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Mastersizer 3000
User Manual
MAN0474 Issue 2.1 August 2013
Copyright © 2011, 2013 Malvern Instruments Ltd.
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Mastersizer 3000 Page 1
Introduction to this manual
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
About this manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
Access to the instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
Assumed information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
Where to get help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
About the Mastersizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Typical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
Optical unit components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9
End panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
Cell components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13
Software overview
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
Powering on and starting the software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2
Software user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3
Customising the software interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-14
Maintenance utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21
Making measurements
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
Measurement types and process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
Measurement prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Making SOP measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Making manual measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-16
Manual control accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-21
SOP Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-22
Measurement settings reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-25
Table of contents
Table of Contents
Page 2 1
Viewing measurement results
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
Working with measurement files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Analysis report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-11
Fundamental concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-14
Optical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21
Sample preparation guidance
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1
Sample preparation flow chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
Representative sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3
Considerations for dry samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4
Considerations for wet samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-5
Symptoms of poor sample preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1
About reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2
Viewing and using reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-3
Copying data from reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9
Creating and editing reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
System security
About security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1
Activating security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1
Software licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-3
21 CFR part 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
Advanced features
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
Doing more with SOPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
Exporting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-6
Mastersizer 3000 Page 1-1
to this manual
This manual covers the operation of the Mastersizer 3000 and Mastersizer 3000E
particle characterisation systems. The instrument measures the size of particles
contained within a sample, presenting data according to the user’s needs.
This user manual is a companion to the Mastersizer 3000 Basic Guide, which
gives Health and Safety, maintenance, troubleshooting and other vital information
which all users must read.
Additional user manuals are supplied with both the Hydro and Aero dispersion
About this manual
The manual contains the general information required by an operator; as well as
supervisor information that concentrates on administration and extension of the
system’s functionality.
Topics covered include:
An overview of the Mastersizer hardware and software.
A guide to making measurements and how to read the results.
Sample preparation guidance.
Reporting - creating and editing reports.
System security.
Advanced features.
Chapter 1 Introduction to this manual
Page 1-2 MAN 0474
The instrument and the samples to be measured may be hazardous if mis-
used. Users must read the Health and Safety information in the Basic
Guide before operating the system.
Access to the instrument
This manual refers to the various people who will have access to the instrument, as
Malvern Instruments personnel
Malvern Instruments personnel (service engineers, representatives etc.) have full
access to the instrument and are the only people authorised to perform all service
procedures that may require the removal of the covers.
Removal of the covers by unauthorized personnel will invalidate the war-
ranty of the instrument. Unless advised within the content of this manual,
only Malvern Instruments trained personnel are permitted to remove the
main cover of any part.
The supervisor is the person responsible for the management and safety of the
instrument and its operation. The supervisor is responsible for the training of the
operators. The supervisor can perform all user maintenance routines identified in
the Basic Guide and within this manual.
Under no circumstances should the supervisor or an operator remove the
main cover of the instrument.
An operator is a person trained in the use of the system. The operator can perform
all user maintenance routines identified in the Basic Guide.
Introduction to this manual Chapter 1
Mastersizer 3000 Page 1-3
Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the emission of laser radi-
ation. Laser radiation can be harmful to the body and cause permanent eye
Assumed information
To make full use of this manual, the user should understand the following points.
Naming convention
Within this manual:
The Mastersizer 3000 and 3000E instruments will be referred to as “the optical
unit” or “the instrument”, or simply the Mastersizer.
The sample dispersion units are referred to as “the Hydro MV” or “the Aero
S”, or as “the dispersion unit”. “Wet dispersion units” refers to the Hydro LV,
MV, EV and SM. “Dry dispersion units” refers to the Aero S.
The combination of the optical unit, one or more dispersion units and the
computer is referred to as “the system”.
Ribbon commands
The control ribbon in the Mastersizer application software is divided into tabs:
The first button on this tab bar is referred to as the Application button and has a
similar function to the File menu on older systems.
Ribbon commands are referred to in this manual in the form: ribbon tab selection,
followed by option. For example, Home-Manual Measurement describes click-
ing an option that is found on the Home tab
Whenever a ribbon option also has a sub-item this is shown as by the presence of a
down-arrow on the ribbon bar icon; as shown for the Home-Run SOP option
shown. Ribbon commands and the names of windows are always shown in bold
Chapter 1 Introduction to this manual
Page 1-4 MAN 0474
The SOP Player feature, shown above, is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 /
Mastersizer3000E with Extended software option.
Where to get help
This section describes the available sources of information on the system. The pri-
mary sources of information on the system are instrument and accessory manuals
and the software’s help system. The manuals give an overview of the system as a
whole, while the online help system gives more detailed information on the Mas
tersizer application software. Some features are described in both the manuals and
Help system.
The following manuals are available for the Mastersizer:
Basic Guide
A concise yet essential guide that provides an introduction to the system and its
usage covering Site requirements, Health and Safety and an instrument and
accessory overview. Finally a brief guide to making a measurement and view-
ing the results is included.
User Guide
The primary source of information about the Mastersizer hardware and its use. See
About this manual earlier in the chapter.
Dispersion unit guides
Separate guides are supplied with both the Hydro and Aero dispersion units. These
provide essential information on the connection, operation and maintenance of the
dispersion units.
Help System
Each key software window has a Help button giving information specific to it.
Additional Info Tips are also available whenever is shown - simply move the
mouse pointer over this icon to see a relevant tip.
Introduction to this manual Chapter 1
Mastersizer 3000 Page 1-5
Technical support
Malvern Instruments offers several methods of technical support, which are
described in this section.
Email support
This is the primary support method – only use the other methods if this is
not available at your location.
Customers with internet access should use the Contact Mal-
vern feature in the software’s Maintenance window. This is
described fully in the Software overview chapter. This feature
ensures that our support team have all the relevant information
about your system.
If you do not have internet access from the computer operating the
Mastersizer system, contact your local Malvern Instruments repre-
sentative - details of all local telephone numbers are available at
Always quote the following information:
Model and serial number of the instrument. The serial number is shown
on the Mastersizer application software status bar.
The software and firmware version. To find this select Tools-Mainte-
nance in the software and then examine the System information section -
alternatively, move the mouse over the instrument status bar icon. The Appli
cation Version is the main firmware version number to note.
Additional support
Contact the International Malvern Helpdesk if the local Malvern Instruments
representative is not available:
Telephone: +44 (0)1684 891800
This help line is primarily English speaking.
Chapter 1 Introduction to this manual
Page 1-6 MAN 0474
Remote support
Malvern Instruments offers a remote support service, delivered by an internet con-
nection. Benefits include fast and efficient fault diagnosis, as well as reducing
downtime and costs.
Malvern website -
The Malvern Instruments website offers a comprehensive range of particle charac-
terisation resources for use by customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-1
Introducing the
Mastersizer 3000
This chapter provides information about the Mastersizer 3000 hardware and iden-
tifies all major features of the system.
The following topics are covered:
A description of the purpose of the instrument and its accessories.
A hardware overview of a typical wet and dry system.
Detailed reference on the physical parts of the optical unit.
Information about the parts of the cell, including how to insert and remove it.
Hardware maintenance – for details on how to maintain the hardware,
please refer to the Basic Guide and the separate dispersion unit guides.
Mastersizer 3000 and Mastersizer 3000E
There are two core instruments in the Mastersizer 3000 family, these are the Mas-
tersizer 3000 and Mastersizer 3000E. Though identical looking there are some fun-
damental differences between the two; in terms of their software functionality and
operation with the associated dispersion units.
The differences between the two Mastersizer variants are shown in the below table.
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-2 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000E
- Basic software
feature set
Mastersizer 3000E
- Extended software
feature set
Mastersizer 3000
Particle size range 0.1 - 1000μm 0.1 - 1000μm 0.01 - 3500μm
Compatible with Manual
Hydro wet dispersion units
(Hydro EV / SM)
Compatible with Auto-
mated Hydro wet disper-
sion units (Hydro MV / LV)
Compatible with Aero dry
dispersion unit
SOP operation •••
Customized reporting •••
Entry level legacy system
result compatibility tools
Advanced method devel-
opment and comparison
Advanced data quality
assessment and reporting
Advanced measurement
manager functions
Measurement sequencing
/ SOP player tool
New feature additions and
Ability to use the software
on multiple workstations
User workspace functions ••
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-3
The Extended software feature set is detailed later in the Software overview
chapter; Customising the software interface section.
To simplify the text throughout the manual, the 3000 and 3000E instruments will
be referred to as the Mastersizer (or “the optical unit” or “the instrument”), unless
it is necessary to differentiate or highlight any differences; then the instrument will
be identified as Mastersizer 3000 or 3000E as appropriate.
IQ/OQ Validation
CFR21 part 11 ER/ES
(additional Feature key
Mastersizer 3000E
- Basic software
feature set
Mastersizer 3000E
- Extended software
feature set
Mastersizer 3000
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-4 MAN 0474
About the Mastersizer
The Mastersizer is comprised of the main optical unit, one or more dispersion
units and a measurement cell. Commonly, a dispersant such as de-ionised water is
also connected directly to the dispersion unit.
Optical unit
The main optical unit, sometimes referred to as the optical bench or just the instru-
ment, is the core of the Mastersizer system. In its simplest terms, its purpose is to
transmit red laser light and blue light through a sample and then use its detectors to
generate data about the light scattering pattern caused by the particles in the sample.
The data is then interpreted by the Mastersizer application software to provide
accurate particle size information. The blue light used on MS3000 provides
improvements in the measurement resolution below 1 micron in size.
Dispersion units overview
There are two types of dispersion unit: wet and dry. Wet units (Hydro MV/LV/
EV/SM) control the dispersion of a sample suspended within a liquid dispersant.
The function of the dry unit (Aero S) is to ensure that a dry sample is dispersed
and evenly fed to the measurement cell within a continuous stream of air.
Measurement cell
The cell is the interface between the dispersion unit and the optical unit. The sam-
ple is routed between measurement windows in the cell so that the laser can pass
through it in order to make a measurement.
Computer (Mastersizer application software)
At the heart of the system lies the Mastersizer application software, which runs on a
computer. This application controls the optical unit and dispersion unit hardware,
and also processes the raw data gathered by the system, providing flexible data anal-
ysis and reporting features.
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-5
Typical systems
Wet dispersion
A wet system consists of the optical unit and either the Hydro LV/MV or EV dis-
persion unit. These dispersion units are designed to circulate a liquid sample
through the Mastersizer's measurement cell. Many materials need to be measured
as wet dispersions. Typically these are materials that are used or produced wet in
the manufacturing process or need to be dispersed in a liquid in order to achieve
reproducible dispersion.
Hydro LV/MV
The Hydro MV and LV units are designed to create a suspension of particles in
water or other liquid media. The Hydro LV can handle a liquid volume of 600ml,
whereas the Hydro MV unit has a volume of 120ml. Both can be configured to
automatically deliver liquid dispersants and also dispose of the sample following a
measurement. This enables the cleaning and filling of the units as part of an SOP.
The large capacity of the Hydro LV makes it ideally suited to the measurement of
samples which have very broad size distributions or contain large particles. In some
cases, sample materials are not plentiful and the MV's smaller volume sample dis-
persion unit is a sensible choice to minimize sample and dispersant consumption
while retaining the benefits of totally automated sample dispersion and measure-
Hydro EV
In the mineral, chemical, metal powder refining and cement industries, measure-
ments of larger sample volumes are often most appropriate for QC of the manufac-
turing process and finished product. The large capacity of this unit makes it ideally
suited to the measurement of such samples as well as larger materials having broad
size distributions.
The Hydro EV is a wet dispersion unit designed to circulate a liquid sample held
within a standard laboratory beaker through the Mastersizer's measurement cell. As
such the filling and emptying of this unit is a manual process.
Hydro SM
The Hydro SM enables the Mastersizer to be used for particle-in-liquid particle
sizing, where the amount of sample available limits the amount of dispersant that
can be used to dilute it, or where just a small volume of dispersant is available. This
is ideal when the sample or dispersant is toxic or expensive.
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-6 MAN 0474
The following illustration shows a typical wet dispersion unit installation:
ill 8620
Optical unit (as described in the next section)
Measures the sample using red and blue light wavelengths.
Dispersion unit (in this case the Hydro LV)
Circulates the sample through the cell
Wet cell
Sample flows through the air cell so that it passes through the instrument’s laser
Computer running the Mastersizer application software
Controls both the optical unit and the attached dispersion unit, as well as process-
ing and presenting the measured data.
Other wet dispersion units include the Hydro MV, EV and Hydro SM.
Optical unit
Wet cell
Wet dispersion unit
Computer running the Master-
sizer application software
1 2
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-7
Dry dispersion
A dry system comprises of the main optical unit plus the Aero S dispersion unit.
The Aero S is designed for providing an even circulation of dry powder throughout
Mastersizer measurement cell.
Direct software control over the feed rate and air pressure is provided, which ena-
bles flexible control of both the sample throughput and dispersion. The unit can be
controlled either independently of measurement or from within a manual/SOP
measurement. The following illustration shows a typical dry dispersion unit instal
ill 8652
The Aero S dry dispersion unit is only compatible with the Mastersizer 3000
optical unit.
Optical unit
Vacuum unit
Dry dispersion unit
Ancillary switching unit
Dry cell
Computer running the Master-
sizer application software (not
4 5
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-8 MAN 0474
Optical unit (as described in the next section)
Measures the sample using red light detection.
Dry dispersion unit (in this case the Aero S)
Disperses the sample and transports it to the measurement cell.
Dry cell
Sample flows through the air cell so that it passes through the instrument’s laser
Vacuum unit
Removes the sample from the cell exhaust once it has been measured.
Ancillary switching unit
An external control accessory that is used to switch on the vacuum unit required
for the sample extraction during each measurement.
Computer running the Mastersizer application software (not shown)
Controls both the optical unit and the attached dispersion unit, as well as process-
ing and presenting the measured data.
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-9
Optical unit components
This diagram shows the optical unit, the main component of the Mastersizer
system. The unit directs red and blue light through the sample and then collects the
light scattered by the particles within the sample using a set of light-sensitive detec
tors. This data enables the system to calculate particle size:
ill 8622
Optical unit
Protection window
Adjustable feet
Instrument status LED
Cell bay
Tube/cable routing guide
End panel
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-10 MAN 0474
Two types of cell are available:
Wet - for the Hydro LV, MV, EV and SM units.
Standard and solvent compatible versions of the wet cells are available.
Dry - for use with the Aero S unit (The dry cell is sometimes known as the air
Instrument status LED
The instrument status is indicated as follows: Standby (i.e. powered on, but not
making a measurement): pulsating dim; Active (i.e. making a measurement) - con-
stant bright; Error - flashing bright.
Cell bay
The interface between the sample dispersion unit and the optical unit. The sample
passes between two windows that allow it to be analysed by the optical unit’s laser
End panel
Provides the communication connectors for the optical unit as well as the power
connection and switch. Refer to the Mastersizer 3000 Basic guide for further
connection reference.
Protection window
Stops dust/dirt entering the system. Clean this window periodically. Refer to the
Mastersizer 3000 Basic guide for more information on cleaning the protection
Adjustable feet
It is important to ensure that the instrument is levelled on the bench - adjust the
feet individually in order to accomplish this.
Allows any spillages in the cell area to exit onto the laboratory bench.
Tube/cable routing guide
Neatly routes all connection pipes and cables underneath the instrument.
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-11
End panel
The end panel of the instrument provides the communications and power connec-
ill 8623
Power switch
Press once to power on the unit, press again to power off.
Power switch
CAN 1-3
Power input
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-12 MAN 0474
Provides data communication with the PC. For best performance connect to a high
speed USB port on the PC:
CAN 1-3
Supplies power and data communication to the dispersion unit.
Power input
Input for 24V power supply unit.
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-13
Cell components
The following illustration shows the key parts of a wet cell – for a more detailed
description of both the wet and dry cells, refer to the Hydro or Aero Dispersion
Unit Guides respectively:
ill 8625
Cell eject button
Ejects the cell from the cell bay locking mechanism so that it can be withdrawn
from the cell bay.
Cell release button
Temperature regulator throughput
Cell handle
Sample input (yellow)
Sample output (blue)
Cell windows
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-14 MAN 0474
Cell handle
Only lift the cell by this handle.
Sample output (blue)
Connected to the sample in (blue) on the dispersion unit.
Temperature regulator throughput
Provides throughput connections to a water jacket within the cell. This allows an
(optional) heater/chiller to regulate the sample temperature to help minimise the
effect of ultrasound heating.
Sample input (yellow)
Connected to the sample out (yellow) on the dispersion unit.
Cell windows
Sample passes through the window and is measured by the system. Cell windows
should always be kept clean to ensure accurate measurements - see the Hydro Wet
Dispersion Units Guide.
Inserting and removing the cell
Always follow this process when inserting or removing the cell from the instru-
ment. This section assumes that all relevant tubing connections between the dis-
persion unit and cell have already been made. Refer to the dispersion unit manuals
for verification of these connections.
Inserting the cell
1. Lift the cell by its handle .
2. Insert cell into the instrument as shown in the previous Mastersizer optical
unit illustration.
3. Do not force the cell into the instrument - only slide it into the cell holder until
it stops.
4. The cell now automatically locks into place within the cell bay.
Removing the cell
1. Press the cell eject button to eject the cell from the cell bay.
Do not try to remove the cell from the cell bay without first pressing the
cell eject button as this could damage the locking mechanism.
2. Withdraw the cell from the instrument using its handle in the direction
shown in the previous Mastersizer optical unit illustration.
Introducing the Mastersizer 3000 Chapter 2
Mastersizer 3000 Page 2-15
If the cell is raised and lowered too many times in a short period, the firm-
ware will lock the cell in place for a period of time before it can be ejected
again; this is to prevent damage to the locking mechanism.
Chapter 2 Introducing the Mastersizer 3000
Page 2-16 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-1
Software overview
The Mastersizer application software serves several key functions: it controls both
the optical unit and the dispersion unit; it allows users to create and edit measure-
ment files; it enables users to run manual or SOP measurements on both wet and
dry samples, and finally it provides access to powerful reporting and data analysis
This chapter gives details on the following:
Powering on and starting the software.
Description of the software user interface.
Customising the software interface.
Maintenance utilities.
This chapter provides a description of the key elements of the software only. For
information on how to run a measurement, see the Making measurements chap-
ter. Additional features of the software are also detailed in the Advanced chapter of
this manual. Reference information for all features is provided in the Help system.
This section provides a description of the key elements of the software
only. For information on how to run a measurement, see the Making
measurements chapter. Some advanced features of the software are also
detailed in the Supervisor’s section of this guide and reference information
for all features is provided in the Help system.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-2 MAN 0474
Powering on and starting the software
1. Ensure that the optical unit, dispersion unit and computer are connected (con-
nection reference is given in the Mastersizer 3000 Basic guide).
