription Weather Station 255
Pressing Voucher Specimens 194
Burning 53
Clonal or Rhizomatous Species 88
Dead Branches of Living Plants 82
Dead Herbaceous and Shrub Species 82
Dramatic Increases in Postburn Seedling Density 51
, 102
Dramatic Increases in Postburn Shrub Density 88
Gradient Monitoring 50
Large Obstructions Encountered on the Transect 68
Obstruction Along the Fuel Transect 103
Partially Burned Plots 53
Plot Burned Out-of-Prescription 54
Plot Burning Off-Schedule 53
Plot Burns at Different Time Than the Burn Unit 53
Rebar Won’t Go In 69
Sampling DBH 92
Short Fire Intervals 53
Small Areas 50
Species Difficult to Monitor 50
Sprouting Dead Trees 82
Tall Vegetation 82
Toxic Plants at DBH 93
Unplanned Ignitions 53
Void at BH 92
Working on Steep Slopes 63
Procedures and Techniques
Environmental Monitoring 7
Long-term Change Monitoring 5
Reconnaissance Monitoring 9
Short-term Change Monitoring 59
Evaluation 119
, 131, 135, 226
Example 132
Responsibilities of Personnel 4
Pseudoreplication 128
, 259
Qualitative Variable 255
Quality Control 4
, 17, 113115, 117, 226
Data Entry 116
Example 114
in the Field 115
in the Office 115
Monitoring Types 51
While Remeasuring Plots 114
Quantitative Variable 255
Random Number Table 190
Random Numbers
Using Spreadsheet Programs to Generate 191
Random Sampling 255
See also Restricted Random Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling
Range 255
Rate of Spread (ROS) 255
Measuring 13
, 106
Real-time 255
Recommended Response Action 255
Recommended Standards (RS) 2
Brush or Shrubland Plot Variables 42
Cover 81
Fire Conditions Monitoring 11
Forest or Woodland Plot Variables 42
Fuel Load 103
Grassland Plot Variables 42
Herbaceous and Shrub Layers 80
Herbaceous Density 89
Fire Monitoring Handbook 270
Immediate Postburn Vegetation & Fuel Characteristics
Long-term Change Monitoring 41
, 55
Modifying 2
, 29, 41, 55
Overstory Trees 91
PM-2.5 and PM-10 14
, 17
Pole-size Trees 100
Prescribed Fire 3
Reconnaissance Monitoring 9
Required by Management Strategy 3
Seedling Trees 102
Short-term Change Monitoring 41
, 55
Smoke Characteristics 14
Suppression 3
Wildland Fire Use 3
Reconnaissance Monitoring 9
10, 255
Monitoring Schedule 9
Procedures and Techniques 9
Adaptive Management 239
Air, Soil and Water 231
Amphibians and Reptiles 233
Fire Conditions and Observations 230
Fuels 237
General Monitoring 229
Mammals 236
Methods for Nonstandard Variables 229
Mistletoe, Fungi, and Insects 232
Vegetation 237
Vegetative Keys 240
Rejection Criteria 34
, 255
Defining 37
Example 37
, 39
Initial Plot Rejection 59
Use of 61
Relative Cover 30
31, 42, 213, 248, 254257
Equation 213
Relative Humidity 11
12, 16, 107, 255
Remeasurement 255
Accurate Maps 115
Be Kind to the Fragile Herbage, Fine Fuels and Soils Be-
neath You 81
Clean Data 117
Consistent Sampling Areas 47
Fire Behavior Accuracy Standards 106
Fuel Load Accuracy Standards 103
Herbaceous and Shrub Layer Accuracy Standards 81
Immediate Postburn Vegetation and Fuel Characteristics
Accuracy 108
Management Objectives and Adaptive Management 21
Map Direction 205
Mapping 75
Obtaining Accurate Compass Bearings 201
Overstory Tree Accuracy Standards 91
Plot Location and Burn Units 56
Pole-size Tree Accuracy Standards 100
Program Changes 121
Rephotographing Plots 72
Resource Management Plan 21
Subshrubs in Shrub Density 88
Summarizing Results 124
Symbol Definition xiii
Remote Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS) 7
, 1112, 255
Replication 24
, 255
Representativeness 24
25, 255
Research 255
Monitoring vs. Research 2
Required 4
Resource Advisor 11
, 15
Resource Availability
Procedures and Techniques 8
Resource Management Plan 1
, 4, 7, 21
Resource Value at Risk 255
Resprout 255
Immediate Postburn Tree Class 111
Seedling Tree Class 91
, 100, 102
Shrub Age Class 88
Tree Bole 91
, 100
Restoration Burn 255
Restricted Random Sampling 43
, 56, 59, 129, 226, 255
See also Stratified Random Sampling
Rhizomatous Species
See Shrub Density
Root Crown 47
