Post-Offer Implementation Guidelines for
Scholarship Holders
Scholarship for Higher Education [SHE]
Innovation in Science pursuit for Inspired Research
This document provides Scholarship for Higher Education Program [SHE] implementation guidelines
under the INSPIRE division of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) reserves the right to review and modify these
guidelines as and when required.
Post-Offer Implementation Guidelines for Scholarship Holders under
INSPIRE-Scholarship for Higher Education (INSPIRE-SHE) is offered to pursue
undergraduate (UG) studies and continue up to postgraduate (PG) studies, based on Class 12
standard examination results (top 1%) of respective Boards or within eligible rank in chosen
few competitive examinations such as JEE (main), JEE (advanced), NEET (AIPMT), KVPY
and securing admission in science stream (in any of science courses or their combination out
of the 18 identified subjects) in any recognized College or University or Academic Institution
in the country.
INSPIRE-SHE shall be regulated with the following Guidelines:
1. Mode of Intimation to Scholar: All selected candidates shall receive a Provisional Offer
Letter on their INSPIRE web-portal account, informing that they have been selected for the
scholarship. Selected students are required to log into the online portal to download the
offer letter. List of selected and rejected students will also be displayed on the Home page
of INSPIRE website. The selected candidates shall have to upload the required documents
on their INSPIRE web-portal account within the prescribed time limit (i.e. time period
mentioned in provisional offer letter) for further consideration.
2. Confirmation of Scholarship Offer: All offers made initially will be ‘Provisional’. This
shall be confirmed based on the subjects/courses pursued in the B.Sc. / B.Sc.
(Hons)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. course and upon submission of the first year B.Sc. / B.Sc.
(Hons)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. examination Mark-Sheet by the Scholar. Otherwise,
provisional offer stands invalid and no communication shall be made separately in this
3. Re-admission or Change of College/ University: During the B.Sc. course, a student can
change his/her subject and/or college/university/academic institutions only during B.Sc. 1
year provided that the subject of study is among the identified 18 subjects.
If the student transfers to another college during B.Sc. which is affiliated to the same
university (to which the original college was affiliated), the same shall be permissible
during B.Sc. tenure for pursuing the identified 18 subjects as mentioned above.
If any other change (except given above) is taken, Scholarship shall not be given and there
shall be no scope for restoration of the Scholarship and no communication shall be made
separately to the scholar.
4. Break/Gap-Year between B.Sc. and M.Sc.: After completion of three years of B.Sc.
program, students may join M.Sc. course (Natural and Basic Sciences only as per list)
anywhere in the country. Scholarship shall be discontinued in case of one-year or more
break or Gap in between B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses.
5. Opening and Submission of Bank Account: Scholars are required to open a new Savings
Bank Account with NO TRANSACTION LIMIT within India at any branch of State
Bank of India (SBI), exclusively in Scholar’s name. Self-attested photocopy of front page
of Bank Passbook and Aadhaar or Aadhaar Enrolment slip, to be uploaded on
INSPIRE web-portal within 6 months from the date of issue of provisional offer letter.
Bank Account (SBI) details shall have to be uploaded within 6 months period from the date
of issue of provisional offer letter. Offer made in provisional offer letter shall stand cancelled
in case the scholar fails to submit the account details within this period. After the due date,
Applicant’s web-portal shall get closed automatically and applicant shall not be able to upload
any documents.
Names of scholars who have not submitted their required documents within above prescribed
time limit shall be notified on the website: www.online-inspire.gov.in as “Cancelled
Scholarship”/ (Non-Responsive Applicants) and no further communication shall be sent
separately to such scholars. All Scholars are also requested to visit their INSPIRE web-portal
regularly at frequent intervals to see notifications on their Bank Account related issues such as:
Invalid Accounts/ No Frills Accounts (Zero balance opening account)/inactive account/
Joint Account/ Dormant Accounts/Minor Accounts/Limited Accounts/Jandhan Accounts
etc. and to take necessary action within one month of such notification.