2. Power up the computer and printer (if available) by following the instructions
in the manuals supplied.
3. Connect the optical unit’s power supply to the mains power supply.
4. Press the on/off switch on the instrument’s side panel once to power on.
The blue indicator on the top of the instrument illuminates, together with the
blue indicator on the front of the dispersion unit, which pulsates to indicate
that standby mode is active.
5. Log in to the computer that is connected to the instrument and start the Mas-
tersizer application software by double clicking on the Mastersizer desktop
6. The main Mastersizer application software window is now displayed.
A correct connection to the instrument shows both the instrument and
accessory name in the status bar:
If the instrument is not connected correctly, the status bar indicates:
If this is the case, check the instrument’s connection to the USB port on the
PC and the power connections to the instrument.
If the dispersion unit is not detected, the following is shown:
If this is the case, check the connection from the instrument to the dispersion
unit. Also, a blue pulsating power light on the dispersion unit indicates that it is
connected correctly to the instrument.
Before using the instrument to measure a sample, wait for 30 minutes for
the laser to stabilise.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-3
Software user interface
The main software window, with a measurement file loaded, is shown as follows:
ill 8811
Ribbon selector tabs
Provides quick access to the different control ribbons. The Application button
(leftmost) gives quick access to file, print and software options (including security)
as well as software version information.
Control ribbon
Single-click access to key software functions.
Record View panel
Lists all measurements within the active measurement file. Multiple measurement
files can be opened simultaneously, which are then accessible by different tabs
within the Record View.
All files tab
View all records from all open measurement files in a single tab.
Ribbon selector tabs Reports tabs
Control ribbon Data Quality tab
Record View panel Status bar
All files tab Private/Shared workspace
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-4 MAN 0474
Reports tabs
Provides access to reports on the currently selected record. The reports shown are a
function of the currently selected workspace.
Data Quality tab
Provides guidance on the measurement quality and displays a simple pass/fail data
report based on selected models, together with tips on how to improve the meas-
urement. The Data quality tab is not available in the MS3000E basic software.
Status bar
Shows the instrument mode, connected user, 21 CFR status, notifications (see later
in this chapter), connected accessory type and the instrument connection status (as
well as its serial number when connected).
Private/Shared workspace
The workspace shows the settings and data assigned to the user or users using the
instrument at the time. Individual (private) or common (shared) workspaces can be
created. Workspaces are not available in the MS3000E basic software.
Control ribbons
Control ribbons provide quick access to key software functions.
To select an option, click on the appropriate direct-access button, for example
Extract SOP.
If you contract the software window horizontally, the individual ribbon
options are grouped under a single icons instead. The ribbon then operates in a
similar manner to menus in that the group must be selected initially to reveal
the sub-items, for example Result-Extract SOP.
To select a different control ribbon, click the selector tabs above the ribbon
(Home, View Tools or Audit).
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-5
Record View tab
The Record View allows you to view and edit the records contained in Master-
sizer 3000 measurement files. It is also possible to open files that were created by
Mastersizer 2000 instruments, but not edit them. Mastersizer measurement files
consist of a number of individual measurement records.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-6 MAN 0474
Each open measurement file is given a tab in the Record View: click one of
these tabs to show all of the records contained in that measurement file.
You can open as many measurement files as required, and also combine
results, using All Files, to view all records within a single tab, making
graphical data overlay possible. See Merging records in the Viewing the
measurement results chapter for more information.
Each measurement record consists of a set of parameters, one of which is shown in
each column. (It is possible to edit the selection of parameters that are displayed if
required.) Many parameters contain numerical data measured by the system, but
some contain other information, such as Scattering Model, Accessory Name
and so on. Some parameters also answer simple yes/no questions, such as Has
Background Alarm Triggered? Items like this are checked if affirmative.
Powerful analysis features also allow records to be sorted, grouped and filtered so
that users can focus on only those records that are of relevance to their application.
See the Viewing the measurement results chapter, and the Help file, for more
information on grouping and filtering.
Editing which parameters are displayed
To choose different columns of data to display in the Record View:
1. Right click on a column header and choose Column Configuration.
2. Then, from the Parameter Selection window, select items in the Available
column and add them to the Selected column. Use the Search feature in this
window to quickly find a parameter.
3. Click OK to complete the process.
Sorting on a parameter column
Click the column header. Click the header again to reverse-sort based on that selec-
tion - sorting is either alphabetical, numeric or boolean, depending on the parame-
ter selected.
Locked measurement files
Any tab indicated with a padlock icon is a read only file that cannot be edited.
This is the default status for any Mastersizer 2000 files that are opened with the
Mastersizer application software.
The Parameter filters, grouping and column configuration features are only
available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer 3000E with Extended soft-
ware option.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-7
Selected Records Information
At the bottom of the Records view a summary is provided that details the number
of records currently selected within each measurement file.
Copying records
Records can be copied in a couple of ways:
Duplicating records:
To duplicate records to a new measurement file or within the same measure-
ment file. From the Clipboard group on the Home ribbon, select Copy - this
will copy the records to the clipboard. The content can then be pasted back into
the Mastersizer application software.
Copying records into Excel:
To quickly copy records into Excel or similar applications the selected records
must be dragged from the Mastersizer application software, and dropped
into the chosen application. Alternatively the data export options can be used
(refer to the Advanced features chapter).
Reports tab
Reports are displayed automatically whenever you select a record, or number of
records, from the Record view (assuming that the selected view is showing the
Reports tab).
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-8 MAN 0474
For detailed information on the process of viewing, editing or creating new
reports, see the Reporting chapter
Data quality tab
The Data quality tab presents a custom analysis of any records selected in the cur-
rent measurement file.
Select the records for which you wish to view a data quality report.
Click the Data Quality tab (next to the Reports tab).
Select the refresh tab; this will drop-down from the menu bar when a new record
is selected)
Alternatively the display can be set to Auto-refresh. Selecting the button will set
the display to automatically refresh the data quality view whenever a new record is
selected .
Press again to de-select.
The display is updated to show a quality review of each record selected. Click
to toggle whether items that have passed or failed are displayed.
Items that have passed the quality check are shown .
Items that have failed the quality check are shown .
Results can be shown in a tabular or list format
The Data Quality tab is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer
3000E with Extended software option.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-9
The above illustrates the Default data quality selection. Two additional checks
are available; these are ISO variability and USP variability.
Illustrations of each are shown below.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-10 MAN 0474
This section describes the purpose of workspaces and the Workspace pane.
Workspaces are a collection of settings that define the information presented in the
Reports and Record View, as well as which folders the system uses for accessing
SOPs, measurement data and export data.
Each user can access both a Private or Shared workspace, both of which are config-
urable. This makes it easy for an individual to optimise the software for their own
use, with the Private workspace, or to collaborate better across an organisation
using a Shared workspace. The latter is particularly useful within quality con-
trolled environments.
The following settings and data are associated with the workspace:
SOPs and SOP Templates presented to users (i.e. their file locations).
Record parameters shown in the Record view.
Reports listed in the Reports view (see the Reporting chapter).
Measurement data file location.
Exported data and Export Templates file locations.
Workspaces also control where the software will look for data quality addins,
macros, user calculations, etc.
Any of these items that are created when the Shared workspace is active
will be available to all users of that system (providing their security privi-
leges allow them access to these functions). If the Private workspace is
selected, these items are only available to the current user.
Selecting the workspace
Reveal the Workspace pane by clicking the button at the top of the Work-
space panel on the left of the window. Clicking the button again will close the
Workspace pane. Additionally the panel splitter bar can be dragged left or right to
resize the workspace pane.
To select the required workspace click the button at the top of the Work-
space panel:
Workspaces are only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer 3000E
with Extended software option.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-11
Any work subsequently performed on the system will now use the selected work-
space both to save data and to access settings.
Recent measurement files
This is a simple list of the last five measurement files that have been accessed
within the selected workspace.
Measurement files and SOPs within the workspace can be pinned to keep them in
the windows indefinitely. To pin an item, hover the mouse over the item and select
the pin button.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-12 MAN 0474
Record and reports view selector
The record parameters shown in the Record View, and the reports listed in the
Reports view are controlled using the Record and reports view selector to the
right of the of the Workspace pane. Additionally the Records and report selector
stores (and restores) any selected data quality addins.
You can add as many different views as required – these are stored within either of
the currently selected workspaces.
To add a new view:
1. Click Add new view from the Workspace pane.
2. Enter a View name in the Result View Properties window.
3. Click Configure record view columns to show the parameter selection win-
dow. Select the required parameters and then click OK.
Similarly click Configure report selection to display the Report Selection
window, select the required reports and tab order, and then click OK.
Refer to the Reporting chapter for details on report selection.
4. Once you have added new views, make them the active view by clicking on
them from the list. The selected view will now be shown as the record and
reports view selector title.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-13
The Reports and the Record View are updated immediately.
5. To edit or remove a view, first select it from the list and then select the Edit or
Remove icons.
The targets listed are links to Mastersizer system folders and provide quick access
to all of your workspaces, reports, SOPs, measurement data, etc. Clicking on a tar-
get will open the respective folder within Windows Explorer.
The folders that are linked to from this panel are specific to the selected work-
If the Private workspace is selected, the folders all stem from:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Malvern Instruments\Mastersizer
If the Shared workspace is selected the folders stem from:
C:\ProgramData\Malvern Instruments\Mastersizer 3000\Workspace\
Shortcuts are an easy mechanism for users to set-up a set up links to folders, e.g. on
a network, that can be shared between all users on that PC.
To create a shortcut: Create new shortcuts to files/folders by dragging them into
the Shortcuts panel from Windows Explorer. Shortcuts to web sites can be added
by dragging a bookmark from Internet Explorer into the Shortcuts panel.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-14 MAN 0474
Customising the software interface
In addition to the options available as part of the Workspace specification, several
further features provide control over how the software is presented to the user.
The options window provides access to various user preferences and allows secu-
rity to be enabled/disabled. Selection of the options available will enable them for
use in the associated software control windows. If they are not selected they will
not be available for use.
Some options are only available with a feature key installed. Please con-
tact your Malvern representative for more information.
From the Application button menu choose Options to display the Mas-
tersizer 3000 - Options window. Then click the required link on the left to view
its corresponding settings.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-15
General Preferences
Click General from the Options window to choose the following settings:
Show settings when running manual measurements – this automatically
displays the measurement settings window whenever a manual measurement is
initiated. This can be useful during method development where the user needs
to switch back into the record view after making each measurement and then
make slight alterations to the measurement settings for the subsequent meas
urement. If this option is de-selected, the settings are still available to the user
by clicking
on the Manual Measurement window.
Force saving of records – with this option selected every measurement file
will be saved on creation with temporary measurement files no longer being
made. The measurement files will automatically be saved when the software is
closed, so there will be no prompting for the user to make changes.
Note that this option is automatically enabled and cannot be changed when the
21 CFR feature is installed.
Enable Mastersizer 2000 / 2000E Analysis Emulator – Enable this option
to add 3 additional emulated Mastersizer 2000 / 2000E analysis models to the
list of analysis models in the Data processing - Analysis SOP and record edi
The emulator converts Mastersizer 3000 results to how it would be analysed on
a Mastersizer 2000 instruments, and similarly for a Mastersizer 3000E result
the Mastersizer 2000E instruments is emulated.
Refer to Data processing - Analysis SOP description in the Making meas-
urements chapter.
Enable virtual lens ranges – This enables the controls on the advanced anal-
ysis page of the SOP for virtual lens ranges. Virtual lens ranges limit the result
analysis range to that of a legacy instrument, such as a 300mm lens used on a
Mastersizer X.
Refer to Data processing - Analysis SOP description in the Making meas-
urements chapter.
Display results to same precision as Mastersizer 2000 – this option ena-
bles the software to display results to the same precision as used in the Master-
sizer 2000 software. Results will be displayed to 3 decimal places.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-16 MAN 0474
Several themes are available which modify the colour settings of the user interface.
Click Theme from the Options window and then select a scheme that suits your
preference by clicking Use this theme.
Choose Graphs from the Options menu to access further options that relate to
the presentation of graphs:
Line weight – specify the line weights (Normal, Light or Heavy) to be used in
all graphs.
Colour scheme – choose from one of several colour schemes. The Master-
sizer 2000 theme emulates the appearance of the Mastersizer 2000 graph col-
our scheme, Greyscale is optimized for printing on a monochrome printer,
High Contrast provides better on-screen visibility.
Use this option to either view, by clicking on the folder; or edit the workspace
folders where the Malvern data is stored.
The Themes option is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer
3000E with Extended software option.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-17
Company Information
The Company name and Logo can be added. This information will then be dis-
played on all reports.
Select to assign a logo, or to restore the default logo image.
Extended software features
The same software is used to control both variants of the Mastersizer instruments -
the Mastersizer 3000 and the Mastersizer 3000E, though some software features are
removed for a 3000E installation.
The Mastersizer 3000E software focuses on just the necessary software features for
operating the instrument - this is termed the Basic feature set.
Installing the Extended feature set will enable the Mastersizer 3000E to utilise
the full range of the standard software and its additional features.
With the Mastersizer 3000 the extended software features are installed by default
and will always be available for selection.
.The icon will be greyed out if not installed.
For the Mastersizer 3000E to have access to these features a feature key needs to
be installed. Contact your local Malvern representative to upgrade the Mastersizer
3000E basic software to the extended software version?
With the feature key installed, three levels of configuration are available:
Basic feature set - disable all extended features (shown in table below) and
run as a Mastersizer 3000E.
Extended feature set - enables all extended features and run as a Mastersizer
Custom feature selection - all extended features can be selected individually.
Tick/untick the features as required and press ok to save.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-18 MAN 0474
Consult the help system for a full description of each feature.
21 CFR Part 11
Select this option and input the 21 CFR feature key when requested. With the 21
CFR part 11 feature key installed these features are available:
Enable Auditing
Enable Electronic Signatures
Access control
Select Enable security features to activate the security features
This option is only available once a security configuration file has been created
using the optional Malvern Access Configurator (MAC).
Custom layouts (Save/restore layout)
Save layout is a simple feature that allows you to store the exact position of all ele-
ments of the Mastersizer interface. This could be useful in situations where you
have optimized the interface for your current analysis process.
Positioning elements within the user interface
To reposition items - drag any of the following panels to another position within
the main window: Record View, Data Quality, and Reports.
Extended features
Show workspace window Dock accessory controls
Show data quality window Show search boxes
Show trend view in measurement dis-
play window
Show split view in measurement dis-
play window
Show SOP player Record view filter and grouping
Show documentation editor Configurable windows
The 21 CFR Part 11 functionality is only available for Mastersizer 3000 users.
The configurable windows feature is only available with the Mastersizer 3000
/ Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-19
The following tool is shown on the screen when dragging:
This indicates that pre-set positioning options are available for the element. Whilst
still holding down the mouse button, move the mouse pointer over one of the
direction arrows in this tool - a shaded box is shown indicating how the element
will be placed. Release the mouse button to place the element.
Saving or restoring the window layout
To save commonly used panel and window arrangements for future use:
1. Position any of the panels of the software as desired, for example, the Record
View, Reports etc.
2. Click Save layout on the View ribbon.
3. The New layout file window is displayed – enter a name for the layout (all
layouts have the .mlay file extension) and click Save.
4. To access a previously saved layout, click Restore layout and then locate the
relevant .mlay file.
By default the system initially returns to the window layout that was pre-
sent when the software was last closed.
Predefined Window Layouts
The Predefined window layouts allow to you quickly select from a number of
optimized panel arrangements within the Mastersizer user interface.
From the Predefined window layouts group in the View ribbon, select the
required layout.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-20 MAN 0474
Quick access toolbar
The Quick access toolbar provides an alternative method for accessing commonly-
used functions.
1. To add any ribbon function button to the Quick access toolbar, right-click it
and choose Add to Quick access toolbar. The button is now additionally
displayed (in reduced form) in the title bar of the software:
In this example, the Manual measurement, Save and 2-pane tabbed buttons
have been added to the Quick Access toolbar.
2. To remove the button, right-click it and choose Remove from Quick Access
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-21
Maintenance utilities
The Maintenance window gives access to various background information about
the system that can be useful as part of an ongoing maintenance schedule or in the
process of contact with the Malvern Instruments Help Desk.
Choose Tools-Maintenance from the ribbon to display the Maintenance
The window is broken down into the following sections:
Notifications are brief notes that indicate any errors, problems or necessary reme-
dial/investigative action that may be required in order to keep the system function-
ing correctly. Follow the advice given in any notifications and then remove them by
clicking Clear All.
The Status bar also provides a visual reminder that notifications are available:
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-22 MAN 0474
Click the Notifications icon on the status bar to view the Maintenance window.
System information
The main purpose of the system information area is to display details about the
software, operating system and hardware connected. This information must be
passed to the Malvern Instruments Helpdesk whenever you log a support call. To
send this information to Malvern Instruments:
If you have email software on the Mastersizer computer:
Click Contact Malvern to display the contact form. Complete the form and
then click OK. Your default email software then starts and an email is gener
ated containing the relevant system information. Additional fields appear in the
email where you can input information about the issue you are experiencing
with the Mastersizer system.
If you do not have email software on the Mastersizer computer:
Click Save text report to save a text file containing this information. Then
copy this information onto a data stick and transfer it to a computer that has an
email connection in order to attach the file to send to Malvern Instruments.
Print the information using the Print option and then refer to this information
if you wish to contact the Helpdesk via telephone.
Maintenance reminders
Maintenance reminders can be set up within the software to prompt users to carry
out routine maintenance tasks. To configure these, access the Tools-Mainte
nance window. Within the Maintenance window, there is a Maintenance
reminders section, where any active reminders are listed.
Click on the Configure icon to open a list of active maintenance tasks,
from which existing tasks can be edited, or new ones added:
Click on a maintenance task to show its full details. If the task requires editing
select the Modify button.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-23
To set up a new maintenance task, click the Add button.
The details required include:
Name: a task name.
Notifications from: the date when users should start being prompted to carry
out a task.
Task due by: the date by which the task needs to be completed.
Repeat interval: how often the task should be done (weekly, monthly, yearly,
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-24 MAN 0474
Task description: text providing guidance as to what needs to be done by the
All users can complete task option: Select this checkbox to confirm that
any user can complete the task. If this is left un-ticked then only users who
have the Open Maintenance security permission assigned to them can set
the task to done. This could, for instance, apply to tasks associated with book
ing a service or OQ visit, where it would be the supervisors responsibility to
complete the task.
Users are alerted to tasks which are due to be carried out by a Maintenance icon
in the status bar. Clicking on this will display the maintenance detail.
Clicking on the Done? icon clears the task.
If the task is not completed by the due date then a service Notification is gener-
ated and is displayed on the application's status bar.
System health checks
The Mastersizer application software constantly checks the status of the optical sys-
tem and the dispersion units to ensure it is functioning correctly. If any issues are
detected, they will be reported within this section for the maintenance report.