, 9798, 100, 110, 114, 214, 249
See Rate of Spread
See Recommended Standard
Running Fire 256
Sample 256
Burning 53
Burning Problems 53
Data Variability 24
25, 34, 122123
Representative 25
Small Areas 50
Sample Size 24
27, 2930, 32, 59, 216219, 226, 252253,
Sampling Design Alternatives 27
Sampling Problems 82
, 92, 105
Sampling Rod 65
, 8183, 256
Sampling Techniques 114
, 229, 234, 237, 261262
Sampling Unit 24
, 31, 59, 226, 254256
Calculating From a Map 204
Example 204
Equivalents in Feet, Meters and Acres 212
Scorch Height 42
, 57, 111, 256
Accuracy Standards 111
Seed Bank 256
Seed Traps 256
Seedling Trees 102
, 256
Accuracy Standards 102
Dramatic Increases in Postburn Density 51
, 102
Height 102
Index 271
Pilot Sampling 45
Resprout Class 102
RS Procedures 102
Suggested Plot Specifications 44
Shading and Cloud Cover 12
Short Fire Intervals 53
Short-term Change ii
, xii, 25, 29, 41, 119
Data 4
Example 119
Short-term Change Monitoring 5
, 256
Monitoring Schedule 55
Procedures and Techniques 59
Shrub 256
Age Class 42
, 88, 252, 255
Biomass 89
Immature/Seedling 88
, 252
Life Form Category 83
Mature 88
, 252
Resprout 88
, 255
See also Grassland and Brush Methods
Shrub and Herbaceous Layer
Pilot Sampling
Suggested Forest Plot Specifications 44
Shrub Density 42
, 57, 87
Accuracy Standards 90
Age Classes 88
Anticipated Dramatic Increases in 88
Clonal or Rhizomatous Species 37
, 46, 88
Examples 88
Dead Burls 88
Pilot Sampling 46
Quality Control 114
Resprouts 88
Subshrubs 88
Suggested Forest Plot Specifications 44
Significance Level 25
26, 126127, 218
Labeling 72
Stable Film 73
Storage 112
Taking into the Field 72
Sling Psychrometer 256
Slope 256
Accuracy Standards 76
Advice for Installing Brush Plots 65
Converting Between Degrees and Percent 211
Determining Your Pace on Sloping Ground 204
Fuel Transects 76
in Measuring Cover 81
in Measuring DBH 91
in Monitoring Type 35
, 39
Measuring Using a Clinometer 203
Photographic Protocols 72
Plot Location Description 75
Procedures and Techniques 11
Slope Distance 67
, 256
See also Horizontal Distance
Transect 75
Variable 67
Working on Steep Slopes 63
Carbon Monoxide
Characteristics 14
Documented Complaints 14
Mixing Height 14
Monitoring Data Sheet 15
Monitoring Variables 17
Particulates 14
Total Production 14
Transport Winds 14
Visibility 14
Volume and Movement 10
Smoldering 256
Snag 93
, 9596, 256
Soil Type
in Monitoring Type 37
, 39
Species Codes
Examples 83
for Dead or Inorganic Material 86
for Non-vascular Plants 86
for Unknown Plants 84
Guidelines 83
Species Composition 256
Species Diversity 256
Spotting 256
Absolute Minimum Number Needed 68
Burial of 64
, 6768
Height 64
65, 68
in Photographs 72
, 74
Installing 63
Forest Plots 67
Grassland and Brush Plots 64
Labeling 70
Painting 64
Reference 76
Tag Specifications 224
Standard Deviation 27
, 4849, 121124, 128, 131, 216218,
Equation 216
Example 123
Standard Error 122
124, 218219, 248, 254, 256
Equation 218
Example 123
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) 12
, 256
Statistic 256
Statistical Inference 257
Statistics 4
, 23, 25, 249, 252, 257, 259261
Strategies, Fire Management 4
Stratified Random Sampling 59
, 257
See also Restricted Random Sampling
Subcanopy 94
, 257
Subshrub 257
Life Form Category 83
Substrate 257
Aerial 83
at Each “Point Intercept” 81
Burn Severity 108
Codes for Dead or Inorganic Material 86
Life Form Category 83
Fire Monitoring Handbook 272
Suppression 3, 9, 248, 255, 257258
Recommended Standards (RS) 3
Surface Fire 257
Surface Winds 257
Monitoring Plot 70
, 103
Sources 224
Stamping 70
Tree 91
93, 98, 100, 111
Temperature 16
Procedures and Techniques 11
Timelag 257
Fuel Moisture 12
Tip from the Field
Advice for Installing Brush Plots 65
Before You Visit a Previously Established Plot 80
Carrying Rebar 67
Control Plots 52
Damage Codes 97
Data Analysis Record 121
Data Management 116
Defining the Brush Belt 64
Different Sizes and Shapes of Sampling Areas 47
Duff Moisture 12
Field Handbook xii