6. Payment and Continuation of Scholarship: Scholarships for 1
and 2
years are paid
together in the second year of the scholars’ undergraduate course. The Scholarship is paid on
the basis of following:
a) Year-wise requirements:
Year of
Basis of Scholarship
Documents to be submitted
First Year
(i) Class XII Board Marks and (ii) continuation
in second year course at the UG level in the
identified science subject(s)
First Year B.Sc./B.Sc.
(Hons.)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int.
M.S. Mark Sheet and
Performance Report
Second Year
Performance in First Year B.Sc. / B.Sc.
(Hons.)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. Exam.
Third Year
Performance in Second Year B.Sc. / B.Sc.
(Hons.)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. Exam.
Second Year B.Sc./B.Sc.
(Hons.) /B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int.
M.S. Mark Sheet. And
Performance report
Fourth Year
Performance in Third year B.Sc. / B.Sc.
(Hons.)/B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. exam and
joining M.Sc. course in the identified science
subject(s) at PG level.
(i) Third year B.Sc./B.Sc.
(Hons.) /B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int.
M.S. Mark Sheet and
Performance Report and (ii)
M.Sc. Enrolment Certificate.
Fifth Year
Performance in First year M.Sc. exam or
Fourth year Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. exams (as the
case may be)
First year M.Sc. or fourth year
Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. Mark Sheet
and Performance Report
b) For continuation of INSPIRE Scholarship, the scholar shall (i) pass in all subjects in
first attempt with minimum 60% marks (if result announced in % marks) or (ii) pass in all
subjects in first attempt with minimum 7.0 CGPA on a 10.0 point scale or equivalent (if result
announced in CGPA) in his/her annual examinations (or 2 semesters) in B.Sc. General/B.Sc.
(Hons.)/B.S. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S. or M.Sc. examination every academic year, failing which
the scholarship for the next academic year shall not be released. No conversion from CGPA
to % marks or vice versa shall be permitted.
c) In case of B.Sc. (Hons.) for continuation of INSPIRE Scholarship, the scholar shall (i)
pass in all subjects in first attempt with minimum 60% marks in mains/major (of Hons.)
subjects (if result announced in % marks) or (ii) pass in all subjects in first attempt with
minimum 7.0 CGPA on a 10.0 point scale or equivalent in mains/major (of Hons.) subjects (if
result announced in CGPA) in his/her annual examinations (or 2 semesters) in Hons.
Mains/Major subject in B.Sc. examination every academic year, failing which the
scholarship for the next academic year shall not be released. No conversion from CGPA to
% marks or vice versa shall be permitted.
d) If the scholar has failed or could not attend the annual/ any of the semester
examination(s) in that year, the INSPIRE Scholarship for the next academic year shall not be
paid. However, scholarship shall be released for the next to next academic year, provided the
scholar’s academic performance in next academic year is within the aforesaid eligibility norm
mentioned at 5b and 5c.
e) The maximum tenure of INSPIRE Scholarship is five years or M.Sc. completion
whichever is earlier. Except Integrated M.Sc. or Integrated M.S. course, the scholarship shall
continue at PG level only after successful completion of 3 years B.Sc. or 4 years B.S. course,
for another two years or one year, depending upon the course pursued at the UG level. The
Scholars need to maintain their academic performance as per clause 5b, 5c and pursue only the
identified subject(s) at the M.Sc. level. If it is otherwise, the continuation of scholarship at the
PG level shall stand cancelled automatically and no representations shall be entertained in this
7. Submission of Performance Reports and Mark Sheets:
a) Except for the very 1
year, scholarship for any academic year shall be paid to the
scholar only after the evaluation/approval of (i) Performance Report and (ii) Mark Sheet
(annual basis or two semesters in one academic year) of B.Sc. /B.Sc. (Hons.)/B.S./Int.
M.Sc./Int. M.S. or M.Sc. course for previous academic year.
b) The Scholar shall submit above referred documents together and not in part mode(s).