A health check can be performed at any time by selecting the but-
ton. The results of the tests will be reported in the System health checks section of
the maintenance dialogue.
Connection to a system is required for this option to work.
Software overview Chapter 3
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3-25
System usage
The system usage section provides details on the total Running Time of the instru-
ment and any connected accessory. Additionally details are provided on the run-
ning time of the accessory stirrer running time and ultrasound if applicable.
The Logs section contains links to all the logs generated in the previous 24 hour
period. After 24 hours, if no further log files have been generated, only the last log
file generated is retained. Log files contain no data that is of direct use to users, but
may be requested by the Malvern Helpdesk when trying to resolve any issue.
To send a log file:
Click on the Save Text Report option on the maintenance report icon bar.
This will record a new system status report.
Click on the Open folder option within the Logs section of the report. This
will open the directory containing all of the system logs.
Copy all of the logs, and email these to the Malvern Instruments.
In the case where a software crash has occurred, a series of crash dump files
(.dmp) will be stored in the logs directory alongside any maintenance
reports and a trace.log file. These files contain detailed information about
how any crashes occurred, and should therefore be sent to Malvern Instru-
ments along with any maintenance logs.
Chapter 3 Software overview
Page 3-26 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-1
The Mastersizer is capable of measuring samples dispersed in a wet or dry medium,
either manually as a one-off (or for developing an SOP method) or by utilising pre
defined settings stored within an SOP file.
This chapter is the main reference for the measurement making process and
includes sections on:
Measurement types – a brief background on the overall process of making a
Mastersizer measurement.
Measurement file basics – how to create and open measurement files.
Making an SOP measurement – includes how to create SOPs as well as the
steps involved in running an SOP.
Making a manual measurement – the basic steps involved in manual meas-
urement with a wet dispersion unit.
Measurement settings reference – detailed reference on all measurement
settings available to both SOP and manual measurements.
Measurement types and process
The Mastersizer is capable of making two types of measurement:
Manual measurements – all of the measurement settings are specified before
the measurement and some further user input is required during the running
of the measurement. The measurement process is also split into key stages,
which are paused after the completion of each stage.
Manual measurements tend to be used for one-off measurements or as part of
method development (i.e. establishing the optimal settings for measuring the
sample and then saving into an SOP file).
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-2 MAN 0474
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) measurements – most of the
measurement settings are stored within an SOP file which has been previously
created by the user. Once an SOP has been initiated, the measurement
sequence requires less user intervention than a manual measurement.
As SOPs lock-down most of the measurement settings they improve consist-
ency and provide greater repeatability; features that are important in quality-
controlled environments.
The process of both measurement types is broadly as follows:
1. Power on the system and create a measurement file.
2. Specify the measurement settings for a manual measurement or SOP.
3. Run the measurement.
4. Check the results, looking for any problems.
5. Clean the system.
Measurement prerequisites
The instrument and accessory must have been connected and set up in
accordance with the guidance in the Mastersizer Basic Guide and the dry
or wet dispersion unit guide. This section assumes all appropriate connec-
tions have been made.
Before a measurement can be made, the instrument must be powered up and a
measurement file must be created. Measurement files contain all data acquired by
the Mastersizer during a measurement. Each measurement file can contain a num-
ber of individual records.
1. Switch on the optical unit. The pulsating blue light on the top of the instru-
ment indicates that it is on. Check also that the blue light on the dispersion unit
is pulsating - power to the dispersion unit is drawn from the instrument.
Leave the instrument powered on for 30 minutes before making a
measurement to allow the laser to stabilise.
2. When 30 minutes has elapsed, switch on the computer, log
in to Windows on
the PC and start the software by double-
clicking on the Mastersizer icon on the desktop:
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-3
If, after successfully starting the Mastersizer application software, any of
the functions described in the rest of this section are unavailable to you,
this will be due to your login credentials – contact your system Supervisor
for assistance.
3. Ensure that the status bar indicates that the instrument is connected correctly:
4. If the instrument is not connected correctly (i.e. if anything else is shown in the
status bar), refer to the Software overview chapter for more information on
how to fix this.
5. Create a new measurement file by selecting New-Measurement File from
Home section of the control ribbon:
Alternatively new measurements can be added to an existing measurement file.
6. Choose Save and then name the measurement file, for example Starter sam-
Making SOP measurements
SOPs are predefined measurement sequences that can be used to both automate
and standardise Mastersizer measurements. Widely used in the pharmaceutical
industry to provide traceability, SOPs also provide non-pharmaceutical users with a
reliable means of automating measurements, ensuring that a wide selection of per-
sonnel can obtain consistent results regardless of familiarity with the instrument.
SOPs can control the configuration of the optical unit and the sample dispersion
unit, including the measurement parameters, timings, analysis models and other
specific set-up information. They can also be configured to prompt the operator to
perform specific tasks such as sample preparation steps.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-4 MAN 0474
The quality and value of an SOP depends on the quality of the method develop-
ment work on which it is based. A series of manual measurements is required to
establish the ideal parameters for use in an SOP. A number of standard SOP tem-
plates have been prepared in advance for typical measurements, which may be used
unchanged or as the basis for a new SOP.
The Mastersizer application software's powerful SOP editing facility enables users
to review and refine SOPs as part of their ongoing quality control process.
Creating or editing an SOP
SOPs need to be created and saved before they can be used. To create a new SOP:
1. Select New-SOP from the Home ribbon. (To edit an existing SOP, choose
Open-SOP instead.)
2. Select an SOP template from the list in the New SOP window or click the
From an existing SOP... button to locate an SOP in the file system that fulfils
(or is close to) your required criteria.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-5
3. The SOP Editor window is now displayed as illustrated (the Material set-
tings are shown in this example):
4. Step through the SOP Editor by clicking the section titles on the left (Sam-
ple-Identification, Sample-Material etc.) or clicking the Forward / Back
arrows on its toolbar.
Complete each of the sections detailed in the Measurement Settings
Reference section in later in this Chapter.
5. When all the required settings have been specified, you can either choose to
save the SOP as a file or as a template. choose File-Save and then give the SOP
a logical name.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-6 MAN 0474
Running an SOP (Hydro units)
If you are using a wet dispersion unit (the Hydro LV/MV/EV) work through the
steps in the order given here. No manual control of the dispersion units is required
after loading the sample; the software controls all settings.
1. Select Run SOP from the Measurements section of the ribbon.
2. The SOP Selector window is shown, which initially presents all SOPs filtered
for the connected accessory (
Accessory filtered). Alternatively, deselect
the Accessory filtered button to show those that are not specific to the
connected accessory.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-7
Click on an SOP to display its properties in the bottom panel of this window.
3. After selecting an appropriate SOP, click OK.
4. The Measurement Display window is shown. The progress bar at the top of
the window reports both the current status and what to do next.
Result view panel
The Result view panel contains the Laser, Light Scattering and Size Dis-
tribution panels. The information shown is either live or, after a measurement
has been completed, relates to the currently selected record (the bold yellow
line) - this record number is shown at the top of the Result View panel.
Laser - the Laser display panel initially provides an indication of the cur-
rent Power output of the laser, and then, during the sample addition phase,
with the current obscuration level. When adding sample it is vital that the
obscuration falls within the green band - this band is defined by the user in
the Measurement obscuration section of the Manual measurement settings
The Trend view show in the bottom half of the Measurement display illustra-
tion is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer 3000E with
Extended software option.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-8 MAN 0474
Light scattering - the light scattering panel provides a live graph
showing the energy plotted against detector number. This is available as a
live display before the measurement is initiated. Following the measure-
ment this panel contains the data recorded at the measurement time.
Size distribution - the size distribution graph plots Volume (%)
against Particle Size (μm) - This is blank until the measurement has been
initiated. After a measurement has run, and been selected in the trend
view, the data shown is that gathered at measurement time.
The light scattering and size distribution views can either be shown
separately or tiled next to each other by selecting the split view button.
5. Click the Start button to Initialise the instrument. If specified in the
SOP settings, the system prompts the user to enter/confirm sample documen-
tation details. Following this stage. the system automatically moves to the
Measure Background stage and measures both the red and blue light values
of the background.
To stop both the SOP and the accessory during a measurement, click the
Abort button . This “all stop” command should only be used when a
problem is suspected - this is because the sample will stop circulating,
which could affect further measurements if the sample is not then refilled.
The split view button is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 /
Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-9
6. When the Measure Background stage is complete, the SOP pauses. The sys-
tem now requests that you add sample - do this until the Obscuration bar
indicates about 10-20% for a wet dispersion unit. (This is a rough guide only
as this setting is highly sample-dependent - refer to the Help system for more
7. Click Start again. The measurement now commences, measuring first the red
and then the blue light values. The SOP may make a number of measurements
before completion, depending on the Number of measurements specified in
the SOP settings. When complete, the Trend view is updated with the new
measurement figures:
8. Complete the measurement by closing the SOP Measurement window.
9. The results are now presented in the Record View.
More about the Trend view
The Trend view is a powerful analytical tool that shows record data in a graphical
format as soon as it has been measured by the system.
The main purpose of the default view is to indicate that sample measurements are
stable. For example, if the sample was slowly dissolving then the apparent sizes may
appear to be reducing. In many industries, measurement repeatability is quantified
by specifying a maximum Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) over a number of
measurements. The Trend view allows you to highlight a number of measure-
ments and display the RSD, and other statistics in real time. Any other parameter
The Trend view is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer
3000E with Extended software option.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-10 MAN 0474
can be added to the Trend view, for example to see how Ultrasound Power settings
are affecting the measurement.
By default, each measurement’s Dv10, Dv50 and Dv90 figure is shown, so it is very
simple to make a quick assessment of the result. The Dv50 category shows the
median particle size. Further statistics and measurement parameters can also be
viewed on the Trend view.
Once a number of measurements have been performed, it is possible to select mul-
tiple records in order to view combined figures for the range. It is also possible to
modify the data displayed on the graph, and add entirely new graphs with a differ-
ent focus of interest if required.
This is an example of the trend view after four measurements have been made. The
currently selected range in this example includes just two records: Record Number
2 and 3 - the figures displayed in the coloured boxes relate only to those two
Statistics shown in the live trend view
The live trend view identifies each line with a key, which shows statistical informa-
tion about the measurement:
The data shown relates either to the individual measurement or range of measure-
ments selected by the user. The default view shows particle size statistics. Trend
plots can be configured to show any parameter – the statistics shown on a plot line
relates to a single parameter only.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-11
Main figure – the actual size measurement (μm) for the single base record
that is currently selected (Dv10 - blue, Dv50 - green, Dv90 - red).
Av – the average particle size (μm) for the selected range.
RSD – Relative Standard Deviation (%) for the selected range.
Min – the minimum particle size (μm) for the selected range.
Max – the maximum particle size (μm) for the selected range.
To modify which figures are shown in the Trend view:
1. Right-click anywhere on the trend graph and choose Statistics.
2. Select or de-select the items required.
Click anywhere on the graph line to display data points - click again on the
line to remove them. Move the mouse pointer over a data point to display
its record number and size figure, for example 4, 891.09 indicates that
Record 4 has a measured size of 891.09μm.
Selecting a range of records in the trend view
After running several measurements, just one record is selected. Initially this is the
last measurement made. This record is shown by a vertical hairline bar with the
record number indicated at the bottom - for example, . The vertical hairline bar
always shows the currently selected record.
To expand the range to incorporate more records, click the left or right
selection arrow buttons at the top of this bar. The bar expands to cover the
records selected:
Click and drag this header bar to the left or right to reposition the selection
within the range of records. Alternatively, right-click the trend graph and
choose: Statistics range and then select the number of records.
To contract the range, click and drag the left hairline bar that denotes the
initial record in the selected range. Alternatively, right-click on the trend graph
and choose: Statistics range and then select the number of records to include
in the selected range. If you have manually dragged the bar to cover a number
of records not listed in the Statistics range menu, Custom and the number
of records currently selected is displayed.
All numerical data then provided is the arithmetic mean of the currently selected
records, with the exception of the initial particle size figure, which is still the figure
for the single record.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-12 MAN 0474
Adding further trend graphs
Add additional plots using the following method (note that the new plot needs to
be configured prior to making the measurement in order to display data):
1. Right-click on the trend graph and select Add above or Add below to add a
new plot.
2. Then choose parameters from the Parameter Selection window and click
To remove the new plot, right-click it and choose Delete.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-13
Running an SOP (Aero units)
The software controls most of the dispersion unit settings except the hopper
height, which is a manual adjustment. Work through the steps in the order given
ill 8655
1. Open the Aero S sample area lid and set the hopper flow rate to an appropri-
ate gap level using the dial (marked from 0-4mm - refer to the Aero Series Dry
Dispersion Units Guide for more information).
2. Empty the sample into the hopper .
3. The mesh basket and ball bearings may be used on coarser samples to smooth
the flow of sample, breaking up any loose agglomerates before they fall into the
4. Close the lid of the Aero.
5. Select Run SOP from the Measurements section of the ribbon.
6. The SOP Selector window lists all available SOPs.
The Aero S dry dispersion unit is only compatible with the Mastersizer 3000
optical unit.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-14 MAN 0474
7. Choose an appropriate SOP for the Aero dispersion unit (ensure also that the
SOP is optimized for the venturi type that is fitted to your Aero unit - either
stainless steel or ceramic venturi) and then click OK.
The Measurement Display window shown below is displayed:
8. Click Start the SOP automatically aligns the optical system and then
measures the background using the red light (blue light is not used in dry
9. After this, the sample tray starts vibrating and the SOP-specified air pressure is
applied. The overall rate at which the sample is fed into the cell is a function of
the combination of air pressure, vibration rate and hopper flow-rate setting.
To stop both the SOP and the accessory during a measurement, click the
Abort button .
10. The SOP selected should be optimized for the dry dispersion unit and will
only make a measurement once the obscuration is within the specified range
(1-10% obscuration is the rough guide for a dry dispersion unit).
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-15
11. The results are shown immediately in the Trend view as they are gathered.
When all of the measurements have been made, the system pauses - optionally,
click Clean System on the top progress bar to initiate a cleaning cycle.
12. Complete the measurement by closing the SOP Measurement window. The
results will now be presented in the Record View.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-16 MAN 0474
Making manual measurements
In addition to SOP measurements, users can also make manual measurements.
This may be useful, for instance, when investigating the most appropriate method
for sample dispersion prior to setting up an SOP. This section provides details on
how to run a basic manual measurement.
This process description assumes that a wet dispersion unit is connected to
the instrument.
The basic procedure is similar to that outlined in the SOP measurement section,
but requires the user to set up the measurement settings initially, and then manu
ally initiate more stages during the live measurement process:
1. From the Home ribbon click Manual measurement from the Measure-
ments group. The Manual Measurement window is displayed, together
with the Manual Measurement Settings window:
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-17
This section now provides information on how to enter only some of the
key measurement settings - for complete details on all settings, see Meas-
urement settings reference later in this chapter.
2. Choose the Sample-Identification settings to record both the Sample
Name details and define any further information fields (for example, Notes)
that will help users to repeat the measurement at a later date.
3. Use the Sample-Material section to define the optical properties (the
Refractive index and Absorption index) of the new material. The material
may already be stored in the system’s Materials database. Check this first by
clicking Browse database - select the material if it is present to automatically
add the RI and Absorption values to the measurement.
4. Use the Measurement-Duration section, shown below, to set up measure-
ment times for the red and blue measurements.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-18 MAN 0474
5. In the Measurement-Obscuration section define the lower and upper
obscuration limits - as a very rough guide, about 10-20% for a wet dispersion
unit and 1-10% for a dry dispersion unit.
6. Click OK to close the Manual measurement settings window.
7. From the Initialise Instrument drop down menu, select Auto Alignment.
8. Click the Start button to initialise the instrument - when complete, the
system progresses to the Measure Background stage.
9. Filling and starting the dispersion unit:
Depending on the accessory that is currently connected, the control options
(shown in the panel on the right) will vary. For a wet dispersion, a steady circu-
lation of dispersant needs to be in place before adding the sample. To do this,
ensure the accessory is filled with dispersant - if using an LV/MV, click Fill in
the Dispersant section of the Accessory panel.
See Controlling dispersion units (manual mode) later in this chapter
for more information.
10. When the accessory is full, set the Stirrer speed and start the accessory:
The docked accessory control tab in the Measurement display is only availa-
ble with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software
Users with the Basic software feature set should control the dispersion unit
using the Accessories option on the Tools ribbon.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-19
11. Click Start on the measurement progress bar at the top of the window. Both
the red and blue light values for the background are measured.
12. The system now requests the user to Add Sample - add small quantities of
sample to the dispersion unit until the obscuration is within range (10-20% in
the case of a wet dispersion). Refer to the Help system for more guidance. With
a dry dispersion, the system will skip this step.
With dry dispersions, the whole sample is loaded into the hopper in the
Aero before the measurement process is started.
13. Click Start again twice to begin the measurement. First the red and then the
blue light values are measured. When this is complete, the Trend view is
updated with the new measurement figures (see Running an SOP in this
chapter for more detailed information on the Trend view). The particle Size
Distribution graph is shown in the upper right panel. In the example shown
here, just a single measurement was specified in the manual measurement set
14. Continue this final Measure Sample process as many times as required by
clicking Start again. To complete the measurement, just close the Manual
Measurement window. The new records are now added to the Record View.
The Trend view is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer
3000E with Extended software option.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-20 MAN 0474
Manually controlling the dispersion units
Use the Accessory controls panel from the manual measurement mode to con-
figure the currently attached accessory.
Normally, an SOP or Manual measurement controls the accessory's operation
within the context of a measurement. Alternatively, the Accessory controls panel
allows you initiate the current accessory before the measurement is actually made.
This is essential when observing the effects of variation to the accessory's settings
on the live Laser and Light Scattering panels, in order to optimise the sample's
concentration and circulation prior to making a measurement. This option could
also be used as part of a manual cleaning process.
To access the Accessory control panel: the instrument must be in Manual
Measurement mode, then click the Accessory controls tab on the right of the
Manual Measurement window.
The same controls are also available, when not making a measurement,
from the Active accessory control feature (choose Tools-Accessories
from the main control ribbon). This option could be useful, for example, if
you wanted to keep a sample in circulation whilst undertaking a report
The docked accessory control tab in the Measurement display is only availa-
ble with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software
Users with the Basic software feature set should control the dispersion unit
using the Accessories option on the Tools ribbon.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-21
The options available on this panel depend on the connected accessory. These are
described in the dispersions units respective user manual.
Hydro series wet dispersion units manual for the Hydro MV, LV, EV and
SM dispersion units
Aero series dry dispersion units manual for the Aero dispersion units
Manual control accessories
Manually controlled accessories may also be connected to the optical unit. These
accessories do not have an automated or manual software control, but will be
controlled directly from the control interface on the accessory itself.
Like the automatic controlled dispersion units, manual accessories are selected
from the SOP Editor:
On the Home ribbon, select New-SOP from within the Documents group.
ribbon. (To edit an existing SOP, choose Open-SOP instead.)