Finding Errors in Density Data 116
Finding Errors in Fuels Data 116
Finding Errors in Species Cover Data 116
Fireline Safety 13
, 107
Geodetic Datums 206
Grid or XY Coordinates Method 61
Importance of Good Preburn Photos 72
Increase Your Chances of Accepting a Plot Location Point
Large Obstructions Encountered on the Transect
Locating Your First Plots 59
Measuring DBH without a Diameter Tape 92
Measuring Duff and Litter 104
Monitoring Types 35
Navigation Aids 62
Nonstandard Stamp Additions 70
Pilot Sampling 43
Plot Squaring Priorities 67
Randomization 62
Redesigning an Existing Sampling Design 43
Reference Features 75
Sampling Rods 81
Save Time Stamping 70
Streamlining the Form Filling Process 80
Successful Photos 74
Symbol Definition xiii
Tall Vegetation Sampling Problems 82
Timing Burn Severity Data Collection 108
Toxic Plants at DBH 93
When an Obstruction is Encountered Along the Fuel
Transect 103
When The Rebar Won’t Go In 69
Topographic Variables 11
Torching 257
Transect 257
Tree 257
Density 42
, 57
Life Form Category 83
See also Overstory, Pole-size, Seedling Tress
Tree Damage 93
, 9697, 99
Accuracy Standards 99
Trends 23
, 30, 35, 41, 120, 134
Responding to 41
42, 120, 134, 227
Useful 5
True North 202
, 249, 257
Type I Error 127
128, 225, 257
Type II Error 127
128, 225, 254, 257
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 257
Determining Using a GPS Unit 206
Fire Location 9
Mapping 75
Plot Location 205
Plot Location Points (PLPs) 60
, 62
Unknown Plants 84
, 87, 115, 193
Example of Description 84
Species Code Examples 85
Unplanned Ignitions 53
Variability 25, 257
Variables 257
Examples 23
Nonstandard 29
, 229
Objective 29
Examples 29
See also Objective Variable
Recommended Standard (RS) 13
, 42
Vascular Plant 257
Burn Severity 108
Vegetation Association 13
, 22, 3337, 109, 131, 225226,
247, 249, 253, 258
Federal Standard 35
Vegetation Attributes
Compared 30
Vegetative Layer 258
Vine 86
, 258
Life Form Category 83
Visibility 8
, 1314, 17, 68, 261
Visual Estimates 258
See also Frequency
Voucher Specimen 258
Collecting 87
, 193
Quality Control 115
Voucher Label 87
Voucher Style 197
Warm Season Species 258
Accuracy Standards 80
Index 273
Alternative Methods 2
Appropriate Statistical Tests 131
Assigning Species Codes 83
Change Over Time 50
Collecting Fire Behavior and Weather Data 106
Confidence Level and Precision 49
Control Plots 2
Counting Dead Branches of Living Plants as Dead 82
Crown Position Codes (CPC) 96
Data Backup 113
Data Collection on Trees with a CPC of 10–12 96
DBH Remeasurement 58
Dead Herbaceous and Shrub Species Sampling Problems
Diameter at Root Crown
Documenting Rare Plants 87
Forest Plot Burn Severity 109
Forest Plot Data Sheet (FMH-7) 76
Fuel Load Measurements 103
Grassland and Brush Plot Burn Severity 109
Identifying Species Using Only Vegetative Characters 199
Life Form 83
Limited Amount of the Monitoring Type Available for
Burning 56
Minimum Detectable Change 25
Minimum Sample Size 49
Minimum Sample Size for Minimum Detectable Change
, 125
Objective Variables Not Covered by this Handbook 29
Offsite Data Backup 112
Photographic Protocols 72
Precision 28
Professional Input and Quality Control 51
Rate of Spread 106
Required Research 3
Restricted Random Sampling 59
Sampling Area Consistency 43
Sampling Problems with DBH 92
Scorch and Char for Pole-size Trees 111
Seedling Resprout Class 102
Sprouting Dead Trees 82
Symbol Definition xiii
Taking Slides into the Field 72
Toxic Plants at DBH 93
Treatment Prescription Modification 132
Void at BH 92
Voucher Label 87
Working on Steep Slopes 63
Automatic Stations 7
, 11
Procedures and Techniques 7
, 10, 107
Wet-bulb Temperature 258
Wildland Fire 1
, 3, 9, 11, 77, 223, 247248, 250, 253255,
258, 261262
Immediate Postburn Monitoring 41
Monitoring Policy 1
Smoke Monitoring 15
Wildland Fire Implementation Plan 3
4, 9, 11, 258
Wildland Fire Use 1
, 3, 56, 248, 255
Recommended Standards (RS) 3
WIMS 253
, 258
Direction 12
Speed 11
Fire Monitoring Handbook 274