Scholarship shall not be processed in case any one of the aforementioned documents are not
c) Scholars are advised to submit their yearly Mark-sheets and Performance Report on-
time, preferably within two (2) months of announcement of yearly result to facilitate the
payment of scholarship by DST-INSPIRE. However, keeping in view the diverse time
schedules (late session) of the examinations in Universities across the country, scholars are
permitted for a maximum period of twelve (12) months to submit their Performance Report
and Mark Sheets for a given completed academic year ending June every year. For example,
a 2014 batch enrolled student is expected to submit the First Year Performance Report and
First Year Mark Sheet before 30th June 2016. This analogy can be followed by other batches
for the release of the INSPIRE Scholarship. After the expiry of maximum time period of 12
months, no document shall be considered. No representations in this regard shall be entertained.
d) If a scholar does not submit his/her annual Performance Report and Mark Sheet for two
consecutive academic years, the offer of scholarship shall be withdrawn.
e) Provisional Mark Sheet shall not be considered.
f) In case of non-availability of original mark Sheet, internet copy of mark sheet duly
attested by Controller of Examination or Registrar of college/university shall have to be
uploaded on the portal.
8. Mentorship Grant for Scholars:
The main objective of INSPIRE/SHE program is to encourage young students to pursue
Research as a career. In order to inculcate scientific values and develop scientific temper, the
scholars are required to enrol in a Research Project every year. To avail the mentorship grant,
the scholars are expected to do project work under a Research Supervisor (Mentor) during
summer vacation period, in any recognized Universities or Institutes or Research Laboratories/
Centres of their choice outside their parent institutions either in India or abroad. Project Report
of this research and Project Completion Certificate shall have to be uploaded on INSPIRE
Web-Portal in the prescribed format (also attached herewith).
(a) For students doing a Project in India:
The DST-INSPIRE shall make provision of Rs 20,000/- per annum as Mentorship Grant to
each INSPIRE Scholar to carry summer research internship project every year. The minimum
tenure of the project must be 6-8 weeks. The duration of the project must be clearly mentioned
in the project report.
The Mentorship Grant shall be released directly to the Scholar for carrying out the research
work. After completion of the project work at the Institute or University or Research
Laboratory under a Research Supervisor (Mentor), the candidate should submit the following
documents to the DST for the release of the Mentorship Grant:
(i) Project Completion Certificate (in the prescribed format only)
(ii) Research Project Report (in the prescribed format only)
The mentorship grant shall be provided on per academic year basis. It cannot be carried forward
to next academic year if not availed in current academic year.
(b) For students doing a Project abroad:
Students at 4
or 5
year of the Scholarship may be allowed to carry our research
project in any Institute/ University/ Laboratory abroad by utilizing the Mentorship Grant
available for five years on pro-rata basis (unutilized/unclaimed mentorship grant available
within maximum capping of Rs.1.0 lakh during five years period) . If the sponsoring institute
pays any stipend or travel grant, only the difference between the support received from all
sources put together and actual expenditure will be released from the Mentorship Grant. The
DST-INSPIRE shall make provision of Rs 20,000/- per annum or (Rs 1,00,000/- in 5 years) as
Mentorship Grant to INSPIRE Scholar to carry summer research internship project work
abroad. The Mentorship Grant shall be released directly to the Scholar to carry out research
work, in case a scholar does not utilize this grant in any year during the tenure of INSPIRE
scholarship period, it can be carried forward until the completion of the tenure of INSPIRE
After completion of the project work at the Institute or University or Research Laboratory
under a Research Supervisor (Mentor), the candidate should submit the following documents
to the DST for release of the Mentorship Grant:
(i) Project Completion Certificate (in the prescribed format only)
(ii) Research Project Report (in the prescribed format only)
(iii) Travel Bill (Air Fare Tickets, Boarding Pass).
For timely release of your Mentorship grant, please upload your Project Completion
Certificate and Project Report on INSPIRE Web-Portal (format available on applicant’s
web portal www.online-inspire.gov.in only. Please do not send the hard copies of these by
post to INSPIRE Programme Division.
Project done in a group shall not be considered for Mentorship Grant.