Complete the SOP Editor as described in the Mastersizer 3000 User Manual.
Information on the manually controlled accessories is described in the dispersions
units respective user manual.
Refer to the Hydro series wet dispersion units manual for the Hydro SM dis-
persion units.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-22 MAN 0474
SOP Player
With SOPs created and saved, users are now able to define an SOP playlist
sequence where results can be automatically collected for a single sample using dif-
ferent measurement and/or analysis settings - this is done using the SOP player.
In order to set up an SOP playlist, users first need to create a set of SOPs for the
dispersion unit they want to use that contain the measurement settings required for
the sequence. They then select the SOP Player option from the Home ribbon
bar, the SOP Player dialogue will open.
The SOP Player is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mastersizer
3000E with Extended software option.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-23
SOPs available for use in a playlist are shown on the left of the SOP Player win-
dow, with the current playlist is shown on the right. The details for any selected
SOP are provided in the bottom section of the player, allowing users to confirm the
settings the SOP file contains.
To add SOPs to the player, select them from the available SOPs list and drag them
into the SOP playlist, or use the button. SOPs can then be dragged
up and down into the final position or deleted from the list using the button. As
the playlist is constructed, messages will appear to help the users organise the fin-
ished playlist (e.g.: Drag and drop SOPs here to create a playlist / The SOP does
not match the target accessory type).
In the above example:
The SOP at the top of the playlist (Hydro LV - SOP 1) is used to initialize the
Mastersizer system and request sample details.
Changes the currently
opened folder
Name of the playlist and
the target dispersion unit
Adds the current folder
to the workspace win-
Create a new playlist
Opens the folder browser
Opens a saved playlist
Accessory filter - hides
SOPs that do not match
the connected dispersion
Saves the active playlist.
Switches the view
between icons or detail
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-24 MAN 0474
The final SOP in the list (Hydro LV - SOP 3) is used to control the clean
sequence. The dispersion unit, measurement and analysis settings for each
SOP in the list are applied in sequence when the playlist is run.
SOP playlists can be opened and saved using the options at the top
of the SOP playlist. Playlist do not have to be saved before they are run, but a
prompt will be displayed to ask if saving the playlist.
Once the list is set up, the sequence can be run by clicking OK.
The new playlist will be saved into the workspace window.
When the sequence is now playing, the current SOP name is reported in the win-
dow bar of the measurement manager:
Apart from the additional playlist bar, the measurement will run in a similar way to
standard SOP measurements.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-25
Measurement settings reference
SOPs and Manual Measurements involve specifying a number of settings
before the measurement can be run. This section relates equally to both.
The Measurement settings window is displayed whenever you create a new SOP or
manual measurement. This window groups settings into logical sections in which
various parameters for the measurement are defined as follows:
Sample – identify the sample and provide more information to users of the
SOP. Define the physical characteristics of the sample and dispersant.
Measurement – set both the red and blue light measurement durations, the
number of, and delay duration between, measurements. Specify the obscura
tion levels for the measurement.
Sample Dispersion control the behaviour of the currently connected acces-
Data Processing – specify the scattering model, latex analysis options and
modify the light detectors used in a measurement. Define any Analysis
Smoothing, Size Range/Resolution options and set size banding for all meas
urement histograms and tables.
When progressing through the settings, any icon next to a field indicates
that the user must specify a value for the field before continuing to the next
The rest of this section goes through each of the measurement settings in more
Sample - Identification
The Sample Identification settings section allows you to enter details that will both
identify the sample and provide more information to users. When the measure-
ment is run, the user is prompted to confirm or alter the fields specified here.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-26 MAN 0474
Section/option Description
Sample Name
A descriptive name for the sample, such as "Batch 1A" or
"Series 3, Sample 1". This is the only default sample identifi-
cation field.
Adding a Field To add further fields for example, Notes, Batch, Lot, Group
etc., click the Add button. The new field is added to the list.
Enter a name for the field in the drop down menu to the left
of the field. Check Required field if this is mandatory for the
operator to enter.
To re-order the list of fields, drag the item up or down by
clicking and dragging the icon next to the item.
To remove unwanted identification fields, click the
icon adjacent to the field.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-27
Sample - Particle Type
The Particle Type settings allow you to specify the shape of particles under analy-
sis in order for the software to apply the optimal analysis model.
Section/Option Description
Non-Spherical This analysis mode is applicable for particles which are irreg-
ular in shape, or have a rough surface structure. For exam-
ple, it should be selected for milled or crushed materials.
This mode uses Mie Theory, and therefore requires input of
the optical properties of your sample in order to calculate a
particle size distribution. The advantage of this is that it pro-
vides the possibility of obtaining accurate size distributions
for all particle sizes.
Spherical This analysis mode is applicable for particles which are per-
fectly spherical in shape. For example, it should be selected
for polymer latex samples or for emulsions.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-28 MAN 0474
Sample - Material
Use the Material properties section to enter physical characteristics of the mate-
rial being measured.
This mode uses Mie Theory, and therefore requires input of
the optical properties of your sample in order to calculate a
particle size distribution.
The advantage of this is that it provides the possibility of
obtaining accurate size distributions for all particle sizes.
Opaque Particle
The Fraunhofer Approximation can be used to calculate par-
ticle size distributions in cases where the particle size is
large and where the particles can be assumed to be com-
pletely opaque. It is the easiest mode to use, as you do not
have to provide any optical properties in order to calculate a
size distribution. However, its use may lead to inaccurate
results, particularly for small particles below 50 microns in
size or for those which are transparent.
Section/Option Description
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-29
To select a previously added material from the Materials Database, click Browse
database, then select an item from the database and click Use these values. See
the Help system for more on the Materials and Dispersants databases. Alterna-
tively, manually complete the fields detailed below.
Section/option Description
Material name Descriptive name for the material.
Refractive index Value of between 0 and 5. This value relates to the speed of
light within the material, which in turn allows the degree of
refraction (light bending) to be predicted when light passes
from one medium to another.
Absorption index Value between 0 and 10, which is a measure of the quantity
of light absorbed by the particles. Generally, transparent
samples will have a low or zero absorption while coloured or
black samples will have a higher value.
Density Value of between 0.001 and 25g/cm³.
Different blue-
light properties
(Wet dispersion
units only)
If required, select the check box and add the Refractive
index (blue-light) and Absorption index (blue-light). See
Help System for more information.
References and
Any further comments that help to describe the material.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-30 MAN 0474
Sample - Dispersant
Use the Sample Dispersant section settings to specify the properties of the dis-
persant used in the measurement.
It is possible to specify the dispersant details manually or to choose from the Dis-
persants Database. To select a previously added material from the Dispersants
Database, click Browse database, then select an item from the database and click
Use these values.
Alternatively, manually complete the sections detailed below.
This is a unique window for Wet dispersion SOPs.
Section/option Description
Dispersant name Descriptive name for the dispersants, for example, Ethanol.
Refractive index Value of between 0 and 5. This value relates to the speed of
light within the material, which in turn allows the degree of
refraction (light bending) to be predicted when light passes
from one medium to another.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-31
If the newly added dispersant will be used in the future, add it to the Dispersants
Database by clicking Add to database.
level sensor
(Hydro MV only)
A value can be inputted that is suitable for the level sensor to
detect the dispersant level when filled. The value will be dif-
ferent depending upon the dispersant used.
The level sensor in the dispersion unit automatically stops
the tank being overfilled above a certain level. If the tank fails
to fill properly then the level sensor threshold, for the disper-
sant being used, may need adjusting. This value can be
changed either manually (for the current measurement only)
or by using the dispersants database, to store the new val-
ues for future use.
Configuring this threshold value will be done using the
accessory controls window; this is described in the Hydro
series wet dispersion units guide.
References and
Enter any further comments that help to describe the disper-
Section/option Description
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-32 MAN 0474
Sample - Instructions
Use the Sample Instructions settings to specify pre-measurement and post-
measurement instructions that need to be drawn to the attention of the user.
These are then shown in the Sample Documentation panel/window before and fol-
lowing the measurement respectively. In this example pre-measurement instruc-
tions have been specified and are displayed above the Sample Name field in the
Sample Documentation window.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-33
Measurement - Duration
The Measurement Duration settings can be used to separately specify both the red
and blue light measurement durations.
Section/option Description
Red measure-
ment duration(s)
Background measurement duration (seconds)
This facility will make a measurement using only clean dis-
persant – this is then subtracted from the sample measure-
ment by the system in order to ‘clean’ the data. This is often
set to the same duration as the sample measurement.
Sample measurement duration (seconds)
The optimum measurement time depends on the size of the
sample, its particle size distribution and the dispersion
accessory used. If a material is monomodal its essential par-
ticle size characteristics can be captured in less time than a
material with a broad particle size distribution, which will
need to be measured longer to ensure that the coarser parti-
cles have been properly represented.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-34 MAN 0474
Blue measure-
ment duration(s)
(Wet dispersion
units only)
Blue light measurement is more effective when measuring
particles under approximately 1μm in size. There is a gradual
reduction in the effectiveness (and hence significance to the
overall measurement result) of the use of blue light on sam-
ples containing particles above this size.
Some red and yellow samples (such as pigments) can
absorb light in the blue spectrum. This may lead to problems
with the validity of the data acquired during the blue light
part of the measurement. If you have such a sample, the blue
light measurement can be disabled, so limiting the measure-
ment to the main red laser.
Either select Use the durations I specify, or If no blue light
measurement is required, select Don't perform blue light
measurement. This will speed up the measurement time.
Section/option Description
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-35
Measurement - Sequence
The Measurement Sequence settings window allows you to specify the number of
measurements and the duration of any delay between measurements.
Section/option Description
Measurements If the material is difficult to disperse, requiring ultrasonica-
tion, surfactant or both to achieve a stable dispersion, sev-
eral measurements of the same sample may be required in
order to determine the ideal dispersion time. In general,
repeat measurements are performed until the last measure-
ment obtained agrees closely with the previous one.
Enter the Number of measurements (up to 999) and Delay
between measurements (up to 9999 seconds). Specifying
several measurements, e.g. 5, allows repeatability to be
In wet measurements a Pre-measurement delay (s) can be
specified. This delay occurs before the very first measure-
ment but after Ultrasound has been stopped, assuming the
pre-measurement ultrasound option is selected.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-36 MAN 0474
Measurement - Obscuration
The Measurement Obscuration settings enable you to specify the obscuration lev-
els between which the measurement will be conducted. This is critical for ensuring
the correct amount of sample is added to the measurement system.
The optimal obscuration settings for a measurement are both sample and disper-
sion unit dependent. As a rough guide, use a range of 10-20% for a wet dispersion
unit and 1-10% for a dry dispersion unit.
For more advice on obscuration settings see the Help.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-37
Sample Dispersion - Accessory
The Accessory control settings allows you to set up the behaviour of the currently
connected accessory. The options available on this Accessory control depend on the
connected accessory. These are described in the dispersions units respective user
Hydro series wet dispersion units manual for the Hydro MV, LV, EV and
SM dispersion units
Aero series dry dispersion units manual for the Aero dispersion units
Section/option Description
Set the following parameters:
Obscuration lower limit (%) - Enter a
percentage value from 0.1 to 50 above
which the measurement should be run.
Obscuration higher limit (%) - Enter a
percentage value from 0.1 to 50 below
which the measurement should be run.
This information is subsequently indicated
on the Laser pane of the measurement
Enable measure-
ment to auto-
If required, select Auto start measurement when obscura-
tion is in range. If selected, it is also necessary to set a Sta-
bilisation time delay in seconds - this will then add a delay
before the measurement initiates after the obscuration level
is first detected within the specified band.
obscuration fil-
Select the Enable filtering option to optionally set the soft-
ware to only record data where the obscuration was within
the specified range.
The Time out option forces the measurement to stop if no
such data are recorded within the specified number of sec-
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-38 MAN 0474
Sample Dispersion - Cleaning
The Cleaning options allow you to specify both a clean sequence and whether to
use ultrasound as part of the sequence. This ensures that all traces of the sample
just measured are removed so that no contamination of the next sample occurs.
Cleaning following a measurement is essential to ensure that background noise,
consisting of particles agglomerating within the system and forming accumula-
tions, is minimized.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-39
Section/option Description
Clean Sequence Each Clean type specifies a set number of cycles (nothing
further is changed in the cleaning method). Select a Clean
type of either Quick, Normal, Extensive or Custom. If Cus-
tom is selected the user must also manually specify the
number of Clean cycles.
If measuring the same sample type in succession a Quick
clean may be sufficient.
Clean Sequence
If making the last measurement of the session, it is prudent
to perform an Extensive clean to ensure that the system is as
free as possible from contamination in readiness for the next
measurement session.
Tank fill
(Hydro LV/MV
The tank can be filled with dispersant manually or automati-
cally. When set to Automatic the dispersant is plumbed into
the dispersant inlet port at the rear of the accessory and a
solenoid valve controls the flow of dispersant into the tank.
However, if a solvent is to be used as a dispersant, it is
unlikely that the solvent will be plumbed into the accessory.
In these situations the filling of the tank can be set to Man-
ual. Under manual filling the solenoid valve is switched off
(this will mean that the dispersant inlet does not have to be
disconnected during a manual fill) and the tank can be filled
by hand.
The software will tell the operator when to fill the tank during
an SOP measurement:
Filling the tank manually:
Fill the tank slowly until the tank light flashes - this will indi-
cate the correct fluid level for adding sample and running
measurements. If the tank is filled higher than this, sample
and particles may be lost via the over-flow system (drain),
leading to an incorrect particle size distribution being
If dispersant is stored under pressure or at low temperature,
consider de-gassing before use. The pressure release or
temperature rise reduces the solubility of gases, resulting in
possible bubble formation in the pipes and tank.
Select the Degas after fill check box to remove bubbles and
dissolved gases from the dispersant before use. This pulses
the ultrasonics for a period of time after the tank is filled.
Note: It is preferable that all dispersants are degassed
before being added to the system. Degas by storing the dis-
persant at room temperature and pressure before use.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-40 MAN 0474
(Wet dispersion
units only)
Ultrasound can reduce agglomeration, which may help fur-
ther with cleaning. Select whether to Use ultrasound during
the clean sequence or No ultrasound during clean.
Air pressure
(Dry dispersion
units only)
Use the slider bar to set the air pressure at which any
remaining sample is removed (from 0-4 bar, in 0.1 bar incre-
Feed rate
(Dry dispersion
units only)
Use the slider bar to set the rate at which the remaining sam-
ple is removed - effectively this controls the vibration speed
of the feed tray.
Section/option Description
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-41
Data Processing - Analysis
The Analysis settings allow you to specify the scattering model, latex analysis
options and modify the light detectors used in a measurement.
If you are unsure which analysis settings are best suited to your application,
try reapplying different analysis settings to the measurement records. To
do this, use the Edit Result feature after the first set of measurements has
been made – see Viewing the measurement chapter for more informa-
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-42 MAN 0474
Analysis model
Section/option Description
Analysis Model -
General Purpose – this model is appropriate for most
samples, including naturally occurring and milled materials.
You should select this model unless you know that your
sample meets more specific requirements stated for the
other analysis modes provided for the system.
Narrow Modes – this model is appropriate for sample
consisting of one or more narrow modes, where each mode
spans much less than a decade in size. It is not intended for
use with broad distributions which exhibit more than one
Verification Latex (Wet dispersion units only) – this
model is designed to enable the analysis of one or more very
narrow Latex size standards, such as those used during ver-
ification of the optical unit performance.
Note: For all of the analysis models – use the ‘Keep a single
result mode’ option in the Advanced settings to force the
analysis to only report the most significant mode present
within the sample.
Analysis Model -
emulator mode
With the Enable Mastersizer 2000 / 2000E Analysis Emu-
lator options enabled (options menu ) 3 additional
emulated Mastersizer 2000 / 2000E analysis models are
added to the list.
The emulator converts a Mastersizer 3000/3000E results to
how it would be analysed on a Mastersier 2000/2000E
instruments, The extra analysis modes are:
General Purpose (Emulated MS2000 / MS2000E) –
this model is appropriate for the majority of milled and natu-
rally occurring samples.
Multiple modes (Emulated MS2000 / MS2000E) – this
model is appropriate for sample consisting of one or more
very narrow modes, such as polystyrene lattices.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-43
Advanced button
Analysis Model -
emulator mode
Single mode (Emulated MS2000 / MS2000E) – this
model is appropriate for sample consisting of one very nar-
row mode, such as polystyrene lattices.
Fine Powder
(Dry dispersion
units only)
This option should be enabled for samples containing a sig-
nificant proportion of material below 10 microns in size. It
can help improve the result reproducibility, and can be used
with any of the Mastersizer 3000 analysis modes.
Section/option Description
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-44 MAN 0474
Click the Advanced button to reveal the following additional options:
Section/option Description
Analysis Modes Use Keep a single result mode if you know your sample
has a single mode size distribution. This option eliminates
any small modes produced by noise on the measurement.
Disable Detec-
Set the number of inner (low scatter-angle) detectors to be
ignored by the analysis. Thermal fluctuations in the disper-
sant can cause signals in the inner channels to be inter-
preted as large particles. Set the number of detectors to
remove the effect of these fluctuations, at the expense of
reducing the sensitivity to the presence of genuinely large
Red Light Only Remove Blue Light from Analysis allows a measurement
made with red and blue light to be analysed as if the blue
light was not used. (wet only)
(Wet dispersion
units only)
Enhanced sensitivity has maximum sensitivity to any small
modes that are separated from the main particle mode; while
Normal sensitivity (default) subtracts more of the back-
ground and reduces small extra modes.
Virtual lens
Virtual lens ranges limit the result analysis range to that of a
legacy instrument, such as a 300mm lens used on a Master-
sizer X, and are used to help with method transfer from older
Malvern laser diffraction systems:
Selecting each lens range will truncate both the detector
range and the size range of the Mastersizer 3000 system to
match the selected system.
Select this feature for use from the options menu
This option will force a Mastersizer 3000 measurement to be
analysed as if it was made on a Mastersizer 3000E.
Selecting the Mastersizer 3000E analysis mode will override
some of the other advanced settings. For example, the num-
ber of virtual lens ranges available will be reduced.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-45
Data processing - Result
The results settings allow you to specify the displayed size range and the type of
distribution that the analysis has used in the measurement.
Section/option Description
Result range Reducing the measurement range is not usually a recom-
mend option, especially when conform to good laboratory
practice. This facility is useful though if a sample includes
two or more distinct size populations which may need to be
monitored individually.
Adjusting the low and high size range will alter the fit
applied to the fundamental result, where the intermediate
values are then read from the curve allowing interpolation of
percentile points. This adjustment will not alter the analysis
bands that are used in the measurement.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-46 MAN 0474
Result range
Note: The software will automatically flag the use of any
range reduction facility to preserve the integrity and tracea-
bility of the results.
Result type Set the result type for the particle size distribution - choices
are Volume distribution (recommended), Surface area dis-
tribution or Number distribution. By default the Mastersizer
measurement is fundamentally a measurement of the volume
distribution - transforming the result into number distribution
is a mathematical process that may amplify any error in the
original result. Small volumes of small size particles may be
transformed in to significant numbers of particles. Use the
size range controls above to limit this effect.
Extend the result Result extension can be used to extend the Mastersizer
result to sizes beyond 3500μm.
To enable a result extension, first click the Extend with an
External Result option. Then, click the Edit External
Result… button to open the External result editor window.
To enter the size band data to add to the Mastersizer result;
use the control icons at the top of this Editor window to add
or remove size bands, as required.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-47
Extend the result
To enter the size band data to add to the Mastersizer result;
use the control icons at the top of this Editor window to add
or remove size bands, as required.
The data entered will be dependent upon the technique you
are using to extend the result. Values for the size of each
band and the cumulative percentage below each size band
can then be entered by clicking within the table and adding
the value. The only requirement is that 100% of the volume
of material must be present below the largest size specified
in the table.
Clicking Ok will store the extended result data as part of the
SOP settings.
Alternatively the Allow editing of the external result during
a measurement option will allow the external result to be
modified for each measurement of an SOP. Each time the
SOP is run, users will be able to enter new undersize data
Note: When the extended size band set overlaps the Master-
sizer result, it is assumed that the extended result will be
correct. Therefore the Mastersizer result will be truncated
and renomalized to fit with the new extended result data set.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-48 MAN 0474
Data Processing - User Sizes
The Data Processing: User Sizes settings allow size banding for the measure-
ment to be defined for all histograms and tables used in reports.
Section/option Description
User sizes A practical use of size bands is when using sieves that con-
form to specific standard sizes - size bands could be set to
corresponding ranges.
The system can either automatically set size bands for histo-
grams and charts, or these can be user-specified.
Use default sizes - Select this check box to automatically
select appropriate high and low sizes based on the measure-
ment result.
Use the sizes that I specify - Select this check box to man-
ually define size bandings. The User sizes (μm) and Gener-
ate user sizes panels become active.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-49
Reporting standard sieve sizes
Result tables can be set up to display results using standard sieve MESH sizes.
This is configured using the User Sizes option.
To display the MESH sizes, users must first load in the required sieve size data -
select the Use the sizes that I specify option described above and then load in the
file containing the data for the sieve set required.
Sieve sizes are available for all standard ASTM, BS, ISO and Tyler sieve sets.
User sizes
Creating size bands
1. From the Generate user sizes panel, enter the required
Lower size and Upper size limits (in μm).
2. Then enter the Number of bands into which the table or
histogram should be divided.
3. Select a Distribution type:
Linear: Divides the bands into equal sizes.
Logarithmic: Bands are represented by multiples of a
constant factor that accounts for the size range
4. Click Generate sizes to populate the set of figures in
the User sizes panel.
5. To add more size bands, enter a figure into the Size
(μm) field and then click the button. The new figure is
added to the list in the correct numerical position.
6. To delete one of the size bands, select the figure you
wish to remove and then click .
7. To save size band information that you wish to re-use
within other SOPs, click to save the current sizes. To
use previously saved sizes, click and then locate the
relevant .siz file.
Note: refer to description below for reporting standard sieve
Retrieving User sizes. Any size file can be retrieved using
the User sizes button on the Tools ribbon (Folders group).
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-50 MAN 0474
The ISO sieve size sets includes a list of the micron sizes for all of the available
sieves; these sieves are in the same format as the standard Mastersizer size class
The ASTM, BS and Tyler sieve size class files include a MESH reference for
each size class. In this case the list includes the standard microns size, along
with the MESH size in brackets.
To report the MESH sizes in the report it is necessary to configure the result table
in a report to use the MESH sizes stored in the User Sizes file rather than microns
sizes. This is done by creating a new result table in a report, and then changing the
properties of the table to report the Size in Sieve Mesh Values.
This will cause the result table to show MESH sizes.
Refer to the reporting chapter for details on creating and saving reports.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-51
Output - Data Export
The Output - Data Export window allows specific date to be selected for analysis
in other software applications, for example Microsoft Excel.
Alter the parameters as required.
Section/option Description
Export data? To enable exporting select the Export data? check box.
Select either the Default template or create a Custom one.
The Default template will reflect the current workspace set-
tings and use the record view column configuration.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-52 MAN 0474
Export settings
Choose either rows or columns from the Ordering
selector to present the data horizontally or vertically respec-
From the Delimiter selection, choose either
Comma separated (csv) or Tab separated. Your choice will
depend on the requirements of the target application.
Use the Formatting option to select either Format
values as displayed in software, which displays numeric
information to a limited number of decimal places (this may
be preferable for presentation purposes); or choose Unfor-
matted values to show all data as recorded by the system.
Select Header on/off to specify whether the
export should contain the names of the fields as a header
row (or column).
Select Overwrite to either replace, or append the
previously exported data.
Click the Change selection and order button to show the
Parameter selection window, then select the required
parameters as follows:
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-53
Locate parameters by manually expanding the tree structure
in the Available list, or search for them by typing their first
few characters into the Search... field.
- - -
The search feature is only available with the Mastersizer
3000 / Mastersizer 3000E Extended software option.
- - -
Select a parameter in the Available list and then click the
Add button to transfer it to the Selected list. Similarly,
select an item from the Selected list and click the Remove
button to transfer it to the Available list. It is also possi-
ble to select multiple items using the standard Windows
selection methods (i.e. SHIFT and click, CTRL and click).
When all of the required parameters are shown in the
Selected list, choose an order of presentation so that they
are shown in the desired left-to-right order. Select a parame-
ter and then click the up/down buttons to move its
position in the list. Items at the top of the list are shown on
the left, items at the bottom are shown on the right.
Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window,
or click OK to apply the settings and also close the Parame-
ter Selection window.
Filename Name the exported as required. Select the Change filename
button and select the parameters, if any, that are to be
added to the filename.
The filename will be saved as a .txt or .csv file as determined
by the delimiter selection.
Destination The exported file will be saved in the Export Data folder of
the current workspace.
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-54 MAN 0474
Output - Averaging
An SOP can be set to run through a number of measurements, with an average
result then being created at the end; as set by the Output - Averaging window.
Section/option Description
Averaging After the measurements have finished it may be advanta-
geous to see the average value produced from all the meas-
urements run. Selecting the Create average measurement
on SOP completion check box will enable this option.
Making measurements Chapter 4
Mastersizer 3000 Page 4-55
Output - Printing
The Output - Printing window allows specific reports to be selected for printing
Section/option Description
Print report? To enable printing select the Print report? check box
Always use
default printer
Select the Always use default printer check box if a certain
printer is to be used, otherwise select from the list.
Records to print Select the radio button as required for selecting the records.
Available reports Select the reports required for printing.
This window contains a list of Available Reports on the left
and Selected Reports on the right. Reports shown with
are reports that were created by Malvern Instruments.
Move reports from the Available Reports column to the
Selected Reports column (and back as required) by select-
ing them and then clicking the Add button or Remove
button as appropriate
Chapter 4 Making measurements
Page 4-56 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-1
measurement results
The Mastersizer delivers powerful features for manipulating and presenting the
data gathered in measurement files.
This chapter provides the following information:
An overview on working with measurement files.
Features of the Analysis report.
Fundamental concepts to help understand measurement data.
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-2 MAN 0474
Working with measurement files
To make a measurement it is necessary first to open, or create, a measurement file.
Measurement files can be thought of as containers for the individual records cre-
ated by each measurement.
A measurement file can contain any number of individual records. Often these will
have been made at a similar time, but equally they could have been generated on
different dates. Similarly, a measurement file could contain records that are either
the result of measurements from one or more dispersion unit types.
Multiple measurement files can be opened at the same time, each of which is dis-
played in its own tab (see the Software overview chapter). When working with
multiple measurement files, it can also be useful to compare data by merging all of
the files into a single list; the All files tab offers this feature. Additionally, if
required, individual measurement records can be copied between files or copied
into an empty measurement file.
Opening existing measurement files
This section provides information on how to open and close existing Mastersizer
3000 (.mmes files) and Mastersizer 2000 (.mea files).
Files from the Mastersizer S/X/Micro/Microplus instruments can also be opened
(.sam files). These first have to be saved to an Mastersizer 3000 measurement file
format. However, no reanalysis is possible.
Although Mastersizer 2000 files can be opened for analysis, they cannot be
edited directly. They are shown with a differently coloured file icon and
also a lock, which indicates their read-only status (like the Examples file
shown here):
Mastersizer 2000 files can only be edited if they are first saved in Master-
sizer 3000 format. This can be done by selecting Save-As., or by copying
and pasting the Mastersizer 2000 results into a Mastersizer 3000 result file.
To open a Mastersizer 3000 measurement file: from the Home ribbon’s
Documents section, choose Open-Measurement File. Mastersizer 2000
measurement files can be opened by selecting Open-Mastersizer 2000 Meas
urement File.
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-3
Scroll the open measurement file tabs left and right using the buttons.
Use the button for quick selection of any open measurement file.
To close a measurement file: click in the right corner of the tab of the
measurement file you wish to close.
To view more information about an open measurement file, move the
mouse pointer over its tab - information about the file type, access mode
and location are provided.
Creating and saving measurement files
1. Select New-Measurement file from the Home ribbon.
2. From the Home ribbon choose Save As and then enter a new file name.
Alternatively, choose Save from the Home ribbon if the file has already been
saved and you wish to just overwrite the last saved instance.
If multiple measurement files are simultaneously open, select Save All to save
the changes of all modified files.
Filtering the Record View
This section provides information on how to set up parameter filters within the
Record View.
To simplify the analysis of large numbers of records (perhaps when using the All
files feature or a large measurement file), it is possible to set up parameter filters.
These are used to hide or make visible entire groups of records as required. It is
possible to filter on any parameter, e.g. operator name, measurement date, sample
name or a value range of a particular measurement parameter, like “Dv50 >
1. From the Record view, move the mouse pointer over one of the column
headings until a down arrow is displayed next to the title of the column, for
The parameter filters feature is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 /
Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-4 MAN 0474
2. Click the down arrow to display a list of available parameter values upon which
to filter (these are the values shown in the record).
3. Select any of the values to show only those records with values matching the
checked filters. When a filter has been set, the column header shows the fol
lowing icon: . As many filters as required can be set up in this way.
4. It is also possible to extend the functionality of this grid by manually typing text
into the sorting header area - filtering criteria can include numerical informa
tion, date ranges and strings.
5. Select Filter Record view from the Result group of the Home ribbon.
6. Click on the column header and then enter text - the display updates immedi-
ately to show only those items that are within the scope of the filter - see
Parameter filtering logic in the Help system.
In the example shown here a filter of >50 has been applied (meaning, show
only those items whose Dv50(μm) value is greater than 50).
The filters can be removed by:
Deselecting the Filter Record view from the Result group of the Home rib-
Right-click on the icon and either de-select the individual check box from the
filter menu or choose the Clear filter option.
or simply delete the text.
Check box filters: having all
filters either selected or deselected has the
same effect, namely that all of the records are shown.
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-5
Column configuration
The columns can be changed as required to indicate various parameters.
Right click the mouse in the header field of the record view to display the Column
configuration button, then select the button to display the Parameter selection
Alter the required parameters as follows:
Locate parameters by manually expanding the tree structure in the Available
list, or search for them by typing their first few characters into the Search...
Select a parameter in the Available list and then click the Add button to
transfer it to the Selected list. Similarly, select an item from the Selected list
and click the Remove
button to transfer it to the Available list. It is also
possible to select multiple items using the standard Windows selection meth-
ods (i.e. SHIFT and click, CTRL and click).
The column configuration feature is only available with the Mastersizer 3000
/ Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-6 MAN 0474
When all of the required parameters are shown in the Selected list, choose an
order of presentation so that they are shown in the desired left-to-right order.
Select a parameter and then click the up/down
buttons to move its posi-
tion in the list. Items at the top of the list are shown on the left, items at the
bottom are shown on the right.
Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window, or click OK to
apply the settings and also close the Parameter Selection window.
Grouping records
Read this section for details on how to group records by parameter type.
The Record view allows records with the same parameter values to be grouped
into collapsible sections. Any parameter can be selected on which to group. It is
then possible to add further sub groups. Examples of the use of groups include,
grouping by Operator Name, Measurement Date, Accessory Type etc.
1. To group items by a parameter, drag the required column header into the area
above the columns, titled Drag a column header here... The records are
now presented in collapsible groups based on groupings of the chosen parame
ter of the same value. For example if Scattering Model was used as the group-
ing parameter, items would be grouped either in the Fraunhofer, Fraunhofer
Extended or Mie groups.
2. To collapse the groups, click next to the group section's title. To expand a
group that has been collapsed, click next to the title.
3. Add further groupings in the same way - these are then indicated in the area
above the records in the order in which the grouping was applied. The parame
ter that is leftmost is applied first.
The image below shows several groupings applied; the up arrow in Measure-
ment Date Time indicates that sorting is applied on that field:
The grouping records feature is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 /
Mastersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-7
The grouping hierarchy can be edited by dragging and dropping the group
parameter headers left or right as appropriate.
4. To remove groupings, drag the group parameter header back into the records
Merging records
This section provides information on how to use the All files feature of the
Record View.
When working with multiple Mastersizer measurement files, it can be useful to
compare data by merging all of the files into a single (virtual) measurement file so
that Mastersizer's powerful sorting, grouping and reporting features can be
1. Open more than one measurement file.
2. Click the All files tab (rightmost):
The records contained in all of the open measurement files are shown combined
into a single file. It is now possible to sort, group, filter and report on the records
displayed in this view. If graphically analysing multiple records in reports, each
record's data is overlaid using a different colour.
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-8 MAN 0474
Creating an averaged record
The Create Averaged Record feature allows you to create a new record that con-
tains the average values of all selected records.
1. From the Record View, select the records from which to create an average and
choose Create average from the Home ribbon. Alternatively, right-click a
selection of records and choose Create Averaged Record.
The Create Averaged Result window is displayed:
This feature is not available from the All files view.
2. Enter a Sample name and a Reason for creating the new result.
3. Then click the Create Average button.
A new record is created within the current measurement file. To retain the
newly created record, save the measurement file.
Editing results
This section provides help on the Edit Result feature of the Records view.
Each Mastersizer record is the result of the processing of raw measurement data.
By editing a record it is possible to re-apply new values to some of the parameters
used in the original measurement settings in order to generate a completely new
This can be used to explore the effect of using different settings from those chosen
when the measurement was made. Typically adjustments are made to improve the
‘fit’ of the calculated result to the data. Use the SOP summary report (see the
Advanced features chapter) to show which parameters have been altered.
1. From the Record View, right click on a record, or group of records, and choose
Edit Result.
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-9
2. The Result Editor window is displayed.
This contains all of the information set up in the original measurement. Some
of the options are unavailable because they relate only to the physical set up of
the original measurement, for example, all of the Measurement Duration
3. Edit any available sections of the Result Editor as required.
Any edited information is clearly highlighted by a different background colour
(in the example shown here the lower field has been edited).
4. Click OK when all settings have been altered to your specification, then input a
reason for the change in the Edited result text window. Select Edit to finish
and the newly-set values will be applied to the existing raw measurement data.
5. When the result has been edited, the edited result is then displayed as the last
item in the record view (this is dependent upon the view configuration).
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-10 MAN 0474
If you save the measurement file, the new settings will overwrite the origi-
nal file settings. To create a result-edited version of a file and still retain the
original file settings, just save the file with a different name before editing.
Selecting records to display in a report
Mastersizer reports display data from all measurement records that are currently
selected in the Record view. It is possible to select either single or multiple records
for report analysis. Records can also be sourced from different measurement files
and still compared in the same report – see Merging records for more informa-
1. To view a report of the data contained in a single record, click on it within the
list of records. The display is updated immediately to reflect the selection
(assuming that you are using a view that shows a report and records simultane
ously - see the Software overview chapter).
2. To select multiple records to display in a report, use the standard Windows
selection methods; either hold SHIFT and click to select multiple contig
uous records or hold CTRL and click to select non-contiguous records.
When more than one record is selected, and a graph is displayed in the cur
rently shown report, the graph indicates the data taken from individual records
by using a different colour for each. A key to the colours used is presented
beneath the graph.
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-11
Analysis report
The Analysis report provides a useful breakdown of the
measurement data.
To display this report, select the record(s) to analyse in the Record View and
then click the Analysis report from within the Reports tab.
The following information is displayed in the report:
Weighted Residual – an indication of how well the calculated data was fitted
to the measurement data. A good fit is indicated by a residual of under 1%. A
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-12 MAN 0474
residual of over 1% may indicate use of incorrect refractive index and absorp-
tion values for the sample and dispersant.
The statistics of the distribution are calculated from the results using the
derived diameters D[m,n] – an internationally agreed method of defining the
mean and other moments of particle size. See British standard BS2955:1993 for
more details.
Dv 50, Dv 10 and Dv 90 are standard percentile readings from the analysis.
Dv 50 – the size in microns at which 50% of the sample is smaller and 50%
is larger. This value is also known as the Mass Median Diameter (MMD)
or the median of the volume distribution. The v in the expression Dv 50
shows that this refers to the volume distribution. This can be replaced by s
for surface, l for length or n for number distributions.
Dv 10 – the size of particle below which 10% of the sample lies.
Dv 90 – the size of particle below which 90% of the sample lies.
D[4,3] – the Volume Weighted Mean or Mass Moment Mean Diameter,
also known as the De Broucker mean.
D[3,2] – the Surface Weighted Mean, also known as the Surface Area
Moment Mean Diameter or Sauter mean.
Span – is the measurement of the width of the distribution. The narrower the
distribution, the smaller the span becomes. The span is calculated as:
The x is replaced by any of the letters v, s, l or n that define the distribution
Concentration – the volume concentration. This is calculated using Beer-
Lambert’s law. For full details see the following section.
Obscuration – this helps the user to set the concentration of the sample when
it is added to the dispersant. It is a measure of the amount of laser light lost due
to the introduction of the sample into the analyser beam.
The obscuration term can be expressed mathematically:
m 3
n 3
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-13
is the light intensity measured in the central detector when a sample is pre-
sent in the cell, L
is the same but with clean dispersant (i.e. with no sample).
Obscuration is usually expressed as a percentage: 100 x Ob.
An ideal range is between 3 and 20%, depending on the sample and dispersion
unit used.
Distribution – shows the type of distribution the analysis has used. Options
include change from volume to surface area, length or number. Remember
that the Mastersizer measurement is fundamentally a measurement of the vol-
ume distribution - transforming the result into a surface, length or number dis-
tribution is a mathematical process that may amplify any error in the original
result, especially at the fine end of the size distribution.
Uniformity – a measure of the absolute deviation from the median.
Here d(x,0.5) is the median size of the distribution (where x is replaced by v, s,
l or n) and d
and x
are respectively the mean diameter o f, and result in, size
class i.
Specific Surface Area (SSA) – the total area of the particles divided by the
total weight.
where V
is the relative volume in class i with mean class diameter of d
and p is
the particle density.
If the SSA is used, it is important that the density of the material is defined (in
the SOP’s Material settings). This figure is a mathematical calculation based
on the assumption that the particles are both spherical and non-porous.
Ob 1
pD 32
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-14 MAN 0474
Fundamental concepts
To understand the meaning of the results from the Mastersizer, a number of fun-
damental concepts require explanation. These are:
How the concentration is calculated.
The results are volume-based.
The result is expressed in terms of equivalent spheres.
How the distribution parameters are derived.
Calculating the Concentration (Cv)
Beer-Lambert law
The software uses the Beer-Lambert law to calculate the concentration of the sam-
ple. This may be expressed as:
I is the intensity of light at a distance b in the particle field of absorbance .
is the intensity of the light beam as it enters the particle field.
I / I
is the relative transmission T of the beam (measured directly by the
instrument). I
is the intensity of the laser beam measured at the receiver when
no sample is present and I is the intensity with sample in the beam.
Expressing the Beer-Lambert law in terms of relative transmission and re-arranging
to solve for absorbance gives:
Volume concentration
The term contains information about the concentration and size of the particles.
From scattering theory the light attenuated by a particle i may be described by:
is the efficiency of light extinction (by scattering and absorption), calculated
from Mie theory for a particle of radius r
Ln T=
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-15
The second term is the cross-sectional area of the particle and the final term n
is the number of particles of radius r
In terms of the volume of particles , the equation above becomes, for
an ensemble of particles:
The size of the particles is expressed by the diameter d and the volume terms can be
separated into a relative volume distribution v and a total concentration Cv (total
volume of particles in a unit volume of dispersant). The equation then becomes:
Substituting the above into equation (1) and solving for the concentration gives:
If d is measured in m and b in mm, and v is the relative concentration of the size
distribution (such that
) then:
This equation provides the concentration in parts per million (ppm). To calculate
the value as a percentage volume concentration, the final value is divided by 10,000.
In the above equation:
The Transmission (T) is a value between 0 and 1 and is measured directly by
the instrument.
The particle size distribution v
is the relative volume in size-class i with mean
diameter d
- the mean extinction term for size-class i - is calculated from scattering the-
ory and is a function of the optical properties of the particle and dispersant
2Ln T
2000Ln T
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-16 MAN 0474
Concentration at different obscurations
This advice gives an approximate idea of the obscuration ranges to use during a
It is possible to convert the obscuration limits into an equivalent volume concen-
tration but there is a strong size dependence that makes it difficult to use the data at
the time of measurement. The relative volume concentrations of monomodal (sin-
gle sized) particles that would give a certain obscuration is illustrated below. The
actual curves differ according to the presentation being used. It will be clear that
there is a size dependence; an obscuration of 30% means a widely varying volume
concentration dependent on size.
Concentration at different obscurations
Calculated for glass beads in water (n=1.54 +i0) in water
In the more realistic situation of a polydisperse (or multimodal) sample it is not
possible to provide simple graphical correlations of volume concentrations and
obscuration. The system calculates concentration, however, using the size distribu-
tion result and the obscuration.
For a polydisperse sample the curve of the above figure can be used if the
Surface Weighted Mean (D[3, 2]) of the material is taken as single size.
Volume-based results
The first, and probably most important, point to remember in interpreting results
is that the fundamental size distribution derived by this technique is volume-based.
This means that when a result indicates, for example, that 11% of the distribution is
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-17
in the size category 6.97-7.75 microns, this means that the volume of all particles
with diameters in this range represents 11% of the total volume of all particles.
It is useful to consider a numerical example to illustrate this point. Suppose, for
simplicity, that a sample consists of only two sizes of particle, 50% by number hav-
ing a diameter of 1 micron and 50% by number a diameter of 10 microns. Assum-
ing that the particles are spherical, the volume of each of the larger particles is 1000
times the volume of one of the smaller ones. Thus, as a volume distribution, the
larger particles represent 99.9% of the total volume.
The graph below illustrates this for a more realistic distribution:
ill 1874
Equivalent spheres
Mie theory presumes that the particles measured are perfect spheres. In practice
they are very rarely so. This causes a problem in the definition of the term “meas-
ure the particle’s size”: if the particle is an irregular shape, which particular dimen-
sion should be measured?
As an example, imagine that I give somebody a matchbox and a ruler and ask them
to tell me the size of it. They may reply by saying that the matchbox is 50mm x
25mm x 10mm. They cannot say that “the matchbox is 25mm” as this is only one
aspect of its size. It is not possible to describe the three dimensional matchbox with
one unique dimension. Obviously the situation is even more complex for irregular
shaped particles such as grains of sand or the pigment particles in paint.
Most people want a single measurement to describe their sample, for example, they
wish to say that their sample is made up of 50 micron particles. What is required is
a unique number that describes the particle. There is only one shape that can be
described by one unique number and that is a sphere. If we say we have a sphere of
Particle Diameter (µm.)
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-18 MAN 0474
50 microns, this describes it exactly. We cannot do the same even for a cube as 50
microns can refer to its edge or to a diagonal.
One way to get a single unique number to describe an irregular shaped particle is to
compare some feature of the actual particle to an imaginary spherical particle.
Some typical methods of doing this are:
Equivalent surface area – calculating the diameter of a theoretical sphere
that has the same surface area of the original particle.
Equivalent maximum length – this is where the diameter of a theoretical
sphere is the same as the maximum dimension of the original particle.
Equivalent minimum length – this is where the diameter of a theoretical
sphere is the same as the minimum dimension of the original particle.
There are many other methods available to do this. This technique is known as
“equivalent spheres”.
The Mastersizer uses the volume of the particle to measure its size. In the example
above, the matchbox has a volume of 50 x 25 x 10mm = 12500mm
. If the Master-
sizer was able to measure this size of “particle” it would take this volume and calcu-
late the diameter of an imaginary sphere that is equivalent in volume - in this case it
will be a sphere of about 30mm diameter.
Obviously the answer will be different if the surface area or maximum dimension
of the matchbox is used to calculate an equivalent sphere. All of these answers are
correct but each is measuring a different aspect of the matchbox. We can therefore
only seriously compare measurements that have been measured using the same
Consider a cylindrical particle of diameter 20 microns and length 60 microns. The
volume of the cylinder is:
ill 7973
V 10m
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-19
The sphere of equivalent volume would have a diameter centred on:
with a spread from 20 to 60μm.
It is interesting to compare this with other techniques. Sieving would pass the par-
ticles through a 20μm aperture and classify them as 20μm. Sedimentation would
give a result related to the total surface area, in this case reporting a diameter of
around 40μm.
Derived distribution parameters
The particle size distribution reported by the software is expressed in a set of size
classes which are optimized to match the detector geometry and optical configura-
tion, giving the best resolution. All parameters are derived from this fundamental
Distribution parameters and derived diameters are calculated from the fundamen-
tal distribution using the summation of the contributions from each size band. In
performing this calculation the representative diameter for each band is taken to be
the geometric mean of the size band limits:
This number will be slightly different to the arithmetic mean:
For example, the size band 404.21 - 492.47 microns has a geometric mean of 446.16
microns and an arithmetic mean of 448.34 microns. In most cases the difference is
small but the geometric mean is chosen in these calculations as more appropriate to
the logarithmic spacing of the fundamental size classes.
The same principle of calculation applies to the distribution statistics standard devi-
ation, skewness and kurtosis, as shown below:
standard deviation
---------------------------------- DK 2+ K[,]
DK 1+ K[,]
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-20 MAN 0474
In the above formulae K and X depend on the distribution being calculated as
shown in this table:
The various derived diameters are related by:
For “mono-size” distributions such as latex, the distribution mean is reported as
the geometric mean of the size class and standard deviation, skewness and kur-
tosis are reported as zero.
The procedure used for other parameters of the distribution is to create a spline fit
to the fundamental result. Intermediate values are then read from this curve allow-
ing interpolation of percentile points which do not coincide with the measurement
size band boundaries.
Distribution K
Volume 3 V
Surface 2 V
Length 1
Number 0
DK 3 K+
DK 4 K+
d 4DK 3 K+
Viewing measurement results Chapter 5
Mastersizer 3000 Page 5-21
Optical models
This section contrasts the Fraunhofer approximation used in some instruments
with the Mie theory which underpins Mastersizer operation. Although Mie is the
preferred scattering model, users can also select Fraunhofer if required from the
Data Processing - Analysis measurement settings.
Fraunhofer approximation
Older instruments and some existing instruments rely on the Fraunhofer approxi-
mation only. This assumes that:
The particle is much larger than the wavelength of light employed. ISO 13320
defines this as being greater than 40x wavelength (25μm when a He-Ne laser is
All sizes of particle scatter with equal efficiencies.
The particle is opaque and transmits no light.
These assumptions are incorrect for many materials and for small particles they can
give rise to errors approaching 30%, especially when the relative refractive index of
the material and medium is close to unity, or when the particles are transparent.
When the particle size approaches the wavelength of light the scattering efficiency
becomes a complex function with maxima and minima present.
Mie theory
The Mastersizer uses the full Mie theory which completely solves the equations for
interaction of light with matter. This allows completely accurate results over a large
size range.
Requirements for using Mie
The Mie theory assumes the particle is spherical, as opposed to Fraunhofer, which
is a projected area prediction. The penalty for this complete accuracy is that the
refractive indices for the material and medium must be known and the absorption
part of the refractive index must be known or estimated. However, for the majority
of users this will present no problems as these values either will be known or can be
A standard set of materials is available for selection in the SOP (presented in the
Sample - Material section of the measurement settings). Further materials can be
defined by a user within the materials database, but the following parameters must
be specified accurately:
Chapter 5 Viewing measurement results
Page 5-22 MAN 0474
Refractive Index (Real) – this value relates to the speed of light within the
material, which in turn allows the degree of refraction (light bending) to be
predicted when light passes from one medium to another.
Absorption Index – an imaginary number that describes the amount of
absorption that takes place as the light enters the particle.
Density – the density in g/cm
. This is used to calculate the Specific Surface
Area (SSA). Users who want to include the SSA as a derived parameter must
complete this field.
The residual shown in the Parameters report indicates how well the calculated
data fitted the measurement data.
Refractive index of medium
This value is needed by the software in order to provide accurate calculations and is
specified within Mie theory.
Mastersizer 3000 Page 6-1
Sample preparation
Preparation of the sample before it is added to the system can be critical. Over half
the problems encountered when measuring a sample are caused by poor sample
preparation. If the sample is sticking together, dissolving or floating on the surface,
or if it is not a representative sample, the result will be incorrect.
There are many techniques available to ensure that the sample is prepared success-
fully. Once a suitable dispersion technique is found for the sample, standardise the
procedure (using an SOP) so that comparisons can be made between samples.
This chapter gives information on:
Sample preparation flow chart – summarises the process.
Representative sampling.
Considerations for dry samples.
Considerations for wet samples.
Symptoms of poor sample preparation.
Chapter 6 Sample preparation guidance
Page 6-2 MAN 0474
Sample preparation flow chart
This flow diagram shows the route taken to prepare an unknown sample:
ill 7825
Using liquid-borne particle suspensions, such as latex and emulsions, is usually
straight forward. Use the suspension phase as the dispersant, mix the sample well
and add directly to the Mastersizer beaker. Ultrasound is not usually necessary and
will almost certainly affect the size of liquid particles.
Take Representative Sample
(mix well or riffle if dry powder)
Ultrasound if
Try Surfactant
Ultrasound if
Ultrasound if
e.g. Ethanol
Propan-2-ol (IPA)
Butanone (Methyl Ethyl
Tolu e ne
Dimethyl Digol
Try Solvent
Does it
disperse in
Does it
Does this
disperse it?
Yes No
Sample preparation guidance Chapter 6
Mastersizer 3000 Page 6-3
Representative sampling
When taking a sample for a measurement, it is vital to ensure that the sample used
is representative of the whole sample. This section gives guidelines.
If the sample is taken from a bottle or container, take care to ensure that it is thor-
oughly mixed. When the sample is a powder, large particles tend to rise to the top
of the container as smaller ones work their way to the bottom.
In most samples there are some large and some small particles, but the majority fall
between these extremes. If a sample is taken from the top of the container, mainly
large particles will be measured. If this is compared to a measurement with the
sample taken from the centre of the container the results will differ noticeably.
If the sample is stored in a container this should be mixed thoroughly before meas-
urement. Do not shake the container as this often increases the separation of the
particles. Instead, hold the container in both hands and gently roll the container,
continually changing its orientation for about 20 seconds. This method works bet-
ter if the container is only half full.
Spinning rifflers
If the distribution of particles within a sample is particularly broad, representative
sampling can be difficult. If problems continue, using a spinning riffler may help.
This is a vibrating hopper which vibrates the sample down a chute.
The act of vibrating the sample causes the larger particles to separate out and travel
down the chute first. At the end of the chute a set of rotating pans collects the sam-
ple evenly. When all of the sample has passed down the chute each collecting pan
will contain a representative sample.
Liquid samples
Liquid samples can also separate out if stored in containers, with larger particles
sinking to the bottom. Again, it’s necessary to mix the sample thoroughly to get a
representative sample. Sample splitters/rifflers are also available for liquid samples.
Beware of using a magnetic stirrer to mix a liquid sample. Large particles tend to
move to the outside of the container due to centrifugal separation, and this can lead
to sample biasing.
Chapter 6 Sample preparation guidance
Page 6-4 MAN 0474
Considerations for dry samples
The first step when analysing a sample for the first time is to decide whether to ana-
lyse the sample in a wet or dry state. This is usually determined by the nature of the
end use of the sample. If the product is to be used and stored in a dry form, a dry
analysis may be preferred.
Some samples can only be measured in a dry state as they react with all wet disper-
sants, for example they may dissolve or the particles may swell when in contact
with a liquid.
Another consideration is whether the material in its dry state is free flowing. Good
pouring characteristics indicate a non-cohesive powder which will usually disperse
well in a dry powder feeder without any difficulties, whereas a highly cohesive
material tends to stick and clump together, giving biased measurements.
Sample clumping together can often be overcome by drying the sample in an oven.
Obviously care should be taken with delicate materials where drying in the oven
may damage the sample. To drive the moisture from the sample, set the oven to the
highest temperature possible, but not above its melting point!
If it is obvious that using an oven is going to damage the sample, use a desiccator.
A fresh sample that has not had time to absorb moisture from the atmosphere is
always preferable and usually gives better results. If hygroscopic samples need to be
conveyed to the system over some distances, they should be sealed into tubes as
soon as possible with a silica gel bag if this is practicable.
Application Notes describing how to develop a method for dry sample
analysis are available at
Sample preparation guidance Chapter 6
Mastersizer 3000 Page 6-5
Considerations for wet samples
This section covers sample preparation considerations for wet samples. When ana-
lysing a sample in a wet medium there are even more choices to be made than for
dry samples.
Choice and preparation of the dispersant
The majority of samples will allow water to be used as the dispersant. If the parti-
cles are soluble in water or react chemically an alternative must be used. For exam-
ple, flour added to water will float on the surface but it disperses well when added
to propan-2-ol (IPA).
The first choice to consider when measuring a wet sample is the choice of suspen-
sion medium (dispersant). When analysing a sample for the first time, it is always
best to check the dispersion beforehand. Add the selected dispersant (for an initial
measurement it is usual to use water) to a little of the sample in a beaker and visu-
ally note the result. The sample may dissolve; this can usually be seen visually. If
unsure, analyse the sample and observe the obscuration figure. If the obscuration
figure decreases the sample is probably dissolving.
The dispersant may itself contain impurities or particles that could be significant.
We recommend filtering the dispersant before use either with an in-line pipe filter
or, for small quantities, a syringe based disposable type. Filtration to 1 micron is
generally adequate with 0.22 microns being commonly available and an ideal size.
If the dispersant is stored under pressure or at low temperature it may be necessary
to consider degassing before use. A pressure release or a temperature rise will
reduce the solubility of gasses, resulting in the formation of bubbles in pipes and
cells, etc. Bubbles are a problem as they are measured with the sample and are
counted as particles, biasing the results. This is particularly a problem with some
mains water supplies. The simple answer is to store sufficient dispersant at room
temperature and pressure for several hours before use to allow the degassing to
occur. Also see the section on bubbles later in this chapter.
Note that the use of cold dispersant in a warmer environment can also give rise to
condensation on the outside surfaces of the cell windows. For systems plumbed
into the mains supplies a small header tank may overcome this problem. Filter this
water prior to use. Another solution is to warm the dispersant (for water typically to
60-80 °C) and then allow it to cool before use.
Do not warm a dispersant to allow re-gassing if the dispersant is volatile.
Never allow dispersants to reach their boiling points.
Chapter 6 Sample preparation guidance
Page 6-6 MAN 0474
If condensation is a problem in a water-based system, a quick remedy is the addi-
tion of warm water to the sample tank. The increase in obscuration caused by the
condensation will quickly disappear.
When analysing particles suspended in a liquid dispersant, one of the most impor-
tant decisions is which liquid to use. The dispersant can be any clear (at 633nm
wavelength), optically uniform liquid that does not interact with the sample caus-
ing it to change its size. Clearly users wish to use the safest, lowest cost liquids that
are effective. Particles that give problems, such as dissolution, in one medium may
be quite suitable in another.
If a volatile solvent has to be used as dispersant, leave the sample area door
open during use to aid ventilation.
Whenever difficulties in dispersion are experienced, consider using another disper-
sant. This list gives commonly used dispersants with their refractive indices:
The cost of some of the organic dispersants may limit their use to the Hydro MV,
which typically only uses 120ml of dispersant. The problem of the safe disposal of
the sample after measurement must also be considered. Always adopt the correct
procedures for disposing of the sample and dispersant, following any local guide-
lines. Most local regulations forbid hazardous samples and dispersants to be tipped
down the drain, allowing them to enter the water system.
Application Notes describing how to develop a method for wet sample
analysis are available at
Dispersant Refractive index
Water 1.33
Ethanol 1.36
Propan-2-ol (Isopropyl-alcohol) 1.39
Dimethyl Digol 1.41
Butanone 1.38
Hexane 1.38
Acetone 1.36
Sample preparation guidance Chapter 6
Mastersizer 3000 Page 6-7
Surfactants and admixtures
If experiencing problems such as the sample floating on the surface of the disper-
sant, addition of a surfactant or admixture may help.
Adding a surfactant may help in preparation of the sample it will lower the surface
tension, which promotes wetting of the particles.
Surfactants have to be added in minute quantities, typically one drop per litre of
dispersant. If too much surfactant is added the action of stirring and pumping the
sample may cause it to froth, causing bubbles to be introduced into the system.
Bubbles are seen by the system as particles which can bias the measurement. Anti-
foaming agents may be added to prevent the formation of bubbles but, owing to the
fact that these may contain particulates, they should be added to the dispersant
before the background is measured.
Try adding a drop of surfactant to a quantity of sample and dispersant mixed in a
small beaker. If the sample sinks to the bottom of the beaker in large clumps, dis-
pose of the sample and start again. This time add the sample to a dry beaker, add a
drop of surfactant and mix thoroughly to a thick paste. Add the dispersant and mix
well. This usually avoids the agglomeration caused by adding the dispersant first.
A list of recommended surfactants in order of common use is given below:
Admixtures work by causing the particle surface to become charged, causing parti-
cles to repel each other (i.e. providing a zeta-potential to aid dispersion). Admix-
tures are added in larger quantities, typically 1g/l. A list of commonly used
admixtures is given below:
Sodium Hexametaphosphate (e.g. Calgon)
Sodium Pyrophosphate
Trisodium Phosphate
Surfactant Nature
Igepal Non-ionic
Teepol L Non-ionic
Synperonic N Non-ionic
Aerosol OT Anionic (solid)
Sodium dodecyl sulphate Anionic
Hyamine 2389 Cationic
Chapter 6 Sample preparation guidance
Page 6-8 MAN 0474
Sodium Oxalate
Calcium Chloride
As many of these are solid materials that are dissolved into the dispersant, the solu-
tion should be filtered after preparation to remove impurities.
The act of mixing up a small quantity of concentrated sample, dispersant and addi-
tives before it is added to the dispersion unit tank is known as preparing a slurry.
Once the particles have been successfully dispersed into a slurry, the sample may be
added to the dispersion unit without any further additions of surfactants etc. The
problem of the sample settling out within the beaker can be solved by using a
pipette to continually stir the sample. While stirring, continually fill and empty the
pipette. Use the pipette to add the sample to the dispersion unit tank.
Use of ultrasonics
In addition to the processes described above, ultrasonics can be applied to help the
dispersion, whether or not it contains a surfactant.
When mixing the sample in the suspension medium, a visual inspection often
shows whether ultrasonics are necessary. If large agglomerates of particles sink to
the bottom of the beaker, try applying two minutes of ultrasonics by placing the
slurry and its beaker in an ultrasonic bath. It will be immediately apparent if this has
been effective. Further ultrasonics can be applied when the sample is added to the
tank, if necessary. This often prevents re-agglomeration, but is not always needed.
Be wary of using ultrasonics with fragile particles; the ultrasonic action
may break up the particles themselves. If in any doubt, microscopic obser-
vation before and after the ultrasonics can establish whether it has helped.
Samples with unstable concentrations
When adding the sample to the dispersion unit tank using the software’s Add sam-
ple facility, users may experience obscurations that change during the dispersion
period. Most samples disperse very quickly so users will not notice the obscuration
value rising. With some samples the slow dispersion of the sample can be clearly
seen. Do not make a measurement until the obscuration has stabilised, indicating
that the sample has properly dispersed. When adding very fine material and relying
on the action of the ultrasonics to achieve a good dispersion, add less sample than
you would expect. The action of the ultrasonics will cause the obscuration to rise.
Sample preparation guidance Chapter 6
Mastersizer 3000 Page 6-9
The obscuration and its behaviour during the dispersion of the sample can also
warn of other potential problems.
If the obscuration decreases the size of the particles within the sample may be
increasing; either the sample is sticking together or the particles are actually swell-
ing due to the dispersant. Other causes could be the larger particles settling out due
to inadequate pumping and stirring or even the particles dissolving.
If obscuration increases rapidly, particles may be attaching themselves to the cell
windows due to surface charges. This means material is in the laser beam continu-
ously and the obscuration appears to increase. To solve this, use an admixture.
The Mastersizer sees bubbles as particles and measures them. Bubbles vary in size
but are typically around 100 microns in size. In many cases these bubbles can be
seen clearly as a second and separate peak when the measurement data is analysed.
Always be wary of bubbles in the system.
When the dispersant has been added to the dispersion unit and circulated, we
advise stopping the unit briefly (using the Stop all operations button in the
Active Accessory control) to allow trapped air to escape the system. Also, during
installation, ensure there are no twists or loops in the connected sample tubing.
When adjusting the pump and stirrer speed for a particular sample, ensure the
speed is not so fast that it introduces air into the system.
When a surfactant is added to the sample, excessive speed of the stirrer/pump may
cause frothing. This will force bubbles into the system.
If dispersant is stored under pressure or at low temperature, consider de-gassing
before use. The pressure release or temperature rise reduces the solubility of gases,
resulting in bubble formation in the pipes and tank etc. This is a problem with
some mains water supplies. The best answer is to store enough dispersant at room
temperature and pressure for several hours before use to allow de-gassing to occur.
For more information see Choice and preparation of the dispersant above.
Pulses of ultrasonics can help to degas the dispersant after the tank has been cleaned
and filled with fresh dispersant. To do this, use the Active accessory control
panel (Tools-Accessories) and then select Enable pulsed sonication.
Ensure that all dispersants are degassed before being added to the system.
Chapter 6 Sample preparation guidance
Page 6-10 MAN 0474
Symptoms of poor sample preparation
Use this table to identify sample dispersion problems:
Problem Symptom Action
Sample dissolving Obscuration decreases. Try another dispersant.
Dispersant contains
Poor background read-
Filter the dispersant
before use.
Bubbles within the dis-
Bubbles typically show
as a secondary peak at
100 microns.
Degas the system.
Sample floating on the
surface of the dispersant
Sample seen on the sur-
face of the dispersant in
the tank.
Add surfactant or
Sample clumps together Obscuration decreases. Add surfactant or admix-
ture, or use ultrasonic
Sample sinks to the bot-
Obscuration decreases
as the larger particles
settle out.
Increase the pump/stir-
rer speed.
Sample swells in disper-
Obscuration decreases. Try another dispersant.
Particles sticks to the
Rapidly increasing
Use an admixture or sur-
Condensation on the cell
Rapidly increasing
If (and only if) the disper-
sant is water, add a
quantity of hot (not boil-
ing) water to the tank. If
the obscuration falls,
condensation is the
Bubbles sticking to win-
Difficulty in obtaining low
background despite
many rinses.
Drain the sampling tank.
The bubbles will burst.
Fill the system carefully
with degassed disper-
sant. In a new system,
adding Decon 90 to the
tank overnight and rins-
ing 7 or 8 times will wet
out the cell surface and
reduce bubble formation.
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-1
Reports help to make sense of all the data that is generated in a Mastersizer meas-
urement. They enable you to graphically analyse measurement data and also isolate
areas that are of interest using tables and graphs.
This chapter provides the following information:
About reports.
Viewing and using reports.
Creating and editing reports.
Chapter 7 Reporting
Page 7-2 MAN 0474
About reports
Mastersizer's reports consist of information sections that are displayed together in a
single report for easy on-screen analysis or printing. Reports can be configured so
that only those items that are of interest to the user are displayed. It is also possible
to alter the order in which the report elements are displayed.
Additionally data in the reports can be directly copied and exported to other Win-
dows applications.
It is only possible to edit user-defined reports, not those supplied with the
system. It is possible however to copy the system reports and create new
reports that are based on them.
Malvern reports
In addition to the ability for users to build reports tailored to their own require-
ments, Malvern Instruments supplies a number of standard reports with the soft-
ware. These are:
Analysis – a report that provides a mixture of key parameter sections and a particle
size distribution graph. See Viewing the measurement results chapter for more
information on this report.
Data – this report mainly focuses on the raw light scattering data gathered by the
instrument during the measurement. It includes a light scattering graph.
Parameters – a summary of the key parameters measured by the system.
Fit – shows the scattered light data together with a curve calculated from the result
distribution. Differences between these two curves come from deviations in the
calculated result from the actual result and may be due to measurement errors or
poor choice of optical properties and calculation model.
Additionally, Result overlay and Trend reports are also available.
Although the Malvern Reports cannot be modified directly, they can be
opened for editing and saved under a different Report name to create a
new report.
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-3
Viewing and using reports
This section describes how to view and manipulate reports about the records con-
tained within measurement files. It is assumed that a measurement file is open and
that it contains several records.
Displaying reports
1. Select a record or number of records from the Record View.
2. If it is not already shown in the current view, select the Reports tab. One of
the reports for the current workspace is then shown (by default this is the Anal
ysis report).
It can be easier to work in 2-pane Vertical Split view whilst initially selecting
the records. Any selections or de-selections of records are then updated imme-
diately in the visible report.
Three types of graph are used within the reports: result, trend and data graphs.
Whenever a graph is displayed, click on the plot lines to display data points. Move
the mouse pointer over the data lines to see numerical information relating to that
data point.
Collapsing/expanding report sections
To collapse the individual sections within a report, click the up arrow icon to
the left of the report section title. To expand an already collapsed report section,
click the down arrow icon
to the left of the report section title.
Chapter 7 Reporting
Page 7-4 MAN 0474
Scrolling layout
Reports are presented in sections that are stacked vertically. To reveal all of the
information on the report requires the use of the scroll bar, or collapse individual
sections as required.
Zooming in and out of reports
To zoom in and out use the Zoom slider on the bottom right of
the report pane. In Paging Layout view, the number of pages in the report is
adjusted accordingly.
Selecting reports to display in a workspace
The set of reports that are displayed are associated and saved with the workspace
that is currently selected. See Workspace in the Software overview chapter for
more information. This section gives information on how to choose the set of
reports that are shown in the current workspace and how to arrange the order of
the report tabs shown.
1. From the Workspace pane, select the workspace for which you wish to select
2. From the Reports section of the Home ribbon, choose Report Selector to
display the Report Selection window.
3. This window contains a list of Available Reports on the left and Selected
Reports on the right. Reports shown with
are reports that were created by
Malvern Instruments.
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-5
4. Move reports from the Available Reports column to the Selected Reports
column by selecting them and then clicking the Add
button. Similarly,
move Selected Reports back to the Available Reports list by selecting them
and then clicking the Remove
5. To move a report up or down within the Selected list, select it and then click
the up or down arrow icons
as required. The order of this list corre-
sponds to the left/right position of the Reports tabs, the leftmost tab being the
top report in the Selected Reports list.
6. Click OK when you have organised the reports as required.
Trend Graphs (in reports)
Similar to the trend plot shown in Manual Measurements, the reporting trend
chart shows a graphical plot for each record from a measurement that is currently
selected in the Record View.
By default trend graphs plot Dv10, Dv50, Dv90 data against record number. Each
parameter is given a different colour. Click on the graph line to reveal data points -
move the mouse pointer over those points to reveal numeric values.
Editing a Trend Graph
To alter the axis scaling limits:
1. Move the mouse pointer over the X or Y axis to display the scale adjustment
Chapter 7 Reporting
Page 7-6 MAN 0474
2. Click MANUAL and then enter the required lower and upper limits (click
anywhere outside the input box to confirm the figure).
3. To return the graph to the automatically-adjusted setting, click AUTO.
This feature is also available in the live Trend View, Light Scattering
and Size Distribution panels in the measurement window.
To alter the information shown on the graph:
1. Right click on the graph and select properties from
the pop up.
2. This will open the Trend Chart properties win-
3. Select either the X or Y Axis button on the left. The data currently plotted is
shown in the top panel of the window.
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-7
4. To remove the currently plotted data, click next to the parameter descrip-
To add or select a new data item against which to plot, click the button.
A new <Empty Axis> element is added into the top panel.
5. Select the new <Empty Axis> element to display its properties in the lower
6. Click the button to add a parameter from the Parameter
Selection window.
7. Select the required parameters and press Ok to confirm selection.
Parameters with numeric values (such as percentiles) are editable and indi-
cated with . To edit the parameter numeric value, click the parameter
and amend the value. Any value entered that is inappropriate for the
parameter is flagged with an exclamation mark icon - amend the value
accordingly if this is the case. It is possible to enter multiple variants of the
same parameter with different values associated (for example Dv10, Dv50
and Dv90). These are then indicated on the graph with different colours.
8. Select the Position in which the axis should be labelled - left or
9. Finally, choose a Scale Type of - Linear or Logarithmic.
Chapter 7 Reporting
Page 7-8 MAN 0474
10. Click OK when you have completed the settings.
Printing reports
Before sending a report to the printer, it can be helpful to view a preview initially.
The print preview option shows how a report will appear when printed on paper,
enabling the effect of alterations to a report to be easily established without wasting
1. Choose Print-Report Print Preview from the ribbon. A preview of the cur-
rently selected report is displayed:
The following display options are available:
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-9
Zoom to zoom in and out of the print preview, click the icons
respectively. When zoomed in it may be necessary to use the scroll bars in
order to see all of the elements on the report.
100% shows the report at 100% zoom.
Page width stretches the page to view the width of the page within the cur-
rent window.
Whole page zooms out to so that an entire report page can be viewed in the
Two pages zooms out so that two pages of the report can be seen side by
Use of these options does not have any impact on the final report printout.
2. To print the report, click the Print icon .
Copying data from reports
Report elements and data can be copied directly form the reports and quickly
exported data to other Windows applications.
There are two ways to do this, right click on the report element (e.g. Analysis,
Result, etc) and either select Copy or Copy raw data.
This will enable the following data to be copied to the clipboard, which can then be
pasted into the secondary application:
Size distribution graphs: copies the complete size distribution data set,
including data for all results which are over-plotted on the graph.
Result tables: copies all of the size distribution data from the table.
Parameter grids: copies all values for the parameters listed in the selected
grid, including measurement details, analysis settings and results.
Chapter 7 Reporting
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Data and fit graphs: copies a data set reporting the measured signal per
Trend tables: copies all of the table data.
The copied report element data will either be exported as text (Copy raw data),
Concentration 0.0034%
Uniformity 0.076
Specific Surface Area 118.0 m²/kg
D [3,2] 50.9 μm
D [4,3] 51.3 μm
Span 0.213
Result Units Volume
Dv (10) 46.1 μm
Dv (50) 51.0 μm
Dv (90) 57.0 μm
or as a simple screen copy of the report element (Copy).
An alternative way to export data to other Windows applications is to use
the Exporting data functions. This is described in the Advanced features
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-11
Creating and editing reports
In addition to the standard Malvern reports shipped with the system, the Master-
sizer provides a quick and simple way to define and modify reports to a user's spec-
ification. This section gives information on how to define and modify reports.
To create a new report (or edit an existing report)
1. To create a new report select New from the Reports group on the Home rib-
To edit an existing report, first select the report from the Report tab and then
choose Edit from the Reports group of the ribbon. The example below shows
that a Data report has been selected for editing.
The report is now displayed in edit mode. To alter a graph From the Report
Editor controls, click the properties button next to the graph you wish to
Actual data from the selected measurements is still shown whilst in edit
mode. This greatly simplifies the process of visualising the final output.
2. Enter an appropriate name for the report in the top field, New Report is
shown by default.
The report name is used to identify the report in the Reports tabs and can be
modified later if required.
Chapter 7 Reporting
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3. To add a new item to a report, click the Insert new item
here button.
If editing an existing report, this button is
placed between each section of the report.
4. The Add a Report item window is displayed, from which the following
choices are available:
Add a parameter grid - a parameter grid contains just parameter infor-
mation, it is also possible to then select the individual parameters that are
Add a graph - choose from either the Result, Trend or Data graph type.
Add a table - choose from either the Result, Trend, Data or Fit table.
Add a Custom calculation - choose a Text calculation. Once the Calcu-
lation section is added to the report template, select the edit icon and
construct the calculations using Custom calculation properties editor.
Reporting Chapter 7
Mastersizer 3000 Page 7-13
Add annotation - use this option to input basic text and comments about the
report, measurement or other associated information. Once the annotation
area is added to the report template, select the edit
icon and add comments
as required.
5. Choose one of these options and then select a more specific kind of report ele-
ment from the window that follows.
The new section is now added to the report in the main report editing window.
In this example, a parameter grid has been added:
6. To undo the last change made to the report, click the Undo button . If
required, continue to click Undo until all edits in that session have been
undone. To re-do a change that has been undone, click the Redo button
7. Click anywhere in the report section's
heading area to activate the cursor, then
edit the heading for the report section as
8. To move items up or down in the report,
click the arrow buttons on the right of the
To move items around a large report it is often easier to zoom out initially
(so that more of the report is visible) and then drag the report section to
the required area of the page. The mouse pointer must not be positioned
over any of the buttons when clicking and dragging.
Chapter 7 Reporting
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9. With all report elements positioned, alter the font style and color as required -
refer to Changing the font style for report parameters below.
10. When you have finished editing the report, click the Finish Editing button at
the top of the window.
11. The software asks whether you would like to save (changes to) the report -
click Save, Don't Save or Cancel as required.
To display a thumbnail preview of the complete report move the mouse
pointer over the icon.
Changing the font style for report parameters
It is possible to change the font style and color used for parameters included in
report parameter grids and highlight them to give key parameters more emphasis in
the final report. To do this, place the report into edit mode and hover the mouse
pointer over the parameter to be configured. This will cause a font edit icon to
appear as part of the parameter selection area.
Clicking on this icon will open a menu where the color and font style for the
parameter can be changed.
Mastersizer 3000 Page 8-1
System security
About security
By default the Mastersizer application software uses Windows user security. That
is, only a user logged into the computer that is physically connected to the instru-
ment can access the system. For many environments this level of security is suffi-
For quality controlled environments however, the optional Malvern Access Con-
figurator (or MAC) adds a fully-featured security system to the Mastersizer appli-
cation software. The MAC not only provides control over an individual user’s
access to the various features of the software, but also logs an audit trail of signifi-
cant system events, who performed them and when.
A full description of the functionality and features of the Malvern Access Config-
urator (or MAC) is provided in the MAC Help file.
Activating security
This process should only be undertaken after setting up security privileges
for the Mastersizer in the MAC.
1. Choose Options from the Application button menu to
display the Mastersizer 3000 - Options window and then
choose Access Control.
2. Select Enable Access Control to activate the security fea-
This option is only available once a security configuration file has been created
using the optional Malvern Access Configurator (MAC).
Chapter 8 System security
Page 8-2 MAN 0474
3. Once selected, the user is prompted to enter a user name and password:
The user who logs in must be a user with both administrative rights on the
computer and also one who has been set up with Disable/Enable Security
permission in the MAC.
4. Click the Validate credentials button .
5. Select Browse and then locate the MAC security definitions file. This file will
be found in the location identified with the MAC application software, during
its creation and export.
6. Click OK to finalise the process.
Following this, only users with valid permissions that have been set up in the MAC
will be able to access the functions of the system.
System security Chapter 8
Mastersizer 3000 Page 8-3
Software licensing
Without a valid licence, the Mastersizer application software will not function. The
software automatically generates a licence on the computer that is connected to the
instrument. After first installation of the software you will be prompted to accept
this license.
Click Accept licence to accept the license file. If the software was set up by
your administrator or Malvern Instruments, you may not see this window -
this means that the software is already activated.
Sharing a licence file
You can share a Mastersizer application software licence so that other computer can
use the software without having an instrument connected. This could be useful if
you wanted to undertake analyses on measurement files whilst away from instru-
The licence file contains the identification of the user and the instrument
from which it was generated. Do not share the licence outside of your
authorised user group.
Mastersizer 3000E basic software users are restricted to use of the software
only on the computer that is attached to the Mastersizer 3000E. Licences
cannot be shared.
If multi-workstation use is required, upgrading to the extended software is
Chapter 8 System security
Page 8-4 MAN 0474
1. From the Application button menu , choose About .
2. A Malvern Mastersizer application software info page will appear. Click the
View licence button to display details of the active licence.
3. To export the licence, click Share this licence - the software provides details
about what is included in the licence.
4. Click Yes and then specify a file name and location in which to save the
licence. Then just send a copy of this .licence file to the Mastersizer applica
tion software user without a licence.
On the first attempt to run the software, the user is prompted with the an
install licence message.
5. Click Install licence and then browse to the location of the .license file.
6. The credentials of the licence file are then displayed - click Install licence.
System security Chapter 8
Mastersizer 3000 Page 8-5
21 CFR part 11
With the 21 CFR part 11 feature key installed these features are available:
Enable Auditing
Enable Electronic Signatures
These can then be enabled from the Application button menu , and then
choosing Options and 21 CFR Part 11.
Audit history
Auditing is only available when 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled. This
requires a special feature key, which can be purchased from Malvern
After you have purchased a feature key from Malvern Instruments:
1. From the Application button menu, select Options.
2. Choose 21 CFR Part 11. and then enter the key you have been sent.
3. Click OK (the OK button is only available if you have entered a valid key).
4. Ensure that Enable auditing is selected.
Once enabled, the audit feature logs every system event and measurement record
The 21 CFR Part 11 functionality is only available to users of the Mastersizer
3000 system.
Chapter 8 System security
Page 8-6 MAN 0474
Viewing the audit history
1. To view the Audit history log; on the Review ribbon, select System from the
Auditing group.
2. The Audit history window is displayed, which shows all non-archived system
events that have been recorded.
3. Click on the column headers to sort the data or use the methods described for
filtering the record view (see Filtering the Record View in the Viewing the
measurement results chapter).
This log shows:
Time stamp – the time in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (e.g. 2011-05-05T12:55:35).
Action type – a self explanatory name for the action performed, for example
RecordCreated, Record Edited, RecordDeleted, Startup etc.
System security Chapter 8
Mastersizer 3000 Page 8-7
User ID – the unique ID of the individual user logged onto the system.
Computer ID – the network name of the computer that accessed the system.
Right click a record from the Record View and choose View Record
Audit History to view a history of the selected record only.
For edited records, the following properties are shown in the expanded tree view:
Property – the record property (for example, Sample Identifiers) that was
Old Value – the previous value recorded for the property.
New value – the new value recorded for the property.
Reason for change – this is for averaged records only where a Reason was
specified by the user at the time the averaged record was created.
Modified file name – the (.rmd) file name of the record that was modified.
Modified record – the record number within the measurement file that was
As the audit history records all significant system events, the log can grow quite
quickly, making it more difficult for a user to visually analyse the data. The
Archive schedule feature allows you to set the frequency for archiving for the
audit trail. The archived data is still available, but is stored separately to the active
archive. You can view archived data by selecting System (including archived
Chapter 8 System security
Page 8-8 MAN 0474
4. On the Review ribbon, select Schedule from the Auditing group.
5. Choose a frequency of either Daily, Weekly or Monthly as required and then
click OK.
Electronics signatures
The electronics signature option allows any changes done on the system to be
checked and signed to acknowledge any work that has been done.
1. From the Application button menu, select Options.
2. Choose 21 CFR Part 11. and then enter the key you have been sent.
3. Click OK (the OK button is only available if you have entered a valid key).
4. Ensure that Enable Electronic Signatures is selected.
Record Signing
Withe the electronics signature enabled, the record sign-off features are available.
Select a measurement record and either right click and select Sign-off result; or
from the Review ribbon, select the Sign selected records button in the Elec-
tronic signatures group.
The sign-of result window will appear.
System security Chapter 8
Mastersizer 3000 Page 8-9
Enter a Reason for the change and signature, then enter your User name and
Password. The Final reviewer check box can also be selected, this will mean that
no further changes or updates will be allowed on that record.
For more information consult the MAC documentation
Chapter 8 System security
Page 8-10 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000 Page 9-1
Advanced features
Advanced users can exploit additional features of the Mastersizer application soft-
ware that are not normally required as part of the basic measurement process.
These features enable a supervisor to set up options that may help operators use the
system in a more standardised way.
This chapter focuses on the following areas:
Doing more with SOPs, including how to set up SOP templates and analyse
the development history of an SOP.
Editing records that have already been made.
Exporting data and working with export templates.
Maintenance utilities.
Doing more with SOPs
Extracting an SOP from a measurement
From time to time it can be useful to extract the settings used to make a measure-
ment into an SOP, so that the same settings can be applied to further measure-
1. From the Record View, right click on the record(s) that you wish to extract
the settings from and choose Extract SOP
2. The SOP Editor is shown containing all of the settings used at the time the
measurement was created. If more than one record was selected, multiple tabs
are shown in the SOP Editor.
Chapter 9 Advanced features
Page 9-2 MAN 0474
3. Save the SOP by choosing Save from the SOP Editor’s menu.
Alternatively, save the SOP as an SOP Template by choosing Save as tem-
plate. Refer to Creating and Editing an SOP in Making measurements
chapter for more information.
SOP Templates
SOP templates allow you to create SOPs based on predefined settings, improving
both the speed of creation and consistency. Effectively SOP templates are just
SOPs with additional, optional, metadata attached to them; a Name, Description,
Category and image. It is a good idea to create a template whenever the core set
tings of an SOP are to be used repeatedly.
The process of creating an SOP template is very similar to creating a standard SOP.
You can either create an SOP from scratch and then save it as a template, or open a
previously created SOP/template, make amendments to it and then save it. SOP
templates can be edited, saved as new templates or just saved as standard SOPs.
SOP Templates are stored as .msot files in the Windows file structure. If
required, use the Workspace shortcut from the Workspace panel to locate
the SOP Template folder (the templates are organised in folders based on
any categories that users have assigned to the templates). If any associated
image is removed from the SOP Template folder, a default image is used
Creating an SOP template
1. From the Home ribbon select New-SOP.
2. Then select the appropriate template from the list (or From existing SOP...)
and click OK.
Advanced features Chapter 9
Mastersizer 3000 Page 9-3
3. Edit the SOP details as required and then choose File-Save as tem-
4. In the Save SOP Template window, give the new SOP template a: Name (a
descriptive name for the SOP template), a Description and, if required, assign
a Category (previously added categories are available from the drop down
menu). Categories could be of assistance when your environment has multiple
SOP templates.
Additionally an image can be assigned to the template:
to assign a custom image.
to restore the template default image.
5. To save over an existing SOP template (i.e. to edit an existing template), select
Allow new template to override any existing template from the Save
SOP Template window. Also, ensure that the new template uses the same
name as the existing template.
To view a set of pre-selected SOP templates relevant only to the currently
attached dispersion unit, choose File-New from the Manual Measure-
ment settings window.
Chapter 9 Advanced features
Page 9-4 MAN 0474
SOP Summary Report
The SOP Summary Report feature provides a simple means of quickly observing
the SOP settings that were used for an individual or multiple records in a measure-
ment file.
1. In the records view, select the record(s) for which you want to review the SOP
summary and then either right click on the record and choose View/Compare
SOP settings, or click View SOP summary on the Home ribbon
Alternatively, from the SOP Editor, choose Summary report from the drop-
The SOP Summary report window is displayed. This lists all settings applied
by the SOP at the time of measurement.
If more than one record is selected from the records view, each record is shown
in its own column.
2. To Save, Copy (to clipboard) or Print the information shown, click the
appropriate option from the SOP Summary Report window toolbar. The date
that the SOP summary was created is appended to all three options.
3. Select the following options from the SOP Summary Report window tool-
bar as required:
The SOP Summary report is only available with the Mastersizer 3000 / Mas-
tersizer 3000E with Extended software option.
Advanced features Chapter 9
Mastersizer 3000 Page 9-5
Show all – this is the default view and shows all SOP settings from all
Highlight differences – shows all items (as the default view), but high-
lights using different colours, areas where different values or SOP settings
were applied.
Show only differences – shows all items, but only those SOP settings
where differences exist.
Compare to – becomes active when either Highlight Differences or Show
only differences is selected. This option then allows you select a 'source'
item against which to compare the others - any field in another item that
differs from the source is highlighted or isolated (as selected).
4. Select any required View options from the list as follows:
DragDrop mode - ensures that the columns are kept to a minimal size to
enable the display of as much data as possible on the printed page, and
allows elements to be dragged and dropped easily into other applications
such as Microsoft Word. If de-selected the columns are only constrained to
the width of the current window.
Column headers in each section - adds each record name to each sec-
tion's header.
Move source column to the left - moves the column selected in the
Compare to field to the leftmost position for easier analysis.
SOP History
Each time an SOP is edited and re-saved, its history is recorded for future audit
purposes. The SOP History feature exposes any differences between versions of
the SOP.
This feature only applies to SOPs that have been revised and re-saved. If the Save
As option is used the SOP's history is not maintained.
1. Select View SOP History from the Home ribbon and then choose the
required file. The SOP Version History window is displayed. This lists all
parameters as applied by the SOP. Each version of the SOP is shown in its own
2. To Save, Copy (to clipboard) or Print the information shown, click the
appropriate option from the SOP Version History window toolbar. The date
that the SOP history summary was created is appended to all three options.
3. Select the following options from the SOP Version History window toolbar as
Chapter 9 Advanced features
Page 9-6 MAN 0474
Show all – this is the default view and shows all SOP settings from all
Highlight differences – shows all items (as the default view), but high-
lights using different colours, areas where different values or SOP settings
were applied.
Show only differences – shows all items, but only those SOP settings
where differences exist.
Compare to – becomes active when either Highlight Differences or Show
only differences is selected. This option then allows you select a 'source'
item against which to compare the others - any field in another item that
differs from the source is highlighted or isolated (as selected).
Exporting data
Data recorded by the system can be exported for analysis in other software applica-
tions, for example Microsoft Excel.
It is possible to export either selected records or all records contained in a single
measurement. Additionally, by selecting the All Files tab when multiple measure-
ment files are open, a selection of, or all records from, multiple measurement files
can be exported.
The ability to create export templates further enhances the flexibility of the system,
allowing you to select only those parameters required for your analysis, as well as
providing control over other data formatting options.
An alternative way to export data is to use the Copy data / Copy raw data
functions. Refer to the Reporting chapter for more information
Export data settings
1. To export selected records only, select the required
records and choose Export
Selected Records from
the Home ribbon. To export all records from the cur-
rently active record choose Export All Records.
The Export Data window is displayed, which shows
a preview of the data to be exported as specified by the
currently selected export template.
Advanced features Chapter 9
Mastersizer 3000 Page 9-7
2. Select an appropriate export template from the drop-down list - the preview
pane is updated accordingly.
3. Change the presentation of the data using the Ordering, Delimiter, Format-
ting and Header options (see Export templates for more information).
4. Click Export to file to save the data as a separate (.txt or .csv) file, or select
Export to clipboard to copy the data to the clipboard.
Drag and drop record data from the Record View straight into Microsoft
Excel/Word. The parameter values copied are all of those currently shown
in the records view.
Export templates
Export templates provide a means of storing, and quickly accessing, commonly-
used sets of parameters and format settings for exporting data. You can build and
store any number of export templates.
Each template is associated only with the workspace in which it was con-
structed. This means, for example, that a template defined in the Malvern
default workspace, will not then be displayed in a custom workspace.
Creating or modifying an export template
1. To create a new export template: from the Home ribbon select New-
Export template (or click Add from the Export Data window).
To modify an existing template: select it from the drop down in the
Export Data window and click Modify.
Chapter 9 Advanced features
Page 9-8 MAN 0474
The Export Template Settings window is shown:
2. Enter a Name and then a short Description that explains the purpose of the
template. The list of parameters associated with the template is displayed in the
Parameters panel. Initially this consists of the whole set of system parameters.
3. Click the Change selection and order button to show the Parameter
selection window, then select the required parameters as follows:
Advanced features Chapter 9
Mastersizer 3000 Page 9-9
Locate parameters by manually expanding the tree structure in the Availa-
ble list, or search for them by typing their first few characters into the
Search... field.
Select a parameter in the Available list and then click the Add button
to transfer it to the Selected list. Similarly, select an item from the
Selected list and click the Remove button to transfer it to the Availa-
ble list. It is also possible to select multiple items using the standard Win-
dows selection methods (i.e. SHIFT and click, CTRL and click).
When all of the required parameters are shown in the Selected list, choose
an order of presentation so that they are shown in the desired left-to-right
order. Select a parameter and then click the up/down buttons to
move its position in the list. Items at the top of the list are shown on the
left, items at the bottom are shown on the right.
Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window, or click OK
to apply the settings and also close the Parameter Selection window.
4. Choose either rows or columns from the Ordering selector to pre-
sent the data horizontally or vertically respectively.
5. From the Delimiter selection, choose either Comma separated
(csv) or Tab separated. Your choice will depend on the requirements of the
target application.
6. Use the Formatting option to select either Format values as dis-
played in software, which displays numeric information to a limited number
of decimal places (this may be preferable for presentation purposes); or choose
Unformatted values to show all data as recorded by the system.
7. Select Header on/off to specify whether the export should contain
the names of the fields as a header row (or column).
8. Click Save when complete.
Deleting an export template
From the Export Data window, select the template you wish to remove and click
Remove. The software asks for confirmation of the action before permanently
removing the template.
Chapter 9 Advanced features
Page 9-10 MAN 0474
Mastersizer 3000 Page 1
Access to the instrument
Accessory controls (manual mode) 4-20
Admixtures 6-7
All files 3-3, 5-7
Analysis report 7-2
Analysis settings
Ancillary switching unit 2-8
Audit history 8-5
averaged record 5-8
Basic feature set.
Beer-Lambert law 5-14
problems 6-9
sticking to windows 6-10
CAN ports
Cell 2-4, 2-10
about 2-4
bay 2-10
dry 2-8
eject button 2-13
handle 2-14
inserting/removing 2-14
sample input (blue) 2-14
Sample output (yellow) 2-14
Temperature regulator throughput 2-14
wet 2-6
windows 2-14
Company information 3-17
at different obscurations
calculating 5-14
definition 5-12
how calculated 5-14
volume calculation 5-14
Condensation on cell windows 6-10
Connection panel 2-10
Control ribbon 3-3
Data Processing
User Sizes 4-48
Data Quality 3-3, 3-4, 3-8
Data report 7-2
Degassing 6-9
choice and preparation
contains impurities 6-10
Dispersion units 2-4
Distribution 5-13
Drain 2-10
Dry dispersion unit 2-8
Dry samples 6-4
Editing results
Enable security features 3-18, 8-1
End panel 2-10, 2-11
Equivalent spheres 5-17
Export Data window 9-6
Export templates
creating 9-7
deleting 9-9
Exporting data 9-6
Extended feature set 3-17
Extended software option 2-3, 3-17
feet (instrument)
Folders 3-16
Fraunhofer model 5-21
General Preferences
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Index Mastersizer 3000
Graphs 3-16
Hydro EV
Hydro LV/MV 2-5
Hydro SM 2-5
Hygroscopic samples 6-4
LED (status)
sharing 8-3
Logs 3-25
Maintenance reminders
Maintenance utilities 3-21
Malvern Access Configurator 8-1
Malvern personnel 1-2
Malvern reports 7-2
manual measurements 4-16
Mastersizer 2000 Analysis Emulator 3-15
Mastersizer 2000 results precision 3-15
Mastersizer 3000E 2-1
Measurement Duration 4-33
Measurement Obscuration 4-36
Measurement Sequence 4-35
Measurement settings reference 4-25
Mie theory 5-17, 5-21
Model number 1-5
mathematical expression 5-12
Operator tasks 1-2
Optical model
Mie theory 5-21
Optical unit 2-6, 2-8
about 2-4
Optical unit components 2-9
Options 3-14
Parameter filters
Parameters report 7-2
Power input 2-12
Power switch 2-11
Private workspace 3-3, 3-4
Protection window 2-10
Quick Access Toolbar
Record View 3-3
filtering 5-3
Refractive index
common dispersants
Remote support 1-6
add item 7-12
Analysis 5-11, 7-2
creating 7-11
Data 7-2
displaying 7-3
editing 7-11
graph 7-12
Malvern 7-2
parameter grid 7-12
Parameters 7-2
printing 7-8
table 7-12
workspace 7-4
zoom 7-4
Reports tab 3-7
Reports tabs 3-3, 3-4
Representative sampling 6-3
symptoms of poor preparation
Sample Dispersant 4-30
Sample Dispersion Accessory 4-37
Sample dissolving 6-10
Sample floating on dispersant 6-10
Sample Identification 4-25
Mastersizer 3000 Page 3
Mastersizer 3000 Index
Sample Instructions
Sample Material 4-28
Sample preparation flow chart 6-2
Sample sinks to bottom 6-10
unstable concentrations 6-8
Save My Layout 3-18
Scrolling layout 7-4
Serial number 1-5
Shortcuts 3-13
size bands 4-49
Skewness 5-20
Slurries 6-8
4-2, 4-3
creating/editing 4-4
extract 9-1
running (Aero) 4-13
running (Hydro) 4-6
Span 5-12
Spinning rifflers 6-3
SSA (Specific Surface Area) 5-13
Standard deviation 5-19
Status bar 3-3, 3-4
status bar 3-2
Supervisor tasks 1-2
Surface Weighted Mean 5-12, 5-16
Surfactants 6-7
System health checks 3-24
System information 3-22
System overview
optical unit 2-9
wet 2-5
System usage 3-25
Ta r g e t s
Themes 3-16
Transmission 5-15
Tr e n d G r a p h
trend graph
Tr e n d G r a p h s 7-5
trend view
selecting range 4-11
statistics 4-10
Tube/cable routing 2-10
Uniformity 5-13
Unstable concentrations 6-8
USB port 2-12
Vacuum unit
Virtual lens ranges 3-15
Volume concentration
how calculated
Volume Weighted Mean 5-12
Volume-based results 5-16
Wet samples 6-5
Workspace Viewer 3-10
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Index Mastersizer 3000
Malvern Instruments Limited
Grovewood Road, Malvern
Worcestershire, WR14 1XZ, UK
Tel +44 1684 892456
Fax +44 1684 892789
MRK1953-01_MS3000_USER_MANUAL_cover_178pp.indd 1MRK1953-01_MS3000_USER_MANUAL_cover_178pp.indd 1 28/08/2013 12:45:2728/08/2013 12:45:27